The Firestorm: A crossover invasion game. Looking for a 40k faction player.

....I know keep faltering and losing motivation, but dammit, I just can't keep away from these kinds of RPs.

You guys have room for the MCU? I want to fight the Nazis.
Seeing the large casualties that have been taken, the Watermelon priesthood has decided that, now, they won't take any chances. Led by one of the priests, a force of 7,000 spear warriors, combined with 15,000 Archers and 1,500 Watermelon Calvary troops have been sent to help assist those fighting the Emus at the Southern Front both with more soldiers and spiritual reinforcement, hoping to use the energies of this world to call upon the help of the Steven and the Goddesses. Meanwhile, those who are there have dug out some holes in the ground for cover from the bullets, while the Calvary stands in reserve to flank any oncoming enemies.

Can you also make build and research orders and the like? this is the perfect time for a strategic turn it seems.
Start with chemistry and gunpowder, work up from there into brilliantly new designs. Why hold to the usual shape of guns?
You realise that Nye would probably never drink it? He'd just study the hell out of it, see it's effects, and probably distil his own version. He's a self admitted coward that hates fighting. He's also a genius, even by Crenga standards.
Well odds are it's unlikely he could distill a version that isn't corruptive since Fel is by it's very nature a corruptive substance to even be around for longer periods of time (think of it as a mixture of it being radioactive and highly addictive). Still if I do end up trying to corrupt your group odds are i'd start with someone who'd not realize it until it's too late.