I felt the same way. Honestly, I feel like the issue is that he just goes so overboard on the evil that I kind of stop taking it seriously. It's why I had more of a negative emotional reaction to the comparatively more moderate shafarevich.Well, I completed Tabby's Wild Ride!
For extra cursed points, the Burgundian System purple continued to tick upwards and fill the circle even after the clock struck midnight. If you take that as indicative of what's happening in-universe rather than weird game mechanics stuff, it suggests that Taboritsky's mad ideals continued to propagate and even strengthen after his Holy Russian Empire imploded.
Turns out the "Funny Clock Man" is not all that funny.
...to be perfectly honest, it wasn't as effective a horror story as I was hoping, because it had already been memed into near-oblivion by the community. It wasn't able to surprise me like my run as Iberia.