The Dawi change the game(An GOT/Warhammer crossover)

Interlude: The flight of the beastmen
He stared at them as he licked his blood covered muzzle in delight as he spoke loudly surrounded by fire. His Guttrol voice carrying throughout the area. "We feast tonight on the gut's of men and gnaw on their bones." He said roaring out in victory as he looked around him as bodies of their enemies were feasted on and the castle that they held now a ruin all the while his pack supported him loudly while none dared to challenge him. "Tonight we fill our bellies and tomorrow we march to knew land's where we the herd will grow. No longer will we suffer these man hunts for the herd and in time. We will return to take our vengeance on the bearded man." He finished his statement as he looked around him noticing a man still alive hiding under a cart shaking in fear.

He strode forward throwing the cart off to the side with ease before grabbing the man and lifting him high up. "See what we face nothing but weak and useless men too scared to fight us and only hide, they are weak and we are strong and in time we will show them our strength!." He emphasized as he crushed the man in his grip making him gurgle out in pain before looking over the herd seeing them following him fervently. "Now open the path I wish to see our new lands" He ordered as he threw the man into the middle of the herd to feast on before entering the ice tunnel and when he left it all he saw was snow and his new territory.


Things have changed and the hunt is on.
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I'm leaning for maybe. More likely than not it would one of the more abandoned castles. Castle Black would be pretty difficult for a Beastmen herd to take down, as its the most heavily manned, and populated around it.

Its gonna be hella interesting regardless with the Beastmen heading North. the Umgi thre are almost as primative as them, and the herd will likely do poorly for the first generation or two, as they hunker down in the True North.

In future generations though...

I expect the Starks to recieve a lot of northern petitions to come south of the wall. Or the Thenn's become a regional 'civilised' power, as the surviving umgi flee to them.
Omake: Just keep swimming.(Canon)
Omake: Just keep swimming.

'This was not meant to happen.'

A proclamation that had run through his head every day since King Aegon had burnt down Harrenhal, and made him, a lesser lord; essentially the 'king' in all but name, of the Riverlands. Once he had smarted that he was only a 'Great Lord' under the dragon, unlike the once king now Lord Paramount, Loren Lannister; now with everything that had happened in the months since. He regretted ever sending his plea for aid a year ago...

Ambition had long been a trait of their family. Much alike Harlen Tyrell. But Harlen never had to deal with Grumpkins and Snarks coming to life bringing hell to his kingdom.

Now the small folk, once so eager to preach his, and his new kings names in reverence and relief, whispered that their actions had brought the gods wrath upon them. Short demons strode through the night, slaughtering livestock., burning fields, and tainting wells with poisons no Maester had encountered before...

Edmyn now longed for days even when the Queens brought near endless demands for livestock to feed their beasts. Those at least brought memories when he still had livestock to part with; and her majesty, Rhaenys had offered good conversation. Well at least till their final parting.

The Queen forgave him for his words that day... Shaela's death, after those of their youngest, Luthor and Robert, only days earlier to the demons had struck him hard. His demand for scroll work, and petitions had grown every day since...

Then Lord Chester had arrived with her haggard forces, and things only grew worse. Now he had to deal with whispers among the men. Talks of northern sorcery. Hiding the identity of the queen herself, to keep her image intact. All while he dreaded King Aegons response.

Be it by raven, or drained dragon. It was clear the conquest was over. Now it was only a matter of time before the King realized it.
Omake: By the Anceter gods get the guildmaster
The sound of a pickaxe echoed in the tunnel in a steady rhythm as Thovroic Greystone swing his pickaxe focusing on each swing not think on the thirst oh the terrible thirst the Ale was gone he giggled loudly to himself the sound echoing down the tunnel. But he had a cure oh yes he did it was here he could smell the slippery thing it often tried to stop him sending him on false paths with visions and perfect but fake look-alikes but he knew different the nose of a dwarf of four centuries could smell it and he was oh so close now. he ignored the sounds of hurried footsteps behind him in the distance the Wazzorks had found him after he had given them the slip from his bonds did they not know that he was saving the ungrateful bearding's the cure to their and his thirst was at hand and by Grungni's Trunnion he would do it even if it killed him.

picking up the pace of his mining that only increased as the footsteps grew louder and the voices calling his name and to stop became audible he ignored them and kept swinging his Pickaxe even when his callused hands bleed and his laughter grew uncontrollable he madly swung his pickaxe as the other dawi rounded the corner the wall before him collapsed reviling a cave. but before he could see inside he was grabbed by multiple pairs of hands and was dragged backwards he screamed he cursed and begged but the dawi who held him did not relent their faces a mix of worry relief and grim determination.

just as he was dragged out of sight a Dawi peeked into the cave and let out a shout of suprise

" By the Anceter gods get the guildmaster he will need to see this"


What about 'Frosty the Ice Drake' (native) getting territorial at a rogue Ironborn fleet off the frozen sea?

It won't change up much, since we know they exist, and they periodically range out to catch whales/dolphins
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mad0Slayer on Dec 30, 2020 at 5:05 PM, finished with 40 posts and 15 votes.
Omake: Teaching Runes
Here's one last omake from me before the vote ends...

Omake: Teaching Runes

Kvornn grumbled at the newfound attention he and his fellow Runesmiths were receiving from the Umgi.

Naturally guild rules prevented non Dawi from even setting foot in a runesmiths chambers. But for this case he and his peers had made an exception. They were Umgi runes after all...

Ever since the battle, where it was clear that the works of their ancestors had not only been true, but likely saved the whole battle, the Umgi King had called for trusted men from all his loyal banners to step forth.

The lads they had before them, had been tested for loyalty, compatibility, and most importantly diligence. and ancestors be forgiving, Perhaps the foundation for the Umgi to refound their Runelord Guild once again... But for now they were a group of bumbling beardlings, eager eyed and foolish.

"You, wolf Umgi, follow the foundations and sketch down on the map where you find the runes."

"you tall Umgi, lead those miners there to excavate 'here', 'here', and 'here'." He said rubbing his finger into his pipe, before smudging soot on three parts of the lads map. "Mine and Runesmith Cas' apprentices will monitor the digs. Anything, and I mean anything. Bones, pottery, or masonry is to be noted and for them to be brought to attention."

he turned to a squat girl with strange amber eyes. "Swamp umgi, your with us.".

he shared a look with Cas and Dain. "Alright arrays getting mapped, and most likely points of master rune positions are getting checked. Now we have to work out how in the ancestors name to repower this thing!"
Omake: A fight beyond the wall
Olaf swung his club at the hideous goat like man that lunged for him. With a crunch of bone and cartlidge, the ruin that used to be it's ribcage crumpled inwards as viscera splattered upon him.

The disgusting creature bleated a death rattle as air wheezed out of it's nostrils. Olaf quickly stepping to the right as another grotesque thing leaped his way, he span while building momentum and brought his stolen Club down upon it's skull with a yell of rage!

The hunting expedition had been caught by surprise by these things, Erik impaled upon a Deer headed creature. Ulf knocked over by a charging Sheepman and Leryn losing an arm to a wolf like beast on two legs.

Ulf soon recovered and leaped about with the two steel cleavers he had traded for from an Ibbenese whaler, blades flashing in the light as he decapitated his attacker and began delimbing any other beastie near him.

Leryn screaming in rage as he began foaming at the mouth as he charged at the Wolf Monster that took his arm, he would be dead soon, but he became a blur of rage with his Bronze Axe, as he aimed to take as many with him into death as he could manage.

Olaf laughed as his blood was up, these creatures were vile and felt WRONG.... But he still reveled in the thrill of battle, his Club swinging back and forth breaking bones, pulping enemies faces.

The monsters began to panic, the stink of fear rolling off them all as their numbers were reduced.

Ruth the Eye, was flitting between the trees, her long red hair trailing behind her movements as she quickfired arrow after arrow into the braying abominations.

Soon only three creatures were left alive, attempting to flee in panic as arrows and axes plunged into their flesh and brought them down.

Olaf panted as he shook gore and grey matter from his Club, eyes glancing over his fellow free folk.

Only two deaths to bring down the Monsters.... 19 Vile Beasts for 2 Free Folk was better than it could have been.

The Hunters prepared their honoured dead on a pyre and stripped them of their valuables, soon setting the funerary pyre alight.

They then began to loot the dead creatures, Olaf grunting in awareness as the Weirwood Club glowed near certain symbols on the Beastmen, symbols that hurt the eyes to gaze upon.

The Free Folk looked to each other with a nod of shared insight, then Olaf began to smash the Symbols using his Weirwood Club, a bright flash of light and magic flaring as each was destroyed, the energies unleashed immediately sucked into the Weirwood Club and purified by the Old Gods.

The trees all around the Free Folk hunters, rustled and swayed despite the lack of any breeze. One by one each of them felt a touch.... a Blessing settling upon them.

The hunters looked to each other with a grin and much laughter, as the corpses of the Beastmen were suddenly impaled from below by Weirwood Roots and dragged underground as they rapidly began to dessicate and turn to dust.

Soon all that was left in the aftermath of the battle, was a Funeral Pyre, a few assortments of coins, jewellry etc.... and an Axe of a Metal not seen before, one with Runes upon it.... First Men Runes.
The Conquest – The end is near
The Conquest – The end is near

You stood outside the umgis room having been alerted that she had finally awoken thankfully a day later and well after the victory celebration, though as you stared at the door you wondered what was going through her head as she had witnessed what would have seemed like the killing of her beast.

So you hardened yourself to deal with an umgi women because even a dawi knew how hard they could be when their ire stoked. Thankfully not nearly as bad as a kvinn's but still something to be wary of.

The sight that greeted you within the room was a bit of a surprise as the umgi seemed to be trying to act normal and calm through the look in her eyes told you a different story, you could see grief in them but also hint's of shame, probably from her failure. She seemed to tense at your entry though covered it well. You made sure to keep your distance as you moved over to a table a flagon of ale sitting there, not that you minded as you poured one for the lady while ignoring it not really wanting any umgi brew as you looked out the window. "You can rest easy lady neither I nor my kin means you any harm." You spoke though that did not seem to reassure her much.

She just kept quiet not making much noise as she watched you closely inspecting you curiously. "I am, sorry for calling you a dwarf it was not right to address you by your affliction but it was battle" She spoke softly her voice hitching slightly as you heard her distance herself from you.

You could only snort at what she said as you turned to her. "What affliction? I am a dawi and while my people are short in stature compared to other races especially you umgi but we are of stout heart and stronger and body than you assume. So don't confuse us with those of your race born low to the ground." You took a short breath as she seemed to look confused for a moment before it looked like she connected the dots as her face seemed to slowly morph in worry. "Though it is an honest mistake and not something our allies people talk about often, Still you and your mount have been left in my people's care for multiple reasons. None of which I can share with you but I do hope that your stay is at least comfortable." Your words seemed to knock her off balance for but a moment.

Not that it mattered as it seemed her body acted without her command as she closed the distance between the two of you as she made to grab your shoulders as she spoke out rapidly. "Wait Meraxes lives? Please take me to her I must see her!" You managed to avoid her narrowly as she seemed to get a breath of life.

You nodded your head while speaking still having to dodge her. "Calm down women, I will take you to the damn wyrm though only if you control yourself." Though that only seemed to make her stop and start asking questions instead.

Looking after the Umgi Queen and her mount:92

After your first meeting with your prisoner you found your time over the coming weeks and day's busy with many hours consumed by the umgi as you tried to rain her in. While teaching her what you could of your peoples culture while she did the same though it was generally around the oversized lizard when she talked the most so you allowed it though only in moderation, something the umgi queen was not happy about but at least she understood her position even if it had a lot of liberties. Though you both learned a lot about one another, she did not learn of where your clan lived or where you kin liked to make their homes but she at least understood your people's cultures a little. Which for some reason made her grin.

Her 'Dragon' Meraxes was treated well something that could have been very different had it fallen into umgi hands and while your kin would have liked to use it as regents and remove it as a threat. The thing had been captured after the battle was over and would make a useful bargaining piece. Not that it was doing well as when you had finally seen the beast its condition surprised you as it should have been dead.

As the thing was covered in multiple shallow cuts while along its one side two long cut's from the bolt throwers adorned it while a few smaller bolts had been found among it's body while many of it's bones in the wings were either damaged or broken. The wyrm likely to only heal year's down the line and probably could only be moved over short distances. Not that you cared much about the thing.

Other than that, you had found your time with her at least enjoyable as she seemed to relax after the first few day's after nothing of importance occurred which allowed the two of you to form some kind of friendship. Something that made a few of the umgi lord's worry about but you. Not that they had to worry as you were no Oath-breaker Though the umgi were the least of your worries as the long beards kept glaring at the beast for some slight many wanting to kill the thing even if it was restrained.

Still things were good for her and she had at least sent a message to her family letting them know of her treatment and from the reports you later received seemed to have calmed the umgi down somewhat, though what would come of it you knew not.

Repairing the Fortress:67+5(Omakes)=72
Gathering Inteligence:49+15(Omakes)=64

Still, there was much to do in the time in between your duties as the umgi's warden and managing the throng which was busy as were your allies as they worked hard to ensure that the Moat was ready for another assault. As many reports found their way to your desk all detailing what was done around the fortress. as walls were fixed and reinforced while the gate was improved upon while rumors circulated around the keep seemed to circulate as time passed one of which was you apparently wrestling the wyrm off the wall which your kin found funny. As any dawi would never wrestle with them they would use an ax to kill the beast before pushing the beast off the wall.

While umgi all around showed some respect to your kin as it was no secret that the battle would have been more bloody had it not been for the runes protecting everyone atop the walls and that many more would have died, so while the northern lords were slightly wary of the magic used they still appreciated the assistance that the runesmiths had provided.

Which was another issue as the runesmith's had sent word that they would not be able to fully restore the runic array for the castle without trolls blood. Something that was within reach days ago was no longer possible as the beast had gone to ground. Now lost somewhere in the swamp and would take time to find something you did not have an abundance of as the umgi invaders now infested the swamp.

Which brought you to the other conundrum as your ranger's while capable had run into an issue and that was that the umgi had grown a little too alert and wary of late and were making their jobs hard. Though it was not an issue as they had managed to learn at least the general things that the umgi were up to mostly revolving around plenty of supplies brought from the other regions much more than what was needed to feed the subjects of the land and it's armies were slowly swelling to a large number.


The last weeks had been okay if you considered having to look at a wyrm a lot and then hearing the grumbling of the longbeards since you had the clan watching over the thing, at least the umgi was at least good fun to have around as she kept you occupied though you never let her have a weapon or near the wyrm without an adequate guard.

Though that looked to be coming to an end as a messenger had arrived both from the rangers and the umgi invades and so all the lords and allies of the north were been gathered in the tower with which the umgi made their plans.

Aegon Targaryen decision:72+12(Letter from wife)=84

You were seated not too far from the king next to Roreksson while his lords were slightly divided from them while a fire roared in the corner as the umgi bantered amongst one another. The king finally entered looking worn and tired but he seemed to walk proudly as he took his place on the dias. "My loyal lords and allies I come with news from the south. The invaders have sent word that they wish for peace among our two kingdom's," he spoke relief clear in his voice though it held something more as well while some of the umgi around the hall broke out into jeer's at even considering it other looked just as relieved at the news as the king while many more were silent.

The king took a deep sigh before continuing. "While this will see an end to the war I am no fool, I intend to have a permanent garrison within this fortress numbering some twelve thousand men for so long as I live, but right now I will not have your land's untended with winter so close and it looks to be a long one. I will speak with each house personally for details. As for these peace talks I have much to discuss and I will work towards it as I fear what will happen should they persist with this war."

Much of the afternoon devolved into the king calling for order while you were only consulted on your opinions for what was to come. Though as the sunset you and Roreksson were the last lord['s with the king as he sat down in his chair drinking ale while looking at you. "My allies, I have no delusions that this was only possible thanks to your people's aid and it will not be forgotten by my house but now a difficult path lies ahead of us, I did not share this with my vassal's today because I am in need of council." He said tiredly as he drank deeply while his eyes drifted over the map table."The Dragon Lord's did indeed send a peace proposal but I called this meeting as soon as I got the report from our scout's so we had little chance to discuss what has developed. They are preparing to invade I fear should these negotiations fail to bring favorable circumstances for them. There is also news that their dragon has recovered and is under heavy guard, it will not be impeded this time. So I have come to a decision that our hostage is to be moved where I do not know. As for your people, I would like to request their aid with something else.

(All the coming options will affect how things play out.)

Where is Rhaenys and Maraxes to be moved.

[] Under moat calin

[] Keep them so they are visible for Aegon

[] Move them to the hold

[] Move them to Winterfell

While you discussed where it was best to hold her the decision of what to do with the throng was mentioned. Along with every group which made it whole.

The Throng Status

[] Return to the hold (Sends your combined throng back to the clans)

[] Keep them fully assembled in case they attack (Should you take this option only then do you select the suboptions)

-The Throng
--[]Fortify The Fortress
--[]Train the Umgi
--[]Expand the Subterranean halls

-The Rangers
--[]Recall Them to help defend the moat
--[]Prepare to continue harassment of the Riverlands
--[]Hunt the Trolls

[] Leave 1000 Dawi to defend the castle (200 Rangers 450 Quarralers and 200 Warriors 150 Miners)
-(Optional)[] Who will command them
--A Dawi Veteran(Default)
--An Umgi lord

As decisions were made on what your people's course was while the king also asked what you would be doing personally. As well as a request for the rune smith's to be active.

[] Return to the hold(Ends this arc)

[] Guard The Umgi

[] Join the peace talks
-[] Silent Show of support
-[] Be active in the talks
--[]Support Independence
--[]Support bending the knee
--[]Try for Favourable Terms

The Runesmiths:
Torren knows their worth and is rather worried about the dragons burning down the north and asks for aid.

[] A few of them: You will spare a few runesmiths to both garrison the Moat while others will awaken the umgi runic arrays in the north.

[] Half of them: You will spare half of your clan's runesmiths and while two and their apprentices remain in the moat another 16 will travel the north activating the defense arrays in the north.

[] All of them: 32 Runesmiths and all their apprentices will scour the north and activate all the runes they can find in short order while four of them maintain the defenses at the Moat.


2-hour Morritourum

Happy new years guys and stay safe.
Well this has gone kinda how i thought dragon boy wants peace but hes not gonna take the losing side easily on it. my guess is at minimum he wants his wife and dragon back after that its anyones guess. So i think we should keep the captives under the moat since i dont really want them near the hold and we should be active in the talks and keep our throng here and ready incase the talks fail and they try to take the castle. And as for the runesmiths i say at most half of them.

So something like this. Frankly i dont want to give in to dragon boy so if talks fail we must be prepared to show him why the Dawi are a force to be feared.

[] Under moat calin
[] Keep them fully assembled in case they attack (Should you take this option only then do you select the suboptions)
-The Throng
--[]Fortify The Fortress

--[]Recall Them to help defend the moat
[] Join the peace talks
-[] Be active in the talks
--[]Try for Favourable Terms

[] Half of them: You will spare half of your clan's runesmiths and while two and their apprentices remain in the moat another 16 will travel the north activating the defense arrays in the north.
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I wouldnt mind the north joining the targs on good conditions if we dont have to swear fealty to them aswell mainly for trade to be honest.
They are done. With one dragon down (as long as we keep it) everyone can see they can lose. He'll have trouble keeping the rest in line now. We need concessions and both for the North and for US. He attacked and lost so just a white peace is out of the question.
i think we can vote

[X] Under moat calin
[X] Keep them fully assembled in case they attack (Should you take this option only then do you select the suboptions)
-The Throng
--[X]Fortify The Fortress
--[X]Recall Them to help defend the moat
[X] Join the peace talks
-[X] Be active in the talks
--[X]Try for Favourable Terms
[X] Half of them:
You will spare half of your clan's runesmiths and while two and their apprentices remain in the moat another 16 will travel the north activating the defense arrays in the north.
[X] Under moat calin
[X] Keep them fully assembled in case they attack (Should you take this option only then do you select the suboptions)
-The Throng
--[X]Fortify The Fortress
--[X]Recall Them to help defend the moat
[X] Join the peace talks
-[X] Be active in the talks
--[X]Try for Favourable Terms
[X] Half of them: You will spare half of your clan's runesmiths and while two and their apprentices remain in the moat another 16 will travel the north activating the defense arrays in the north.
[X] Under moat calin
[X] Keep them fully assembled in case they attack (Should you take this option only then do you select the suboptions)
-The Throng
--[X]Fortify The Fortress
--[X]Recall Them to help defend the moat
[X] Join the peace talks
-[X] Be active in the talks
--[X]Try for Favourable Terms
[X] Half of them:
You will spare half of your clan's runesmiths and while two and their apprentices remain in the moat another 16 will travel the north activating the defense arrays in the north.
[X] Under moat calin
[X] Keep them fully assembled in case they attack (Should you take this option only then do you select the suboptions)
-The Throng
--[X]Fortify The Fortress
--[X]Recall Them to help defend the moat
[X] Join the peace talks
-[X] Be active in the talks
--[X]Try for Favourable Terms
[X] Half of them: You will spare half of your clan's runesmiths and while two and their apprentices remain in the moat another 16 will travel the north activating the defense arrays in the north.
I feel like having Rhaenys out might be a good idea she is the only women Aegon actually loves so he will be much more hesitant to try anything with her safety on the line