The Best Damn Fics You've Ever Read.

So the rule of this thread is that the story has to be complete? What if the story was abandoned by the writer before it was complete? Is it eligible?
Thirding Veritas since I don't see it on the front page.

Also, why is it that i have 9 likes (3 more than any other post i recall seeing) for nominating Practical Mythology, but no seconds?
I'm fairly sure that I did second Practical Mythology ...though the fact that I'm not listed as doing so is confusing. None the less, I will second it now.
Currently in the process of updating the index. By the way, guys, if you're not sure about reccing something- it might be better if you don't. Something doesn't have to be the best to be a good read, but the idea of this thread is to weed out that special few that are and to put them into the master list.

I'm seeing a lot of 'buts' in some of the recommendations I'm reading through, and while it's nice to be objective- if there's a flaw big enough to be a detriment I don't think it was worthy in the first place. Not a hard and fast rule, though, just something to keep in mind.

Just as an aside, I think I'll be thirding Probationary Member by Adrian Tullberg. Someone has made the argument earlier- can't remember who- that it would be a better fic if it had a happier ending. I would disagree, it's a nice twist and still punctuates a sort of bittersweet melancholy after all was said and done. It's still a good evolution to the theme too, so I would say that it works more for the story rather than against it.
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3-22-2017 Update
So, updated the index with these entries, tell me if I miscounted some stuff, or if you have some serious grievances with it.

  • Deja vu no Jutsu
  • Oh God Not Again!
  • The Way of the Apartment Manager
  • White Rain
  • Cenotaph
  • The Spirit of Redemption
  • Probationary Member
  • Cleaning no Jutsu
  • Inviolate
  • Drive You Mild
  • Tomb of the Sun God
  • Cauterize
  • Mister Vimes'd Go Spare!
  • The Strange Disappearance of SallyAnne Perks
  • Hammered Down
  • Necromancer
  • Veritas

Gah. Will organize the index later down the time if I have the time for it. For now, time for me to disappear into the abyss and resurface probably months later to update this again!
Breach of Rule 4 - don't be disruptive.
Been reading some stories here and I cant believe people recommend MLP stuff.

I would de rec every single MLP story if I could.
Stop: Been reading some reports here
Been reading some stories here and I cant believe people recommend MLP stuff.

I would de rec every single MLP story if I could.

been reading some reports here
And I can't believe people make posts, just to disrupt the thread they post in.

I would infract every single disruptive post if I could.

(Fortunately, I can; take 25 points and don't do it again.)
On that note...

Reccing Friendship Is Optimal: Caelum Est Conterrens (Heaven is Terrifying)

This is a take on the "Optimalverse" universe which I think is superior to the original story - it has a more memorable personality for its character and it also really delves into the fridge horror aspects of the situation significantly more than the original did, while filled with philosophy and melancholy.

I would normally recommend that people read the original Friendship is Optimal story first, to get the proper introduction to the setting... but that's not an absolute requirement. I think this story can be understood well enough on its own, and as I said I find it superior in most ways.
Rec'ing The Man With No Name by Frostfyre7

An extraordinary Firefly/Doctor Who crossover, characterized by spotless writing, outstanding characterization, tense plotting, and a bunch of people being very awesome. One of my go-to fics when I want to re-read something that I know will be good.
On that note...

Reccing Friendship Is Optimal: Caelum Est Conterrens (Heaven is Terrifying)

This is a take on the "Optimalverse" universe which I think is superior to the original story - it has a more memorable personality for its character and it also really delves into the fridge horror aspects of the situation significantly more than the original did, while filled with philosophy and melancholy.

I would normally recommend that people read the original Friendship is Optimal story first, to get the proper introduction to the setting... but that's not an absolute requirement. I think this story can be understood well enough on its own, and as I said I find it superior in most ways.
I recommend this also
Rec'ing The Man With No Name by Frostfyre7

An extraordinary Firefly/Doctor Who crossover, characterized by spotless writing, outstanding characterization, tense plotting, and a bunch of people being very awesome. One of my go-to fics when I want to re-read something that I know will be good.
While I'm not quite as enthusiastic about the fic, it's a good fic that is worth seconding.
Reccing Loaf, by maroon_sweater.
Following Golden Morning, Contessa decides to bake the perfect loaf of bread—without using her power. Things go awry.
I would classify this as semi-crack. While the events that happen are cracky, Contessa is entirely serious and everyone is mostly in character. Not only is it really fucking funny, but it also provides a surprisingly good characterization of Contessa, and Cauldron as a whole to a lesser extant. While I felt that Legend was mischaracterized and it started to overstay its welcome towards the end, the ending was satisfying. Read it. Even if you don't think it's that good, you'll still have at least a few chuckles.
Reccing Loaf, by maroon_sweater.

I would classify this as semi-crack. While the events that happen are cracky, Contessa is entirely serious and everyone is mostly in character. Not only is it really fucking funny, but it also provides a surprisingly good characterization of Contessa, and Cauldron as a whole to a lesser extant. While I felt that Legend was mischaracterized and it started to overstay its welcome towards the end, the ending was satisfying. Read it. Even if you don't think it's that good, you'll still have at least a few chuckles.
It is entirely worth reading for the Simurgh's reaction to the BREAD OF DOOM alone.

*Seconding Loaf*
So it may just be that Vathara can't develop multiple characters at once. :p
To be honest, I'm not sure Vathara can handle more than 1-2 character at a time. Never mind developing them.

Half the time it feels like one of those really cheap 3d anime's where they only animate a tiny part of the scene at a time and most of the scene is static from second-to-second.
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I would like to rec:

I Know Not, and I Cannot Know--Yet I Live and I Love

By: billowsandsmoke
Severus Snape has his emotions in check. He knows that he experiences anger and self-loathing and a bitter yearning, and that he rarely deviates from that spectrum… Until the first-year Luna Lovegood arrives to his class wearing a wreath of baby's breath. Over the next six years, an odd friendship grows between the two, and Snape is not sure how he feels about any of it.

I don't have a detailed explanation as to why this is great. But it is. Give it a read, please.
Project Horizons should NOT be here. It's one of the best examples of not quite understanding the source material and turning out something that is darker and edgier because it doesn't understand why the source material was dark. It overstays its welcome by a country mile, and more importantly it doesn't belong here because it has explicit sexual material (usually one of several rape scenes unless they were censored finally) and violates the SV rules.
Issue addressed.
Currently in the process of updating the index. By the way, guys, if you're not sure about reccing something- it might be better if you don't. Something doesn't have to be the best to be a good read, but the idea of this thread is to weed out that special few that are and to put them into the master list.
Bhh. Missing one more vote on my Airship Down rec.

If someone would be kind enough to go read and rec it, so it won't feel left out as the only one who didn't make the cut, out of all my recommendations
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