Dockwise looked down at her hands, sitting cross-legged on the floor.

They were large, even for someone of her size, calloused like someone who had made a career out of using them. Which, in a way, she had? But not with her hands? Thinking about it only hurt her head, so she moved on.

She was tall- taller than anyone she'd met, at least. She honestly wasn't sure how that came about. Her... real form? Was that the right term to describe it? Her steel hull, was big, but it wasn't nearly as big as the Supercarriers, who were tiny compared to her now.

But then again, all the other shipgirls had those, err, largestructuresgrowingoutoftheirspinesholdingalltheirshipequipment. There was probably a better way to call it, but regardless, for most of the other Shipgirls it was larger than their whole bodies, whereas hers was barely more than a glorified utility belt.

Maybe that had something to do with it? But then again maybe not.

The musculature was easy to explain: she was a lift ship, ergo she looked like someone who lifted things.

But the rest... what determined her hair being red, for an example? Was it just some sort of cosmic lottery, like if she were a real human? What about her clothes? They were clearly related to her function as a ship, but they also weren't the work clothes her crew had used. Again, a mystery.

But speaking of her clothes, she should probably get them washed. They'd gotten soaked during the battle, and even if they had dried since it wouldn't do to just walk around in the same clothing for weeks on end.

With that in mind, she located the nearest quartermaster and acquired a change of clothing while the ones she had returned to the realm of the living was going through a washing machine. Even the largest men's size they had available felt rather tight as she pulled it on, but it wasn't unbearable. And it beat trying to recquisition tailormade clothes when she wasn't even really sure of her legal or practical standing in the society at large.

Equipped with a t-shirt and military cargo pants, Dockwise next set out in search of food. She'd gotten enough practice that she was pretty sure she could eat without having to resort to shoveling it in with her hands, even if she wouldn't trust herself with handshakes just yet.

Poking her head into the kitchen, however, she found it already occupied.


@Jhin Lemon
@Zeroth Jupi
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Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

"So, what's for breakfast?" I inquire from the formerly Russian submarine as I take a seat. It's something I'd ask my parents all the time.
Taking time to release my hair from the ponytail it was in I mull a bit to gather all that my fairies had cooked before answering Sara's question, "a little bit of everything really it seems my crew went all out for everyone, personally I would recommend trying a bit of everything just to see if there's something new that you might like", with my answer given I leave the kitchen and sit at the table near the captain and give off a brief radio message to the remaining shipgirls that breakfast was ready. As I finish sending off the message I turn my attention to the Heavy lift ship, "Good morning Dockwise was it? breakfast is ready if you're hungry it has a little bit of everything courtesy of my fairies", come to think of it I am hungry myself and it'll be nice to see how well my fairies did with that in mind I signal one of my fairies to bring a large plate over to me as well as smaller one for the captain
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GM Prompt
Glorious GM-Chan

You had originally appeared in the other side of the country. alone, outnumbered, and outgunned, you had fought off a determined assault by the attacking Abyssal forces. You had saved many lives that day. Now you find yourself standing before the entrance to another naval Base. Apparently you weren't the only one to return, though you did return by yourself unlike them. But the higher up admirals had decided to centralize their Shipgirl forces, rather than risk divide and conquer. So now you'd found yourself shipped the whole way across the country to San Diego.

@Ryven Razgriz
Standing before the naval base's entrance was me, BRP Luna. For one reason or another, I seem to have become a shipgirl, I would've ran away where it possible but since I was fumbling back on that sea back then, I seemed to have attracted all sorts of attention, now after a lot of so called 'procedures' and 'talks' -I grimaced at the thought of those slimy intelligence agents and diplomats/politicians askmanding me to fight for their so called just cause- as well as 'negotiations' -thank god for the small mercies and comforts- I am now standing before my newly assigned post.

Good god I do hope that they don't put me at the front-line alone, while I did fought and defeat scores of abyssal back in the east, those were of pre-1946 configuration, even then it was hard because of their swarms of aircraft old as they may be, the only reason I only took superficial damage is because the nearby US forces launched their own swarm of fighters and they had taken the abyssal air wings' attention.

Well there's no use standing around in the open like this. There's still this commissioned officer standing at the gate and constantly looking at me, waiting for me to get close enough to trigger a conversation.

"Good morning Ma'am, are you perhaps? Miss Luna?" Asked the navy officer who was constantly smiling and waving at me, I answered the officer's question with a yes to which the officer then salutes. I put down my dufflebag of goodies and saluted back. No need to be outwardly confronting yet.

I preempted the officer by instead asking said officer to bring me straight to the admiral in charge. Though I saw some peculiar people, likely shipgirls, and the officer asked me if I wanted to meet them first, I declined as I wanted to finish this over and quickly.

"We're here Ma'am." Prompt the officer, I looked over myself to see if I look improper or dirty but thankfully my fairies popped up saying that all systems are green and that there were no scratch marks on my new paint job. Thank you little people.

The door clicked open as the officer twist and pushed it open. Over there was...
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Happy Giant/Jahre Viking

I giggle a bit at the airshow the..Seraphs was it? Put on. It was cute yet cool.

"Nice.." I give them athumbs up, smiling at them shyly.
Oh hey, Hobart's found some signs while I was looking at Seraph squadron. Huh, we're pretty close to the infirmary. It'd also be a pretty good idea to memorise these since we don't have a map.

"So, do you want to go see Tirpitz now?" I ask. Delfinul tightens her hug slightly and starts rubbing Hobart's arm comfortingly at the mention of the battleship. It's still cute, but I have to wonder if the continuous hug is starting to make Hobart uncomfortable...

"Hey Mara~" Delfinul says in a tone that tells me she want to lighten the mood. Wait, Delfinul, no, don't say it. Don't.

"Can you even make it with your small range?~" My face turns what I assume is a neon red. Definul why? Why did I trust you with this? Your range at full speed is slower than mine anyway! S-so what if you can go way further at slow speeds and that you're meant to go slow as a submarine.

I nod at the others. "I-If you all want to see this Tirpitz...I wouldn't mind coming along. A-ah! If you don't mind me that is..!" I quickly fumbled out my last sentnec, embarassed at simply assuming like that.

@UbeOne, @AlphaD, @Zeroth Jupi
Captain Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

"Nice to meet you, Captain. I'm Sara." I deliberately choose that, instead of the full name of my hull, to place more emphasis on the part of me that is human, rather than the part of me that is a warship.
I give a nod to the shipgirl. She's the USS Saratoga, so it makes sense to be called Sara, it's much easier to say. I note down the name on my list.
Poking her head into the kitchen, however, she found it already occupied.

"Good morning Dockwise was it? breakfast is ready if you're hungry it has a little bit of everything courtesy of my fairies", come to think of it I am hungry myself and it'll be nice to see how well my fairies did with that in mind I signal one of my fairies to bring a large plate over to me as well as smaller one for the captain
Hmm? Another shipgirl wandering in? Had Cypher called them all somehow without me noticing? Or was this just coincidence that they were coming here? Regardless, more people to introduce myself too. I check the clipboard, yes, Cypher's name for the new arrival is correct. A type-0 heavy lift vessel, one of the few non-warships that had shown up.

"Hello Dockwise, I am Captain Florina Albu. Assigned to you all by the government. I'll explain it in more detail later to avoid having to repeat-"

Standing before the naval base's entrance was me, BRP Luna. For one reason or another, I seem to have become a shipgirl, I would've ran away where it possible but since I was fumbling back on that sea back then, I seemed to have attracted all sorts of attention, now after a lot of so called 'procedures' and 'talks' -I grimaced at the thought of those slimy intelligence agents and diplomats/politicians askmanding me to fight for their so called just cause- as well as 'negotiations' -thank god for the small mercies and comforts- I am now standing before my newly assigned post.
"Excuse me," I say as my phone starts to ring.

Apparently yet another shipgirl had appeared, and was being sent to the my office on the base. They were also faxing over a copy of her information, like the things in the dossier I'd been using so far to avoid being completely lost.

"Ah, nothing to worry about." I reassure them before turning back to Dockwise, "You were the one who helped save our vessels. My commanders and I would like to give our thanks for the lives yous saved, much of the crewmembers of those ships wished to come here to thank you in person in fact. Not to say the rest of you do not deserve thanks. You all saved many lives."

I'll have to leave to meet the newest girl after Dockwise replies to my greeting, she'll have had the least amount of time to adjust and thus she is a priority. Cypher also gave me some food, but the others aren't here, so it wouldn't be polite to begin.

@Blackout @UbeOne @Zeroth Jupi

ROS Mărăşeşti
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

"W-Well if you're b-bored... Do you w-want to stick with us? We're a-about to go visit Tirpitz... or I am if t-these two want to get something to e-eat..."

I nod at the others. "I-If you all want to see this Tirpitz...I wouldn't mind coming along. A-ah! If you don't mind me that is..!" I quickly fumbled out my last sentnec, embarassed at simply assuming like that.

"What? Didn't we go over this already? Of course you can come along with us! Why would we say no if we were fine with you coming with us so far?"

"Yeah!" Delfinul pipes up from next to Hobart, "You're super-awesome-tall! Why wouldn't we want you around?"

Well, you probably shouldn't have brought up the height again, but at least you're completely sincere, so maybe you'll even help by bringing it up. Either way, we should get a move on, and since Hobart's the one that wants to see her the most...

"Why don't you lead the way...Hobie?" I say, using the nickname to try and tease the destroyer.

"Heeeey! Hobie's my nickname for her!" Delfinul objects. Her fault for making fun of my range.

@TheFanficAddict @UbeOne @AlphaD @Zeroth Jupi
Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

Taking time to release my hair from the ponytail it was in I mull a bit to gather all that my fairies had cooked before answering Sara's question, "a little bit of everything really it seems my crew went all out for everyone, personally I would recommend trying a bit of everything just to see if there's something new that you might like", with my answer given I leave the kitchen and sit at the table near the captain and give off a brief radio message to the remaining shipgirls that breakfast was ready. As I finish sending off the message I turn my attention to the Heavy lift ship, "Good morning Dockwise was it? breakfast is ready if you're hungry it has a little bit of everything courtesy of my fairies", come to think of it I am hungry myself and it'll be nice to see how well my fairies did with that in mind I signal one of my fairies to bring a large plate over to me as well as smaller one for the captain
Hmm? Another shipgirl wandering in? Had Cypher called them all somehow without me noticing? Or was this just coincidence that they were coming here? Regardless, more people to introduce myself too. I check the clipboard, yes, Cypher's name for the new arrival is correct. A type-0 heavy lift vessel, one of the few non-warships that had shown up.

"Hello Dockwise, I am Captain Florina Albu. Assigned to you all by the government. I'll explain it in more detail later to avoid having to repeat-"

Dockwise nodded to Cypher and the Captain, grabbing a pair of plates for herself. That was fair enough, it must be annoying having to repeat the same thing over and over again.

"Dockwise Vanguard."

Pulling herself a chair she sat down, the too-small seat creaking under her frame, before carefully picking up a fork and starting to wolf down a plateful of bacon.

"Ah, nothing to worry about." I reassure them before turning back to Dockwise, "You were the one who helped save our vessels. My commanders and I would like to give our thanks for the lives yous saved, much of the crewmembers of those ships wished to come here to thank you in person in fact. Not to say the rest of you do not deserve thanks. You all saved many lives."

I'll have to leave to meet the newest girl after Dockwise replies to my greeting, she'll have had the least amount of time to adjust and thus she is a priority. Cypher also gave me some food, but the others aren't here, so it wouldn't be polite to begin.
The huge shipgirl seemed to shrink in on herself ever so slightly, bowing her head.

"Thank you, Captain. I was just doing my job, in whatever fashion I could."
Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Kitchen, Naval Base San Diego, CA

Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

Taking time to release my hair from the ponytail it was in I mull a bit to gather all that my fairies had cooked before answering Sara's question, "a little bit of everything really it seems my crew went all out for everyone, personally I would recommend trying a bit of everything just to see if there's something new that you might like", with my answer given I leave the kitchen and sit at the table near the captain and give off a brief radio message to the remaining shipgirls that breakfast was ready. As I finish sending off the message I turn my attention to the Heavy lift ship, "Good morning Dockwise was it? breakfast is ready if you're hungry it has a little bit of everything courtesy of my fairies", come to think of it I am hungry myself and it'll be nice to see how well my fairies did with that in mind I signal one of my fairies to bring a large plate over to me as well as smaller one for the captain

A little of everything? That's rather vague. I see lots of familiar ones like bacon, egg and pancakes, but there are those I don't recognize. They all smell and look good, nonetheless.

Captain Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

I give a nod to the shipgirl. She's the USS Saratoga, so it makes sense to be called Sara, it's much easier to say. I note down the name on my list.

Hmm? Another shipgirl wandering in? Had Cypher called them all somehow without me noticing? Or was this just coincidence that they were coming here? Regardless, more people to introduce myself too. I check the clipboard, yes, Cypher's name for the new arrival is correct. A type-0 heavy lift vessel, one of the few non-warships that had shown up.

"Hello Dockwise, I am Captain Florina Albu. Assigned to you all by the government. I'll explain it in more detail later to avoid having to repeat-"

"Excuse me," I say as my phone starts to ring.

Apparently yet another shipgirl had appeared, and was being sent to the my office on the base. They were also faxing over a copy of her information, like the things in the dossier I'd been using so far to avoid being completely lost.

"Ah, nothing to worry about." I reassure them before turning back to Dockwise, "You were the one who helped save our vessels. My commanders and I would like to give our thanks for the lives yous saved, much of the crewmembers of those ships wished to come here to thank you in person in fact. Not to say the rest of you do not deserve thanks. You all saved many lives."

I'll have to leave to meet the newest girl after Dockwise replies to my greeting, she'll have had the least amount of time to adjust and thus she is a priority. Cypher also gave me some food, but the others aren't here, so it wouldn't be polite to begin.

@Blackout @UbeOne @Zeroth Jupi

"You're welcome, Captain," I say to the officer. While that is true, since we helped evacuate the people back then, I can't help but feel shy at the praise. It's not everyday that happens.

Yet that's only the beginning. Eventually, I'll be sailing out on sortie once more...

But first, is breakfast. Seeing the others getting food already, I follow suit, gently scooping up a plate and going over to where the food is served.

"What are these?" I ask Cypher, pointing to the unfamiliar-looking ones in the menu.

((The answer I'm looking for is what Russian food you made, @Zeroth Jupi))
HMAS Hobart
San Diego Naval Base

"Why don't you lead the way...Hobie?" I say, using the nickname to try and tease the destroyer.

"Heeeey! Hobie's my nickname for her!" Delfinul objects. Her fault for making fun of my range.

The Australian destroyer blushed at the attention she was receiving as the two Romanian ships bickered around her with a familiarity bred through camaraderie. Hobart could only hope that in time, she would be able to be good friends with everyone else as the Romanians were with each other.

"L-Lead the way? R-Right, o-okay then."

Lead the group. Surely she couldn't mess up something that simple, right?

"T-Then if everyone has no o-objections... We should p-probably get going now and make it a q-quick visit... t-that way we'll have enough time to r-resupply and talk with the o-others..." Hobart mumbled as she began to walk in the complete opposite direction of the infirmary.

... Thankfully, it appeared that the destroyer noticed this and quickly reversed course with a luminescent blush on her face visibly attempting to resist the urge to hide under the coat she had been summoned with.

"I-I-I-I knew that." Hobart squeaked out before anyone could say anything, speedwalking the rest of the way to the infirmary.

@Jhin Lemon @TheFanficAddict @UbeOne @Zeroth Jupi @Michael Lewis
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JhBalalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
San Diego Naval Base, California

"Ah, nothing to worry about." I reassure them before turning back to Dockwise, "You were the one who helped save our vessels. My commanders and I would like to give our thanks for the lives you saved, much of the crewmembers of those ships wished to come here to thank you in person in fact. Not to say the rest of you do not deserve thanks. You all saved many lives."
I'm being thanked? what for? I didn't do anything beyond what would have been expected of me, but I don't want to say anything to contradict the captain in thanking me so I'll just keep quiet and listen to what Sara.
"What are these?" I ask Cypher, pointing to the unfamiliar-looking ones in the menu.
Someone actually taking interest in what I've made beyond a simple confirmation of what it is? That's a new experience, rather nice one as well taking a moment to look at what Sara was pointing at I reply while a fairy brings a plate loaded with food, " that would be гречневая каша, a type of porridge if you will, and those would be блины, сырники, and оладьи which are types of pancakes and fritters they are all rather good in my opinion", now to see if Sara and the others will try some.

(ooc: гречневая каша is pronounced as Grechnevaya Kasha, блины is Blini, сырники is Syrniki, and оладьи is Oladyi)

@Saratoga @Jhin Lemon

Seraph Squadron

With Hobart moving towards the infirmary the pilots of Seraph squadron formed up around her in a rough diamond shape after one last round of loops, their theatrics now being kept to a minimum until such a time as requested to display more.

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Captain Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

Dockwise nodded to Cypher and the Captain, grabbing a pair of plates for herself. That was fair enough, it must be annoying having to repeat the same thing over and over again.

"Dockwise Vanguard."

Pulling herself a chair she sat down, the too-small seat creaking under her frame, before carefully picking up a fork and starting to wolf down a plateful of bacon.

The huge shipgirl seemed to shrink in on herself ever so slightly, bowing her head.

"Thank you, Captain. I was just doing my job, in whatever fashion I could."

Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Kitchen, Naval Base San Diego, CA

A little of everything? That's rather vague. I see lots of familiar ones like bacon, egg and pancakes, but there are those I don't recognize. They all smell and look good, nonetheless.

"You're welcome, Captain," I say to the officer. While that is true, since we helped evacuate the people back then, I can't help but feel shy at the praise. It's not everyday that happens.

Yet that's only the beginning. Eventually, I'll be sailing out on sortie once more...

But first, is breakfast. Seeing the others getting food already, I follow suit, gently scooping up a plate and going over to where the food is served.

"What are these?" I ask Cypher, pointing to the unfamiliar-looking ones in the menu.

((The answer I'm looking for is what Russian food you made, @Zeroth Jupi))

Someone actually taking interest in what I've made beyond a simple confirmation of what it is? That's a new experience, rather nice one as well taking a moment to look at what Sara was pointing at I reply while a fairy brings a plate loaded with food, " that would be гречневая каша, a type of porridge if you will, and those would be блины, сырники, and оладьи which are types of pancakes and fritters they are all rather good in my opinion", now to see if Sara and the others will try some.

(ooc: гречневая каша is pronounced as Grechnevaya Kasha, блины is Blini, сырники is Syrniki, and оладьи is Oladyi)
I give a nod to Sara and Dockwise, it was interesting to note that Cypher chose to answer Sara's question without responding to my thanks. Regardless, I need to take my leave and see the newest person.

"I'm afraid something has come up and I need to leave," I say, "I will be on you radio frequency, so you can contact me when you want to gather everyone, apologies for not eating your food, I am sure it is great."

Compliments are good when you can't do something someone wants, right? I get up and walk out of the room, Cypher still hadn't finished that map yet, I have to wonder if she'd forgotten, but my office wasn't hard to find. The commander's office is meant to be easy to find after all. Entering, I notice the shipgirl.

"One moment," I say as I hold up a finger and walk to the fax machine. Picking up the sheet I note what information I've been given on her. A former Oliver Hazard Perry-class missile frigate, but I don't think I've ever heard of an Antonio Luna-class frigate before, something to do with being a shipgirl maybe? Her name is Luna after all.

"Hello Luna," I say, looking up from the sheet I'm now adding to my clipboard, "I am Florina Albu, the captain put in charge here. Everyone will be gathered to eat soon, though there might not be enough if they only make enough for everyone they know about. After breakfast I plan to hold a briefing. Is there anything you would like to know in the meantime?"

@Ryven Razgriz

ROS Mărăşeşti
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

"T-Then if everyone has no o-objections... We should p-probably get going now and make it a q-quick visit... t-that way we'll have enough time to r-resupply and talk with the o-others..." Hobart mumbled as she began to walk in the complete opposite direction of the infirmary.

... Thankfully, it appeared that the destroyer noticed this and quickly reversed course with a luminescent blush on her face visibly attempting to resist the urge to hide under the coat she had been summoned with.

"I-I-I-I knew that." Hobart squeaked out before anyone could say anything, speedwalking the rest of the way to the infirmary.
It was amusing to watch Hobart go in the exact opposite direction after looking at the map, more amusing was how Delfinul was dragged along with her because she refused to let go. I keep my mouth shut as I follow behind the embarrassed destroyer to the infirmary.
Naval Base San Diego, CA

"Hello Luna," I say, looking up from the sheet I'm now adding to my clipboard, "I am Florina Albu, the captain put in charge here. Everyone will be gathered to eat soon, though there might not be enough if they only make enough for everyone they know about. After breakfast I plan to hold a briefing. Is there anything you would like to know in the meantime?"
With trained precision, thanks to my shipgirl self, I reflexively saluted at the CO before answering. "Aside from my role within the fleet and my room assignment, nothing else for now Ma'am."

Although I'm currently nervous, I can't help but focus my gaze on this girl in front of me, she looks familiar. GF's UMP? Which of them?

Actually, she looks too young to be a CO.

@Jhin Lemon
Captain Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

Naval Base San Diego, CA

With trained precision, thanks to my shipgirl self, I reflexively saluted at the CO before answering. "Aside from my role within the fleet and my room assignment, nothing else for now Ma'am."

Although I'm currently nervous, I can't help but focus my gaze on this girl in front of me, she looks familiar. GF's UMP? Which of them?

Actually, she looks too young to be a CO.

@Jhin Lemon
"Roles are more likely to be something to be figured out during the briefing. And I didn't assign the rooms, I didn't even get a map of the building actually. When I do, which shouldn't be too long, we can find a room for you. For now I could introduce you to some of the other girls on the base?" I offer.

She's also looking at me somewhat strangely.

"Do I have something on me?"

@Ryven Razgriz
Naval Base San Diego, CA

Captain Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

"Roles are more likely to be something to be figured out during the briefing. And I didn't assign the rooms, I didn't even get a map of the building actually. When I do, which shouldn't be too long, we can find a room for you. For now I could introduce you to some of the other girls on the base?" I offer.
Woman, are you actually serious right now? Are you even the CO or the CO's right-hand man-err, girl?

What if you, me or other people get lost in the damn place? What's going on?

She's also looking at me somewhat strangely.

"Do I have something on me?"

Hiding my hiding my surprise, I stood straight up and looked at her hair, avoiding eye contact. "Nothing Ma'am."

Suppressing a sigh, I opted to be introduced to others first. "I would like that Ma'am. The uh.. Introduction part. Ma'am."
@Jhin Lemon
Captain Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

Naval Base San Diego, CA

Woman, are you actually serious right now? Are you even the CO or the CO's right-hand man-err, girl?

What if you, me or other people get lost in the damn place? What's going on?


Hiding my hiding my surprise, I stood straight up and looked at her hair, avoiding eye contact. "Nothing Ma'am."

Suppressing a sigh, I opted to be introduced to others first. "I would like that Ma'am. The uh.. Introduction part. Ma'am."
@Jhin Lemon
Suddenly she's avoiding eye contact? Something is the matter. But if she doesn't want to say, I won't press.

"Before we go," I take out that radio frequency Cypher had given me, copy it down onto a scrap of paper and hold it out to Luna, "This is the radio frequency all the other girls are using."

"Now follow me," I say before turning and walking down the corridors back to the kitchen, going slowly to avoid Luna falling behind and getting lost. After some walking we arrive back in the kitchen.

"Hello, this is the newest addition to our group, Luna." I announce. "Luna, these are Cypher, Sara and Dockwise," I point to each of the named shipgirls in turn, "You'll have to be introduced to the rest when they all get called. Oh and Cypher, how is the progress on that map you were making?"

@Zeroth Jupi @UbeOne @Blackout @Ryven Razgriz
Naval Base San Diego, CA

"Hello, this is the newest addition to our group, Luna." I announce. "Luna, these are Cypher, Sara and Dockwise," I point to each of the named shipgirls in turn, "You'll have to be introduced to the rest when they all get called. Oh and Cypher, how is the progress on that map you were making?"
Saluting at the more experienced shipgirls, I continued the Captain's introduction. "Namesake of the Antonio Luna-class Guided Missile Frigate, former Oliver Hazard Perry-class FFG, Antonio Luna, please call me Luna."

I ran my eyes on each of them and surprisingly, I recognized Saratoga. It feels like as if I'd known her but for the love of god I know I haven't met her.

As for the other two, one is a muscular woman with dark red hair who doesn't look like a warship. And the other is a woman with exotic looking purple(?) hair wearing plain white shirt and blue pants as well as an eye-patch covering her right eye, obviously a wound of some sort.
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GM Prompt
Glorious GM-Chan

You had originally appeared more to the South near South America. alone, outnumbered, and outgunned, you had fought off a determined assault by the attacking Abyssal forces. You had saved many lives that day. Now you find yourself standing before the entrance to another naval Base. Apparently you weren't the only one to return, though you did return by yourself unlike them. But the higher up admirals had decided to centralize their Shipgirl forces, rather than risk divide and conquer. So now you'd found yourself shipped the whole way across the country to San Diego.

Stepping out of the heavy transport truck to survey her new surroundings, Worcester took a moment to simply breath in deeply and savor the scent that lingered in the air over San Diego Naval Base. The smell was a mix of steel, oil, and brine, a heady combination of scents that helped the newly returned kanmusu calm down slightly. She had her memories from her years of service and the sort of imprinted recollections left behind by all the men who'd served on her, but even then everything was just one new experience after another.

Like flying.

Going from one side of the country to another in a very noisy C-17 cargo jet had been an experience all its own, albeit an incredibly miserable one. She'd spent a good chunk of time hurling the small meal she'd gotten to eat at the airbase into a large bucket alongside copious amounts of oil that came up when the food itself ran out. If it were at all possible, Worcester would do everything she possibly could to avoid repeating that experience.

Still, Worcester was now at what would be her new homeport. She'd never made it up to San Diego, instead being based out of Long Beach -which she had been quite saddened to learn was no longer open- but she'd been to San Francisco so she was tanigently familiar with at least the general area. And now that she was on base, there were two things that she now needed; food and to check in with the admiral in charge of shipgirls.

Unfortunately, no matter how much she wanted to fill her gullet, Worcester had a duty to fulfill to her new admiral. She had served as a flagship twice before and done it well too, so she would not let herself be remiss in her duties. Failing to meet the standards of her new admiral would be... unpleasant, at least in her mind. Her resolution to continue reaffirmed, Worcester grabbed the arm of a passing sailor and asked him for directions to the admiral's office. Unfortunately, all he could do was point her to the main administration building.

Once she got there though, she merely had to introduce herself and then an ensign had escorted her to the door of Admiral Florina Albu, the officer in charge of the recently returned shipgirls here. Worcester paused for a moment to straighten her clothing, briefly feeling embarrassed by how flagrantly the clothing she had returned in violated Navy regulations before she sighed ever so slightly. There was nothing to be done for it now.

At least ensuring her posture was correct, Worcester stepped forward and knocked twice on the Admiral's door before waiting for a response.

@Jhin Lemon
Anna Werner
San Diego

Sitting upright in the repair baths, Anna looked at the various creations she had made in the past few hours. Origami cranes and pigs made of sheet metal decorated the concrete floor, "paper" airplanes made from what was most likely once part of an F-18 were embedded into the wall on the other side, and various miniature firearms and artillery pieces made by her fairies in her machine shop were just casually strewn around throughout the repair baths, all working to remind her of how long she's been soaking in there, left to her own devices. Outside the window, a flock of pigeons were unceremoniously scattered across the pavement outside of the aircraft hangar they were using as an impromptu repair bath, fried by Anna's newly-fitted NTU RADAR.

Staring at the slightly scorched roof of the hangar, Anna wondered what she ought to do next. For a second, she considered throwing a "paper" airplane made of aluminium and shooting it down with one of her missiles again but the last time she did that the plane hit the ground before the missile could hit and the SM-2 MR decided to blow up against the ceiling instead, so that wasn't an option. Frying more birds with her RADAR wasn't an option either--the things quickly wised up to the invisible death ray sitting in the hangar, and no avian was anywhere within five miles of her anymore.

Sighing, she sunk deeper into the bathtub used for repairs and idly looked up at the ceiling, counting the support beams that held up the structure. She got to one thousand, three hundred and twenty-four support beams before finally giving up.

"Fuuuuuck, I'm bored," says Anna, throwing her hands into the air.

"Perhaps we should blow a hole in the roof?" asks the gunnery officer, clearly anxious to try out his new toys.

"No." replies Anna, clearly unwilling to let the fellow give the hangar a new skylight. If any of the others walked in here and found a hole in the roof of the hangar, there'd be even more questions asked that she doesn't want to answer.

Speaking of which, where were the other ships? Anna had been sitting there for the past four days, and the chief engineer said that she'd bee in there for another two before everything's fully repaired. Naturally, being alone for that long is not exactly good for your mental health, and some permutation of cabin fever was setting in despite the presence of a complement of miniature crewmembers. The fact that everybody else had left the repair baths after the first day on base wasn't helping any either, but Anna personally didn't mind that much--it gave her time to come up with all sorts of random things to do before the novelty of having new toys installed wore out.

Feeling his ship being bored out of its mind, a fairy on board the ship had an idea: playing music. After all, they had musical instruments stored onboard, didn't they? Gathering a few of his friends, Erwin handed out some sheet music and instruments, had everybody set up on the floor outside the bathtub, and organized an impromptu symphony.
GM Prompt
Glorious GM-Chan

You had appeared in the North near the Aleutian Islands. With just yourself, outnumbered, and outgunned, you had delayed a determined assault by the Abyssals long enough for the civilians to evacuate. You had saved many lives that day. Now you find yourself sailing into the entrance of the naval Base. Apparently you weren't the only one to return. The higher up admirals had decided to centralize their Shipgirl forces, rather than risk divide and conquer. So now you find yourself having just finished sailing South to San Diego. You are quickly directed towards a makeshift area for shipgirls to dock at and now find yourself on dry land for the first time since you appeared.

Glorious GM-Chan

You had appeared in the North near the Aleutian Islands. With just yourself, outnumbered, and outgunned, you had delayed a determined assault by the Abyssals long enough for the civilians to evacuate. You had saved many lives that day. Now you find yourself sailing into the entrance of the naval Base. Apparently you weren't the only one to return. The higher up admirals had decided to centralize their Shipgirl forces, rather than risk divide and conquer. So now you find yourself having just finished sailing South to San Diego. You are quickly directed towards a makeshift area for shipgirls to dock at and now find yourself on dry land for the first time since you appeared.

"So, this is the base then."

Jennifer Smith, more formally known as USS John F. Kennedy, muttered to herself as she sailed towards the obvious amphibious landing ramp, her CAP currently circling lazily overhead and her radar running at low power. She'd already identified the squadron of F-35s that had been over the base, Seraph squadron, likely launched from USS Gerald R. Ford. It would be interesting to see what her "older sister" was like as a shipgirl. She smirked slightly. 'And isn't that a bizarre thought. Not even a few days ago I was just an ordinary guy going about his life. And now I'm basically a naval themed magical girl tasked with defending humanity against evil monsters from the deep.'

Slowing down and landing at the docks, Jennifer decided to wander around for a bit. She'd see if Ford decided to have her pilots say hello to Wardog squadron, her CAP, or if Seraph would say hello on their own. Maybe she'd find where she was supposed to meet her new CO on her own. (@Zeroth Jupi @AlphaD @Jhin Lemon )
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Captain Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

Stepping out of the heavy transport truck to survey her new surroundings, Worcester took a moment to simply breath in deeply and savor the scent that lingered in the air over San Diego Naval Base. The smell was a mix of steel, oil, and brine, a heady combination of scents that helped the newly returned kanmusu calm down slightly. She had her memories from her years of service and the sort of imprinted recollections left behind by all the men who'd served on her, but even then everything was just one new experience after another.

Like flying.

Going from one side of the country to another in a very noisy C-17 cargo jet had been an experience all its own, albeit an incredibly miserable one. She'd spent a good chunk of time hurling the small meal she'd gotten to eat at the airbase into a large bucket alongside copious amounts of oil that came up when the food itself ran out. If it were at all possible, Worcester would do everything she possibly could to avoid repeating that experience.

Still, Worcester was now at what would be her new homeport. She'd never made it up to San Diego, instead being based out of Long Beach -which she had been quite saddened to learn was no longer open- but she'd been to San Francisco so she was tanigently familiar with at least the general area. And now that she was on base, there were two things that she now needed; food and to check in with the admiral in charge of shipgirls.

Unfortunately, no matter how much she wanted to fill her gullet, Worcester had a duty to fulfill to her new admiral. She had served as a flagship twice before and done it well too, so she would not let herself be remiss in her duties. Failing to meet the standards of her new admiral would be... unpleasant, at least in her mind. Her resolution to continue reaffirmed, Worcester grabbed the arm of a passing sailor and asked him for directions to the admiral's office. Unfortunately, all he could do was point her to the main administration building.

Once she got there though, she merely had to introduce herself and then an ensign had escorted her to the door of Admiral Florina Albu, the officer in charge of the recently returned shipgirls here. Worcester paused for a moment to straighten her clothing, briefly feeling embarrassed by how flagrantly the clothing she had returned in violated Navy regulations before she sighed ever so slightly. There was nothing to be done for it now.

At least ensuring her posture was correct, Worcester stepped forward and knocked twice on the Admiral's door before waiting for a response.

@Jhin Lemon

"So, this is the base then."

Jennifer Smith, more formally known as USS John F. Kennedy, muttered to herself as she sailed towards the obvious amphibious landing ramp, her CAP currently circling lazily overhead and her radar running at low power. She'd already identified the squadron of F-35s over the base, Seraph squadron, likely launched from USS Gerald R. Ford. It would be interesting to see what her "older sister" was like as a shipgirl. She smirked slightly. 'And isn't that a bizarre thought. Not even a few days ago I was just an ordinary guy going about his life. And now I'm basically a naval themed magical girl tasked with defending humanity against evil monsters from the deep.'

Slowing down and landing at the docks, Jennifer decided to wander around for a bit. She'd see if Ford decided to have her pilots say hello to Wardog squadron, her CAP, or if Seraph would say hello on their own. Maybe she'd find where she was supposed to meet her new CO on her own. (@Zeroth Jupi @AlphaD @Jhin Lemon )
Almost as soon as I had stepped into the kitchen and introduced Luna, my phone began ringing again. After listening for about a minute it turned out another two shipgirls were arriving at the base. I have to wonder why they didn't tell me about them along with Luna.

"It appears I need to leave again," I say while putting away the phone, "I'll leave you all to introduce yourselves for now."

With that I turn around and head back to my office. When I arrive I see a girl with short brown hair standing in front of the door. Weren't there meant to be two girls? Did the other not get shown the way here?

"One moment," I inform the girl as I open the door and head inside to collect the information that had been sent over on the newest girls. After a quick glance and the papers, from appearances this was Worcester, a light cruiser, while the other addition was another Gerald R. Ford-class carrier who went by Jennifer Smith.

"Hello Worcester," I say, looking up at her, "I am the one in charge here, Florina Albu. Some of the other girls are currently preparing food, if you are hungry or wish to meet the others. After breakfast I plan to hold a briefing and then assign rooms to the newest additions. I apologise if you wished to relax in your room right now. I also wish to ask, have you seen a girl who is a Gerald R. Ford-class and goes by Jennifer? She should also be here."

USS Worcester
8:00 AM
Naval Base San Diego, CA

"One moment," I inform the girl as I open the door and head inside to collect the information that had been sent over on the newest girls. After a quick glance and the papers, from appearances this was Worcester, a light cruiser, while the other addition was another Gerald R. Ford-class carrier who went by Jennifer Smith.

"Hello Worcester," I say, looking up at her, "I am the one in charge here, Florina Albu. Some of the other girls are currently preparing food, if you are hungry or wish to meet the others. After breakfast I plan to hold a briefing and then assign rooms to the newest additions. I apologise if you wished to relax in your room right now. I also wish to ask, have you seen a girl who is a Gerald R. Ford-class and goes by Jennifer? She should also be here."

"No ma'am, I have not seen any other shipgirls," Worcester replied, her voice soft. She did file away the information about another shipgirl that Captain Albu referenced while also adjusting her perspective a little bit. Florina Albu was a captain, not an admiral, and though it made no actual difference to how she would treat the woman. Deciding that there was no time better than the present though, Worcester moved on to the next thing that she felt merited mentioning.

"If it's possible ma'am, I would like to request a refit." Worcester stated plainly. There was no inflection to her tone, but a slight touch of desperation was clear in her eyes. Her initial battle just off the north coast of Brazil had made it clear to Worcester that while she was still a formidable threat to the older generations of aircraft and warships, she wasn't physically capable of properly fulfilling her primary role against modern aircraft.

The fact that there had only been a total of four -what she now knew to be modern- jets present at her return was likely the only reason she hadn't returned to the depths already. That needed to change as soon as possible.

@Jhin Lemon
Captain Florina Albu
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

USS Worcester
8:00 AM
Naval Base San Diego, CA

"No ma'am, I have not seen any other shipgirls," Worcester replied, her voice soft. She did file away the information about another shipgirl that Captain Albu referenced while also adjusting her perspective a little bit. Florina Albu was a captain, not an admiral, and though it made no actual difference to how she would treat the woman. Deciding that there was no time better than the present though, Worcester moved on to the next thing that she felt merited mentioning.

"If it's possible ma'am, I would like to request a refit." Worcester stated plainly. There was no inflection to her tone, but a slight touch of desperation was clear in her eyes. Her initial battle just off the north coast of Brazil had made it clear to Worcester that while she was still a formidable threat to the older generations of aircraft and warships, she wasn't physically capable of properly fulfilling her primary role against modern aircraft.

The fact that there had only been a total of four -what she now knew to be modern- jets present at her return was likely the only reason she hadn't returned to the depths already. That needed to change as soon as possible.

@Jhin Lemon
She was a ship that was built just after World War Two after all, it made sense she would like to be upgraded with how advanced the threat is in comparison. It was likely most, if not all, of the shipgirls would ask for a refit to some extent. Though I am still confused as to how exactly weaponry developed for large warships can be put on something human-sized. But then again, these are living human-sized warships I'm dealing with, the current laws of physics don't exactly apply.

"Of course. Do you have any ideas as to what the refit would be?"

Worrisome was that Jennifer had not been seen. Hopefully she had only been distracted by another group of shipgirls. I'll have to ask them all about it when Cypher contacts them for breakfast, if no one has seen her, this base should have an intercom system I can use.

She was a ship that was built just after World War Two after all, it made sense she would like to be upgraded with how advanced the threat is in comparison. It was likely most, if not all, of the shipgirls would ask for a refit to some extent. Though I am still confused as to how exactly weaponry developed for large warships can be put on something human-sized. But then again, these are living human-sized warships I'm dealing with, the current laws of physics don't exactly apply.

"Of course. Do you have any ideas as to what the refit would be?"

Worrisome was that Jennifer had not been seen. Hopefully she had only been distracted by another group of shipgirls. I'll have to ask them all about it when Cypher contacts them for breakfast, if no one has seen her, this base should have an intercom system I can use.
USS Worcester
Naval Base San Diego, CA
8:00 AM

What did Worcester want from a refit? She wasn't quite sure honestly but that was only because she didn't know the names of all the things she wanted. One of the soldiers on the transport she'd arrived on had been kind enough to let her borrow his phone in the hope that reading something would help with her airsickness. It had -sort of- it had given her something else to focus on while she was feeling miserable after emptying everything out of stomach. Once online though, it had taken only a little direction to get herself pointed to the wikipedia articles on more recent ship and plane designs which had produced a laundry list of things that she wanted to have upgraded.

"My radar and fire control systems need the most immediate attention," Worcester replied, "I would like my anti-air suite upgraded as well though, as well as at least two CIWS systems. My guns are still effective against the abyssal jets, but my turrets need to be upgraded to track faster targets properly."