You have no data. Get some. If you can't get close to scout, find another method. Aeternam knows the area, her teammates are up to answering questions, and it's still fucking day-time.

Fuck, you could walk RIGHT the fuck up to the castle, scope it out, and walk away. It'll give away surprise that there is an energy source nearby, but it's not like they can come out and attack you. And who's to say it'll even come back? You're not even the strongest source of energy in the castle, for all you know they'll write you off as a possible, if not extremely minimal threat.

There's a window in the back, maybe you can get a look at the shifting signature? Who knows, maybe it is up to talking?

Maybe search the surrounding area of the castle within a mile or so, see if you can find anything else that isn't as you remember it? Maybe a hidden tunnel, or a giant pinata factory? Who fucking knows! You certainly don't.

If you need more info, TAKE IT. Don't stew on it until you burn yourself out.

You're in a reality that has advantage. You can't just react all the time, it'll destroy you. You need to make it play your game, spin your wheel. I've been saying that since day one. And I will continue saying it until you get it.
To be completely fair, collecting more information IC by blowing an entire day, when we have only just learned (IC) that we have somewhere between a few days and a few hours left to live is a bit of a ridiculous comment. We're going in with low information because you've stuck a stick of dynamite up our ass and lit the fuse. There's very little we can do but run in, guns blazing, and praying we can kill nearly our entire current power-level in bodies right now, because we might not still be here tomorrow.
To be completely fair, collecting more information IC by blowing an entire day, when we have only just learned (IC) that we have somewhere between a few days and a few hours left to live is a bit of a ridiculous comment. We're going in with low information because you've stuck a stick of dynamite up our ass and lit the fuse. There's very little we can do but run in, guns blazing, and praying we can kill nearly our entire current power-level in bodies right now, because we might not still be here tomorrow.
Then don't blow the entire day? Use your time wisely. How much time has passed in this Quest with your actual actions? Very little.
This is because time passes realistically in this Quest. At-least, as realistically as I can manage.

If your plan will only take a short while, it will only take a short while.
But you know this already.
As for your timer, use your brain.

You've been told you're not just reaching your date, you've passed it.
And yet, you show no real signs of it. None at all. Your mentor said so himself, before making an estimate that may or may not have any logic behind it. But even that gives you at-least an entire day.

You're meant to take this to mean one of two things.

1. You should be dead, but something is stopping it.
2. You're being played.
Besides, what the hell makes you think you have to do all of your doubling right this moment?
You're a logical thinker, you know how ratios work.

If the timer is based on your soul's need for more power. It implicates quite a few things. For starts.
Maybe the soul devours itself?
Maybe it just seriously can't sustain itself?

Who knows, but what you do know is that by any form of logical conclusion, gaining any power at all will lengthen the amount of time till it happens. It simply doesn't make sense either design wise(on my part), or logic wise, for it to work any other way.
Think, what purpose could I truly have of giving you this limit?
What purpose could I have of causing it to go past its due without noticeable altering?
Who's to say you can't get away with pure hit and run?
Who's to say you can't last another week? It's not a very safe assumption, but it's possible. You don't know.
This is what I mean. You have no ground, you have to make ground from the stolen tatters of logic you can rip from the world around you.

Remember, I am your weaver, but I am not your foe. The world around you is flowing. Look at it, take it into your hand, and drink of action.
Then don't blow the entire day? Use your time wisely. How much time has passed in this Quest with your actual actions? Very little.
This is because time passes realistically in this Quest. At-least, as realistically as I can manage.

If your plan will only take a short while, it will only take a short while.
But you know this already.
As for your timer, use your brain.

You've been told you're not just reaching your date, you've passed it.
And yet, you show no real signs of it. None at all. Your mentor said so himself, before making an estimate that may or may not have any logic behind it. But even that gives you at-least an entire day.

You're meant to take this to mean one of two things.

1. You should be dead, but something is stopping it.
2. You're being played.
Besides, what the hell makes you think you have to do all of your doubling right this moment?
You're a logical thinker, you know how ratios work.

If the timer is based on your soul's need for more power. It implicates quite a few things. For starts.
Maybe the soul devours itself?
Maybe it just seriously can't sustain itself?

Who knows, but what you do know is that by any form of logical conclusion, gaining any power at all will lengthen the amount of time till it happens. It simply doesn't make sense either design wise(on my part), or logic wise, for it to work any other way.
Think, what purpose could I truly have of giving you this limit?
What purpose could I have of causing it to go past its due without noticeable altering?
Who's to say you can't get away with pure hit and run?
Who's to say you can't last another week? It's not a very safe assumption, but it's possible. You don't know.
This is what I mean. You have no ground, you have to make ground from the stolen tatters of logic you can rip from the world around you.

Remember, I am your weaver, but I am not your foe. The world around you is flowing. Look at it, take it into your hand, and drink of action.
We have acquired some power, perhaps enough to justify receiving a few additional days assuming some kind of 'it's like nutrition, if you don't get any you waste away and die' rules behind it. I was maybe being a bit dramatic, but we do need to get a significant amount of power if we can, because unless we can put together an equation that says 'you get this many days from eating this much power', we will never know if we're just being fucked with or not, and/or how long we have until symptoms of starvation start to appear (and I am not going to search for information just because 'we're fine' now, that's like going on a four hour car ride without taking a piss first because 'I'm fine' now).

Yes, maybe Cecelia is cheating for us. Yes, maybe Forgotten is fucking with us. Maybe we've eaten enough to still be okay. Let's break these down sensibly.

Butcher certainly didn't have a problem fucking with us by saying that we'd be killed if it was revealed we had Cecelia. Fragment actively tried to kill us off, by all appearances. Forgotten has been the only individual who hasn't tried to deceive us or otherwise misinform us to our knowledge, so I'm disinclined to think he's fucking with us. The only way Forgotten would fuck with us is in the 'oops I accidentally sneezed your face off' way, where he inherently assumes we had more power than we do (not likely with stat sensing, unless our stats are so low by comparison it's like trying to look at a cell with the naked eye) and has guessed poorly on how much we've managed to feed.

Cecelia has cheated for us before to keep us rolling, but we have no reason to assume that she'd let us eat bits of her just so we can survive for a few more days. We don't even know if we can eat other souls piecemeal. At best, assuming we're alive because of Cecelia has less than a 50% chance of being accurate, which leaves the final, and most likely scenario.

Maybe we've eaten enough that whatever arcane analogue for nutrition souls are to deaths is still hovering inside of the satisfied range, or have a slightly more resistant biology that can do without for a bit longer. We've made several kills and earned a bit of power for ourselves, and I wouldn't be surprised if this bought us the two-three extra days we presumably have past the one week mark. That aside, I don't want to creep ever closer to signs of magical starvation, because the car analogy.
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Yes, maybe Cecelia is cheating for us.
From the text given to you, there are six players who could be cheating for you.
Cecelia: Likely, but then wouldn't Forgotten know this if she's done this with her previous hosts? Raises questions.
Nixus: Unlikely. If a Death Weapon could forego the process, you'd assume it would kind of be common.
Rose: Possible. She directly implanted you with her energy in the beginning. Who's to say bringing you back is all she did?
Fragment: Raises questions, but it's possible emotional instability might not be the only effect of his drug.
Alex: He gave his soul for you, who's to say the deal didn't do other things? Only Fragment would know.
Aeternam: Your true name means "eternal." You know nothing of true names besides that they apparently have power. But what kind of power?

I wouldn't say "maybe." The amount of power you've gained from the beginning is paltry, and if that would do it then Forgotten would have said so. That's not even mystery, I am straight up telling you that is not it.

Either he's shitting you, or something is cheating for you.
Butcher certainly didn't have a problem fucking with us by saying that we'd be killed if it was revealed we had Cecelia.
You can't be sure he was fucking with you. Evidence points towards it perhaps not being as "everyone" as he originally thought. But Fragment acted like it should be kept a secret. Course you can't know if you can trust him. But from a logical standpoint, I'm not sure in your position I would feel comfortable running around shouting it XD
From the text given to you, there are six players who could be cheating for you.
Cecelia: Likely, but then wouldn't Forgotten know this if she's done this with her previous hosts? Raises questions.
Nixus: Unlikely. If a Death Weapon could forego the process, you'd assume it would kind of be common.
Rose: Possible. She directly implanted you with her energy in the beginning. Who's to say bringing you back is all she did?
Fragment: Raises questions, but it's possible emotional instability might not be the only effect of his drug.
Alex: He gave his soul for you, who's to say the deal didn't do other things? Only Fragment would know.
Aeternam: Your true name means "eternal." You know nothing of true names besides that they apparently have power. But what kind of power?

I wouldn't say "maybe." The amount of power you've gained from the beginning is paltry, and if that would do it then Forgotten would have said so. That's not even mystery, I am straight up telling you that is not it.

Either he's shitting you, or something is cheating for you.

You can't be sure he was fucking with you. Evidence points towards it perhaps not being as "everyone" as he originally thought. But Fragment acted like it should be kept a secret. Course you can't know if you can trust him. But from a logical standpoint, I'm not sure in your position I would feel comfortable running around shouting it XD
From the way it was implied, a death has to grow in power to prevent destabilizing. Stagnation seems as though it would be an impossible hypothetical, since all lore we have on deaths implies they just keep bloating up as they get more and more kills, and that they are at least partly hardwired to do so. That tosses out Rose, Nixus, and Alex immediately, since we didn't 'gain' anything from them (or our gain was so old as to be moot). That leaves a quirk of biology or deliberate tampering, so Cecelia, Fragment, or our name's power. If Fragment's magical tea could keep deaths from the brink, Forgotten would probably recall such information when wondering why we're still alive as he at least knows what the tea is. If true names have so much power inherent in them that they can tell the rules of an entire multiverse to fuck off, I would think that we would have other, more mundane advantages before something like 'immune to dying of this one esoteric type of natural causes.'

That leaves Cecelia, who can't be feeding us power, because we haven't been growing, so she's either intentionally or incidentally altered our composition in such a way that we have no idea what death biology we should or shouldn't pay attention to, or under what conditions that may change, Forgotten be damned because we can barely trust him to remember we don't explode into gribbly bits if he breaths too hard in our direction, let alone the possible changes Cecelia brings to a death that any previous host may or may not have confided to him umpteen centuries ago.

Ultimately, because it's probably Cecelia, and because the mechanism by which the cheating is done is completely unknown, we don't know when said cheat may run dry. If anything, knowing that it's an alteration to our expected biological norm leaves me more cautious, because now everything we know about deaths can be thrown to the curb as useless maybes and ifs.
From the text given to you, there are six players who could be cheating for you.
Cecelia: Likely, but then wouldn't Forgotten know this if she's done this with her previous hosts? Raises questions.
Nixus: Unlikely. If a Death Weapon could forego the process, you'd assume it would kind of be common.
Rose: Possible. She directly implanted you with her energy in the beginning. Who's to say bringing you back is all she did?
Fragment: Raises questions, but it's possible emotional instability might not be the only effect of his drug.
Alex: He gave his soul for you, who's to say the deal didn't do other things? Only Fragment would know.
Aeternam: Your true name means "eternal." You know nothing of true names besides that they apparently have power. But what kind of power?

I wouldn't say "maybe." The amount of power you've gained from the beginning is paltry, and if that would do it then Forgotten would have said so. That's not even mystery, I am straight up telling you that is not it.

Either he's shitting you, or something is cheating for you.
Right, that's what you think, because you are the GM, and you know the right direction. But us, the players, don't realize this thing.

Personally, my first thought is that it was simply variable. A week is average, but some people can go longer or shorter. Then, I thought that maybe because we are a True Death, that gives us some resistance.
I wouldn't say "maybe." The amount of power you've gained from the beginning is paltry, and if that would do it then Forgotten would have said so. That's not even mystery, I am straight up telling you that is not it.
Right, but without you straight up telling us, there was no reason to think that it couldn't be true. Nothing in the update itself contradicted the alternate possibilities we presented.

I think this is why Skew calls the quest difficult. It isn't that energy intensive (much more then a normal guest, but not at quest-writing levels, at least for me), but the idea that we are supposed to somehow take something explained in a couple of line, and figure out why it is the way it is, picking out the correct explanation out of the many possibilities, when, IC, we still know shit, and there might be factors we haven't even heard of, by either, I don't know, somehow reading your head or remembering an obscure clue from months (this is where the need to remember minutia comes in) is the kind of thing that makes this quest difficult.
Ah, a whole lot of debating that I'm not going to read.

I'm off to work everybody, don't end the world(s) in RDQ land in the eight hours I'm gone!
From the way it was implied, a death has to grow in power to prevent destabilizing. Stagnation seems as though it would be an impossible hypothetical, since all lore we have on deaths implies they just keep bloating up as they get more and more kills, and that they are at least partly hardwired to do so. That tosses out Rose, Nixus, and Alex immediately, since we didn't 'gain' anything from them (or our gain was so old as to be moot). That leaves a quirk of biology or deliberate tampering, so Cecelia, Fragment, or our name's power. If Fragment's magical tea could keep deaths from the brink, Forgotten would probably recall such information when wondering why we're still alive as he at least knows what the tea is. If true names have so much power inherent in them that they can tell the rules of an entire multiverse to fuck off, I would think that we would have other, more mundane advantages before something like 'immune to dying of this one esoteric type of natural causes.'

That leaves Cecelia, who can't be feeding us power, because we haven't been growing, so she's either intentionally or incidentally altered our composition in such a way that we have no idea what death biology we should or shouldn't pay attention to, or under what conditions that may change, Forgotten be damned because we can barely trust him to remember we don't explode into gribbly bits if he breaths too hard in our direction, let alone the possible changes Cecelia brings to a death that any previous host may or may not have confided to him umpteen centuries ago.

Ultimately, because it's probably Cecelia, and because the mechanism by which the cheating is done is completely unknown, we don't know when said cheat may run dry. If anything, knowing that it's an alteration to our expected biological norm leaves me more cautious, because now everything we know about deaths can be thrown to the curb as useless maybes and ifs.
And that kind of thinking is all I'm asking for. I would clap but I fear it would come out sardonic.
Right, that's what you think, because you are the GM, and you know the right direction. But us, the players, don't realize this thing.
Well, no, you definitely have the info from the text to tell you everything I said there. That's not GM, that's just racking up variables, and then adding probability onto them using casual reasoning.
Powerofmind could have done that himself fairly easily, and in fact just did.
Unless you mean that it couldn't be the power gain. Based on what you know and simple reasoning it can be deduced that it is probably not the power gain, but not entirely eliminated.
While I do so adore you all running with red herrings, that one was not intentional. So I instead stepped in to eliminate it before it takes hold. If your reasoning is faulty, I refuse to let it be an unintended consequence. As I said, I am not your enemy.
Do remember that I will never lie to you. At-least, not as GM. My characters might though, hehehe...
Personally, my first thought is that it was simply variable. A week is average, but some people can go longer or shorter. Then, I thought that maybe because we are a True Death, that gives us some resistance.
That is actually not a bad thought process, but it only works under the assumption that Forgotten is entirely incompetent.
Regardless of your thoughts on his mentoring, it doesn't change that he is one of the only four permanent residents of the Land of Deaths, that is a mentor.
It stands to reason if he's not entirely incompetent that he would know what he's talking about at-least a little bit, and would have simply informed you variance could be the possible cause. Or, at-least not shown active confusion to the situation.

I suppose you're right that as GM, I know for a fact Forgotten is at-least moderately competent. But given he has survived long enough to be as powerful as he is, it doesn't take being GM to assume the same.
Right, but without you straight up telling us, there was no reason to think that it couldn't be true. Nothing in the update itself contradicted the alternate possibilities we presented.
Well aside from that Forgotten would probably fucking know that?

I stepped in because I wanted to make it clear without putting stress on a point that has no meaning, not because logic wouldn't lead you to the same conclusion.

I think this is why Skew calls the quest difficult. It isn't that energy intensive (much more then a normal guest, but not at quest-writing levels, at least for me), but the idea that we are supposed to somehow take something explained in a couple of line, and figure out why it is the way it is, picking out the correct explanation out of the many possibilities, when, IC, we still know shit, and there might be factors we haven't even heard of, by either, I don't know, somehow reading your head or remembering an obscure clue from months (this is where the need to remember minutia comes in) is the kind of thing that makes this quest difficult.
I would honestly agree, if I was expecting you to make crazy conclusions.

For instance, that Cecellia was in the training hall. There were clues to it, but I had NO expectations for you to make the conclusion. It would be crazy. "The floor is wicked hard for no reason, and doesn't accept vibrations, which is knowledge we gained from one line. So, obviously, there is a seal inside it."
Is that conclusion possible? Hell yes.
Is it reasonable? Fuck no, and I would NEVER expect it from you.

But shit like "Forgotten would more than likely know this as it would be obvious given his experience and position, so we can either eliminate it or ask casually," is not difficult.

I would accept the statement that this Quest requires you to infer and make conclusions, instead of just blindly assuming, and is therefore difficult compared to the common.
That was my damn goal, so I would actually take that as a compliment.

But you guys act like I'm expecting massive logical leaps from you. I'm most certainly not, and never have been.

I expect you to remember basic details, even from the beginning, yes. It was a week ago in game, your character is expected to remember god-damn it!
But it's not like I expect you to remember exact quotes. Which, by the way, you can have within 30 seconds because forum.

If I asked you how the original scene with Alessia went.
I'd expect "Forgotten dropped us off, she showed she knew him. We went to get equipment, she gave us a stupid demon sword she said she thought was holy. Found out she was a succubus in passing, we chose chainmail and kept the demon sword after Icky did something to it."

I'm sorry but that's not a crazy expectation.
Ah, a whole lot of debating that I'm not going to read.
It's times like these where I wish for the "obvious disapproval" rating.
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Literally responded with an example of why I'm not reading these. I will when I get home of course, but at most I only have time for short 3 line paragraphs and hour long Netflix original comedies, not short novels. In the 8 hours I was asleep RDQ had already gone through almost pages.
Oh no, I get that. I am simply disapproving that TESMD(RDQ) does not take over your very soul and leave you a husk forced to read and input for my amusement. Is that so much to ask? :lol
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And that kind of thinking is all I'm asking for. I would clap but I fear it would come out sardonic.
The problem with this thinking is that all it does is leave us right back where we started in terms of vote potential. We have no idea if the Sword of Damocles is about to fall on us (figuratively or literally, I wouldn't actually put it past you), so we have to constantly consider whether anything we do is about to kill and/or maim us. Will going to get more information be our saving grace? Will it result in penalties because 'Surprise! You were closer to starvation penalties than you thought!'

Will going stealth or going hard totally melt our faces? Is the strange catgirl going to throw us off of a flying fortress for no apparent reason?

It doesn't help that you proved, on multiple occasions, that Aeternam's narrative is about as trustworthy as politician, as even her own perceptions can and have been influenced repeatedly, sometimes with the most innocent statement being the only real clue to the truth. Oh snap, fragment's tea has taste? Gosh, it must be a poison meant to destabilize us emotionally and spiritually so that he can try to kill us because he allowed us to live some time in the past, because Forgotten said he was trying to kill us, something maybe kind of not even sure what's true there? Cecelia can influence our senses? Guess we'll have to use... what can we use to figure out that we're being played by her?

Discussion runs in a circle, the vote paralyzes itself in indecision, and participation plummets. You can't really be surprised, because you've basically punished us for believing even a single word you wrote every single update. Butcher is trying to kill us. Butcher is actually fucking with us. Fragment is trying to help. Fragment nearly murdered us. Forgotten is a dick. Forgotten is forgetful. The rules are helpful. The rules didn't prevent us from accidentally Cecelia.

TL;DR, I literally can't trust a single word any character has ever said or take anything at face value, so if I even want to try to analyze a post, it's like decoding an enigma machine. At this point it's easier to just take an educated guess and pray.
You have no data. Get some. If you can't get close to scout, find another method. Aeternam knows the area, her teammates are up to answering questions, and it's still fucking day-time.

Fuck, you could walk RIGHT the fuck up to the castle, scope it out, and walk away. It'll give away surprise that there is an energy source nearby, but it's not like they can come out and attack you. And who's to say it'll even come back? You're not even the strongest source of energy in the castle, for all you know they'll write you off as a possible, if not extremely minimal threat.

There's a window in the back, maybe you can get a look at the shifting signature? Who knows, maybe it is up to talking?

Maybe search the surrounding area of the castle within a mile or so, see if you can find anything else that isn't as you remember it? Maybe a hidden tunnel, or a giant pinata factory? Who fucking knows! You certainly don't.

If you need more info, TAKE IT. Don't stew on it until you burn yourself out.

You're in a reality that has advantage. You can't just react all the time, it'll destroy you. You need to make it play your game, spin your wheel. I've been saying that since day one. And I will continue saying it until you get it.

All you would need to look up is everything you know on Vamps.
Which sums up to, what has just been given to you, and one short encounter around post 45.
I assure you, that encounter around post 45 only holds two major pieces of information.
1. Their eyes are magic.
2. Weak to holy.
Oh, there is one factor you're probably missing, though it's not much use to you as is.
"Holy burn" status effect. You've only seen it once, on yourself. It's health that doesn't regen for a prolonged time period, only applicable on those weak to holy. The amount it applies is based on that weakness, and how much damage you actually did.

You know what, I've written over twelve responses to this statement.
And I've realized, our solution may be simpler than we think.
Instead of fighting about it, why don't I just teach you? In PMs of course.
Low stress, scenarios. I'll critique your answers, and we'll do it again. You literally only stand to gain from it, if you're willing.
And who knows, if it works, maybe I can make an actual thread out of it in the future.

Because SV needs to learn how to think outside the box and exploit details to make ground. You're all logic thinkers who work really well with pure logic, but the second your footing is bad you fall apart. You need to learn how to make footing without tearing your hair out.
And that's my specialty.
@Nightingale can probably vouch that I work best when falling.

It only counts as "weeks of intensive thought" if those weeks are actually spent thinking.
It's more like weeks of 5 minutes of thought, followed by 6 to 7 hours of doing something else.(sometimes more)
You know how often I have to get involved and remind people there's a discussion going on? Fuck, the one time I don't, we go 29 days with radio silence, and the same straight forward plan to show for it.

If that's on task and "intensive," I don't want to know what "bored and procrastinating" looks like.
Not continuously, but there have been votes I have sunk more time into than updates, and I'll thank you not to arrogantly presume to know my thoughts and deeds better than I. Far more work goes into most of my votes here than is committed to text.

Maybe on the offer. Send me a pitch.

What purpose could I have of causing it to go past its due without noticeable altering?
Cecelia: Likely, but then wouldn't Forgotten know this if she's done this with her previous hosts? Raises questions
Given that Forgotten made a point of looking at our cecilia-altered eyes when mentioning it, and has done that multiple times to indicate her, he at least seems to believe that she is responsible.

That leaves Cecelia, who can't be feeding us power,
my guess would be that she is stabilising us in some way, slowing or stopping our degradation.

Right, but without you straight up telling us, there was no reason to think that it couldn't be true. Nothing in the update itself contradicted the alternate possibilities we presented.
other than the fact that we have killed so little?

Although actually on reflection, believing a death killer to be significant on that scale would not be unreasonable. ( hard numbers notwithstanding.)

But you guys act like I'm expecting massive logical leaps from you. I'm most certainly not, and never have been.
i call bullshit. Recall your chidings of "it's basic chemistry" back inthe holy fire incident?

I think I might be burnt or burning out on this quest. "Everyone is lying about everything", "each failure entails the next", "there are no good outcomes", "what is this thing called 'knowledge'?", "you are always about to tread on a landmine you should have seen coming using insane troll logic".

None of those are entirely fair, but neither are they entirely unfair, and they serve to illustrate the general tone of the quest.

It is incredibly and increasingly draining to operate in.

But yes, that aside, as far as plans go, I have had some ideas.

Basically, I think we should try to engage them piecemeal if at all possible. Two options spring to mind.

@Sendicard, @Everyone can we ask Forgotten whether, and how usefully, he can act as our sensor personnel, and how much information about the enemies' movements he can usefully send us. Even just being able to send a warning if more enemies tan he thinks we can deal with are en route would be a major asset.

If we could also get an indication of how long Butcher's effective range with his gun is likely to be relative to the vampires' sensory range, that would be good.

Basically, the first option would be to skulk around outside the castle, obviously casing the joint, minimising our powerlevels (if possible), while Butcher keeps us in line of sight. We then deal with anyone sent to us, sending in the big guns as necessary.

The second is to basically do some hit and run stuff, having the others lurk outside range, while we rush in, kill the variable vampire and as many as we can before they can retaliate in force, then running away. Forgotten would give us warning when to run, and Butcher could sniper-sneak-attack any pursuers we can't deal with.

Then we'd re-evaluate, and depending on what they do, either keep harassing and wearing away at them, or confront them en masse when they are weakest.

What do people think?
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That is actually not a bad thought process, but it only works under the assumption that Forgotten is entirely incompetent.
Regardless of your thoughts on his mentoring, it doesn't change that he is one of the only four permanent residents of the Land of Deaths, that is a mentor.
It stands to reason if he's not entirely incompetent that he would know what he's talking about at-least a little bit, and would have simply informed you variance could be the possible cause. Or, at-least not shown active confusion to the situation.
I believe he is competent, as a Death. As a mentor? Hell, no. I may be misremembering, but didn't say almost everyone he taught died? Speaking of which, he hasn't actually taught us anything, has often simply not bothered to give us basic information, and thrown us in situations we aren't ready for (remember the last mission, where you said we had only 30% of surviving?) and, oh yeah, don't forget about the whole "if you don't kill enough, you will die" that he didn't tell us about even when were already supposed to be dead or on the brink, Butcher had to. And his excuse for not telling us, is because he thought Rose told him to, which implies that he needs advice on how to mentor. If you think about it, if we hadn't found out like Forgotten planned for us, we would have made totally different plans, that probably would have involved minimizing the fighting, and thus danger, instead of maximizing it. The exact OPPOSITE of what we needed. Which just makes him seem even more incompetent.

Where, in this entire quest, have we got any indication that Forgotten is a competent mentor? That he might have a soft side, sure, that he is a great fighter, absolutely, but competence as a mentor? Even the option for was first introduced as masochism mode and "pick this if you want to die." None of that speaks in any way to him being competent as a mentor.
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Omfg. Sendi I think I had a realization. I'm sitting here at work and wondering why this all went the way it did, and I realized when I first met you I had the same problem thinking the way you do. Now I always have a general clue as to what you're up to, but they don't have that advantage. And even then this quest has thrown me for a loop a few times as well.

So while I understand their frustrations, I don't exactly share in them. I think it would be easier for then to participate in this quest of they knew how you worked a little better, but this quest is too slow moving to do so. A conundrum if I've ever seen one
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I was waiting for an update if I'm being honest. I myself realize that I'm pretty crap at plans or whatever, like there was a Jojo quest on here that I was invested in but the quest required pretty smart plans and its hard to place my thoughts on the keyboard(or my phone). So it sometimes feels easier to delegate to someone else because I know others are smarter than me when it comes to stuff like this.

Sorry if I'm not an active participant (Same to @Nightingale )
The problem with this thinking is that all it does is leave us right back where we started in terms of vote potential. We have no idea if the Sword of Damocles is about to fall on us (figuratively or literally, I wouldn't actually put it past you)
Oh no, see it's less that you have no ground, and more that you're not standing on it.
Realize this here, if you assume Cecellia is the only one with the answer, then the person to ask is? Nixus.
Why? Because he has shown to be in direct contact with her, and unlike her, you KNOW he's on your side. And if he has no answer, THEN you ask her.
The best part is that you don't even have to give a shit about being secretive, BOTH your current allies know about Cecellia. They just don't know the other knows. So you can either play them with this knowledge, or use them as allies.

If your current way of gathering info is bad, get a new way, I always say.
Will going stealth or going hard totally melt our faces? Is the strange catgirl going to throw us off of a flying fortress for no apparent reason?
This is actually a really good line of questioning.

The rules are helpful. The rules didn't prevent us from accidentally Cecelia.
They actually would have if you had fucking listened to them instead of ignoring them literally five minutes after reading them.
You can't blame that one on me.

TL;DR, I literally can't trust a single word any character has ever said or take anything at face value, so if I even want to try to analyze a post, it's like decoding an enigma machine. At this point it's easier to just take an educated guess and pray.
It's less that you can't trust it, and more that you need to look beneath the surface to understand what you can trust. Which I'll give you is hard, but it becomes a lot easier if you decide who isn't lying.

Fragment for instance, told you the tea was poisoned. As far as you know, he has yet to lie to you. Perhaps mislead you, yes, but not lie to you.

You weren't actually punished for believing Butcher would kill you. Hell you weren't punished for the tea thing, you had no say in that. There's no logical reason Aeternam wouldn't drink the tea after following him to his own dimension where there is no one to hear you scream, so she did.

If you're going to survive, you need to figure out who isn't going to fuck you, and trust them at-least as far as you can throw them. Suddenly their allies become those you trust, and their enemies, those you don't. Simple as that.

So who do you trust? Nixus? Probably, but you don't keep up casual conversation with him often. Which is perhaps healthy, given in a lot of ways he is a part of you. Talking to yourself is bad mmmkay? As far as you know his only ally is Cecellia, and you.

Cecellia? You've literally had more dialogue screen-time with her than pretty much everyone else combined. By now you should be able to know if you trust her. If so, who are her allies? As far as you know at the moment, Nixus and Forgotten.

Do you trust Rose? Her allies are Fragment, and through off-screen info you know she's at-least on talking terms with Butcher. You also know Forgotten respects her opinion.

Forgotten? You know he respects Rose, and yet simultaneously hates her master. You know he's allies with Sieg, supposed allies with the 2nd, though his relations with Cecellia bring that into question.

Your character trusts Sieg, though whether that should be redacted or not is up for debate. There's nothing really to or against an ally spot with him, except that he trained you. You have no idea who his allies are, though you know he at-least tolerates Forgotten, and from the Butcher side story it is implied he doesn't hate Butcher.

What about Butcher? His allies are very vague. You know he gets along with Rose, and his mentor is the 2nd. But then, she hasn't approached you about Cecellia yet. So does that imply he hasn't told her, or that she doesn't care? If his statement that the infection needs to be killed out is from his mentor, you can assume she at-least takes it seriously unlike Forgotten. But then, why hasn't he told her? Does he not trust her? And if he doesn't trust her, what does that say about him?

You need to pick your battles. Realize that you're currently an ant surrounded by hives. You need to pick one, you're not strong enough to stand alone.
Decide who you can trust, and then work from there. Because if you just assume you can't trust anything, you will die without allies. Even if you choose wrong, you'll still know more than if you don't choose at all.
Not continuously, but there have been votes I have sunk more time into than updates, and I'll thank you not to arrogantly presume to know my thoughts and deeds better than I. Far more work goes into most of my votes here than is committed to text.
I suppose I can give you in particular that, mister team leader. But I was honestly referring more to the whole team than just you. Regardless I do agree you put a lot of effort into this.
But then, it should also be noted you keep up with a lot of numbers as well, and there's now way that doesn't take a large amount of time.
Maybe on the offer. Send me a pitch.
I will do so, probably either later today or tomorrow. I am rather busy at the moment after-all.
Given that Forgotten made a point of looking at our cecilia-altered eyes when mentioning it, and has done that multiple times to indicate her, he at least seems to believe that she is responsible.
Good catch, I had thought that detail had slipped people by for some strange reason. It was rather blatant, was starting to worry I had you all looking for hints so hard you missed the roadblocks.
my guess would be that she is stabilising us in some way, slowing or stopping our degradation.
But then, what could she be doing? I wonder if anything she's done has shown up on the stats page... Hmm, alas, it's probably not important.
Although actually on reflection, believing a death killer to be significant on that scale would not be unreasonable. ( hard numbers notwithstanding.)
Agreed, yet another possible hitch that caused me to come right out and say "not it!"
I repeat, if I'm going to mislead you, I'm going to do it intentionally damn-it!
i call bullshit. Recall your chidings of "it's basic chemistry" back inthe holy fire incident?
Technically speaking, it is. But if I recall, I didn't honestly expect you to jump to that. Hence why you only took like 20 damage when I very well could have killed you. You caused a chemical reaction explosion in your soul. It was mostly a learning experience, and it did damage to your enemy as well. Gave a chance for you to learn about quite a few things, actually.
"Everyone is lying about everything", "each failure entails the next", "there are no good outcomes", "what is this thing called 'knowledge'?", "you are always about to tread on a landmine you should have seen coming using insane troll logic".

None of those are entirely fair, but neither are they entirely unfair, and they serve to illustrate the general tone of the quest.
They're also not true.
"Everyone is lying about everything" is plain out not true at all. Actually, I can say for a fact there are three characters that without even looking back at the text, have never lied to you, despite being given the chance.
That isn't to say there aren't more, simply that if I give the game away there won't be a game XD
"Each failure entails the next"
Most of your failures are entirely unconnected, actually. Though I like the idea.
"There are no good outcomes" can technically be considered true, if only because there really aren't any bad outcomes either. Aside from maybe doom.
At-least that you know of. I will admit though that there not being some underlying meaning doesn't help morale. But I assume that the entire rest of SV has me covered. If you want a happy ending, I can send you quite a few stories.
"What is this thing called 'knowledge'?" is both true, and untrue. It's unfair because there hasn't been all that much inquiry. I suppose Forgotten didn't help with that, but in general your character was basically added into a new setting a week ago. If you knew everything, I'd be terrible at my job XD
On the other hand, it is fair to an extent, because it has been over a year and not knowing shit after a year is bad for morale. Which is the main reason I actually answer questions when asked at-least most of the time.
On the other hand, "you are always about to tread on a landmine you should have seen coming using insane troll logic" is simply wrong.
I assure you in the place of the player I would have used the hints to get past a good half of this shit with actual logic.
The problem isn't that the logic is insane or trollish, the problem is that I came into this expecting people who understood how to integrate a certain type of logic that is barren. That isn't even your faults, it doesn't make you stupid or anything. It's a logic gained through a type of experience, and one I idiotically forgot not everyone has trained.

Which is why I have given the offer to you that I will be working on later. Because I understand how frustrating that is, because I had to go through it myself when I was learning it. I simply forgot, as time tends to vague all lines.

Also, you can't be burnt out Skew, we just took a month off XD
I think it's more that you want to see some positive result from your efforts, which I assure you can occur rather soon.

I'll give you a spoiler that Nightingale has had forever now.
All of these missions in the "tutorial" are designed to introduce one potential partner that can aid you after you "graduate." Whether they stay alive is obviously up for debate.
But there is one in this mission. Work with that as you please.
If we could also get an indication of how long Butcher's effective range with his gun is likely to be relative to the vampires' sensory range, that would be good.
I can actually give you that free.
The range of the pistols aren't overly large, but Butcher extends the range by being a generally good shot. The fact that the guns don't have recoil is also kind of helpful.
It's unlikely he could straight up snipe one, but his aim shouldn't be a liability in combat.
I may be misremembering, but didn't say almost everyone he taught died?
That's more because he believes in trial by fire than anything. Isabella does too, actually, but she's a little better at the whole "this is a good idea"/"this is a bad idea" thing.
I believe he is competent, as a Death. As a mentor? Hell, no. I may be misremembering, but didn't say almost everyone he taught died? Speaking of which, he hasn't actually taught us anything, has often simply not bothered to give us basic information, and thrown us in situations we aren't ready for (remember the last mission, where you said we had only 30% of surviving?) and, oh yeah, don't forget about the whole "if you don't kill enough, you will die" that he didn't tell us about even when were already supposed to be dead or on the brink, Butcher had to. And his excuse for not telling us, is because he thought Rose told him to, which implies that he needs advice on how to mentor. If you think about it, if we hadn't found out like Forgotten planned for us, we would have made totally different plans, that probably would have involved minimizing the fighting, and thus danger, instead of maximizing it. The exact OPPOSITE of what we needed. Which just makes him seem even more incompetent.

Where, in this entire quest, have we got any indication that Forgotten is a competent mentor? That he might have a soft side, sure, that he is a great fighter, absolutely, but competence as a mentor? Even the option for was first introduced as masochism mode and "pick this if you want to die." None of that speaks in any way to him being competent as a mentor.
To be fair, the last mission was Fragment's fault. And he hasn't really gotten much of a chance. The only real time he's had he gave to Sieg because he was far too busy to give you twelve hours of undivided attention. Which to be fair, Sieg shouldn't either, but he's a huge slacker.

As for Rose giving him mentor advice? She's in charge of the mentor program sooo.... It's less that he needs her advice, and more that he knows she's better with people. He's not going to not take advice when it is given by a superior.
Though in this particular case, he really shouldn't have taken her advice so literally XD
Her exact advice, given you'll probably never see it mentioned again... Actually I can do a quick side-story moment with this scene. I'll be posting that later.

The whole masochism mode though is a good argument. In general that was more the trial by fire thing, but it does indeed apply.

The point is that you're right, but he's still competent enough to remember basic shit THAT important about the mentors. You have to be accepted as a mentor, it's not just given, which means memorizing a bunch of shit. Though I suppose you wouldn't know that as it has never come up. It has been implied though. Very vaguely.
It should be noted Forgotten is forgetful, but not that forgetful.

Omfg. Sendi I think I had a realization. I'm sitting here at work and wondering why this all went the way it did, and I realized when I first met you I had the same problem thinking the way you do. Now I always have a general clue as to what you're up to, but they don't have that advantage. And even then this quest has thrown me for a loop a few times as well.

So while I understand their frustrations, I don't exactly share in them. I think it would be easier for then to participate in this quest of they knew how you worked a little better, but this quest is too slow moving to do so. A conundrum if I've ever seen one
I actually realized that earlier today, and I have offered to try and work with Skew on it.
If it works with him, I'll be trying it on a larger scale. As I said, it IS logic, but it's a trained logic. It's one you have to learn. It's an artform. It's one of those things you're better for learning, but don't realize it exists because it shouldn't, before it is thrown in your face.

This is vaguely why I thought from the beginning that you should be in charge of basic planning, not Skew. But Skew stood up, and you sat down.

I was waiting for an update if I'm being honest. I myself realize that I'm pretty crap at plans or whatever, like there was a Jojo quest on here that I was invested in but the quest required pretty smart plans and its hard to place my thoughts on the keyboard(or my phone). So it sometimes feels easier to delegate to someone else because I know others are smarter than me when it comes to stuff like this.

Sorry if I'm not an active participant (Same to @Nightingale )
Meh, I always found it's easier to plan when you have someone to bounce off of. I'd help you but, kind of GM.
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That's more because he believes in trial by fire than anything. Isabella does too, actually, but she's a little better at the whole "this is a good idea"/"this is a bad idea" thing.
To be fair, the last mission was Fragment's fault. And he hasn't really gotten much of a chance. The only real time he's had he gave to Sieg because he was far too busy to give you twelve hours of undivided attention. Which to be fair, Sieg shouldn't either, but he's a huge slacker.

As for Rose giving him mentor advice? She's in charge of the mentor program sooo.... It's less that he needs her advice, and more that he knows she's better with people. He's not going to not take advice when it is given by a superior.
Though in this particular case, he really shouldn't have taken her advice so literally XD
Her exact advice, given you'll probably never see it mentioned again... Actually I can do a quick side-story moment with this scene. I'll be posting that later.

The whole masochism mode though is a good argument. In general that was more the trial by fire thing, but it does indeed apply.

The point is that you're right, but he's still competent enough to remember basic shit THAT important about the mentors. You have to be accepted as a mentor, it's not just given, which means memorizing a bunch of shit. Though I suppose you wouldn't know that as it has never come up. It has been implied though. Very vaguely.
It should be noted Forgotten is forgetful, but not that forgetful.
None of that is actually reassuring me he is competent. I don't care if he memorized a bunch of shit, if he doesn't tell us any of it. Teachers are ranked on their success rates, and death is the worst failure you can get. Based on any logical rating scale, Forgotten is incompetent. He didn't help us achieve any success at all, and has acted much more like apathetic boss then a mentor. He has taught us practically nothing.

Teachers are not ranked on how well they know their subject, they are ranked on how well they teach. If he can't teach and doesn't have time for it, then he shouldn't be a mentor. IC, or even OOC, there is no reason to think that Forgotten is in anyway competent as a teacher. If he was going to withhold the knowledge about our eminent death, there is no reason to think that he isn't withholding other things. Hell, given the fact that almost everything we have learned has been from other people, we can be practically certain he is not bothering to tell us something, probably something that will be important later one (or even right now).
That leaves Cecelia, who can't be feeding us power, because we haven't been growing, so she's either intentionally or incidentally altered our composition in such a way that we have no idea what death biology we should or shouldn't pay attention to, or under what conditions that may change, Forgotten be damned because we can barely trust him to remember we don't explode into gribbly bits if he breaths too hard in our direction, let alone the possible changes Cecelia brings to a death that any previous host may or may not have confided to him umpteen centuries ago.

Ultimately, because it's probably Cecelia, and because the mechanism by which the cheating is done is completely unknown, we don't know when said cheat may run dry. If anything, knowing that it's an alteration to our expected biological norm leaves me more cautious, because now everything we know about deaths can be thrown to the curb as useless maybes and ifs.

This deductive reasoning makes my bones quiver. But the way she's supplementing us isn't even unknown. We've known about it for a long time, we just never knew what it was. let's play, I believe, is the way she's supplementing us.

Edit: bath time posts are insightful posts
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Good catch, I had thought that detail had slipped people by for some strange reason. It was rather blatant, was starting to worry I had you all looking for hints so hard you missed the roadblocks.
Could have sworn I had already mentioned it, actually.

They're also not true.
Um, yeah, the point was not that they were factual statements, but that they captured what it feels like being a player of this quest. The tone has been pretty much set at "threatened and uncomprehending" since the get-go, with basically no reprieve, and that's draining.

Most of your failures are entirely unconnected, actually. Though I like the idea.
We managed to pull out of the deathspiral caused by bringing ourselves to the threshold of Life's Door, which caused us to miss an orientation, which caused us to bollix something, which caused us to miss any chance to learn much at all, denying us the information we needed to avoid bollixing up the next thing. And failing to figure out what was possible, necessary and advisable during the training bit has hobbled us here, because we focussed on shoring up a weakness, not expanding on a strength. (And got unlucky on matchups)

I assure you in the place of the player I would have used the hints to get past a good half of this shit with actual logic.
The fact that you think the 'chemistry' thing is actual logic is kind of a case in point, given that it involves conflating chemical and alchemical/magical elements (Which are really in no way related), generalising a mildly absurd principle from chemistry (one-electron-free and one-electron-missing elements are not opposites in any but the most specific and trivial sense that deriving "opposites explode" from them in any general sense is absurd), and blithely assuming that a half-baked approximation of a principle from one field applied to a completely unrelated field. (Should I just assume that our casting speed increases the higher our temperature? :V)

As such, Insane Troll Logic is the only sort that could have predicted that landmine from what we knew.

All of these missions in the "tutorial" are designed to introduce one potential partner that can aid you after you "graduate." Whether they stay alive is obviously up for debate.
Well that's heartening. :V

A tutorial being a grueling, confusing and painful slog is usually a sign that the game isn't for you.

I can actually give you that free.
The range of the pistols aren't overly large, but Butcher extends the range by being a generally good shot. The fact that the guns don't have recoil is also kind of helpful.
It's unlikely he could straight up snipe one, but his aim shouldn't be a liability in combat.
So, no his effective range is not greater than the vampires' sensory range?

You have to be accepted as a mentor, it's not just given, which means memorizing a bunch of shit.
But given that it was a while ago, and this is Forgettin' we're talking about...


Also, you can't be burnt out Skew, we just took a month off XD
Not how it works.

This deductive reasoning makes my bones quiver. But the way she's supplementing us isn't even unknown. We've known about it for a long time, we just never knew what it was. let's play, I believe, is the way she's supplementing us.

Edit: bath time posts are insightful posts
well, it does seem to get expended when she helps us. Cf. the incidents with the wings and the sword possessing us.
Well, it does seem to get expended when she helps us. Cf. the incidents with the wings and the sword possessing us.

I'm firmly under the impression that it has to do with how much power she's giving us at any moment, given that it decreases when she uses it to save our sorry behind. And given how powerful icky is said to be, and with the fact that our soul "chemistry" is edging more and more towards darkness, I'd say that knocks two balls out of PoM's ballpark. Considering that on order to keep us alive she had to supplement us more and more of her own energy, I.e dark energy, it would make more sense if our own soul became more and more dark aligned.
Current Character Sheet- (Last edited "53B". Edit log-Some SP used.)
Rank: Rookie
Mentor: Forgotten
Kills: 6
Strongest Kill: Butcher
True Name:-Book Calls you Aeternam-
Gender: Female
Defining Trait: Intelligence
Weakest Trait: Strength
Race: Human-Knowledge of human ethnicity unknown, nor important.
Age of death: 16
Preferred Tool of Carnage: High explosives.
Red Hair
Golden Eyes (A glaze of purple if looked at directly)
Explosives 7
Death mental reality manipulation 6
Teleport 7
Short Blade Skill-5(???)
Evasion 3
Stat Sensing: 1-Through feeling the radiant SP flowing off of others, you can get a feeling for how strong they are in comparison to yourself.
Soul Tracking: 1-Every soul has a "signature" of sorts. It's not entirely unique, but it does differ largely between races, and slightly between individual members of a race. This signature can be felt and tracked, for longer or shorter distances depending on the level of this skill.
Chain Great-Axe Level 1
Element affinity:
Primary Darkness: Level 8
Secondary Darkness: Level 4
Primary Fire: Level 1
Primary Wind: Level 2
Secondary Wind: Level 2
Death Weapon
Name: Nixus
Form: Book-Chinese man with golden hair and red eyes
Sentience level: 6
Attunement: 5
Bond: 10

Compressed Air ball(Wind), Unnamed-Level 3-66.15 SP per use
Shockwave(Wind)-Level 10-345 Soul Power cost
Burst of Flame(Holy/Fire)-Level 2-25 Soul Power Cost Per Second (while in basic form)
Grinding Sphere(Raw)-Level 1-100 Soul Power Cost per second while in active mode
Sever(Dark)-Level 7-100.5 SP per use
Channeling(Vary)-Level 4-Up to 20 SP use per second. SP use, effectiveness, and exp gain, are modified by your affinity with the channeled energy.
Conjure Elemental Blade(Default short)(Dark)-Level 3-Uses 90 SP, conjures a pitiful blade for the user to wield. Stats of blade altered by Darkness affinity, and level of skill.
Split Shield(Dark): level 3-Up to 110.25 SP per shield. This skill allows you to conjure a shield of the relevant practiced element (dark) in a "split" second. Its power and size is largely dependent on both the level, malleability of the element used, and amount of SP sunk into it.
Small Compressed air ball(Wind), Unnamed-Level 2-30 SP per use
Death Flight(Gravity): Level 1-Alter the force of gravity on yourself through SP manipulation. Higher levels will allow greater manipulation, but for now you can slowly glide.
Up to 10 per second. Slow glide.

Masquerade(Raw): Level 1-Abuse the fact that you're more of a construct of the soul than an actual physical entity, and alter your appearance and body.
Up to 5SP per second. Small changes. Ten seconds per alteration.
Second Wind: When your body dies, you can immediately spend 1/10th of your SP Bank's limit to form an entirely new body, fresh and fighting fit. (Health restored is equal to the SP used from the bank, up to maximum health. Damage to the soul cannot be undone with this method. This ability can be cast anytime within 30 seconds of physical death.)
Personal Stats:
HP: 286 (Max-286-0.476 Regen Per second)
Soul Power: 329.4 (Max-329.4-5.49 Regen Per second)
Let's play!: 1200 (Max-1200)
Soul Power Bank: 3284 (Max 3294) (How much you can use per before the next period of rest)
STR-101 (0)
SPE-144 (0)
END-143 (0)
INT-184.4 (0)
My Own Aegis-rank 1
What the MOA perk does is give a 5% chance(per rank up to 50%) to survive any hit that would reduce your health to 0, with 1 health left over. (This doesn't work if your current health is below 10%)
More to be added:
Reflex Bound(Life Trait): You think quickly, and you think far too much. Because of this your mind is signifantly faster than your body, and attempts to move it tend to be met with a sluggish response, causing you to lose up to 20% speed(D20) when manually reacting. On the bright side, when your brain doesn't have time to muck it up, you automatically react with the full power of your mind and move up to 20% faster. (This can is lost if the difference between INT and and SPE is evened out.) (The % is based on the SPE to INT ratio-Caps at 20%) (Has a reverse trait)
More to be added:
Current status:
Well rested: You feel fully functional, and ready to go!
Rule book
Orange Cloak
Death Tool-Nixus
Book Holster
Wakizashi holster
Party member slot: Ace
Party member importance: Almost Essential
Specialty: Assault and Tactics
Stats: Unknown.
Bond with Party Leader: Unknown
This has been moved
My changelog is now informationally dense enough to crash Safari on my phone when I try to edit it. What fun.

Will try to sort that out later.

Sendi hinted that something had been changed in relation to Cecilia, but nothing seems to have. Unless he meant the eyes thing, which is ancient news at this stage.
@Powerofmind @Nightingale @Dark Ness, @everyone else, I don't mind if you don't feel capable of directly contributing to the planning right now, but could you at least rubber-stamp my request for info from Sendi, so I have something to work with? (Or disagree with them, if so inclined)

Specifically, these two:

-[] Find out the ease with which forgotten can maintain his surveillance, and how what avenues he has for conveying that information to us at range, if any.
-[] Find out how large Butcher's effective range is compared to the vampires' sensory range.

[] Tell them that you have great need for a ranged holy attack, against which vampires are basically made of explosives, and it may halt their regeneration, and have an idea for a crude one that can probably be developed right now.
-[] Describe the process behind Crude Fireball: form the shield used in Compressed Air Ball, cast Burst of Fire inside it, attempt to stabilise it, then hurl at someone.
--[] Ask for input from forgotten and Nixus on the technique itself and the advisability of trying it here.
---[] Try it out, taking on board any refinements they propose, unless dissuaded.
[] propose that hit-and-run is better than straight assault or infiltration given the vampires difficulties with and likely disinclinations towards pursuing us by day.
[assuming adviability]
-[] Propose that Forgotten stay outside of range acting as sensor as he waits for any escape by a possible Vampire master, either relaying relevant data to us or getting ready to warn us if more heat than we can handle is closing in. He knows positions, velocities, and relative powerlevels, so he should be able to tell.
[]Meanwhile, Butcher is to lie in wait outside the vampires' sensory range, ready to provide fire support if we are pursued (closing to engagement range if necessary).
-[] We rush to the castle from the closest approach to the window, shatter it, and kill the anomalous fluctuating vampire, and as many as we can before Forgotten warns us to book it. Then we run away, towards Butcher if pursued, and either continue hit-and-running or fight them straight-on, depending on what they do, making the most of holy fire damping their regen, crippling shots, sunlight and whatever chokepoints we can make use of.

@Sendicard the regen-damping of holy burn is known or knowable IC due to having affected us after the explosion, yeah?
Seems pretty good to me. Also, I doubt we will be able to just kill the weird vampire just like that, we might want to create some sort of plant. Maybe time it so we hit it at a low point? Do we even know if the fluctuationing camp is near a window? Or if the castle even has many windows? Given it is a vamp castle, I would assume not.
They seem alright to me, though we can't really inflict holy burn without using a holy element attack.
Burst of Fire is fire/holy, which is why it exploded us last time.

Seems pretty good to me. Also, I doubt we will be able to just kill the weird vampire just like that, we might want to create some sort of plant. Maybe time it so we hit it at a low point? Do we even know if the fluctuationing camp is near a window? Or if the castle even has many windows? Given it is a vamp castle, I would assume not.
Forgotten mentioned a weird shaped window in that room being the only window in the place. (That he could see)

Good point about trying to time it to hit at a minumum, but honestly, I suspect a Shockwave alpha strike would probably do it.

@Sendicard you mentioned that Shockwave multiplied a force. Does that mean we get a crazy-huge one if we base the force off a Compressed Air Ball?

Also, we might be able to just make 'pires explode by channeling holy directly into them. (We can do that at range, right?)