The Grid (Out-Of-Character Thread)

Also, and you will hate me for this, I have another suggestion.

Doom original.

Not grid based, no. But the game is so cubed, it runs on just about anything. You can run it on an old school camera, it is so small.
(I don't know anything about the Borderlands games.)

I don't know.

That you are so interested in "deviations" from source is noted.

However this is not a single player game, part of the fun for others is that they are crossing over with other games, I feel that is lessened the more a unit becomes essentially an original character.
I don't think we'll get doom, it just doesn't translate to turn based gameplay easy enough.

My idea for scrabble may be bold, but...

It is grounded in possibility due to how it could easily be moved to the turn based format.
(I don't know anything about the Borderlands games.)

I don't know.

That you are so interested in "deviations" from source is noted.

However this is not a single player game, part of the fun for others is that they are crossing over with other games, I feel that is lessened the more a unit becomes essentially an original character.
That works until it doesn't. Take Pilot here. He literally doesn't have a name or a personality until I beefed him up with conflict and RP. Yes, the story in ITB is trash, but that doesn't mean players can't take a character they love to play and turn a faceless being into a living breathing person. Sure, they start off in their base personality, but to quote someone, "Characters don't exist in a vacuum." I don't know who said that, but it is true and right. Pilot is more of a person now than before. I even gave him family. I gave him relationships. Does any character have that in ITB? Not as far as I can tell. I have more to say on the topic of lobotomizing characters, but I digress.
Honestly, if Rose accepts my idea and adds "scrabble" as a playable class, I can't wait for how silly it's get,

"Hi, I'm a Linguist and my power is L E T T E R M A N C Y"
Honestly your Scrabble is so extra (in a good way) you could make your own game out of it.

My adaptation would probably be more boring, just lining up words etc. Also, scrabble sounds harder than tetris, which already sounds hard.
Keep in mind 7 turns is like a long game in this, that isn't much time to do anything in puzzle games. Which rely on lots of micro decisions over a sustained period of time.
Well, one other workaround to the letter thing could just be that each turn you just get 8-10 random letters, which are randomized each turn I guess?
Although I suppose that might take too much effort...
Ah, whatever, I'll look to other games that might have interesting play styles.
Definitely my biggest desire is to declare that you can only perform 1 attack per turn. (Not 1 melee, and 1 range both)
.... Massive revelation came to me just after I sent that.
Bingo is a grid based game, which... Could be interesting but I'm not sure how it'd play,

But now I ask, what counts as a "Grid"? Is it just square based movement meaning games like Monopoly and Clue could get added or

Honestly I feel like Clue might be vaguely interesting, especially with alternate win conditions.

"That Sudowoodo killed the Knight on D5 with Rocks!"
Honestly Clue is what I'm most interested in.
It's all about solving mystery and investigation,

So one of the abilities could reveal things about other players, or collect clues which make the player stronger/opponents weaker.

Or could do it like the FE guys where we can use objects from the game like,

"I use The Gun on E5!"
Suggestion: Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden.

Reason: XCom but with disney characters that have been hardened from war and life or death situations. Honestly, whatever someone rolls up in this game will be gold. There is more to it than Xcom with disney animals, but that is the main selling point. Like, there is an actually good story behind this game.
Monopoly idea: It is a post death mode like Frogger. You are an old shoe/tophat/etc. You can only go around the boarder. You roll dice for movement, and the spaces are properties. When you buy all of one type. Success!

(If you spend too much, you'll not be able to buy more until passing GO)
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Follow up idea, you can hop around the board buying the squares, and when someone lands on it, they have to give you 1 limited resource of their choice, like ammo, health, etc. If you own all four stars, you win. What to use to buy properties, however...
Just had an idea for a game that'd work well for a post death mode, "Trouble"

Just go around the boards edge, once you reach where you started, you can move toward the stars to revive.