The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

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Year 153 AG

Water, Earth, Fire, Air, these are the nations that formed our world, they lived in...
Character Sheet
Name: Li Hua
Reincarnation of: Maito Gai
Age: 13 Years.


-Respect to Elders: (You listen to your elders and take their advices in account, you have an easy time talking with older people)
-Nice Guy: (You're a nice person, no doubts about it and other people can notice it too, isn't like you're naïve, is just that you believe in doing good)
-Big Brother Instinct: (You have an easy time connection with children that are smaller than you or that act more childish than you, you want to protect them and watch them grow)
-Tunnel Vision: (At times, your mind singles something out, centering your focus on it. While it eases pursuit of goals, you can be blind to the consequences of your actions)

-Past Life Traits:
--Loyal: ("Those who betray their comrades, are worse than trash" These words resound in your soul)
--Extreme: (You don't know the meaning of simple, everything you do must be done to the maximum and beyond that)
--Perfect Work Ethic: (You're a responsible person, from simple chores to the hardest of task you give 1000% at everything, is your job and you will do it)
--Eccentric: (YOUR SOUL BURNS WITH THE FIRE OF YOUTH! I you must express it to the world)


-Past Life Connection: D++ (O O) (The stronger the connection the more easy will be to learn things that you already knew in you past life, but if it becomes too strong some traits of the past life may appear in the present, both good and bad ones)
-Body of Steel: C+ (O O) (Breaking rocks barehanded, runing for hours no stop and even double jumping in the air, you're capable of train your body beyond its limit)
-???: C (O O) (???)


Social Skill: C+ (O O) (The average of your ability to understand and manipulate people)
-Motivator: D++ (O O) (Your ability to fill the soul of others with the Passion of Youth!)
-Charming: C (O O) (Your ability to charm other people with your personality or actions, making you more likeable at their eyes)
-Cool: C (X O) (You know how to keep calm and collect under pressure)
-Cautions: D++ (O O) (You Flames of Youth Burns with Passion, but you know that sometimes you have keep the flames low for the good of other, it doesn't matter, you now how bright they really are)
-Teacher: D++ (O O) (Your ability to teach others your knowledge)
-Subterfuge: C+ (O O) (You ability to lie and hide information with both your words and body lenguaje)
-Story Telling: D (O O) (Your ability to spin a tale, to create a fantastic story, an epic)
-Comforting: D (X O) (Your ability to calm the mental pain, sorrows or sadness of others)

Physical Skill: C+++ (O O) (The average of the strength of your body and the actions that you can do with it)
-Counter-attack: D++ (X O) (Your skill at using your opponents power against them)
-Block: D++ (X O) (Your skill to block enemy's attacks or things like that)
-Speed: B+ (X X O O) (How fast your body can move and attack)
-Agility: D+++ (O O) (The flexibility of your body)
-Strong Fist: B (O O O O) (A fighting stile focused in external damage and breaking bones)
-Stealth: D+ (O O) (Your ability to stay in the shadows and attack from there)

Earthbending: A (O O O O) (One of the four elemental bending arts, is the geokinetic ability to manipulate earth and rock in all their various forms)
-Direct Contact: C+++ (O O) (You ability to control earth physically connected to you)
-Remote Control: C+++ (O O) (Your ability to control earth that isn't in physical contact with you)
-Seismic Sense: C+ (O O) (The ability to sense trough rock, earth or metal, everything that is connected with it)
-Dustbending: B (O O O O) (Your ability to control thousands of small specks of earth as one big flow)
-Metalbending: D+++ (O O) (Your ability to control the impurities inside different metals)

Mental Skill: C+++ (X O) (The average of your mental power, how fast you can understand thinks and learn new information)
-Waterbending Martial Knowledge: D+++ (O O) (This is your knowledge of the martial art part of waterbending)
-Perception: D+ (O O) (Your ability to see or discover secrets hidden to the view, how good you're at seeing details, and how good can your read a person)
-Meditation: C++ (O O) (The practice of concentrated focus to increase awareness of the present moment, reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance personal and spiritual growth.)
-Knowledge – South Pole Capital: E++ (Your knowledge of the city)
-Knowledge – World History: C (O O) (How much you know about the world in general)
-Knowledge – Spirit Realm: F (How much you know about the spirit realm)
-Tracking: E++ (Your skill to follow and find all kind of animals, humans count too)


Martial Arts:
-Dynamic Entry: (A trademark technique of Maito Gai, is a flying kick fuel with the Flames of Youth that burns in our Souls)

-Morning Dragon: (You use dustbending to gather dust around your arm and then throw it with an high speed punch, the friction of the movement ignites the dust which then flies to its target and explodes when it touch it)
-Falling Leaves: (You use dustbending to create earth tables in mid-air, then before they fall you jump on them and use them as stepping stones to walk in the air, you need to constantly create new tables to stay in the air though, so is very difficult to do much more while doing this, with each step you take a earth table crash againts the ground.
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Allies and Inventory

-Master Bao: A member of the White Lotus and my Teacher at earthbending, he was alive during the liberation of Ba Sing Se.
-Korra: The new Avatar and my Eternal Friend and Rival!
-Commander Kara: The commander of one the platoons of the White Lotus, she seems to enjoy when I destroy the self-esteem of her troops in combat.
-Varrick: A Noble/Merchant/Inventor/Visionary/Interior Decorator/Editor that seems that wants to transform my life into a book, he seems nice, if a little weird.
--Zhu Li Moon: Varrick's assistant, we don't talk much but she looks like a good person, and a very efficient assistant.
-Genbu: A baby Lion Turtle that rescue me from drowning in the ocean, and seems to appears out of nowhere.
-Opal Beifon: The daughter of Suying Beifon. She nice and energetic girl that seems to be fan of the book of Varrick about my life.


-Ningame the stuffed tortoise.
-Dark Green Kung Fu shirt.
-4 Compressed earth manacles.
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Welcome to the world.
Is cold.

"Come on you have to move!"

So cold.

"I can't! I can't feel my legs…"

There was only darkness.

"No no no, come on, come on dear you can do it!

And the sound of the ocean.

"Honey, it is useless, I will hold you back, you need to take…"

[] Him
[] Her

I feel warm, I was being held in a warm embrace.

"Please you need to take them and escape the storm."

I was being passed to someone else, just as warm, the hold was firmer.

"I… I will keep the baby save, I promise."

I wanted to cry.

"I know honey, now, go!"

But I could.

"We're almost there little one; the lifeboats should be over there."

We were moving, running.


I was put down.

"Ok, now- Agh!"

I feel scared.

"N… no! No no no, come back come back!"

I was falling down, to the water.


I wanted to cry, but it was so cold.
"Hey, what's that?"

I could hear some voices.

"It looks like… a lifeboat!"

The warm of the sun was hitting my face.

"Another one? That storm really make a mess."

"Yeah, some said it was the skies crying the death of the avatar."

"Well I feel bad too, but you don't see me destroying the houses of other people."

"Hah! I hear… is that a baby!?"


I was being held again, it wasn't as warm.
I was in a small place.

"What we're going to do, Tonrap?"

"…We will take care of the baby, what did the healers say?

With many people around.

"They said that the baby was remarkable healthy, all things considered."

"Good… Does baby has a name?"

"We could find anything on their clothes, sadly."

I could hear a tired sigh.

"Very well, the name will be."

[] Write a name.

I cry.
[] I dreamed of monsters and rivals.
[] I move trying to look around.

AN: Ufff ok then, you actually choose the only combination that end with an orphan, so congrats? He will become a good superhero? Having dead parents is a requirement… right?

AN 2: For now each turn will be of 3 months each.

AN 3: Korra will be revealed as the avatar in 4 years, the Red Lotus will try to kidnap her in 5, and then in the same year the White Lotus will send her to a secret compound, you have until then if you want to be her friend, good luck.
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Of Visions and Rumors.
Age: 0 Years and 3 Months.

I sleep and dreamed.

In my dreams a had visions of strange creatures, of the size of mountains, causing destruction everywhere, killing thousands, but the most horrible ones were in human size, causing much more damage without any sense of guilt, excusing their actions with some greater good, I fought them all, or at less the me on the dreams did.

Past Life Connection: F

In my dreams I was with other people, I laughed with them, I cried with them, and fought alongside them, they were my friends, comrades, pupils and rivals.

Social Skills: F
"Hey how is the little Li doing?" Asked one of the matrons in the orphanage, "I worry with all the time he spends sleeping, even for a newborn baby."

"He's physically fine, but we can't understand the effects that spending so much time outside cause to his body, by all means he should be dead," The healer explained with a tone of curiosity in her voice.

The matron spend a moment of silence before gathering her courage before asking a question that have been on her mind for months now.

"Are… are the rumors true?"


"Is he the new avatar?"

The eyes of the healer narrow a little, "Were did you hear that?" She asked in a severe tone.

The matron took a step back before bowing, "I'm sorry, it just… a baby found in cold perfectly fine the day that Avatar Aang died? There are all kind of rumors."

The healer just glare for a few more second before answering, "Well, I recommend that you do your best to dismiss those rumors, at moment the baby is just too little to determine anything, understood?"

[] You dream of students and training.
[] You spend your time moving your body, trying the difficult process of turning around.
Past Life Connection: F (The stronger the connection the more easy will be to learn things that you already knew in you past life, but if it becomes too strong some traits of the past life may appear in the present, both good and bad ones)

Social Skill: F (The average of your ability to understand and manipulate people)

AN: as a baby you will only gain global skills, later you can focus in specifics, and the higher a global skill is, the easy to learn the specific will be.
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My little cell.
[X] You spend your time moving your body, trying the difficult process of turning around.

Age 0 and 6 months.

I was bored, there were some strange noises around me, people talking, children yelling, babies crying, it was near me, but I could just watch the ceiling.

Sure from time to time the lady would appear to give me food or change me, and in these moments I could watch a little more of the world around me, but she always put me back in my small cell, I wanted to move on my own, I wanted to run, to jump just like the me of my dreams, so I move.

Physical Skill: F

It was hard in the beginning, I could just move a little to the sides before tiring, but I refuse to give up, I just took a nap and repeat the process, eventually a manage to turn around and could finally see through the bars of my cell.

Physical Skill: F+

The ladies that feed me were funny, every time they see me moving they began to make some cooing noises and smile a lot, I think they like to see my progress.

Mental Skill: F

Beyond the bars of my cell I could see other children, they were running around, yelling and having fun, I wish I could be with them.

Sometimes two girls would come near me and do some strange faces, I just laugh with them, they seemed to like it.

Social Skills: F+
Choose One:
[] Dreams of my other life.
[] I wanted to walk and run with the other children.
[] I like make other people smile.
[] People were always making noises to talk, I wonder what they mean.

Physical Skill: F+ (The average of the strength of your body and the actions that you can do with it)

Mental Skill: F (The average of your mental power, how fast you can understand thinks and learn new information)
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Effort pays off.
[X] I wanted to walk and run with the other children.

Age 0 and 9 Months

After learning to turn around it was like something awakened inside me, I could simply stay put, every moment that I was awake I began to move more and more eventually a was crawling all around.

Physical Skill: F++
"My, little Li is really active isn't him." One of the youngest matron said while watching the little baby crawl around his crib.

"Hmmm? Oh yeah babies of his age began to move around, you just see, in a few months he will be running around like all the others, so you better enjoy the fact that he can go very far while it last," I older matron explained while taking care of some other children.

"Huh? Months?" I younger one asked with wide eyes while watching the little baby holding the rails of his crib to get up.

Body of Steel: F
Being able to move was good and all but what I really wanted was to walk, to run, to jump, just like in my dreams.

Past Life Connection: F+

So after learning to crawl I began to use my own cell as a helping tool to learn the skills that will set my free.

Physical Skill: F+++

It took some weeks, but eventually I manage to stand on my own legs, sure I couldn't run just yet, but I gave managed to progress thanks to my efforts and I enjoy that.

All the big ladies looked at me weird while I learned to walk though.

Choose One:
[] Dreams of my past life
[] I play with the other kids
[] One of the ladies is reading something to some of the kids.
[] Run, I want to run.
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Happy birthday.
[X] Dreams of my past life

Age: 1 Year

I love to walk; I could move much faster and see other parts of the orphanage for myself! Even if sometimes I had to escape from the ladies that wanted to put me back into my cell.

"Li? Where are you? Is time for your nap."

I just keep moving.

Physical Skill: E

Though in the end that manage to catch me, I will try harder next time.
My dreams shown me things of wonder, in them I see people do incredible things, they run so fast that you can't see them, they can become giants and summon strange animals, they could move the shadows and even control the minds of their enemies, and I was one of these people.

Past Life Connection: F++

But my dreams show me much more.

They teach me about sacrifice, loyalty and honor.

I watch as the me of the dream fought in many battles to protect his home, I watched many comrades die for their dreams, and how I almost did the same.

Social Skills: F++
This was a weird day; the ladies put in some strange clothes and keep making cooing noises at me even more than usual.

"Oh I can believe that has been a whole year!"

"Don't you think is a little disrespectful to 'celebrate' in this day?"

"Oh don't be like that, sure this is the day that Avatar Aang leaves this word, but not because of that we shouldn't celebrate the coming of Li to it."

They're acting really weird, the oldest one too, she usually spends her time commanding the other ladies but today she have been talking with some old man with white flowers in his clothes.
Ok, apparently this was some kind of especial day, all the other kids were using weird clothes too and here were more adults than usual, one of have walked to me and was smiling while talking.

"Hello, little one, you look healthy."

"Oh yes Chief Tonraq, little Li is a very active kid, he just don't stop walking all around the place, he even managed to escape from some the younger girls."

"Oh? That's quite impressive, Korra is quite active too, her mother and I do what we can to keep up with her."

The big adult said something before laughing again, I could help it, I laugh with him.

"Ah? Do you found it fun too little one?"

[] Yesh!
[] Fooood!
[] Youth!

The two grow-ups just look at me with wide eyes.

"I… I think that's his first word."

Social Skills: F+++
"Ok, Li this is a special gift for your birthday," The oldest Lady said something while bringing some things to me, "You will have to choose witch one you like the most."

[] A stuffed tortoise
[] A bright green ball
[] A hand drum
[] A pinwheel

Choose 2:

[] Dream of my past life.
[] I played with the other children.
[] I run all around the backyard.
[] I spend time hearing tales.

AN: ok, the next choices (except the dreams) will have events in them, these events will began to form the personality of Li.

AN 2: they are just "testing the waters" with the toys, remember that the white lotus have a more active role so they want to know if here is some merit to the rumor of you being the avatar.
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Run Li, Run!
[X] Youth!

[X] A stuffed tortoise

[X] Dream of my past life.

[X] I run all around the backyard.

Age: 1 Year and 3 Months

"Youth!" I yelled while running around the backyard of the orphanage, since I said it haves become my favorite word, I can see why the me on my dreams said so much.

Physical Skill: E+

Past Life Connection: F+++

That doesn't mean that I could say other words of course, since that day understanding the sounds that people made have become easy and now I can talk with then, I still need some practice though.

Social Skill: E

Without doubt the more useful words that I can say are "wan to play ouside" then I could train all I want in the snow covered backyard.

Mental Skill: F+


Another thing that I have finally understood was that this was an orphanage, I mean, the ladies had use that word before, but thanks to the memories of my dream self I understood what that means now.

All the child in this building, all the ones playing outside, all the ones sleeping inside, they don't have parents, and me neither.

Sometimes I wonder why, did they die? They leave me? Sometimes I could help but think about it.

Mental Skill: F++

I could help it, my body move automatically while running through the backyard and my mind tries to distract itself.

Physical Skill: E++
Lately my dreams have been full of tortoises, I think it may be because of Ningame, my new toy, too I don't blame him, tortoises are cool.

Past Life Connection: E

I watched in my dreams how "I" trained, pushing boulders, running on my hands, dragging thinks with my back, it looked difficult, but they make him really strong.

Past Life Connection: E+
Inspired by my dreams the next day I took one of the sleds that were in a little building outside, it have some reins so it was perfect, I began to put lots rocks on it until it was heavy enough and then I began to run dragging it with me.

Physical Skill: E+++

It was hard and I was very slow in the beginning, but with each step I move faster and faster until I was really running

Body of Steel: F+


My training was interrupted by a small voice to my side, it were two little girls, I didn't knew their names but I had seen them around sometimes.

"Uh… Play," the one in the front said while pointing to the sled, she was smaller than me and have 2 bangs like pigtails that twist and return to her hair behind her ears.

"Huh?" Was the only all I could said, they wanted my sled? But I was using it…

"We want to ride it, you can still drag," explained the other girl, she was a little taller than me but not by much, she has 3 pigtails and was looking and me with hopeful eyes.


Well, I supposed that using them as weight would be the same thing…

[] "Sure!" Take off all the rocks
[] "Ok" Take off some rocks
[] "No" Just keep running

Choose 2

[] Dreams of the past
[] Snowball fight!
[] Run like the wind
[] One of the ladies is telling a story about someone called "Avatar"
The evil Ice King and the Giant Turtle
[X] "Sure!" Take off all the rocks

[X] Dreams of the past

[X] Snowball fight!
"Sure!" In the end I decide to let them ride it, after all it could be fun, I don't really spend much time with the other kids.

"Thanks!" They both said at the same time and sit on the sled after I take of all the rocks.

"Ok, hold tight!" I warned them before beginning to run again.


Physical Skill: D (O O)
After 5 laps around the backyard they asked me to stop.

"You're so fast!" The one with 2 ponytails said with a big smile and wild hair.

"Yeah! How did you do it!?" The other one asked, her hair just as crazy.

I grinned before answering, "I train with the power of my youth!"


Before I could explain the them the wisdom of dream me, 4 other kids walked to my with curious faces.

"Hey… can we have a turn?" The kid in the front asked.

I smile and bring a thump up, "sure!"

Social Skill: E+
Body of Steel: F++
Physical Skill: D (X O)

Age: 1 Year and 6 Months

One day after I have finished my usual training I was cruelly ambushed.

One moment I was closing the door of the shack were the sleds are, and the next my face was covered in snow.

"Ha ha ha take that! Feel the fury of the ice King Torrak!" Yelled one of the big kids while he and his friends began to throw snowballs at everybody.

This just mean one thing of course, I kneel and quickly make a weapon for me and throw it in the face of Torrak.


Right on target!

"I Li Hua will defeat you Ice King, with the power of youth!" I yelled and immediately begin to make more ammunition.
It was a cruel and long fight, many warriors rise and fell, alliances were made, traitors executed and in the end here were only 2.

Social Skill: E++

"Heh, you're good Li, but you won defeat me!" The Ice King declared while throwing 2 snowballs at me.

I just dodge to the side while throwing one of my own, I was tired, cover in sweat and having a lot of fun.

Body of Steel: F+++

"Winter will fall Ice King, and it will replace by the Spring of Youth!" I throw 4 snowballs at him.

When they were about to strike him they stop in mid-air.

"Huh? He… he he he, I'm truly the Ice King, take this," before I could understand what he did, a mount of snow rise in the air and fly right at me.

[] I dodge to the side
[] I throw my last snowball at his face
[] I stand my ground My Fist is Strong

This dream was very different to my other ones, usually when I dream I was in the body of the dream me, but this time I was on my own body.

I was on an island, a very small island; here was just one tree and water all around… It was kind of a boring dream.

"Well, aren't you going to ask and begin to run looking for someone? Is always the same with you youngsters, is curious to watch someone simply just stay put," a voice sound around me.

I stand up and looked around looking for the person talking, "Huh? Where are you?"

"Well under you of course, or did you think that islands could move on they own?" The voice answered.

Now that he mentions it, it was moving!

…Wait a moment, under me!?

Suddenly a part of the island began to rise and turn around; it was a turtle, a giant turtle!

"Hmmm aren't you a little young?" He asked.

But before I could say something, I wake up.
Chose 2:

[] Train, train, train.
[] I'm popular?
[] I told one of the ladies about my last dream
[] I asked one of the ladies why Torrak could control the snow

AN: bad news for you guys, you won't be able to enter the spirit realm of the avatar verse unless you use the portal, oh well you would have to comfort with the summon real of the tortoises and turtles. :V

AN 2: now that you have a skill at D you will have to train twice as hard to raise it.

AN 3: you will begin to develop specific skills when you have 2 years.
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You're a wizard Li!... I mean earthbender!
[X] I stand my ground

[X] Train, train, train.

[X] I'm popular?
I stay put, the world around me seems to move slower while I watch the snow flying at me, my heart is beating a lot, this feels… like a battle?

I know is game, a very fun game, but that attack, people controlling the elements like that, it seems like my dreams, and in moments like this one the dream me would stay strong and punch.

I did it too early, by the time my arm was fully extended the snow was just a feet away from me, but them front the ground a small pillar of earth rise in diagonal stopping the snow.

I didn't think, I just reacted, I run to the pillar climbing it and when in the edge I jumped while throwing my last snowball at the Ice King, it was a perfect shot hitting him right in the forehead.

"Victory!" I yelled in the air… before falling to the snow.


Earth Bending: F

Strong Fist: F

Age: 1 Year and 9 Months

Something strange began to happen after the snowball, and I don't mean me being able to move the earth, even if that's awesome, more and more kids began to ask me to play or help them.

"Li I want to ride in the sled again!"

"Me too, me too!"

Social Skill: E+++
"Li, we're doing a snowmen army, help us!"

"No! Help us attack their army"

Sometimes I have to focus on more than one task at time, it usually ended with one of the kids pouting for a while but I always manage to make them smile again.

Mental Skill: F+++
"Li, Li, taste this soup I made! It has fish, and coffee, and salt, and sugar, tea! I'm sure it will taste great!"

And sometimes I was asked very difficult things, but as a warrior of youth I couldn't let their pleas be ignore.

"*gulp* It… is… delicious..." I said with a shaky smile.


Worth it.

Body of Steel: E
When I wasn't playing or helping, I spend my time training, usually running or picking up rocks.

Physical Skill: D (X X) > D+ (O O)

But now that I find out that I could move the earth I trained that just as much.

It was weird, I could feel a 'connection' with the earth when I focused but every time I tried to move it again I could do anything anymore, of course that could only mean to, I need to train more!
After some weeks I finally had some progress, I was able to move small pebbles without touching them, prove of the success of what some youthful training can do.

Earthbending: F+

Though this time my training was interrupted by Gran Gran Mika, she was one the oldest in the orphanage and I think she was the one in charge.

"Li? Could you come inside for a moment? Here's someone that want to meet you," The eldery woman asked me.

"Sure!" I answered and sprint to her.
"Are you sure he's only 1 year old?" Was the first thing that the old man in the office of Gran Gran said after we enter.

"Oh yes, Li is a big kid, he's taller that some 4 years old even," Gran Gran answered with a gently tone.

The old man just raises one eyebrow.

He has white hair tie in a ponytail, and was wearing some kind of white and blue tunic, with some kind of white flowers on it, he looked stern but no in a intimidate kind of way, more like simply, firm?

"I see, hello Li Hua, I'm Master Bao of the white Lotus, I'm sure you don't know what that means but I assure you that is very important," he said with a strong voice, "Now I had being told that you're quite smart for your age, did you understand everything that I say?"

I nodded and responded with wide eyes, "Yes Sir!"

Master Bao just looked at me for a few more seconds before talking again, "Li I was told that while playing you manage to earthbend an small pillar, that's an impressive achievement, do you remember how you did it?, he asked in a more gentle but still firm tone.

"Huh… can I ask something first?"


"What's earthbend?" I asked while scratching the back of my head.

"…Well I suppose you're too young to know that, very well, earthbending is the ability to use our inner energy, our chi to move the earth to our will, no everybody have it and here are other people that can bend other elements, you Li are an earth bender."

I was shocked, so this world has people that could control elements too? I always thought that only in mi dream world people could do that, amazing!


"Huh?... Oh right! Hmmm I just did what it felt natural? Sir!" I said trying to explain what I did the first time.

"I see…" He then nodded and clapped his hands, "Li I would like to you to come live with me, you see I'm a Master in Earthbending and if you come with me I could teach you how to used it to its full potential, it would be only my though, here will other masters that could teach you many other things, so what do you say?"


[] Can I visit the orphanage some times?
[] I will learn to jump as high as in my dreams?
[] Write-in

Earthbending: F+ (One of the four elemental bending arts, is the geokinetic ability to manipulate earth and rock in all their various forms)

Strong Fist: F (A fighting stile focused in external damage and breaking bones)

AN: Congratulations! You're now "almost definitely the avatar… maybe" good luck with that! :V

AN 2: And yes you're popular now, and you have to leave, I'm evil!(?)

AN 3: You can make 3 questions if you want, but remember, just because you ask, doesn't meant that Master Bao has the answer.
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