Chapter 4;
Growing Pains
Sphere of Terra
2884 (2020)
The meeting was one held behind closed doors, with all too few present to discuss the events of note. The ilKhan of the Clans Martial was present, along with the First Lord and several other key figures in the new Star League's government. And they had not come together to discuss the patriotic nonsense that was broadcast to the rest of the people. They were here to discuss the harder truths.
"Our rate of growth is proving almost as problematic as poor growth would be. The majority of children are now being raised in the creches and educated in sibling companies, but we are still having to put the young to work in order to fuel our expansion, and while the oldest generations are passing on, there is still some opposition to the eugenics and genetic engineering programs, the most vocal being from the Clan Martial Wolverine." The ilKhan said plainly examing their datapad.
The First Lord nodded in response before the Director of the Martian Institute of Technology spoke up, the defacto Governor of Mars was plainspoken. "This is an issue in the civil branches as well, with the rate of growth sibkos as young as 12 are being directed into service in various fields, only the Scientist Caste has avoided the necessity of pressing their own children into service, the educational requirements simply cannot be skipped over. The idea of doubling our population every ten years is most certainly appealing, but it has left us with a population of predominantly children, children being raised by the state no less."
"What do you propose?" The First Lord asked turning to the Director.
"In truth, I do not know, at this stage we still need the growth and expansion. But we cannot sustain it forever, logistically or otherwise. I would actually suggest a conscious stepping back of growth to more manageable levels more than anything else, instead of doubling every ten years, adjust for fifteen years..." A raised hand cut off that line.
"I want to see you develop that into a hard proposal, at this stage I would be uncomfortable in reducing our population growth significantly, if at all. Just resettling Earth posed unexpected challenges, and it has taken some effort from genetic engineering to reintroduce domesticated life, and suitable crops, I understand that our growth curve is posing risks right now, but our population levels are still far too low for the safety of our species. What about the Mars Archives, and related discoveries?"
The irritation on the Directors face was masked and wiped away in moments. "We have found numerous reserves of element zero available for mining, but we are finding increasing evidence the Protheans civilisation was fairly expansive, until it was not. We are preparing for the activation of the Charon Relay to initiate a test connection, we believe it may be targeted at the Arcturus Relay." The First Lords face went stony. "We have requested the fleet under the ilKhan place a squadron of Battleships nearby in preparation, as well as requested a Bug-Eye to perform the first relay jump to test whether it performs as expected, we would be sending probes through first, and we have requested a fleet to wait by the Arcturus Relay to intercept, and return, them."
"So, you want us to step back our growth programs," The First Lords voice was low, troubled and perhaps angry, but not to a dangerous level yet... "Step back on the eugenics and genetic engineering reforms, all the while you play with the fire and hope whatever erased an entire civilisation before our arrival doesn't come to knock your teeth in?" The last words were hissed, an accusation.
The ilKhan stepped in by speaking, "No First Lord. We only wish to apprise you of potential pitfalls in our current course and ameliorate risks. My Lord, we wish to activate this relay to test the technology only, determine its limits and potential and then, and only then, perhaps activate one of the other relays near Arcturus and send through a recon expedition."
"It is our theory," The Director interjected, "That these relays were placed strategically either from an economic or military perspective, and will likely be found near clusters of habitable worlds. The faster than light travel the Protheans utilized as best as we can tell were quite significantly limited in range and speed, even without combining the technology with a Kearny-Fuchida Drive, on an individual level a JumpShip with access to recharging stations was faster than a mass effect drive vessel. We can reach further from the Relays in an acceptable amount of time than their own ships could."
The First Lord calmed. "An excellent point. But that does not address the risk of opening up such things, while we continue to have teething problems like our population growth. So this question I direct back at you ilKhan Drummond. Can we realistically secure our space well enough to protect it?"
The ilKhan nodded. "I believe that we can. With five percent of the population being assigned to the military caste and assigned to the various Clans Martial we do have a significant military force to call upon, and the improvements to our technology the Prothean technology has allowed us to enact has begin significant efforts to increase our military capability, the Omnimech projects are well underway, and powered Battle Armour has been demonstrated as far more feasible with the Clan Wolf Elemental design, we believe with the use of mass effect fields we might even be able to get sustained flight from their jump jets, and our WarShips are undergoing periodic cycling back to the Newgranges for upgrades to be installed, at least until the Martian Shipyards are fully completed."
"But, is it enough." The First Lord stressed.
"First Lord, I cannot answer that, we simply lack the knowledge of the enemy that eliminated the Protheans, or forced them to retreat from this region of space. But we cannot find out this information sitting back behind the inactive relays and waiting for an answer to appear." the ilKhan answered bluntly.
"I want proposals for the test on my table, in excruciating detail, by the end of the week. Until then, pending final approval, you have pre-approval to begin moving resources for a possible test. Good day."