The College of Jewels (Magical Academy Quest)

[X] Ruby
[X] Lusca
[X] Adam

Wrath, Fifth Lord of the Abyss (Warning: Extreme Fluctuations in Fate associated with target)
Seriously, just give Saphira one chance to not be a dick to Adam. That's all I ask.
As you wish, but at this point I think Adam and Henry are write-offs as far as connections go. Saphira expressed tendencies to try and stay on the Archmage's good side, always careful to abide by his rules and not to cross him accidentally. She also gravitates towards powerful people - TA, Sammy, Ruby and lately, Lusca, and does not think others worth her time.

Henry fails the first criterion, and Adam fails the second one. I wouldn't expect us to change our habits.
[X] Ruby
[X] Lusca

[X] Wrath, Fifth Lord of the Abyss (Warning: Extreme Fluctuations in Fate associated with target)
[X] Ruby
[X] Lusca
[X] Adam

Wrath, Fifth Lord of the Abyss (Warning: Extreme Fluctuations in Fate associated with target)

As you wish, but at this point I think Adam and Henry are write-offs as far as connections go. Saphira expressed tendencies to try and stay on the Archmage's good side, always careful to abide by his rules and not to cross him accidentally. She also gravitates towards powerful people - TA, Sammy, Ruby and lately, Lusca, and does not think others worth her time.

Henry fails the first criterion, and Adam fails the second one. I wouldn't expect us to change our habits.

Ugh. In retrospect, I probably should have made more of a fuss about Saphira just leaving people to die, but I was kind of exhausted at the time the voting was going on. I mean, Ruby couldn't get out, and she's fairly top tier. I'd had this impression of Saphira as a person who's willing to help people in a sneaky fashion, so her just hiding while leaving people to die leaves an awful taste in my mouth.

And given that Henry was probably dragging around Adam during that entire time, you may very well be right about the prospects of friendship there.
Ugh. In retrospect, I probably should have made more of a fuss about Saphira just leaving people to die, but I was kind of exhausted at the time the voting was going on. I mean, Ruby couldn't get out, and she's fairly top tier. I'd had this impression of Saphira as a person who's willing to help people in a sneaky fashion, so her just hiding while leaving people to die leaves an awful taste in my mouth.

And given that Henry was probably dragging around Adam during that entire time, you may very well be right about the prospects of friendship there.
I feel bad about that too, I was supportive of helping the others, though I didn't really argue the point.

However, I don't think it's productive to just write off the less developed relationships right now. The reason they're underdeveloped is because players have been voting for Saphira to dump all of her time in to the same 4 or 5 people over and over. The only way there is going to be any improvement in relationship with Henry or any of the other characters who've been brushed off is if people actually start voting for them.
Honestly I don't mind our character not being a good or heroic person like so many characters of SV are it gives her more flavour.
[X] Ruby
[X] Lusca

Wrath, Fifth Lord of the Abyss (Warning: Extreme Fluctuations in Fate associated with target)
Saphira's history with Adam, or: why you should vote for Adam:

He interrupts you. "Saphira, I know. My name is Adam."

You're a bit surprised he knows who you are, and pause for a moment as you consider bringing it up. He must notice your hesitation, because he says "Surprised? You're a bit more well known than I think you realize, always hanging around that Ruby girl and the Dimensional Science TA. A lot of people are curious about who exactly you are."

Worrying as that idea might be, now you're just left wondering why he interrupted you so rudely if he knows both those facts and isn't sure what that means for your social status. Maybe he's just kind of an idiot?

Saphira then proceeds to drop rocks on him. It's the start of a beautiful friendship.

You also think you spot Adam from the day before in the arena. He spots you as well so you go for a respectful nod. He just scowls and looks away. Whatever.

He's a bit of a tsundere, though.

Unfortunately, no luck on that, but you do spot Adam. He's trying to do the loner in a corner thing, but it's really just coming off as sulking as he looks on at the incredibly irritating altercation going on with Henry. Well, he works. You stalk over to him and grab his arm, intent on dragging him out into a hallway so he can finally tell you what he meant about people being curious about you. He squawks a bit, but you ignore it as you pull on him and he settles down and just grumbles when he realizes it's you. You really expected more protest considering how much of a sourpuss he was when you nodded at him yesterday, but that suits you just fine.

And Saphira drags Adam out of his anti-social corner. Saphira! All she does most of the time is study! The rest of the time is spent with Ruby, which is mostly also studying! This is amazing!

A devious idea pops into your head. You turn to Adam, his arm still in your hand and his attention firmly on Henry and the two standing over him. You speak in a mock serious voice.

"Adam, you to go to a school. You can't just ignore people all the time."

Your spell finishes and a portal opens behind him. A few people around you take a startled step back. Adam turns his attention to you and blinks, opening his mouth to say something before you interrupt him.

"You need to make friends."

So saying, you let go of his arm, give him a shove, and let the portal close behind him.

And Saphira helps Adam make friends. They're clearly besties! Well, maybe not, because Ruby is Saphira's bestie, but close enough.

So yes. Saphira should hang out with Adam more because all of his interactions with Saphira have been amusing and he's an excellent foil to her. Either they'll be the best of friends or rivals (!!!).
[X] Ruby
[X] Lusca

Wrath, Fifth Lord of the Abyss (Warning: Extreme Fluctuations in Fate associated with target)
@Wander: Have a clunkily written omake.

Two young men lie relaxing atop a hill of flowers. Or rather, one does, and the other imagines ways to set it on fire. Today, however, he restricts himself to simply picking petals off the flowers. All of them. Off every flower. At the same time.

(Though later, when they leave, those flowers will all have petals again, and look brighter and more colourful than ever.)

He gets bored in less than a minute.

"So why did you insist on us coming out here, again, when I could be delving deep into the mysteries of the universe, or, even better, blowing up someone I don't like?"

"Because I wanted to relax, and the view here is nice." He scowls, unimpressed with his companion's response.

"We could have gone to Didona. That has a nice view."

"You set that on fire."

"That's why it's a nice view." A small grin crosses his face, before the scowl returns. "Or Melangios. We could go there."

"You set that on fire too. Forever."

"Oh, so that's where it was! Thanks, Colm." Colm rolls onto the side facing him to give him a flat look.

"Just because you can use magic to do it doesn't mean you should, you know." He lets that comment linger, pretending to consider it.

"Nope. You're wrong." Colm sighs, and rolls onto his other side, facing away from him. There's silence for a few beats, before a thought occurs to him.

"What do you want to do then?" He tries to make it as casual as he can, disinterested, anything to disguise that disgusting vulnerability he feels when he asks the question. He knows he doesn't succeed. He doesn't expect the response, either.

"I want to start a school."

"What?" He scrambles for something to say, anything, because this is stupid and Colm's stupid and he needs to stop Colm from doing this stupid thing –

"Not now, you idiot. Later." And he's calm again. Calm and in control, as usual. (He deliberately doesn't think about what it means, that a few words from Colm can do that, and he's always been very good at self-deception.)

There's a long silence again.

"I think that's stupid." He declares. There's a certain smugness in Colm's voice when he replies.

"You won't when I'm actually running it."


It's many years later, after many petty disputes and that last bitter argument when he hears the rumour, and the second he does, he knows.

The Archmage of the Solemn Vale.

Furious, he loses control for the first time in years, and destroys an experiment that had been months in the making. Colm, an Archmage?! How dare he take that title for himself?!

A week later, when he finally calms down (only not really, because he's never been calm where Colm is concerned), he has a clever idea, and a cruel smile that many in Diadem will come to know stretches across his face.

You were right, Colm. A school is an excellent idea.
[X] Ruby
[X] Lusca

Wrath, Fifth Lord of the Abyss(Warning: Extreme Fluctuations in Fate associated with target)
[x] Lusca
[x] Henry and a friend of his (The tagalong is mandatory)

[X] The Archmage (Warning: Existential Threat, Engage with Extreme Caution)
@Wander: Have a clunkily written omake.
An amusing take on the Archmage and Colm. No comments on how accurate any of it is though. Take 5 points in whatever you want.

Vote Tally : Original - The College of Jewels (Magical Academy Quest) | Page 61 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5
[X] Ruby
[X] Lusca
[X] Wrath, Fifth Lord of the Abyss (Warning: Extreme Fluctuations in Fate associated with target)
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Ruby
[X] Lusca
[X] The Archmage (Warning: Existential Threat, Engage with Extreme Caution)
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Lusca
[X] Adam
[X] Wrath, Fifth Lord of the Abyss (Warning: Extreme Fluctuations in Fate associated with target)
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Ruby
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Ruby
[X] Morgan Blackreach
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Lusca
[X] Henry and a friend of his (The tagalong is mandatory)
[X] The Black Dragon of Wealth (Warning: Extreme Flight Risk)
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Lusca
[X] Astrea (Warning: Total Divination Failure. No Further Information)
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Lusca
[X] Wrath, Fifth Lord of the Abyss (Warning: Extreme Fluctuations in Fate associated with target)
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Wrath, Fifth Lord of the Abyss (Warning: Extreme Fluctuations in Fate associated with target)
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Ruby
[X] Wrath, Fifth Lord of the Abyss (Warning: Extreme Fluctuations in Fate associated with target)
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Lusca
[x] Henry and a friend of his (The tagalong is mandatory)
[x] Morgan Blackreach
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Ruby
[X] Lusca
[X] Adam
[X] The Archmage (Warning: Existential Threat, Engage with Extreme Caution)
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Ruby
[X] Lusca
[X] Adam
[X] Wrath, Fifth Lord of the Abyss (Warning: Extreme Fluctuations in Fate associated with target)
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Ruby
[X] Lusca
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Astrea (Warning: Total Divination Failure. No Further Information)
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Lusca
[x] Henry and a friend of his (The tagalong is mandatory)
[X] The Archmage (Warning: Existential Threat, Engage with Extreme Caution)
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 27

Posting the votes without partitioning to show what's winning for the project groups. For The World Anew's target, the current leads are Wrath at 12 votes and the Archmage at 7.
[X] Ruby
[X] Lusca
[X] Adam

[X] The Archmage (Warning: Existential Threat, Engage with Extreme Caution)

This vote makes me conflicted. I like Adam, but I don't know if I wanna possibly take him away from Henry's group. And there's no way we're adding two people to our already large group. At the same time, I feel like it's been too long since we've seen Adam, and this is a travesty that must be resolved, so uh.

Sorry, Henry. Have fun seething or brooding or whatever. If it makes you feel any better, the Archmage might die because of my vote!

Excluding Ruby is just flat out not going to happen. Lusca, now that I think of it, could be pretty helpful with the way she 'sees' things. Also, I'd like to see how both of these people interact with Adam, since we've never really seen him do things with other people before.

As for the Archmage vote, it'll be interesting no matter how the confrontation goes. If he lives to win against it, that's still him and possibly the school being attacked, so we might actually see some of it play out. If he dies, then it'd be interesting to see what Henry does afterwards, with his current enemy suddenly gone.
Posting the votes without partitioning to show what's winning for the project groups. For The World Anew's target, the current leads are Wrath at 12 votes and the Archmage at 7.
In the future, you might want to make it so that the tally program can automatically group them. Either use tasks with no partitioning:
[] [Group Project] people A
[] [Group Project] people B
[] Other vote

edit: This method doesn't actually work. Use below.
or use partition by block
[] Group Project
-[] people A
-[] people B
[] Other vote
Last edited: