So Nightingale has confronted me in PMs saying I'm overdoing explanations, and the constant array of numbers being thrown at you is making you all tone me out. (Except Skew, who is apparently the only one who understands.)

Am I right to tell him off, (which I've already done, ) or is there an air of "too much info" that is damaging your ability to pay attention?

Because last I recall, I was doing TOO LITTLE explaining, and it was causing problems.
Would you prefer I go back? Because I can do that. It's not like I'd overly mind keeping my numbers behind a screen even when asked. I mean, less work for me.
(Edit: Sorry if this was a bit sudden. I just feel very inslutted(Not a typo).
Not because he's implying I'm fucking up. It's possible, I do that.

I'm inslutted in your place. Because he's implying my highschool+ voters, can't keep up with someone mathematically who is LITERALLY GOING TO AN ALGEBRA 1 NIGHTSCHOOL CLASS in less than 3 hours.)
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The math hasn't stopped any discussion that I can see. It's not even really complex, its multiplication and division of fractions, and I'm pretty sure I learned that in elementary school.
Alright look you shitface, I brought it up in a PM because it was a suggestion to keep the information in one neat place, instead of scattered all over the place. I only suggested that instead of scattering the number explanations, you take the time to actually come up with a comprehensible system guide in a place we can all look. I may have implied that it was complicated, but that was definitely an exaggeration of the word, as it definitely is simple math.

I just don't like math very much, and would rather not spend my time on a thing that I find to be a pastime doing something I don't enjoy in the first place, and especially so having to learn and relearn every set of numbers you regurgitate from time to time.

But if it's hard for you to grasp that it's just easier to have all the information in place, that's fine. I brought it up in P fucking M because it wasn't too important and I just thought it would have helped the quest flow a little better. The fact that you dragged something from a P fucking M to the quest was a bit much though.
Alright look you shitface, I brought it up in a PM because it was a suggestion to keep the information in one neat place, instead of scattered all over the place. I only suggested that instead of scattering the number explanations, you take the time to actually come up with a comprehensible system guide in a place we can all look. I may have implied that it was complicated, but that was definitely an exaggeration of the word, as it definitely is simple math.

I just don't like math very much, and would rather not spend my time on a thing that I find to be a pastime doing something I don't enjoy in the first place, and especially so having to learn and relearn every set of numbers you regurgitate from time to time.

But if it's hard for you to grasp that it's just easier to have all the information in place, that's fine. I brought it up in P fucking M because it wasn't too important and I just thought it would have helped the quest flow a little better. The fact that you dragged something from a P fucking M to the quest was a bit much though.
You made them a part of the conversation, as an argument against me. In a way that directly insulted them, and implied a reality that is not true.
And I thought to myself, "if what he said is true, then it should be brought up in public where they can tell me so, so I can comply."
And it's not a matter of "grasping" it, I've already explained, IN DEPTH why that's a terrible fucking idea. And instead of going "ok." You decided to insult me, and then insult them.

And now, you're bitching that I made the people YOU insulted, as a way to get me to do what YOU want, because YOU would much rather me waste WEEKS, literal WEEKS of my time, doing something I've explained as non-beneficial, instead of just going about the quest.

You didn't approach it in PM because you thought it would be better, you brought it up in PM because you didn't want anyone to call you on it.
And if you really thought it was simple math, you wouldn't complain about "Spending your time doing it."
Because you wouldn't be spending any time doing it. Everything I've given so far in this quest, EVERYTHING, could be done by a 6th grader with a calculator quicker than it takes for you to make your average chess move. (Which I assume is about 10 seconds, because mine is like 7, and I think you're the one who doesn't make me cringe when we play because you take soooooo god damn long.)
And that's if they even bothered with the calculator because it's pretty much all in matters of 1's, 2's, 5's and 10s.
So instead of getting angry at me for calling you on being manipulative in public?
Why not just pick up a fucking book like you promised everyone in our group you would a fucking year ago?
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How about that weather, huh?
It's like 50 degrees which means it's rather warm. Going to be kind of meh to walk in, I prefer walking in 40 because I don't sweat as much so my clothes stay clean when I'm going somewhere important.
Kind of bright, which is going to suck because I repeat, walking. Have to walk to class here in like an hour, so that's going to suck. But I'll get by through relying on the feeling of the wind to help guide me of obstructions to make up for my loss in eye-sight.
Which I can do, because it's slightly windy out.
You made them a part of the conversation, as an argument against me. In a way that directly insulted them, and implied a reality that is not true.
And I thought to myself, "if what he said is true, then it should be brought up in public where they can tell me so, so I can comply."
And it's not a matter of "grasping" it, I've already explained, IN DEPTH why that's a terrible fucking idea. And instead of going "ok." You decided to insult me, and then insult them.

And now, you're bitching that I made the people YOU insulted, as a way to get me to do what YOU want, because YOU would much rather me waste WEEKS, literal WEEKS of my time, doing something I've explained as non-beneficial, instead of just going about the quest.

You didn't approach it in PM because you thought it would be better, you brought it up in PM because you didn't want anyone to call you on it.
And if you really thought it was simple math, you wouldn't complain about "Spending your time doing it."
Because you wouldn't be spending any time doing it. Everything I've given so far in this quest, EVERYTHING, could be done by a 6th grader with a calculator quicker than it takes for you to make your average chess move. (Which I assume is about 10 seconds, because mine is like 7, and I think you're the one who doesn't make me cringe when we play because you take soooooo god damn long.)
And that's if they even bothered with the calculator because it's pretty much all in matters of 1's, 2's, 5's and 10s.
So instead of getting angry at me for calling you on being manipulative in public?
Why not just pick up a fucking book like you promised everyone in our group you would a fucking year ago?

Go fuck yourself, because I tried giving you a suggestion, and giving you the feedback you always ask for, and instead of taking it to heart you tell me my idea is ridiculous and that it has no merit. And after I explain why it could be seen as a positive thing you twist my words and try to make me seem like an asshole.

I know that the voters are competent, but I don't think they particularly want to do math either. I dunno, there could be a few math freaks here, but as a general rule people don't like having to do equations for fun.

No what you did was way fucking worse. In my Pm I was about to tell you to fuck off initially, because I was pissed. But I closed my laptop and walked away because I needed to cool off a little bit and then formulate my opinion. And instead of doing the same you air out your dirty laundry to possibly the only group of people in the whole fuck of a world who gives a shit. You're the only one being a manipulative fuck right now.

So as a general rule, stop fucking taking our personal conversations and lives and bringing it to the forum, where it doesn't belong. I fucking messaged you via PM because I wanted it to be a private fucking message.
Go fuck yourself, because I tried giving you a suggestion, and giving you the feedback you always ask for, and instead of taking it to heart you tell me my idea is ridiculous and that it has no merit. And after I explain why it could be seen as a positive thing you twist my words and try to make me seem like an asshole.

I know that the voters are competent, but I don't think they particularly want to do math either. I dunno, there could be a few math freaks here, but as a general rule people don't like having to do equations for fun.

No what you did was way fucking worse. In my Pm I was about to tell you to fuck off initially, because I was pissed. But I closed my laptop and walked away because I needed to cool off a little bit and then formulate my opinion. And instead of doing the same you air out your dirty laundry to possibly the only group of people in the whole fuck of a world who gives a shit. You're the only one being a manipulative fuck right now.

So as a general rule, stop fucking taking our personal conversations and lives and bringing it to the forum, where it doesn't belong. I fucking messaged you via PM because I wanted it to be a private fucking message.
I twisted nothing, I actually purposefully DIDN'T quote what you said BECAUSE IT WAS WORSE.

The second you used them as a lie to try and get what you wanted, something fucking stupid which I'd already explained as bad calmly and with reason, you made them a valid part of the conversation.

Are you saying they shouldn't be able to weigh in on what directly involves them?
Because that's two faced bullshit.
I'm done arguing with you. I don't have time for this, I have important things to do.
So does anyone have any non-bullshit to add?

Perhaps @Camellia who has two rolls still.
If not, ok, I'll close it when I get back from class in a few hours. And then from there I'll decide on whether the third set of extra shit needs to be rolled or, or if it's shit I can roll in the background in like twelve seconds. (Because I'd rather not prolong the locking of rolls ANOTHER day if I don't have to. I'd like to start writing when I wake up tomorrow morning.)
Set 2:

D100 for "cram school"
This is largely focussed on the "stuff you don't know that you should know" part of the vote. This is purely to see if somehow the 'extra' you asked for is succeeded in ADDITION to the exp gained from the 12 hours of training.
If this roll fails, the basic gains of said 'extra' will remain, however the amount it costs will be deducted from your gained exp pool as originally planned.
D100 Short blade efficiency
D100 Conjure Elemental Blade (Dark) efficiency
D100 Channeling efficiency
D100 Evasion efficiency
D100 Sever efficiency
D100 Explosions efficiency

These are special, as unlike most rolls, leaving them alone will not result in an undesirable roll.
You see, these are true gambles, and they follow the same rules as efficiency. Unlike efficiency though, they start with a base roll of 50, or 100% intake.
Rolling for them cancells this 50 out.

How this works is that it takes the ammount of exp it would be given through the other modifiers and distribution, and then multiplies it by the formula (roll*2=%)

Given these are high risk rolls that are entirely by choice, "Locked critical rolls" is reaplied. There is also an additional rule on them.
Quite simply, you are to talk as a group on whether you think these are worth trying. If there is no conversation and someone randomly rolls anyway, their roll will not count, yet they will still lose it.

Is this clear?
D100 Counter-play: Chained-greataxe style
"Counter-play" is a system meant to apply real world logic to prolongued experience combatting a weapon. Counter-play skill in a weapon does multiple things. One, it gives a passive bonus to combatting a wielder of the weapon, equal to the bonus they get for an equivelent skill in the weapon. As such, if your counter-play is higher than the opponents skill, you can seriously fuck up their day.
The statement "You can't hit me. My training partner uses one of those, and he's far more skilled." is an apt description.

Second, counter-play works as a modifier on actually learning to use the weapon. Gaining exp for a weapon you have counter-play in is +50% until your skill level is equal to or greater than the relevant counter-play.

Counter-play is very specific, but if a new style you have no counter for shows up and one of your counter-play partially fits, a portion of the effect will be applied. Gaining additional counter play for a similar style to what you already have, has a bonus to exp gain for that counter-play, up to relevant counter-play level.
D100 Didn't die tier 2
By only dying three times in the entire period, there you have unlocked a special opportunity.
You see, even with Sieg holding back, at your current level the possibility of such a low death count is low.

As such, it is time to see if that was just raw luck, or if you have a knack for surviving.
A locked roll of 100 will result in ???

A locked roll of 90 or higher will result in ???

A locked roll of 75 or higher will result in the gain of the "My Own Aegis" perk rank 1.
What the MOA perk does is give a 5% chance(per rank up to 50%) to survive any hit that would reduce your health to 0, with 1 health left over. (This doesn't work if your current health is below 10%)

A locked roll 65 or higher will result in the gaining of the skill "Split Shield(Dark)" at level 3.
This skill allowes you to conjure a shield of the relevant practiced element (dark) in a "split" second. Its power and size is largely dependant on both the level, maluability of the element used, and amount of SP sunk into it.

64 or below has no noticable effects. Guess Aeternam just got lucky, eh?

@Powerofmind has 4 rolls.
@Dark Ness has 2 rolls.
@Camellia has 2 rolls.
@Skewfiend has 4 rolls.
@Nightingale has 2 rolls.
Okay, what do you want me to roll?

There's the info. I think @Skewfiend probably has a better idea because everyone kind of uses his micromanage skill so he has to keep track of it all.

But I THINK, not quite sure here, he'd like you to put your two in the "Channeling efficiency" roll.

I'm not sure because Nightingale rolled some ok ones, since the last time it was talked about.
There's the info. I think @Skewfiend probably has a better idea because everyone kind of uses his micromanage skill so he has to keep track of it all.

But I THINK, not quite sure here, he'd like you to put your two in the "Channeling efficiency" roll.

I'm not sure because Nightingale rolled some ok ones, since the last time it was talked about.

It's a whole hell of a lot better than they were before xD

My lowest (36 I think) was bigger than their highest.
Channeling efficiency

@Cassanove Clown which maths were you talking about specifically?

At least my still-booting brain can't think of much other than calculating probabilities and occasionally comparing numbers in the character sheet.

Although on that note, if @Sendicard saw fit to , say, quote the affected parts of the characte sheet when he makes changes, that would cut down on some largely pointless busywork.

@Cassanove Clown which maths were you talking about specifically?

At least my still-booting brain can't think of much other than calculating probabilities and occasionally comparing numbers in the character sheet.

Although on that note, if @Sendicard saw fit to , say, quote the affected parts of the characte sheet when he makes changes, that would cut down on some largely pointless busywork.


@Cassanove Clown which maths were you talking about specifically?

At least my still-booting brain can't think of much other than calculating probabilities and occasionally comparing numbers in the character sheet.

Although on that note, if @Sendicard saw fit to , say, quote the affected parts of the characte sheet when he makes changes, that would cut down on some largely pointless busywork.
I already have to post the post, threadmark the post, organize the threadmark, edit the character sheet, AND mark down the post's name in the index in a new tab entirely so that I can C+P the URL into the index. Normally within the first 120 seconds, WHILE LAGGING.

Now you want me to quote and edit out parts that aren't changed, directly after posting a post?
Gaaah, you're so fucking needy!

How about instead of doing that, I simply add a note if the character sheet DIDN'T change. That way you don't have to compare it when it doesn't?
Save us both pointless work.
I already have to post the post, threadmark the post, organize the threadmark, edit the character sheet, AND mark down the post's name in the index in a new tab entirely so that I can C+P the URL into the index. Normally within the first 120 seconds, WHILE LAGGING.

Now you want me to quote and edit out parts that aren't changed, directly after posting a post?
Gaaah, you're so fucking needy!

How about instead of doing that, I simply add a note if the character sheet DIDN'T change. That way you don't have to compare it when it doesn't?
Save us both pointless work.
Actually, why not just mention what changes you make? Less faffing around on all counts, really.

(Also, the best way to quote multiple parts of a post is to just highlight them and hit "quote", rather than quoting the whole thing and editing it.)
Ya, so I'm just going to do the 3rd set in background rolls.. Nothing really important happens there at all, so... Eh?
I'm going to close the rolls when I wake up tomorrow, lock them in, and then start writing.

Actually, why not just mention what changes you make? Less faffing around on all counts, really.

(Also, the best way to quote multiple parts of a post is to just highlight them and hit "quote", rather than quoting the whole thing and editing it.)
I could see that if I was only making one or two changes. But for fuckmassive changes? It'd be just too much.

Be much easier to just leave a "this was last updated post #" message at the top of it. So you could just check it after each post real quick, and then be like "le-nope." or "le-yep."

I'll do you a favor though and mention the changes if they're small in quantity. Cuz like, if I only change your current health and SP or something, maybe added a lone "visible" status. I see no reason you should have to put any effort into checking that to figure out what changed.
I could see that if I was only making one or two changes. But for fuckmassive changes? It'd be just too much.
Would it?

You don't have to explicate everything you changed. "I overhauled X" would suffice if you are short on time.

That or maybe colouring the things you changed since last time.

We might have to fiddle around for a bit to find a way of making sure taht all the information you want to convey actually gets conveyed without anyone having to do unnecessary amounst of work.
Sorry about this. Yesterday I got distracted by my friend Alex, which isn't a good excuse given I'm a high level multitasker, but it's what I'm sticking with.

And today, the page wouldn't load. Which WOULD be a good excuse, if I wasn't supposed to do it yesterday XD
Also, anyone who is confused by mine and Nightingale's little spat there? Don't worry about it.
We're good friends, so we spend a lot of time around each-other, so a lot of little things that you'd normally ignore kind of explode sometimes over stupid shit.

To sum it up, after some time to think about it:
Nightingale wasn't really all that pissed off about the the argument, so much as the fact that I revealed private information in anger, which goes against my apparent code. Thereby signifying he cant trust I won't do it in bigger more important situations.

And I didn't catch onto that to reassure him that was not the case.
For one, I didn't mention what I did from our PM out of anger. If I did, I'd have been much more ruthless about it. I was rather annoyed, and actually had a legitimate reason to post what I did so I could ask. Because he brought up a legitimate point, sometimes I go overboard.

I spent like 10 minutes, verbally going over and improving on my damage reduction system for an RP system I'm building from scratch(and some disgaea influences) the other day, WHILE I WAS passing out. Like, I literally fell asleep doing it and only realized I continued because Nightingale called me on it.

It happens.

So when he called me on maybe going overboard, I thought, well, maybe I did. So I pointed it out here.
The problem was that I was rather annoyed at the way he went about it, which was to make a claim without checking if it was true(it wasn't) when he could have just said it straight.

So my post came off extremely aggressive. Which gave the impact that I would indeed reveal actually sensitive personal info in anger. Which, I wouldn't, and he should know that. (Most personal thing I've revealed is that he's bad at math. Just like most of the rest of the world.(Seriously though bro, I wasn't joking about the books. If you want help, I got you. )
Which, if I'm being honest, I fucking hate math. It's an extremely useful skill most people I know can't grasp, and I feel for them, because it gives me head-aches too. It's literally a concept, as in something WE MADE, something we can't touch, and yet it literally dictates our lives.
I think this is bullshit, and for this reason, despite how useful it is? I really do despise it.
But it IS that useful. So I learned it, and am learning it. It is for that reason I'd be willing to help anyone who needs help with it to the best of my abilities.
Because math is bullshit, but it's necessary. And it makes life soooo much easier once you have it.

But regardless, for that I apologize. I'm not saying I was in the wrong by posting my question from data gained in our PM, but I definitely could have been more mature about it and receptive to his feelings.

Though in my defense, he kind of attacked me XD By nature I'm a defensive person. You could literally get me to understand and work with you about just about anything if you're calm about it. But the second you throw an insult or get angry, I get extremely defensive. And that shuts off just enough of my brain to stop me from being wholly rational, while simultaneously forcing me on the attack.
It's a known problem, a huge character flaw, and one he also knows about. Which is why when I said the equivalent of "Not doing this" he shut up. Because he knew I'd figure it out on my own later anyway without the fighting if he gave me time.

Eh-hem, I assume anyway. We haven't talked *winky face*

But seriously, you know I'm bad at these I apologize, you twit :lol
I should have waited until I was less peeved before asking that question.
D100 Cram school: 39, 61, 33, 44,
D100 Short blade efficiency: N/A (50=100%)
D100 Conjure Elemental Blade (Dark) efficiency: N/A (50=100%)
D100 Channeling efficiency: 7, 28, 37, 81, 45, 91
D100 Evasion efficiency: N/A (50=100%)
D100 Sever efficiency: 87=174% (Locked)
D100 Explosions efficiency: N/A (50=100%)
D100 Counter-play: Chained-greataxe style: 30, 67,
D100 Didn't die tier 2: 95 (Locked)
It's rolling time!

D100 Cram school: 44 (Locked)
D100 Channeling efficiency: 81=162% (RIGGED)
D100 Sever efficiency: 87=174% (Locked)
D100 Counter-play: Chained-greataxe style: 30 (Locked)
D100 Didn't die tier 2: 95 (Locked)
Sendicard threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Cram School Total: 4
4 4
Sendicard threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Channelling Total: 4
4 4
Sendicard threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Counter Play Total: 1
1 1
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Ya, the only ones that went bad were "counter-play" and "cram school."

So instead of advanced, you just start with level 1 base counter-play for the chain-greataxe style.
Which honestly isn't that important because, really, how often are you going to see that shit?

Will give some moderate bonuses(which is basically nothing with a level 1 skill) to normal great-axes though. And very slight ones to normal axes.
And so you lose like, 400 of your total EXP gain to a few utility skills you should have had but Forgotten didn't have time to teach you. (shrug)