The Grid (Out-Of-Character Thread)

Is Pilot coming back as an old grandpa, or is he going to walk from one area to the next, realizing there's another batch of people in similar straits to what he was in? Or is he going to be so old he rolls around as an AI he made with his tech to keep his consiousness alive?
What about a... deviation mechanic? Small circumstantial things that do certain things? Like old age, well, old age won't affect much with Pilot, but still. As for other things, well, the ability to toss rock diagonally would be huge. An extra hit point would be big too, albeit relatively unused in a blitz game like the last one. I'm just sayin', I could spitball a ton of ideas that likely to end up in the Rep. Shop than become a unique mechanic that ultimately would be giving free power to returning characters.
Deviations will probably only take the form they already have, and that is with units having powers to alter other units. (The knight was from chess, and in chess there is always a king. I compromised by making chess pieces able to make other units their king.)

That said, Into the Breach has a diverse roster of upgrades, so we'll see.
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I mean, I got a ton of ideas for upgrades for B. Mech, and if you need help designing upgrades for literally anything that I know of, I am totally down. Now, that would mean I know what upgrades there are but one of my favorite aspects in almost any game is the progression. Good story, alright. Good characters, pretty cool. Good UI, pretty cool. Good graphics, alright. Good mechanics, cool. Good progression, Incredibly good.
Probably won't be "designing" much for Into the Breach. So "diagonal boulders" and things not already in the game are pretty much a no go.
Dude(Not assuming, I just use it in a general way), why stick to the source material after the fact? It makes sense there isn't much time to dawdle and pump up some things, but this here is homebrew. Do what you want. Do what is fun. Sure, you have to have rules, but a game is fun not an input-output machine.

Basically, have fun. Do whatever you want. Here, we have entered the realm of the unexplored. So ITB doesn't have special upgrades, doesn't mean they can't be fun and have subtle nods to other things. This here is, essentially, fanfiction, just buried beneath a lot of layers.
What I want is to be faithful. I will design stuff but just to the extent to hold things together. I want people reading who played your game to smile and be able to follow along...there is so much variety in this game that mods just to go on a tangent seems a dilution and watering down of the magical experience I am trying to put together.
That is completely fair, and understandable. I guess I'm just a bit grumpy about how restricted I am with throwing boulders. Being able to chuck 'em anywhere makes sense to me, what with being a MASSIVE mechanical being able to chuck boulders like it's no effort, only able to chuck said boulders in a cardinal direction. Seems like a design flaw that Pilot would definitely notice and try to patch in his off time.
Well, you kind of have to think abstractly. Nothing makes sense about a lot of things if you over think it.
Into the Breach has lots of upgrades, including single use ones that involve airstrikes or special attacks not related to your mech.
A... Deviation Mechanic? A traveling being you pimps your ride in exchange for something vital that you can live without if you are good at the game?
That would make little sense in the setting, as airstrikes and supports would mean other people. Pilot is a Stranger in a Strange Land.
Aside: All this talk of "deviations" has me thinking about LOKI's "variants". (...episode 2 is in a couple hours)
Haven't seen it, and might someday. Just that at the moment I haven't sat down and watched actual TV in a while. Too many books I have been delving into. Even with my ungodly reading ability, I am still digging, even after a year of reading on this site. Royal Road, not SV.
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Would you mind if I go off about the story in BL3? Because honestly, it upset me so much, I was *this* close to rewriting the story. I will start by saying Tyreen and Troy could work as villains, but only if they actually went through with the bits they had. Troy betrays Tyreen, takes power, takes a bunch of other power, becoming a megalomaniac, delusions of grandeur his way to wanting to sap the Destroyer, VH goes in to kill as final boss. Much more interesting. Now, it even would work better if Troy lords his newfound power over the VH and constantly taunt them. Also, let the VH encounter him once early, and let him win. That would be good. Humble the player, if you will.