Well, above galaxies, is the Local Group. So using the rank 'Local Commander' as the next step higher than a Galaxy Commander, would fit in with their naming scheme. So, someone in charge of 2-5 Galaxies of troops/ships.
However, you might want to add two more levels as well. Possibly formalizing the term 'Nova Colonel'
and 'Binary Commander'. Because then it brings up the overall total to ten ranks, which falls in line better with Nicholas' scheme of basing units around the number 5.
Currently its this:
- Khan
- SaKhan
- Galaxy Commander
- Star Colonel
- Star Captain
- Star Commander
- Point Commander
Warrior - Technically is NOT an officer rank. Just means you're a fighting member of the Clan.
I'd go with Nova Colonel myself, as it denotes a more specialized
(elite?) combined arms formation, between Star Colonel & Star Captain, that would be a good stepping stone - the old 'get your toes wet, before the big ranks' idea -
before being offered the really big ranks. They'd command Supernova formations.
A rank specific to Binaries, with Star Captains bumped straight to commanding Trinaries, is also likely required, with the new rank being specific to Binary commands. Possibly the last rank before you start to seriously get into the logistical deep end, aka the last 'pure' combat command rank. Also the first rank to really get into the strategic side of things due to larger options available as a semi-mixed arms formation (
heavily biased towards one type of unit, and then a smattering of other types).
Actual Star Captains would still be, obviously, combat commands, but also have solid experience with a logistical tail and/or are also the lowest formation to truly be considered a
viable full combined arms unit (
Mech, Vehicle, and either BA, ASF, or Arty/Support if a ground unit. Naval branch would likely be the lowest WarShip command rank, in charge of their WarShip, all parasite DropShips assigned to it, plus all other smaller craft specific to them) without needing to poach from/lean on other formations. Until boots are on the ground, Naval officers of said rank are automatically seen as senior to ground commanders of the same rank, then it flips after a beachhead is secured. This would be the true 'make it or break it rank' that separates the nominal ceiling most Clan officers ever reach, from the true ristars.
So it'd change to be:
- Khan
- SaKhan
- Local Commander (New)
- Galaxy Commander
- Star Colonel
- Nova Colonel (New)
- Star Captain
- Binary Captain (New)
- Star Commander
- Point Commander
This also neatly keeps down confusion as there are only two ranks of 'senior' Commanders, Local & Galaxy; and then two splits for each of the lower officer ranks (Colonel, Captain, Commander).