Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

You stand just outside the area assigned to the new 'shipgirls' that randomly popped up around Hawaii and completely saved the evacuation ships and US naval forces. You had been hastily given a promotion and command of the USS Boxer, alongside 4 of the still functioning Arleigh Burkes from Pearl. Now you have to gather up the Shipgirls and establish what your next mission is. The Admirals above you are eager to see good results after the disaster of the first babattl with the Abyss. So you have a few options for your first missions.
I look at the building where the humanoid ships had been assigned. It was like something out of a movie, young girls with superpowers saving the world. And I'm the one who has to help them. And everyone knows I'm not good at talking to people. I do have experience taking care of children, and if all else fails I can always cook for them, that always worked with my siblings.

I step inside the facility that had been assigned to them alone, I know going in with armed guards would scare them. With the reports I had been given about them, scaring them would be a very bad idea. Er, right, I don't know why I expected them to be here waiting for me. This makes things a bit harder, I was planning to find them all in one place and start the briefing. I'll get to familiarise myself with the base while I look for them I suppose. Good thing I have a list of them with me, it would not be good to leave one of them of out the briefing.

I walk around the base, trying to find a map of some sort. After some time I get lost. Not lost I know where to go to get back to the entrance, but I still haven't found any of these shipgirls. I'm beginning to wonder if this was a bad joke from one of my superiors, to "get me to loosen up". Wait, is that the kitchen. If there are people here maybe some cooking will bring them closer, and if that doesn't work, well, I'm a little hungry anyway and I could use some compensation for being sent out as a joke.

before leaving my room to head to the kitchen to cook a feast large enough to feed a navy

Hmm? It looks like someone is in the kitchen. I check my list, this is...Cypher. A Typhoon-class submarine, not that you can tell from looking at her. She looks like a normal girl, taller than normal, but still. I snap to attention as I enter.

"USS Cypher, I am Captain Albu, the captain assigned to you and the others known as 'shipgirls'. I hope we can work together well."

I...don't really know what else to say right now. Now I just wait for her to respond, right?

@Zeroth Jupi
Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

Ok so my plan to cook without having regained control of my strength might not have been the best idea, luckily I discovered this by bending the handle of a knife or two so there is no mess at least, I am stuck though with a conundrum of how I will cook, "Hey, hey hey", what? Use you guys to cook in my stead for now? Why didn't I think of that oh right because I'm not used to having fairies, with a smile I give I ask my fairies for help expecting three or four of them to appear at most instead every member of my crew appeared and set out to prepare breakfast. While my fairies cooked I started to hum a song only to be interrupted by the appearance of a new person.

"USS Cypher, I am Captain Albu, the captain assigned to you and the others known as 'shipgirls'. I hope we can work together well."
I turn to face the newly named captain my scarred visage on full display and give a short salute before speaking, "It is nice to meet you капитан, I mean captain I hope we can get along well, I would talk more but I must keep an eye on my crew to make sure they do not cause a mess in helping me make breakfast", my response given I wait for a reply.

@Jhin Lemon
Last edited:
Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

I turn to face the newly named captain my scarred visage on full display and give a short salute before speaking, "It is nice to meet you капитан, I mean captain I hope we can get along well, I would talk more but I must keep an eye on my crew to make sure they do not cause a mess in helping me make breakfast", my response given I wait for a reply.
Huh, did she get those scars in the battle she came from? Wait, her crew? Well, that's not something you see every day, tiny people working together to cook food, it was cute...probably. Presumably the tiny crew don't have the same strength issues these shipgirls reportedly have. That was not a normal reaction, a normal reaction would have been to stop and stare and either her scars or crew, I know this, but I don't exactly have time to pretend to gawk. Gawking tends to make the other person uncomfortable anyway even if it's a normal reaction. I drop my salute and stand there straight.

"Very well. How do you plan to draw everyone here when the cooking is done? I would like to gather everyone for a briefing, likely after you have all finished eating. I know you have only just arrived but it is a matter of importance."

There is another cook on the base. Most people would probably be jealous of another with their skills or happy to have someone to work with and talk to about a topic they enjoy, I merely hope we will manage to both have the chance to cook without getting in each others' ways.

@Zeroth Jupi
Hobart let out another squeal as her head jerked around to look at the newcomer.



Big newcomer.

Woah. She is a big one.

Very, very big.

The destroyer craned her neck up awkwardly in order to get a full picture of this new arrival, who was quite obviously a shipgirl. A very, very tall shipgirl. What.

"... H-Hi." Hobart squeaked out.

@UbeOne @TheFanficAddict @Jhin Lemon
I gave her another wave, noticing how nervous she sounded. Oh no...She was scared of me wasn't she? Considering how tall I was....
Whoa, she's big. But saying that aloud would be rude. So-

"Whoa, you're big," Delfinul says. Sigh.

"Hi. Happy Giant, right? We were about to go look around for Tirpitz and explore. Want to come with us?" I ask while striding towards her, trying to distract her from Delfinul's...bluntness.

On the other hand, she's not wrong. This girl is incredibly tall, and I'm not very big myself, so me standing near her probably makes for an awkward picture for anyone looking.

@UbeOne @TheFanficAddict @AlphaD
I ducked my head down in embarassment, shuffling my feet. She wasn't wrong, I was big.....I was already making people uncomfortable...
But I looked up in surprise at that.
"R-r-really? You..you wouldn't mindme c-coming with..you?"
I was surprised. They wanted me to join them? That...would be nice...

JS Kongō
Naval Base San Diego, CA

Hobart let out a high pitched squeal as she suddenly found herself enveloped in a hug by none other than Delfinul. Though she did stagger back slightly under the unexpected weight of the Romanian submarine, she managed to hold her ground and not fall onto her rear.

Momentarily shocked by the sudden appearance of Delfinul, Hobart was unable to respond vocally for several moments instead opting to stammer out incomprehensible words and squeaks as the destroyer's mind rebooted.

Kongou smiles as she notices Hobart's moe reaction. How cute...

HMAS Hobart
Naval Base San Diego, CA

To Hobart's credit, she managed to shake off getting ambushed by a submarine pretty well and was now returning the hug with a confused albeit happy smile. Delfinul was making satisfied chirping noises somehow, like a content bird although if the destroyer was being entirely honest, she was more like a kitten.

An overly energetic kitten who prefers snuggles.

The Australian destroyer gratefully accepts Mărăşeşti's hand, recognising the gesture for what it was. The frigate, Mărăşeşti, was less bouncier than her fellow Romanian but that didn't make her any less friendlier.

Out of all of the ships currently existing, Hobart could comfortably say that she was closest to the two Romanian ships but she hoped to changed that.

B-By the end of the day, she'll have made more friends!

Hobart paused, considering the invitation. She really did want to go find Tirpitz but she didn't exactly know where the infirmary was. May as well kill two birds with one stone here.

"A-Ah... I-I wanted to go v-visit T-Tirpitz... and see h-how she's doing but..." The blonde shrugged helplessly with a sheepish expression on her face. "... I d-don't know where s-she is right now so I g-guess I can walk a-around with you..."

Besides, she could use the opportunity to learn more about her Romanian friends and make friends with Kongō if she accepted the invitation.
@UbeOne @TheFanficAddict @Jhin Lemon

Oh, the fellow destroyer just wanted to go to the injured Tirpitz? Poor battleship...

"We could visit her along the way, too," she suggests.

Happy Giant/Jahre Viking
Naval Base San Diego, DA

I see a bunch of shipgirls in front of me. Oh. They..they looked happy being friends with each other...

M-maybe I should be polite..? Say hi at least...
"U-uhm..h-hello..." I gave a small wave, shoulders and back hunched down even more as I stared at them..

@UbeOne, @Jhin Lemon, @AlphaD

"Hi there, dess!" The destroyer happily says, waving her hand as she looks up at the new arrival. That's Happy Giant, right? Whoa, she's really tall!

I gave her another wave, noticing how nervous she sounded. Oh no...She was scared of me wasn't she? Considering how tall I was....

I ducked my head down in embarassment, shuffling my feet. She wasn't wrong, I was big.....I was already making people uncomfortable...
But I looked up in surprise at that.
"R-r-really? You..you wouldn't mindme c-coming with..you?"
I was surprised. They wanted me to join them? That...would be nice...


"No worries! We won't mind," She replies. After all, they're all friendly here, right?
Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

"Very well. How do you plan to draw everyone here when the cooking is done? I would like to gather everyone for a briefing, likely after you have all finished eating. I know you have only just arrived but it is a matter of importance."
Hmph, impressive the Captain hasn't lingered on my burn scars or my fairies she must be quite unflappable, now to answer her question, "I had planned on using the radio all shipgirls have to announce breakfast being ready ma'am unless you can think of a better way?"
Captain Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

Hmph, impressive the Captain hasn't lingered on my burn scars or my fairies she must be quite unflappable, now to answer her question, "I had planned on using the radio all shipgirls have to announce breakfast being ready ma'am unless you can think of a better way?"
Ah yes, they have those capabilities as ships. It would be odd, suddenly having them, though I suppose they didn't necessarily start as humans. Hmm, I have to wonder what the world is like to them, do they see it differently because of their capabilities? Are they girls, ships, a combination? There are many questions about these girls that we should get answers to, and yet I was sent here alone. Regardless, I won't let my superiors down.

"Do you happen to know where I could find a map of this place? My superiors...neglected to give me one, and I need somewhere to set up a briefing. And which radio frequency do you all use? If would be useful to be able to contact everyone myself."

@Zeroth Jupi

ROS Mărăşeşti
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

I gave her another wave, noticing how nervous she sounded. Oh no...She was scared of me wasn't she? Considering how tall I was....

I ducked my head down in embarassment, shuffling my feet. She wasn't wrong, I was big.....I was already making people uncomfortable...
But I looked up in surprise at that.
"R-r-really? You..you wouldn't mindme c-coming with..you?"
I was surprised. They wanted me to join them? That...would be nice...


JS Kongō
Naval Base San Diego, CA

Kongou smiles as she notices Hobart's moe reaction. How cute...

Oh, the fellow destroyer just wanted to go to the injured Tirpitz? Poor battleship...

"We could visit her along the way, too," she suggests.

"Hi there, dess!" The destroyer happily says, waving her hand as she looks up at the new arrival. That's Happy Giant, right? Whoa, she's really tall!

"No worries! We won't mind," She replies. After all, they're all friendly here, right?
"Why would we mind silly?" Delfinul chirps out from her hugging, "Of course we'd like it if you come with us!"

"Agreed," I nod to Delfinul. "Now that that's settled, let's head off!"

The five of us walk off through on of the corridors leading off from out current room. This is a pretty big place, I hope we don't get lost here...Delfinul probably wouldn't really mind that, but the rest of us would be worried. On the way I try to make some conversation with Kongou and Happy Giant, with Hobart still being hugged by Delfinul behind us as we walk.

"How are you two finding all of this so far? Abyssals invading and we're the only ones who can stop them. It's a big responsibility and stuff."

"Hoobiieee," I can barely make out Delfinul saying, "what happened to the battleship wasn't your fault. We all did our best."

Aww, that's cute, she's trying to reassure the destroyer. Looks like she picked up on the insecurity too. Delfinul also seems to have mellowed out a bit now.

@UbeOne @AlphaD @TheFanficAddict
"Hi there, dess!" The destroyer happily says, waving her hand as she looks up at the new arrival. That's Happy Giant, right? Whoa, she's really tall!

"No worries! We won't mind," She replies. After all, they're all friendly here, right?
"Why would we mind silly?" Delfinul chirps out from her hugging, "Of course we'd like it if you come with us!"

"Agreed," I nod to Delfinul. "Now that that's settled, let's head off!"

The five of us walk off through on of the corridors leading off from out current room. This is a pretty big place, I hope we don't get lost here...Delfinul probably wouldn't really mind that, but the rest of us would be worried. On the way I try to make some conversation with Kongou and Happy Giant, with Hobart still being hugged by Delfinul behind us as we walk.

"How are you two finding all of this so far? Abyssals invading and we're the only ones who can stop them. It's a big responsibility and stuff."

"Hoobiieee," I can barely make out Delfinul saying, "what happened to the battleship wasn't your fault. We all did our best."

Aww, that's cute, she's trying to reassure the destroyer. Looks like she picked up on the insecurity too. Delfinul also seems to have mellowed out a bit now.
I blinked, feeling a warmth in my chest as I wiped at my eyes...
Before giving them a big grin, nodding. "Thank you."

On our walk through these twisty turny hallways she asked me a question...wonder what her name was?
But. That question...

I looked down, that same embarassment, shame and uncertainty coming back again...
"I...I don't know...."

HMAS Hobart
San Diego Naval Base

"Hoobiieee," I can barely make out Delfinul saying, "what happened to the battleship wasn't your fault. We all did our best."

Hobart finds herself being led across the base by the little impromptu group she's found herself in. Both Mărăşeşti and Kongō have taken to engaging the newcomer, apparently by the name of Happy Giant, in conversation although she could see the former occasionally glance back every now and then with a small smile on her face.

That might be because of a submarine by the name of Delfinul had not detached from Hobart ever since they started moving. Their similar heights meant that it was easy for the submarine to continue hugging the destroyer as they moved along.

Hobart didn't mind the hug... She found it surprisingly comforting even. Was this the advantages of having a body now? The new sensations felt wonderful to her.

The hug remained a constant throughout their journey through the base, even as Delfinul continued to croon reassurances into her ears that what happened to Tirpitz was not her fault. The blonde could easily see that herself but...

"W-What happened to T-Tirpitz... m-maybe you're r-right but..." The destroyer struggled to find the words to describe the feeling, the feeling of helplessness that permeated her being as she watched the wall of torpedoes streak towards the German battleship who could do nothing but brace for the pain.

"I-It still f-feels like I f-failed though... o-or that I c-could've... or should've d-done more..."

It was a silly thought and Hobart knew this. Outwardly, though she looked like a young girl who had barely even experienced the full wonders of the world, she was still a ship built to serve her nation, built to protect their waters and ultimately, built for war.

With the odds that Tirpitz faced that moment, it was a miracle the battleship had even remained afloat. She should've sunk that day... but Hobart was relieved that she didn't, and even more so when she had fought through the pain to make it to San Diego.

It was awe-inspiring, really.

"B-But in the e-end... I'm g-glad she made it." Hobart finally said after a moment of silence, directing a shaky smile over her shoulder at Delfinul.

"How are you two finding all of this so far? Abyssals invading and we're the only ones who can stop them. It's a big responsibility and stuff."

Hobart remains silent as she catches the tail end of the conversation. Happy Giant looked put off by the question, an uncertain expression crossing her face. She herself also pondered the question... It is a big responsibility, to be the only line of defence between humanity and the scourge that was the Abyss but...

"I... I think... It's an h-honour to be a-able to serve o-once again..." She said, glancing at Happy Giant and Mărăşeşti. "... B-But more than that... T-To me... it's a s-second chance... I-I couldn't do a-anything last time and... I-I don't even know what h-happened to my nation... to my home..."

Hobart swallowed, her throat suddenly feeling dry but even so, she managed another shaky smile.

"... I think it's a big responsibility, but I also think it's a privilege... f-for us to e-experience the w-world like this... t-to be able to talk to our people like this..."


Hobart blushed, quickly glancing down at the floor. "S-Sorry... T-That came out of n-nowhere but... um..." Her head raised back up to glance at Happy Giant, another small smile finding its way onto her face.

"... E-Even if y-you don't know how to f-feel about this new life... I-I think that answering the c-call e-even though you aren't a w-warship... like that other g-girl... I t-think that's amazing too..."

@Jhin Lemon @UbeOne @TheFanficAddit
ROS Mărăşeşti
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

Hobart finds herself being led across the base by the little impromptu group she's found herself in. Both Mărăşeşti and Kongō have taken to engaging the newcomer, apparently by the name of Happy Giant, in conversation although she could see the former occasionally glance back every now and then with a small smile on her face.

That might be because of a submarine by the name of Delfinul had not detached from Hobart ever since they started moving. Their similar heights meant that it was easy for the submarine to continue hugging the destroyer as they moved along.

Hobart didn't mind the hug... She found it surprisingly comforting even. Was this the advantages of having a body now? The new sensations felt wonderful to her.

The hug remained a constant throughout their journey through the base, even as Delfinul continued to croon reassurances into her ears that what happened to Tirpitz was not her fault. The blonde could easily see that herself but...

"W-What happened to T-Tirpitz... m-maybe you're r-right but..." The destroyer struggled to find the words to describe the feeling, the feeling of helplessness that permeated her being as she watched the wall of torpedoes streak towards the German battleship who could do nothing but brace for the pain.

"I-It still f-feels like I f-failed though... o-or that I c-could've... or should've d-done more..."

It was a silly thought and Hobart knew this. Outwardly, though she looked like a young girl who had barely even experienced the full wonders of the world, she was still a ship built to serve her nation, built to protect their waters and ultimately, built for war.

With the odds that Tirpitz faced that moment, it was a miracle the battleship had even remained afloat. She should've sunk that day... but Hobart was relieved that she didn't, and even more so when she had fought through the pain to make it to San Diego.

It was awe-inspiring, really.

"B-But in the e-end... I'm g-glad she made it." Hobart finally said after a moment of silence, directing a shaky smile over her shoulder at Delfinul.

"It's good you're happy but... but Hobie, you can't do everything yourself. If you could we wouldn't need anyone else. You're great at what you do, but we all still have limits. Like how I can't shoot down aircraft as well as you, you can't stop a wave of torpedoes. You should focus on the stuff you did instead of the stuff you couldn't. Like taking out 90 planes at once! That was awesome!" Delfinul started her response softly, but kinda gave up on that near the end.

Jeez, with the threats gone it's like she's someone completely different. Or is it just because of someone here? Kongou? Happy Giant? Hobart? I don't really know. Whatever it is, it makes her much easier to be around.

I looked down, that same embarassment, shame and uncertainty coming back again...
"I...I don't know...."

Hobart remains silent as she catches the tail end of the conversation. Happy Giant looked put off by the question, an uncertain expression crossing her face. She herself also pondered the question... It is a big responsibility, to be the only line of defence between humanity and the scourge that was the Abyss but...

"I... I think... It's an h-honour to be a-able to serve o-once again..." She said, glancing at Happy Giant and Mărăşeşti. "... B-But more than that... T-To me... it's a s-second chance... I-I couldn't do a-anything last time and... I-I don't even know what h-happened to my nation... to my home..."

Hobart swallowed, her throat suddenly feeling dry but even so, she managed another shaky smile.

"... I think it's a big responsibility, but I also think it's a privilege... f-for us to e-experience the w-world like this... t-to be able to talk to our people like this..."


Hobart blushed, quickly glancing down at the floor. "S-Sorry... T-That came out of n-nowhere but... um..." Her head raised back up to glance at Happy Giant, another small smile finding its way onto her face.

"... E-Even if y-you don't know how to f-feel about this new life... I-I think that answering the c-call e-even though you aren't a w-warship... like that other g-girl... I t-think that's amazing too..."

"You shouldn't apologise for that Hobart," I say, "it's your feelings on this. And I agree 100%!" A bright smile adorns my face as I finish saying that.

"And you don't need to have an answer yet Happy Giant. I mean, we've spent most of our time here fighting things and running for our lives. Not much time to think. Also, what Hobart said, even if you aren't a warship, you're definitely going to be really helpful."

Y'know, when I asked that question I hadn't really considered my own answer...do I have much of an opinion here outside of what Hobart said? Well, I'm happy I'm not dead obviously. And I want to help people. Being able to think and move like this is also amazing. Even though I'm a warship, I like this better. Walking around and chatting with nice people. Fighting Abyssals is something I have to do...though I'd rather just be friends with everyone. Well, if anyone really wants my opinion, I'll give it after Kongou, it'd be bad manners to ask a question and then answer it before the people I asked.

My smile grows a little bigger as I turn to the other destroyer, "Well, what about you?"

@AlphaD @TheFanficAddict @UbeOne
Last edited:
Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

"Do you happen to know where I could find a map of this place? My superiors...neglected to give me one, and I need somewhere to set up a briefing. And which radio frequency do you all use? If would be useful to be able to contact everyone myself."
Raising an eyebrow at the captain before humming to myself in thought, giving the radio frequency is easy to give but a map would be a bit harder since I wasn't given one either, wait I know how to fix that, "give me a minute captain I don't have a map but I do believe that one of my fairies could make one for you if you are willing to wait a while for them to make it? Here's the frequency while you decide ma'am."
Hobart remains silent as she catches the tail end of the conversation. Happy Giant looked put off by the question, an uncertain expression crossing her face. She herself also pondered the question... It is a big responsibility, to be the only line of defence between humanity and the scourge that was the Abyss but...

"I... I think... It's an h-honour to be a-able to serve o-once again..." She said, glancing at Happy Giant and Mărăşeşti. "... B-But more than that... T-To me... it's a s-second chance... I-I couldn't do a-anything last time and... I-I don't even know what h-happened to my nation... to my home..."

Hobart swallowed, her throat suddenly feeling dry but even so, she managed another shaky smile.

"... I think it's a big responsibility, but I also think it's a privilege... f-for us to e-experience the w-world like this... t-to be able to talk to our people like this..."


Hobart blushed, quickly glancing down at the floor. "S-Sorry... T-That came out of n-nowhere but... um..." Her head raised back up to glance at Happy Giant, another small smile finding its way onto her face.

"... E-Even if y-you don't know how to f-feel about this new life... I-I think that answering the c-call e-even though you aren't a w-warship... like that other g-girl... I t-think that's amazing too..."
"You shouldn't apologise for that Hobart," I say, "it's your feelings on this. And I agree 100%!" A bright smile adorns my face as I finish saying that.

"And you don't need to have an answer yet Happy Giant. I mean, we've spent most of our time here fighting things and running for our lives. Not much time to think. Also, what Hobart said, even if you aren't a warship, you're definitely going to be really helpful."

Y'know, when I asked that question I hadn't really considered my own answer...do I have much of an opinion here outside of what Hobart said? Well, I'm happy I'm not dead obviously. And I want to help people. Being able to think and move like this is also amazing. Even though I'm a warship, I like this better. Walking around and chatting with nice people. Fighting Abyssals is something I have to do...though I'd rather just be friends with everyone. Well, if anyone really wants my opinion, I'll give it after Kongou, it'd be bad manners to ask a question and then answer it before the people I asked.

My smile grows a little bigger as I turn to the other destroyer, "Well, what about you?"

@AlphaD @TheFanficAddict @UbeOne
I gave back a small smile to Hobart and Mara..but bit my lip, staring at the side.
"I guess...but...I couldn't really do anything...even that other girl..she could do something...."

Could I really be useful?
JS Kongō
Naval Base San Diego, CA

The five of us walk off through on of the corridors leading off from out current room. This is a pretty big place, I hope we don't get lost here...Delfinul probably wouldn't really mind that, but the rest of us would be worried. On the way I try to make some conversation with Kongou and Happy Giant, with Hobart still being hugged by Delfinul behind us as we walk.

"How are you two finding all of this so far? Abyssals invading and we're the only ones who can stop them. It's a big responsibility and stuff."

Hallways, hallways, and more hallways. There's a lot of rooms around here. How does one not get lost?

That's a good question from Marasesti! Only now does she think on that, since she's no longer busy protecting her allies, and the first thing that comes to mind is an appreciation at the chance to finish what she started during her first life.

I blinked, feeling a warmth in my chest as I wiped at my eyes...
Before giving them a big grin, nodding. "Thank you."

On our walk through these twisty turny hallways she asked me a question...wonder what her name was?
But. That question...

I looked down, that same embarassment, shame and uncertainty coming back again...
"I...I don't know...."


HMAS Hobart
San Diego Naval Base

Hobart finds herself being led across the base by the little impromptu group she's found herself in. Both Mărăşeşti and Kongō have taken to engaging the newcomer, apparently by the name of Happy Giant, in conversation although she could see the former occasionally glance back every now and then with a small smile on her face.

That might be because of a submarine by the name of Delfinul had not detached from Hobart ever since they started moving. Their similar heights meant that it was easy for the submarine to continue hugging the destroyer as they moved along.

Hobart didn't mind the hug... She found it surprisingly comforting even. Was this the advantages of having a body now? The new sensations felt wonderful to her.

The hug remained a constant throughout their journey through the base, even as Delfinul continued to croon reassurances into her ears that what happened to Tirpitz was not her fault. The blonde could easily see that herself but...

"W-What happened to T-Tirpitz... m-maybe you're r-right but..." The destroyer struggled to find the words to describe the feeling, the feeling of helplessness that permeated her being as she watched the wall of torpedoes streak towards the German battleship who could do nothing but brace for the pain.

"I-It still f-feels like I f-failed though... o-or that I c-could've... or should've d-done more..."

It was a silly thought and Hobart knew this. Outwardly, though she looked like a young girl who had barely even experienced the full wonders of the world, she was still a ship built to serve her nation, built to protect their waters and ultimately, built for war.

With the odds that Tirpitz faced that moment, it was a miracle the battleship had even remained afloat. She should've sunk that day... but Hobart was relieved that she didn't, and even more so when she had fought through the pain to make it to San Diego.

It was awe-inspiring, really.

"B-But in the e-end... I'm g-glad she made it." Hobart finally said after a moment of silence, directing a shaky smile over her shoulder at Delfinul.

Hobart remains silent as she catches the tail end of the conversation. Happy Giant looked put off by the question, an uncertain expression crossing her face. She herself also pondered the question... It is a big responsibility, to be the only line of defence between humanity and the scourge that was the Abyss but...

"I... I think... It's an h-honour to be a-able to serve o-once again..." She said, glancing at Happy Giant and Mărăşeşti. "... B-But more than that... T-To me... it's a s-second chance... I-I couldn't do a-anything last time and... I-I don't even know what h-happened to my nation... to my home..."

Hobart swallowed, her throat suddenly feeling dry but even so, she managed another shaky smile.

"... I think it's a big responsibility, but I also think it's a privilege... f-for us to e-experience the w-world like this... t-to be able to talk to our people like this..."


Hobart blushed, quickly glancing down at the floor. "S-Sorry... T-That came out of n-nowhere but... um..." Her head raised back up to glance at Happy Giant, another small smile finding its way onto her face.

"... E-Even if y-you don't know how to f-feel about this new life... I-I think that answering the c-call e-even though you aren't a w-warship... like that other g-girl... I t-think that's amazing too..."

@Jhin Lemon @UbeOne @TheFanficAddit

The Aegis destroyer gives a supportive smile and a pat on the shoulder to the not-so-happy giant. Hobart already said her piece, one that Kongō is in agreement with.

I gave back a small smile to Hobart and Mara..but bit my lip, staring at the side.
"I guess...but...I couldn't really do anything...even that other girl..she could do something...."

Could I really be useful?

Whaaat? She's not useless at all!

"Of course you can help! You're an oil tanker, right? We'd appreciate the extra supplies."

Sure, adjustments would have to be made since she's not a purpose-built replenishment ship, but still.

ROS Mărăşeşti
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

"It's good you're happy but... but Hobie, you can't do everything yourself. If you could we wouldn't need anyone else. You're great at what you do, but we all still have limits. Like how I can't shoot down aircraft as well as you, you can't stop a wave of torpedoes. You should focus on the stuff you did instead of the stuff you couldn't. Like taking out 90 planes at once! That was awesome!" Delfinul started her response softly, but kinda gave up on that near the end.

Jeez, with the threats gone it's like she's someone completely different. Or is it just because of someone here? Kongou? Happy Giant? Hobart? I don't really know. Whatever it is, it makes her much easier to be around.

"You shouldn't apologise for that Hobart," I say, "it's your feelings on this. And I agree 100%!" A bright smile adorns my face as I finish saying that.

"And you don't need to have an answer yet Happy Giant. I mean, we've spent most of our time here fighting things and running for our lives. Not much time to think. Also, what Hobart said, even if you aren't a warship, you're definitely going to be really helpful."

Y'know, when I asked that question I hadn't really considered my own answer...do I have much of an opinion here outside of what Hobart said? Well, I'm happy I'm not dead obviously. And I want to help people. Being able to think and move like this is also amazing. Even though I'm a warship, I like this better. Walking around and chatting with nice people. Fighting Abyssals is something I have to do...though I'd rather just be friends with everyone. Well, if anyone really wants my opinion, I'll give it after Kongou, it'd be bad manners to ask a question and then answer it before the people I asked.

My smile grows a little bigger as I turn to the other destroyer, "Well, what about you?"

@AlphaD @TheFanficAddict @UbeOne

Upon being asked once more about her take on things, she takes a moment to gather her thoughts before answering. "For me? It's my duty. I gave it my all last time, and I'm willing to do it again. The way I see it, I'm not done yet while I'm needed."

Like that girl she made a promise to, whose dying wish was for her to help her world... Actually, about that...

"By the way, before you guys woke up here, what did you see?"
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ROS Mărăşeşti
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

I gave back a small smile to Hobart and Mara..but bit my lip, staring at the side.
"I guess...but...I couldn't really do anything...even that other girl..she could do something...."

Could I really be useful?
I turn around mid-walk.

"Whaaat?! Of course you're useful! You're an oil tanker aren't you? That means all us non-nuclear ships are going to be relying on you for supplies! And you can carry food too! So even the nuclear ships are going to turn to you on long missions to not run out of food! Just because you don't have super big guns doesn't mean you aren't an essential member of us! So with you around it's a lot easier for us to go use all our supplies on each mission and resupply from you! I mean...it's not the most exciting role, but you're definitely not useless!" I answer.

"Mara and me were made for operating in a tiny sea, so we'll probably need resupplies from you a bunch! Especially Mara, her range suuuucks." Delfinul chirps out from next to Hobart.

"Y-yes...t-thank you Delfinul." I mutter as my face turns red.

I was hoping to keep that a secret. And after Delfinul helped me sneak some more fuel aboard to keep people from finding out she goes and says this...w-well, it would have been hard to hide my range on future missions, so that would have gotten me in trouble.

Upon being asked once more about her take on things, she takes a moment to gather her thoughts before answering. "For me? It's my duty. I gave it my all last time, and I'm willing to do it again. The way I see it, I'm not done yet while I'm needed."

Like that girl she made a promise to, whose dying wish was for her to help her world... Actually, about that...

"By the way, before you guys woke up here, what did you see?"


Before I woke up? As in, as a person? There was that weird...vision thing. I didn't really have any other dreams during those 7 days of almost negligible sleep.

"Erm, I saw a white...plane I guess you'd call it? There was a young girl there, well, older than me," I shake my head, "that's not really important though, she asked me to help save her world. I'd probably just call it a silly dream or something, but after that I was human and fighting those Abyssal things with you guys." I answer, trying to keep me nervousness over my small range being uncovered out of my voice.

"Hey! I saw the same thing! What about the rest of you?" Delfinul asks.

@AlphaD @UbeOne @TheFanficAddict

Captain Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

Raising an eyebrow at the captain before humming to myself in thought, giving the radio frequency is easy to give but a map would be a bit harder since I wasn't given one either, wait I know how to fix that, "give me a minute captain I don't have a map but I do believe that one of my fairies could make one for you if you are willing to wait a while for them to make it? Here's the frequency while you decide ma'am."
I switch my radio to the shipgirls' frequency and give Cypher a curt nod in response to her question. While I've got a means to contact all the shipgirls, there isn't much point right now, Cypher will contact them all for a meal soon enough. In the meantime I sit down at a nearby table, too small to be used for all the girls, but it's somewhere I can sit while I wait for Cypher to be done.
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Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

I switch my radio to the shipgirls' frequency and give Cypher a curt nod in response to her question
Recognizing the nod for what it was I have one of my crew members start on making a map for the captain then focused on the fairies making the breakfast somehow in the short amount of time that I spent talking to the captain they had managed to start on a wide variety of dishes mixing Western and Russian in a tasteful way though they seemed to still be hard at work making the amounts needed for all of us shipgirls, deciding that they could handle it, I pull a chair from the adjacent room and sit to watch them work.

@Jhin Lemon

USS Gerald R Ford

As Ford slept in Cypher's bed dreaming of her first and only cruise during peacetime, her parasol bristled with activity as the members of Seraph squadron grew bored and readied their planes for joyrides. Quietly so as to not wake Ford, Seraph squadron launched themselves and went on a journey around the base until they found the destroyer they had been tasked to provide overwatch for seeing as the order had not been rescinded Seraph squadron felt they could get away with stating they were still fulfilling their mission when questioned later.

@Kongo @Marasesti @Hobart
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Happy Giant

JS Kongō
Naval Base San Diego, CA

Whaaat? She's not useless at all!

"Of course you can help! You're an oil tanker, right? We'd appreciate the extra supplies."

Sure, adjustments would have to be made since she's not a purpose-built replenishment ship, but still.

Upon being asked once more about her take on things, she takes a moment to gather her thoughts before answering. "For me? It's my duty. I gave it my all last time, and I'm willing to do it again. The way I see it, I'm not done yet while I'm needed."

Like that girl she made a promise to, whose dying wish was for her to help her world... Actually, about that...

"By the way, before you guys woke up here, what did you see?"
ROS Mărăşeşti
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

I turn around mid-walk.

"Whaaat?! Of course you're useful! You're an oil tanker aren't you? That means all us non-nuclear ships are going to be relying on you for supplies! And you can carry food too! So even the nuclear ships are going to turn to you on long missions to not run out of food! Just because you don't have super big guns doesn't mean you aren't an essential member of us! So with you around it's a lot easier for us to go use all our supplies on each mission and resupply from you! I mean...it's not the most exciting role, but you're definitely not useless!" I answer.

"Mara and me were made for operating in a tiny sea, so we'll probably need resupplies from you a bunch! Especially Mara, her range suuuucks." Delfinul chirps out from next to Hobart.

"Y-yes...t-thank you Delfinul." I mutter as my face turns red.

I was hoping to keep that a secret. And after Delfinul helped me sneak some more fuel aboard to keep people from finding out she goes and says this...w-well, it would have been hard to hide my range on future missions, so that would have gotten me in trouble.


Before I woke up? As in, as a person? There was that weird...vision thing. I didn't really have any other dreams during those 7 days of almost negligible sleep.

"Erm, I saw a white...plane I guess you'd call it? There was a young girl there, well, older than me," I shake my head, "that's not really important though, she asked me to help save her world. I'd probably just call it a silly dream or something, but after that I was human and fighting those Abyssal things with you guys." I answer, trying to keep me nervousness over my small range being uncovered out of my voice.

"Hey! I saw the same thing! What about the rest of you?" Delfinul asks.

@AlphaD @UbeOne @TheFanficAddict
I looked back up at thrm, blinking in surprise.
"R-really? You all...think I could do that.? Actually help...?"
That..that would be nice...

I felt a small smile come back to my face with a nod.
"I-I would like that, yes.."

But I also blinked at that question.
"Uhm, yes. It was a girl...apparently I'd...d...." I still couldn't really say it. It had happened but...who wanted to remember dying? I let out a sigh. "She explained everything, dissapeared, then...I was here."
Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

Recognizing the nod for what it was I have one of my crew members start on making a map for the captain then focused on the fairies making the breakfast somehow in the short amount of time that I spent talking to the captain they had managed to start on a wide variety of dishes mixing Western and Russian in a tasteful way though they seemed to still be hard at work making the amounts needed for all of us shipgirls, deciding that they could handle it, I pull a chair from the adjacent room and sit to watch them work.

@Jhin Lemon

USS Gerald R Ford

As Ford slept in Cypher's bed dreaming of her first and only cruise during peacetime, her parasol bristled with activity as the members of Seraph squadron grew bored and readied their planes for joyrides. Quietly so as to not wake Ford, Seraph squadron launched themselves and went on a journey around the base until they found the destroyer they had been tasked to proved overwatch for seeing as the order had not been rescinded Seraph squadron felt they could get away with stating they were still fulfilling their mission when questioned later.

@Kongo @Marasesti @Hobart
I looked up at the planes in surprise.
"Oh...hi.?" I gave them a wave, hoping they were friendly...
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JS Kongō
Naval Base San Diego, CA

ROS Mărăşeşti
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

I turn around mid-walk.

"Whaaat?! Of course you're useful! You're an oil tanker aren't you? That means all us non-nuclear ships are going to be relying on you for supplies! And you can carry food too! So even the nuclear ships are going to turn to you on long missions to not run out of food! Just because you don't have super big guns doesn't mean you aren't an essential member of us! So with you around it's a lot easier for us to go use all our supplies on each mission and resupply from you! I mean...it's not the most exciting role, but you're definitely not useless!" I answer.

"Mara and me were made for operating in a tiny sea, so we'll probably need resupplies from you a bunch! Especially Mara, her range suuuucks." Delfinul chirps out from next to Hobart.

"Y-yes...t-thank you Delfinul." I mutter as my face turns red.

I was hoping to keep that a secret. And after Delfinul helped me sneak some more fuel aboard to keep people from finding out she goes and says this...w-well, it would have been hard to hide my range on future missions, so that would have gotten me in trouble.

The Japanese girl eagerly nods, since that was pretty much what she was thinking. They can't do much when they run dry, so those that carry extra can be lifesavers in the field.

Though she could see why the missile frigate looks embarrassed at the moment...


Before I woke up? As in, as a person? There was that weird...vision thing. I didn't really have any other dreams during those 7 days of almost negligible sleep.

"Erm, I saw a white...plane I guess you'd call it? There was a young girl there, well, older than me," I shake my head, "that's not really important though, she asked me to help save her world. I'd probably just call it a silly dream or something, but after that I was human and fighting those Abyssal things with you guys." I answer, trying to keep me nervousness over my small range being uncovered out of my voice.

"Hey! I saw the same thing! What about the rest of you?" Delfinul asks.

@AlphaD @UbeOne @TheFanficAddict

Her eyes widen at a familiar description. "Me too!"

So they saw that same place, that same girl? What could that mean?

Quietly so as to not wake Ford, Seraph squadron launched themselves and went on a journey around the base until they found the destroyer they had been tasked to provide overwatch for seeing as the order had not been rescinded Seraph squadron felt they could get away with stating they were still fulfilling their mission when questioned later.

Whatever the meaning could be, she doubts that it has anything to do with those miniature jets that came up just now. Seeing and hearing them zipping around the place amuses her as she smiles and waves at them.

"Hello there, Ford's Angels," she greets them.
HMAS Hobart
San Diego Naval Base

Hobart paused and thought about the question, trying to recall what had happened when she was still... well...

She supposed 'dead' was as accurate as a term as any.

Hobart shuddered a little at the thought.

"I-It was dark... a-and then there was a l-lot of white... and there was a g-girl..." The destroyer waved her hands around cutely in an attempt to emphasise her admittedly simple sentence, but given what the others said...

"W-What could it p-possibly mean...?" Hobart unknowingly voices Kongō's thoughts aloud, an uncertain expression on her face. Just what was the purpose of their return to the real world? What did it mean in the grander scheme of things?

... It was too early to be having an existential crisis.

Seraph squadron launched themselves and went on a journey around the base until they found the destroyer they had been tasked to provide overwatch for seeing as the order had not been rescinded Seraph squadron felt they could get away with stating they were still fulfilling their mission when questioned later.

The sound of a mini-jet engine snaps Hobart out of her introspection as she glances up at the air to see the small F-35 Lightning IIs circling above her head.

A friendly crewmember helpfully tagged the F-35s as 'SERAPH'.

"O-Oh... Hello S-Seraphs!" Hobart smiled and waved at the squadron of fighters. "W-What are you d-doing here? D-Did Ford s-send you?" The destroyer questioned the fighters as they continued to dance over her head.

The Australian destroyer also managed to idly note the signs pointing towards the infirmary where Tirpitz was most likely staying. Perhaps she could also grab food for the damaged battleship from the mess hall?

@Jhin Lemon @TheFanficAddict @UbeOne @Zeroth Jupi
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ROS Mărăşeşti
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

"Uhm, yes. It was a girl...apparently I'd...d...." I still couldn't really say it. It had happened but...who wanted to remember dying? I let out a sigh. "She explained everything, dissapeared, then...I was here."

Her eyes widen at a familiar description. "Me too!"

So they saw that same place, that same girl? What could that mean?

"I-It was dark... a-and then there was a l-lot of white... and there was a g-girl..." The destroyer waved her hands around cutely in an attempt to emphasise her admittedly simple sentence, but given what the others said...

"W-What could it p-possibly mean...?" Hobart unknowingly voices Kongō's thoughts aloud, an uncertain expression on her face. Just what was the purpose of their return to the real world? What did it mean in the grander scheme of things?

Oh good, no one's mentioning that thing Delfinul said. It's kinda odd that we all saw the same thing before we showed up. But at the same time...how does this help?

"Wait...so we all saw the same thing? I don't really think we can do anything with this information though. It's interesting at least, I guess."

Seraph squadron launched themselves and went on a journey around the base until they found the destroyer they had been tasked to provide overwatch for seeing as the order had not been rescinded Seraph squadron felt they could get away with stating they were still fulfilling their mission when questioned later.

Oh? Some tiny planes are flying around now? Wait Seraph? They're the ones who were CAPing Hobart before! I guess they like her too. She's quite popular it seems. Delfinul waves happily at them. I give a smaller wave and a smile as acknowledgement. They're Ford's, she's the one with the umbrella, right?

The Australian destroyer also managed to idly note the location of the infirmary where Tirpitz was most likely staying. Perhaps she could also grab food for the damaged battleship from the mess hall?

Oh hey, Hobart's found some signs while I was looking at Seraph squadron. Huh, we're pretty close to the infirmary. It'd also be a pretty good idea to memorise these since we don't have a map.

"So, do you want to go see Tirpitz now?" I ask. Delfinul tightens her hug slightly and starts rubbing Hobart's arm comfortingly at the mention of the battleship. It's still cute, but I have to wonder if the continuous hug is starting to make Hobart uncomfortable...

"Hey Mara~" Delfinul says in a tone that tells me she want to lighten the mood. Wait, Delfinul, no, don't say it. Don't.

"Can you even make it with your small range?~" My face turns what I assume is a neon red. Definul why? Why did I trust you with this? Your range at full speed is slower than mine anyway! S-so what if you can go way further at slow speeds and that you're meant to go slow as a submarine.

@AlphaD @UbeOne @TheFanficAddict @Zeroth Jupi
Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Naval Base San Diego, CA

The black interior of a Mercedes. Me, seated at the back. A blind curve up ahead. An act to overtake. Loud objections. A red car and its headlights-

I suddenly open my eyes, blinking afterwards. Oh, it was just a dream. Not my type of dream though. Brrr...

It's another morning here at San Diego, a place I hadn't been to before... all this. While I'm still glad to be able to live again after... that oncoming car, this is different from the life I used to have. There are different worries now, different priorities. Instead of school, for instance, it's... getting used to being here, to being Sara, and preparing for the next time I meet Abyssals. With where I am, what I am now, and what I can do, there's really no avoiding them... at least I have a chance against them...

Fairy voices in my head greet me good morning, which I quietly reply in kind. Having them within me remains odd, but then, all ships have a crew, right? But then again, having only been one of those very recently...

Blinking away some of my lingering sleepiness, I get off my mattress, which is still on the floor to protect my bed from breakage, and stand up, heading for the bathroom for the usual routine. This body doesn't feel as weird to me now compared to when I first woke up here. My steps feel natural, my sense of balance and weight no longer feeling distorted. I still close my eyes whenever I take a bath or change clothes though, and I don't identify myself as female, but only in a female form. I'll... treat it like a new experience...

There's Sara's face, my face, shown clearly in the mirror once more, complete with wolf ears. Being like this does have its upsides, for I longer have to wear glasses, nor shave my facial hair. Having no more skin allergy helps too. I still remember my old face though, and while the new one looks nice, I'd rather not forget my previous one anytime soon.

Um, I can't help but feel my faunus ears. They're still a novelty to me, and they're soft and comfy...


Carefully using the doorknob, I later exit my room wearing a Navy service uniform, a khaki one which was provided to me. It has no rank insignia, but then, I have no idea where I fit in the chain of command anyway, or if I'm part of it in the first place. Over the uniform is my red coat, worn like a cloak. I'm in the mood for emulating Ruby Rose once more.

I softly hum a tune to myself while walking towards where I can get breakfast. Mmm, I like my new voice...

In the Navy, yes you can sail the seven seas
In the Navy, yes you can put your mind at ease~


After some time, the aroma of delicious food permeates the air around me. While tracking down the source, I could also hear crackling sounds, as if something is being fried. One of the pleasant scents is like that of bacon, so maybe it's on the menu today?

Seeing a doorway entitled "Kitchen", and peering inside, I notice a couple of mini-chefs moving about like a scene from Ratatouille. Oh, is that the vibrant-haired Cypher over there? So it's her crew doing the cooking? I go in and wave hi to her. Who's the purplish-gray-haired officer with her, though?

@Zeroth Jupi, @Jhin Lemon
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Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

After some time, the aroma of delicious food permeates the air around me. While tracking down the source, I could also hear crackling sounds, as if something is being fried. One of the pleasant scents is like that of bacon, so maybe it's on the menu today?

Seeing a doorway entitled "Kitchen", and peering inside, I notice a couple of mini-chefs moving about like a scene from Ratatouille. Oh, is that the vibrant-haired Cypher over there? So it's her crew doing the cooking? I go in and wave hi to her. Who's the purplish-gray-haired officer with her, though?
Looking up from a cookbook I had found nearby I notice Sara waving at me so with a small smile I wave back at her before having my fairies finish off the last bits of breakfast and set them off to set tables with the food, with them going about fulfilling that I cough lightly to get Sara's attention before speaking, "nice to see you up and about Sara, I see you found me and the new Captain rather quickly instead of touring the base, if your hungry you can sit down over there while I call everyone else over radio that breakfast is ready".

Seraph Squadron

"Oh...hi.?" I gave them a wave, hoping they were friendly...
"Hello there, Ford's Angels," she greets them.
"O-Oh... Hello S-Seraphs!" Hobart smiled and waved at the squadron of fighters. "W-What are you d-doing here? D-Did Ford s-send you?" The destroyer questioned the fighters as they continued to dance over her head.
As Seraph squadron performed acrobatic maneuvers and danced around Hobart one of them replied over the radio to the wandering ships that they were bored and that Ford was fast asleep, as such they launched on their own to cure their boredom and found the shipgirls exploring so they wanted to explore too and were willing to give a show while they were at it, with their reply given their maneuvers increased in complexity as they attempted to entertain the shipgirls.

@UbeOne @Jhin Lemon @AlphaD @TheFanficAddict
Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Kitchen, Naval Base San Diego, CA

Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

Looking up from a cookbook I had found nearby I notice Sara waving at me so with a small smile I wave back at her before having my fairies finish off the last bits of breakfast and set them off to set tables with the food, with them going about fulfilling that I cough lightly to get Sara's attention before speaking, "nice to see you up and about Sara, I see you found me and the new Captain rather quickly instead of touring the base, if your hungry you can sit down over there while I call everyone else over radio that breakfast is ready".

Captain? Is the new person the officer in charge or something? Anyway, there is a certain curiosity that requires satisfying.

"So, what's for breakfast?" I inquire from the formerly Russian submarine as I take a seat. It's something I'd ask my parents all the time.

...I still miss them...
Captain Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

After some time, the aroma of delicious food permeates the air around me. While tracking down the source, I could also hear crackling sounds, as if something is being fried. One of the pleasant scents is like that of bacon, so maybe it's on the menu today?

Seeing a doorway entitled "Kitchen", and peering inside, I notice a couple of mini-chefs moving about like a scene from Ratatouille. Oh, is that the vibrant-haired Cypher over there? So it's her crew doing the cooking? I go in and wave hi to her. Who's the purplish-gray-haired officer with her, though?

Looking up from a cookbook I had found nearby I notice Sara waving at me so with a small smile I wave back at her before having my fairies finish off the last bits of breakfast and set them off to set tables with the food, with them going about fulfilling that I cough lightly to get Sara's attention before speaking, "nice to see you up and about Sara, I see you found me and the new Captain rather quickly instead of touring the base, if your hungry you can sit down over there while I call everyone else over radio that breakfast is ready".

Captain? Is the new person the officer in charge or something? Anyway, there is a certain curiosity that requires satisfying.

"So, what's for breakfast?" I inquire from the formerly Russian submarine as I take a seat. It's something I'd ask my parents all the time.

...I still miss them...
I glance up as someone else walks into the room. A young woman with grey eyes, reddish hair and...are those wolf ears? At this point I don't know why I'm surprised at the odd things about these girls any more. I look down at my clipboard to figure out who this is, Cypher definitely helps by telling me she's called Sara. Apparently she's a Forrestal-class aircraft carrier. Much like with Cypher, you can't really tell from her appearance alone. As much information as the clipboard has, it neglected to mention the ears.

Cypher didn't even bat an eye at them though, if this type of thing it normal, what do the other girls have? I mean...I haven't really reacted externally either, other than my eyes lingering for a little longer than they would if she didn't have odd ears, but I'm hardly the standard for people's reactions, as basically every interaction I've ever had has told me.

Oh right, I should probably introduce myself.

"Good morning. I am Captain Florina Albu," I say with a salute, "I was assigned by the government. I will explain in more detail after we all eat."

That didn't answer her question, but it was a good idea to introduce myself regardless, right?

@Zeroth Jupi @UbeOne
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HMAS Hobart
San Diego Naval Base

"So, do you want to go see Tirpitz now?" I ask.

"... Y-Yeah, I do want to go see T-Tirpitz now... maybe I can a-ask her what she wants for b-breakfast too." Hobart said, nodding thoughtfully. "Or maybe s-something to e-entertain herself w-with... like a b-book..."

It had to be dreadfully boring sitting around in the repair baths all day after all. No-one liked being benched in port for any period of time, not when there was work to be done and it had to be worse for the German battleship considering how much torpedo damage she had taken.

Delfinul, still clinging onto the Australian destroyer although it was clear that the latter didn't mind, made a small remark about Mărăşeşti's range resulting in the aforementioned frigate's face lighting up like a Christmas tree.

Hobart suppressed a smile at Mărăşeşti's flustered attempts to both berate the cheery submarine and defend her apparently tiny range. The two Romanian ships acted so familiarly with each other that calling them sisters wouldn't be too farfetched.

'Sisters, huh...?' The thought flashed through her mind before she could stop it from forming. Hobart knew that Australia was practically cut off from the world ever since she failed them during the Abyss' first strike... She could only hope that her fellow ships from the Royal Australian Navy managed to repel the attack.

'I wonder... Brisbane... Sydney... What would you think of your big sis now?'
As Seraph squadron performed acrobatic maneuvers and danced around Hobart one of them replied over the radio to the wandering ships that they were bored and that Ford was fast asleep, as such they launched on their own to cure their boredom and found the shipgirls exploring so they wanted to explore too and were willing to give a show while they were at it, with their reply given their maneuvers increased in complexity as they attempted to entertain the shipgirls.

... Her thoughts were headed down a path she wasn't ready for.

Another time.

Hobart shook her head imperceptibly as if doing so would shake the very thoughts themselves out of her mind and glanced up at the Seraphs with a small smile. "W-Well if you're b-bored... Do you w-want to stick with us? We're a-about to go visit Tirpitz... or I am if t-these two want to get something to e-eat..."

Her eyes flickered between the Seraph planes as they continued to perform acrobatic manoeuvres of increasing complexity and the corner of her eyes crinkled in amusement. She wondered if the Seraph pilots performed at airshows during their lulls.

@Jhin Lemon @Zeroth Jupi @UbeOne @TheFanficAddict
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Captain Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

I glance up as someone else walks into the room. A young woman with grey eyes, reddish hair and...are those wolf ears? At this point I don't know why I'm surprised at the odd things about these girls any more. I look down at my clipboard to figure out who this is, Cypher definitely helps by telling me she's called Sara. Apparently she's a Forrestal-class aircraft carrier. Much like with Cypher, you can't really tell from her appearance alone. As much information as the clipboard has, it neglected to mention the ears.

Cypher didn't even bat an eye at them though, if this type of thing it normal, what do the other girls have? I mean...I haven't really reacted externally either, other than my eyes lingering for a little longer than they would if she didn't have odd ears, but I'm hardly the standard for people's reactions, as basically every interaction I've ever had has told me.

Oh right, I should probably introduce myself.

"Good morning. I am Captain Florina Albu," I say with a salute, "I was assigned by the government. I will explain in more detail after we all eat."

That didn't answer her question, but it was a good idea to introduce myself regardless, right?

@Zeroth Jupi @UbeOne

Instead of hearing an answer from the chef, I see the officer looking at me, but her yellow eyes seem to be glancing a bit upward-

I find myself being self-conscious once more at someone noticing my ears.

Oh, she's saluting me and introducing herself, making me hesitate. I'm not sure if I should salute in return, and if that's the case, I'm not sure how to do so properly. I've forgotten how, and it would be disrespectful to get it wrong.

After an awkward moment, I settle for a nod and opt to introduce myself in turn. "Nice to meet you, Captain. I'm Sara." I deliberately choose that, instead of the full name of my hull, to place more emphasis on the part of me that is human, rather than the part of me that is a warship.

Um, that was more formal than what I'm used to, but these seem to be more formal circumstances, so...
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