1) If the others agree to ask it, could we get Butcher's opinion on how good he would be at dislegging the vampires, and whether he thinks he could disleg the weaker ones without immediately killing them?

2)I don't think the damage and damage efficiency are listed in the charsheet. Could we get a complete list? I am particularly curious as to the efficiency of shockwave.
1. Sure?

2. The problem is a lot of the skills are not labeled in terms of raw damage, so much as more subjective damage. All damage in RDQ is to a large extent, subjective, but the ones I posted earlier for you are the most grounded in pure numbers.

Shockwave for instance, is a multiplier on a set amount of force, every level.

At level 10 it generates 10x the original amount of force, before INT, affinity, or other aspects.

This is hard to quantify, as I do not have a degree or advanced study in physics. For instance, the difference between how concrete, and steel react to immense pressure, is basically meaningless to me. I understand there is a major difference, and would do some minor research if it came up, but knowing the individual numbers would not help as is.
So having an individual number for the force generated, one that will change frequently based on several numbers, is not a very good idea. Instead, I have a basic idea of how much "1" is, which is the first level. And every modifier, alters that number from that.

2.3 which is 2.3* the original.
Call it lazy, but creating a set number system for things like shockwave, would just over-complicate and open the game up to error. I do not claim to be correct in the realm of physics, and doing that would make said claim.
And things like "channeling" are massively subjective based on what the hell you're doing with it. And what element. So such a number wouldn't work there either.
My point is that while you're wasting your energy on the big guys, who will probably just say 'fuck it', move back, heal, and then come back in twenty fucking seconds, those small guys are attacking you. That is, assuming they have ranged attacks.
That is the entire point of focus fire, so we can kill them as fast as possible so they can't regenerate. If we treat them like the weaklings, then them doing this becomes MORE likely, not less. Why would we chose to kill the regenerating tough guys slower? That makes no sense. By hitting them hard right away, we can take them out, instead of ignoring them and letting them kill us.

Anyways, I am leaning back towards the roof plan.
That is the entire point of focus fire, so we can kill them as fast as possible so they can't regenerate. If we treat them like the weaklings, then them doing this becomes MORE likely, not less. Why would we chose to kill the regenerating tough guys slower? That makes no sense. By hitting them hard right away, we can take them out, instead of ignoring them and letting them kill us.
Your vote was:
-[X] Concentrate fire on the strong ones
The ideal there, as I took it, is to attempt to kill them over the smaller ones. Hence the use of concentrate as a synonym for "focus."
Focusing on them, means less focus on the lesser.

Which means taking damage from the small while you try to outdo the big, before they book it.
I would love to talk siege strategy with you, trust me almost nothing gets me more excited than combat strategy, but sadly that would be cheating XD
Your vote was:
-[X] Concentrate fire on the strong ones
The ideal there, as I took it, is to attempt to kill them over the smaller ones. Hence the use of concentrate as a synonym for "focus."
Focusing on them, means less focus on the lesser.

Which means taking damage from the small while you try to outdo the big, before they book it.
I would love to talk siege strategy with you, trust me almost nothing gets me more excited than combat strategy, but sadly that would be cheating XD
But, the thing is, as far as we have seen, the piddly ones don't matter. Forgotten said it himself, you don't need a plan for those ones. The strength of the top verses the bottom seems to be, at least, multiplicative, instead of additive. And the stronger something is, the more likely they are to have uncommon or more powerful skills.

Why would we focus on a less dangerous, more known factor versus an unknown, certainly more dangerous and damaging one? Also, by concentrate fire, I meant the Webster definition. Mass fire against them to put them down, before returning to the little ones.
But, the thing is, as far as we have seen, the piddly ones don't matter. Forgotten said it himself, you don't need a plan for those ones. The strength of the top verses the bottom seems to be, at least, multiplicative, instead of additive. And the stronger something is, the more likely they are to have uncommon or more powerful skills.

Why would we focus on a less dangerous, more known factor versus an unknown, certainly more dangerous and damaging one? Also, by concentrate fire, I meant the Webster definition. Mass fire against them to put them down, before returning to the little ones.
Yes, the Webster definition is exactly what I'm talking about.
You are right about the more likely to have uncommon or more powerful skills bit. More powerful tends to mean more experienced. More experienced means more versatility.
Well I came back to a shitstorm of bad ideas.
A couple of things we need to know before we even attempt strategy:

1.) how many exits/entrances.

2.) Are they even shut.

3.) Why don't we just wait til nighttime till they feel comfortable and we can play them into our hands. (unless that whole "fading soul" thing can be used as a rebuttal here)

4.) And how many buildings are in this "castle"? Is it just a main hall with walls and a moat? Is it more like a manor than an actual castle?

5.) And are there windows? I figure if we create enough force using a blast the kinetic force alone should be enough to shatter the glass (doing a quick look into psi required to break glass, 1 psi of overpressures is enough to break most glass, and a well made pipe bomb generates about that. A car explosion generates about 3 psi of overpressure, and that's enough to do serious damage to most residential structures. I think our compressed air balls will be enough) aiming we can land a good hit on the building (and it actually had windows) well be able to blow out most of the windows and limit their maneuverability.

6.) We should make sure we make the most of our partners, so a good scope of their actual abilities would be useful. We have estimation, but we don't have anything solid on forgotten and butcher.

7.) And lastly, we should learn whether or not we can hide or at least lessen ones power level from them. Sorta make ourselves seem smaller in power than we really are.
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1.) how many exits/entrances.
The map doesn't really show much, despite its 3d nature, you can not see inside.
There is indeed a gate to the wall, which is the only entrance to the area. The actual entrances or exits of the building though are not visible besides perhaps the front door, which for reasons you cannot fathom is massive. Though that may just be an illusion caused by the way the map is spaced.
2.) Are they even shut.
The gate and front door are at this moment, shut. At-least on the map.
3.) Why don't we just wait til nighttime till they feel comfortable and we can play them into our hands. (unless that whole "fading soul" thing can be used as a rebuttal here)
Forgotten estimates two days before extreme aggressive signs appear. If waiting till night time is optimal to your strategy, then do so.
Though I am not sure how the hell making sure it is dark plays vampires, as that seems to be playing by their rules, I will assume you have something.
4.) And how many buildings are in this "castle"? Is it just a main hall with walls and a moat? Is it more like a manor than an actual castle?
It is honestly more like a stone manor with stone walls around it. A lot of rooms, but only one building, despite its size.
5.) And are there windows?
None. Well, that's not true, there appears to be one with a vague design you can't make out on the map, in the back, connected to the room with the fluctuating dot.
6.) We should make sure we make the most of our partners, so a good scope of their actual abilities would be useful. We have estimation, but we don't have anything solid on forgotten and butcher.
I agree that if you so choose to wait the mission out a little, perhaps gaining further knowledge may be beneficial.
7.) And lastly, we should learn whether or not we can hide or at least lessen ones power level from them. Sorta make ourselves seem smaller in power than we really are.
Feeding the enemy misinformation is almost, if not more important to any operation, than gathering info yourself. At-least, in my opinion.
as that seems to be playing by their rules

Exactly, when an enemy is under the impression they have the upper hand, they're willing to do braver and more risky things. I figure nothing gives a vamp more confidence than nighttime, and if we can lure those vamps away with a convenient trap, we can take care of those weaker ones with ease. If everything goes accordingly. But Murphys law and everything...

Feeding the enemy misinformation is almost, if not more important to any operation, than gathering info yourself. At-least, in my opinion.

I agree. I take this to mean that it can be done, so I'm also curious as to if one of considerable power can fake multiple tiny signatures. If, oh I don't know, they also have the capability of crushing someone to death from thousands of miles away, it's probably very possible for then.

The way this is looking in my head is having forgotten lessen his output of energy to that of less than any of of the vamps combined, or to something the vamps would take as easy prey. Actually....

We should ask forgotten if he had any aversion to playing a "lost tourist". Because an idea is brewing in my head.

None. Well, that's not true, there appears to be one with a vague design you can't make out on the map, in the back, connected to the room with the fluctuating dot.

Aw, that's saddening. I even did a bit of research into the psi in overpressure required to break glass for nothing. By the way 20 psi of overpressure is enough to break pretty much everything man made.
29 days.

For the first week, I was content to let this sit until someone decided they wanted to get back into discussion, or at-least mention it.
The second week, I assumed everyone was busy.
The third week, I made a notice on my profile. Stating that with RDQ's most recent death (mostly a joke towards the nature of the Quest) I have had more time for my own projects, and I have not been wasting it.
The fourth week, my progress on those projects slowed, as my will to write kept bringing me back here. Every-time.

And now, 4 weeks and 1 day later, I make a notice here.

Why is it that the one time I decide not to remind people RDQ exists, it gets forgotten?
Is it my personal ability? I am really that bad, simply fooling myself? And you all, too nice to really mention it?
Is it something deeper? A secret loathing of what RDQ stands for? A fight for survival, a land where good will and power is not simply handed to you, but fought for quite literally?
Is it that literally every member of this quest was busy? Unable to even remember such a thing exists without reminder amongst the constant hailstorm of their crazy lives?
Or, perhaps, is it an unwritten rule I have broken? Perhaps there is no obligation on the players to care, or bother. Instead, all of it is to rest on the creator? Perhaps by allowing this to last, allowing time to pass without pressuring you all to act on something you're supposed to enjoy, I have committed some kind of sin?

I do not know, and it matters not. Whatever the reason, whoever at fault, TESMD(RDQ) has stood without even a mention for 29 day.

29 days it has waited, and 29 days It has been left without a whisper of recognition. If this is the fate of this Quest, then so be it.

I will not fight it, if even the participants have sheathed their blades, and walked away.

But I will mourn it, even as I move on. For it is my first real project, my first adventure into the real world of literature. I have grown from it, as I hope all who participated have.
And I am distraught to see it fall unfinished with even a semblance of ending.
That is not to say I will be closing it, of course. Not only do I not have the ability to do that, but I also have not the want. If the participants would like to take back up their swords, I would be more than willing to pick up my shield.

This is simply my note, my memo, that I will not force the issue.
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Unable to even remember such a thing exists without reminder amongst the constant hailstorm of their crazy lives?
Not altogether far from the truth, as far as I'm concerned.

I was going to poke the thread a few weeks ago, but didn't because I basically have nothing.

We have a bad plan, which is maybe? workably bad, and I can'y make enough sense of the small shards of understanding we have to make anything like a good plan this time.

Participating in this quest is at times more effort than running my own quest.

1) If the others agree to ask it, could we get Butcher's opinion on how good he would be at dislegging the vampires, and whether he thinks he could disleg the weaker ones without immediately killing them?
Since anyone who could have objected clearly does not goive a fuck, can I have an answer to this?

It is kind of crucial.
Since anyone who could have objected clearly does not give a fuck, can I have an answer to this?
He's not quite strong enough for his bullets to entirely destroy their legs, meaning they could probably have them reattached after if given the chance.
But he could most definitely remove the legs of the weaker ones quite easily with well placed shots if given the correct opportunity.
The stronger ones, more than likely, as long as they don't reinforce their legs as they're hit. Vampires are known for being bad at things that require outward projection of mana. Even their illusions suck unless they can make eye contact. But they make up for it through internal reinforcement and using their mana to speed up their already quite nice regen with proficiency.
Thank you. Unless and until I (or someone else) think of something clever, put me down for:

[X] Continue with the plan, save for the following refinements:
-[X] Butcher should generally try to perform debilitating shots, stranding them in our blast radius, but should use his discretion on where to focus his fire otherwise, to prevent us from getting overwhelmed, or prevent enemies from abusing their regen.
-[X] If they try baiting you to waste your SP chipping away at regenerators, pull back out of the line of fire and re-evaluate.
[X] Continue with the plan, save for the following refinements:
-[X] Butcher should generally try to perform debilitating shots, stranding them in our blast radius, but should use his discretion on where to focus his fire otherwise, to prevent us from getting overwhelmed, or prevent enemies from abusing their regen.
-[X] If they try baiting you to waste your SP chipping away at regenerators, pull back out of the line of fire and re-evaluate.

I'm... probably watching too many threads to really pay attention enough to not be an idiot here. I have better ideas when I have something to improve rather than create, as another lame excuse.
[X] Continue with the plan, save for thefollowing refinements:
-[X] Butcher should generally try to perform debilitating shots, stranding them in our blast radius, but should use his discretion on where to focus his fire otherwise, to prevent us from getting overwhelmed, or prevent enemies from abusing their regen.
-[X] If they try baiting you to waste your SP chipping away at regenerators, pull back out of the line of fire and re-evaluate.
--[X] Take out the stronger ones as fast as possible

I am going to be honest, while I was busy for a while, after that it just slipped my mind. I am pretty forgetful, if I don't get any alerts, sometimes I just don't think about it. Not your fault, just a problem I have had my whole life. I am pretty good when I have reminders, but without them...
29 days.

For the first week, I was content to let this sit until someone decided they wanted to get back into discussion, or at-least mention it.
The second week, I assumed everyone was busy.
The third week, I made a notice on my profile. Stating that with RDQ's most recent death (mostly a joke towards the nature of the Quest) I have had more time for my own projects, and I have not been wasting it.
The fourth week, my progress on those projects slowed, as my will to write kept bringing me back here. Every-time.

And now, 4 weeks and 1 day later, I make a notice here.

Why is it that the one time I decide not to remind people RDQ exists, it gets forgotten?
Is it my personal ability? I am really that bad, simply fooling myself? And you all, too nice to really mention it?
Is it something deeper? A secret loathing of what RDQ stands for? A fight for survival, a land where good will and power is not simply handed to you, but fought for quite literally?
Is it that literally every member of this quest was busy? Unable to even remember such a thing exists without reminder amongst the constant hailstorm of their crazy lives?
Or, perhaps, is it an unwritten rule I have broken? Perhaps there is no obligation on the players to care, or bother. Instead, all of it is to rest on the creator? Perhaps by allowing this to last, allowing time to pass without pressuring you all to act on something you're supposed to enjoy, I have committed some kind of sin?

I do not know, and it matters not. Whatever the reason, whoever at fault, TESMD(RDQ) has stood without even a mention for 29 day.

29 days it has waited, and 29 days It has been left without a whisper of recognition. If this is the fate of this Quest, then so be it.

I will not fight it, if even the participants have sheathed their blades, and walked away.

But I will mourn it, even as I move on. For it is my first real project, my first adventure into the real world of literature. I have grown from it, as I hope all who participated have.
And I am distraught to see it fall unfinished with even a semblance of ending.
That is not to say I will be closing it, of course. Not only do I not have the ability to do that, but I also have not the want. If the participants would like to take back up their swords, I would be more than willing to pick up my shield.

This is simply my note, my memo, that I will not force the issue.

This should win an Oscar. Also way to be dramatic af bro. Like, holy shit. The entire time reading that I imagined you draped over an armchair wiping a single glistening tear from your eyes.

But yeah we'll go with that plan or whatever. Work in two hours, don't care about details. We need results now!
One of the main reasons this thread keeps lapsing is the extremely high minimum effort of participation.

Especially since this time it was basically all or part of a good battleplan from incomplete data.
[X] Continue with the plan, save for the following refinements:
-[X] Butcher should generally try to perform debilitating shots, stranding them in our blast radius, but should use his discretion on where to focus his fire otherwise, to prevent us from getting overwhelmed, or prevent enemies from abusing their regen.
-[X] If they try baiting you to waste your SP chipping away at regenerators, pull back out of the line of fire and re-evaluate.
One of the main reasons this thread keeps lapsing is the extremely high minimum effort of participation.

Especially since this time it was basically all or part of a good battleplan from incomplete data.
You keep saying that, and yet you don't seem to have any answers as to how to fix it.
It doesn't help that I don't understand what makes it take so much effort. It's a ton to actually make, but from a watcher's perspective, your plans are always rather straight forward. I can't comprehend what makes it take "so much effort" except for the fact that you're the only one who really makes them. Otherwise it should be ten minutes and a drink.
I guess I should lock the votes, huh...
You keep saying that, and yet you don't seem to have any answers as to how to fix it.
I keep saying that Cancer is one of the major limiting factors on modern humans' lifespans too, but I don't have any solutions to that either. :V

I do not know how to fix that problem.

It doesn't help that I don't understand what makes it take so much effort. It's a ton to actually make, but from a watcher's perspective, your plans are always rather straight forward. I can't comprehend what makes it take "so much effort" except for the fact that you're the only one who really makes them. Otherwise it should be ten minutes and a drink.
For you, maybe, in complete possession of the facts, the mechanics and recollection of the minute clues scattered across umpteen of the 50-odd updates that govern what is and isn't a good idea.

For us mere mortals? Not so much.

High-pressure low-data decision-making and planning is not easy, nor is anything like your grasp of the gestalt and minutiae feasible without almost continually rereading the quest.
I keep saying that Cancer is one of the major limiting factors on modern humans' lifespans too, but I don't have any solutions to that either. :V

I do not know how to fix that problem.
For you, maybe, in complete possession of the facts, the mechanics and recollection of the minute clues scattered across umpteen of the 50-odd updates that govern what is and isn't a good idea.
Don't see why you need anything from the story at all except your capabilities, to think up a plan for a siege.
High-pressure low-data decision-making and planning is not easy, nor is anything like your grasp of the gestalt and minutiae feasible without almost continually rereading the quest.
Like, seriously. What the hell from the past weighs in on this decision?
And it's not like you need to remember individual lines, I just require you to have a basic grasp on what the fuck happened to your character, and what her relations are.

What is low data here? You know they're vampires, you know there's a fortress with only one window, meaning there is only two surface entrances, you know they're sensors so you can't just sneak in.

Random plan generator I just thought up in the past 40 seconds:
Ask how often vamps need to feed, and then if the answer is "nightly" then wait till night and when a good portion of them leave, if not all of them, kill your way in and then take hold of the fortress. Then when they come back, use the fact that they're attacking and you have territory advantage to force them to stay outside.
Closer it gets to day-time, the more reckless they'll get. The more reckless they get, the more openings they'll leave for Butcher and you.

Only problem is that the plan abandons the fluctuating source near the only windowed room in the back.
Oh, and that if they decide to suicide rush you you're so fucked it'll be like a divorce with life.
I mean come on!
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Sorry if I seem a little impatient. I put a TON of work into TESMD(RDQ). Tons. I have spent entire weeks of all my free time just plugging in numbers, or crafting events in such a way that they will feel natural and send just the right messages/hints. And a lot of the time, looking back through the previous chapters, I want to change so much stuff. Mostly in the writing itself, my god I've improved. And while that improvement means I can put better work forward, it doesn't mean that work wasn't there to begin with.

So seeing people I know are smart put token efforts in over the course of a week, sometimes more, before complaining that I'm expecting too much?
Really grinds on my "otherworldly patience."

And you know what, normally that's fine. I move on, because I know you're all busy. I know that token effort might actually be all you can manage after classes, or work.
I know that this Quest is obviously not going to pay the bills, or get you a better grade. So you need to save your energy.

I know this Quest isn't in your thoughts even five minutes after you close it. You're not trying to solve the siege problem, or what to say to Forgotten, or whether you should take the strange hungry sword, while you're reading other quests or doing whatever else you enjoy. You're not thinking on a solution on what to train while drinking your coffee before bed. You're not debating whether you should give Icky control while flipping pancakes.(Holy shit I just got why they're called pancakes.)

I get that, I understand that. Hell, I don't expect you to put that much effort into it.

But please, don't bullshit me. Don't push the tokens onto me as real gold, with condescending statements like "mere mortals."

Or fuck, "This takes more effort than my own quest." I've read one of your Quests god damn-it! It was great, lots of thought put into it. Bullshit this takes more than that did. If so, you need to start giving me tips damn you because I fucking need them!

I've been watching these votes for over a year. You don't think I know what your real effort looks like? That I can't see the fucking difference??
I'm not fucking stupid. Please don't act like it.
Random plan generator I just thought up in the past 40 seconds:
Ask how often vamps need to feed, and then if the answer is "nightly" then wait till night and when a good portion of them leave, if not all of them, kill your way in and then take hold of the fortress. Then when they come back, use the fact that they're attacking and you have territory advantage to force them to stay outside.
Closer it gets to day-time, the more reckless they'll get. The more reckless they get, the more openings they'll leave for Butcher and you.

Only problem is that the plan abandons the fluctuating source near the only windowed room in the back.
Oh, and that if they decide to suicide rush you you're so fucked it'll be like a divorce with life.
Rant out, I'll be closing votes later today after everyone has a chance to see this, stews on it, makes a decision which will undoubtedly make me cry in some corner somewhere. (Whether in pride or irritation is your decision.)
You know the drill.
Don't see why you need anything from the story at all except your capabilities, to think up a plan for a siege.
Well, sure, if it's just a plan you're after, then you don't need much at all.

You need a considerable amount of data to know whether a plan is good or survivable, though.

Or if you want to assess the relative merits of plans, etc.

Like, seriously. What the hell from the past weighs in on this decision?
Knowing which "obvious" facts we are overlooking that will cause shit to literally or figuratively blow up in our faces this time.

But please, don't bullshit me. Don't push the tokens onto me as real gold, with condescending statements like "mere mortals."
Howsabout this? I stop saying "mere mortals" if you cut the "difficult things are easy, what's wrong with you" crap. :V

Or fuck, "This takes more effort than my own quest." I've read one of your Quests god damn-it! It was great, lots of thought put into it. Bullshit this takes more than that did. If so, you need to start giving me tips damn you because I fucking need them!
There have been votes in this quest that have taken days to weeks of intensive thought, discussion and revision.

Some of my updates are the fruits of only a few hours' work.

Hence "sometimes this takes more effort than writing my own quest".
Well, sure, if it's just a plan you're after, then you don't need much at all.

You need a considerable amount of data to know whether a plan is good or survivable, though.

Or if you want to assess the relative merits of plans, etc.
You have no data. Get some. If you can't get close to scout, find another method. Aeternam knows the area, her teammates are up to answering questions, and it's still fucking day-time.

Fuck, you could walk RIGHT the fuck up to the castle, scope it out, and walk away. It'll give away surprise that there is an energy source nearby, but it's not like they can come out and attack you. And who's to say it'll even come back? You're not even the strongest source of energy in the castle, for all you know they'll write you off as a possible, if not extremely minimal threat.

There's a window in the back, maybe you can get a look at the shifting signature? Who knows, maybe it is up to talking?

Maybe search the surrounding area of the castle within a mile or so, see if you can find anything else that isn't as you remember it? Maybe a hidden tunnel, or a giant pinata factory? Who fucking knows! You certainly don't.

If you need more info, TAKE IT. Don't stew on it until you burn yourself out.

You're in a reality that has advantage. You can't just react all the time, it'll destroy you. You need to make it play your game, spin your wheel. I've been saying that since day one. And I will continue saying it until you get it.
Knowing which "obvious" facts we are overlooking that will cause shit to literally or figuratively blow up in our faces this time.
All you would need to look up is everything you know on Vamps.
Which sums up to, what has just been given to you, and one short encounter around post 45.
I assure you, that encounter around post 45 only holds two major pieces of information.
1. Their eyes are magic.
2. Weak to holy.
Oh, there is one factor you're probably missing, though it's not much use to you as is.
"Holy burn" status effect. You've only seen it once, on yourself. It's health that doesn't regen for a prolonged time period, only applicable on those weak to holy. The amount it applies is based on that weakness, and how much damage you actually did.
Howsabout this? I stop saying "mere mortals" if you cut the "difficult things are easy, what's wrong with you" crap. :V
You know what, I've written over twelve responses to this statement.
And I've realized, our solution may be simpler than we think.
Instead of fighting about it, why don't I just teach you? In PMs of course.
Low stress, scenarios. I'll critique your answers, and we'll do it again. You literally only stand to gain from it, if you're willing.
And who knows, if it works, maybe I can make an actual thread out of it in the future.

Because SV needs to learn how to think outside the box and exploit details to make ground. You're all logic thinkers who work really well with pure logic, but the second your footing is bad you fall apart. You need to learn how to make footing without tearing your hair out.
And that's my specialty.
@Nightingale can probably vouch that I work best when falling.
There have been votes in this quest that have taken days to weeks of intensive thought, discussion and revision.

Some of my updates are the fruits of only a few hours' work.

Hence "sometimes this takes more effort than writing my own quest".
It only counts as "weeks of intensive thought" if those weeks are actually spent thinking.
It's more like weeks of 5 minutes of thought, followed by 6 to 7 hours of doing something else.(sometimes more)
You know how often I have to get involved and remind people there's a discussion going on? Fuck, the one time I don't, we go 29 days with radio silence, and the same straight forward plan to show for it.

If that's on task and "intensive," I don't want to know what "bored and procrastinating" looks like.
[X] Continue with the plan, save for the following refinements:
-[X] Butcher should generally try to perform debilitating shots, stranding them in our blast radius, but should use his discretion on where to focus his fire otherwise, to prevent us from getting overwhelmed, or prevent enemies from abusing their regen.
-[X] If they try baiting you to waste your SP chipping away at regenerators, pull back out of the line of fire and re-evaluate.