Well, sure, if it's just a plan you're after, then you don't need much at all.
You need a considerable amount of data to know whether a plan is good or survivable, though.
Or if you want to assess the relative merits of plans, etc.
You have no data. Get some. If you can't get close to scout, find another method. Aeternam knows the area, her teammates are up to answering questions, and it's still fucking day-time.
Fuck, you could walk RIGHT the fuck up to the castle, scope it out, and walk away. It'll give away surprise that there is an energy source nearby, but it's not like they can come out and attack you. And who's to say it'll even come back? You're not even the strongest source of energy in the castle, for all you know they'll write you off as a possible, if not extremely minimal threat.
There's a window in the back, maybe you can get a look at the shifting signature? Who knows, maybe it is up to talking?
Maybe search the surrounding area of the castle within a mile or so, see if you can find anything else that isn't as you remember it? Maybe a hidden tunnel, or a giant pinata factory? Who fucking knows! You certainly don't.
If you need more info, TAKE IT. Don't stew on it until you burn yourself out.
You're in a reality that has advantage. You can't just react all the time, it'll destroy you. You need to make it play your game, spin your wheel. I've been saying that since day one. And I will continue saying it until you get it.
Knowing which "obvious" facts we are overlooking that will cause shit to literally or figuratively blow up in our faces this time.
All you would need to look up is everything you know on Vamps.
Which sums up to, what has just been given to you, and one short encounter around post 45.
I assure you, that encounter around post 45 only holds two major pieces of information.
1. Their eyes are magic.
2. Weak to holy.
Oh, there is one factor you're probably missing, though it's not much use to you as is.
"Holy burn" status effect. You've only seen it once, on yourself. It's health that doesn't regen for a prolonged time period, only applicable on those weak to holy. The amount it applies is based on that weakness, and how much damage you actually did.
Howsabout this? I stop saying "mere mortals" if you cut the "difficult things are easy, what's wrong with you" crap.
You know what, I've written over twelve responses to this statement.
And I've realized, our solution may be simpler than we think.
Instead of fighting about it, why don't I just teach you? In PMs of course.
Low stress, scenarios. I'll critique your answers, and we'll do it again. You literally only stand to gain from it, if you're willing.
And who knows, if it works, maybe I can make an actual thread out of it in the future.
Because SV needs to learn how to think outside the box and exploit details to make ground. You're all logic thinkers who work really well with pure logic, but the second your footing is bad you fall apart. You need to learn how to make footing without tearing your hair out.
And that's my specialty.
@Nightingale can probably vouch that I work best when falling.
There have been votes in this quest that have taken days to weeks of intensive thought, discussion and revision.
Some of my updates are the fruits of only a few hours' work.
Hence "sometimes this takes more effort than writing my own quest".
It only counts as "weeks of intensive thought" if those weeks are actually spent thinking.
It's more like weeks of 5 minutes of thought, followed by 6 to 7 hours of doing something else.(sometimes more)
You know how often I have to get involved and remind people there's a discussion going on? Fuck, the one time I don't, we go 29 days with radio silence, and the same straight forward plan to show for it.
If that's on task and "intensive," I don't want to know what "bored and procrastinating" looks like.