The Dawi change the game(An GOT/Warhammer crossover)

You guy's will find out in the next post and things will start moving along from there also the first rolls are finally coming up.
Mad0Slayer threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Event Roll (Gotta make a plan) Total: 94
94 94
Vote Closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mad0Slayer on Dec 8, 2020 at 2:32 PM, finished with 23 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan Scrimp and Save
    -[X] Appearance: A young dwarf with a beard that only stretches a few inches down from his chin, dark hair that is kept short and with a solid build. Arms and chest are muscled from axe and shield practice.
    -[X]A decent guard
    -[x] Extra Preserved Food
    -[X] Steel
    -[X] Trade it, if we get a bad deal then we leave it
    -[X] Try and dig for information
    [X] Plan Rapid independence
    -[X]A decent guard
    -[x] Building Supplies
    -[x] Extra Preserved Food
    -[x] Gift it
    -[x] Make Friends
    [X] Plan Rapid independence
    -[x] Building Supplies
    -[x] Extra Preserved Food
    -[x] Gift it
    -[x] Make Friends
To meet a lord
To meet a lord

"English or common"

Gathering Information from the Umgi:71

You walked over freshly fallen snow as tall trees loomed in the distance, the Umgi riding up just ahead of you and while others watched from the back, riding upon a dirt path lightly covered in snow. Ahead you could see Eitri an old friend of yours talking with the Umgi as his hands gesticulated dramatically.

Thankfully the journey had not been a long one and was in all honestly refreshing as you journeyed towards the holdfast which the Umgi called the Deepwood Motte. Apparently it belonged to a different Umgi lord, which you had found strange until he later explained that there was something attacking the travelers in the area.

It was a shame that though they think they killed it not too long ago and its remains were burned, he would not elaborate on what it was. That was apparently only a minor local problem compared to some Umgi project down in the 'South' or so they called it, you were still not sure on their naming conventions. It had been completed after what sounded like an Umgi generation. Well, that and something about wildlings been more active than usual beyond something called the wall.

Still, as the sun set you could make out the castle walls of the holdfast which was a good thing since the night seemed as it would be a cold one, not that it would be an issue. As you approached the castle you could see a silver mailed fist on scarlet background for a banner hanging from the ramparts, though what you could see failed to impress you or your fellow Dawi. You were sure it would get the job done though it looked a like it could use some repair in some areas, then again it was old so it was to be expected though it looked quite small for its apparent age.

As you entered the outer gate you could hear your fellow Dawi speaking in your tongue discussing on how they could improve it while others seemed to be making plans. While the few elders among you seemed to judge it in silence if the way they moved around was any indication, some of the Umgi seemed to stare at you with what looked like confusion and others ignored you going about their day.

You followed the Umgi as your rangers alongside a few elders split off from your group intent on securing trade deals for the excess goods, hopefully, it would be productive though you would find out later as you were lead up a winding path to the keep of the castle with the Umgi guards watching you closely.

You entered into the inner keep as it's dark wooden walls slowly surrounded you and the sound of a blacksmith hammered away at something in the distance, while two Umgi awaited you in the center wearing thick furs as they inspected you, their eyes roaming over you and your armor and then to your weapon while their guards seemed to tense slightly.

The Umgi to the left spoke first as he focused on you. "Good day, Thane Thorin I assume, you're far shorter than I expected, then again it means little all things considered, I am Lord Tarrick Glover and beside me stands my fellow lord and good brother Joran Mormont, it was his men who found you. "He paused as he looked at you before continuing though you could see his eyes linger on your small beard, in what appeared to be jealousy. "We have much to discuss but not this eve the journey has no doubt tired you and it would be best if we discussed this when you are refreshed." He signaled off to the side where an Umgi servant approached with bread and salt.

You nodded your head in agreement since it would give you time to think on what you wanted to discuss, even though your Dawi were not that wary over such a short trip it would be good to get a clear image of what was at least going on and the character of your hosts. Still, you were brought from your thoughts by a grunt behind you from one of your Dawi though you were not sure who you focused back on the servant who looked nervous.

You looked at it for a moment before taking the bread and salt before talking to Gidal. "Gidal, why are the Umgi giving me bread and salt, they don't expect me to eat it right?" You asked as calmly as you could trying to keep the confusion out of your voice though the wince that he gave you meant you likely failed in that respect. While the Umgi looked confused.

He just gave a sigh before looking apologetically at the lord's before speaking. "You daft Wazzock it's obviously a custom just eat the thing before you start a grudge before we even have a new hold, also don't speak our tongue in front of them it's damned rude," He said to you before shaking his head before heading back down the path muttering about needing a drink.

You were shortly lead by a servant to your party's guest quarters for the night while others were lead to a different area, though as you looked over the sparsely decorated room you had been given figured it would be a good time to start working on what you would discuss with the Umgi while your guards searched the room.

[] How do you talk with the Lords
-[]Write in
-[] Friendly
-[] Formel

(Pick 3)

[] Locations for a new hold.

[] Other Dawi groups.

[] The Political climate.

[] Current Threats.

[] What would be required to establish a hold in their territory.

[] Strange Activity.

[] The history of the Dawi and Karaz Ankor

[] Your old allies

[] Write-in.

Though as you mulled over your choices you could not help but feel out of your depth and wondered if you should have brought your council, but she was needed to oversee the clan. Still, it was an issue that would have to be sorted, you just hoped that you did not cause too many problems.

Though as you were mulling over your choices Eitri burst into your quarters his ranger hood down as he brushed something out of his beard before looking at you and shouting. "Thorin! I got some news for ya also found this alehouse we can go to later." He shouted to you while waving his arms around before taking a deep breath to continue.

Trade for information and coin: 53+15(Preserved food)+15(steel)= 83

He looked at you with a large smile as he searched for something in the quarters before nodding. "While you were greeting the Umgi my ranger's and the other's managed to get a few things." He says as he pulls out what looks to be a map and lay's it out on a nearby table.

Once it was laid out you could see that it looked fairly well detailed with major landmarks and a single road though it lacked any axis or scale to really guide you except by general landmark. Though that mattered little as Eitri jabbed his finger into the map on the name Deepwood Motte. "We're here it seems which is good as there is a long mountain range not far from here, dunno about the Umgi though apparently the place is infested with some group called the mountain clans." He paused before he then went on to describe how the seasons seemed to last years and not months while Eitri seemed to shake with energy before he launched into a brief history of the surrounding areas and the general view of things such as the kingdoms of Vale and the Riverlands and some further kingdoms that were not well known in these parts.

You nodded along with him while grabbing Eitri to stop him from pacing all over the room. "Thats good but we can discuss all of that later, what else did you manage to get and what of the people?" You asked calmly as you tried to keep the energetic Dawi from running around the room, you also made a note to get one of the others to explain what he most likely glossed over in his rush.

He let out an embarrassed grunt while his ears seemed to go a bit red. "Sorry, my thane." Causing you to glare at him. "We got a fairly good deal with the Umgi plenty of information that the others will have and also a fair bit of coin apparently called silver wolves their main coin worth a bit up here apparently, as for the Umgi in the area they appear to be a hardy sort of people with how they seemed to be going about their work" He said while also looking thoughtful before continuing managing to break away from you to continue his pacing. "As for numbers nothing more than guesswork but from the sound of things the Umgi are fairly spread out over this lord's territory numbering around maybe eighty thousand in total but no one really knows." He looked out the window for a moment as he took a deep breath while thinking of something. "Thorin, I must sadly be on my way if I am to enjoy the evening, for I have further information to gather before I can tell you more, may Valaya guide you, my friend." He said to you as he left your room.

Though now that you were alone you found your self wondering what to do for the evening, so as you thought about it you figured it would be best to go somewhere, and well you were not sure yet but there must be something right?

[] Meet the lord's in their hall for dinner and make friend's

[] Go to the alehouse that Eitri mentioned

[] Write-in

Though as you planned on what to do at least the night was young and you were sure you could find some adventure or fun to be had.


Well this is coming along I think and you guys will effect when you get a new hold though that should only take a few more update I think.

On another note does anyone happen to know if there are actually named character's during the conquest that does not belong to a great house? (If so please share)

As for the population I had to look that up alongside army numbers here be the source.

The Population of the Seven Kingdoms

The vote will be open for 36 hours.

Edited by Duncan
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On another note does anyone happen to know if there are actually named character's during the conquest that does not belong to a great house? (If so please share)
While I don't know any I know some were revealed in Fire and Blood and the world of ice and fire but outside 1 or 2 I cant see many being revealed
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Following this altough please dont change the conquest . U can try to get mountains that the hill clans didnt claim and if not u can migrate north of the wall even altough they wouldnt be thrilled since eventually you would trade gear to the wildings then. My best thought is maybe the mountains near the wall side for our hold since i imagine the southern branches are probably more settled by humans already and we can try to do mines in the wilding areas eventually ?
[X] Plan Settling and Establishing
-[X] Formal
-[X] The Political climate.
-[X] What would be required to establish a hold in their territory.
-[X] Other Dawi groups.
-[X] Meet the lord's in their hall for dinner and make friend's

Pretty much what I see as the bare essentials, mostly because a lot of these questions cover a few areas rather than specifics, and it involves us being the political elemnt while our Rangers and other followers can handle the less 'official' information sources.

Honestly, the best thing about this update was that we found out we weren't on Bear Island, we would've been right stuffed if we were.
[X] Plan A Polite Stay
-[X] Formal
-[X] The Political climate.
-[X] The Geography of the Southern Lands
-[X] Other Dawi groups.
-[X] Start working on connecting with the fellow dawi in the party.
Basically stole Aussie's plan but changed it to focus more on learning about the continent before moving on.
[X] Plan: Cultural Exchange
-[X] How do you talk with the Lord's
--[X] Formel
-[X] Discussion
--[X] The history of the Dawi and Karaz Ankor
--[X] The History of Westeros
--[X] What would be required to establish a hold in their territory.
-[X] Meet the lord's in their hall for dinner and make friend's

Most important things are getting an understanding of where we are, make sure they understand what the Dawi are all about, and making sure we can establish our Hold without pissing off the locals. Also, we're Dawi, what do we care for Umgi politics? *grumble grumble*

But seriously we can worry about the current political climate and its specifics later when we're on our way to getting established. Better to get a general overview so our Thane can get some proper perspective on where he is.

Also I find asking about other Dawi kind of pointless as they obviously IC don't know who or what the Dawi are.
[X] Plan Settling and Establishing
-[X] Formal
-[X] The Political climate.
-[X] What would be required to establish a hold in their territory.
-[X] Other Dawi groups.
-[X] Meet the lord's in their hall for dinner and make friend's

This seems most in character.
[X] Plan A Polite Stay

I don't want to deal with the Mountain clans, wildling raids and invasions, and ironborn raids so I want to go to the Vale and settle in the massive mountain range there which is untapped.
I think I spotted a good spot for our Hold. On the coast there's a small mountain by itself and surrounded by empty space and some hills. It's directly west of Deepwood Motte's peninsulas tip. It's on the coast so it would let us make a port eventually and a cause of how the mountain range hugs the coast that makes it highly defendable as any enemy would have to march along the narrow coastal edge from the North or South or come from the mountains.

And because it has a good amount of flat land around it that'll make good farm land.
I think I spotted a good spot for our Hold. On the coast there's a small mountain by itself and surrounded by empty space and some hills. It's directly west of Deepwood Motte's peninsulas tip. It's on the coast so it would let us make a port eventually and a cause of how the mountain range hugs the coast that makes it highly defendable as any enemy would have to march along the narrow coastal edge from the North or South or come from the mountains.

And because it has a good amount of flat land around it that'll make good farm land.
Sounds like a good location, though I was thinking of taking the mountains to the east of Deepwood Motte.
I'd rather we check all of our options before we settle down. Plus I really don't want another asoiaf fanfic/quest that features the starks a lot.
One thing that would be in our favor with moving into the Mountain Clans territory, is that our area's of 'habitation' dont conflict (seeing how we try to avoid the surface, and lack any herds for now); and that aside from early caution and unhappiness, they'll probably welcome our presence heartily come the next winter. (big warm holds, stockpiles of food and lots of 'cousin Nori's first 'batch'', the latter of which of course would probably be the most popular). We'd also be close enough to the Forresters to get access to Ironwood, and the deepwood for our regular demands.

Moving South, aside from along the Searoad, and the eastern Stormlands, there are no great forests anymore (well none that aren't in the middle of the Dragons Path, and have mountains near them), which would severely dampen our production (Dawi preference for charcoal, since we haven't invented Coke yet). and we can't go all Numenorean this time round, unless we want to source near exclusively from Essos (tree paradise that it is... see Dothraki)
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I'm pretty sure a good amount of the valleys in the Vale are forrested as that comes with the geography and it is a frickin massive mountain range so there is bound to be some precious metals and minerals there, plus there was a metorite near the torrentine so if we want to go down there we could get something akin to gromril.
I'm pretty sure a good amount of the valleys in the Vale are forrested as that comes with the geography and it is a frickin massive mountain range so there is bound to be some precious metals and minerals there, plus there was a metorite near the torrentine so if we want to go down there we could get something akin to gromril.

Not when we look at the maps. The only real forested portion of the Vale is just west of the Fingers. and while large, its more likely than not, gonna be a hard stretch to get rights to harvest lumber from there. Anywhere else, while yes you may have small amounts of forests, within 100 years we'll have burnt our way through them, and the Umgi would move in to start cultivating in the newly freed lands (too feed them Dwarfs, who pay in lovely coins and trinkets). The Dawi of the old world largely keep up with demand due to trade with the Umgi of the Empire, with their massive forests (that are a plague onto them, because of Beastmen infestations). Forests that make all but the Deepwood look small.
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Not when we look at the maps. The only real forested portion of the Vale is just west of the Fingers. and while large, its more likely than not, gonna be a hard stretch to get rights to harvest lumber from there. Anywhere else, while yes you may have small amounts of forests, within 100 years we'll have burnt our way through them, and the Umgi would move in to start cultivating in the newly freed lands (too feed them Dwarfs, who pay in lovely coins and trinkets). The Dawi of the old world largely keep up with demand due to trade with the Umgi of the Empire, with their massive forests (that are a plague onto them, because of Beastmen infestations). Forests that make all but the Deepwood look small.
There's also the fact that the nobility of the Vale are super fucking pretentious and religious. It would be inevitable that we would come into conflict with some jack off noble.