And so you lose like, 400 of your total EXP gain to a few utility skills you should have had but Forgotten didn't have time to teach you. (shrug)

Jesus, how busy is that red fucker? Does he own a chain restaurant and is too busy trying to make the perfect burger to be useful at all?(I'm looking at you Kazuhira Miller!)
Jesus, how busy is that red fucker? Does he own a chain restaurant and is too busy trying to make the perfect burger to be useful at all?(I'm looking at you Kazuhira Miller!)
Absurdly busy.

At the bottom of the chain, anyone can do your job. You, or Butcher, for instance, are easily replaceable. Aside from a low-ish level mission or two a week, there's really nothing expected of you. (Though this is a little less true so far because of variables. One of which being your mentor himself.)

However, mortality rates for Deaths are really high, and even at the top all it takes is one bad moment.
So as the power goes up, (and higher floors are reached in power) there are less able bodies to handle it.

As such, the stronger deaths have less manpower to cover more ground. This is a problem.
This is one of the main reasons why the dead army was made, a bill put forward by Fragment. To allow non-deaths to rise in power and take off slack, allowing less problems to arise before they can be handled, and allowing more problems that have arisen, to be neutralized. Sadly, very few dead army specialists make it overly far. And it normally takes a VERY, long time.

That isn't the sole reason he hasn't been as much help as I know you'd like, but that is a part of it.
Absurdly busy.

At the bottom of the chain, anyone can do your job. You, or Butcher, for instance, are easily replaceable. Aside from a low-ish level mission or two a week, there's really nothing expected of you. (Though this is a little less true so far because of variables. One of which being your mentor himself.)

However, mortality rates for Deaths are really high, and even at the top all it takes is one bad moment.
So as the power goes up, (and higher floors are reached in power) there are less able bodies to handle it.

As such, the stronger deaths have less manpower to cover more ground. This is a problem.
This is one of the main reasons why the dead army was made, a bill put forward by Fragment. To allow non-deaths to rise in power and take off slack, allowing less problems to arise before they can be handled, and allowing more problems that have arisen, to be neutralized. Sadly, very few dead army specialists make it overly far. And it normally takes a VERY, long time.

That isn't the sole reason he hasn't been as much help as I know you'd like, but that is a part of it.

How exactly is the Dead Army structured? Is the hierarchy based off of ability or race, as we've seen what appear to be multiple different kinds of creatures already. I would assume it was skill based, as the Dead Army doesn't seem like it has the resources to discriminate between races and species...

However! As has been demonstrated by Cecelia(by the way I'm under the impression you only gave her that name so we'd stop calling her "icky") it seems that the Deaths have no problem discriminating against particular creatures if they pose enough of a threat to them, so I wouldn't put it entirely past them to segregate the different races and creatures of the Dead Army into different categories based on their innate abilities. However as I said, it doesn't seem as though they have the resources to waste on such an effort, as there would be sure to be (some) backlash if that were the case. As it was Alessia and her team didn't seem too happy to be working with the Deaths, and I wouldn't doubt if this was due to some sort of Death-racism that we don't know about, on top of the fact that they were hunting her absolute Idol.
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How exactly is the Dead Army structured? Is the hierarchy based off of ability or race, as we've seen what appear to be multiple different kinds of creatures already. I would assume it was skill based, as the Dead Army doesn't seem like it has the resources to discriminate between races and species...

However! As has been demonstrated by Cecelia(by the way I'm under the impression you only gave her that name so we'd stop calling her "icky") it seems that the Deaths have no problem discriminating against particular creatures if they pose enough of a threat to them, so I wouldn't put it entirely past them to segregate the different races and creatures of the Dead Army into different categories based on their innate abilities. However as I said, it doesn't seem as though they have the resources to waste on such an effort, as there would be sure to be (some) backlash if that were the case. As it was Alessia and her team didn't seem too happy to be working with the Deaths, and I wouldn't doubt if this was due to some sort of Death-racism that we don't know about, on top of the fact that they were hunting her absolute Idol.
Dead Army hierarchy has a lot of factors, but the most important bits to determine rank can be labeled under three things.

1. Ability. The higher your rank, the bigger missions you'll be sent on or in charge of. Because of this expectation, ability to get the job done, and preferably survive it, is key to actually achieving rank.

2. Loyalty. Like you mentioned, there is indeed some racism in here. Certain races have been working with the Deaths of their own free will since the beginning, and as such have a long history of being loyal soldiers. They tend to be cared for, and looked at first when evaluations come up.
And other, Deaths are less familiar with. Some even have long records of fighting against the Deaths, or working with them and betraying them time and time again.
These races, not by design, but by simple familiarity bias, tend to be looked at last.

This isn't to say you're doomed to a low rank because you have a bad race, though some races suck at getting stronger, and therefore can't rise in rank that much.
Simply that it's harder, and requires more dedication.

If it ever got out that Alessia and her squad view Cecilia as an idol, their progression would definitely be crippled. Well, guess it doesn't matter anymore huh?

3. Their abilities to work well with, or lead others. The Dead Army isn't about soloing, that's what Deaths are for(once they've had time to grow). The Dead army is about squads, and group warfare. It's about using advanced tactics, technology, and teamwork to take down threats with precision. You can be loyal as all hell, and strong as fuck. If you can't work with others, you will ALWAYS be a grunt.
There are obviously different matters of rank, but the direct ranks are done like that. When a superior views a lower ranking soldier to be worthy of promotion under those three criteria, a Death is called in to deal with it. The most common one is ???, the Ninth. As he basically manages the Dead Army.
Inversely, Forgotten never does it. Not because he refuses mind you, though he certainly doesn't like the duty. But because he was banned from it by the Ninth, and he was more than happy to NOT have more work.
Specialists are normally decided by special abilities, normally by race, and have jurisdiction on their specialty.
Rose's race for instance, has the monopoly on swarms of high level wraiths.
That brings up a few more questions, but I doubt some of these will be answered to the fullest extent. But it's interesting to know that about the Dead Army. What about ranks themselves, are we ranked? Do we even have a rank within the Dead Army?

Does it work like modern military forces, where things are rigidly made up into a hierarchy of rank and file, or more like feudal era armies, where things were distributed to minor lords and they protected the given areas that they were assigned, and were rewarded for their efforts with luxuries and resources?

And other, Deaths are less familiar with. Some even have long records of fighting against the Deaths, or working with them and betraying them time and time again.

Can you give some examples of these? I can assume that Alessia belonged to such a race, and I can only imagine that vampires are also among this list (due to their nature and the fact that I know a little bit about your previous work) but other than that, I would have no clue. In any case, who could we ask about this? Is there a list somewhere detailing the history between different races and the Deaths, it would be significantly difficult to get anything done as an organization specifically meant for combat if everything detailing our "allies" is word of mouth only, and it's already been expressed that they do write things down (well Rose does anyways)

Certain races have been working with the Deaths of their own free will since the beginning, and as such have a long history of being loyal soldiers.
A few examples of this would also be appreciated as well, all considering if we're supposed to be working with other teams from now on it would be good to know who we can actually kinda rely on.

But because he was banned from it by the Ninth, and he was more than happy to NOT have more work.

Do I dare ask how Forgotten was banned from doing something as simple as giving people a promotion

Rose's race for instance, has the monopoly on swarms of high level wraiths.

Two questions here!

Is she a vampire from the first universe, and also what are Wraiths? They don't sound too pleasant..
Do we even have a rank within the Dead Army?
Yes, and no.
As a Death your rank is actually that of "specialist." Which means you do indeed have a rank. But no, you are not really a part of it. You'll be working side by side with them at-times because it is a good way to keep newbies alive, which the Ninth figured out years ago.

This is because while Death mortality rates are fucking huge, dead army mortality rates are, bad, but ok. A lot of this is because death's are naturally both arrogant and greedy, simply by nature of both infinite power, and infinite growth.
The leading cause of death among Deaths in the field isn't "getting unlucky" or "letting their guard down," it's taking on too much at once, normally in the pursuit of power.

Dead army frowns upon such practices. (Which is why if Squad Alessia came back, they'd be getting a VERY, stern talking to.)

This actually stems from the nature of risk and reward. Say you have an 90% chance of surviving that boss using your strategies, luck, and many other things, and it will basically add 50% to your power.
That sounds like a good gamble right?
It's not. You see the thing about gambles like that are, they happen more than once. And for something that's once in a lifetime, a 10% chance of death isn't bad, depending.
But something you do regularly? Like getting food, water, or things like that? It only takes up to ten times.

Does it work like modern military forces, where things are rigidly made up into a hierarchy of rank and file, or more like feudal era armies, where things were distributed to minor lords and they protected the given areas that they were assigned, and were rewarded for their efforts with luxuries and resources?

Similar to the first. Though it works quite a bit differently by pure nature. Made even worse by my lack of knowledge of our military structure, and lack of care to learn.

Can you give some examples of these? I can assume that Alessia belonged to such a race, and I can only imagine that vampires are also among this list (due to their nature and the fact that I know a little bit about your previous work) but other than that, I would have no clue. In any case, who could we ask about this? Is there a list somewhere detailing the history between different races and the Deaths, it would be significantly difficult to get anything done as an organization specifically meant for combat if everything detailing our "allies" is word of mouth only, and it's already been expressed that they do write things down (well Rose does anyways)
Oh ya totally, but you wouldn't understand it because most of it is not in English. Unfortunately your concept sight does not bleed into language.

It's slowly being converted, but given Rose is the only one that fucking knows English writing to the level of being able to translate? It's a work in progress...
A good example of a race that tends to work really badly with Deaths are ATM. They tend to work so much against Deaths, that once someone has sold their soul to the game(which is how you become an ATM, original race really doesn't have much to do with it), they're normally executed as quickly as possible without trial.

One that you don't know of though? Well, mimics. Death's fucking HATE mimics. Mostly because they can't be trusted, like, at all.
They also work very badly with angels and their variations.
AN, Sirens, are a pretty good one.

A few examples of this would also be appreciated as well, all considering if we're supposed to be working with other teams from now on it would be good to know who we can actually kinda rely on.
Quite a few beast races, such as Nekomatta(Miyumi's appreciation of Cecilia is both weird, and uncommon. Caused more by her loyalty to Alessia than her actual race's history.)
Most near primal races, as the Deaths let them kill shit with purpose, and they are appreciated for doing so.
Direct variations of humans that are powerful enough to join.
Hilariously enough, Liches and their kind. Though it's honestly more of a business deal.

Do I dare ask how Forgotten was banned from doing something as simple as giving people a promotion
It involves an on field evaluation.
No one got promoted. He got banned pretty quick.

Is she a vampire from the first universe, and also what are Wraiths? They don't sound too pleasant..
1. I enjoy your struggles to answer that without just asking her XD So I'm not going to tell you just yet.
2. They're like vengeful dead souls, but on crack. Google it XD
Going back to bed now.
Was Alessia's fascination with Cecilia ever expanded upon?

For the moment, all we have are these words:
"I'm held in a higher esteem than I was led to believe." She shakes her head very slightly. "Trapped in that seal with the Deaths, I was led to believe my supporters had abandoned me. Why wouldn't they? I failed them when they most needed it after-all." She appears to be trying to connect here but her lack of expression is not helping at all. "You should have seen their faces when I carried you to them." There it is, that's a smile. "I had thought I would be a distant memory of a failure before their time, but they recognized me instantly."
Is that something that needs to be asked in-character?
In theory we can, because their relationship was apparently a two-way street, and Cecilia is going to stick around.
Was Alessia's fascination with Cecilia ever expanded upon?

For the moment, all we have are these words:

Is that something that needs to be asked in-character?
Shuwha? I'm sorry your question is, confusing. I'm not quite sure what exactly it is you're asking. Perhaps I am tired, or dehydrated. Actually, I know I'm dehydrated...
In theory we can, because their relationship was apparently a two-way street, and Cecilia is going to stick around.

Nope, I think you may be confused. Alessia and Cecelia weren't friends, Cecelia and Alessia would fall more into the role of "deity" and "worshipper", at least if I'm not mistaken. No, I get the feeling if anyone knows the answer to this it'd be Alessia, and I get the feeling we won't be seeing her again. Then again...

In any case, I'm guessing that Alessia is part of a race that also doesn't get along with the deaths. At least if my knowledge on succubI in Sendi's universe' holds up here, which it probably doesn't.
I'm fairly certain that you've stated somewhere that she's a succubus. Other than that I don't really know where I know it from.
I'm fairly certain she is, yes, though I will admit her files were some of the ones lost when my old computer crashed, so I can't be 100% sure.

I was hoping you knew where I stated so, but alas, I'll have to take your word, and my memory for it.
I'd recreate her file but, well it's kind of moot at this point huh?
I don't know if it was stated outright (though it probably was) but we did get some art of her (or an image file? I think?), and she has the wings and tail, soooo...
....When the fuck?

I don't remember that!
Now I feel like a Jerk XD I've apparently forgotten something rather important.

(Edit: Wait, I do remember a sketch. Did Camellia do a sketch?)
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....When the fuck?

I don't remember that!
Now I feel like a Jerk XD I've apparently forgotten something rather important.

(Edit: Wait, I do remember a sketch. Did Camellia do a sketch?)
Yep. There was a scene about her complaining about how because she was one, her boobs were too big to comfortably fit into most armors when we were deciding which armor to choose and asked her why she chose hers. Then I drew her with a dislocated hip.
Yep. There was a scene about her complaining about how because she was one, her boobs were too big to comfortably fit into most armors when we were deciding which armor to choose and asked her why she chose hers. Then I drew her with a dislocated hip.

Thank you, my god. I really need to reread some of the earlier parts. I mean I did after the hiatus, but now I know what I'm looking for.

(I was actually like 97% sure she was a succubi before it was brought up. But without proof and without my file on her, I had the worry that If it ever came up and she wasn't a succubi, I'd look like a dumbass when someone pointed out that I got her race wrong.)

Thank you, my god. I really need to reread some of the earlier parts. I mean I did after the hiatus, but now I know what I'm looking for.

(I was actually like 97% sure she was a succubi before it was brought up. But without proof and without my file on her, I had the worry that If it ever came up and she wasn't a succubi, I'd look like a dumbass when someone pointed out that I got her race wrong.)
Here's the quote.
"I personally like it because it offers a nice variety of movement without sacrificing too much on defense. Probably the most important bit however was that it could easily be modified to cover and keep in place my assets while in sword play." She dictates her actually pretty substancial chest as she says that last bit. "You wouldn't believe what a problem they were when I first signed up for the Dead Army."

You're kind of speechless, to really get in the way so much they had to modify armor for them they'd have to be... well a really, really large inconvenience. Your breasts were never really any larger than a C cup, so your attempts to imagine them being that much of a problem kind of fall flat. To think you used to envy the more gifted girls...

Noticing your face, at-least you hope that's why, she speaks up. "Succubus." As if that simple word explained everything. Wait a minute, actually it really does. "Most races envy us for our sexual characteristics but they forget what a huge pain they are..." She pouts with that statement. Two sides to everything you guess.
Oh yeaaaaaaah! Now I remember, because of how awkward that scene was :lol

A 20 year old white guy trying to emulate the troubles of two women. It wasn't honestly bad either, it was just incredibly funny to think about. Things are normally a lot funnier in my head...
Oh yeaaaaaaah! Now I remember, because of how awkward that scene was :lol

A 20 year old white guy trying to emulate the troubles of two women. It wasn't honestly bad either, it was just incredibly funny to think about. Things are normally a lot funnier in my head...
It wasn't bad because I spent a LOT of time around girls back in school. More so than I did my guy friends, actually. And given I had no romantic interests at all, I was confided in and talked with like one of said girls.

Because of this I know so many things I apparently "shouldn't" that I've been invited to quite a few apparently "girl only" chats, only for it to come up half-way through and all of us just be like "oh... This is awkward."

Which I think was weird, given as far as I know we don't have "guy only" chats. But, well, I wouldn't be privy to them if they were a thing XD
Anyway, I also ran the scene by one of my female contacts just to make sure I wasn't crossing any weird lines I wouldn't know about given my time as "one of the girls" was back when we were teenagers. And adults have different rules.

She said it was fine, just not to make the scene drag on. Which I didn't.
Welp. From now on you're officially hereby known as "princess Sendicard" to me.

And yeah, if that would have dragged on any longer it would crossed from the bounds of "casually mentioning boob size" to "Going on about boobs" which both send very different messages about the writer. I'm honestly not sure which I honestly even prefer. What does that say about me?
Welp. From now on you're officially hereby known as "princess Sendicard" to me.

And yeah, if that would have dragged on any longer it would crossed from the bounds of "casually mentioning boob size" to "Going on about boobs" which both send very different messages about the writer. I'm honestly not sure which I honestly even prefer. What does that say about me?
Go ask a psychologist, I certainly don't have a clue
Go ask a psychologist, I certainly don't have a clue

Is that even really a wise option? Seriously, I'm afraid of going within a mile of any psychologist because of Sendi.

And that brings up a couple questions honestly. Not the boob thing, no I'm pretty sure that's entirely unrelated to my point, I'm actually talking about Alessia being a succubus. If she's a succubus, I have to wonder about their place in the Dead Army, because he said that Miyumi's dedication to Cecelia was odd, but mentioned nothing about Alessia or XL, so I have to think that they're especially talented.

If Alessia did indeed belong to a race that had a rough history with the Deaths, but was promoted to the rank of Captain of her own squad regardless, that implies a certain level of skill in just Alessia alone, and if he teammates were as skilled as her, due to working with each other for long enough for Miyumi to disregard her own races ethics for someone she idolizes, I actually can imagine there's a fair chance that we will see them again. Maybe it's the optimist in me, but I'm under the impression that she'll pop up again.