The Dawi change the game(An GOT/Warhammer crossover)

Omake: A Letter to a King (Canon)
My lord Stark, I hope that this letter reaches you delivered by my own hand, but in the event of my passing I have arranged for it to be carried to you. As you have likely heard from my father I have chosen to accompany the leader of the southmost Dawi settlement on a campaign. I believe this course of action, though with some risk, will best allow me to fulfill the task of understanding these dawi people.

What I have learned, Lord Stark... By the sacred woods, lord Stark, what I have learned.

We must never make war with the people under the mountain. I know their recent actions have given you pause and you weigh in your mind the place the Dawi are to hold in the North. I implore you, do not make war on them.

I have seen what the Dawi of the Mountain consider war. It is insanity. They wield weapons and armor of quality like valyrian steel in units. There is not one of their warriors who is not laden down with layers of chain and metal plate.

But it goes beyond that. The Dawi are insane. They wield weapons that explode into fire and toss men through the air AS MELEE WEAPONS.

They lack great numbers as we could raise from the levies in times of war, but I don't think that matters. I have seen their fortifications. The Dawi have chosen their hold well. No army that relies on numbers can hope to oppose them in the valleys and caves that they make their home.

But, my lord, all is not lost. There is hope.

Among the throng of the dawi is someone of a third race, elgi in the dawi language, elf. He is a nice fellow, if a bit aloof in the way so common to lords south of the gap. Still, he is sane in a way that the dawi are clearly not.

But he has magic. Not the mummery of wise women and charlatans, but real magic. Winds he calls them. I know not if they are really wind as he seems to summon them even in these dank depths without issue, but the magic at least is real. I have seen him cast spells, summoning shapes of metal, healing injuries, and enchanting.

And he is not alone. There are more elves. I do not know if word of this has reached you before this missive, it likely has, but the elves intend to settle in Whiteharbor. They are too few to make their own city, and so intend to settle in our lands.

My lord, there is a madness that has befallen us. It's not just these dawi. The whole world is shifting like sand blowing across the shore. These tunnels could not have existed, should not exist, and yet they do. These walls must be thousands of years old, and yet it isn't possible that none had found them before in the mountains.

My lord Stark, we must grasp every advantage we can if we hope to survive these times. I implore you to take every opportunity for advantage in these times. Treat with the elves and tie them to us, so that we may take advantage of their magic. Work with the dawi so that we may employ their tools and technology.

For I fear that without those advantages we shall be swept away like sand before a storm.

And a storm is coming, my lord. I can feel it. It itches at the back of my mind.

Like drums in the deep.
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[X]The set of problems explosives cannot solve approaches zero as the number of explosives used increases
[X]The set of problems explosives cannot solve approaches zero as the number of explosives used increases
should we evc moria after we save everyone
Yes, absolutely. We are traveling literally to the last group of Dawi we know about with the intention of fleeing back to civilization and ale the moment we make contact.

If we get to the bloody dawi and they go "But our larger group is still trapped in XYZ" then I'm about at the point where I go "Well, we are done here. Our mission was to save THESE SPECIFIC DAWI."
and we need more dawi and them to be equipped with full runic gromril and we need flamethrowers for this place

Flame Cannons

Flame Cannons are a Dwarfs artillery unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer. Dwarfs Unlocked with: Foundry Masters of Innovation Unlocked with: Foundry or Automated Foundry There are few weapons that can put fear into the heart of a foe like the Flame Cannon, one of the deadliest inventions of...
I reckon we need more people in the throng as well for a possible clean-up mission to Khazad-Dum.

Anyhow, I guess this is where teh Winter Cave Spiders are getting their food from...
To True no Fortress in unbreakable then again the dwarfs were at their weakest and also suffering from a calamity that opened a lot of holes in their defenses at the time. So they got unlucky really but you have to admit compared to most Fortress the dawi make them far better. Still did not change the outcome though.

Also, vote closes in 10 hours.
Adhoc vote count started by thefoolswriter on Mar 4, 2021 at 12:42 PM, finished with 45 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X]The set of problems explosives cannot solve approaches zero as the number of explosives used increases.
    [X]Have the Throng chargeback along the Path you came and set up within the hall before.
    [X]The set of problems explosives cannot solve approaches zero as the number of explosives used increases.
    -[X] Make a Stand within the passage and try to hold back both forces and hope no reinforcements arrive.
    -[X]The Reserve of the Throng: Where do you commit them.
    -[X]Khazad-Dum Army:
    -[X]Balin Lord of Morai (Choose 1)
    -[X]Yservara The Elgi Mage (Risk of Hall collapse if she uses combat spells) (Choose 1)
    -[X]Blasting Charges: (Risk of Hall Collapse) (Choose 1) (Still have 2 Throws worth) (Miners are in the rear line)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mad0Slayer on Mar 3, 2021 at 3:37 AM, finished with 29 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X]The set of problems explosives cannot solve approaches zero as the number of explosives used increases.
    [X]The set of problems explosives cannot solve approaches zero as the number of explosives used increases.
    -[X] Make a Stand within the passage and try to hold back both forces and hope no reinforcements arrive.
    -[X]The Reserve of the Throng: Where do you commit them.
    -[X]Khazad-Dum Army:
    -[X]Balin Lord of Morai (Choose 1)
    -[X]Yservara The Elgi Mage (Risk of Hall collapse if she uses combat spells) (Choose 1)
    -[X]Blasting Charges: (Risk of Hall Collapse) (Choose 1) (Still have 2 Throws worth) (Miners are in the rear line)