The Biggest Clusterfuck That Ever Was [KanColle X World of Warships] (Sorta kinda maybe)

So we get fewer credits and resources (fuel, steel, ammo, bauxite, electronics etc) from each battle then in Vanilla. That and repair/replenish costs are higher (planes, ammo, fuel, consumables you name it).

Nothing says you can't have Hiei or Nagato show up. People just haven't been focusing on them.

On another matter is it possible for high tier planes to make successful runs on T10 battleships or is the AA too thick in game.
Sounds like a good idea.

He has a point with Nagato and Hiei, I made this thread for fun after all. Just...with some...limits on how far we can go.

It's possible.
Nickel, can I get a final verdict on the usage of my missiles in this skirmish. I don't feel keen on having to discuss it with you more when everyone else is putting their plans into action.
Nickel, can I get a final verdict on the usage of my missiles in this skirmish. I don't feel keen on having to discuss it with you more when everyone else is putting their plans into action.
You can use them, but they will cost you later in terms of replenishing cost.
Seriously, this is more of an RP then just a story thing. Which is fine, but you are basically GMng man.
As intended.
Oh goodie.:drevil:

Scene set in the 'future' coming to mind. Will write tomorrow but have a teaser.

"Gentlemen, ladies, Nickels."
"The enemy is strong, the enemy is vast. But we have one advantage that they sorely lack."
"Unfortunately that wasn't in the budget Dakota. We'll have to settle for enough planes to blot out the sun and armed with enough bombs and torpedoes to make a new one at sea level."
Oh goodie.:drevil:

Scene set in the 'future' coming to mind. Will write tomorrow but have a teaser.

"Gentlemen, ladies, Nickels."
"The enemy is strong, the enemy is vast. But we have one advantage that they sorely lack."
"Unfortunately that wasn't in the budget Dakota. We'll have to settle for enough planes to blot out the sun and armed with enough bombs and torpedoes to make a new one at sea level."
"Nickel, Nickel bring it down a notch."

Question. Since of the Radar jamming can I just use "Wargaming and their lack of realism" as a reason why I can use my missiles. It is funny and rather true.
Eh, we are trying to be somewhat realistic.....
Ahhh, fuck it, just go ahead.
Don't give them ideas...​
It's from and old serial I doubt any of them would bother watching, I don't think it'll be an issue. Besides the torpedo was was either army or fleet killer I can't remember which, if any of the weapons from FDD would be allowed I think it would probably be one of the smaller lightning bombs that could just blast a house with nothing but lightning, or The Lightning's pistol. Which shot lightning and is part of why people consider the character one of the origins for Darth Vader.

Besides the melting lasers or some of the other ridiculous weapons would be more potent, with the melting laser having stupid fast speeds. Like only a couple minutes at most to cause a flood in a mine from just melting the outside fast.

Since all of that's flat out fictional, no problems. Even more so this stuff is from between 1930-1960 and serialized in theaters, so it's probably even less likely.
Galveston can be analogue of Kitakami from CBT. Firepower does not match everything else for it's tier, tricky to use, and everyone wants to kill you first.
Galveston can be analogue of Kitakami from CBT. Firepower does not match everything else for it's tier, tricky to use, and everyone wants to kill you first.

Thing is I'm not stuck with 10 KM Torpedos. I got a with a missile that was designed to splash aircraft, can splash ships with double the firepower of an 16 Inch gun, can attack from above, and IRL can splash ships from 25 miles out (thats roughly 40km and can splash aircraft from farther away.)

I also got the fore 6' Triple Mount.
Thing is I'm not stuck with 10 KM Torpedos. I got a with a missile that was designed to splash aircraft, can splash ships with double the firepower of an 16 Inch gun, can attack from above, and IRL can splash ships from 25 miles out (thats roughly 40km and can splash aircraft from farther away.)

I also got the fore 6' Triple Mount.
Which will cost us a fuckton to resupply, you can't carry a lot of them, and once they know what you can do, the Abyssals will prioritize upgrades to counter and sink you for good.

This is basically what the Abyssal super battleship is thinking right about now.
In Armored Warfare (WoT analogue with modern tanks) you can use missiles. It's not easy, and not one-hit wonder.
can splash ships with double the firepower of an 16 Inch gun
16 inch gun in-game has AP damage of 13500. Zao's Mark F3 torpedoes have 21376.

So, Talos can do about 26000 damage, fires in salvoes of 2 missiles, reloads about 2 minutes (Zao's Mark F3 torpedoes have 0.4 firing rate). And you can't fire them if you don't see the target (because it's "riding a beam").
No, it will be not overpowered. It will be gimmick.

With "real life" ship properties it becomes more powerful, however.

EDIT: Reading more about Talos. Is it armor-piercing in any way? Because if not - it becomes a very powerful HE round, and it's damage can be very reduced against battleships, depending where it hits.
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In Armored Warfare (WoT analogue with modern tanks) you can use missiles. It's not easy, and not one-hit wonder.

16 inch gun in-game has AP damage of 13500. Zao's Mark F3 torpedoes have 21376.

So, Talos can do about 26000 damage, fires in salvoes of 2 missiles, reloads about 2 minutes (Zao's Mark F3 torpedoes have 0.4 firing rate). And you can't fire them if you don't see the target (because it's "riding a beam").
No, it will be not overpowered. It will be gimmick.

With "real life" ship properties it becomes more powerful, however.

First off I specialize in gimmicks. When others use M16s I use DMRs. But the Talos missile is no gimmick, at least Irl. In 1968 U.S.S Oklahoma City was part of a training session of sorts. The group have been shooting/strafing a mothballed DE when she fired off a Talos missile with a dummy warhead. It hit the DE amidships punching through the deck hitting the boiler room. Then the DE exploded, cracked in half and sank.
In Armored Warfare (WoT analogue with modern tanks) you can use missiles. It's not easy, and not one-hit wonder.

16 inch gun in-game has AP damage of 13500. Zao's Mark F3 torpedoes have 21376.

So, Talos can do about 26000 damage, fires in salvoes of 2 missiles, reloads about 2 minutes (Zao's Mark F3 torpedoes have 0.4 firing rate). And you can't fire them if you don't see the target (because it's "riding a beam").
No, it will be not overpowered. It will be gimmick.

With "real life" ship properties it becomes more powerful, however.

EDIT: Reading more about Talos. Is it armor-piercing in any way? Because if not - it becomes a very powerful HE round, and it's damage can be very reduced against battleships, depending where it hits.
I'm on a mobile phone rn so I might be wrong, but it is implied that getting hit by a Talos round will do more damage to a ship than a 16 in round and I remember something about a sabot in my researching of the Galveston class. Not to mention that the missile goes Mach 2 or 2.5. Also from my sources the Galveston can hit an enemy ship from 40km with it Talos missile, more in-depth explanation given when I get out of the hay.
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I'm on a mobile phone rn so I might be wrong, but it is implied that getting hit by a Talos round will do more damage to a ship than a 16 in round and I remember something about a sabot in my researching of the Galveston class. Not to mention that the missile goes Mach 2 or 2.5. Also from my sources the Galveston can hit an enemy ship from 40km with it Talos missile, more in-depth explanation given when I get out of the hay.
Again, I shall say it. We will burn resources to resupply them, you can't carry a lot, and the Abyssals will start start to adapt and develop countermeasures not too long after you engage them with that thing.
Again, I shall say it. We will burn resources to resupply them, you can't carry a lot, and the Abyssals will start start to adapt and develop countermeasures not too long after you engage them with that thing.
I'm since it's why it's our ace in a hole. Also what type of counter measures?
Like I said, modernization will be undertaken at a later date. The Abyssals....are no exception.
So eventually I'll become an outdated useless hulk. That'll warm my crew just fine.
(This is if the abyssal mass arm their ships with ciws and things of the like.)
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