The Hearts of Iron Megathread

"Have the first teaser for a focus-tree thats still quite a while away but will be ... Interesting"

Southern ponies the thunders mutter!
Red Eye flags in south winds flutter!
To arms! To arms!
To arms, in Mixie!
Send them back in fierce defiance!
Stamp upon the cursed alliance!
To arms! To arms!
To arms, in Mixie!
- Opening lyrics for Grand Appleloosa Confederacy battle song
Couple more newb questions:

One of my options for Chief of Air Force has the Air Reformer trait which grants a bonus to air mission experience gain. Does anyone know if that applies to training? Trying to decide how high on my list of priorities he should be.

Also does anyone have any tips for deploying troops defensively to hold fortified strongpoints? Attackers can get the bonus from battle plans, is there anything defenders can do? (Been playing the Netherlands and mostly concentrating my troops along a line of forts in Holland a ways back from the border plains -does that make sense or am I doing it wrong?)

You could use the lend-lease interface to check their stock of vital equipments that's what I usually do.

I may have to figure out where that function is, but at least now I know it's there. :p
Couple more newb questions:

One of my options for Chief of Air Force has the Air Reformer trait which grants a bonus to air mission experience gain. Does anyone know if that applies to training? Trying to decide how high on my list of priorities he should be.

Also does anyone have any tips for deploying troops defensively to hold fortified strongpoints? Attackers can get the bonus from battle plans, is there anything defenders can do? (Been playing the Netherlands and mostly concentrating my troops along a line of forts in Holland a ways back from the border plains -does that make sense or am I doing it wrong?)

I may have to figure out where that function is, but at least now I know it's there. :p

Defenders get fortification, or entrenchment or something like that, I can't remember what it's called of the top of my head. The main ways to boost that is to have engineer companies and have the current engineer tech and the battleplan doctrine, which gives pretty big bonuses to both planning and fortification.
I admit I don't think I have ever used the training function for any of my airforces, I suspect the boni might be nice but since I am always short on aircraft it just never seemed worth the attrition you get from it.

Also does anyone have any tips for deploying troops defensively to hold fortified strongpoints? Attackers can get the bonus from battle plans, is there anything defenders can do? (Been playing the Netherlands and mostly concentrating my troops along a line of forts in Holland a ways back from the border plains -does that make sense or am I doing it wrong?)

You get an entrenchment bonus simply by not moving which you can increase by techs and adding engineers for example. If you can force the enemy to eat a river crossing penalty its even better and forts can be useful though only if you have a relatively short frontline (for example you can make the border crossing germany and france into a bulwark the AI is never going to break) since the opportunity cost of placing them can be quite high. If you are up against tanks it might also be worth throwing in the anti tank company to prevent them from accomplishing breakthroughs. Terrain wise mountains are also perfect for defence but you are the netherlands so not exactly something you can make use of.

Also since you speak of strongpoints, you will always need to defend the whole line since you can have as many boni as you want if you get encircled you die...
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One of my options for Chief of Air Force has the Air Reformer trait which grants a bonus to air mission experience gain. Does anyone know if that applies to training? Trying to decide how high on my list of priorities he should be.
I would think so, yes.

Also does anyone have any tips for deploying troops defensively to hold fortified strongpoints? Attackers can get the bonus from battle plans, is there anything defenders can do? (Been playing the Netherlands and mostly concentrating my troops along a line of forts in Holland a ways back from the border plains -does that make sense or am I doing it wrong?)
In addition to the Army Doctrine bonuses mentioned above:

When your units simply sit in place, they gain an "entrenchment" bonus, representing your soldiers digging makeshift fortifications for themselves. This bonus can be improved by giving your line-holding units engineer crews. You can increase this further by upgrading the engineer crews in the tech tree.

Fake edit: Ninja'd.
Speaking of TNO submods, I recently discovered one called The Red Order: First Days of Eurasia that proposes what the Allies winning WW2 would look like from the perspective of someone in the TNO universe.
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One other question. Does anyone know good ways to encourage countries to trade for your resources? I find as the Netherlands I'm chronically short of steel, but have lots of excess aluminum and oil that other countries don't seem to be that interested in.

Defenders get fortification, or entrenchment or something like that, I can't remember what it's called of the top of my head. The main ways to boost that is to have engineer companies and have the current engineer tech and the battleplan doctrine, which gives pretty big bonuses to both planning and fortification.

I'm reluctant to choose my doctrine based solely on this since I actually intend to use the Continue the War in Batavia focus to take control of the colonies and fight on from there. I'm mainly just trying to put up a good fight so I can get some legitimacy for my government in exile and make things costly for the Germans.

I've actually tended to go with Superior Firepower as my doctrine as it fits thematically. The Netherlands don't have a lot of manpower, and the division template I plan to use is rather heavy on artillery, AA, and anti tank guns.

I admit I don't think I have ever used the training function for any of my airforces, I suspect the boni might be nice but since I am always short on aircraft it just never seemed worth the attrition you get from it.

You get an entrenchment bonus simply by not moving which you can increase by techs and adding engineers for example. If you can force the enemy to eat a river crossing penalty its even better and forts can be useful though only if you have a relatively short frontline (for example you can make the border crossing germany and france into a bulwark the AI is never going to break) since the opportunity cost of placing them can be quite high. If you are up against tanks it might also be worth throwing in the anti tank company to prevent them from accomplishing breakthroughs. Terrain wise mountains are also perfect for defence but you are the netherlands so not exactly something you can make use of.

Also since you speak of strongpoints, you will always need to defend the whole line since you can have as many boni as you want if you get encircled you die...

As noted above, I'm not short of aluminum or oil as the Netherlands, so I can build a pretty big air fleet. ;) I had my air forces running constant training in order to ratchet up experience points so I could upgrade my fighter models (though I do tend to restrict them to daytime training to reduce the accident rate).

Since I'm planning to Continue the War in Batavia, past a certain point building factories is basically giving them to the Germans for little gain. So I usually switch to fort construction towards the end of the lead up to war.

I've generally included an anti-tank division in my the divisions I plan to use to hold the fortifications. I've actually been thinking of including more then just a company actually. I've already got multiple battalions of artillery and AA. (I actually feel like my divisions are kind of ridiculously ahistorical with the number of artillery and AA batallions they contain, but then its not like the Netherlands went into war with the Germans with over nine hundred fighters and two hundred naval bombers either.)

Anyway it sounds like I'm mostly on the right track, though maybe I should try harder to get my Engineer companies upgraded to Level II (I've tended to upgrade my Recon companies to II first).
Just wanting to separate this from the actual strategy discussion: Steam has a bunch of HOI IV content on sale right now. I'm definitely thinking of picking up Together for Victory. Of the other expansions, are there any people particularly recommend or don't recommend?
Just wanting to separate this from the actual strategy discussion: Steam has a bunch of HOI IV content on sale right now. I'm definitely thinking of picking up Together for Victory. Of the other expansions, are there any people particularly recommend or don't recommend?
Death or Dishonor and Battle for the Bosphorus are probably not worth it unless you really like the Balkans, Waking the Tiger is pretty alright (and also has expansions for the German and Japanese focus trees), and La Resistance is....well the Spanish Civil War is very fun IMO and I guess there's the Free France/Vichy France thing but otherwise the dlc is pretty underwhelming*. Other than that it's all cosmetic stuff.

*The Italy rework should have been part of La Resistance and I will die on this hill. It fits both geographically and thematically with the dlc's focus on espionage, civil wars, occupations and puppet states, and internal conflict (what with the whole Italian Social Republic thing), and Italy really badly needs an update. Having a second focus tree rework would also have made the price of the dlc much more justifiable; when you put it side by side with WtT it really becomes clear how empty LaR is. WtT has focuses for Nationalist China, Communist China, Manchukuo, and the Warlords, Germany and Japan althistory, the reworked skill system for generals, and decisions, while LaR has Spanish and Portuguese focus trees, French althistory, and the espionage system...and that's it. I guess espionage took up a lot of development time, but the naval rework in MtG probably took a similar amount of effort given how deep that had to go and that still had the USA and UK reworks plus the Dutch and Mexican focus trees (albeit I am not an expert on project management and game development so for all I know the espionage system devoured way more devtime than the naval rework and they ended up hitting deadlines or whatever).
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Speaking of TNO submods, I recently discovered one called The Red Order: First Days of Eurasia that proposes what the Allies winning WW2 would look like from the perspective of someone in the TNO universe.
So basically it's TNO Fuhrerreich? I hope it not suffered the same fate
While I still hate Torch of Liberty for its removal of the coolest shit in TNO!USA and adding in bullcrap like NazBol Kirkpatrick, I will admit this primaries mechanic is actually pretty interesting.
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@PotatoesOfDoom Thanks for the advice. I actually ended up getting all the expansions prior to Man the Guns (which I already own) since the one you didn't recommend was cheap and I figured this way I'll ensure I don't have any further issues with Focuses from Man The Guns requiring something from a previous expansion for proper functioning (I'd had to use cheats to activate the Continue the War in Batavia focus for instance).

Anyway, how meta does everyone get when they play? I ask in part because having Together For Victory gives me the option of building industry in the colonies. I'm tempted since that keeps it safe from the Germans, but building up war industries in the colonies while largely ignoring the mainland seems rather ahistorical. Also there are some highly effective division templates that seem rather ahistorical.
Has anyone mentioned The Soaring Eagle? It's a submod for TNO, focusing on Germany and the civil war.

  • Goebbels has been resurrected and made the head of the militarists, and vanilla TNO's Wild Ride World Conquest shenanigans are being attributed to him.
  • Goering is being reworked as an "apolitical" fascist who is mostly concerned with turning Germany into his personal piggy bank.
  • Bormann, instead of taking direct rulership as Fuhrer, now rules through a puppet: Rudolf Hess, the nutjob who IOTL flew off to Scotland to try to negotiate peace with the UK and got life imprisonment for his troubles.
  • There's something involving the German Anarchy and the anti-Nazi resistance.
  • What really interests me is that they're apparently going to create new mechanics for the GCW based on the run-up to the 2GCW in Heydrich's content. Which is fantastic, if they can pull it off - Heydrich's interwar content is some of the absolute best content TNO has to offer, and can dynamically result in many variations of the 2GCW...but it's locked on the other side of the first GCW, which at this point is something of a static, predictable slog. Particularly since you have to play Heydrich.
  • Also, Albert Goering is a thing.
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Has anyone mentioned The Soaring Eagle? It's a submod for TNO, focusing on Germany and the civil war.

  • Goebbels has been resurrected and made the head of the militarists, and vanilla TNO's Wild Ride World Conquest shenanigans are being attributed to him.
Would I be correct to assume that they got that idea from Thousand Week Reich?
Has anyone mentioned The Soaring Eagle? It's a submod for TNO, focusing on Germany and the civil war.

  • Goebbels has been resurrected and made the head of the militarists, and vanilla TNO's Wild Ride World Conquest shenanigans are being attributed to him.
  • Goering is being reworked as an "apolitical" fascist who is mostly concerned with turning Germany into his personal piggy bank.
  • Bormann, instead of taking direct rulership as Fuhrer, now rules through a puppet: Rudolf Hess, the nutjob who IOTL flew off to Scotland to try to negotiate peace with the UK and got life imprisonment for his troubles.
  • There's something involving the German Anarchy and the anti-Nazi resistance.
  • What really interests me is that they're apparently going to create new mechanics for the GCW based on the run-up to the 2GCW in Heydrich's content. Which is fantastic, if they can pull it off - Heydrich's interwar content is some of the absolute best content TNO has to offer, and can dynamically result in many variations of the 2GCW...but it's locked on the other side of the first GCW, which at this point is something of a static, predictable slog. Particularly since you have to play Heydrich.
  • Also, Albert Goering is a thing.
Apparently The Enigma is Manfred Rommel and The Unhinged is Alfred Rosenberg.

Me and my friend explaining how Stalin was actually a closeted anarchist who subverted the revolution.

But yeah, I just discovered that Red Flood merchandise is a thing. Too bad TNO can't have any because apparently Speer Hoodies, burgandian Crocs, and Taboritsky T-shirts would get you "put on a watch list" or something.

Me and my friend explaining how Stalin was actually a closeted anarchist who subverted the revolution.

But yeah, I just discovered that Red Flood merchandise is a thing. Too bad TNO can't have any because apparently Speer Hoodies, burgandian Crocs, and Taboritsky T-shirts would get you "put on a watch list" or something.
Hey, I would totally buy a poster of Glenn's Martian space program!