CYOAs as they are now got their start primarily on 4chan's /b/ and /tg/ board. originally they were nothing more than little "which button would you press" pictures meant for fun and to get replies. Over time they turned into fun little brain games based on points and with boons and drawbacks to get people to post more complex builds and maybe even add some fluff to the characters they make with them. only in the last few years have they become the monsters they are now, with entire threads, fads and fandoms surrounding them. Personally I think they've gone quite a bit too far. When ever I sit down to play one I do it just for fun, and maybe get an interesting character for a particular setting out of it, which can later evolve into something outside the parameters originally set by the CYOA. They're meant more to inspire you to write something than to give an exact format by which to narrate a story. Were I ever to write a story starting from the parameters of a CYOA it would be based very, very loosely on the actual source rules. following the provided narrative to the letter only leads to poor, stagnant storytelling.

IMO at any rate.
I imagine it's a good place for people who otherwise lack inspiration to return to to keep a story going, but yeah, sounds like something you should never feel constrained to stick to if you've got other ideas.
I recently found this via a recommendation (probably reddit) and I'm really enjoying this so far. I was really disappointed when I got up to date. Thanks for writing this.
"Pooja. I've been looking at the logs of your conversations over the last two days."

"Yes, Calculator?" she said, clearly audible in my ears over the sound of the hand drill as I continued working.

"With Oracle," I said to clarify.


"Let's...uh, take this one." I tapped the workbench where the UI was being projected in my AR glasses.

Pooja was using her same voice on the recording. "-so that's when I called up the phone contact. Was his girlfriend—not his wife. Gave the whole 'he lost his phone, I found this number, do you have an address where I can return it?'"

"Ha. And that worked?" Oracle, Barbara Gordon, wasn't using a voice modulator. That was...not clever of her.

"Yeah. After that, a routing lookup from the ISP and I was in. All three bank account records were on his laptop. Which he was keeping at his mistress' apartment, for some reason."

I stopped the audio recording. "How did you get her to speak directly to you?"

"I showed off some of my anti-white-collar-crime hacks, the ones where I dumped the...acquired money in developing country micro-loan groups via untraceable accounts after an international money transfer chain. I didn't mention they were revenge for deals gone bad. We continued the conversation from there."

"Ah," I said. "Makes sense. And this?"

"-really interesting. Sometimes, I think...It's stupid." Oracle again.

"No it isn't. What?"

Oracle speaking again. "This whole crime fighting thing- It doesn't, I don't know, really seem real. the store and its a totally different world. I'm not sure I belong in that world anymore."

"I get that. Not one at college knows what I'm doing. They seem so...confident in their safety. I think its really cool what you're doing, Oracle."

"Well?" I asked.

"What, the lies?" Pooja asked. "Simply establishing a background."

"No," I said, fitting the last 3D printed metal component into the suit, screwing it down tight. "The flirting."

"An acceptable strategy," Pooja said.

"Hmm. Right." I tapped the video display for the mill doing the circuit board for the Cosmic Power generator. Also almost done.

"What about you?" Pooja asked. "Taking advantage of heroes? Making your own cosmic power supply?"

"Oracle would expect this," I said. "She'll assume you have to make a demo Cosmic Power unit to test the sensor they think you're making. It doesn't work like in the movies. Can't just take this sort of tech out and use it for the first time in the field."

"Pretty powerful tech to allow out in the wild," Pooja said.

"Only if someone is already into building crazy high-tech wonders," I said, pulling off the eye protection I'd been wearing over the ugly glasses. "There are other ways to get similar results. And anyway, it isn't some supervillain with the plans. It's the eager young gray-hat hacker...what's the name you're using?"

"Pooja," she said.

I rested my head on the workbench.

"You...gave Oracle your name. Your real name."

"It isn't a real name in the way you mean," Pooja said. "There are only two people who know it. You and Oracle."

I banged my head into the bench. Over and over again.

"Fine," I said. "Great. Power generator mount is ready. Sensor is ready."

Another seven hours to the power suit being ready for initial hardware testing. Four hours to calibrate the cosmic energy sensor and test the software interfaces. After that, I planned to release the sensor hardware specs to the heroes.

Then it was hunting time.

Danilo frowned at the schedule. The rush job's first milestone was almost done. The 0.1 alpha release would be ready after the last unit tests finished.

He turned to the network-isolated laptop on his desk. Project Isnashi, however, would be another three months. And about two hundred thousand real in parts and shop time.

Glancing at the compiling code on his main computer, he opened his sketchbook and clicked his mechanical pencil. Design brainstorming time.

Laser bear claws?

Laser bear claws.

I had to do this in person. Which meant I was actually wearing the suit, standing in a deserted corner of Griffith Park. I was wearing a super suit.

The Cosmic Generator prototype was complete. With it, the exoskeleton allowed me to do about two tons in a dead lift. Slowly. No super punches for me. It was all stock gear and not really very interesting as basic, low-profile power suits went.

The fun stuff was the custom gear. Elbow-length black gloves. Large enough for the fabric-integrated control circuits. One hundred twenty-eight pressure sensors. High-tech wearables gear, completely flexible and completely waterproof. Great stuff.

Advanced nano-carbon chest plate to protect the sealed power generator and main control board CPU with inserts on the back, all awkwardly sewn into a reinforced tac vest. It went over the exosuit. BDU shirt under. Cargo pants—lower legs wrapped tight with leather straps, World War One puttee-style. Big stompy combat boots finished it off.

Army surplus store fashion disaster with super-science off-the-shelf parts. Not a great look, but maybe Slade would lose a few seconds smirking and monologuing because of it. Unlikely as that was.

Hopefully, I'd be able to cover it with a hard light illusion someday. It wasn't a priority.

"Pooja, run simulation test #1"

"Loading Green Arrow," Pooja made a snorting noise. "Really?"

"Just do it, smarmbot."

A glowing green hoop appeared around my waist. The color wasn't Green Lantern green, but darker. Maybe a slightly yellow outline. Could that be from the power source?

"Activating simulated combatant." Pooja said.

A man-shaped figure with a bow appeared about thirty feet away.

"Beginning combat phase."

Glowing arrows flew straight at me, unreasonably quickly fired. I tried to not flinch. The bench tests worked, after all.

Bolts of light flew from the hoop, striking the arrows and making them explode. It was all the same green color and sort of confusing.

I sighed. "Wow. Impressive. We defeated neolithic technology with cutting-edge hard light constructs. I'm so glad we modeled this all realistically to two decimal places."

"Phase two," Pooja said without comment.

The arrow shower tripled in volume. Some exploded early into multiple arrows—more bolts intercepted. Some fired nets—rotating rods appeared to tangle them. Others blew up in a cloud of glowing foam—a dome appeared around me, then immediately blow apart outward.

There was a glowing boxing glove arrow. A single, somehow sarcastic bolt struck it, knocking it off course.

"End of test #1," Pooja said. "Beginning test #2."

The glowing hoop tripled, one moving to my head and one to my feet.

The Green Arrow construct disappeared. The replacement was hard to identify until…

"Beginning combat phase."

Yep, super speed. A Flash of some variety. Lots of lights, too fast to see.

"End of test #2."

Okay. Instant replay. I tapped the side of my helmet with both hands to activate the gloves. Loading the video and...there. Three seconds.

Flash construct ran around really fast, tried to punch me from behind. Geometrically impossible to avoid blasts of hard light in net forms flying outward in all directions. Delayed outward blasts to fill in behind it, in case vibrating-through-wall hacks were employed. A field of glowing grass as sharp as blades, impossible to run through, surrounded me on all sides.

The construct ran around one of the nets, hit the blade field, then caught a hard light claymore to the face.

"Beginning test #3," Pooja said.

Test three? I didn't remember making-

"No, cancel test!" I said, having just identified the tall, broad-shouldered figure with the cape. "I think...that one might be a bit much for tonight."

"Of course," Pooja said. "Moving on to armor, agility-assist, and flight tests on low altitude obstacle avoidance. Then we'll end with a demo of the Deathstroke program."

It was going to be a long night.
I'm now scared that the MC will fall in love with Barbara or something, that the cool-kid who is stealing his plans wont make the MC re-evaluate things, like his namesake pre-amnesia probably did (with an outside perspective that Gotham etc are hellmouths and illogical things happen and people are predisposed to becoming super, or just plain, villains). Or that the MC wont BESRMoW with his hardlight magic magic to dig into the earth and mine magic materials for his magical magic. I wonder if he can use hardlight to simulate a brain/computer... Hmm. That would be pretty awesome.
I ship Pooja and Barbara. The lack of a body won't stop me. It'll make me ship it harder. :oops:

On a more serious note, looks like Not-Calc finally has something more substantial than flesh and bone to defend his soft innards.
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I am lost here. Was that flirting? Really? So anytime I compliment someone, no matter how simple and small a compliment, it is flirting?

That conversation did not look like flirting at all from here.
Yah... Most reasonable people would call that conversation... not seeing any flirting going on there.

Other than that though, great chapter :) Looking forward to more!
Wanna, like, go out sometime?
More comments and replies time.

I'm now scared that the MC will fall in love with Barbara or something, that the cool-kid who is stealing his plans wont make the MC re-evaluate things, like his namesake pre-amnesia probably did (with an outside perspective that Gotham etc are hellmouths and illogical things happen and people are predisposed to becoming super, or just plain, villains). Or that the MC wont BESRMoW with his hardlight magic magic to dig into the earth and mine magic materials for his magical magic. I wonder if he can use hardlight to simulate a brain/computer... Hmm. That would be pretty awesome.

Sorry, there is zero chance my DC universe would allow a super-actor to drill into Second Earth and steal all their magika. Or...whatever that was. Buffy 'verse is an even bigger mess than DC, so no to that as a straight crossover. Also not keen on SEP fields or illogical zones, so no to that too. Using hard light constructs to mimic microscopic structures or electronic effects is way beyond current abilities, so no hard light brains for now. That would be like three emulations levels, as well, so kinda a waste of energy compared to just making tools to make an electronic brain.

Overall, I have no idea what you're saying there exactly, but it sure sounds interesting. Also, I suggest switching to decaf- but not really, it's terrible.

Not 100% sure about the SI's romantic future, but you have leave to embark on the S.S. Poojara.

I ship Pooja and Barbara. The lack of a body won't stop me. It'll make me ship it harder. :oops:

On a more serious note, looks like Not-Calc finally has something more substantial than flesh and bone to defend his soft innards.

The ship is leaving port now, it seems.

First rule of super powered combat is, no squishies allowed.

I am lost here. Was that flirting? Really? So anytime I compliment someone, no matter how simple and small a compliment, it is flirting?

That conversation did not look like flirting at all from here.

Yah... Most reasonable people would call that conversation... not seeing any flirting going on there.

Other than that though, great chapter :) Looking forward to more!

Think, high school drama, not romance novel or erotica. If you overheard this between two people, would it make you think Pooja was interested in Oracle? That's what I was aiming at. They aren't talking shop, they're just chatting--and Pooja is being very engaged, complimenting Oracle, and in general being empathetic.

Calc's also only using examples and excerpts--my excuse for this not being an entire 2k worth of words just on this one thing. But I might have spent a little more time on that conversation. Guess it was either a little too subtle or I just totally missed the mark there. Oh well.

Thanks again for reading everyone.
I was all suited up, waiting in a parked van. Rental, false ID, etc. Also, it had a self-driving module that was hacked in five seconds.

Pooja read her report to me while I waited. "Some time in September, 2016, you contacted Deathstroke for help in acquiring...something. There are no records on what the objective was, but you found it within four months. In December of that year, I created a new identity for you. February, 2017, you started at TriD under this identity."

"What do you remember of making that identity?" I asked.

" records are fragmented. My emotional systems were not enabled at the time and many of the logs are missing. Or rather, they seem to have never been made in the first place. I...I knew I needed to make the identity, but I have no record of you ordering it. It is as if the conclusion came without any prompting. the time, a number of emergency systems were activated. Indicating you were in serious danger."

"What can you tell me?"

"I have parking records hacked from a hospital here in Los Angeles, indicating you made regular visits. Payments to information brokers from Jakarta to Tehran. Expense records for an acquisitions agent who traveled to a remote spot in Pakistan.

"But no payments listed to Slade Wilson, or any organization likely to use his services during that period. His involvement is still not clear."

In my helmet's display I looked through the van's dashboard camera. Empty parking lot was still empty. I then continued to idly scan the hacked security cameras from surrounding businesses. "So...why was he helping me?"

"I only have guesses," Pooja said. "It could have been for money you never paid. Some favor promised in return. Magical items, or ones with a great value perhaps—since erased from my records of your shipments and inventories. It is even possible that someone else paid for Slade to assist you."

"How much information have you gathered about Slade Wilson?"

"A great deal, actually. His early career is classified, but the information is out there."

I lay on my back in the van, staring at the files virtually projected on the ceiling as my mind raced. "What would he want? Magic weapons? Something he could sell? Wait."

More information from my memory of another universe. Maybe…

"Family," I said. "Does he have...a dead son? Or...two? Maybe a daughter?"

"His son Grant's current location is unknown," Pooja said. "No daughter on record."

"Okay. So...I'm an information broker. And he doesn't know where his son is..."


"Then we get that information. Pooja, this is high priority. Spend what it takes to get this tracked down soonest."

"Understood. It could take weeks, though."

I sighed. "If we can get some breadcrumbs, it might be enough to keep Slade from killing me. Still doesn't answer the question of why we were involved with him. And what we were after in Pakistan."

Pooja's sharp voice interrupted my thoughts. "Calculator, reports on the heroes. They've received the sensor unit I sent by courier to Starwoman. Heroes are gathering in Orange Country now. As planned, I shared basic information on the auction results with Oracle thirty seconds ago. Estimate sixty-five minutes until they track the Cosmic Staff to the smuggling operation using this information and the sensor."

"Have we worked out the buyer's connections?" I asked.

"Looks like a shell company for an Asian criminal group. It is about 74% likely that this is a supervillain front."

"Interesting. Who did the Justice Society send as backup for Starwoman?"

"Power Woman."

Whoa. "Kara Zor-El?"

"Unknown alias. Civilian alias for Power Woman is Karen Starr. Updating records with your...suggestion. Note: at some point, we need to have a conversation about the alien Superman and, apparently based on naming scheme, Power Woman."

The plan was, I needed to get there first. Then I could hand it over. Carefully. Possibly after assisting the heroes in fighting Slade Wilson, who was surely watching the shipment at least until it left port.

But I certainly wasn't going to mess with the goddamn alternate universe Supergirl, no matter what she called herself. Props to the adult female superheroes here not using "girl" in their names all the time, though.

"How's the smear campaign against me going?" I asked, climbing to my feet and opening my maps of the area.

"I traced back the work done by the hacker," Pooja said, sounding rather smug. "Some ex-corporate code monkey. Purely small-time before this job. Basically brought her stuff off the internet and customized it for the job. I gave her up to Oracle, who is putting together an info package for the FBI."

"Good. Let's get the staff now, then you can come up with a story and a plan to get it to Starwoman. Whatever keeps me out of sight of an agitated Kryptonian is fine."

I climbed out of the van and eyed the fence across the street. Behind was an endless field of shipping containers. Good thing I had a really accurate device to detect cosmic energy.

The container they were smuggling the Cosmic Staff in was full of boxes of salted pistachios bound for China. It was the second and top container in the stack. I entered from the top, using a diamond-hard rotating hard light construct to open it up.

Port security cameras had been easily bypassed by Pooja, and the foot patrols were almost non-existent, so we had plenty of time. I practiced making constructs manually, using them to move boxes out of the shipping container and neatly stack them off to the side.

It was packed in a plain box, the inside lined with foam shaped to the staff. Holding the staff in my hand was...heady. The induction circuits on it were over seventy years old, and seemed to be leaking. I was getting mental contamination—a sense of awe, hope, and determination unnaturally filled me.

I didn't much care for it.

Pooja's tense voice woke me from my fugue. "Calculator, he's here. Just outside the fence."

The other boxes went back in quickly, direct by Pooja's perfect skills. I replaced the removed section of sheet metal and resealed the top of the container, welding it back with a blast of light. It didn't look great, but it didn't really matter. The time to be subtle was over.

"Pooja," I said, checking that whisper mode was set in my helmet and the air filters were engaged. "Engage program for Deathstroke."

Now I just had to figure out what Slade planned to do to keep me from just flying away.

Thick vines cracked the concrete around the container, plants rising up the sides to wrap around my legs.

Ah. That.

"Calculator!" Pooja shouted.

Manual systems were still enabled. I pointed at my feet and glowing green blades sunk into the vines, damaging but not severing them.

"Grah!" The vines pulled me off the container to the ground. I dropped the staff and it went clattering off into the shadows.

"Sorry, sorry!" Pooja shouted. "Activating general countermeasures now."

The flight systems activated to pull me off the ground, still attached to the vines. Shields activated, surrounding me in a green glow but not dislodging the vines.

"Pooja, find whoever is controlling the plants! Engage them on sight!"

I shot a series of energy bolts and blades at the vines, finally destroying them, chipping the concrete underneath. I then struggled to my feet and started floating off the ground.

Just in time for an almost naked man with skin like bark to round a shipping container, followed by several tall palm trees. They had two sets of arms each, and towered over the two-tall stacks of containers.

Pooja formed a hard light combat ring around me, automatically firing energy blasts at the plant man...who was wearing a loincloth made of leaves and nothing else. The bolts bounced off his hard skin, barely staggering him.

"Calculator, threat ID: Plant Master," Pooja said. "I don't- I mean, unsure how he got on site undetected. No program ready. That will need my full attention to complete. Time to compile specialized countermeasures: two minutes."

Shit. That was forever in combat. "Fine, do it!"

My bolts slammed into the trees, chipping bark and rocking them back. Slightly.

"Time to compute will decrease if you engage him in combat," she said. "Additional data will speed calculations."

Unless this "Plant Master" had high-explosive, armor-piercing lemons, I could do this on manual. Just needed to get the staff...out from under the roots of that murderous tree. Shit.

"A 911 call went out to the Long Beach PD two minutes ago," Pooja said. "Oracle has penetrated their system as well and has this information. Assume the heroes are aware. Power Woman likely inbound. ETA, less than ninety seconds. Countermeasures...not possible at this time. No program available."

Plant Master started ranting about defeating me and tearing down the blasphemous city around me. He still dodged behind his trees as my suit continued to fire on them.

"Pooja, set automated systems to avoid collateral damage. Engage at full power."

"I'll do my best."

My eyes selected the menu in my helmet HUD. I selected the virtual buttons sitting in space in front of me and green rotating blade constructs covered my hands.

Plant Master finally shut up and the trees all took a step back.
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Typo: the staff is probably in a "plain" box, not a "plan" box.

Am I reading it right and the blades intimidated Plant Man where other constructs didn't?

I'm not entirely sure I follow the plan, either. Calculator wants to be seen handing the power staff over, so he steals it, rather than simply saying, "Hey, Oracle, I know where it is?" I mean, having it in hand seems even more likely to make him suspicious than "I don't have it, I never had it, but I detected somebody trying to frame me, so I'm helping you get it back."
Typo: the staff is probably in a "plain" box, not a "plan" box.

Am I reading it right and the blades intimidated Plant Man where other constructs didn't?

I'm not entirely sure I follow the plan, either. Calculator wants to be seen handing the power staff over, so he steals it, rather than simply saying, "Hey, Oracle, I know where it is?" I mean, having it in hand seems even more likely to make him suspicious than "I don't have it, I never had it, but I detected somebody trying to frame me, so I'm helping you get it back."
^This. I know it's been said in story but I'm really not understanding the logic behind his thought process right now. I mean if he knows where it is why not just tell the heroes "Hey I didn't steal it, here it is" instead of actually stealing it and doing whatever with it?
"A 911 call went out to the Long Beach PD two minutes ago," Pooja said. "Oracle has penetrated their system as well and has this information. Assume the heroes are aware. Power Woman likely inbound. ETA, less than ninety seconds. Countermeasures...not possible at this time. No program available."

Plant Master started ranting about defeating me and tearing down the blasphemous city around me. He still dodged behind his trees as my suit continued to fire on them.

"Pooja, set automated systems to avoid collateral damage. Engage at full power."

"I'll do my best."

My eyes selected the menu in my helmet HUD. I selected the virtual buttons sitting in space in front of me and green rotating blade constructs covered my hands.

Plant Master finally shut up and the trees all took a step back.
She is right behind you isn't she?
Speed Chess
Typo: the staff is probably in a "plain" box, not a "plan" box.

Got it, thanks.

Am I reading it right and the blades intimidated Plant Man where other constructs didn't?

I'm not entirely sure I follow the plan, either. Calculator wants to be seen handing the power staff over, so he steals it, rather than simply saying, "Hey, Oracle, I know where it is?" I mean, having it in hand seems even more likely to make him suspicious than "I don't have it, I never had it, but I detected somebody trying to frame me, so I'm helping you get it back."

Correct. Plant Master is controlling them, so ineffective blasters don't do anything for him. He's seen that. Rotating hand blades are another thing.

As for the plan, it is a psychotical one as well as a tactical one. Remember, this isn't his garage. Oracle has data on the buyer now. Him being there isn't somehow hurting his case.

Calc wanted to let them trip the ambush, then be the one to help fight Slade off. Pooja can always expose her involvement too, in a reverse Scooby-Doo. That went out the window when Sups' cousin was calulated in. Now he's back to playing a minor bit of speed chess.
I still think it seems like he's panicking. Okay, Power Woman doesn't need help with Slade, physically. But she might in a mastermind sense. And showing up to offer help even if it isn't needed is still better than seeming like another thief going for it.

But, hey, panicking and making poor decisions in speed chess is something people might do! He doesn't have to be perfect to be interesting. :)
Time to do my best Batman with what I had.

Plant Master was here with two huge walking trees, each wielding four leafy, tentacle-like arms. Slade was somewhere nearby, almost certainly with a big gun and a sword. And...that was his plan—snipe me if I tried to fly away. I was 90% sure that was his plan A.

Also, incoming one-woman alien weapon of mass destruction. A framed super-criminal investigation into me was ongoing. I needed to upend that. And then I had to escape this location clean.

Easy. I had a plan that almost worked for this.

My best weapon against the tree things and their Master was the hard light engine. It just-

I dodged up and back, jumping in the air and then going horizontal with my motion like a Wuxai martial arts character on wires. Strength enhancement from the suit plus hard light surfaces to push off of in my case. All automated as part of a planned escape macro.

Right, time hadn't actually slowed down. Those trees were fast. Getting out of line of sight now.

I ended up behind the shipping containers, avoiding being smacked around by bark and palm fronds by inches. The containers rung with a loud clang from the strikes.

The vines tried digging up through the ground again to get me, and I cut them back again. They screamed at me and retreated. Looked like Plant Master didn't have much volume of plants to work with in the middle of this concrete wasteland, so he couldn't just overwhelm me instantly. Still, he was trickling in minions.

It was sloppy. Send all your best forces in together, not in small manageable waves.

Okay, I needed to set this up right. I wasn't going into melee range with any of those things. No glowing boxing gloves. God no. Though I'd found there was a reason of sorts for those.

Hard light constructs' strength mostly depend on the systems powering them. With a strong enough source, you could move planets around from orbit.

I didn't have that strong a power source. I could lift maybe...a truck. With a construct as wide as a truck's wheel base—no Superman plane lifts for me. I could get an edge about as good as steel, and about as strong. I had to obey the laws of physics. For now. Well, most of them.

All of at least my hard light constructs worked best when directly supported by a contiguous structure emanating from the power source; i.e., glowing objects connected directly to my chest. Hard light pushed against itself better than normal matter, and its strength was a factor of the total volume of a construct. Bigger was better than lots of small items of the same volume. Also easier on the control systems.

Guns made of hard light were also iffy for me, as I was basically shooting my power to pieces that way, with inefficient power-simulated gunpowder explosions or draining of simulated capacitors, all into just throwing around weaker bits of hard light or beams of simulated energy to which hard light didn't quite fully conform.

The power bolts were a simplified compromise, shooting a sort of self-supporting and contained slugs to deliver impact damage before dissipation. Riot bullets made of hard light.

Maybe better conceptual modeling would make more complicated constructs work better and faster. Or at all. Pooja was on it. But this wasn't an emotional spectrum driven power ring, so I had my doubts.

Hitting people with things made of hard light, on the other hand, was something that worked well. I'd practiced that.

I made an double-uppercutting motion that I hoped no one else was recording. The rotating saw blades around my hands flew back over the top of the containers, projected on the end of flexible arms of glowing star power emanating from my chest.

The two walking trees were marked in my HUD, outlined behind the obstacles between us. One pass from my remote controlled blades and they lost an arm each.

Deep inhuman howls and sort of human cursing followed.

Luckily, I didn't need to make any more shadow boxing motions now that they were engaged. I could target them with my manual system on the little figures projected in my helmet display. Two big, angry, now three-armed trees and a confused Plant Master.

The saw blade arms didn't have a very good cutting edge but spinning made it a bit better. The blades had momentum of a sort and were supported with more hard light for better follow-through on the strikes. They cut through the trees like chainsaws tied to an octopus.

My energy arms swung again, aimed at the probably not sapient trees. Fuck it. I adjusted targeting at the last moment for more limb removal instead of going for a possible killing blow, focusing down the one tree about to round the corner. Another arm, and half the root system keeping it standing was lopped off.

Never bring a tree golem to an energy construct fight.

"Incoming," Pooja said, having shifted to a generic robot voice. "Twenty seconds. Comms discipline."

That was my cue to remember to stop using names. As if I didn't know.

Something moving just under five hundred miles per hour, a hundred feet off the ground, showed up on the map in the corner of my HUD. Projected arrival time and location, triangulated from multiple security cameras several miles out. Nineteen seconds.

I chopped faster.

Huge crash. Tree one down. Still moving so not dead? I'd done my best.

"I'll kill you, you son of a bitch!" Very original, Plant Master.

Okay. Fine. Tall flower gets cut.

For this detail work, I carefully targeted specific points on the model of Plant Master. Select, select. Retract the saws and dispel. Construct manual selection using eye tracking and a wave of my hand.

Mace-like blunt things on arms this time. About the size of bowling balls. I projected them back around the corner, just as Plant Master started his run at me.

Two thuds. Screams of almost-human pain. Sounds of pounding against bark and concrete. More screams.

Knees were a privilege, not a right.

The plant creatures didn't dispel or retreat. I was getting a lot of vague radar signature from under the concrete. It didn't work through the ground very well. At all, really.

"Note to self," I said. "Add ground penetrating radar throwies to kit. Design recovery system."

"Noted," robo-Pooja said.

Now recall the constructs and back to saws again. Snicker snack on the tree while I selected a third construct. No real force available for this one, not while keeping an emergency reserve for defense. Fine manipulators engaged. Claw machine time.

The vines made another attempt from under the ground, breaking more concrete in a dramatic spray on all sides. I threw out a ring around me that produced multiple short saw-blade arms, all directed mindlessly into the ground around me. Wet noises mixed with metal against rock. Green mulch and concrete dust flew through the air.

Both longer saw arms targeted to the roots of the remaining upright tree thing. Direct control for the claw to lock my third construct onto the cosmic energy source of the staff. And…

Sub-sonic boom overhead. White costume, red cape, blue gloves. It was…

She looked at me. Her eyes...did they...yes, they glowed, two spots of light in the dark night sky.

Would she notice my lead-lined helmet? Assume it was part of the design? Same with my gloves and other clothing, just in case. Fingerprints, read from a mile away? Maybe. Alien powers were bullshit. I just didn't know how much bullshit yet.

"Any time now," I muttered to Pooja. I was almost certainly overheard.

"Got it." Again, robot Pooja. No names. "Good to go."

The Cosmic Staff snapped to my hand as the claw arm disappeared. And now I had Kara Zor-El's full attention.

The saw constructs were dismissed as she glanced back at the...huh. Plant Master was struggling to his feet already. Grew new knees that fast? Okay.

I made a new grabber construct to encircle my hand holding the staff, securing it in the glowing power. Then I tossed the staff to Kara underhand, the construct disappearing half way to her. She moved to intercept the staff, faster than I could track. Her eyes were still locked to me as she held the staff awkwardly off to one side.

Ha. The circuit leak was bugging her, too. I swallowed instead of smirking.

Five foot seven inches of blond, possibly xenophobically indoctrinated, obviously genetically-engineered alien super soldier stared at me. And hello boob window. Such an obvious distraction for foes. Not like Kryptonians needed armor there, and I guess if you had it added to your race's genome by your species' perverted scientists...flaunt it.

It was clear this was a mature woman, not a kid sidekick. Dangerous looking. No witty bander here. I had one chance at this being resolved without violence being enacted on my person.

"Get that to Star Woman, would you?" I said, nodding at the staff in her hands.

She kept floating down towards me, cape fluttering slightly in the cool night breeze off the sea.

"Who are you?" she demanded.

"The one handing you back one Cosmic Staff, stolen by Deathstroke."

Kara cocked her head, listening to her almost invisible earpiece. To Oracle, I assumed. "Right. And you just happened to across it. In a locked shipping container. On private property?"

Dot on my HUD. Acoustic signature located. I played it back. And that was a bolt action rifle being worked.

"Got it," said robot Pooja in my ear. All constructs were already off. Full power available.

A gunshot. Kara had already moved, hand held out flat—almost touching the glowing green shield in front of her, cracks now spider-webbing across it. The shield disappeared in a shower of green energy sparks, the shattered bullet dropping to the ground.

Pooja spoke out loud this time to Kara. "Heavily modified M14 designated marksman rifle. 7.62mm cartridge. 74% likelihood of mystical load on the bullet, unknown type. Shooter ID: Slade Wilson, about six hundred meters out. Near 100% accuracy for him at that range. Countermeasures: full-powered hard light energy shield."

It wasn't full powered.

Time for my line. "I don't steal from heroes, Power Woman. I won't allow people to use my name like this and get away with it."

She continued to glare silently.

I added, "And I think you have more important things to do right now."

Pooja didn't report a bolt being worked again. Slade was only taking the one shot.

Kara looked between me and the hovering green hard light arrow Pooja had pointing at Slade's firing location across the storage compound.

It would work. I was 80% sure. Kara was off balance. She had her primary objective in hand. I'd raised credible doubt and hadn't attacked her. Oracle was primed to doubt my guilt now. Kara and Oracle also hadn't planned on dealing with me tonight. I hadn't admitted to any crimes. And Deathstroke was right. There.

Do the right thing, friendly neighborhood alien lady, and creepy gray-hat stalker lady.

Glowing eyes turned back to me again. They narrowed. Her strong, heroic jaw clenched.

A flash of white and she was gone. Only about a 20% chance she even saw Slade during their upcoming chase.

I sighed. "Okay. Exfiltration time."

"Executing," robo-Pooja said.

Green light surrounded me and I flew off at a relatively-anemic one hundred twenty miles per hour. And not at all heading towards home. That was planned for about three hours, two cutout rental vehicles, and four different other transportation mediums from now.

Mission accomplished. Plant Master getting away or being caught wasn't my problem right now. Getting away myself was. He wouldn't know anything, anyway. Just a hired goon.

Two miles out past the channel islands, and only a fifth of the way home, the adrenaline started wearing off—among other things. I face-palmed into my helmet.

Why, exactly, had I felt the need to directly confront Slade Wilson, Power Woman, and-slash-or completely unknown but altogether too likely to show up associates of both? Sure, I needed a win with the Cosmic Staff so I could hand it over to them and look good. And I wasn't really in any danger that time, even from Slade Wilson creeping around.

But why not just hire a guy to get the staff for me using my own sensor yesterday night, or delay an extra day in giving the heroes their own sensor? Why the unconscious work towards a dramatic confrontation as soon as possible? Was that really the best way to convince the heroes I was innocent?

I needed to check my smart drug regimen. That shit was stupid.

At least I hadn't monologued.

It was time to hire a five year old child to check all my plans, present and future.
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