The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

[X] I stand my ground My Fist is Strong
[X] Train, train, train.
[X] I told one of the ladies about my last dream
[X] I stand my ground My Fist is Strong
[X] Train, train, train.
[X] I told one of the ladies about my last dream
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Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 7 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.6

[X] I stand my ground
[X] Train, train, train.
[X] I'm popular?
No. of Votes: 14
Nix's Warden
Oh I am slain!
the swarm

[X] I stand my ground My Fist is Strong
[X] Train, train, train.
[X] I told one of the ladies about my last dream
No. of Votes: 4
Tel Janin Aman

[X] I stand my ground
[X] I'm popular?
[X] I told one of the ladies about my last dream
No. of Votes: 2

[X] I stand my ground
[X] Train, train, train.
[X] I told one of the ladies about my last dream
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 21
[X] I stand my ground
[X] Train, train, train.
[X] I'm popular?
You're a wizard Li!... I mean earthbender!
[X] I stand my ground

[X] Train, train, train.

[X] I'm popular?
I stay put, the world around me seems to move slower while I watch the snow flying at me, my heart is beating a lot, this feels… like a battle?

I know is game, a very fun game, but that attack, people controlling the elements like that, it seems like my dreams, and in moments like this one the dream me would stay strong and punch.

I did it too early, by the time my arm was fully extended the snow was just a feet away from me, but them front the ground a small pillar of earth rise in diagonal stopping the snow.

I didn't think, I just reacted, I run to the pillar climbing it and when in the edge I jumped while throwing my last snowball at the Ice King, it was a perfect shot hitting him right in the forehead.

"Victory!" I yelled in the air… before falling to the snow.


Earth Bending: F

Strong Fist: F

Age: 1 Year and 9 Months

Something strange began to happen after the snowball, and I don't mean me being able to move the earth, even if that's awesome, more and more kids began to ask me to play or help them.

"Li I want to ride in the sled again!"

"Me too, me too!"

Social Skill: E+++
"Li, we're doing a snowmen army, help us!"

"No! Help us attack their army"

Sometimes I have to focus on more than one task at time, it usually ended with one of the kids pouting for a while but I always manage to make them smile again.

Mental Skill: F+++
"Li, Li, taste this soup I made! It has fish, and coffee, and salt, and sugar, tea! I'm sure it will taste great!"

And sometimes I was asked very difficult things, but as a warrior of youth I couldn't let their pleas be ignore.

"*gulp* It… is… delicious..." I said with a shaky smile.


Worth it.

Body of Steel: E
When I wasn't playing or helping, I spend my time training, usually running or picking up rocks.

Physical Skill: D (X X) > D+ (O O)

But now that I find out that I could move the earth I trained that just as much.

It was weird, I could feel a 'connection' with the earth when I focused but every time I tried to move it again I could do anything anymore, of course that could only mean to, I need to train more!
After some weeks I finally had some progress, I was able to move small pebbles without touching them, prove of the success of what some youthful training can do.

Earthbending: F+

Though this time my training was interrupted by Gran Gran Mika, she was one the oldest in the orphanage and I think she was the one in charge.

"Li? Could you come inside for a moment? Here's someone that want to meet you," The eldery woman asked me.

"Sure!" I answered and sprint to her.
"Are you sure he's only 1 year old?" Was the first thing that the old man in the office of Gran Gran said after we enter.

"Oh yes, Li is a big kid, he's taller that some 4 years old even," Gran Gran answered with a gently tone.

The old man just raises one eyebrow.

He has white hair tie in a ponytail, and was wearing some kind of white and blue tunic, with some kind of white flowers on it, he looked stern but no in a intimidate kind of way, more like simply, firm?

"I see, hello Li Hua, I'm Master Bao of the white Lotus, I'm sure you don't know what that means but I assure you that is very important," he said with a strong voice, "Now I had being told that you're quite smart for your age, did you understand everything that I say?"

I nodded and responded with wide eyes, "Yes Sir!"

Master Bao just looked at me for a few more seconds before talking again, "Li I was told that while playing you manage to earthbend an small pillar, that's an impressive achievement, do you remember how you did it?, he asked in a more gentle but still firm tone.

"Huh… can I ask something first?"


"What's earthbend?" I asked while scratching the back of my head.

"…Well I suppose you're too young to know that, very well, earthbending is the ability to use our inner energy, our chi to move the earth to our will, no everybody have it and here are other people that can bend other elements, you Li are an earth bender."

I was shocked, so this world has people that could control elements too? I always thought that only in mi dream world people could do that, amazing!


"Huh?... Oh right! Hmmm I just did what it felt natural? Sir!" I said trying to explain what I did the first time.

"I see…" He then nodded and clapped his hands, "Li I would like to you to come live with me, you see I'm a Master in Earthbending and if you come with me I could teach you how to used it to its full potential, it would be only my though, here will other masters that could teach you many other things, so what do you say?"


[] Can I visit the orphanage some times?
[] I will learn to jump as high as in my dreams?
[] Write-in

Earthbending: F+ (One of the four elemental bending arts, is the geokinetic ability to manipulate earth and rock in all their various forms)

Strong Fist: F (A fighting stile focused in external damage and breaking bones)

AN: Congratulations! You're now "almost definitely the avatar… maybe" good luck with that! :V

AN 2: And yes you're popular now, and you have to leave, I'm evil!(?)

AN 3: You can make 3 questions if you want, but remember, just because you ask, doesn't meant that Master Bao has the answer.
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[X] Can I visit the orphanage some times?

If we cannot find the time to visit we shall do 100 push-UPS! (we are young. Best to train small)
[X] I will learn to jump as high as in my dreams?

White Lotus is here? Time to mention our freaky dreams!
[X] Can I visit the orphanage some times?
[X] I will learn to jump as high as in my dreams?
[X] Are there other children where you live I could play with?
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Are we actually the Avatar, or do they just think we might be?

(I wonder how badass Korra will turn out if she's "only" a waterbender? Fire seemed more her speed really.)
[X] I will learn to jump as high as in my dreams?

We have to ask this , for the comedy factor it nothing else, besides it i not like not asking would affect how much time we would have or our interest in visiting.