The Dawi change the game(An GOT/Warhammer crossover)

[X] You will hold her (Default)
-[X] Talk with her and treat the turkey
[X]Wait and see what they do
-[X]Send word to the Targ that we hold the woman and the turkey captive but treated well
[X]Work on repairing the Fortress
[X] Have them gather intelligence
[X] You will hold her (Default)
-[X] Talk with her and treat the turkey
[X]Wait and see what they do
-[X]Send word to the Targ that we hold the woman and the turkey captive but treated well
[X]Work on repairing the Fortress
[X] Have them gather intelligence

They are fucked we have one of there dragons and generals another is poisoned for a short time and the last is crippled and cant fly ill eat my shoes if some of the houses dont rebel or secretly try assassinate Aegon now since they are much weaker
[X]Your Allies the Starks (DC of 70)

[X]Send a proposal for peace

[X]Hunt the Troll and scout information on them:
A few dawi reported seen a troll out there maybe they were hallucinating but it would be best to check.

[X] Do nothing and let them continue as they see fit.
[X]Your Allies the Starks (DC of 70)

[X]Send a proposal for peace

[X]Hunt the Troll and scout information on them:
A few dawi reported seen a troll out there maybe they were hallucinating but it would be best to check.

[X] Do nothing and let them continue as they see fit.
Why would we ever send for peace that puts us on the weak foot and gives them power
[X] You will hold her (Default)
-[X] Talk with her and treat the turkey
[X]Wait and see what they do
-[X]Send word to the Targ that we hold the woman and the turkey captive but treated well
[X]Work on repairing the Fortress, get those Runes fixed, charged and maybe improved by the Runelords.
[X] Have them gather intelligence
[X] You will hold her (Default)
-[X] Talk with her and treat the Turkey. Teach her of the Dawi, learn of her own culture, consult with her and the Healers and Priestess's of Valaya Goddess of Healing to give best Healing efforts, try to befriend her and ask her to write to Aegon and her Sister, both to confirm health and good treatment and to come to an accord.
[X]Wait and see what they do
-[X]Send word to the Targ that we hold the woman and the turkey captive but treated well. Reason with them, offer Peace from position of strength.
[X]Work on repairing the Fortress, get those Runes fixed, charged and maybe improved by the Runelords.
[X] Have them gather intelligence
[X] You will hold her (Default)
-[X] Talk with her and treat the Turkey. Teach her of the Dawi, learn of her own culture, consult with her and the Healers and Priestess's of Valaya Goddess of Healing to give best Healing efforts, try to befriend her and ask her to write to Aegon and her Sister, both to confirm health and good treatment and to come to an accord.
[X]Wait and see what they do
-[X]Send word to the Targ that we hold the woman and the turkey captive but treated well. Reason with them, offer Peace from position of strength.
[X]Work on repairing the Fortress, get those Runes fixed, charged and maybe improved by the Runelords.
[X] Have them gather intelligence
The Prisoner: We're holding her right now, and I don't see anything to be gained by transferring her to someone else's custody.

Treating her own wounds and her mount should set a precedent for treating Prisoners of War well, which sounds useful (not that either side has captured many prisoners in this war so far).

War plans: The Targaryens are in a very bad position with this defeat. I think I would rather try to capitalize on that. Waiting to see how they react gives them the strategic initiative.
> Even without their dragons, trying to face them in the field doesn't really play to our own strengths.
> I have no idea how much we could get away with demanding in a peace treaty.
> Waiting seems to be the default, and I've failed to put together an argument for either of the other options; I guess I'll take it.

The Throng: Obvious default is work on repairing the fortress (it held against the last attack, but got damaged in the process, judging by the eventual failure of the magical barrier under repeated attack by dragon fire).

On the other hand, how likely are the Targaryens to attack here again relatively soon? The army they sent against us this time got pretty badly munched.
The Targ army that assaulted you

8000 Men at Arms
13 000 Archers
20 000 Levy
Umgi Invaders

Meraxes Injured
Rhaenys Captured
1400 Men at arms Dead
2600 Archers Dead
3500 Peasant levy Dead
5600 Men at arms Injured
6000 Archers Injured
11 000 Peasant levy Injured
Assuming for now that "injured" means "too injured to fight soon")

Men at arms: 8,000 start; 1400 dead, 5600 injured; Remainder: 1,000 (1/8)
Peasant Levy: 20,000 start, 3,500 dead, 11,000 injured; Remainder: 5,500 (about 1/4)
Archers: 13,000 start, 2600 dead, 6,000 injured; Remainder 4,400 (about 1/3)

In the Riverlands stands another

12 000 Men at Arms
20 000 archers
10 000 levy
3000 Cav
> Reserves in the Riverlands are somewhat larger than what came against us, but not by even a factor of 2. With their dragons out of commission (and therefore our bolt throwers able to focus on other targets like enemy battering rams), there is every reason to expect a repeat assault to go even worse for them than this round did.
> Now that we've seen the runic array in action (and seen it fail during battle), I don't think our craftsmen and Rune Lords will be willing to leave it alone.

> The troll: Could be trouble (the omake was fairly explicit that it is aware of us and wants both dawi meat and dawi "shinies"), but unless we have patrols or rangers in its area, the troll has to come to us (either here or our hold) to actually get anything from us.

The Rangers: Either gather intelligence or continue as they see fit (the other two options sound pointless).

[X] You will hold her (Default)
-[X] Talk with her and treat the turkey
[X]Wait and see what they do
-[X]Send word to the Targ that we hold the woman and the turkey captive but treated well
[X]Work on repairing the Fortress, get those Runes fixed, charged and maybe improved by the Runelords.
[X] Have them gather intelligence
If this does not give us a good reputation and a great bargaining position, then really, nothing will.

I say we keep the hostages, sue for peace, and have our rangers gather intelligence.

[x] You will hold her (Default)
-[X] Talk with her and treat the turkey
[x] Send a proposal for peace
[x] Work on repairing the Fortress, get those Runes fixed, charged and maybe improved by the Runelords.
[x] Have them gather intelligence
I thought we were asking for Peace in our communications to Aegon and then waiting to see what he does?

At least that was my intention in my Vote.

Basically Befriend and Heal, attempt to get Aegon to back down, call off the attacks, end the war on our terms, with possibilities for Trade and an Alliance against the Iron Islands.
[X] You will hold her (Default)
-[X] Talk with her and treat the turkey
[X]Wait and see what they do
-[X]Send word to the Targ that we hold the woman and the turkey captive but treated well
[X]Work on repairing the Fortress
[X] Have them gather intelligence
You are allowing the targs to choose but sending the letter to say you have them as a hostage will have one of two effects either seek peace.(your been nice to her) or try and get her back which is unlikely since their is a risk and she is been respected and cared for.

This also happens to make the targs look weak or uncaring depending on what they do.
You are allowing the targs to choose but sending the letter to say you have them as a hostage will have one of two effects either seek peace.(your been nice to her) or try and get her back which is unlikely since their is a risk and she is been respected and cared for.

This also happens to make the targs look weak or uncaring depending on what they do.
But far better than if we sent another row of demands.

they know our stance, anything more (aside from Visenya's survival) would just insult them more
Omake: The Deep Breath...(Canon)
Omake: The Deep Breath...

Stan had barely managed to scrounge enough supplies for him and his mates, before night fell, and a battered host returned. Quickly the returning force was directed into the holdfast itself. The numbered of injured requiring immediate attention only the assembled maesters could supply.

The men were already in talk about what happened. 'Where is the Queen?' 'What happened.'

there was already whispers that the army had been halted at the Norths holdfast. Locals claimed it was as old as the North, and had never fallen. Others claimed that they heard of soldiers in the castle talking about magic. That the fortress was resistant to fire...

It had already been a week, and no word had come from the Aegonfort. A Raven had already been sent to the king, caring for his dragon after it suffered indegestion after eating a lizardlion whole. No word or sight of Queen Rhaenerys, waiting for her dragon to finish brooding in Dragonstone.

The lads were worried now. It was clear the Riverlands were cursed. and to make it worse, a third of their army was crippled, their present muster numbered not even a tenth the size of the last Crusade north, their provisions were tainted. They were short on food, without a flying dragon; and from the hushed whispers littering the camp, the North was playing with powers even the Septons had no answer too...

Right now, Stan wished more than ever things would return to what they were before the Fields of Fire, when everything still felt right.
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[X] You will hold her (Default)
-[X] Talk with her and treat the Turkey. Teach her of the Dawi, learn of her own culture, consult with her and the Healers and Priestess's of Valaya Goddess of Healing to give best Healing efforts, try to befriend her and ask her to write to Aegon and her Sister, both to confirm health and good treatment and to come to an accord.
[X]Wait and see what they do
-[X]Send word to the Targ that we hold the woman and the turkey captive but treated well. Reason with them, offer Peace from position of strength.
[X]Work on repairing the Fortress, get those Runes fixed, charged and maybe improved by the Runelords.
[X] Have them gather intelligence