The Dawi change the game(An GOT/Warhammer crossover)

Omake: Queen Under The Mountain. (Canon)
Skaz the skaga led a simple life: follow the warlord's directives, forage food for the bigger goblins and orcs, and bravely take a few pot shots before scurrying away if a scrap breaks out. It had been a good life, kept stable by the balance between the various goblin and orc factions within Moria, a status quo that was now completely shattered. With two of the four biggest warbands completely gutted and multiple smaller groups scattered, alliances and territory fluctuated by the hour as hundreds of factions fought to be the one on top when the dust settled. Skaz had seen the signs of an 'enthusiastic debate on the leadership status of the tribe' about to erupt between chiefs Grug and Ikur the nasty, and had decided that now was a perfect time to volunteer for watch duty.

So there knelt Skaz, peering out across the cleft from which the group of dwarves with their fire-rocks and eternal lanterns had come from. His clan wasn't planning on staying long, just long enough to harvest the corpses from the latest spider attack-and wasn't that something. Most came up to his waist, but some were even as tall as a grown orc! He bundled his rags closer-why was it getting so cold? Distracted by the clashing sounds of lively orc meritocracy behind him, Skaz didn't even see the shadow that killed him.


The time had come, the last of the six bridges of frozen web and stone now spanned the chasm, over which her children would swarm. Not the bands of weak outcast kin thrown against the defenses of the Dawi or trying to stake out their territory in the depths, this was the true skittering wave. With the scouts silenced, the invasion crept towards the raucous sounds from the enemy camp. There was no warning as the blinding offensive hit the outermost tents, goblins being devoured, stabbed, and crushed, with the most unlucky ones bound without a scratch for later drinking. The orcs and goblins formed a battle line quickly, with a trio of cave trolls roused from where they were feeding. Arrows flew at her children, some finding eyes or joints, but many merely notching their thick exoskeletons. Boluses flew in return, stones joined with a single frozen thread that ripped through the unarmoured skirmishers in the back as the battle reached its tipping point. Deciding on her first target, Aer-Enap surged out from the shadows towards the trolls, a spray of venom catching the first one in the face. Even as its flash-frozen head shattered on the stone floor she was on to the next one, punching through its torso and pinning it to the pillar behind it. Her sister-queen Cthil-Enap was the one who had first suggested binding shards of scavenged dwarven blades to their claws using ice-silk, and she almost purred upon seeing the shredded mess it had left of the troll's body.

The last troll was sticking by the apparent chieftain of the tribe, the survivors of which were maintaining a dense spear wall that had stalled the tide's advance even as the orc morale wavered. While it would be easy to charge in and shatter them, she decided on a different show of force. Chittering at her children for them to get clear, she opened herself up to the wind only she could feel. She had always been different from her sisters, the first to decipher the dwarven scout markings and later their writing, the first to unify their kind under the council of matriarchs, the one to declare the rotating system of which of the seven would be war-queens and which would be broodmothers. Part of the reason was that the ice which flowed through their veins had always sung loudest to her, the snow on the slopes always seemed to part to her, and her venom was so cold it caused stone to shriek and shatter. Of all the matriarchs, she was the most attuned to the whims of winter that buffeted her even now with spring on its way. With a rippling crack, icicles the size of a man formed and launched themselves at the orcs. There were few survivors, scampering off into holes and passages to spread the tale of her victory. Let them gather: scattered or united, all would fall before her.

Similar battles erupted at each of the six bridges, flanking and cutting off dozens of tribes, to be attacked and consumed at her leisure. Icy winds swept through Moria, stifling flames, icing stone, and darkening the hearth of every goblin and nameless thing in the depths. Winter had come to the Black Pit.

The Dawi would fall in good time, she could smell the warpstone calling to her even dozens of kilometers away. Their defences were too strong, though that wouldn't stop the occasional attack by the more bestial of her children. In a way she was almost thankful for the Dawi, weeding out the least intelligent and most impulsive of her brood for her. Fiyoth-Enap had some ideas concerning forging iron stone-tunnel-claws, but forging had proven to be beyond them for the moment with their predilection for ice.

Aer-Enap and her brood swept through the halls, herself leading two other war-queens while Cthil-Enap stayed to guard the broodmothers near the beachhead, guided by the wonderful directions given so freely by the Dawi ranger markings.


Borik the Implacable motioned for his rangers to halt and dim the lanterns. There had been remarkeably little resistance to their travel, even though the tunnels seemed colder with each step. Peering around the corner, he froze. Not literally, but it was enough to put his fellow Dawi on edge. Between the pillars that marked the start of the bridge into the lost city hung a tapestry nearly seventy paces long. The silk was dark blue, but dawi and orc blood combined with what appeared to be various stone dusts had been used for color emphasis. Illuminated by glowing blue gems and depicting spiders vanquishing hordes of goblins, orcs, trolls, and beasts that looked suspiciously like demons, the banner placed a fear in his heart that he knew in an instant to be sorcery. Below it, in flawless Khazalid was written:

Behold Invader And Be Warned, You Enter The Domain of Aer-Enap, Matriarch Of Matriarchs, Entomber Of Rime And Web, She Who Quells The Rivers Of Stone.
Queen Under The Mountain.​
I like that oh so much. It is also oh so tempting to make that Canon. (Or at least use it as an idea.)

Ya it Canon it is just too well written and it is gonna be oh so awesome to write as an Arc. (Also gonna scrap one Arc I had for why your mines were so cold)
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we need to also expand the Port of Karak Grim so that we can start getting some dwarf ships soon

You can build Dwarf Ships. Though only the Monitors and the Standard Iron Clads. Pretty sure I put them under the human ships. (yip their there. Here the list of your ships) (Though I seem to have forgotten the Tools used to build them Just gonna edit that in now)
Dawi Ships (Ship Building Space 0/1)

The core of the Dwarf Navy are the squadrons of Monitors that patrol it's waters. While small in size and not as armed as that of a dawi Ironclad. They are more than capable in combat through raming hostile ships and moving at speed that no other ship could match.
-Time To construct: 1 Year
-Crew Compliment and Troop Capacity: 30 Dawi Sailors and 50 Warriors.
-Armament: Single Turret capable of Traversing 360 Degrees
-Cost Per Ship: 15 000 Gold 20 Iron units, 15 Copper Units, 10 Tin Units, 8 Advanced Components 3 Tools (maintenance of 1500 Gold)

[]IronClad-Combat Design: The pride of the Dwarf Navy are the Ironclads, great smoke-belching paddle steamers covered in thick metal armoured plates. Of which has only ever been challenged by great numbers of ships or beasts of the depths. Still that is only for those designed for combat, there are few differences in dwarf Ironclads but there are some that differ from one another but this is the original. Designed for one thing only and that was to settle a grudge over the waters of the old world and protect the hold.
-Time To construct: Two and a Half Years
-Crew Compliment and Troop Capacity: 90 Dawi Sailors and can hold up to four hundred dawi if need be.
-Armament: 2 Main Battery Turrets and Four smaller Turrets
-Cost Per Ship: Gold 50 000 Gold 35 Iron units, 20 Copper Units, 15 Tin Units, 14 Advanced Components 7 Tools (maintenance of 6000 Gold)

(Locked Off) IronClad-Gyro Design: The pride of the Dwarf Navy are the Ironclads, great smoke-belching paddle steamers covered in thick metal armoured plates. Though of them all the least known is that of the Gyrocopter carrier. Though the same size it carries far fewer guns and less dawi than it's other variants as it instead carries the needed supplies to maintain and refuel one of the greatest engineering feats of the Karaz Ankor. The Gyrocopter. (Carries less ammo than that of a standard Iron clan but can make use of Gyrocopters.)
-Time To construct: 3 Years
-Crew Compliment and Troop Capacity: 90 Dawi Sailors and can hold up to two hundred and fifty dawi if need be.
Armament: Trading in one of it's Turrets and all of it's smaller guns. It has the ability to carry Two Gyrocopter air wings to combat with the ability to refuel them.
-Cost Per Ship: Gold 45 000 Gold 25 Iron units, 15 Copper Units, 12 Tin Units, 20 Advanced Components 10 Tools (maintenance of 5000 Gold)

(Locked Off) Dreadnaught: The Dreadnought is the greatest warship in the Dwarf Navy; some would say it is the most powerful ship afloat. Like the Ironclad, upon which it is based, This single ship manages to carry more guns than a squadron of Monitors, has armour plating more than a foot thick, an engine that can build up awesome speed for its size, and still holds a sizeable crew.
-Time To construct: 10 Years
-Crew Compliment and Troop Capacity: 400 Dawi Sailors and can hold up to one thousand dawi if need be.
-Armament: Has Four Main Batteries at the start of her voyage able to double that number with improvements while also holding an impressive number of near Twelve smaller Turrets along its hall. While within the belly of the ship facilities are built to help maintain a dedicated Gyrocopter wing along with the ship. Allowing a small clan to live aboard the Giant ship.
-Cost Per Ship: Gold 450 000 Gold 120 Iron units, 80 Copper Units, 60 Tin Units, 45 Advanced Components, 30 Tools, 10 Units of Ironwood, 5 Units of Lumber. (maintenance of 25 000 Gold)
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this is an out line of my proposed plan thoughts as im not the best with this

[] plan prep

[]Improve your connections with the new Karaz Ankor: Focus Dumins efforts in the coming years upon forming stronger relations with the new Karaz Ankor. While you to will occasionally join him so to further your ties with them over the years.
3000 gold 70%

[]Help Improve the Night's Watch: The Umgi of the Nightswatch order are the only group who guard your North. It would only be right for Dumin to try and aid them in becoming stronger and so that they don't protest when we go on an expedition further North.
3000 gold 70%

[] Protect the Trade route's: Gremdor has noted that the increase in Traffic over the passes is bound to draw attention to all the Travelers on the road between the hold and Umgi settlements and it is a dangerous path to travel. It would be more so if Bandit's decision to set up along the route though if the Throng was to sweep through every few years they might not become a problem.
60% chance of success

[]Patrol the Coast and mountains: Having the Throng patrol the coast and mountains will allow them to test their skill should they run into anything in these quite lands but also keep the hold secure from threats that wish to encroach on your lands.
65% chance of success

[] Clear the upper Caves: The Spiders have infested much of the upper caves and will require a dedicated effort to remove and a few years of doing it should get rid of most of them despite their numbers.
65% chance of success

[] The Underway to Karak Grom(Will Be Completed at end of Time skip): With word from Karak Grom saying that they have begun building an underway to our hold maybe a little bit of work on our end will see it completed faster. (Progress to Completion 9/15) ((Karak Grom has already built much of the Underway to your location)
70% chance of success Cost: 35 000 Gold, 25 Granite Units
1 Turn

[]Complete the Runehall: The Runehall is vital to the crafting of runic items and research though it is quite expensive but if the time away on the expedition is used wisely it will be able to be completed when you have returned.
Cost: 15 000: Chance: 80%

[] Bronzebeard Metalsmith Hall
: The Bronzebeards are highly regarded for their metalwork and while they are skilled smiths their true skill lies in their ability to purify the metal's dug from the earth so that they may be truely crafted into masterworks. (High Quality Metal Ingot's Lower DC Check for saves and better Quality armor and weapons') (They make a difference in background rolls) (Unlocks Gromril level weapons and armor) (Improves quality of Things built in the hold to max)
70% chance of success Cost: 8000 Gold, (3000 Gold Upkeep, 3 Tools) (Space 3)

[] Focus on thining the swarm greatly: The spiders are a menace thankfully the rangers are more than adept at dealing with them and helping the Throng along is bound to only cause things to go easier for them and the hold.

[] To Hunt a Herd a little more: The Rangers know the paths of the beastmen that leave their homes and while they are too numerous for the rangers to fight they can thin their numbers a little for the Throng to deal with them.

[] Underground Outposts: With the Hold now exposed to underground threats you would rather they not get anywhere near the hold in the first place designing a self-sufficient fort meant for underground will see it defended should anything try to strike you from that direction. (Progress 2/4)
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
[] Apprentice brewers fair: Your short on brewing grains, and the brewers guild know this full well. However, the hold has ever-increasing demands for beers and ales. Have them experiment to make 'ersatz' (as the Imperials call it) alcohol. Be this from Umgi sources, or from whatever they can find. So long as it's strong, and puts a fire in your belly. (Progress 2/3)
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
60% chance of success

[] The Workings of Gromril: Gromril is a rare and precious metal and the ways of working it not all that a mystery to you. Still, that will not allow you to make great works of the stuff if you don't do some studies. At least you have plenty of the metal to do so. (Progress 0/8)
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Year gains +1 Progress

[] Assist in an action: A little bit of effort in one of the holds project is sure to help it go further even if you're not quite as good as your advisors. (Add's your skill as a bonus to a roll)(also increases the skill) Runehall

[] Weapons Practice:
The art of combat is no simple thing and in the chaos, much can happen, and learning how to wield the weapons of war is important. (Write-in the weapon you wish to learn)
(Gremdor is giving a boost of 6X to your roll's)
Time: 1 Turn AZ and Shield

[] Have her learn under Dumin: To navigate dawi politics is no easy thing and it is even harder to learn how to lead them and avoid causing a grudge or worse a blood war between them. Thankfully Dumin is a deft hand at this and Sigrun will do well to learn her skills under him.

[] Have her learn under Tygran: To manage a hold is no easy thing especially when you have to oversee it's construction and maintenance, thankfully Tygran while a little to absorbed in his books is good at this and know's the skills required for such a thing and having Sigrun learn from him is sure to teach her how to run a hold or at least understand what is going on.

[] Have her learn under the Enginers and master Balin: Her Interests in engineering have never been a secret to you, what with the way that she keeps sneaking off to do what she can with them. Still, there is much to be an engineer and hopefully it will help her already sharp mind develop further.

[]Betrothal Options

Durak Shorthelm (Cousin of Master Balin.) (Apprenticed to a Master Engineer has a few Rare designs for ships your hold does not have) (Daughter stay within your hold)
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Alright I am gonna look over everything, and make a plan. Then post it, give me an hour or two and check back in with me. We can discuss and tweak it then.

[] Plan 200 IQ
-[]Improve your connections with the Mountain clans of the North: The Umgi around your holds are numerous, many of them having lived in these mountains for many Generations. It would be best if you improved your standing among them. (The Mountain Clans already seek out your hold in harsh winters. Which is boosting your relationship with them.)
Cost: 4000: Chance: 80%
-[]Help Improve the Night's Watch: The Umgi of the Nightswatch order are the only group who guard your North. It would only be right for Dumin to try and aid them in becoming stronger and so that they don't protest when we go on an expedition further North.
Cost: 4000, 5 Units of Armor, 6 Units of Weapons: Chance: 80%
-[] Protect the Trade route's: Gremdor has noted that the increase in Traffic over the passes is bound to draw attention to all the Travelers on the road between the hold and Umgi settlements and it is a dangerous path to travel. It would be more so if Bandit's decision to set up along the route though if the Throng was to sweep through every few years they might not become a problem.
60% chance of success
-[] Patrol the Coast and mountains: Having the Throng patrol the coast and mountains will allow them to test their skill should they run into anything in these quite lands but also keep the hold secure from threats that wish to encroach on your lands.
65% chance of success
-[] Clear the upper Caves: The Spiders have infested much of the upper caves and will require a dedicated effort to remove and a few years of doing it should get rid of most of them despite their numbers.
65% chance of success
-[] Expand the Port and it's defenses: The Newly Built Port of Karak Grim is decent for Umgi work while travelers call it a marvel within the world. Something you disagree with. Though maybe one day it can rival that of the works of the ancient. Still, it is far from done and much is needed before it can be used for the great works of your people. While also adding a merchant quarter to it so the umgi don't come near the hold.
Cost: 15 000: Chance: 70%
Material Cost: 6 Granite, 10 Iron, 4 Copper, Silver (Provides three Artillery Points and expands shipbuilding capabilities. Two Extra slots for umgi ships and One Extra slot for Dawi ships. (Expands Dock Space to 15 Warships) ( A few towers will be built along with a wall and a Merchant quarter where the hold will sell trade items throughout the years)
-[]Complete the Runehall: The Runehall is vital to the crafting of runic items and research though it is quite expensive but if the time away on the expedition is used wisely it will be able to be completed when you have returned.
Cost: 15 000: Chance: 80%
Material cost: 5 HQR, 20 NQR, 25 LQR
-[] The Underway to Karak Grom(Will Be Completed at end of Time skip): With word from Karak Grom saying that they have begun building an underway to our hold maybe a little bit of work on our end will see it completed faster. (Progress to Completion 9/15) ((Karak Grom has already built much of the Underway to your location)
70% chance of success Cost: 35 000 Gold, 25 Granite Units
1 Turn
-[] Secure the North: Have the Rangers ensure that the entire north is secure from bandits for a couple of years and ensure that the umgi prosper in your people's vigil while also helping to bolster your ally's food supplies.
65% chance of success
(gyrocopters can only Assist in surface actions near the hold at the moment +15 To any roll this time skip and costs 600 Gold)
-[]Train the Rangers: You Heard the man mention that your kin that fought in the Riverlands and patroled around the hold barely qualified as adequate, you wonder what he consider's competent maybe you will find out if you give him leave to train his fellow ranger's.
60% chance of success
-[] Focus on thining the swarm greatly: The spiders are a menace thankfully the rangers are more than adept at dealing with them and helping the Throng along is bound to only cause things to go easier for them and the hold.
65% chance of success
(Can take the two options below with a single action)
-[] Underground Outposts: With the Hold now exposed to underground threats you would rather they not get anywhere near the hold in the first place designing a self-sufficient fort meant for underground will see it defended should anything try to strike you from that direction. (Progress 2/4)
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
-[] Apprentice brewers fair: Your short on brewing grains, and the brewers guild know this full well. However, the hold has ever-increasing demands for beers and ales. Have them experiment to make 'ersatz' (as the Imperials call it) alcohol. Be this from Umgi sources, or from whatever they can find. So long as it's strong, and puts a fire in your belly. (Progress 2/3)
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
-[] Troll Slime Distillation: The Charges used by the Throngs Miners may prove useful and while your not sure if it's a good idea, your sure Tystin can work towards figuring out how to make use of them as a substitute to black powder but it will be no easy task. (Progress 6/10)
Chance of Success: 50%
Time: 1 Turns
-[] Assist in an action: A little bit of effort in one of the holds project is sure to help it go further even if you're not quite as good as your advisors. (Add's your skill as a bonus to a roll)(also increases the skill)
--[] The Underway to Karak Grom
-[] Assist in an action: A little bit of effort in one of the holds project is sure to help it go further even if you're not quite as good as your advisors. (Add's your skill as a bonus to a roll)(also increases the skill)
--[]Complete the Runehall
-[]Learn the secrets of being a Leader: To lead your people you must make your hold and land thrive you must know-how. Dig into the archives to learn the skills and help you manage your land. (Stewardship Skill progresses)
-[] Weapons Practice: The art of combat is no simple thing and in the chaos, much can happen, and learning how to wield the weapons of war is important. (Dwarf Crossbow)
(Gremdor is giving a boost of 6X to your roll's)
Time: 1 Turn
-[] Have her learn under the Enginers and master Balin: Her Interests in engineering have never been a secret to you, what with the way that she keeps sneaking off to do what she can with them. Still, there is much to be an engineer and hopefully it will help her already sharp mind develop further.
-[] Have her learn under Dumin: To navigate dawi politics is no easy thing and it is even harder to learn how to lead them and avoid causing a grudge or worse a blood war between them. Thankfully Dumin is a deft hand at this and Sigrun will do well to learn her skills under him.
-[] Have her learn under Tygran: To manage a hold is no easy thing especially when you have to oversee it's construction and maintenance, thankfully Tygran while a little to absorbed in his books is good at this and know's the skills required for such a thing and having Sigrun learn from him is sure to teach her how to run a hold or at least understand what is going on.
-[]Betrothal Options: (Will likely make up a larger background on the one chosen)(Choose 1)
-Aldin Son of (Son of Ragnar of Clan Bronzebeard) (Ties Clan Bronzebeard to the hold and will bind you closer together) (Daughter stay within your hold)
-[] Assist the Hold with construction: +1 Stewardship action with a +35 to the action chosen (This is pretty much the action of do nothing if you don't have the gold) (be Warned Engineers get annoyed if they do nothing involving war machines after a time. You don't want that to happen)
--[] Bronzebeard Metalsmith Hall: The Bronzebeards are highly regarded for their metalwork and while they are skilled smiths their true skill lies in their ability to purify the metal's dug from the earth so that they may be truely crafted into masterworks. (High Quality Metal Ingot's Lower DC Check for saves and better Quality armor and weapons') (They make a difference in background rolls) (Unlocks Gromril level weapons and armor) (Improves quality of Things built in the hold to max)
70% chance of success Cost: 8000 Gold, (3000 Gold Upkeep, 3 Tools) (Space 3)
[x] Runic Research (Weapons - Ranged): Have the Runesmiths of your hold delve into the past and try and rediscover or remake a rune that affected Ranged Weapons.
Chance of Success: 30% (50% if gold is poured into helping them research amounting to 4000 gold a year) (Locked in) (Failed 2 of 3 rolls in advancing this)
Time: 3 Turns remaining

#Total Cost Of Plan:
Material cost:
3 Tools
31 Granite
5 HQR, 20 NQR, 25 LQR
10 Iron, 4 Copper, Silver
5 Units of Armor,
6 Units of Weapons:
8000+600+35000+4000+4000=51,600 Gold Cost
3000 Gold Upkeep,

#Will complete this turn:
Bronzebeard Metalsmith Hall
Three actions to improve Stewardship Skill
Marriage with Clan Bronzebeard
Apprentice brewers fair
The Underway to Karak Grom
Complete the Runehall
Expand the Port and it's defenses - Merchant quarter

#Things I need help on:
Trade, Trade Agreements, Trade plans, I need someone else to do them. Or the thread to help me with them.
Is there a way for us to hire mountain clansman warriors to supplement our throng or rangers?
Last edited: spiders have become even worse then, unless we kill them all they will never let us be, thankfully no more warpstone impacts...unless we can find a way to either A) purify the warpstone, or B) Safely dispose of it...fricken spiders, fricken winter...and fricken ice-elves for fucking everything up.
A Vote to Determine what is about to happen.
Okay, I have come to realize that this quest is slowly dying. Mostly my fault really as I did keep adding things in. So I am Starting a vote Now that will last a few days.

Simply put I want to restart This Quest. (This time with only your guy's clan making the journey into GOT) Though I will continue it if you guys want.

There will be a few new starting locations such as.
Any of the Seven Kingdoms
Along with either a Start Beyond the Wall which is in Thenn lands
Valyria (You will be able to make ships with this start)

Also, certain clan starts will have you hidden at the beginning of the Quest.

Plus I get to use my Resource system properly now that it all set up.

[] Restart Quest (Will get the new Thread started up as soon as possible) (This Quest will not be Abandoned but It will go onto Hiatus)

[] Keep this Quest running!


This is a separate VOTE! so still, vote on what you want to do on the turn if you wanna continue it.
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[X] Plan I wish more people would make a plan

[X] Keep this Quest running!

I worked realy hard on the omakes here and we habe not useed the gromril I dobt such a thing will come again