Burst of Fire is fire/holy, which is why it exploded us last time.

Also, we might be able to just make 'pires explode by channeling holy directly into them. (We can do that at range, right?)
Burst of fire specifically self-immolates. We'd be trying to create a new spell using it as a base if we wanted to make a holy fireball, which means we'd have the roll for failure checks associated with it.

Our only holy element spell is self-targeted only, and we can't channel an element we don't possess with channeling (not to mention that it's touch only).
Burst of fire specifically self-immolates. We'd be trying to create a new spell using it as a base if we wanted to make a holy fireball, which means we'd have the roll for failure checks associated with it.

Our only holy element spell is self-targeted only, and we can't channel an element we don't possess with channelling (not to mention that it's touch only).
Where did you get this thing about burst of fire being self-targeted only?

It creates a small burst of fire from a hand or something. We have used it to target things other than ourselves every time we've used it.

As for channelling, I could have sworn @Sendicard said that it could be done at range for a loss of efficiency.

He also said that if we can use it in an ability, we can use it in channeling, so we do have the holy element.
I actually don't think the fluctuating signature is going to be a problem. All considering I'm pretty sure it's being imprisoned, I don't think it's an enemy.
I actually don't think the fluctuating signature is going to be a problem. All considering I'm pretty sure it's being imprisoned, I don't think it's an enemy.
That's a possibility. It is, however, in one of the two entrances, so a decent starting point for hit-and-running no matter its actual usefulness to them.
The tone has been pretty much set at "threatened and uncomprehending" since the get-go, with basically no reprieve, and that's draining.
Oh I'm aware, that's why I started answering Questions.
We managed to pull out of the deathspiral caused by bringing ourselves to the threshold of Life's Door, which caused us to miss an orientation, which caused us to bollix something, which caused us to miss any chance to learn much at all, denying us the information we needed to avoid bollixing up the next thing. And failing to figure out what was possible, necessary and advisable during the training bit has hobbled us here, because we focussed on shoring up a weakness, not expanding on a strength. (And got unlucky on matchups)
I wouldn't say unlucky. I know what this mission was going to be, basically, since the beginning. You had a holy element back then.
It's ore like you were fucked into a bad match-up.

If it helps, if you use it, what you learned in that training can save your ass here. You just have to use it.
(Should I just assume that our casting speed increases the higher our temperature? :V)
I wouldn't, but you could certainly test that.
A tutorial being a grueling, confusing and painful slog is usually a sign that the game isn't for you.
Insane mode bro. On normal you guys would have been done by now and well into the game. Blame Dark Ness, she was there. (Don't really blame Dark Ness)
But yes, I agree.
At this point it's not really a tutorial anymore, so much as we can't move out of tutorial ground until a certain point. I think you guys understand the basic concepts here XD
So, no his effective range is not greater than the vampires' sensory range?
Indeed. Well, unless you could give him a really clear shot. Might take him a try or two though.
But given that it was a while ago, and this is Forgettin' we're talking about...
Current Character Sheet- (Last edited "53B". Edit log-Some SP used.)
Rank: Rookie
Mentor: Forgotten
Kills: 6
Strongest Kill: Butcher
True Name:-Book Calls you Aeternam-
Gender: Female
Defining Trait: Intelligence
Weakest Trait: Strength
Race: Human-Knowledge of human ethnicity unknown, nor important.
Age of death: 16
Preferred Tool of Carnage: High explosives.
Red Hair
Golden Eyes (A glaze of purple if looked at directly)
Explosives 7
Death mental reality manipulation 6
Teleport 7
Short Blade Skill-5(???)
Evasion 3
Stat Sensing: 1-Through feeling the radiant SP flowing off of others, you can get a feeling for how strong they are in comparison to yourself.
Soul Tracking: 1-Every soul has a "signature" of sorts. It's not entirely unique, but it does differ largely between races, and slightly between individual members of a race. This signature can be felt and tracked, for longer or shorter distances depending on the level of this skill.
Chain Great-Axe Level 1
Element affinity:
Primary Darkness: Level 8
Secondary Darkness: Level 4
Primary Fire: Level 1
Primary Wind: Level 2
Secondary Wind: Level 2
Death Weapon
Name: Nixus
Form: Book-Chinese man with golden hair and red eyes
Sentience level: 6
Attunement: 5
Bond: 10

Compressed Air ball(Wind), Unnamed-Level 3-66.15 SP per use
Shockwave(Wind)-Level 10-345 Soul Power cost
Burst of Flame(Holy/Fire)-Level 2-25 Soul Power Cost Per Second (while in basic form)
Grinding Sphere(Raw)-Level 1-100 Soul Power Cost per second while in active mode
Sever(Dark)-Level 7-100.5 SP per use
Channeling(Vary)-Level 4-Up to 20 SP use per second. SP use, effectiveness, and exp gain, are modified by your affinity with the channeled energy.
Conjure Elemental Blade(Default short)(Dark)-Level 3-Uses 90 SP, conjures a pitiful blade for the user to wield. Stats of blade altered by Darkness affinity, and level of skill.
Split Shield(Dark): level 3-Up to 110.25 SP per shield. This skill allows you to conjure a shield of the relevant practiced element (dark) in a "split" second. Its power and size is largely dependent on both the level, malleability of the element used, and amount of SP sunk into it.
Small Compressed air ball(Wind), Unnamed-Level 2-30 SP per use
Death Flight(Gravity): Level 1-Alter the force of gravity on yourself through SP manipulation. Higher levels will allow greater manipulation, but for now you can slowly glide.
Up to 10 per second. Slow glide.

Masquerade(Raw): Level 1-Abuse the fact that you're more of a construct of the soul than an actual physical entity, and alter your appearance and body.
Up to 5SP per second. Small changes. Ten seconds per alteration.
Second Wind: When your body dies, you can immediately spend 1/10th of your SP Bank's limit to form an entirely new body, fresh and fighting fit. (Health restored is equal to the SP used from the bank, up to maximum health. Damage to the soul cannot be undone with this method. This ability can be cast anytime within 30 seconds of physical death.)
Personal Stats:
HP: 286 (Max-286-0.476 Regen Per second)
Soul Power: 329.4 (Max-329.4-5.49 Regen Per second)
Let's play!: 1200 (Max-1200)
Soul Power Bank: 3284 (Max 3294) (How much you can use per before the next period of rest)
STR-101 (0)
SPE-144 (0)
END-143 (0)
INT-184.4 (0)
My Own Aegis-rank 1
What the MOA perk does is give a 5% chance(per rank up to 50%) to survive any hit that would reduce your health to 0, with 1 health left over. (This doesn't work if your current health is below 10%)
More to be added:
Reflex Bound(Life Trait): You think quickly, and you think far too much. Because of this your mind is signifantly faster than your body, and attempts to move it tend to be met with a sluggish response, causing you to lose up to 20% speed(D20) when manually reacting. On the bright side, when your brain doesn't have time to muck it up, you automatically react with the full power of your mind and move up to 20% faster. (This can is lost if the difference between INT and and SPE is evened out.) (The % is based on the SPE to INT ratio-Caps at 20%) (Has a reverse trait)
More to be added:
Current status:
Well rested: You feel fully functional, and ready to go!
Rule book
Orange Cloak
Death Tool-Nixus
Book Holster
Wakizashi holster
Party member slot: Ace
Party member importance: Almost Essential
Specialty: Assault and Tactics
Stats: Unknown.
Bond with Party Leader: Unknown
This has been moved
My changelog is now informationally dense enough to crash Safari on my phone when I try to edit it. What fun.

Will try to sort that out later.

Sendi hinted that something had been changed in relation to Cecilia, but nothing seems to have. Unless he meant the eyes thing, which is ancient news at this stage.
Couldn't you just drop some of the earlier ones? I doubt stuff from post 40 and below are really going to be that important anymore.
@Sendicard the regen-damping of holy burn is known or knowable IC due to having affected us after the explosion, yeah?
Yes. Aeternam is at-least aware that after blowing up, she didn't heal right away like normal.
@Sendicard you mentioned that Shockwave multiplied a force. Does that mean we get a crazy-huge one if we base the force off a Compressed Air Ball?

Also, we might be able to just make 'pires explode by channeling holy directly into them. (We can do that at range, right?)
1. Technically. Yes.
2. The amount of energy that would take would be absurd XD But yes. Forgotten could kill them all right now if he wanted, without moving. You could too if you had the energy.
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Holy shit there's another page.
Our only holy element spell is self-targeted only, and we can't channel an element we don't possess with channeling (not to mention that it's touch only).
You actually can use the holy element. Your ability with it just sucks(because it isn't an affinity). So using it in that manner is possible, channeling anyway, it would just be terribly inefficient.
Oh, that's it. Cool.
I wouldn't say unlucky. I know what this mission was going to be, basically, since the beginning. You had a holy element back then.
It's ore like you were fucked into a bad match-up.
*narrows eyes*

Not sure if implying intentional sabotage, or just confused about luck.

The mission itself doesn't have to be subject to chance to be an unlucky matchup. Its relation to the convoluted series of events that led to our element changing was as much subject to chance/luck as anything.

Out of curiosity, had we chosen the scythe build, would we have chosen the literal worst possible combination of starting options?

Couldn't you just drop some of the earlier ones? I doubt stuff from post 40 and below are really going to be that important anymore
Not without editing it... :V

But yes, I'll do that later.

1. Technically. Yes.
I do not like that qualifier. It makes me think "yes, but it amplifies the force in all directions and its blast radius is larger than its maximum range" or something.

Could you expand on that please.

2. The amount of energy that would take would be absurd XD But yes. Forgotten could kill them all right now if he wanted, without moving. You could too if you had the energy
Is channeling at range in general prohibitive, or channeling from this extreme range?

(We talkin' some kind of inverse-square law)

I was talking about channeling into vampires at relatively standard engagement ranges, 5-10m, or that ballpark.
Out of curiosity, had we chosen the scythe build, would we have chosen the literal worst possible combination of starting options?
The scythe build?
I do not like that qualifier. It makes me think "yes, but it amplifies the force in all directions and its blast radius is larger than its maximum range" or something.

Could you expand on that please.
The base cost of Shockwave is 39.5 Not x*n
Shockwave level 10 is 395

This is important, that there is a base cost. You see, using it on another skill would of course require some different structure. You'd have to cast it and then cast shockwave outwards inside it. Which would just be a clusterfuck on its own.

Why? Because if you tried to cast them together instead of individually, it would not only be an experiment, but use the initial base of the skill you're trying to buff.
Meaning instead of say, 100, it would be 1000.
So the answer is "technically."

Is channeling at range in general prohibitive, or channeling from this extreme range?

(We talkin' some kind of inverse-square law)

I was talking about channeling into vampires at relatively standard engagement ranges, 5-10m, or that ballpark.
Well in general creatures have a resistance against magic or SP which stops it from entering their body. This is why Sever is scary, because it just says "no."

This res isn't normally too important, but when trying to push raw energy, or an element, into someone, you're losing their resistance in power used per singular point you actually get through. Without a skill, energy simply isn't very piercing.

It should also be noted that energy is lost along the way when it travels, and so channeling it from a distance is in general more costly. Though at shorter ranges, not all that much more.

But most importantly, you don't have the holy element anymore. So instead of using what's in you, you'd have to make it through conversion. Which, as of this moment, would be costly in itself.

That's what I mean.
If memory serves, the great weapon that almost won the death weapon vote was a scythe.

The base cost of Shockwave is 39.5 Not x*n
Shockwave level 10 is 395

This is important, that there is a base cost. You see, using it on another skill would of course require some different structure. You'd have to cast it and then cast shockwave outwards inside it. Which would just be a clusterfuck on its own.

Why? Because if you tried to cast them together instead of individually, it would not only be an experiment, but use the initial base of the skill you're trying to buff.
Meaning instead of say, 100, it would be 1000.
So the answer is "technically."

Well in general creatures have a resistance against magic or SP which stops it from entering their body. This is why Sever is scary, because it just says "no."

This res isn't normally too important, but when trying to push raw energy, or an element, into someone, you're losing their resistance in power used per singular point you actually get through. Without a skill, energy simply isn't very piercing.

It should also be noted that energy is lost along the way when it travels, and so channeling it from a distance is in general more costly. Though at shorter ranges, not all that much more.

But most importantly, you don't have the holy element anymore. So instead of using what's in you, you'd have to make it through conversion. Which, as of this moment, would be costly in itself.

That's what I mean.
I think i might be confused about what the fuck Shockwave is, and how it works. In your mehanistic description, you described it as a technique that basically expels unrestrained wind energy. Which is destructive as fuck.

When asked for a ballpark on its damage, you responded by saying that it was difficult because it was basically a 10x multiplier on a force, which is difficult to calculate in terms of practical effects.

This led me to believe that the unrestrained wind energy was set into motion by some initial impetus, with a power dependent on that initial impetus.

That is inconsistent with the above, but beyond that, I couldn't really make head or tail of what you actually meant as you seem to have not voiced enough of your background assumptions, nor does it seem a direct answer to my question, so we are probably talking at cross purposes again.

Could you please explain Shockwave again, and specifically how what uou said about how it works relates to what you said about its effects?
If memory serves, the great weapon that almost won the death weapon vote was a scythe.
That's great and all but I don't know what he build was off hand XD
Could you please explain Shockwave again, and specifically how what uou said about how it works relates to what you said about its effects?
Shockwave on its own is a multiplier on force. Specifically, the initial force. Which is an output of 39.5 pure wind energy.
It's current multiplier is 10, as it is level 10. (This is specific to Shockwave, most spells don't work that way.)

If you were to cast two spells together, one being Shockwave, it would be additive. The initial force 39.5 of Shockwave, times the level of Shockwave being used, added straight to the force of the other spell. Which could obviously work in any number of ways.

But if you were to cast it with another spell, it would lose its base, and take on the base of the other spell.

In Compressed air ball, it wouldn't use the shield in the base, just the raw power. But the moment you actually used it, the shield would explode. So it wouldn't really work as thrown or shot like normal.

I suppose what you could do is send a compressed air ball and then activate shockwave behind it. But that wouldn't really add damage, so much as send the compressed air ball flying forward like it was shot out of a cannon after it was already shot out of a cannon.
That's great and all but I don't know what he build was off hand XD
It was exactly the same as us, but with a scythe instead on high explosives.

Which appears to have been our single correct choice in chargen.

That's great and all but I don't know what he build was off hand XD

Shockwave on its own is a multiplier on force. Specifically, the initial force. Which is an output of 39.5 pure wind energy.
It's current multiplier is 10, as it is level 10. (This is specific to Shockwave, most spells don't work that way.)

If you were to cast two spells together, one being Shockwave, it would be additive. The initial force 39.5 of Shockwave, times the level of Shockwave being used, added straight to the force of the other spell. Which could obviously work in any number of ways.

But if you were to cast it with another spell, it would lose its base, and take on the base of the other spell.

In Compressed air ball, it wouldn't use the shield in the base, just the raw power. But the moment you actually used it, the shield would explode. So it wouldn't really work as thrown or shot like normal.

I suppose what you could do is send a compressed air ball and then activate shockwave behind it. But that wouldn't really add damage, so much as send the compressed air ball flying forward like it was shot out of a cannon after it was already shot out of a cannon.
That tells me exactly nothing about how the mechanics relate to the effects, which is what I was mostly after. XD

I guess the question that needs yo be asked at this point is "what the help do you mean by 'force'?" You seem to be using it to be synonymous with "amount of energy" which makes no damn sense to me.
It was exactly the same as us, but with a scythe instead on high explosives.

Which appears to have been our single correct choice in chargen.
Oh ya, that would have been terrible. If only because low str and melee weapons just aren't a good idea.

That tells me exactly nothing about how the mechanics relate to the effects, which is what I was mostly after. XD
It's an outward explosion XD, normally without real purpose asides from "forward!" What mechanics do you need?

I guess the question that needs yo be asked at this point is "what the help do you mean by 'force'?" You seem to be using it to be synonymous with "amount of energy" which makes no damn sense to me.
The amount of energy relates to an amount of force. Therefore amount of energy is synonymous to amount of force.
The problem is while there is a number calc for energy, there isn't one properly for exact force because I decided not to get a physics degree in high school. I know, depressing.

Energy 1=Force X
We can approximate, but sadly exacts will just confuse when they inevitably fail to actually meet logic. Because trust me, they will, and fast. This is also made even more complicated by your actual affinities fucking with what the x equals per 1 energy.

I can tell you though that (Edit 345) raw wind energy back then was enough force to apply 100 pounds of pressure to every square inch of the entire training room, and send you flying.
(Which I'll admit when done in physics is probably like a nuke or some shit. But fuck it.)
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It's an outward explosion XD, normally without real purpose asides from "forward!" What mechanics do you need?
I need to know how "it expels unrestrained wind energy" relates to "it multiplies something by 10". :V

The amount of energy relates to an amount of force. Therefore amount of energy is synonymous to amount of force
No it... Really isn't.

I mean, if you hold all other factors constant, a given amount of energy will correspond to a given amount of force, but they are completely different things.

Force is inherently directional, while energy is not, for starters. Things have energy, and exert force on other things.

It would make no sense to ask how much force an object has, nor can you exert energy.

Maybe it would be easiest if I proposed a bunch of scenarios, and you tell me which, if any, is correct, and hopefully understand the question in any event.

Scenario A: Something exerts a force on the wind Sp (i.e. Pushes it in some way) once you summon it. (Say, a wave of the hand or an explosion). Because of its properties, the wind energy is pushed far more than it should be, and will exert a far greater force on the things that it hits than was initially exerted on it.

Scenario 2: The amount of wind SP that comes out in the shockwave is 10 times the amount of SP that goes in somehow.

Scenario 3: The shockwave technique is actually a means of amplifying the effects of a wad of SP, and is only tangentially related to wind SP. Whatever you use as a base for shockwave, you get 10 times as much force per SP than you would get if you just projected that SP unformed.

Can you at least understand the question now?
I need to know how "it expels unrestrained wind energy" relates to "it multiplies something by 10". :V
Mostly because the nature of Shockwave is a multiplier. It is less that it multiplies a set value, 34.5, but more that it multiplies the value given. The 34.5 is simply what is given for the base Shockwave.
It is indeed using wind energy though, which is a stipulation.

The major problem is that it nature as a multiplier means the attack will follow how Shockwave works in nature, instead of the original,meaning an outwards burst in the general forward direction from your position using the value given of raw power in the actual attack.

Basically, you're thinking of the kills like preset abilities. Spells in a game.
But really, they're preset processes, which you use to create abilities.
Combining Shockwave with another spell, is simply taking the underlying process behind Shockwave, as in exponentially overwhelming wind energy outwards, and then applying it to another process.

It's a classic case of extreme power with little to no efficiency. As the force is wasted in every spot it hits that holds no opponent. And it obviously has no piercing power, instead applying crushing.
Can you at least understand the question now?
From those scenarios it becomes obvious that you're thinking of Shockwave as efficient.
It's not.

Shockwave is quite literally taking the SP directly, and converting it into that forward motion explosively.

It is like a shotgun(buckshot), I suppose.
The blast touching your skin is 345, then that blast spreads forward slamming into everything over the area. As you know, force spread over an area is in general less effective.

It's not converting the power into more, it is simply converting the base given into an explosion in a set direction of "forward."
Because of this factor, you are allowed to use the amount you've trained yourself capable of handling. In this case, 10x

The wind nature is what is causing the confusion I believe. Because the will of wind is to spread. So by stopping it, or focusing it all on one spot, when released, it goes everywhere in one huge "poof."
Impatience, I guess you could call it.
Have I stopped being confusing yet?
Have I stopped being confusing yet?
Not in the slightest.

Mostly because the nature of Shockwave is a multiplier. It is less that it multiplies a set value, 34.5, but more that it multiplies the value given. The 34.5 is simply what is given for the base Shockwave.
It is indeed using wind energy though, which is a stipulation.

Seriously, though, what exactly do these numbers relate to, and what exactly is being multiplied by 10.

And you seem to be saying on the one hand that it converts SP into forwards motion, and on the other that it releases unrestrained wind SP.

Unless forward motion and unrestrained wind SP are one and the same, I cannot see how you reconcile the two explanations.
Not in the slightest.


Seriously, though, what exactly do these numbers relate to, and what exactly is being multiplied by 10.

And you seem to be saying on the one hand that it converts SP into forwards motion, and on the other that it releases unrestrained wind SP.

Unless forward motion and unrestrained wind SP are one and the same, I cannot see how you reconcile the two explanations.
I've told you I can not convert the numbers directly into an actual equivalent in physics.
I already told you what the numbers are.
SP used is being multiplied by 10, which means the equivalent of that SP exploded outwards is ALSO multiplied by 10.

It's literally that simple.

Shockwave is the art of doing that process with wind SP. Not a predetermined magic with a chant.

You are taking ten pellets the size of one normal bullet, and sending them out of the same nozzle at the same time.

It is converting the SP into forward motion BY unleashing it as unrestrained wind SP. As that is the nature of wind SP.
1 grenade = 1 boom
10 grenade = 10 booms.
It should be noted 10 grenades do not necessarily equate to 10 booms in damage. At-least not in real life.
Ignore that.
SP used is being multiplied by 10, which means the equivalent of that SP exploded outwards is ALSO multiplied by 10.
So SP cost and SP effect are both multiplied by 10?

How exactly does that differ from just using 10 times as much juice?

I guess I fail to see how the technique has a "nature as a multiplier" if what it does is expel wind SP with an amount multiplied by its level.

That sounds more like its nature is a wind blast, and its power progression is easy to calculate.

If that is actually what you meant, you chose the most confusing way to describe our simplest technique.

In any event, what I'm getting from this is that Shockwave is stupidly powerful at point blank, since its main problem is that the energy is spread out over a blastfront, reducing its intensity.

Is that so?
How exactly does that differ from just using 10 times as much juice?

I guess I fail to see how the technique has a "nature as a multiplier" if what it does is expel wind SP with an amount multiplied by its level.
It doesn't, at-least not really.

The only major difference is your ability to control it(kind of), and the fact that it is focused on wind, making it easier to handle as it fits an affinity.

Shockwave is quite literally the practice of overloading it till it's wicked explosive(because it can't move), and then using the nature of wind to make it move all at once.
I really should have named it "overload-wind."

The ability won't really work the same with anything but wind. (Though I suppose maybe with fire?)
That is in combination though.

Alone is does have a base. 34.5
Now, I suppose I should look at this from the angle of overloading.

You see, if you just overload a skill, it'll blow up in your face. Why is this?

Well the specifics make the efficiency.
And if you try to overload the specifics as well, well, boom.

I'll admit I actually had a hard time deciding whether to put Shockwave in "power" or "control" section.
On one hand, when it levels up you get better at controlling SP in a certain way, period.
On the other, it grows stronger when it levels up.
Wind nature is the most important part though.

Overloading a fireball in front of you, even with practice, will still make it go boom in your face.

The wind energy on the other hand, makes it actually move outward. It is the will to move.
If this hasn't explained it, I don't know what will aside from maybe giving my own scenarios in example.
It doesn't, at-least not really.

The only major difference is your ability to control it(kind of), and the fact that it is focused on wind, making it easier to handle as it fits an affinity.

Shockwave is quite literally the practice of overloading it till it's wicked explosive(because it can't move), and then using the nature of wind to make it move all at once.
I really should have named it "overload-wind."

The ability won't really work the same with anything but wind. (Though I suppose maybe with fire?)
That is in combination though.

Alone is does have a base. 34.5
Now, I suppose I should look at this from the angle of overloading.

You see, if you just overload a skill, it'll blow up in your face. Why is this?

Well the specifics make the efficiency.
And if you try to overload the specifics as well, well, boom.

I'll admit I actually had a hard time deciding whether to put Shockwave in "power" or "control" section.
On one hand, when it levels up you get better at controlling SP in a certain way, period.
On the other, it grows stronger when it levels up.
Wind nature is the most important part though.

Overloading a fireball in front of you, even with practice, will still make it go boom in your face.

The wind energy on the other hand, makes it actually move outward. It is the will to move.
If this hasn't explained it, I don't know what will aside from maybe giving my own scenarios in example.
I believe I understand the technique now, but I remain mystified as to why you tried to explain it as you did, but that can remain a mystery for all I care right now.

It builds up wind energy until it blows, taking advantage of the fact that wind energy naturally tends towards uni-directionality to render the overload survivable. Skill in ghe technique multiplies the amount of power you can work with.

The technique itself does not multiply shite.

That about sum it up?
I believe I understand the technique now, but I remain mystified as to why you tried to explain it as you did, but that can remain a mystery for all I care right now.

It builds up wind energy until it blows, taking advantage of the fact that wind energy naturally tends towards uni-directionality to render the overload survivable. Skill in ghe technique multiplies the amount of power you can work with.

The technique itself does not multiply shite.

That about sum it up?
Close enough to be worth sticking with, yes.
I should probably ho do something else for a while so I don't explode at you for having seemingly deliberately chosen the most confusing, misleading and obtuse way of explaining that.
But I didn't. I came right out and said it earlier. You got confused, which made me have to needlessly complicate it.

The skill is the act of multiplying. The skill itself does not multiply.
I repeat, it is not a preset spell, it is a method.

(Edit: It is in the ability list, because it has its own cast form, and only really works in one way. So it can't really be a skill.)
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But I didn't. I came right out and said it earlier. You got confused, which made me have to needlessly complicate it.

The skill is the act of multiplying. The skill itself does not multiply.
I repeat, it is not a preset spell, it is a method.
You made it sound like Shockwave multiplied, rather than that Skill in Shockwave multiplied, never seeming to make it clear which you were talking about.