JS Asahi
Off the southern coast of Oahu
10:00 AM

"This is the USS Belmont, I have confirmed the presence of a large fleet approaching the area. They number 8 battleships, 16 heavy cruisers, 24 light cruisers, 46 destroyers, and as of now one unknown carrier theorised to be the USS United States." She looked over shoulder at the horizon. "However, they have triangulated my location. Requesting assistance urgently."
As much as I want to rush in to help her, my armor simply won't stand up to the amount of fire that I'll likely take. That and the fact that I've used up all my anti ship missiles... And as If my day couldn't get any worse;
"All friendly forces, this is Sara. Two hostile fleets inbound, one from north, one from west! Sending data now, over."
Oh boy... That does not look like a fleet that I want to fight with the composition that we have. With a heavy sigh, I open a fleet wide channel;
"This is JS Asahi, I recommend an immediate retreat once the civilians have been evacuated, over." I close the fleet wide channel, and open one to Seiryuu. "Seiryuu chan? Can you attempt to torpedo the enemy Light Cruisers and Destroyers? I'm all out of Anti Ship Missiles."
"Sure Asahi Chan! I'll get right on it!" Seiryuu says, lining up to launch torpedoes on the enemy light cruisers. She fires Six torpedoes at six different light cruisers.

Targeted (By Seiryuu)
Six Light Cruisers (one Torpedo Each)

JS Yamato
Off the Southern Coast of Oahu

"This is the USS Belmont, I have confirmed the presence of a large fleet approaching the area. They number 8 battleships, 16 heavy cruisers, 24 light cruisers, 46 destroyers, and as of now one unknown carrier theorised to be the USS United States." She looked over shoulder at the horizon. "However, they have triangulated my location. Requesting assistance urgently."
As much as I would like to help Belmont, I'm way too far away. Could this day get any worse? The thought flies through my mind, and Murphy decides to screw us over.
"All friendly forces, this is Sara. Two hostile fleets inbound, one from north, one from west! Sending data now, over."
This is why I don't tempt fate Yamato.... Shaking that thought off, look towards where the nearest enemy fleet is, targeting the enemy heavy cruisers. I fire a volley, and it screams towards one of the heavy cruisers...

Targeted (Yamato)
One Heavy cruiser (Main battery)
USS Enterprise

I then tell Enterprise, "E, they're too close. We need to retreat!" While doing that, I prepare to move east. I don't want to be shelled by their guns!

Yeah, we should get out of here as fast as we can. "Right, I'll follow along right behind you!" I say as I also begging to move east. Meanwhile I start putting the rest of my Hornet squadrons in the air, and give them the order to attack anything not already targeted by my allies.

Glorious GM-Chan

Just as all of you are about to make your attacks, you see from the direction of both Abyssal carrier fleets rise massive swarms of aircraft. It seems the Abyssal are pushing for a brute force wave of aircraft. Even worse, Belmont sits right in their path.

Turning to look at the fleet mentioned by Belmont, Eliza fired off ten of her remaining missiles in pairs of two at five of the battleships, saving the last two for a rainy day.

2 of the missiles don't reach their targets. The other 8 impact causing significant damage to the superstructures, and damaging secondary guns. But the ships still remain afloat, and even slightly ticked off.

@Michael Lewis

After being mostly useless while ships forty years more advanced than herself wiped out a fleet of Abyssals before she could close to gun range, it would seem that she now has a chance to make herself useful for once. With a manic grin on her face, she began heading towards the Belmont's general direction at flank speed, firing everything she had from her main battery to the 105mm guns at the smaller ships in the enemy fleet.
"USS Belmont, this is Tirpitz. Heading to bail you out, over."

A few of your shells hit 4 of the destroyers, and an unlucky light cruiser takes a hit that cripples her. You reach Belmont just as the Abyssal aircraft are minutes away.

@Michael Lewis

A part of me is in wonder at how I'm able to skate on water, but another part of me is focused on trying to save an endangered ally. On that note, twenty-four Harpoon missiles, each one launched from standoff range by my F/A-18s, skim the surface of the ocean as they approach the western fleet. There are two United States-classes and six Essexes, and as such, three missiles are allocated for each carrier. I watch in anticipation, hoping that that would be enough to disable them...

Your fighters are just about to launch missiles at the enemy carriers when they are intercepted by all of the enemy fighters. Outnumbered as they are, there's no way they can break through anything soon. They seem to be winning the dogfight, but not without casualties of their own.


As I follow the friendly carrier my radio picks up a signal requesting help they are too far out for me to try and reach them but perhaps I can help even the odds a bit for those who can tirelessly my fairies get me a solution for the heavy cruisers stopping briefly I raise myself once more to firing depth and mentally flip a switch making sixteen hatches open. With last minute checking done my first set of sixteen tomahawks breach the water and activate their motors to seek their targets closely followed by another set of sixteen one from each set intended for a heavy cruiser. With my missiles launched I dive and once more follow the friendly carrier.

As your missiles fly towards the Abyssal fleet, there are instantly best upon by the Abyssal aircraft. Of the missiles launched, the Abyssal fighters manage to shoot down 7 of them. 7 take one each, and 9 take 2. 6 of the Abyssal heavy cruisers are sinking, while another 2 appear heavily damaged, 8 are moderately damaged

@Zeroth Jupi

Her statement was compounded by the launch of eight Harpoon missiles. They flew away from their canisters, skimming over the ocean surface towards the enemy fleet.

Your harpoons fly almost completely unmolested though the fighter dogfights happening. The Abyssal fleet seems to just be waiting patiently while the harpoons close in. Then they open up with a wall of AA fire. The sheer size of it manages to knock out half the missiles. Leaving what hits to cause no significant damage. The 4 carriers are only lightly damaged.


"Okay, let's ge-" I'm cut off when when I notice three torpedoes streaking towards one of the battleships. After a few seconds another three rise to visual range heading for the second. Either Delfinul was taking serious risks to get close enough to do that so well, or she was really good at this. Well, she is an old submarine, it makes sense she's be experienced. But, how is she going do deal with the third? She has no more torpedoes and her missiles are for aircraft. No sooner do I think that do I see some spherical objects rise out of the water near the third battleship. Sneaky dropping mines right in its path like that.

I turn back from watching Delfinul's attack to speak up again, "Okay, let's get out of here while those mines are cutting them off."

With that said gently grab onto Belmont from behind and begin to move south as fast as I could without making her stumble, towards the location where the other ships like Missouri were. Hopefully by pushing her I can get her to move a little faster, this was I can also drop some more mines behind us to deter the Abyssals from following.

At the last minute the Abyssal battleships manage to notice the Torpedoes inbound. The first manages to avoid 2 of them, but takes the third. The second battleship fails to notice as quickly as the other one, and takes two. The first seems moderately damaged, while the second is heavily damaged. 8 of the Abyssal destroyers seen to be sweeping the area looking for Delfinul.
The battleships are turning in a different direction and fail to hit any mines.

@Jhin Lemon

"Sure Asahi Chan! I'll get right on it!" Seiryuu says, lining up to launch torpedoes on the enemy light cruisers. She fires Six torpedoes at six different light cruisers.

4 of the light cruisers manage to notice the torpedoes, the other 2 never knew what killed them. 1 of the other for still fails to dodge in time and takes a heavy blow. Leaving 2 light cruisers dead, and another heavily damaged.


This is why I don't tempt fate Yamato.... Shaking that thought off, look towards where the nearest enemy fleet is, targeting the enemy heavy cruisers. I fire a volley, and it screams towards one of the heavy cruisers...

4 of your shells strike true, exploding violently across the deck of the heavy cruiser. This leaves her a twisted and barely afloat wreck. She drifts of to the side out of the formation. Hey sisters set their sights on you however and begin closing into range, firing salvos that fall short for now.


From the Northern Abyssal fleet comes F-4 phantoms, loaded with anti ship and anti air missiles. From the West fly mostly F2H banshees, with some Hellcats and Corsairs mixed. All of these fighters are dueling fighters from Saratoga and Enterprise. They appear to be losing, but their sheer number prevent any disengagements, and are managing to take down some of the hornets. 36 P-2 Neptunes managed to slip through and are now on their way towards the shipgirls, their route likely to pass over Belmont and Tirpitz.


USS Nimitz

"This is the USS Nimitz, we should be repaired soon. But all our supplies of anything is either being used for repairs or has been completely used up. Give us just a little bit longer and we should be ok."
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"USS Belmont, this is Tirpitz. Heading to bail you out, over."

The radio crackled. "You have my thanks, Tirpitz. Take care not to get overrun, over."

I turn back from watching Delfinul's attack to speak up again, "Okay, let's get out of here while those mines are cutting them off."

With that said gently grab onto Belmont from behind and begin to move south as fast as I could without making her stumble, towards the location where the other ships like Missouri were. Hopefully by pushing her I can get her to move a little faster, this was I can also drop some more mines behind us to deter the Abyssals from following.

Belmont strained to go as fast as she could and beyond. Her engineers reported numerous problems in the engine room, such as bursting pipes and overwhelming heat, but for the moment it would hold. While Belmont may have been of the fastest in the Victory-types, Belmont was not a combat ship. She had first been a supply ship, then a technical research vessel. Speed was not the primary concern of her design.

Behind her, she could hear the veritable swarm of aircraft flying behind her. Her radar showed a huge blob right. breaking up slightly as friendly aircraft engaged the air swarm. The smell of jet fuel, cordite, and burning metal filled the air. A drop of sweat dropped down the nape of her neck. A side effect of the climate, no doubt.

"I'm going as fast as I possibly can. Any faster and I risk bursting my engines," replied Belmont, a bit snippy.
Without opening my eyes, I can tell something's up. I mean, I apparently fell asleep in a chair, which sounds like some grade-A organic bullshit to me. I can't sleep like that. That leaves a couple options:

1. This is a fever dream. Plausible, but I can't be sure. I don't usually dream, or if I do I don't ever remember them.

2. I got drunk and ended up at someone else's house. Unlikely at best; I don't usually drink, and I sure as hell don't get drunk.

3. Someone snuck into my apartment without waking me, drugged me, and took me somewhere else. If I actually think this option is reasonable, I've lost all hope and am about to don my tinfoil hat.

Alright, enough of that. I should probably take stock of my situation, so I open my eyes.

I'm sitting in a chair across from a young girl? Okay, this is certainly a new one.

"I sincerely regret to inform you of this, but you have died. It pains me to ask this of you, but I need your help."


"I beg your pardon? Is this some kind of sick joke? Is the camera like, in the ceiling or something?"

She smiles at me sadly, and in that moment she looks far older than her appearance otherwise suggests.

"Alice, you truly are dead. Let me show you."

Aaaand there we go. I must have dozed off and taken the Midnight Express, direct to spooksville. No stops, no exchanges. I've mentioned my preferred name to three people, and none of them would give it out for a prank.

With a wave, she activates some sort of screen or something, though I could have sworn we were in a large empty space. Some sort of hard light technology, maybe?

A video begins playing, showing my apartment. That shitty lamp that never worked? Turns out it was faulty wiring in the outlet. It sparked, and the place lit up like a matchstick. The smoke alarm that never needed its battery changed? It wasn't connected to anything. I watch myself suffocate in my own room, and then see the house collapse.

"Let's say I believed you earlier. I mean, you somehow know the name I prefer, so that's a point in your favor. But now you expect me to believe I got crispy critter'd in my own apartment?"

Again, that sad smile. She looks at me with pain in her eyes and whispers a name, almost too quietly for me to hear.

Okay, yep. That settles it. I don't know how this is possible, but it's the truth.

"You shouldn-how do yo-FINE."

I take a breath, my hands shaking.

"There's no way you could know that name. You have my attention. But this seems a little more than 'Oh hey, you died. Sucks to suck.' What's going on here?"

"My world is under threat by these monsters, these Abyssals. All of humanity is at risk. I need you to save them. To go and fight in the defense of humanity. Please, help them where I could not."

In her hand is a folder, which she opens to display images of… you have got to be kidding me. If I wasn't so certain she was telling me the truth, I'd say this was some bizzare prank. Weird-looking girls with glow blue eyes, looking like something that clawed itself out of an anime.

"My strength is waning. I doubt I shall be around much longer. Please. Help them."

She's fading from sight, almost. I'm slightly familiar with this particular brand of anime bullshit, and I feel hope well up in me.

"So if you're asking me-"

She nods.

"Then I''ll become-"

Another nod.

I move towards her to shake her hand.

"Yes. A thousand times yes. Thank you so much."

As I reach her, she fully fades away, and my world goes white.

Oh God I'm outside.
It's humid.
It's hot.
I guess I'm not in Kansas anymore, after all.

It's actually… kinda nice. Huh.

I take a quick glimpse around-open ocean, an island or two in various states of destruction, oh hey those look like those abyss


I thought I was some sort of shipgirl, but my instincts are screaming at me to dive under the surface. With the long line of entirely logical and sensible actions I've done so far, I add one more to the list and immediately duck under the water, which, uh. Standing on water, then being surrounded by it.

Don't think about the physics.
Don't think about the physics.
So can I selectively change how I interact with the water's
Don't think about the physics dammit!

I take a moment to collect myself once I've reached a depth of about 500 feet.

Arms, check. Legs, check. Tors- okay I'm definitely female now oh my god yesye- focus.

I'm clearly a submarine of some description, considering I'm 500 feet underwater and not feeling any worse for it, but what am I

In a moment, the information is there. It feels like I've known this all my life, almost.

SSGN-726; USS Ohio.

Son of a-that cheeky little-I don't know what was going on with Miss Spooks-a-lot there but I really hope she's okay because I'm going to need to slap her and/or kiss her probably both maybe at different times.

I mean, the state I lived in? "The South of the North?"


If irony was a cause of death I'd be six feet un- 506 feet under.

What was the old saying? "knowing is half the battle?"

If my new name and identity came to me so easily, maybe I can get some more information. I spend a few minutes poring over details, schematics, and specifications in my head, paying special attention to my computerized systems. Maybe I can upgrade some of that later.

Missiles, torpedoes, and a side of missiles. That seems… useful, right?

I spend some time simply figuring out my passive sensors, getting a feel for the battle overhead. I must have some way of identifying who's who up there, and with a bit of prompting, I remember IFF tags. Checking them gives me a better idea of what's going on, as I watch abyssal after abyssal sink.

I faintly hear several radio messages, and move towards the surface, a reasonable distance from any enemies I can detect.

"This is the USS Ohio, reporting in. Nice job taking out that first group, but it looks like we have bigger fish to fry. Where can I lend support?"
Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
Southern Oahu Waters, Hawaii

As your missiles fly towards the Abyssal fleet, there are instantly beset upon by the Abyssal aircraft. Of the missiles launched, the Abyssal fighters manage to shoot down 7 of them. 7 take one each, and 9 take 2. 6 of the Abyssal heavy cruisers are sinking, while another 2 appear heavily damaged, 8 are moderately damaged
With a grimace I note the loss of some of my missiles when they cut out of my vision, the rest managing to hit their targets giving cause for at least some celebration with the amount of damage they hopefully caused. Pushing aside my thoughts on how well I did I finally catch up with the friendly carrier. Slowly I surface to not startle, I attempt to make an introduction of myself only to be cut off by a sudden figure grabbing me into a hug. 'Help!'

USS Gerald R. Ford
Southern Oahu Waters, Hawaii

USS Gerald Ford blinked as she appeared once more in the human world stunned from both her sinking moments prior and the revelation and plea of the lady in white to save the world. Slowly standing up she shakes off her confusion, an easy going smile finding a place upon her lips as she realized she had a second chance in life. Before she can celebrate too much she takes in her surroundings and spots a sub/shipgirl rising from the waves, her outfit calling attention to her in how just out of place it was in the area they were in, idly Ford noticed something inside her pull her towards the sub. Following instincts she didn't know she had, Ford sped across the water and practically scooped the sub off her feet into a tight hug, speaking in a soft bell-like voice once she realized what she had done, "I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me I'm USS Gerald R. Ford, can anyone please tell me what's going on here as well?", Ford says to cover her embarrassment. "Simply put an evacuation is going on and we need all the help we can get to stall the enemy force, here I'll send you the data of what we face. Also, I am USS Cypher, please refrain from touching me in the future please", the sub said in a thickly accented voice that conveyed a hint of annoyance.

With the data streaming in Ford's face went white at what they were facing, "T-this seems a little unfair against you guys ain't it?", she asked mostly to herself, her resolve forming to help even the odds she spins her parasol launching 4 squadrons of F-35Cs to target the Neptunes that had gotten past and a squadron of Hawkeyes for her own eyes in the sky.
@UbeOne @CCBubba

Targets: 36 P-2 Neptunes
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Eliza Brown
Yuri Andropov

2 of the missiles don't reach their targets. The other 8 impact causing significant damage to the superstructures, and damaging secondary guns. But the ships still remain afloat, and even slightly ticked off.

@Michael Lewis
Arching an eyebrow at the Battleships' ability to shrug off seven ton anti-ship missiles, Eliza took another look at the situation around her. There was an absurd amount of enemy aircraft heading in their direction, and she wasn't sure if she could shoot them all down.
From the Northern Abyssal fleet comes F-4 phantoms, loaded with anti ship and anti air missiles. From the West fly mostly F2H banshees, with some Hellcats and Corsairs mixed. All of these fighters are dueling fighters from Saratoga and Enterprise. They appear to be losing, but their sheer number prevent any disengagements, and are managing to take down some of the hornets. 36 P-2 Neptunes managed to slip through and are now on their way towards the shipgirls, their route likely to pass over Belmont and Tirpitz.
Prioritizing the ones she knew could carry anti-ship missiles, Eliza fired a two salvos of S-300FM missiles at the F-4 Phantoms, and fired at anything hostile that got too close to either Belmont, Tirpitz, or herself with her Kashtan CIWS and Kinzhal short-range SAMs, saving the long-range SAMs for targets further away. ( @CCBubba )

"Tirpitz, this is Yuri Andropov. You've got a lot of aircraft heading your way. Might want to hurry up a bit."

Anna Werner

A few of your shells hit 4 of the destroyers, and an unlucky light cruiser takes a hit that cripples her. You reach Belmont just as the Abyssal aircraft are minutes away.

@Michael Lewis
Before somehow becoming the anthropomorphic representation of a German battleship from the Second World War, Anna Werner had never felt so alive. Being fifty thousand tons of Fuck You and Die and blowing up enemies of humanity with fifteen-inch naval rifles was quite entertaining, especially for somebody who couldn't get into the Army in her previous life due to Asthma and instead settled for a life helping to design computers for Digital Electronics Corporation.

It was also incredibly frustrating, because barely anything she fired hit, and it would seem that none of her main battery shells had had found their targets. Finishing off the crippled cruiser with a salvo from her secondary guns, she groaned at the memetic pile of equine excrement that was German fire control from the 1940s.

Turning to look at her partner in crime, the Victory Ship turned Spy Ship that she was trying to help get away from the Abyssals, Anna asks, "You've got a radar set, right?"


Grinning like the loon she most likely was, (who else would have the nerve to charge headfirst into an enemy formation like that?) Anna points at an abyssal battleship that was on the receiving end of a pair of seven ton missiles but somehow remains afloat, and asks for the coordinates. "Can you tell me how far away that battleship over there is? I can't hit a thing with this German excuse for fire control."

"Coordinates are..." Belmont rattles off the coordinates according to her instruments. "However, as we are fleeing, it's unclear if I'll be able to act as your fire control for very long."

"Why not?" asks Anna, shouting over the sounds of her main battery firing a salvo at the battleship she just got coordinates from and the AAA fire as she takes potshots at planes that get near to very little effect, "it's not like--"

At this point, it should be noted that as a screening ship, getting close to a battleship is a bad idea. Yes, the ship's main battery can't hit you, but the secondaries are still perfectly capable of ventilating you. A foolhardy Abyssal cruiser that got too close for comfort found this out the hard way, and was promptly greeted by all six 15cm turrets firing at it.

"You are jeopardizing yourself, and I wish to be no part of it. Fall back." replies Belmont, clearly none too pleased by the antics of our German Battleship.

"Don't worry," replies the battleship, trying but failing to hide her amusement,"You're the one that does twenty something knots--I can catch up. Just humor me and let me buy us some time."

Sighing, Belmont relents, and continues feeding Tirpitz targeting data. "Very well. What do you need spotted?"

"Just help me keep track of that battleship there, and whatever has the misfortune of getting too close for comfort."

@CCBubba (Assume I keep firing at the battleships and things around me.)
Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Southern Oahu Waters, Hawaii

Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
Southern Oahu Waters, Hawaii

"Сукин сын", With the data received I spit out a loud curse before I can stop myself. This is going to be a nightmare and a half forgetting my usual dislike for talking as much as I had been forced to I speak over the radio my Russian accent heavy as I lapse in my control of it, "This is USS Cypher SSGN-744, just received the data and I hope you have a plan to get the civilians out of here safe, I am willing to use everything I have to make sure they do so, will attempt to meet up soon".

The impression I'm getting is a Russian nuclear-powered guided missile submarine with an American name, due to the accent and language, but what is it about that that makes me feel a bit nervous?

"She's a Russian sub which was sold to the US for Pepsi," a fairy says.


"Yeah, the Russians couldn't pay with money, so they paid with decommissioned subs."

Seriously? Buying softdrinks with military stuff?

"Yeah, look it up later!"

Wow. Just wow.

"I know, right?"

Part of me idly wonders if there is also a St. Louis-class light cruiser with that name. "Cypher, this is Sara. Fighting retreat seems the way to go," I reply.

We can't hold this area for long, not with the Abyssal swarm running around.

@Zeroth Jupi

USS Enterprise

Yeah, we should get out of here as fast as we can. "Right, I'll follow along right behind you!" I say as I also begging to move east. Meanwhile I start putting the rest of my Hornet squadrons in the air, and give them the order to attack anything not already targeted by my allies.

I continue to move eastward, the same bearing as the retreating cargo ships. I cannot afford to place myself in the line of fire, and I'd rather not get a firsthand experience of shells and missiles in the face.

To hide as much as possible from enemy radar, I mentally turn off my main radars, leaving only the ones for the Phalanxes, just in case. My planes and allies can provide whatever info I need, and if I need to use my Sea Sparrows, I can just turn them on for a moment.

Just as all of you are about to make your attacks, you see from the direction of both Abyssal carrier fleets rise massive swarms of aircraft. It seems the Abyssal are pushing for a brute force wave of aircraft. Even worse, Belmont sits right in their path.

Your fighters are just about to launch missiles at the enemy carriers when they are intercepted by all of the enemy fighters. Outnumbered as they are, there's no way they can break through anything soon. They seem to be winning the dogfight, but not without casualties of their own.

From the Northern Abyssal fleet comes F-4 phantoms, loaded with anti ship and anti air missiles. From the West fly mostly F2H banshees, with some Hellcats and Corsairs mixed. All of these fighters are dueling fighters from Saratoga and Enterprise. They appear to be losing, but their sheer number prevent any disengagements, and are managing to take down some of the hornets. 36 P-2 Neptunes managed to slip through and are now on their way towards the shipgirls, their route likely to pass over Belmont and Tirpitz.


I have never seen so many planes before, and it's frankly terrifying... what is this, Shattered Skies?

Argus One sees... to the west, from the Essexes and the unfamiliar US-classes, are 108 F2H Banshees, which are first-generation jet fighters according to my crew, 216 F6F Hellcats, and 216 F4U Corsairs, while to the north, from the carriers there, are 96 F-4 Phantom IIs... they're like locusts in the sky...

Those Forrestals, why are they like this? Why would my sisters do this? It doesn't make sense!

...Why am I already thinking of them as my sisters? Is that a Sara thing?

My Hornets couldn't launch their Harpoons, not with those bandits distracting them from getting target locks, but they were so close...!

In the west, many white contrails could be seen as metallic birds maneuver to and fro. Leveraging the power of their jet engines, my three squadrons stationed there act like cavalry, using their high speed and kinetic energy to strafe targets as they pass by, going in with guns blazing and missiles screaming. They keep up their speed, allowing them to pick off, and flee from, the slowpokes trying to shoot them. They try to avoid turnfights, for at the moment, they're like Hellcats trying to pick on Zeroes. That may be a bit of an irony, seeing as some of the bandits, looking like dark, demented versions of Pacman in appearance, are somehow identified on radar as Hellcats. How odd.

In the north, my twelve Tomcats try their best to outfight the mutated Phantoms, using their superior mobility to their advantage. Then again, if I remember right, weren't the bulky F-4s designed under the assumption that dogfights were outdated? Well... from what I'm seeing, it's still relevant to this day. I even see a pair of Mavericks repeatedly crossing paths with each other, monstrous avians trailing them, as they set up the opportunity to splash the bandits in crossfires.

E's thirty Hornets and thirty Super Hornets reinforce my squadrons, and even then, there's just so many enemies, that sooner or later... I could only watch in silence as four of my mental camera feeds go out, two of them from F-14s and two of them from F/A-18s. My only consolation is that the pilots are able to eject in time...

I need to launch more planes, but what? A list of my air wing comes to mind, and... I think the Prowlers would be useful at the north. Jamming the enemy radar could help our odds there.

Getting a magazine called "Weasel Prowlers", I load my gun with it, and from there, I launch the squadron of six EA-6Bs into the sky, four on the first pull of the trigger and two on the second one. I direct them towards the north, to perform electronic warfare from standoff range. "Weasel Squadron is away," a fairy says. Sounds fitting for planes well-suited to Wild Weasel or enemy air defense suppression missions.


I want to take down the sneaky enemy bombers, but I can't pull back my fighters lest they take more losses, while I don't possess any other craft that can intercept them... I could try sending Intruders, but in this case, they're better off dropping Harpoons on ships than chasing Neptunes with Sidewinders.

I speak over the radio to the allied forces. "This is Sara, someone please take out those bombers, over!"

@All Friendlies

"This is the USS Ohio, reporting in. Nice job taking out that first group, but it looks like we have bigger fish to fry. Where can I lend support?"

A new ally! Every single soul counts in here. What ship is that anyway?

A crew member responds, "Ohio-class SSGN."

So, lots of missiles?

"All the missiles."

So, like Cypher? Looking at my Hawkeye's vision for a moment, I then make my reply. "Ohio, this is Sara. Assistance required in the west. Hostiles could use missiles onto their faces, over."

I think focusing on one fleet at a time would make things easier in the long run, and one of them is a more immediate threat right now.

@Sketchy Lurker

Slowly I surface to not startle, I attempt to make an introduction of myself only to be cut off by a sudden figure grabbing me into a hug. 'Help!'

she spins her parasol launching 4 squadrons of F-35Cs to target the Neptunes that had gotten past and a squadron of Hawkeyes for her own eyes in the sky.

So that's what Cypher looks like, and who's the Neo lookalike? Wait, what? Ford? As in the US Navy's latest carrier? Wow!

She can even launch planes with her parasol! That's something I've never seen before, and those aircraft, they're F-35s. I finally get to see them for real! The wings kinda look bigger than I thought, though.

From what my Hawkeye sees, the stealth fighters are... heading towards the Neptunes. I find myself a bit relieved by that.

"Gerald Ford, this is Sara, thanks for the assist, over," I say over the radio. Uh, it kinda feels weird using a male name for a girl...

@Zeroth Jupi

Since my Prowlers are already up and about, I decide to launch another squadron. Choosing to bring out my attack craft, I switch magazines to "Hammer Intruders" and catapult the six of them into the air, nudging them to avoid the furballs of dueling planes and instead shoot twelve Harpoons, two from each A-6E Intruder, at four of the western Montanas, allocating three missiles for each battleship at the western fleet.


Active Planes:
- Maverick Squadron: 10 F-14D Tomcats: Engaging bandits, northern front
- Iceman Squadron: 12 F-14D Tomcats: Engaging bandits, western front
- Fulcrum Squadron: 11 F/A-18C Hornets: Engaging bandits, western front
- Libra Squadron: 11 F/A-18C Hornets: Engaging bandits, western front
- Weasel Squadron: 6 EA-6B Prowlers: Radar jamming, northern front
- Hammer Squadron: 6 A-6E Intruders: Harpoon strike vs western Montanas
- Argus One: 1 E-2C Hawkeye: Be the eyes in the sky

- Northern front (Radar jamming)
- 4 western Montanas (3 Harpoons each)
- Northern enemy planes (Maverick Squadron)
- Western enemy planes (Iceman, Fulcrum and Libra Squadrons)

- 2 Tomcats (2 Mavericks)
- 2 Hornets (1 Fulcrum, 1 Libra)

Enemies Remaining:
1. Western fleet, battleship gun range:
- 2 flagship carriers (United States)
- 6 regular carriers (Essex)
- 8 battleships (Montana): 6 moderately damaged, 1 heavily damaged
- 9 heavy cruisers (Baltimore): 2 heavily damaged, 8 moderately damaged
- 22 light cruisers (Atlanta): 1 crippled, 1 heavily damaged
- 46 destroyers (20 Fletcher, 26 Clemson): 4 damaged
- 540 fighters (108 Banshees, 216 Hellcats, 216 Corsairs)

2. Northern fleet, missile range:
- 4 elite carriers (Forrestal): 4 lightly damaged
- 8 battleships (Montana)
- 28 guided missile cruisers (Albany)
- 48 guided missile destroyers (Charles F. Adams)
- 96 fighters (Phantom IIs)
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Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
Southern Oahu Waters, Hawaii

"Cypher, this is Sara. Fighting retreat seems the way to go,"
A fighting retreat? A sound plan and one I can get behind because I already know we aren't holding here there's just too much arrayed against us so better we escort the evacuees and live than hold and die for nothing. With a quick glance to make sure the Neo look-alike hasn't gotten close to me again, I respond this time schooling my accent to be better understood, "Sara, this is Cypher. A fighting retreat sounds like the optimal decision. We don't have the number to hold here and I want to make sure these civilians make it to wherever they are going so until then I'll be launching a few more Tomahawks to help our allies." My reply given I dive once again to firing depth mentally vowing to stay at depth this time as my fairies begin to create solutions to fire at the remaining heavy cruisers. A few moments later my hatches open as I run the solutions given to my missiles before cold launching twenty-seven Tomahawks, their engines propelling them towards the heavy cruisers, three per cruiser to ensure enough got through to make a difference.

Targeted: 9 Baltimore (Heavy Cruisers) (3 missiles per cruiser)
Remaining missiles: 93
Current mood: определенный

USS Gerald R. Ford
Southern Oahu Waters, Hawaii

"Gerald Ford, this is Sara, thanks for the assist, over,"
With a wide smile Ford replied over the radio, "Anytime, and please call me Ford it's so much faster to say~", as she cheerfully replied she spun her parasol once more and launched her squadron of Super Hornets to escort the missiles launched from Cypher as well as a squadron of growlers to be sent to the northern fleet to help Saratoga's prowlers piping up once more to Saratoga Ford's cheer was almost infectious, "I sent Wyrm squadron to help jam radar in the north, hope it will help out~".

Active Planes:
Seraph squadron: 12 F-35C Lightning IIs:
Engaging Neptunes

Devil Squadron: 12 F-35C Lightning IIs:
Engaging Neptunes

Garuda Squadron: 12 F-35C Lightning IIs:
Engaging Neptunes

Rok Squadron: 12 F-35C Lightning IIs:
Engaging Neptunes

Wyvern Squadron: 5 E-2D Hawkeyes:
Be eyes in the sky

Drake Squadron: 12 F/A-18E/F Super Hornets:
Missile escort

Wyrm Squadron: 5 EA-18G Growlers:
Radar Jamming, Northern Front

Targets: 36 P-2 Neptunes (4 squadrons of F-35Cs)
Northern front: (Radar jamming)

@Saratoga @CCBubba
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HMAS Hobart
Somewhere between Oahu and Kauai

Your harpoons fly almost completely unmolested though the fighter dogfights happening. The Abyssal fleet seems to just be waiting patiently while the harpoons close in. Then they open up with a wall of AA fire. The sheer size of it manages to knock out half the missiles. Leaving what hits to cause no significant damage. The 4 carriers are only lightly damaged.

Hobart's face fell as the feed from the missiles came in. Out of eight Harpoons, only four managed to find their mark and even then, it was rough at best. The enemy aircraft carriers were only lightly damaged.

Lightly damaged. It may as well be a scratch to them.

Hah. What else did she expect? She was basically good for nothing...


No! Stay focused! She had to help. There was still something she could do.

She could only hope that somehow the light damage the carriers suffered would hinder their operations. She highly doubted it but one could hope...

In the face of such overwhelming odds, in what may very well be the darkest hour, hope was all they had left and it could be a potent weapon.

Right now, her immediate concern was assisting Tirpitz and Belmont by helping the friendly planes get rid of those Phantoms.

"H-Hey! Over here!" Hobart shouted over to the pair of approaching ships. She slowed down even as the frigate that had followed her surged forward to assist the two. Hobart felt a warm feeling in her chest at the fact that the frigate, whom she had never met before, was willing to follow her headfirst into danger without so much as a single complaint.

The missile cells that she had opened earlier were now waiting, the payload contained within ready to be launched and her radar fed her the list of targets. Around ninety air contacts of which the majority were the enemy's F4 Phantoms. The remaining planes, the Tomcats, were labelled 'Maverick Squadron'.

Silently, Hobart thanked the carrier that diverted a valuable squadron of planes to help them in their time of need and had never wavered in their defense despite the odds. Now she would return the favour.

"T-This is HMAS Hobart to M-Maverick Squadron! P-Please be advised, I-I'm launching anti-air missiles at the enemy Phantoms!" She broadcasted over the radio as she mentally assigned targets.

She had forty-three cells worth of missiles left. There were around ninety Phantoms remaining. She would dedicate at least twenty of her missile cells to wiping out the threat.

And speaking of threats...

36 P-2 Neptunes managed to slip through and are now on their way towards the shipgirls, their route likely to pass over Belmont and Tirpitz.

Her head twitched to the side as she mentally eyed the approaching bomber squadron, ready to drop their package right on top of their unsuspecting heads. Or it would've been unsuspecting had she not noticed them coming since the very beginning.

'S-Sneaky bombers won't get past me...!' Hobart thought, her mouth twitching upwards in an uncertain but satisfied smirk.

She was about to dedicate even more of her missile cells... and she was starting to run low... to the task when suddenly...

she spins her parasol launching 4 squadrons of F-35Cs to target the Neptunes that had gotten past


'W-Where did they come from...?' Hobart blinked, momentarily taken aback at the sudden appearance of another squadron of friendly aircraft and...

Were those F-35s?! So cooooool...!

She had heard about these new generation fighters while under construction... In a way, she kind of felt a strange bond with their situation. It felt somewhat silly but well... she was the anthropomorphised representation of DDGH-39, HMAS Hobart. Anything was possible really.

"Good luck." She whispered under her breath as she watched the squadrons of F-35s fly overhead to meet the enemy bomber squadron. Those bombers were about to get absolutely annihilated!

Hobart turned her attention back to the Phantom furball. Well, here goes nothing...

"L-Launching Sea Sparrows!"

Smoke once again obscured her small form as missiles, not quite all the missiles but certainly close enough, arced upward from the launch system, screaming up towards the planes.

Here goes nothing...!

@CCBubba @UbeOne

90+ F4 Phantoms: 20 missile cells for a total of 80 ESSM missiles.
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GM Prompt
You all appear somewhat near Oahu. You can see fires raging across the island, blown out buildings dot the cities. Nearby to see civilian cargo ships desperately fleeing, while a battle rages between Shipgirl and Abyssal forces. The Abyssals appear to have the advantage of quantity, while the shipgirls are off much higher quality, most of them. You seem to be exactly between the Shipgirl carriers and the rest of the shipgirls.
It was a normal day, just like any other. You were going about your lives when, for various reasons and through various means, you died. This death was not what you expected, and you found yourselves in a world of pure white. There were no details, just yourself and a young teenage woman.

"I sincerely regret to inform you of this, but you have died. It pains me to ask this of you, but I need your help." The woman speaks, her voice soft and comforting. "I know you have no reason to trust me, given the circumstances, but my world needs your help."

In the woman's hand appeared a folder of pictures. Evil looking monsters that seem to be equal parts monster and battleship. "My world is under threat by these monsters, these Abyssals. All of humanity is at risk. I need you to save them. To go and fight in the defense of humanity. Please, help them where I could not."

The woman's unoccupied hand flashes to her chest, and she groans in pain. She seems much paler than she had when you first showed up moments ago. "My strength is waning. I doubt I shall be around much longer. Please. Help them."

With her one final request, the woman fades completely, leaving nothing but whiteness. Color soon returns to view, and you are thrust into the land of the living once more.

Everything was going well, the EU and UAD Forces were in retreat, then the world shook as covert Walker units burrowed out from below. The world seemed to go into slow-motion as the cannons mounted on their arms moved into position. For a moment I stared down the barrel of those gatling cannons. I closed my eyes in acceptance. We had already won the war, the younger generations would have their peace. I did my job. Time resumed and then darkness took me.

It was then I found myself in a void. I listened to the teen's pleas for help. It all happened too fast and before I could respond, I found myself in the start of my new life.

CNS (Commonwealth Naval Service) Zulfiqar

The basics of my new existence were thankfully in my head, keeping the confusion to a relative minimum. I was apparently revived as a 'Ship-girl' to do battle against monstrous beings called Abyssals. The entire concept of both still raised my eyebrows, but it was easy enough to understand if you break it down to simple a simple 'unusual soldiers vs unusual enemies'.

I take in my new surroundings and the two other ship-girls next to me. One is a massive woman armed with a club. This is almost as strange as the concepts of resurrection, different worlds and alien monsters. A question for later. Or never. The other...has me on guard. The basic knowledge and information I have identifies her as the soul/personification of an Arleigh-Burke Missile Boat. A staple of the UAD's 3rd Line Naval Reserves. 'Different World, not my world. Get a grip Abbas.'

I cautiously approach the other two. "PAC Patrol Boat Zulfiqar. You two alright?" I also send out one of my Z-9C Helicopters to get a lay of the land.

ROS Mărăşeşti
Between Oahu and Kauai
10:00 AM

"I'm going as fast as I possibly can. Any faster and I risk bursting my engines," replied Belmont, a bit snippy.
I slow down a tad when Belmont says that. Bursting her engines isn't going to help with running away. Still, she should be moving faster than her normal speed, so that's good.

"Sorry," I apologise, "It's just that we need to get out of here quickly."

@Unlucky Bibliophile
At the last minute the Abyssal battleships manage to notice the Torpedoes inbound. The first manages to avoid 2 of them, but takes the third. The second battleship fails to notice as quickly as the other one, and takes two. The first seems moderately damaged, while the second is heavily damaged. 8 of the Abyssal destroyers seen to be sweeping the area looking for Delfinul.
The battleships are turning in a different direction and fail to hit any mines.
I turn back to see what Delfinul's attack managed to do...nothing sunk, but the battleships were at least damaged, and we weren't being followed. Wait, is that another trio of torpedoes heading for the moderately damaged battleship? Attacking while they're sweeping for her?

A short while later Delfinul pops up in front and to the side of us, "Yo! I can't keep up with you guys surfaced, but I did what I could. It's a bit to risky to keep trying to hit them. Any other orders boss?"

It's a little odd that she keeps calling me boss, but I answer, "Can you see if you can help hit any enemy aircraft that come close?"

"You got it!" After saying that she gives another mock salute and dives back beneath the waves. It looks like those planes that were sent towards the carriers have been forced away too, that's not good. There are way too many operational carriers the enemy has. While we keep running away I launch my four aft anti-ship missiles at them, all aimed at one of the flagship carriers. Even just taking out one with everything is better than launching them all at different targets and having them all shot down. I just hope four will be enough.
"You are jeopardizing yourself, and I wish to be no part of it. Fall back." replies Belmont, clearly none too pleased by the antics of our German Battleship.
Wait what? Who's Belmont talking to? I turn around and notice there's a battleship staying back to shell the Abyssals. I open a radio channel to her.

"German battleship engaging the Abyssals, I have set up a minefield between us and the enemy. Your location is dangerously close to it, move back or to the right. They don't seem willing to follow, you can fall back."

@Michael Lewis
36 P-2 Neptunes managed to slip through and are now on their way towards the shipgirls, their route likely to pass over Belmont and Tirpitz.
Uh-oh. Looks like Delfinul's going to need to follow my orders sooner rather than later. But I don't think she ha- Wait.
she spins her parasol launching 4 squadrons of F-35Cs to target the Neptunes
What are those? They definitely aren't Abyssal aircraft. Whoever sent those out probably just saved us, there was no way Delfinul could have dealt with those enemy planes herself.
"L-Launching Sea Sparrows!"

Smoke once again obscured her small form as missiles, not quite all the missiles but certainly close enough, arced upward from the launch system, screaming up towards the planes.

Here goes nothing...!
Ah, right, the cute anti-air destroyer. How had I forgotten about her. She's almost covered in smoke as her missiles fly away. Wait, those aren't heading for the squadron coming for us. Following the missiles I notice the planes from the northern fleet. I don't think she used enough missiles.

From the corner of my eye I see Delfinul pop out near her.

"Hiya!" I can hear her say with a cheerful smile, "the name's Delfinul, I'm here to help with AA a bit."

I can see some fairies pop out of her rigging, armed with portable anti-air rocket launchers. Only eight of them, but that's eight more than we'd have otherwise. They wait for any aircraft to draw close to us to fire at them and hopefully shoot them down.


4 missiles at 1 of the United States-class carriers
3 torpedoes at the moderately damaged battleship
Lots of mines at anyone who tries to charge straight at us
8 portable anti-air missiles at any surviving enemy aircraft that come close.
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USS Enterprise

I watch my fighters as they dance with the maybe swarm of enemy fighters. I see many of the enemy fighters get taken out early on by my fighter's missiles. But when they ran out, all that was left was old fashioned gun fights. Despite the number I take out, I feel the loss of 1 super hornet and 3 regular hornets. I am relieved to see their pilots ejecting though. Looking towards the enemy carriers I see them all retreating. I decide to to tell everyone that on the radio. "Hey everyone! I see the Abyssal carriers retreating, should we attempt to destroy them or focus on the enemy here?"

@everyone on radio
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Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Southern Oahu Waters, Hawaii

According to my crew, it's past 1000 hours, which is ten o'clock in the morning in military-speak. It feels like hours since I've found myself here, tense with adrenaline. There is some sense of detachment since the combat is conducted by planes far from me, but knowing that I can be targeted, and that those are real threats, with real lives on the line... it scares me, but I can't afford to falter here...

Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
Southern Oahu Waters, Hawaii

A fighting retreat? A sound plan and one I can get behind because I already know we aren't holding here there's just too much arrayed against us so better we escort the evacuees and live than hold and die for nothing. With a quick glance to make sure the Neo look alike hasn't gotten closer to me, I respond this time schooling my accent to be better understood, "Sara, this is Cypher. Fighting retreat sounds like the optimal decision. We don't have the number to hold here and I want to make sure these civilians make it to wherever they are going so until then I'll be launching a few more Tomahawks to help our allies." My reply given I dive once again to firing depth mentally vowing to stay at depth this time as my fairies begin to create solutions to fire at the remaining heavy cruisers. A few moments later my hatches open as I run the solutions given to my missiles before cold launching twenty seven Tomahawks, their engines propelling them towards the heavy cruisers, three per cruiser to insure enough got through to make a difference.

Targeted: 9 Baltimores (Heavy Cruisers) (3 missiles per cruiser)
Remaining missiles: 93
Current mood: определенный

USS Gerald R. Ford
Southern Oahu Waters, Hawaii

With a wide smile Ford replied over the radio, "Anytime, and please call me Ford it's so much faster to say~", as she cheerfully replied she spun her parasol once more and launched her squadron of Super Hornets to escort the missiles launched from Cypher as well as a squadron of growlers to be sent to the northern fleet to help Saratoga's prowlers piping up once more to Saratoga Ford's cheer was almost infectious, "I sent Wyrm squadron to help jam radar in the north, hope it will help out~".

"Cypher and Ford, thanks," I briefly answer. The purple-haired one jumps down to the depths, while the upbeat one spins that pink umbrella again. It reminds me of the Unryuus and their magical method of plane deployment.

I could see an array of white missiles popping out of the surface, the splashing water indicating their presence, before their motors kick in, spewing fire behind them.

I could also see forty-eight gray stealth fighters, showing up like translucent ghosts on Argus One's radar, intercepting the flying snails marked as "Neptunes" on my mental map. I'm not quite sure how the unescorted bombers would be able to get past them.

@Zeroth Jupi

"T-This is HMAS Hobart to M-Maverick Squadron! P-Please be advised, I-I'm launching anti-air missiles at the enemy Phantoms!" She broadcasted over the radio as she mentally assigned targets.

"Roger," Maverick One says in her high-pitched voice. They remain aware as they continue dogfighting their numerous ponderous opponents, preparing to draw the legion of Phantoms into the Australian destroyer's kill zone while picking them off, one by one.

With the presence of friendly radar jamming, it seems that the Vietnam War-era planes have become... chaotic, less coordinated, like they're going on individual and small-group initiatives. Their missiles have become clumsier too, some of them being dodged almost casually as if it's Ace Combat.

On the other front, while it first seemed like an overwhelming force, it now looks like... a glorified turkey shoot, just like over the Philippine Sea. Monstrous slow-flying objects, of which I have little idea of how they're able to fly, fall by the dozen, black smoke trailing behind them. With every strafing pass my planes make, more of them go down in flames. While they have run out of air-to-air missiles, their gunfire also do the job quite well.

You know, I'm pretty sure all my fighters are technically aces at this point. They're also going to need new missiles and bullets too.


Looking towards the enemy carriers I see them all retreating. I decide to to tell everyone that on the radio. "Hey everyone! I see the Abyssal carriers retreating, should we attempt to destroy them or focus on the enemy here?"

I look at what my early warning plane senses for confirmation. E's right, the carriers are running away! Yet as much as I want to try and take them off the board... there are civilians to protect, allies to reinforce. This is a retreat, not an assault. The destruction of the Abyssals is not the objective. The lives of teammates and innocents take priority.

"E, we're trying to evac. Focus on the enemy here, over," I reply.

It won't be easy replacing what they've lost today.

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It was a normal day, just like any other. You were going about your lives when, for various reasons and through various means, you died. This death was not what you expected, and you found yourselves in a world of pure white. There were no details, just yourself and a young teenage woman.

"I sincerely regret to inform you of this, but you have died. It pains me to ask this of you, but I need your help." The woman speaks, her voice soft and comforting. "I know you have no reason to trust me, given the circumstances, but my world needs your help."

In the woman's hand appeared a folder of pictures. Evil looking monsters that seem to be equal parts monster and battleship. "My world is under threat by these monsters, these Abyssals. All of humanity is at risk. I need you to save them. To go and fight in the defense of humanity. Please, help them where I could not."

The woman's unoccupied hand flashes to her chest, and she groans in pain. She seems much paler than she had when you first showed up moments ago. "My strength is waning. I doubt I shall be around much longer. Please. Help them."

With her one final request, the woman fades completely, leaving nothing but whiteness. Color soon returns to view, and you are thrust into the land of the living once more.
Death...Death sucked to be honest. You feel like you have a lot of days ahead, family you love and care for and depend on you, then BAM! It.....I guess I have a brand new loathing for BMWs now. Stupid shitty sturdy high-class cars. But...

But rather than pearly whites or boiling red like I'd expected I see...nothing. Well nothing except this girl who...

Okay, whoah. Whoah whoah whoah. Help!? Me!? Save the world!? What was she-were those Abyssals from Kancolle? She can't really expect a mess like me to-oh no. She doesn't look too good. This....


Help them. Her last words it seems......

"Damnit. What else can I do..?"
You all appear somewhat near Oahu. You can see fires raging across the island, blown out buildings dot the cities. Nearby to see civilian cargo ships desperately fleeing, while a battle rages between Shipgirl and Abyssal forces. The Abyssals appear to have the advantage of quantity, while the shipgirls are off much higher quality, most of them. You seem to be exactly between the Shipgirl carriers and the rest of the shipgirls.
Happy Giant/Jahre Viking
Oahu, Hawaii

Whoah. Okay this was...this...I was a girl. A ship. Both. I was a shipgirl. Like in Kancolle. I guess it made sense I was fighting Abyssals but....an oil tanker? Just. I could see her memories blending in with mine. Or were they always mine and I just got them back? This was....confusing. My memories as a ship and human all...swuishing together. And was this a club...?
Everything was going well, the EU and UAD Forces were in retreat, then the world shook as covert Walker units burrowed out from below. The world seemed to go into slow-motion as the cannons mounted on their arms moved into position. For a moment I stared down the barrel of those gatling cannons. I closed my eyes in acceptance. We had already won the war, the younger generations would have their peace. I did my job. Time resumed and then darkness took me.

It was then I found myself in a void. I listened to the teen's pleas for help. It all happened too fast and before I could respond, I found myself in the start of my new life.

CNS (Commonwealth Naval Service) Zulfiqar

The basics of my new existence were thankfully in my head, keeping the confusion to a relative minimum. I was apparently revived as a 'Ship-girl' to do battle against monstrous beings called Abyssals. The entire concept of both still raised my eyebrows, but it was easy enough to understand if you break it down to simple a simple 'unusual soldiers vs unusual enemies'.

I take in my new surroundings and the two other ship-girls next to me. One is a massive woman armed with a club. This is almost as strange as the concepts of resurrection, different worlds and alien monsters. A question for later. Or never. The other...has me on guard. The basic knowledge and information I have identifies her as the soul/personification of an Arleigh-Burke Missile Boat. A staple of the UAD's 3rd Line Naval Reserves. 'Different World, not my world. Get a grip Abbas.'

I cautiously approach the other two. "PAC Patrol Boat Zulfiqar. You two alright?" I also send out one of my Z-9C Helicopters to get a lay of the land.

I look over to this new girl. Wow. Okay she looks like she came out of some Middle Eastern fantasy movie, or game or..something. And looking next to me...Another girl. She looked rather cutesy. Silver hair, pointy ears. Huh... They were both really short though....

I felt myself clam up a bit, not really knowing who they were plus...well, I was an oil tanker and they were actual war ships. I was just....a fuel hauler....
"U-uhm. I'm uh...Happy Giant. Or Jahre Viking. I don't mind either one really...."
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JS Yamato
Southern Oahu Waters, Hawaii
10:15 AM

"Hey everyone! I see the Abyssal carriers retreating, should we attempt to destroy them or focus on the enemy here?"
"Recommend against that action USS Enterprise! Our objective here is to hold the enemy off while the civilians retreat. If the carriers want to make it easier for us, let them! I reply wincing as a take a glancing blow from one of the abyssal heavy cruisers still firing at me.
"DON'T TAKE ME LIGHTLY!" I roar firing a full broadside at the closest enemy CA. My secondary batteries begin tracking the destroyers and light cruisers, who happen to be closer than the enemy heavy cruisers. "UTE!" I yell, firing my secondary batteries at the closest enemy destroyer.

JS Asahi
Southern Oahu Waters, Hawaii
10:15 AM

"Hey everyone! I see the Abyssal carriers retreating, should we attempt to destroy them or focus on the enemy here?"
"JS Asahi here. Recommend against that action, over." I reply, looking over towards the enemy destroyers. Grimacing, I winced at my lack of Type 90 Anti-Ship Missiles. I was an ASW ship dammit! what the hell was I supposed to do in this situation!
"Asahi! I still have torpedoes left! Give me targets!" Seiryuu yells over the radio, snapping me out of my funk.
"Seiryuu, target the enemy Battleships. Give them all you have!"

Yamato (Lightly damaged)
Yamato: Firing on single CA, as well as a single destroyer (With secondary batteries)
Seiryuu: Firing 6 torpedoes at 3 battleships. (2 for each)
Asahi: Nothing :p
Death...Death sucked to be honest. You feel like you have a lot of days ahead, family you love and care for and depend on you, then BAM! It.....I guess I have a brand new loathing for BMWs now. Stupid shitty sturdy high-class cars. But...

But rather than pearly whites or boiling red like I'd expected I see...nothing. Well nothing except this girl who...

Okay, whoah. Whoah whoah whoah. Help!? Me!? Save the world!? What was she-were those Abyssals from Kancolle? She can't really expect a mess like me to-oh no. She doesn't look too good. This....


Help them. Her last words it seems......

"Damnit. What else can I do..?"

Happy Giant/Jahre Viking
Oahu, Hawaii

Whoah. Okay this was...this...I was a girl. A ship. Both. I was a shipgirl. Like in Kancolle. I guess it made sense I was fighting Abyssals but....an oil tanker? Just. I could see her memories blending in with mine. Or were they always mine and I just got them back? This was....confusing. My memories as a ship and human all...swishing together. And was this a club...?

I look over to this new girl. Wow. Okay she looks like she came out of some Middle Eastern fantasy movie, or game or..something. And looking next to me...she looked rather cutesy. Silver hair, pointy ears. Huh...

I felt myself clam up a bit, not really knowing who they were plus...well, I was an oil tanker and they were actual war ships. I was just....a fuel hauler....
"U-uhm. I'm uh...Happy Giant. Or Jahre Viking. I don't mind either one really...."

OOC - I think you mixed up two characters. I'm the one in 1001 Arabian Nights cosplay. @SilverPhoenix 's Arleigh Burke is the elf with the silver mane.

CNS Zulfiqar

"You could use 'Happy Giant' as your 'call-sign' when in the field." I suggest. "...Although I have to question why you got the body of an oil-tanker. I bet you can inflict a lot of pain with that club and physique, but that still means getting up close and personal with whatever we're facing."

The report from my heli comes back. By and large it looks like the situation is being handled but some hostiles still remain.

I gesture towards the third ship-girl in our small 'party'. The one I'm identifying as an Arleigh Burke class. "She still looks a little out of it. I know we have hostiles out there, but I'm not leaving her alone in this state."

USS Colorado
Southern Oahu Waters

The budding underwater assassin opens her eyes to find herself... partly submerged in water, with her head poking out of the surface. It feels warmer here... it seems that she's not in Connecticut anymore. Looking about, she finds chaos all around her. Missiles zooming, guns firing, airplanes flying... where's her hull, anyway?

It's nowhere to be found, yet she can find pieces of it about her clothing. Her torpedo tubes? They're under her forearms, and her missile tubes? She finds a backpack at her back containing them. It's like her hull shrunk and became some sort of... rigging... around her instead. Where's her crew, then?

"Hi!" A voice says.

Who are they? Where are they?

"We're your crew, and we're in your rigging!"

They could see her? They could talk to her?


That's nice.

Wait, what's she doing on the surface? It's dangerous up here; she ought to dive!

And dive she does, and quickly too, now that she's not encumbered by the size of her hull. After descending, she stays still, and listens, stretching out her senses. A benefit of being a submarine is being able to breathe underwater, since her oxygen generators and carbon dioxide scrubbers can be compared to the gills of a fish.


Lots of Abyssals to the west and north? Other ships fighting back, some of which are not doing so well? Hawaii, wreathed in flames? The girl was right; her world needs help! And right now, her country needs her. This time, she's prepared. This time, she can fight back!

Though it's only her first time in an actual battle...

She finds herself nervous because of that fact. She's barely out of training, and never got to prove herself because they struck without warning. Hopefully, what little aid she renders now would be enough...

She considers her options. She could target some of the enemy ships and launch missiles, but she only has a limited number of them, and from the looks of things, the others have that handled. She could try to sneak up on said ships and fire torpedoes, but again, the others seem to have them handled.

What they don't seem to have, however, are anti-submarine patrols. What if there are monsters lurking under the surface, too?

As an attack submarine, those would be her primary targets. Like in her training, they're a high-level threat, especially to carriers, and are a priority for removal. As such, she decides to patrol the area. With her crew's assistance, she puts her pump-jets to use, swimming silently through the ocean while keeping her ears, that is, her sonar, wide open for foreign sounds. If any Abyssal submarines are found, she would fire her torpedoes at them.

She hesitates to use the radio to inform her allies. They're new people to her, and she can't talk anyway. Using the radio may compromise her stealth, too. Yet they must know. What if some sub gets a leg up on them?


She sends out a coded signal burst to friendlies in the vicinity. One could think of it as a fast text message rather than a call. It reads "USS Colorado here, doing ASW patrol".

@CCBubba, @Other allied forces

- ASW patrol

- Abyssal submarines, if any (Mark 48s)
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Glorious GM-Chan

USS Gerald Ford blinked as she appeared once more in the human world stunned from both her sinking moments prior and the revelation and plea of the lady in white to save the world. Slowly standing up she shakes off her confusion, an easy going smile finding a place upon her lips as she realized she had a second chance in life. Before she can celebrate too much she takes in her surroundings and spots a sub/shipgirl rising from the waves, her outfit calling attention to her in how just out of place it was in the area they were in, idly Ford noticed something inside her pull her towards the sub. Following instincts she didn't know she had, Ford sped across the water and practically scooped the sub off her feet into a tight hug, speaking in a soft bell-like voice once she realized what she had done, "I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me I'm USS Gerald R. Ford, can anyone please tell me what's going on here as well?", Ford says to cover her embarrassment. "Simply put an evacuation is going on and we need all the help we can get to stall the enemy force, here I'll send you the data of what we face. Also, I am USS Cypher, please refrain from touching me in the future please", the sub said in a thickly accented voice that conveyed a hint of annoyance.

With the data streaming in Ford's face went white at what they were facing, "T-this seems a little unfair against you guys ain't it?", she asked mostly to herself, her resolve forming to help even the odds she spins her parasol launching 4 squadrons of F-35Cs to target the Neptunes that had gotten past and a squadron of Hawkeyes for her own eyes in the sky.

As Ford's F-35s fly over group 2 on their way to engage the Neptunes, they can be seen doing a cheeky little wing salute as they pass by. before speeding off towards the rapidly growing more panicked Neptunes. It can't be called a fair fight. Aircarft after aircraft go down, but none of them are F-35s. Finally the last Neptune is shot down, and none of them managed to deliver their payload.

@Zeroth Jupi

Prioritizing the ones she knew could carry anti-ship missiles, Eliza fired a two salvos of S-300FM missiles at the F-4 Phantoms, and fired at anything hostile that got too close to either Belmont, Tirpitz, or herself with her Kashtan CIWS and Kinzhal short-range SAMs, saving the long-range SAMs for targets further away.

Hobart turned her attention back to the Phantom furball. Well, here goes nothing...

"L-Launching Sea Sparrows!"

Smoke once again obscured her small form as missiles, not quite all the missiles but certainly close enough, arced upward from the launch system, screaming up towards the planes.

Here goes nothing...!

All of you missiles combine into one massive swarm that descends on the F-4s with a vengeance. Every missile finds their mark. Leaving the Phantoms little more than raging balls of fire as they plummet down towards the ocean.

(Assume I keep firing at the battleships and things around me.)

A fighting retreat? A sound plan and one I can get behind because I already know we aren't holding here there's just too much arrayed against us so better we escort the evacuees and live than hold and die for nothing. With a quick glance to make sure the Neo look-alike hasn't gotten close to me again, I respond this time schooling my accent to be better understood, "Sara, this is Cypher. A fighting retreat sounds like the optimal decision. We don't have the number to hold here and I want to make sure these civilians make it to wherever they are going so until then I'll be launching a few more Tomahawks to help our allies." My reply given I dive once again to firing depth mentally vowing to stay at depth this time as my fairies begin to create solutions to fire at the remaining heavy cruisers. A few moments later my hatches open as I run the solutions given to my missiles before cold launching twenty-seven Tomahawks, their engines propelling them towards the heavy cruisers, three per cruiser to ensure enough got through to make a difference.

Tirpitz was in the middle of being heavily outnumbered in a gun duel with Heavy Cruisers. Big as her guns are, and as thick as her belt is compared to the Cruisers, she was still fighting at a disadvantage. Especially as she was trying to protect someone. 8in shells splash all around, a few even strike her belt, and 2 penetrate her deck. One even explodes close to Belmont. With fury your guns lash out at the nearest Abyssal, which happens to be one of the Light Cruisers closing to Torpedo range. Then 27 Tomohawk missiles fly overhead and impact on the Abyssal Heavy Cruisers. Fire and Death is all that remains of them. Your secondaries down another 3 Light cruisers, and 4 more are left lightly damaged.

@Michael Lewis @Zeroth Jupi

Since my Prowlers are already up and about, I decide to launch another squadron. Choosing to bring out my attack craft, I switch magazines to "Hammer Intruders" and catapult the six of them into the air, nudging them to avoid the furballs of dueling planes and instead shoot twelve Harpoons, two from each A-6E Intruder, at four of the western Montanas, allocating three missiles for each battleship at the western fleet.

Finally the last of the Abyssal WW2 fighters are shot down, just in time to clear the way for your harpoon missile strike. The Abyssals make attempts to shoot down the missiles, but they fall completely short as none are shot down before reaching their targets. All 12 Harpoons strike as one on the Montanas. 3 land on the heavily damaged Montana, leaving her exploding as she goes down. The remaining Harpoons strike the moderately Montanas, leaving another sinking while the others are left heavily damaged and visibly listing.


I turn back to see what Delfinul's attack managed to do...nothing sunk, but the battleships were at least damaged, and we weren't being followed. Wait, is that another trio of torpedoes heading for the moderately damaged battleship? Attacking while they're sweeping for her?

Delfinul's gamble completely payed off. The Abyssal Battleship was caught completely by surprise as she disappears in a tower of water. When the tower is finally gone, all that can be seen is a capsized Battleship.

"You got it!" After saying that she gives another mock salute and dives back beneath the waves. It looks like those planes that were sent towards the carriers have been forced away too, that's not good. There are way too many operational carriers the enemy has. While we keep running away I launch my four aft anti-ship missiles at them, all aimed at one of the flagship carriers. Even just taking out one with everything is better than launching them all at different targets and having them all shot down. I just hope four will be enough.

The Missiles fly freely through the now uncontested skies. Freely they fly straight into a very surprised looking flagship. Who the precedes to detonate in a fiery explosion. Leaving 6 very shocked Essexes and 1 thoroughly pissed off looking flagship as she glares daggers at the one responsible. Finally the carriers leave range of combat for good. leaving their allies to continue the fight.

"Recommend against that action USS Enterprise! Our objective here is to hold the enemy off while the civilians retreat. If the carriers want to make it easier for us, let them! I reply wincing as a take a glancing blow from one of the abyssal heavy cruisers still firing at me.
"DON'T TAKE ME LIGHTLY!" I roar firing a full broadside at the closest enemy CA. My secondary batteries begin tracking the destroyers and light cruisers, who happen to be closer than the enemy heavy cruisers. "UTE!" I yell, firing my secondary batteries at the closest enemy destroyer.

By the time your main battery shells arrive, there is no Heavy Cruiser anymore. But you secondaries manage to sink 2 Light Cruisers and 5 Destroyers. Another 3 Light Cruisers are left moderately damaged, while 6 Destroyers are heavily damaged.


Seiryuu: Firing 6 torpedoes at 3 battleships. (2 for each)

Seiryuu's torpedoes steak towards the Abyssal battleships. One ship is to heavily damaged to try to even dodge, and takes both fired at it. The other two try to dodge, but their damage also impressed them. One take both, which sends her to the bottom. The other takes only one, but it's still let listing and heavily damaged.


USS Nimitz

"Our repairs are now complete, we can float by our self now." The fires on the Nimitz are now long gone, and quick fixes to the hull damage now mean the Super Carrier is now functioning. Suddenly from the island of Oahu rises one last aircraft. A V-22 Osprey by the looks of it. It appears to make a beeline for the Nimitz, before landing on her deck. The Osprey is then immediately taken into the hangar under heavy guard. "While we would like to stick around and help you all, we have orders to make a break for the Stennis and her Fleet. Good luck, Nimitz out"
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"Our repairs are now complete, we can float by our self now." The fires on the Nimitz are now long gone, and quick fixes to the hull damage now mean the Super Carrier is now functioning. Suddenly from the island of Oahu rises one last aircraft. A V-22 Osprey by the looks of it. It appears to make a beeline for the Nimitz, before landing on her deck. The Osprey is then immediately taken into the hangar under heavy guard. "While we would like to stick around and help you all, we have orders to make a beak for the Stennis and her Fleet. Good luck, Nimitz out"
Wordlessly, Dockwise pushed the supercarrier off her shoulder and put it back into the water, trying her best to be careful not to damage it yet anxious to be done with it, such that the carrier nearly flew out of her hands in her hurry. The Nimitz drenched her again as it splashed onto the water, but the lift vessel's attention was already elsewhere. Turning around on her heels, engines roaring to full capacity, only to be greeted with a grisly sight.

The Destroyers were gone.

Rent hulls, burning hulks, dark shapes disappearing into dark, murky depths.

The urge was overwhelming, to pick up one of the hulks and use it to bash in the skulls of the traitorous bastards who don't even deserve to-

Deep breaths.

There were still people she could save. There was yet more good she could do. Two of the Arleigh Burkes yet struggled, their crews fighting every inch of the way to keep above the water. And as much as she wanted to, as much as her soul screamed at her to, she couldn't do it. She couldn't take the fight to the Abyssals, not if it meant abandoning these men. Not if there was something more she could do for them.

The air was filled with the noise of jets and missiles roaring overhead, the thunder of the approaching Abyssal guns rumbling in the distance. The sea was still churning from the slaughter that had taken place. Dockwise had to push past wreckage and bodies to reach the two Destroyers, their hulls rent and torn, about to slip under the waves any moment. No more. Even if she had to drag their hulls to the mainland, no more ships would be forced into such a death, not if she had anything to say about it.

And she did.

Throwing off a floating piece of mangled metal from her way, Dockwise pulled alongside the Burkes. Compared to Nimitz they were tiny, and to her the Destroyers might as well have been weightless, having to take care not to turn the humans within into smush as she tossed one ship over her shoulder and picking up the other with one hand. The cranes in her rigging swivelled about, small fairies working to repair the worst of the damage, even if just to keep them from falling apart.
@Jhin Lemon

"Hey everyone! I see the Abyssal carriers retreating, should we attempt to destroy them or focus on the enemy here?"

Belmont's calm voice came over the radio. "USS Enterprise, do not engage. I repeat, do not engage. Our first priority is to get the civilians off the island and escort them someplace safe."

One even explodes close to Belmont.

Belmont let out a cry of pain and surprise as a shell landed close to her position, causing the technical research ship to fly to the side. Her fairies quickly ran through her hull, assessing the damage. Aside from a damaged jacket, Belmont seemed fine. She got lucky, but there was no guarantee that she would get lucky again.

Belmont shakily stood back on her feet and began moving once again.
Balalaika Sofiya Stearns, USS Cypher
Southern Oahu Waters, Hawaii

Then 27 Tomahawk missiles fly overhead and impact on the Abyssal Heavy Cruisers. Fire and Death are all that remains of them.
With a grim smile I take in the knowledge that my missiles had taken out the remaining heavy cruisers that were a threat to Belmont and her escorts, contemplating my next action I see the carriers appear to be retreating through the feed given by Sara though it's not the last we will see of those carriers I'm sure especially with how one of the flagship carriers just died to the shock of her comrades they'll want revenge now. I bet they expected a cakewalk but got us and our spirited resistance instead. My mind whirling at possible consequences of our defense that I almost miss a message of pure text running barely catching it.
"USS Colorado here, doing ASW patrol".
With a sigh at having forgotten to check if there were submarines I reply with my own text to this USS Colorado, "Colorado, this is USS Cypher, acknowledged, good hunting", the reply sent I search for targets to fire my missiles at my previous contemplating shelved for later when I hear a voice over the radio.
"Hey everyone! I see the Abyssal carriers retreating, should we attempt to destroy them or focus on the enemy here?"
With a small sigh I open up the radio, "Enterprise this is Cypher, do not engage them we have an evac going on focus on the threats still around here", my bit said I sigh again before resume my search for targets.
Targets: none
Remaining missiles: 93
Current mood: созерцательный
@UbeOne @CCBubba

USS Gerald R. Ford
Southern Oahu Waters, Hawaii

As Ford's F-35s fly over group 2 on their way to engage the Neptunes, they can be seen doing a cheeky little wing salute as they pass by. before speeding off towards the rapidly growing more panicked Neptunes. It can't be called a fair fight. Aircraft after aircraft go down, but none of them are F-35s. Finally the last Neptune is shot down, and none of them managed to deliver their payload.
Ford cheered internally with each Neptune shot down by her F-35s until the last Neptune was debris, sending off a congratulations to her pilots she quickly assigned duties to the F-35s three squadrons to do CAP for the group escorting Belmont and one to do personal CAP for the destroyer named Hobart those orders and followed with the pilots cheekily doing another wing salute sent, she focused on Drake and Wyrm Squadrons giving the Drakes the command to return and perform CAP for her while giving Wyrm the command to jam hostile signals around the second group since the north was now clear, all orders given Ford flourishes her parasol and opens up a channel on the radio her voice giddy, "Hello over there, this is USS Gerald R. Ford, I hope you enjoyed my little F-35 show, they're going to provide air cover for you now, good luck to you all~"
@everyone else in group 2

Active Planes:

Seraph squadron: 12 F-35C Lightning IIs:
Performing CAP for Hobart

Devil Squadron: 12 F-35C Lightning IIs:
Performing CAP for Group 2

Garuda Squadron: 12 F-35C Lightning IIs:
Performing CAP for Group 2

Rok Squadron: 12 F-35C Lightning IIs:
Performing CAP for Group 2

Drake Squadron: 12 F/A-18E/F Super Hornets:
Returning to perform CAP for Ford

Wyrm Squadron: 5 EA-18G Growlers:
Radar Jamming around group 2

Wyvern Squadron: 5 E-2D Hawkeyes:
Eyes in the sky

Hostile signals around Group 2 (Jamming)
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USS Colorado
Southern Oahu Waters

It's a long while as the recently commissioned attack submarine performs ASW duty for her first time, that is, her first time in actual combat. Like her crew, she had trained for it, and while she believes that she had trained quite well, she has that feeling of uncertainty since the danger is real this time. She has to mentally recall various pieces of advice that were given to her and her crew before her commissioning.

At least seeing the colorful fish swimming around her is nice. On that note, she appreciates not having to wear goggles while underwater.

I reply with my own text to this USS Colorado, "Colorado, this is USS Cypher, acknowledged, good hunting"

According to what she hears from her sonar, as well as what she sees from IFF, this USS Cypher is a... Typhoon-class? Wait, isn't she one of the Pepsi subs she heard about that one time? That was difficult to believe.

Meanwhile, she tenses in anticipation of confronting actual hostile submarines... and finds none. She can't help but shiver a bit, for while that could mean that there are no hostile subs, only friendly ones, that could also mean that her foes are sneaky enough to not be heard. She did search everywhere though, so...

She sends out a pulse, containing written text, to friendly ships. "No hostile subs here," it reads.

She finds herself at the west, under the allies fighting there. She could sense the noisy signatures of so many enemy ships, which, according to the data she obtained, are American ships from more than seventy years ago. How cruel of those Abyssals to take the form of old comrades...

She finds three battleships within their formation, and could hear the sound, and resultant shockwaves, of their huge guns firing, yet two of them seem to be falling to the side. Sensing a weakness for her to exploit, she has her crew load a round of torpedoes.

"Uh, wait, let me check the manual again," one of them comments. She can't really blame them. It's their first time in combat too.

Mentally designating her targets, she holds out both hands in front of her, aiming her four loaded torpedo tubes forward, before firing them, sending four Mark 48s, one each towards the two listing battleships, and the other two towards the not-listing one.

As designed, the fishes would home in on their targets, and detonate right under their generally vulnerable keels. If they somehow miss, they can circle back to try again.

After she finishes firing them, she turns and runs, anticipating a response from escorting destroyers. She dives, in order to evade the depth charges they could drop if they get close. Those things may be outdated, and she may be far away from them, but she'd rather not take chances. She was already sunk by Abyssals before...


- Shoot Mark 48 torpedoes at enemies from long range (they have an effective range of up to 38 km at 55 knots, or 50 km at 40 knots)
- Run and dive afterwards

- 2 western, listing Montanas (1 torpedo each)
- 1 western, moderately damaged Montana (2 torpedoes)

Weapons Left:
- 21 Mark 48s
- 12 Harpoons

Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Southern Oahu Waters, Hawaii

Glorious GM-Chan

Ford's F-35s annihilate Neptunes.

Hobart's missiles exorcize Phantoms.

Tirpitz guns down light cruisers.

Hammer's Harpoons sink 2 Montanas and leave 2 heavily damaged and listing.

Delfinul capsizes a battleship.

Marasesti snipes a flagship carrier.

Yamato takes down light cruisers and destroyers.

Seiryuu assassinates battleships

USS Nimitz

"Our repairs are now complete, we can float by our self now." The fires on the Nimitz are now long gone, and quick fixes to the hull damage now mean the Super Carrier is now functioning. Suddenly from the island of Oahu rises one last aircraft. A V-22 Osprey by the looks of it. It appears to make a beeline for the Nimitz, before landing on her deck. The Osprey is then immediately taken into the hangar under heavy guard. "While we would like to stick around and help you all, we have orders to make a beak for the Stennis and her Fleet. Good luck, Nimitz out"

I witness... everything, including the other turkey shoot located at the north. Yet even if the radar signatures identify the enemy as this and that class of American ship, they look like... Wos, Rus, Ris, Is, and whatever class are those floating, black, rectangular slab-like things with guns, teeth and arms which are somehow labeled as light cruisers. It's easier to not feel sorry for them the more inhuman they look like...

I also receive two coded messages, one much later after the other, which look like text in my mind's eye. A new sub is doing ASW, and finds no hostile subs?

Maybe I could help with that. I have some planes for the task.

Ford cheered internally with each Neptune shot down by her F-35s until the last Neptune was debris, sending off a congratulations to her pilots she quickly assigned duties to the F-35s three squadrons to do CAP for the group escorting Belmont and one to do personal CAP for the destroyer named Hobart those orders and followed with the pilots cheekily doing another wing salute sent, she focused on Drake Squadron giving them the command to return and perform CAP for her, all orders given Ford flourishes her parasol

With the younger carrier's fighters handling patrol duties now, and the enemy aircraft no longer being present, my fighters could return to me for rearming. On that note, my Hornets still have their Harpoons with them. Now that there are no fighters barring their way, they could launch the missiles with impunity.

Both Maverick and Iceman Squadrons form a CAP around me as they wait for their turn to land. In response to their impending arrival, I prepare my flight deck to receive them.

While they're doing that, I also do one more thing. Grabbing a magazine labeled as "Aegir Vikings", I launch all eight of those planes using the two bow catapults, allowing me to conduct my own ASW patrols. Seeing the merits of an angled deck in action is a sight to behold.

The Vikings also happen to carry a few Harpoons as well, alongside their torpedoes, so as a result, I opt to group them up with my Hornets and Intruders for a simultaneous strike. Thirty-six anti-ship missiles, one from each plane, are launched, each of them aimed at a destroyer in the western Abyssal fleet...

In the meantime, my Prowlers pull back from the northern front, supporting a group of nearby friendly stealth fighters instead, the ones patrolling around one of the groups of friendly ships.

...It's not easy trying to keep up with, well, everything.


Active Planes:
- Maverick Squadron: 10 Tomcats: Rearming, one by one. Patrolling around me in the meantime.
- Iceman Squadron: 12 Tomcats: Rearming, one by one. Patrolling around me in the meantime
- Fulcrum Squadron: 11 Hornets: Harpoon strike vs western destroyers
- Libra Squadron: 11 Hornets: Harpoon strike vs western destroyers
- Weasel Squadron: 6 Prowlers: Radar jamming around Group 2
- Hammer Squadron: 6 A-6E Intruders: Harpoon strike vs western destroyers
- Aegir Squadron: 8 S-3B Vikings: Harpoon strike vs western destroyers
- Argus One: 1 Hawkeye: Be the eyes in the sky

- Hostile signals around Group 2 (jamming)
- 36 western destroyers (1 Harpoon each)

Enemies Remaining:
1. Western fleet, gun range:
- 1 flagship carrier (United States): 1 retreating
- 6 regular carriers (Essex): 6 retreating
- 3 battleships (Montana): 1 moderately damaged, 2 heavily damaged and listing
- 16 light cruisers (Atlanta): 1 crippled, 1 heavily damaged, 1 lightly damaged, 3 moderately damaged
- 41 destroyers (Fletchers and Clemsons): 4 damaged, 6 heavily damaged

2. Northern fleet, missile range:
- 4 elite carriers (Forrestal): 4 lightly damaged and retreating
- 8 battleships (Montana)
- 28 guided missile cruisers (Albany)
- 48 guided missile destroyers (Charles F. Adams)
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OOC - I think you mixed up two characters. I'm the one in 1001 Arabian Nights cosplay. @SilverPhoenix 's Arleigh Burke is the elf with the silver mane.

CNS Zulfiqar

"You could use 'Happy Giant' as your 'call-sign' when in the field." I suggest. "...Although I have to question why you got the body of an oil-tanker. I bet you can inflict a lot of pain with that club and physique, but that still means getting up close and personal with whatever we're facing."

The report from my heli comes back. By and large it looks like the situation is being handled but some hostiles still remain.

I gesture towards the third ship-girl in our small 'party'. The one I'm identifying as an Arleigh Burke class. "She still looks a little out of it. I know we have hostiles out there, but I'm not leaving her alone in this state."

Happy Giant/Jahre Viking
Oahu, Hawaii


I nodded at that, going over to the silver-haired girl and holding her gently by the shoulders.
"U-uhm, miss? T-there's a huge fight going on right now...but..are you feeling okay...?"

I looked over at Zulqifar, face much more serious now. "I-I may not be able t-to fight properly like you lot but..." I looked over at whatever civilians left. "I can still help...."

Happy Giant/Jahre Viking
Oahu, Hawaii


I nodded at that, going over to the silver-haired girl and holding her gently by the shoulders.
"U-uhm, miss? T-there's a huge fight going on right now...but..are you feeling okay...?"

I looked over at Zulqifar, face much more serious now. "I-I may not be able t-to fight properly like you lot but..." I looked over at whatever civilians left. "I can still help...."


CNS Zulfiqar

"Having the will to fight is the most important thing. How to fight will come with time and practice." I do my best to, perhaps not comfort, but to reassure the giant tank(er)-girl of the rightness of her actions.

"...I'm worried about our silver-haired comrade here though. If we engage the enemy, we'd be leaving her behind and open to sneak attacks." I bit my lip lightly as I mull our options over. "I'm going to hazard a guess that your stature and club aren't for show. Do you think you could carry her while we try and find any other allies in the area? They should know a relatively safe area where we can keep her. I...I should be able to keep us safe if we can skim the edge of the engagement area. Thoughts?"