The Grid (Out-Of-Character Thread)

The game simply isn't long enough to allow these ideas to come to fruition. Imagine a game where you needed fifty VP. Five hundred VP. You could do so much more.
Fair point.
Honestly maybe raising the point limit to ten for each game would be good, since we could do a lot more while still being vaguely "quick"
Sides more points/time would make it more likely that people would go for alternate win conditions other than "Murder everyone" or "team up with everyone"

Anyways I gotta sleep, so, let's hope the ghosts have said something by then so I can offer someone a revive.
Going to take a couple weeks off of hosting this, we'll say the next will go into production on July 1st.

I can only add 1 or 2 new games each time (excluding ones I am familiar with) , if you'd like to say your top 3 most wanted it will help me consider which I should research for consideration for the list.
In order,
I guess the three I'd want the most would be
That's pretty much it honestly.
So yeah if either gets added I'd be happy.
The game simply isn't long enough to allow these ideas to come to fruition. Imagine a game where you needed fifty VP. Five hundred VP. You could do so much more.
Fair point.
Honestly maybe raising the point limit to ten for each game would be good, since we could do a lot more while still being vaguely "quick"

(Thank you for the suggestion.) Games will continue to be short while this game is trying to get a footing in a few different places, so those communities/players can 'sample' it.
If this game really takes off and I am sure/convinced there are enough players dedicated to warrent something like a 10 point game, we can try it but only once it makes sense to invest that much time and energy into 1 battle.
Alright @Space Jawa just waiting on you.

Your character, Aisha Welch the sniper can now choose what to do:

Retire: Good if you are sure you don't want to use this unit again. If you play again you'll get a new unit.
Continue: You'll use the same sniper (probably with inevitable balance changes) the next time you play again.

Thanks for you're feedback earlier, and I understand if you are not quick to try again.

Edit: Post your choice in a spoiler in the IC thread. Then you'll be finished.
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Alright @Space Jawa just waiting on you.

Your character, Aisha Welch the sniper can now choose what to do:

Retire: Good if you are sure you don't want to use this unit again. If you play again you'll get a new unit.
Continue: You'll use the same sniper (probably with inevitable balance changes) the next time you play again.

Thanks for you're feedback earlier, and I understand if you are not quick to try again.

Edit: Post your choice in a spoiler in the IC thread. Then you'll be finished.

It was actually my intent to bow out from the game entirely.
That's fine, but could I get you to post your last action before you take off? Please?
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@Space Jawa I'm not asking for you to commit to anything here, just to post your character's final choice (jump in the unstable portal and retire, or to remain in the grid, continue) into a spoiler in IC.

Edit: Your action will be quoted in the next update. (like every update) So it still matters/will be seen on all 4 forums. I'd rather not have to explain to them how you dropped out on the last literally one word action of it can at all be avoided.

And I don't think that's unfair to ask.
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The last update will be tomorrow if I have time. Feel free to roleplay until then.
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Sorry guys, I've been feeling pretty stressed, and I don't want it to effect my writing, especially as this is the last time we'll see some of these characters.

Choices are now locked in. As a thank you for your patients, I'll take this time to release the bios.
It's almost July 1, and yet we haven't (truly) even concluded this issue of the grid. I'm not going to be ready to start the next one any time soon. I'm sorry, I'm in a funk right now where weeks feel like hours. To clarify, there's nothing bad that happened in my personal life. It's really just a funk.

I'm actually happy about a lot of things, but my pace with forum games is not full steam ahead as it was last month. And I can't fake it.

I really hope you enjoyed this game, I'm not an especially dependable person and even trying to predict myself I just can't do it. It's childish but, all I wanna do right now is gush over Smash Bros and Game Builder Garage on my Nintendo Switch. I was hosting more than 3 large forum games simultaneously over the past months, and frankly, I am spent.

I just need to focus on me right now, thank you for your understanding.

(Please no new posts in the IC thread. Gameplay and roleplaying-wise The Grid is complete.)
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