Ya,I would agree to this. Leave the published fiction alone but otherwise its free game.To be fair we have one original fiction on the list, but I would avoid published fiction.
So someone said that this thread was only for fanfiction but I don't see that anywhere? In the title and op the word used is 'fic' which,as far as I am aware,means 'fiction' in general. Original or not.
When I come to the fanfiction discussion board and click on a thread for the greatest fics of all time, I am looking for fanfiction. If people want a place to rec original fiction, they can make a "Best Original Web Stories of All Time" thread in the Fiction Discussion forum.Ya,I would agree to this. Leave the published fiction alone but otherwise its free game.
Trying to Get Bi - breeeliss - Miraculous Ladybug [Archive of Our Own]
Trying to Get Bi
Featuring: Bi!Ladybug and Bi!Chat Noir, a billboard of Adrien Agreste, a game of celebrity Hot or Not?, and a very awkward reveal.
I just find this one funny...
Games like this are a lot more challenging when you don't know each others secret identities, AND one of you is a Model...
Seconding with my recc for 'The Last'. Just finished reading it on this recc.The Last
If your a dc comics/movie fan and especially if your a batman, superman or wonder woman fan then this fic is for you. It takes pieces of the movie man of steel and the new 52 series. There is a special crossover towards the end of the story that ties together well and is a shout out to a comic that brought two fandoms together. Be warned heroes and villeins will die
Web-published original fiction that is both complete and of acceptable quality is rare enough that it might as well be listed here. It's not like it's going to drown out the fanfiction.When I come to the fanfiction discussion board and click on a thread for the greatest fics of all time, I am looking for fanfiction. If people want a place to rec original fiction, they can make a "Best Original Web Stories of All Time" thread in the Fiction Discussion forum.
There are actually 6 recs for this by now.I'll third the Victory at Ostagar rec. While I do have some issues with it (mainly how Leliana is written as utterly devoted to the chantry and willing to blab about stuff to them at the first opportunity. Come on, she was a Bard. A freaking spy/assassin. She's not going to be that blabbermouthed) it's a pretty damn good story overall. Long as fuck though, and I feel like it does drag a bit at points from what I remember.
Chanson de Geste
By: LVDB (Author of the Eva fic A Throne of Bayonets)
Edmund's memoirs reveal a darker Narnia than the one Professor Lewis described...
Rated: Fiction T - English - Chapters: 26 - Words: 68,131 - Reviews: 133 - Favs: 143 - Follows: 83 - Updated: Sep 17, 2011 - Published: Dec 27, 2009 - id: 5615090
Summary doesn't quite do the story justice. It takes place several years into the reign of the four Pevensie kids over Narnia. It's a reconstruction of the world of Narnia, emphasizing that even a fantasy Medieval setting is still Medieval - with all the horrors that entails. At the same time, it has a deep character study of Edmund and Jadis (The White Witch). This is all wrapped into a great plot full of politics and scheming (Both divine and mortal) with some fantastic twists and clever tricks. I got through it all in one sitting and loved every second!
I'm not going to derec it, because derecing things you barely skimmed the first 2 chapters of is pretty harsh, but I'm not really a fan of the "turning a fairly light children's fantasy book into a gritty 'realistic' world" type thing.
But it might be well written, I really couldn't say.
Can't comment on, "Three Families," and while I won't derec it, I'm not solid enough on, "Delenda Est," to second you. I will, however, solidly derec, "Inquisitor Carrow." It's just...flat. The author seems to let the premise do most of the work without adding any of their own effort. I don't get invested at all. Not a terrible fic, but not a good one. Damned to mediocrity.Three Families by James Golen, in the Avatarverse. It's got TONS of worldbuilding, seemingly logical character progression, loads of well-written OCs, and it's an epic-length (1m+ words) story. It's WAAY too long and has too many points of view and story arcs to give a short description, but it almost immediately goes off the rails and is set in an alternate avatarverse that seems to have a lot more different cultures than the comparatively bare-bones civilizations from the original series.
Inquisitor Carrow and the God Emperor-less Heathens by littlewhitecat, this is the first in a series that's a Harry Potter/40k crossover, the POD is that after Harry's first year when he's locked in his room the Weasley twins are caught trying to sneak out to get Harry, so as Harry's stuck in the room slowly starving with Hedwig he has a bit of accidental magic that sends him into the 41st millenium. A few months later (and about 3 centuries from Harry's POV) puritan Inquisitor Allessandor Darius Carrow, formerly of the Charnel Guard, gets sent through a warp portal by an eldar witch and lands near Hogwarts in October, where he's quickly recognized as Harry. Chaos and hilarity ensues. Series is notable for Trekkie!GEOM, fear of the wrath of English Heritage, and Carrow bringing hilarious grimdark wherever he goes.
Delenda Est by Lord Silvere, one of the only fics I have read that is a decent peggy sue story (back to the 70's for Harry) and has a decent non-evil/insane Bellatrix, also the story that got me into the HP fandom. Basically starts off with an AU where the war against Voldemort goes badly and a 20ish Barry gets captured and later has Bellatrix Lestrange put in his cell for some unknown reason, and repeatedly taken out and tortured, leading to temporary lucid periods when in the cell where they talk occasionally. During one of these periods she tries to get Harry to kill her with a dark object pin of some sort that she'd gotten from her vault years ago and had kept for all this time, and manages to trick him into impaling her with it through the chest, inadvertently revealing that the pin is some sort of blood-powered time travel mcguffin that sends Harry (who's holding the pin) back to the Black family vault when Bellatrix was first picking up the pin. Story's also AU for having a more Machiavellian Bellatrix who's more concerned with obtaining power and influence than blood purity and isn't totally unfamiliar with the muggle world since her father Cygnus did shady business using magic to add extra floors to muggle buildings under instruction and renting out the magically added floors.
I'll give a rec for Madhouse too, it's a great short fic that manages to sum up the motivations driving each faction forwards.Rec for Madhouse and Hitchups. Madhouse is excellent for poignant and interesting look at the philosophies of 40k, and captures the feel of it - Chaos' nihilism, Nurgle's despair, Khorne's rage, and Imperium's 'fuck that, and fuck you', kinda inspiring response. Hitchups is a great coming-of-age story and worldbuilds nicely into HTTYD while having some kind of consequence for the character's different choices.
Into the Storm by blank101
Son of Suns Trilogy Part I - AU set at the end of TESB. When Luke and his companions are caught and taken to Coruscant, Palpatine begins to systematically take apart his life to create a new Sith, turning Luke against his allies, father and beliefs with devastating consequences. Action/Drama/Romance Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade, Vader, Han Solo/Leia Organa, Mothma, Madine,COMPLETE.
As mentioned in the description, first in a complete series of three. The premise could have easily been done wrong, but I think the author managed to absolutely nail the execution. It's dark, but that should come as no surprise when the series takes the question 'What if Luke and everyone else didn't escape from the Empire at Bespin?' as the starting point.
I'll also give another rec for Into the Storm by Blank101 and the rest of his trilogy, along with the entire series being very well written it also has one of the best portrayals of Palpatine I've ever seen.I'll second Into the Storm. Despite that, I know that there probably will be arguments because it DOES focus on the brutality of Palpatine as he works to turn Luke to the Dark Side rather than glossing over it like a lot of other 'Luke turns ot hte Dark Side' fics.
I'll second Delenda Est, it's my favourite Harry Potter fan fiction outside of Voice of the Nephilim fics and a surprisingly good Nightmare on Elm Street crossover who's name escapes me.Three Families by James Golen, in the Avatarverse. It's got TONS of worldbuilding, seemingly logical character progression, loads of well-written OCs, and it's an epic-length (1m+ words) story. It's WAAY too long and has too many points of view and story arcs to give a short description, but it almost immediately goes off the rails and is set in an alternate avatarverse that seems to have a lot more different cultures than the comparatively bare-bones civilizations from the original series.
Inquisitor Carrow and the God Emperor-less Heathens by littlewhitecat, this is the first in a series that's a Harry Potter/40k crossover, the POD is that after Harry's first year when he's locked in his room the Weasley twins are caught trying to sneak out to get Harry, so as Harry's stuck in the room slowly starving with Hedwig he has a bit of accidental magic that sends him into the 41st millenium. A few months later (and about 3 centuries from Harry's POV) puritan Inquisitor Allessandor Darius Carrow, formerly of the Charnel Guard, gets sent through a warp portal by an eldar witch and lands near Hogwarts in October, where he's quickly recognized as Harry. Chaos and hilarity ensues. Series is notable for Trekkie!GEOM, fear of the wrath of English Heritage, and Carrow bringing hilarious grimdark wherever he goes.
Delenda Est by Lord Silvere, one of the only fics I have read that is a decent peggy sue story (back to the 70's for Harry) and has a decent non-evil/insane Bellatrix, also the story that got me into the HP fandom. Basically starts off with an AU where the war against Voldemort goes badly and a 20ish Barry gets captured and later has Bellatrix Lestrange put in his cell for some unknown reason, and repeatedly taken out and tortured, leading to temporary lucid periods when in the cell where they talk occasionally. During one of these periods she tries to get Harry to kill her with a dark object pin of some sort that she'd gotten from her vault years ago and had kept for all this time, and manages to trick him into impaling her with it through the chest, inadvertently revealing that the pin is some sort of blood-powered time travel mcguffin that sends Harry (who's holding the pin) back to the Black family vault when Bellatrix was first picking up the pin. Story's also AU for having a more Machiavellian Bellatrix who's more concerned with obtaining power and influence than blood purity and isn't totally unfamiliar with the muggle world since her father Cygnus did shady business using magic to add extra floors to muggle buildings under instruction and renting out the magically added floors.
I'm going to rec Cities In The Dust by Cephied_Variable because it ended after a five-year hiatus on what's pretty much a long, extended author's note and it got away with it. I'm probably wearing my nostalgia goggles a little too tightly too my face right now, but fuck it, I'm allowed to rec things.
Cities in Dust (shit let's be hardboiled) by Cephied_Variable
Newternia's streets are merciless, especially if you happen to be a hard-boiled human Detective on your first case with a crazy Legislacerator.
Inquisitor Carrow and the God Emperor-less Heathens by littlewhitecat, this is the first in a series that's a Harry Potter/40k crossover, the POD is that after Harry's first year when he's locked in his room the Weasley twins are caught trying to sneak out to get Harry, so as Harry's stuck in the room slowly starving with Hedwig he has a bit of accidental magic that sends him into the 41st millenium. A few months later (and about 3 centuries from Harry's POV) puritan Inquisitor Allessandor Darius Carrow, formerly of the Charnel Guard, gets sent through a warp portal by an eldar witch and lands near Hogwarts in October, where he's quickly recognized as Harry. Chaos and hilarity ensues. Series is notable for Trekkie!GEOM, fear of the wrath of English Heritage, and Carrow bringing hilarious grimdark wherever he goes.
Inquisitor Carrow and the God Emperor-less Heathens by littlewhitecat, this is the first in a series that's a Harry Potter/40k crossover, the POD is that after Harry's first year when he's locked in his room the Weasley twins are caught trying to sneak out to get Harry, so as Harry's stuck in the room slowly starving with Hedwig he has a bit of accidental magic that sends him into the 41st millenium. A few months later (and about 3 centuries from Harry's POV) puritan Inquisitor Allessandor Darius Carrow, formerly of the Charnel Guard, gets sent through a warp portal by an eldar witch and lands near Hogwarts in October, where he's quickly recognized as Harry. Chaos and hilarity ensues. Series is notable for Trekkie!GEOM, fear of the wrath of English Heritage, and Carrow bringing hilarious grimdark wherever he goes.
EDIT: I have to note that the first story in the series wasn't that spectacular, it's how the following sequels add on to the story (we're currently on the 5th story in the series and still going) that makes this series great.
Delenda Est by Lord Silvere, one of the only fics I have read that is a decent peggy sue story (back to the 70's for Harry) and has a decent non-evil/insane Bellatrix, also the story that got me into the HP fandom. Basically starts off with an AU where the war against Voldemort goes badly and a 20ish Barry gets captured and later has Bellatrix Lestrange put in his cell for some unknown reason, and repeatedly taken out and tortured, leading to temporary lucid periods when in the cell where they talk occasionally. During one of these periods she tries to get Harry to kill her with a dark object pin of some sort that she'd gotten from her vault years ago and had kept for all this time, and manages to trick him into impaling her with it through the chest, inadvertently revealing that the pin is some sort of blood-powered time travel mcguffin that sends Harry (who's holding the pin) back to the Black family vault when Bellatrix was first picking up the pin. Story's also AU for having a more Machiavellian Bellatrix who's more concerned with obtaining power and influence than blood purity and isn't totally unfamiliar with the muggle world since her father Cygnus did shady business using magic to add extra floors to muggle buildings under instruction and renting out the magically added floors.
Mister Vimes'd Go Spared! by Lunik
In the wake of the death of his Grace Sir Samuel Vimes, the various city watches across the disc are brought together in a way seldom observed among coppers.
I'm going to go ahead and recommend A Green Sun Illuminates the Void as well. I'm a bit too tired to try and explain why I think it deserves to be on this list at the moment, but enough other people have recommended it that I don't feel obligated the way I might otherwise.