Do we even have a rank within the Dead Army?
Yes, and no.
As a Death your rank is actually that of "specialist." Which means you do indeed have a rank. But no, you are not really a part of it. You'll be working side by side with them at-times because it is a good way to keep newbies alive, which the Ninth figured out years ago.
This is because while Death mortality rates are fucking huge, dead army mortality rates are, bad, but ok. A lot of this is because death's are naturally both arrogant and greedy, simply by nature of both infinite power, and infinite growth.
The leading cause of death among Deaths in the field isn't "getting unlucky" or "letting their guard down," it's taking on too much at once, normally in the pursuit of power.
Dead army frowns upon such practices. (Which is why if Squad Alessia came back, they'd be getting a VERY, stern talking to.)
This actually stems from the nature of risk and reward. Say you have an 90% chance of surviving that boss using your strategies, luck, and many other things, and it will basically add 50% to your power.
That sounds like a good gamble right?
It's not. You see the thing about gambles like that are, they happen more than once. And for something that's once in a lifetime, a 10% chance of death isn't bad, depending.
But something you do regularly? Like getting food, water, or things like that? It only takes up to ten times.
Does it work like modern military forces, where things are rigidly made up into a hierarchy of rank and file, or more like feudal era armies, where things were distributed to minor lords and they protected the given areas that they were assigned, and were rewarded for their efforts with luxuries and resources?
Similar to the first. Though it works quite a bit differently by pure nature. Made even worse by my lack of knowledge of our military structure, and lack of care to learn.
Can you give some examples of these? I can assume that Alessia belonged to such a race, and I can only imagine that vampires are also among this list (due to their nature and the fact that I know a little bit about your previous work) but other than that, I would have no clue. In any case, who could we ask about this? Is there a list somewhere detailing the history between different races and the Deaths, it would be significantly difficult to get anything done as an organization specifically meant for combat if everything detailing our "allies" is word of mouth only, and it's already been expressed that they do write things down (well Rose does anyways)
Oh ya totally, but you wouldn't understand it because most of it is not in English. Unfortunately your concept sight does not bleed into language.
It's slowly being converted, but given Rose is the only one that fucking knows English writing to the level of being able to translate? It's a work in progress...
A good example of a race that tends to work really badly with Deaths are ATM. They tend to work so much against Deaths, that once someone has sold their soul to the game(which is how you become an ATM, original race really doesn't have much to do with it), they're normally executed as quickly as possible without trial.
One that you don't know of though? Well, mimics. Death's fucking HATE mimics. Mostly because they can't be trusted, like, at all.
They also work very badly with angels and their variations.
AN, Sirens, are a pretty good one.
A few examples of this would also be appreciated as well, all considering if we're supposed to be working with other teams from now on it would be good to know who we can actually kinda rely on.
Quite a few beast races, such as Nekomatta(Miyumi's appreciation of Cecilia is both weird, and uncommon. Caused more by her loyalty to Alessia than her actual race's history.)
Most near primal races, as the Deaths let them kill shit with purpose, and they are appreciated for doing so.
Direct variations of humans that are powerful enough to join.
Hilariously enough, Liches and their kind. Though it's honestly more of a business deal.
Do I dare ask how Forgotten was banned from doing something as simple as giving people a promotion
It involves an on field evaluation.
No one got promoted. He got banned pretty quick.
Is she a vampire from the first universe, and also what are Wraiths? They don't sound too pleasant..
1. I enjoy your struggles to answer that without just asking her XD So I'm not going to tell you just yet.
2. They're like vengeful dead souls, but on crack. Google it XD
Going back to bed now.