Happy Giant

HMAS Hobart
San Diego Naval Base

The Australian destroyer blushed at the attention she was receiving as the two Romanian ships bickered around her with a familiarity bred through camaraderie. Hobart could only hope that in time, she would be able to be good friends with everyone else as the Romanians were with each other.

"L-Lead the way? R-Right, o-okay then."

Lead the group. Surely she couldn't mess up something that simple, right?

"T-Then if everyone has no o-objections... We should p-probably get going now and make it a q-quick visit... t-that way we'll have enough time to r-resupply and talk with the o-others..." Hobart mumbled as she began to walk in the complete opposite direction of the infirmary.

... Thankfully, it appeared that the destroyer noticed this and quickly reversed course with a luminescent blush on her face visibly attempting to resist the urge to hide under the coat she had been summoned with.

"I-I-I-I knew that." Hobart squeaked out before anyone could say anything, speedwalking the rest of the way to the infirmary.

@Jhin Lemon @TheFanficAddict @UbeOne @Zeroth Jupi @Michael Lewis

I simply nodded shyly, going along with them to visit this Tirpitz. It would be nice. Meet someone new.
USS John F. Kennedy
San Diego Naval Base
8:25 AM

After almost half an hour of wandering around looking lost, Jennifer eventually gave up trying to find her way around on her own, and asked one of the nearby enlisted sailors for directions to the mess hall. After thanking them and starting to follow those directions, she recovered her CAP, settling in to walk the surprisingly short distance to the mess hall.

Humming to herself, she passed a few other enlisted naval personnel, politely greeting them as they went past. After a few more minutes of brisk walking, she made it to the mess hall. Opening the doors, she smelled some good food being made.


@Zeroth Jupi
Captain Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:25 AM

USS Worcester
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

What did Worcester want from a refit? She wasn't quite sure honestly but that was only because she didn't know the names of all the things she wanted. One of the soldiers on the transport she'd arrived on had been kind enough to let her borrow his phone in the hope that reading something would help with her airsickness. It had -sort of- it had given her something else to focus on while she was feeling miserable after emptying everything out of stomach. Once online though, it had taken only a little direction to get herself pointed to the wikipedia articles on more recent ship and plane designs which had produced a laundry list of things that she wanted to have upgraded.

"My radar and fire control systems need the most immediate attention," Worcester replied, "I would like my anti-air suite upgraded as well though, as well as at least two CIWS systems. My guns are still effective against the abyssal jets, but my turrets need to be upgraded to track faster targets properly."
"I'll put in a request. If you come up with anything else feel free to tell me. For now, we should introduce you to the other girls, we're going to need to make more food at this rate," I say.

Hopefully Jennifer will turn up some time soon...more hopefully I won't have to return to my officer for a third time to meet a new shipgirl in this hour. I turn to lead Worcester to the kitchen.

@Battleship_Fusou (feel free to have Florina lead you to the kitchen in your next post)
HMAS Hobart
San Diego Naval Base

Hobart idly glanced up as she walked through the base, just in time to receive a hail from a squadron of F-35s circling in the distance, their transponders marking them as planes from the USS John F. Kennedy.

Hobart didn't remember seeing John F. Kennedy in their mad dash from Hawaii, but she had also heard that in the brief resting period between then and now, other ships... other girls like herself had also spontaneously poofed into existence. The destroyer wasn't exactly sure why this was all happening now, her earlier words and thoughts behind their existence surfacing in her mind briefly before she banished them with a shake of her head.

Hobart smiled and responded to their hails with a slight wave to John F. Kennedy's F-35s. Their IFF tags labelled them as 'WARDOG' much to the delight of the Sea Goblin's crew which confused the little destroyer.

'P-Pilots will be pilots...' The blonde thought amusedly as she continued her small jaunt through the Naval Base with her friends. Ordinarily, she'd divert to say hello to Kennedy but... well... she was sure the other carrier had things well in hand, right?

"... A-Ah, wait... I almost forgot... D-Do you think they'll let S-Seraph in the repair b-baths? Is there supposed t-to be some kind of r-rule about f-fighter planes indoors?" Hobart asked somewhat worriedly. It wouldn't do to have the Seraphs crash into anything if they were confined to a small space.

Feeling his ship being bored out of its mind, a fairy on board the ship had an idea: playing music. After all, they had musical instruments stored onboard, didn't they? Gathering a few of his friends, Erwin handed out some sheet music and instruments, had everybody set up on the floor outside the bathtub, and organized an impromptu symphony.

The blonde destroyer neared the repair baths when she first heard it. A strange sound... or rather a collection of sounds that weaved together to form a harmony. With a start, Hobart realised she was listening to someone's attempt at playing music.

As she and her group of friends approached the room containing the baths, Hobart quickly realised they were probably waiting for her to knock.

W-Wait, since when was she the one leading...?!

Hobart raised her fist and rapped her knuckles against the door.

"E-Excuse me... M-Miss Tirpitz?"

@Michael Lewis @Jhin Lemon @Zeroth Jupi @UbeOne @TheFanficAddict
Captain Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:25 AM

"I'll put in a request. If you come up with anything else feel free to tell me. For now, we should introduce you to the other girls, we're going to need to make more food at this rate," I say.

Hopefully Jennifer will turn up some time soon...more hopefully I won't have to return to my officer for a third time to meet a new shipgirl in this hour. I turn to lead Worcester to the kitchen.

@Battleship_Fusou (feel free to have Florina lead you to the kitchen in your next post)
USS Worcester
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:25 AM

Her new captain was fairly good so far all things considered Worcester thought. The young woman seemed just a touch overwhelmed by the whole experience, but new commanders were always like that. Worcester had seen enough of them to know that. After their brief introduction though, Captain Albu had spoken about heading to the kitchen. And despite having been positively miserable just a bit earlier on the plane, Worcester was already feeling ravenous.

Though given that she'd emptied her fuel bunkers into a bucket earlier it wasn't that surprising.

So Worcester had simply offered a slight nod and followed her commander to the base's kitchen. She was a little curious about the faint flurries of radar activity she'd been picking up since she arrived, but while indoors and so close to a normal human being she didn't dare do much beyond leaving her system in passive mode. Her radar wasn't anywhere near as powerful as what she had been reading about, but at this range it would still be more than sufficient to cook a person.
Anna Werner
Repair Bath Unceremoniously Stuffed Into a Hangar

"E-Excuse me... M-Miss Tirpitz?"
Hearing the knocking, Anna gestures for her fairies to put their instruments away do something else. They comply, and the impromptu rendition of "Have You Ever Seen the Rain" was cut out as the fairies ducked back inside their ship.

"Come in, please.", Anna responds, not terribly sure how to carry on the conversation from there. Gesturing at her surroundings, she continues. "How nice of you to come see me. I'd tell you to have a seat, but to be honest I don't think there's much to sit on."

Eliza Brown
Yuri Andropov
San Diego

Wandering through the base, Eliza idly thought about many things, ranging from what could have gone better to what the weather was like here in San Diego. A recurring question throughout the walk, however, was who she was.

Obviously, she was now the Yuri Andropov, last of the Kirov-class battlecruisers, but it was evident that this was not always the case. There was a fundamental disconnect between herself and the identity of that Russian ship. She didn't relate to the memories that came before "her" sinking, she didn't quite feel at home with her "ship-self", and there was always a nagging feeling that something was missing, as if some important chapter of her life was just lost in translation. Walking around the base, she could feel scattered bits and pieces of that chunk of her past just beneath the surface, occasionally popping up in the form of some tidbit of information, like how Balboa Park's awfully nice at this point in time, or how there's a really good pizza place on fifth avenue. She has no idea why she knows these things, and it bothered her.

Another thing that constantly bugged her was a name: Eliza Brown. Obviously, it meant something significant to her once upon a time, but who exactly was Ms. Brown? A friend? A relative? Perhaps the coworker from five years ago that helped teach her the ropes at a workplace? Was it her name from before she found herself standing on the Pacific Ocean while Pearl harbor burned? Shaking her head, Yuri Andropov put her hands back into her uniform's pockets, and kept walking wherever her feet would take her.
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Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

"Hello, this is the newest addition to our group, Luna." I announce. "Luna, these are Cypher, Sara, and Dockwise," I point to each of the named shipgirls in turn, "You'll have to be introduced to the rest when they all get called. Oh and Cypher, how is the progress on that map you were making?"
"It appears I need to leave again," I say while putting away the phone, "I'll leave you all to introduce yourselves for now."
Opening the doors, she smelled some good food being made.


Giving a slight nod to the new shipgirl I speak up to the captain, "it finished a while ago ma'am but you had to go and bring our new friend here I can give it to you now or after you return and she's already gone lovely, right later it is then", I mutter as the captain heads off to find the new shipgirls hopefully there won't be anymore else the poor captain will be stuck going back and forth all day.

As I contemplate the ever-growing number of shipgirls arriving here I hear a noise at the doors and turn towards them as they open once more. The ship girl who steps in momentarily hold my attention as I notice that she is the same class as the sleeping carrier who has stolen my bed, making note of that I clear my throat and speak up, "Hello there, you made it just in time for breakfast why don't you grab some food over there and we can introduce ourselves while we wait for the captain to return?"

Seraph Squadron

With a winged salute to the shipgirls the squadron was "escorting", Seraph squadron peels off and lazily head back towards their home carrier to refuel and rest.
USS John F. Kennedy
San Diego Naval Base

As I contemplate the ever-growing number of shipgirls arriving here I hear a noise at the doors and turn towards them as they open once more. The ship girl who steps in momentarily hold my attention as I notice that she is the same class as the sleeping carrier who has stolen my bed, making note of that I clear my throat and speak up, "Hello there, you made it just in time for breakfast why don't you grab some food over there and we can introduce ourselves while we wait for the captain to return?"
Jennifer looks over at the submarine. She's initially a bit surprised at the Soviet era submarine on a US Naval Base, before internally shrugging and carrying on. She goes over to the food, noting the availability of both some familiar breakfast foods and some of what she guessed were Russian foods, based on the tiny little signs that she assumed the Typhoon's crew had erected in front of each of them. She decided to try a little of all of them, in particular the blini, syrniki, and oladyi. She also got a bit of the grechnevaya kasha, as well as a piece of french toast and some bacon.

After she had picked her food choices, she picked up her plate, and wandered over to a table to sit down. She noted the other three ships in the Mess Hall and it's attached kitchen. One of them she even recognized, even if only from having heard of them. USS Saratoga, CV-60. One of the Forrestal class super-carriers that preceded the Kitty Hawk and John F. Kennedy-class super-carriers. The other two weren't readily recognizable as specific ships, although as general types they were more recognizable. The heavily muscled girl was pretty easily recognizable as a large heavy-lift vessel, albeit an incredibly large one. The other looked like a re-painted Oliver Hazard Perry-class guided missile frigate, flying what looked like the National Flag of the Philippines.

"Hello. I'm USS John F. Kennedy, CVN-79. If you are going by a name I'd like to go by when not on duty, I answer to Jennifer Smith. Or just Jennifer. It's nice to meet all of you."

(@UbeOne @Ryven Razgriz @Blackout )
BRP Antonio Luna
San Diego Naval Base, CA

Giving a slight nod to the new shipgirl I speak up to the captain, "it finished a while ago ma'am but you had to go and bring our new friend here I can give it to you now or after you return and she's already gone lovely, right later it is then", I mutter as the captain heads off to find the new shipgirls hopefully there won't be anymore else the poor captain will be stuck going back and forth all day.
Returning the nod that the submarine gave me. I awaited for the Captain to lead the way for me to follow in suite only to find out that she'd already left citing something I failed to hear.

Ettu Kapitan? Why you do this? Do you know how awkward this is going to be? She didn't even introduced herself! Nor is the other girl for fuck's sake!

As I contemplate the ever-growing number of shipgirls arriving here I hear a noise at the doors and turn towards them as they open once more. The ship girl who steps in momentarily hold my attention as I notice that she is the same class as the sleeping carrier who has stolen my bed, making note of that I clear my throat and speak up, "Hello there, you made it just in time for breakfast why don't you grab some food over there and we can introduce ourselves while we wait for the captain to return?"
Hearing a door opening, my eyes automatically traced where did come from only to find a big shipgirl.

'M-my god, she's... BIG, in all sorts of ways.'

I knew she's a shipgirl because my crew internally yelled, which shook me back into focus, 'Nimitz-class' using a bunch of Heys, Yes and Sirs. They debated for a short-while until someone pointed out that she's a bit bigger than most Nimitz even if only slightly. There's only one class of USN Supercarriers that I know of that's bigger than the Nimitz-class.

"Hello. I'm USS John F. Kennedy, CVN-79. If you are going by a name I'd like to go by when not on duty, I answer to Jennifer Smith. Or just Jennifer. It's nice to meet all of you."
Oh shit a Gerald R. Ford-class?! Why we haven't won the war yet!


Wincing at the sudden shouting from within me, asking me what's a Gerald R. Ford-class is, I yelled back at my crew.

'Shut up! Use your computers and search for it for god's sake! It's what they're there for!'

Take a short unnoticeable breath, I re-introduced myself once more by saluting to the largest warship at the base. "Namesake of the Antonio Luna-class Guided Missile Frigate, formerly of USN's Oliver Hazard Perry-class FFG, Ma'am. Please call me Luna."

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"Namesake of the Antonio Luna-class Guided Missile Frigate, formerly of USN's Oliver Hazard Perry-class FFG, Ma'am. Please call me Luna."
Jennifer smiled. "Nice to meet you Luna. No need to be all that formal, unless we're in the same room as the upper brass I'm probably not going to be very formal myself. Although, I am kind of curious what your story is, seeing as I don't recall the Philippines having an Antonio Luna-class, or having purchased an OHP."
Captain Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:25 AM

USS Worcester
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:25 AM

Her new captain was fairly good so far all things considered Worcester thought. The young woman seemed just a touch overwhelmed by the whole experience, but new commanders were always like that. Worcester had seen enough of them to know that. After their brief introduction though, Captain Albu had spoken about heading to the kitchen. And despite having been positively miserable just a bit earlier on the plane, Worcester was already feeling ravenous.

Though given that she'd emptied her fuel bunkers into a bucket earlier it wasn't that surprising.

So Worcester had simply offered a slight nod and followed her commander to the base's kitchen. She was a little curious about the faint flurries of radar activity she'd been picking up since she arrived, but while indoors and so close to a normal human being she didn't dare do much beyond leaving her system in passive mode. Her radar wasn't anywhere near as powerful as what she had been reading about, but at this range it would still be more than sufficient to cook a person.
With Worcester trailing behind me, I lead us back to the kitchen, the path between it and my office becoming very familiar in a short period of time. Opening the door brings a surprise however, the newest addition is here. A lucky coincidence I suppose.

"Ah, Jennifer, it's good to see you aren't lost. Everyone, this is Worcester, the third and currently final new member of our fleet. Worcester, here we have Cypher, Sara, Dockwise, Luna and Jennifer," I say, pointing to each shipgirl are I say her name, "Feel free to talk amongst yourselves until the others are called."

I stare at my phone for a moment, expecting it to ring and inform me of yet another new member, then I sit down at the place where Cypher had left my breakfast, waiting to see the introductions before eating.

@Zeroth Jupi @UbeOne @Ash19256 @Ryven Razgriz @Battleship_Fusou
BRP Antonio Luna
Kitchen, San Diego Naval Base, CA

Jennifer smiled. "Nice to meet you Luna. No need to be all that formal, unless we're in the same room as the upper brass I'm probably not going to be very formal myself. Although, I am kind of curious what your story is, seeing as I don't recall the Philippines having an Antonio Luna-class, or having purchased an OHP."
Smiling at the friendliness of the Carrier, I told her what me and the eggheads found out when I first returned. "Okay then Jennifer. As for your question, the eggheads, me, and my crew found out that we're supposedly from a parallel world where the Philippines ended up being less corrupt. Please don't ask me about the parallel world thing, I'll just chalk it up the same way as the eggheads chalked it up. Magical Girl Sparkly Bullshit."
Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

"Hello. I'm USS John F. Kennedy, CVN-79. If you are going by a name I'd like to go by when not on duty, I answer to Jennifer Smith. Or just Jennifer. It's nice to meet all of you."
Everyone, this is Worcester, the third and currently final new member of our fleet. Worcester, here we have Cypher, Sara, Dockwise, Luna and Jennifer," I say, pointing to each shipgirl are I say her name, "Feel free to talk amongst yourselves until the others are called."

"I am USS Cypher, SSGN-744, I also will answer to Balalaika Sofiya Stearns if you wish to have a name to use when not on duty preferably not the full name as Balalaika will do just fine, also before anyone asks, yes I was formerly a Soviet ballistic missile submarine I prefer to not have to explain why I am an American submarine now nor that there was little love lost in the way it happened", I say with a grimace adorning my face as I recall the disgrace I felt from being sold not for money or because I was old, but because the thrice damned USSR wanted their own Pepsi-cola syrup at least I got a new home with a country that took good care of me.

Shaking myself out of my foul mood I turn to the captain and speak up, "Captain I have the map ready for you whenever you wish to retrieve it from the fairy over there he's been waiting quite a while to give it to you".

USS John F. Kennedy
San Diego Naval Base

"Ah, Jennifer, it's good to see you aren't lost.
Jennifer turned around slightly, then stood up and saluted. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Captain."
Everyone, this is Worcester, the third and currently final new member of our fleet.
Jennifer noted the other new shipgirl. While she wasn't familiar with any of the class in particular, she was aware of it. Worcester-class light cruisers, armed with 12 dual-purpose rapid fire 6" guns in 6 twin turrets, along with multiple 3"/50 caliber rapid fire guns and numerous 20 mm Oerlikon autocannons. Decommissioned not long after the second World War due to the inefficiency of large-caliber anti-aircraft weapons versus modern aircraft.

"Nice to meet you, Worcester. I'm USS John F. Kennedy, but when I'm off duty, or you just think that's too much of a mouthful, you can call me Jennifer."
"Feel free to talk amongst yourselves until the others are called."
Jennifer nods at the Captain, before sitting back down to resume eating.
Smiling at the friendliness of the Carrier, I smiled back and told her what me and the eggheads found out when I first returned. "Okay then Jennifer. As for your question, the eggheads, me, and my crew found out that we're supposedly from a parallel world where the Philippines ended up being less corrupt. Please don't ask me about the parallel world thing, I'll just chalk it up the same way as the eggheads chalked it up. Magical Girl Sparkly Bullshit."
Jennifer tilts her head slightly at this. "Huh. Interesting."
"I am USS Cypher, SSGN-744, I also will answer to Balalaika Sofiya Stearns if you wish to have a name to use when not on duty preferably not the full name as Balalaika will do just fine, also before anyone asks, yes I was formerly a Soviet ballistic missile submarine I prefer to not have to explain why I am an American submarine now nor that there was little love lost in the way it happened", I say with a grimace adorning my face as I recall the disgrace I felt from being sold not for money or because I was old, but because the thrice damned USSR wanted their own Pepsi-cola syrup at least I got a new home with a country that took good care of me.
Jennifer just nods at Sofiya. "Nice to meet you Cypher." Jennifer ate a bit more of her food, before swallowing and resuming talking. "I've got to say, the kasha, oladyi, blini, and syrniki are all wonderful."
Shaking myself out of my foul mood I turn to the captain and speak up, "Captain I have the map ready for you whenever you wish to retrieve it from the fairy over there he's been waiting quite a while to give it to you".
Jennifer speaks up at this. "Actually, if you could run off a second copy for me, that would be awesome. I don't have the best mapping skills, so it takes me a while to build a mental map in my head of locations."
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"Ah, Jennifer, it's good to see you aren't lost. Everyone, this is Worcester, the third and currently final new member of our fleet. Worcester, here we have Cypher, Sara, Dockwise, Luna and Jennifer," I say, pointing to each shipgirl are I say her name, "Feel free to talk amongst yourselves until the others are called."
"I am USS Cypher, SSGN-744, I also will answer to Balalaika Sofiya Stearns if you wish to have a name to use when not on duty preferably not the full name as Balalaika will do just fine, also before anyone asks, yes I was formerly a Soviet ballistic missile submarine I prefer to not have to explain why I am an American submarine now nor that there was little love lost in the way it happened", I say with a grimace adorning my face as I recall the disgrace I felt from being sold not for money or because I was old, but because the thrice damned USSR wanted their own Pepsi-cola syrup at least I got a new home with a country that took good care of me.
"Nice to meet you, Worcester. I'm USS John F. Kennedy, but when I'm off duty, or you just think that's too much of a mouthful, you can call me Jennifer."
USS Worcester
Kitchen, Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:25 AM

Worcester nodded to each of the other shipgirls in turn as they introduced themselves to her. She measured their responses with what she had thought she might encounter and found herself... confused. Her eyes narrowed the barest of amounts and the corners of her lips dipped down in an almost immeasurable frown. She could see where John F. Kennedy's nickname had come from, but why did Cypher not just have a name, but a surname she wondered.

It was especially confusing since Cypher's name wasn't even related to her actual name. Perplexed, but not willing to let it bog her down, Worcester calmly and softly replied, "A pleasure. I'm USS Worcester CL-144. I don't have a nickname so just call me Worcester."

She glanced about briefly before asking, "May I know what's available to eat? The plane ride here was unpleasant."

@Zeroth Jupi @Ash19256 @Jhin Lemon
"A pleasure. I'm USS Worcester CL-144. I don't have a nickname so just call me Worcester."

She glanced about briefly before asking, "May I know what's available to eat? The plane ride here was unpleasant."
"Well, with regards to what there is to eat, Sofiya made breakfast. There's french toast, bacon, I'm pretty sure I saw normal pancakes, waffles, and some scrambled eggs too, and then there's the Russian foods she wound up being awesome and making. Specifically, there's oladyi, which is a sort of thick mini-pancake, blini, which are thin pancake type things that you can also put stuff inside of and roll up to make crepes, syrniki, which are sort of but not quite cheese-filled pancake type things, and grechnevaya kasha, which is a sort of oatmeal slash porridge type thing."

Jennifer pauses, before looking somewhat uncertain.

"Hey Sofiya, did I get all that right? I had my crew look those up while I was getting my food so I knew what I was getting into, but I could have misinterpreted the Wikipedia articles that they found."

@Zeroth Jupi
Perplexed, but not willing to let it bog her down, Worcester calmly and softly replied, "A pleasure. I'm USS Worcester CL-144. I don't have a nickname so just call me Worcester."
"Hello Worcester. I'm Antonio Luna, namesake of my class of Guided Missile Frigate, call me Luna for short." I say as I gave the Cruiser a nod.
Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

Jennifer just nods at Sofiya. "Nice to meet you Cypher." Jennifer ate a bit more of her food, before swallowing and resuming talking. "I've got to say, the kasha, oladyi, blini, and syrniki are all wonderful."
Jennifer speaks up at this. "Actually, if you could run off a second copy for me, that would be awesome. I don't have the best mapping skills, so it takes me a while to build a mental map in my head of locations."
With a wry smile, I speak to clear up a small matter, "while I do appreciate the compliment it really should be given to my crew member as they did all the cooking today and will be doing so for the foreseeable future until such a time comes that I can control my strength, now for the map I am sure my crew member would be more than happy to make another map for you he has been rather bored lately", he really had been complaining to me before about not having something to do and this shoud be the perfect thing to keep him busy a bit longer. With that out of the way, I listen to Worcester's question.
"May I know what's available to eat? The plane ride here was unpleasant."
"Hey Sofiya, did I get all that right? I had my crew look those up while I was getting my food so I knew what I was getting into, but I could have misinterpreted the Wikipedia articles that they found."
Before I can reply I notice Jennifer has already done so rather accurately at that too so with a smile and a purposefully stereotypical Russian accent I reply, "Da comrade, you have described them rather accurately, though I would not always trust Wikipedia for more than getting a basic feel of things".
USS John F. Kennedy
San Diego Naval Base

Before I can reply I notice Jennifer has already done so rather accurately at that too so with a smile and a purposefully stereotypical Russian accent I reply, "Da comrade, you have described them rather accurately, though I would not always trust Wikipedia for more than getting a basic feel of things".
Jennifer chuckles slightly at the accent. "Yeah, it's why I decided to double check with you to make sure that I hadn't gotten the basics wrong."

Turning to regard Worcester, she decided to ask something that had been on her mind when the light cruiser was introduced to them. "So, Worcester, I'm guessing you are going to be undergoing a refit fairly soon? If nothing else, more modern comms gear would be a good idea to have, as it would facilitate all of us communicating with each other. If you have any questions about other systems, feel free to ask me. I'm familiar with most, even if just from having seen Arleigh Burke-class DDGs fitted with them."

(@Battleship_Fusou )
"Well, with regards to what there is to eat, Sofiya made breakfast. There's french toast, bacon, I'm pretty sure I saw normal pancakes, waffles, and some scrambled eggs too, and then there's the Russian foods she wound up being awesome and making. Specifically, there's oladyi, which is a sort of thick mini-pancake, blini, which are thin pancake type things that you can also put stuff inside of and roll up to make crepes, syrniki, which are sort of but not quite cheese-filled pancake type things, and grechnevaya kasha, which is a sort of oatmeal slash porridge type thing."

Jennifer pauses, before looking somewhat uncertain.

"Hey Sofiya, did I get all that right? I had my crew look those up while I was getting my food so I knew what I was getting into, but I could have misinterpreted the Wikipedia articles that they found."
With a wry smile, I speak to clear up a small matter, "while I do appreciate the compliment it really should be given to my crew member as they did all the cooking today and will be doing so for the foreseeable future until such a time comes that I can control my strength, now for the map I am sure my crew member would be more than happy to make another map for you he has been rather bored lately", he really had been complaining to me before about not having something to do and this shoud be the perfect thing to keep him busy a bit longer. With that out of the way, I listen to Worcester's question.

Before I can reply I notice Jennifer has already done so rather accurately at that too so with a smile and a purposefully stereotypical Russian accent I reply, "Da comrade, you have described them rather accurately, though I would not always trust Wikipedia for more than getting a basic feel of things".
USS Worcester
Kitchen, Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:25 AM

"I see, thank you," Worcester replied with another shallow nod as she retrieved a plate moved towards the various foods that had been prepared. She was a little surprised that one of the other girls knew how to cook so well if the smells were any indication. The Russian foods were slightly off-putting, they'd been her enemy after all so she was accustomed to looking at anything from that region with mild suspicion.

Still, it had been decades since her scrapping relations did seem to improve so perhaps it'd be alright? With a mental shrug, Worcester loaded up on the foods she recognized for sure -the french toast with some maple syrup especially- before spearing a couple of the oladyi to try out. As she moved off to the side to set up her food at one of the counters before getting a drink, another of the ship girls present approached and greeted her.

"Hello Worcester. I'm Antonio Luna, namesake of my class of Guided Missile Frigate, call me Luna for short." I say as I gave the Cruiser a nod.
"Please call me Worcester," she replied with a nod of acknowledgement. Worcester couldn't place any sort of ship by that name or class in her head, so perhaps she was a foreign vessel? That'd explain the name, but when Worcester looked at the other girl, she saw sections that looked like they were off of the Perry-class frigate. So maybe America had built her and then sold her to another country? It'd make sense she supposed.

Still, she needed something to drink and Worcester was fairly sure that there was milk somewhere to go with her food.

"So, Worcester, I'm guessing you are going to be undergoing a refit fairly soon? If nothing else, more modern comms gear would be a good idea to have, as it would facilitate all of us communicating with each other. If you have any questions about other systems, feel free to ask me. I'm familiar with most, even if just from having seen Arleigh Burke-class DDGs fitted with them."
Part of the way through her first piece of french toast, Worcester looked up when another girl approached and addressed her, bringing up some of the very issues that Worcester had been contemplating.

"Thank you, your offer is greatly appreciated," Worcester replied politely, giving the Kennedy another small nod, "I do not think there will be time for a proper refit, but I hope to receive a few of the CIWS weapon mounts at least as well as a basic radar. I had... difficulty tracking the jet fighters that attacked me when I first returned." Her lips twisted into a minuscule grimace at the memory, but for the taciturn ship that might as well have been a full blown scowl.

@Ash19256 @Zeroth Jupi @Ryven Razgriz
USS John F. Kennedy
San Diego Naval Base

"Thank you, your offer is greatly appreciated," Worcester replied politely, giving the Kennedy another small nod, "I do not think there will be time for a proper refit, but I hope to receive a few of the CIWS weapon mounts at least as well as a basic radar. I had... difficulty tracking the jet fighters that attacked me when I first returned." Her lips twisted into a minuscule grimace at the memory, but for the taciturn ship that might as well have been a full blown scowl.
Jennifer nods, with a sympathetic look on her face. "Makes sense. As a temporary measure, I'd suggest replacing some of your 3"/50 dual-purpose mounts with Phalanx CIWS mounts, as the Phalanx is a relatively self-contained system that will likely only require minimal modification to mount in place of a 3"/50 mount, assuming that you don't mind using the slightly older Block 1 Phalanx as opposed to the Block 1A. Alternatively, you could use the Block 1A, but you'd have to adjust the power and hydraulic feeds to instead run the pneumatic drive for the Block 1A." Jennifer pauses, before continuing. "In the future, once we have time for a more thorough refit, I'd suggest getting either a NTU package or going through with a refit to equip yourself with an Aegis system. Both would probably require not insignificant modification to your superstructure. I'd also suggest removing the majority of your 3"/50 mounts and all of your 20 mm Oerlikon mounts, as gun-based anti-aircraft weaponry has mostly fallen out of favor. I'd also suggest, if at all possible, removing one of your twin 6" 47 caliber turrets, and frankly stripping out the turret mounting assembly all together, in favor of a Mark 41 Vertical Launch System set, as that would enable you to field a wide variety of modern Surface-to-Air, anti-ship, and anti-submarine missiles."
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USS John F. Kennedy
San Diego Naval Base

Jennifer nods, with a sympathetic look on her face. "Makes sense. As a temporary measure, I'd suggest replacing some of your 3"/50 dual-purpose mounts with Phalanx CIWS mounts, as the Phalanx is a relatively self-contained system that will likely only require minimal modification to mount in place of a Bofors mount, assuming that you don't mind using the slightly older Block 1 Phalanx as opposed to the Block 1A. Alternatively, you could use the Block 1A, but you'd have to adjust the power and hydraulic feeds to instead run the pneumatic drive for the Block 1A." Jennifer pauses, before continuing. "In the future, once we have time for a more thorough refit, I'd suggest getting either a NTU package or going through with a refit to equip yourself with an Aegis system. Both would probably require not insignificant modification to your superstructure. I'd also suggest removing the majority of your 3"/50 mounts and all of your 20 mm Oerlikon mounts, as gun-based anti-aircraft weaponry has mostly fallen out of favor. I'd also suggest, if at all possible, removing one of your twin 6" 47 caliber turrets, and frankly stripping out the turret mounting assembly all together, in favor of a Mark 41 Vertical Launch System set, as that would enable you to field a wide variety of modern Surface-to-Air, anti-ship, and anti-submarine missiles."
USS Worcester
Kitchen, Naval Base San Diego, CA

Worcester stared at Kennedy for a moment, her eyes slightly widened with surprise as she tried to process and commit all of the carrier's suggestions to memory. She didn't know what even a quarter of those things were, but Kennedy at least sounded like she knew what she was talking about. As such, Worcester settled for a small nod as she replied, "I'll need to look into my choices more before I make any major decisions, but thank you for the suggestions."

USS John F. Kennedy
San Diego Naval Base

USS Worcester
Kitchen, Naval Base San Diego, CA

Worcester stared at Kennedy for a moment, her eyes slightly widened with surprise as she tried to process and commit all of the carrier's suggestions to memory. She didn't know what even a quarter of those things were, but Kennedy at least sounded like she knew what she was talking about. As such, Worcester settled for a small nod as she replied, "I'll need to look into my choices more before I make any major decisions, but thank you for the suggestions."

Jennifer looked sheepish, having realized shortly after she stopped talking that Worcester would have had no clue what most of the systems she'd described actually were. "Sure. Sorry about going full technobabble on you there, I sort of forgot that you were... uh... decommissioned before any of those were developed." She chuckled nervously. "I've been going over all of the technical manuals for any of the systems I'm fitted with, and occasionally I've wound up wandering off topic." 'Or just taking random wiki walks, but you'd get lost even faster if I tried to explain the internet to you.'

Changing topics, she spoke up again. "Actually, I am sort of curious about you. I know the basics about the Worcester-class light cruisers, but I don't know much beyond the basics of your design rationale and the basic numerical stats."
USS John F. Kennedy
San Diego Naval Base

Jennifer looked sheepish, having realized shortly after she stopped talking that Worcester would have had no clue what most of the systems she'd described actually were. "Sure. Sorry about going full technobabble on you there, I sort of forgot that you were... uh... decommissioned before any of those were developed." She chuckled nervously. "I've been going over all of the technical manuals for any of the systems I'm fitted with, and occasionally I've wound up wandering off topic."

Changing topics, she spoke up again. "Actually, I am sort of curious about you. I know the basics about the Worcester-class light cruisers, but I don't know much beyond the basics of your design rationale and the basic numerical stats."
USS Worcester
Kitchen, Naval Base San Diego, CA

"...There's not much to say truly," Worcester offered after a moment of thought.

"My service life was not particularly long nor glorious and I was never required to truly fulfill my intended purpose," she stated quietly, "The times when I did fire my guns in anger were relatively few and of those occasions the vast majority constituted bombardment of on-shore installations on the Korean Peninsula."

USS John F. Kennedy
San Diego Naval Base

"...There's not much to say truly," Worcester offered after a moment of thought.

"My service life was not particularly long nor glorious and I was never required to truly fulfill my intended purpose," she stated quietly, "The times when I did fire my guns in anger were relatively few and of those occasions the vast majority constituted bombardment of on-shore installations on the Korean Peninsula."
Jennifer looks melancholy. "Hey, at least you can say you have a service history around here. Basic gist? As far as the eggheads can tell, I'm technically from about 2 years into the future, relatively speaking. My memories say I got taken out by Abyssals from beyond visual range without a fight, but my memories of that also say it happened on March 27th, of the year 2020, not the year 2018. Honestly the term used by Luna to describe her situation also applies. Sparkly Magic Girl Bullshit." Jennifer scoffs, mostly at herself.
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