3. There is not possible for Germany to develop atomic weapons before 1950 in any scenario. With the war ended and no more danger of being overrun by the Red Army, the Germans will have no more reasons to stick together around their Führer. A few chapters from now, things will start to heat up.
that makes sense since the war unity is gone

4. Besides, in a future fully democratic Germany, an Independence Referendum in Czechia may be feasable (like in OTL Scotland and, unlike the Scots, the Czechs would probably vote yes).
probably, though the Sudetenland will probably vote to stay in, due to being primarily German and no expulsion of a large part of the germans as OTL. And also might depend simply that if germany was democratic and economically large, some Czechs might prefer to stay in a certain country, then try to regain independence now without even the raw resources of Slovakia (especially if given sufficient autonomy), though most would probably indeed vote yes, but the exact size would also probably depend on how long it was since the Nazi's for the referendum and the amount of autonomy, though no matter what if it's not rigged, it'd probably be yes except for in the Sudetenland (which would probably not even have a referendum)
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probably, though the Sudetenland will probably vote to stay in, due to being primarily German and no expulsion of a large part of the germans as OTL. And also might depend simply that if germany was democratic and economically large, some Czechs might prefer to stay in a certain country, then try to regain independence now without even the raw resources of Slovakia (especially if given sufficient autonomy), though most would probably indeed vote yes, but the exact size would also probably depend on how long it was since the Nazi's for the referendum and the amount of autonomy, though no matter what if it's not rigged, it'd probably be yes except for in the Sudetenland (which would probably not even have a referendum)
I was talking about Bohemia-Moravia, not the Sudetenland obviously.

Now, that is an interesting question to which I have no definite answer because I don't really know how nationalistic the average Czech really is.

Let's say that Czechia remains a functionally Autonomous State inside a federal and democratic Germany for decades. Suppose that there is no discrimination, the Czech language is official and promoted, there is full representation, etc. Moreover, let's say that the economy is booming like in OTL West Germany. How would the Czechs vote if given the opportunity to peacefully secede and become independent? As a Romanian, I know that I would still vote for secession, material advantages be damned. But I cannot really speak for the Czechs.
I was talking about Bohemia-Moravia, not the Sudetenland obviously.
Yeah, Germany might be willing to give independence to Bohemia-Moravia, but the Sudetenland they wouldn't be willing to give.

Now, that is an interesting question to which I have no definite answer because I don't really know how nationalistic the average Czech really is.

Let's say that Czechia remains a functionally Autonomous State inside a federal and democratic Germany for decades. Suppose that there is no discrimination, the Czech language is official and promoted, there is full representation, etc. Moreover, let's say that the economy is booming like in OTL West Germany. How would the Czechs vote if given the opportunity to peacefully secede and become independent? As a Romanian, I know that I would still vote for secession, material advantages be damned. But I cannot really speak for the Czechs.

Well if there is no discrimination, the czech language is official, full representation etc, and the economy is booming, I think it would really depend on the length of time of these stuff. Under the Austria-Hungary monarchy, there was a schism between the old Czech party and young Czech party on secession or cooperation and autonomy. Initially, Czechs would be very skeptical but if it was an entire generation under the germans after the nazi's, I could see it go either way and if the Germans give strong autonomy for remaining, especially since the Sudetenland (which were the major resource source for czechoslovakia) wouldn't be leaving. So I think if it was a few decades and the situation happened with high amounts of autonomy, then it would be close with the remaining probably winning by a small margin. Especially since due to history, the independence would be seen as idealistic by some since it lasted only 2 decades and Czechs weren't as nationalistic as some other countries in WW1 and beyond, more Czechs served under the Habsburgs than in the Czechoslovak legions, there was never really a greater czechoslovakia proposal, etc.
I think a lot would depend on the situation in Germany especially when any chance for independence for the Czech's occurred. - Slightly confused by the last couple of posts as a bit unclear who said what?

I'm more doubtful about an anti-Nazi coup or even an anti-Hitler one given how much control he had over the country and the level of propaganda. Especially since, as in many totalitarian states both fear and the control of information makes real opposition very difficult and dangerous. With the country secured by the dome and a sizeable empire of dependent states and its existence being 'secure' by Ayran technology, which is the current line I can see most of the army continuing to support the regime as well. Many who were willing to oppose it because of the mess the Nazis were making of the war were cleared out after the 44 bomb attempt.

Aldophine can possibly bring the system down, if only by ending the dome but I can't see that happening without Germany being occupied, simply because the rest of the world would view that as necessary for their own security, even apart from the desire for revenge in so many victim countries, most noticeably the SU and the inherent brutality of the latter regime. Since Zagan7 seems to have ruled this out I'm not sure what is going to happen?
I think a lot would depend on the situation in Germany especially when any chance for independence for the Czech's occurred.

1. Slightly confused by the last couple of posts as a bit unclear who said what?

2. I'm more doubtful about an anti-Nazi coup or even an anti-Hitler one given how much control he had over the country and the level of propaganda. Especially since, as in many totalitarian states both fear and the control of information makes real opposition very difficult and dangerous. With the country secured by the dome and a sizeable empire of dependent states and its existence being 'secure' by Ayran technology, which is the current line I can see most of the army continuing to support the regime as well. Many who were willing to oppose it because of the mess the Nazis were making of the war were cleared out after the 44 bomb attempt.

3. Aldophine can possibly bring the system down, if only by ending the dome but I can't see that happening without Germany being occupied, simply because the rest of the world would view that as necessary for their own security, even apart from the desire for revenge in so many victim countries, most noticeably the SU and the inherent brutality of the latter regime. Since Zagan7 seems to have ruled this out I'm not sure what is going to happen?
1. Adamgerd misplaced the QUOTE tags.

2. The stability of the Nazi Regime is a widely circulating fiction. In reality, the Nazi Regime was extremely unstable. The level of popular support had dropped from almost 90% in 1940 to about 10% in 1945. The people (and the Wehrmacht) were more afraid of the "Bolsheviks" than of the SS / Gestapo / etc. In fact, the Germans were openly protesting the Nazi Regime in OTL, in street demonstrations, with no significant crack-down and Hitler was actually bowing to street pressure!

There was a phrase circulating among the German soldiers: "When this mess [the war] is over, we still have some unfinished business in Berlin!" The days of the Nazi Regime were numbered regardless of the outcome of the war. The Nazi economy was a Ponzi Scheme, based on continuous conquest and plundering to maintain the level of prosperity of the German people. It was inefficient as hell. When the conquests stopped, the economy was to go down and, with it, popular support. Unlike the Communists Regimes, the Nazi Regime was based more on popular support than on terror (the terror was mainly directed against others and less against the native ethnic German population).

By 1945, nobody believed Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda fell on deaf ears. In particular, almost nobody believed that the Dome was created by German scientists. The situation in Germany was already beyond horrific. Everything was destroyed, the cities, the factories, the infrastructure, everything. There was very little food available and even less means to transport the food to the cities swamped by refugees and homeless people. It was hell and everybody was blaming the Nazis.

The Nazi Party was also neutering itself, with 3 proeminent members purged in less than one month: Himmler, Göring, Bormann. Moreover, Hitler was a wreck, physically but especially mentally. The situation was so horrible that something had to give way. It was simply not possible for the hated Nazi Regime to lift itself up from that mess!

3. The future is very unusual and interesting, with lots of bizarre and unexpected events taking place. We shall see. Soon enough.
There was a phrase circulating among the German soldiers: "When this mess [the war] is over, we still have some unfinished business in Berlin!"
Also popular were "Are the thousand years over already?" or referring to Hitler as GröFaZ (Größter Feldherr aller Zeiten, both mocking Nazi propaganda declaring that Hitler's empire would last a thousand years or describing him as the greatest military leader of all time.
Chapter 43. Travelling Through the Reich
Chapter 43. Travelling Through the Reich

17 February 1945, Großdeutsches Reich

After an almost sleepless night, Adolphine emerged from her bedroom with a bulky sack on her back and Olaf tightly fastened on her stomach. She looked tired and unkept and her eyes were reddened by the tears she had shed during the night. After engaging in small talk with Eva and barely speaking with Adolf, Adolphine and her new family prepared to leave the bunker system for the first time after a whole month of forced seclusion.

They took the elevator to the Führerbunker and then the stairs to the Vorbunker and the Reich Chancellery gardens. Adolphine was about to ask why hadn't they exited through the Reich Chancellery building when they arrived at the surface and the reason became painfully clear: the once imposing Reich Chancellery, an iconic architectural marvel of the Third Reich, was in ruins, a mere ghost of its former glory. Adolphine wept again and remained silent.

About thirty people who were waiting in the snow joined the Hitler family and headed towards one of the doors to the Voßstraße. Adolphine knew most of them: the Goebbels family, the Speer family and some of the guards. Hans, whom Adolphine hadn't seen for several days, was again absent. Adolphine wanted to ask Hitler about Hans but changed her mind as something else was starting to intrigue her.

Adolphine: "Adolf, where are the cars?"

Hitler: "We are going on foot."

Adolphine: "Excuse me?!"

Hitler: "It's only two hundred metres."

Adolphine: "Oh... I couldn't imagine an airport in the centre of the city..."

Hitler: "We are not going to the airport, but to the railroad station. The Potsdamer Bahnhof. It's just there, by the corner."

Adolphine: "Are we going to travel by train? All the way across the Reich? We'll be on our way all day long! Why?!"

Hitler: "Because we cannot afford the risk of a plane accident. I mean, I can afford the risk. You can't."

Adolphine: "But... I see. When we will arrive in Berchtesgaden?"

Hitler: "Tonight. Don't worry, the train is very comfortable and it's all ours. You may sleep if you want to. You look tired... Yes, you'd better get some sleep. You should be dancing tomorrow, not dozing on a chair, young lady!"


The Voßstraße was almost empty at that early hour but in the Potsdamer Platz the SS was busy keeping a few people away. It was the first time Adolphine has seen any normal, common citizens of the Reich. They were thin, worried and sad. Some of them saw Hitler and gave anaemic salutes. The mass hysteria Hitler used to induce into his followers in the past was long gone. Adolphine waved.

Adolphine: "May I speak with them?"

Hitler: "With whom?"

Adolphine (pointing): "With those people."

Hitler: "There is no time for that. We shall board the train... You'll have plenty of time to talk and make friends after the wedding."

Adolphine (sighing): "Sure..."


Hitler's private train was comfortable only according to 20th century criteria. For Adolphine it was anything but comfortable. The train had wheels which were actually in contact with the rails! The ride was noisy and bumpy! It was unbelievable!

Adolphine: "Why does the train touch the rails?"

Hitler: "What do you mean?"

Adolphine: "Why isn't it floating above?"

Hitler (mocking tone): "Maybe because it's a train and not a plane?"

Adolphine: "I did not say flying but floating... Just a few millimetres above the rails, to eliminate the noise and the shocks... Whatever."

Hitler: "This technology is not available yet. You know, had you happened to pop up one century earlier you might have had to travel by horse wagon on a dirt road!"


Despite the bumps, Adolphine fell asleep and slept like a rock for most of the journey. She missed the landscapes of Brandenburg, Sachsen, Thüringen and Bayreuth and the cities of Potsdam and Leipzig. When she finally woke up, the Sun was already beginning to set and the train was entering the Nürnberg station.

Oh, Nürnberg! The city of the monumental National Socialist parades, the city of the Triumph des Willens! Before this damn war, everything was so beautiful, so perfect... All that was lost now, possibly forever. The war and the suffering hardened the souls of the Germans and brought to the surface the dark side present in some of my compatriots...

Adolphine: "I'd like to see the Stadium..."

Hitler: "You'll see it. We are planning a grandiose meeting for the first week of March."

Adolphine (excited): "Wow! Super! I can't wait!" (saddened) Only if everything were as I thought it to be!...


Adolphine watched the Bavarian landscape while playing cards with the Goebbels children. The train passed through München and the Bayerischer Wald before arriving in Salzburg, the end point of their rail journey. From there, the party continued the trip by car, a short twenty kilometres drive through the picturesque mountainous roads leading to Berchtesgaden and Hitler's private residence.

The Berghof was teeming with activity, dozens of people putting the final touch to the preparations for the big event scheduled to start the following morning, the wedding of the Führer of the Greater German Reich with his long term lover and faithful companion.

Cardinal Adolf Bertram, the ex officio head of the German Episcopate was already there and blessed all those present. Leni Riefenstahl and her crew were testing their filming equipment. Everyone was ready for the great day to come.

Adolphine and Eva retreated early to their quarters but Hitler stayed late, delivering interminable monologues to a bored and tired audience.

Despite everything, the overwhelming sensation enveloping Adolphine was one of happiness. She had finally left that claustrophobic bunker and was about to enjoy a vacation in the beautiful Bavarian Alps!

I am not responsable for the governance of Germany! I don't have to worry for the fate of the Nazi regime! I am just a girl, I am entitled to happiness... Yes, everything else be damned! I am going to enjoy this vacation in this splendid place to the fullest!

17 February 1945, Boston, Massachussets, USA

Unbeknownst to the German Government, a very important meeting was taking place in Boston at exactly that time.

In light of the fundamentally altered geopolitical and military situation, the leaders of the Free World had just come to a crucial decision: to drop the already impossible to enforce unconditional surrender condition and to accept a negotiated end of the War with Germany.

Truman and Churchill were discussing their various conditions for the planned peace settlement. They considered most of them to be negotiable. At least one condition was not negotiable though: Hitler and other war criminals had to go before any durable peace could be signed. The reason was very simple: by then it was already utterly impossible to believe Hitler's word.

The Germans would be forced to choose between Hitler and his henchmen on one side and peace and free trade on the other side. If the Allies were unable to topple the Nazi regime, the Germans ought to be enticed to get rid of it by themselves. The ball was in the German court. Alea iacta est.
Also popular were "Are the thousand years over already?" or referring to Hitler as GröFaZ (Größter Feldherr aller Zeiten, both mocking Nazi propaganda declaring that Hitler's empire would last a thousand years or describing him as the greatest military leader of all time.
Also "Lügen haben ein zu kurzes Bein" ("Lies have a shorter leg"), making fun both of Goebbels' propaganda and of his handicap. You can find many other such political jokes (Flüsterwitze) here.

And, yes, I speak German fluently, albeit with occasional mistakes.
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1. Adamgerd misplaced the QUOTE tags.

2. The stability of the Nazi Regime is a widely circulating fiction. In reality, the Nazi Regime was extremely unstable. The level of popular support had dropped from almost 90% in 1940 to about 10% in 1945. The people (and the Wehrmacht) were more afraid of the "Bolsheviks" than of the SS / Gestapo / etc. In fact, the Germans were openly protesting the Nazi Regime in OTL, in street demonstrations, with no significant crack-down and Hitler was actually bowing to street pressure!

There was a phrase circulating among the German soldiers: "When this mess [the war] is over, we still have some unfinished business in Berlin!" The days of the Nazi Regime were numbered regardless of the outcome of the war. The Nazi economy was a Ponzi Scheme, based on continuous conquest and plundering to maintain the level of prosperity of the German people. It was inefficient as hell. When the conquests stopped, the economy was to go down and, with it, popular support. Unlike the Communists Regimes, the Nazi Regime was based more on popular support than on terror (the terror was mainly directed against others and less against the native ethnic German population).

By 1945, nobody believed Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda fell on deaf ears. In particular, almost nobody believed that the Dome was created by German scientists. The situation in Germany was already beyond horrific. Everything was destroyed, the cities, the factories, the infrastructure, everything. There was very little food available and even less means to transport the food to the cities swamped by refugees and homeless people. It was hell and everybody was blaming the Nazis.

The Nazi Party was also neutering itself, with 3 proeminent members purged in less than one month: Himmler, Göring, Bormann. Moreover, Hitler was a wreck, physically but especially mentally. The situation was so horrible that something had to give way. It was simply not possible for the hated Nazi Regime to lift itself up from that mess!

3. The future is very unusual and interesting, with lots of bizarre and unexpected events taking place. We shall see. Soon enough.

1) OK thanks.

2) Know there was growing dissent but also a lot of harsh repression of such and the army still continued to fight hard even in the west. Not just the younger elements brought up under the regime, although they were most prominent.

Agree it was very, very inefficient and the Ponzi example is a good one. Prior to 38 and the gaining of the Austrian gold it had forced down living standards in Germany to enable the military build up and met the problems caused by the regime. [As well as looting from the Jews and other disposed of course.] The problem here is that there will still be people to exploit to maintain the living standards of the German people, in terms of the satellite areas trapped inside the dome with Germany. Their already suffered a lot but can be bled further at least for a while. Also the coming of at least limited peace and end of the bombing and other direct impacts on Germany will help a lot even if Hitler is still determined on war in the east. While they have the dome its a conflict that Germany can't actually lose although it could be very costly if they push too far beyond the dome, which with Hitlers [mis]leadership is always like.

However even if there was an anti-Nazi revolt the sense of militarism and superiority over their neighbours is still likely to be present. Even if Nazi racist mythology was formally rejected it will still be in many minds while, secured by the dome, the bulk of the population are still likely to see themselves as top dogs. That's my fear anyway, that without a clear defeat of German militarism and rejection of their beliefs in their own superiority, the regime will still be extremely unpleasant for neighbours under their control even if internally it liberalises.
However even if there was an anti-Nazi revolt the sense of militarism and superiority over their neighbours is still likely to be present. Even if Nazi racist mythology was formally rejected it will still be in many minds while, secured by the dome, the bulk of the population are still likely to see themselves as top dogs. That's my fear anyway, that without a clear defeat of German militarism and rejection of their beliefs in their own superiority, the regime will still be extremely unpleasant for neighbours under their control even if internally it liberalises.
Sure, that is sadly possible. The relations between Germany and the smaller countries around it may resemble the relations from OTL between the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc members. How everything will eventually play out I won't tell now however.
Peace yes. Free trade would probably be a different thing. The US was finally coming around to the idea now it was so clearly dominant economically but even Britain the only power to have consistent tried free trade had dropped it in the early 30s'. Plus Germany had got used to barter to make up for their lack of actual funds and so their unlikely to welcome free access to their empire for the rest of the world.

Under those circumstances its possible that Hitler might be removed, although its likely to be bloody because of the continued support from the fanatics and the brainwashed. However I fear that the allies would have to accept very limited access to the Reich and the areas under its control.

Also there is the problem that while the dome's there normal interaction with the wider world is difficult. Germany will want strict control on any imports to avoid weapons and other equipment getting to dissidents and subjects. Let alone the possibly not totally unrealistic fear of a device, nuclear or possibly even conventional, being smuggled into Berlin. The allies might very reluctantly make further concessions for a degree of peace but its still going to be an armed and unstable one.
Sure, that is sadly possible. The relations between Germany and the smaller countries around it may resemble the relations from OTL between the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc members. How everything will eventually play out I won't tell now however.

OK thanks. Wait and see what your solution is. :)
1. Peace yes. Free trade would probably be a different thing. The US was finally coming around to the idea now it was so clearly dominant economically but even Britain the only power to have consistent tried free trade had dropped it in the early 30s'. Plus Germany had got used to barter to make up for their lack of actual funds and so their unlikely to welcome free access to their empire for the rest of the world.

2. Under those circumstances its possible that Hitler might be removed, although its likely to be bloody because of the continued support from the fanatics and the brainwashed. However I fear that the allies would have to accept very limited access to the Reich and the areas under its control.

3. Also there is the problem that while the dome's there normal interaction with the wider world is difficult. Germany will want strict control on any imports to avoid weapons and other equipment getting to dissidents and subjects. Let alone the possibly not totally unrealistic fear of a device, nuclear or possibly even conventional, being smuggled into Berlin. The allies might very reluctantly make further concessions for a degree of peace but its still going to be an armed and unstable one.
1. I may have used the wrong phrase. With "free trade" I meant the possibility for trade, i.e. imports and exports with the larger world. I simply forgot / disregarded the fact that "free trade" has a specific meaning. Sorry for the confusion.

2. Sure, it may get bloody.

3. Probably. The situation may stabilize further in the future though. I don't really know for sure yet, as the TL had only reached 1947 on the other site.
I fail to see how this timeline leads to less death and less suffering over all.
1. That is understandable as the timeline has just started.

2. I have already tried to answer similar questions several times.

3. I will provide a "deaths and suffering calculation compared to OTL" after the dust settles (now it would introduce spoilers).
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Chapter 44. The Wedding
Chapter 44. The Wedding

Caution: Reader discretion is advised.

18 February 1945, Berghof, Obersalzberg, Großdeutsches Reich

The religious ceremony was short and simple but, for Adolphine who had never attended a church service before, it seemed majestic and awe inspiring. After its conclusion, Adolphine asked Cardinal Bertram a series of questions about Christianity and, when asked whether she would like to be baptised into the Catholic faith, she promissed to think about it.

The wedding party started early in the afternoon and was quite lively, despite the rather low number of guests. Everybody ate, drank, joked, danced and had fun, with the exception of the groom who seemed to be rather detached or, perhaps, worried about state matters. Adolphine tried to put her own worries apart and largely succeeded, being able to enjoy the party and have a good time. Like a proper maid of honour, she spent a good deal of time with the bride who looked fabulous in her splendid wedding dress. Besides Eva and the Goebbels family, Adolphine socialized with the other participants as well and was acquainted with many people, including three young men who competed for her attention and dances.

Adolphine fancied one of them, Rudolf von Ribbentrop, the 23 years old son of the Reich's Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. Adolphine's signals and body language were unmistakeable and, with their parents engaged in an important conversation, the two youths surreptitiously quit the party and found an empty room with a comfortable couch... About twenty minutes later, a commotion alerted the Berghof staff who promptly informed Hitler about the incident.

When Hitler entered the room, the situation was chaotic and perplexing. A half-naked Adolphine was yelling and cursing while throwing all sort of objects at Rudolf who was attempting to defend himself and restrain her. Seeing Hitler, Adolphine calmed down and attempted to clumsingly cover herself while Rudolf simply stood to attention.

Hitler: "What the... What on Earth is going on here?"

Adolphine: "This bastard tried to rape me!"

Rudolf: "With all due respect, Mein Führer, I did not. She seduced me and took me to this room..."

Adolphine: "Liar! I told you I did not want to and you just wouldn't stop!"

Rudolf: "But..."

Hitler: "Silence! Both of you should be ashamed for ruining my wedding! And I swear to God, this will have consequences! Now, speak up, one at a time. And don't you dare lie to me! Adolphine, you first."

Adolphine (crying): "I drank a glass too many..."

Hitler: "Yes, this drinking of yours has to stop. You are too young for drinking anyway. Continue..."

Adolphine: "I liked Rudolf and I wanted... I wanted to have some fun..."

Rudolf: "She wanted to have sex, she was all over me!"

Hitler: "I swear that if you speak one more time without being asked to, you'll deeply regret it! Adolphine, go on. We'll hear his story afterwards and you are going to keep your mouth shut then."

Adolphine: "Yes, I wanted to fool around a little... If that led to sex, then so be it, but it wasn't my plan, you know. We petted a lot, he got excited and wanted to have sex. I wasn't sure and I asked him to stop. He did not and I started to yell and hit him. That's all. He's a bloody rapist. Well, attempted rapist, cause I fought back."

Hitler: "You are obviously confused. If you go with a man in an empty room with the intention to have sex... sorry, to have fun and then you change your mind, that is not rape or attempted rape. It's just a deceived man and a would-be slut. Shame on you. Both of you. You are older, Herr von Ribbentrop, you should have known better and left this young girl alone. She's barely 15 for God's sake! Now let's hear your story."

Adolphine: "Where I come from, it's rape."

Hitler: "You said you didn't like it there, did you? Now let Herr von Ribbentrop speak."

Rudolf: "I don't know whether she wanted to have sex or not. I only know that all her behaviour and demeanor showed that she did. I was only obliging her. Women should not be refused... She did her best to get me in the mood and then she asked me to... I don't know how to say..."

Hitler: "Say it straight away. I am a grown up man."

Rudolf: "She asked me to... She asked for a demeaning and perverted act..."

Adolphine: "What a prude! I asked him to give me head. Big deal!"

Hitler: "Meaning... Speak plain German, please."

Adolphine: "I asked him to lick me... down there. Is that a crime now?"

Hitler: "Well, it's certainly neither usual nor appropriate... In fact, I can't understand where did you get such a crazy idea. It's very unhygienic and plain wrong."

Adolphine: "Everybody does it."

Hitler: "Not in our Reich, no. So, what happened next?"

Rudolf: "Obviously, I refused to humiliate myself in such a manner and then she decided to punish me by rejecting my further advances. You have to understand that I was already... ahem, ready..."

Hitler: "Yes, I believe I have heard enough. Rudolf von Ribbentrop, you will leave tomorrow for the Untersteiermark. There is still a small partisan issue present there and you will thus be able to fight for the Reich. Adolphine, you are grounded. No more drinking, no more partying with adults and I'll have Eva teach you how a young lady should behave in the company of suitors. Now go to bed. My guests are probably waiting for me... Incredible. I couldn't have imagined to do this on my wedding night! Shame on you!"

Rudolf: "Heil Hitler!"

What the fuck? If I act like I want to have sex then I am not allowed to change my mind? But this is fucking deranged! It seems that in this country I have to learn everything anew! I wonder how many other laws are fucked up as well! Odd! The best country in the whole history... My ass!

19 February 1945, Berghof, Großdeutsches Reich

Poor Adolphine had to listen to hours upon hours of sex advice from Eva and it was quite different from what she had been used to uptime. Life was certainly different in the 20th century!

Adolphine was visibly bored and upset and, in order to cheer her up, Eva took her for a long walk in the scenic countryside around the Berghof. It was there that Adolphine saw fresh ski tracks in the otherwise pristine snow and got excited about it. Eva told her that they had skis at the Berghof and they could go skiing the next day. Adolphine was thrilled but the sight of the primitive ski equipment diminished her initial euphoria.

20 February 1945, Berghof, Großdeutsches Reich

Adolphine had not seen Hitler since that fateful wedding night and, to be fair, she was not looking forward to it. When she and Eva, accompanied by a few guards, were going towards the sky slope, Adolphine saw Hitler on top of a large rock, trying to lure a feral mountain goat which was browsing some foilage nearby.

Adolphine: "Adolf, be careful, that thing is dangerous. It can gore you with its horns!"

Hitler: "Nonsense! Don't be afraid, the animals love me!"


The wooden skis were heavy and inellastic, the leather ski boots were horribly weak and the bindings looked anything but secure but Adolphine was so eager to ski that she overlooked all those details.

Eva was obviously a better skier but Adolphine did her best to catch up with her while the guards were always nearby. After a few uneventful hours, Adolphine was tired and her legs were already shaky. She let herself slide quicker downslope in order to catch up with Eva and tell her that she wanted to stop for that day. The speed increased dangerously and Adolphine lost control of her skis.

Terrified, she yelled for help and a guard positioned himself downslope in order to catch her. At almost 80 kilometres per hour, the impact was extremely powerful. Adolphine felt a sharp pain in the chest as her ribs broke and punctured her lungs. With her lungs filling with blood, Adolphine started to black out and lost her consciousness.


When Adolphine regained her consciousness, she was inside and an unknown man was watching her, probably a doctor, judging by his coat. Hitler and Eva entered the room shortly afterwards.

Doctor: "She is going to be just fine, Mein Führer. Her body is remarcably strong."

Adolphine (still in pain): "Yes, isn't that so. I wonder why... What happened to the poor soldier who tried to protect me? I hit him hard..."

Hitler: "He died doing his duty to the Vaterland. He is a hero and his family will receive a medal for his bravery."

Adolphine (shocked): "Oh, no! My God, no! I killed a man!..."

Hitler (whispering in Adolphine's ear): "Yes my dear. You are a killer now, just like me. You'll have to live with that. Or, you know, you can accept that people should die for the good of the Reich. Either because they are potential enemies of the Reich or because they are protecting you and, implicitly, the Reich. It's your choice."

Adolphine (yelling): "Noooo! That's not the same thing!"

Hitler: "Doctor, don't you see that the poor girl is in pain? Surely, a sedative is in order."

Adolphine: "Noooo! Leave me alone! You're..." (falling asleep)


Hitler: "So, SS-Unterscharführer Witt... No, actually from now on SS-Scharführer Witt, did you understand your orders? You are leaving today for your home city of Graz and you are going to stay there for a while and keep a very low profile. You know, like you were actually dead. No letters to your colleagues, no trips to Berlin, nothing. Understood?"

SS-Scharführer Witt: "Yes, Mein Führer!"
It's not the same, she's right in that regard (especially since the 'victim' yet lives), but she's bloodied her hands well before then and she really ought to realize that.

I'd not even mind that much if she came to own and embrace the monstrosity of her pet ideology - narratively that is. This cowardly hiding and pretending it isn't so is what annoys me so damn much, along with her apparent inability to stop and look into what's appropriate for the time period she's in before doing 'future' things.

She needs to grow the fuck up.
1. It's not the same, she's right in that regard (especially since the 'victim' yet lives), but she's bloodied her hands well before then and she really ought to realize that.

2. I'd not even mind that much if she came to own and embrace the monstrosity of her pet ideology - narratively that is. This cowardly hiding and pretending it isn't so is what annoys me so damn much, along with her apparent inability to stop and look into what's appropriate for the time period she's in before doing 'future' things.

3. She needs to grow the fuck up.
1. That's right.

2. People are flawed. Neo-Nazis even more so. Not to mention that she's still a child. In any case, "no means no".

3. She will. Oh, she will.
People are flawed. Neo-Nazis even more so. Not to mention that she's still a child.
She's hardly even a neo-nazi.

Adolphine's really a bloody deluded centrist with ugly learned vocal tics and a few prejudices from a hyper-globalized far-left world - it's no surprise all their attempts at curing her "neo-nazism" were fruitless. There's hardly anything to cure.

I'd derive some kind of sick vindictive pleasure if she came out of this experiment as an actual radical, but ideally she's just going to end up living in a non-fascist Germany with Eva Braun (I'd cheer for a shotgun divorce), aggressively rejecting all attempts at getting her back.
She's hardly even a neo-nazi.

Adolphine's really a bloody deluded centrist with ugly learned vocal tics and a few prejudices from a hyper-globalized far-left world - it's no surprise all their attempts at curing her "neo-nazism" were fruitless. There's hardly anything to cure.

I'd derive some kind of sick vindictive pleasure if she came out of this experiment as an actual radical, but ideally she's just going to end up living in a non-fascist Germany with Eva Braun (I'd cheer for a shotgun divorce), aggressively rejecting all attempts at getting her back.

One is not a real Nazi if they are raising their hand in a Roman salute, yelling Heil Hitler and spouting incoherent propaganda. The Nazis were not some cartoon-ish characters, they were real-life villains. You can only be a Nazi if you really want to harm or kill lots of people because of what they are. A teenager who draws a swastika on the blackboard in school is not a Nazi, he is just showing off, he wants to be a rebel against the system.

Yes, to be fair we should not say that Adolphine is a Nazi but rather that Adolphine believes she is a Nazi. In fact she is probably not even a Fascist and I'm sure there were American Congressmen more racist than her in 1945! And, to be honest, probably most people were more socially conservative than her in that era, not only in Germany but also in the Western democracies!

A few further examples of the eclectic mumbo-jumbo from Adolphine's head:
  • "I'm a Nazi, yay! I like the swastika, the uniforms, the parades, etc. But I don't want to harm innocent people. No, I only love my country, my people and my race. War, conquest? Hell no! We should live in peace with all nations!"
  • "Extermination camps? Yeah, I'm afraid they existed. What a shame! Shht, don't tell anyone! Evil men have infiltrated the Nazi Party to kill Jews! What a disgrace. All those human beasts should be severely punished!"
  • "Yes, I don't like to have Jews around. Let them go to Israel. No, I don't hate them! Only the Jewish bankers and those Jews that control the Western governments, obviously!"
  • "I hate Communism! The Communists must be forbidden to spew their destructive propaganda! The Soviet Union has to be destroyed and partitioned in its constituent states. Lebensraum? No, you must have misunderstood Hitler. The Russians are surely our brothers, White People just like us."
  • "Homosexuals? Ugh... gross. Let them do whatever they want as long as I don't hear anything about it! Sure I'm a social conservative. But I can fuck whenever I want, right?"
  • and so on and so forth.
Yes, she will change. Eventually.

[EDIT] About Eva Brown: Sure, Eva was completely innocent.
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1. I may have used the wrong phrase. With "free trade" I meant the possibility for trade, i.e. imports and exports with the larger world. I simply forgot / disregarded the fact that "free trade" has a specific meaning. Sorry for the confusion.

2. Sure, it may get bloody.

3. Probably. The situation may stabilize further in the future though. I don't really know for sure yet, as the TL had only reached 1947 on the other site.

Ok thanks. Possibly coming from the Anglosphere, and especially Britain free trade has a meaning it may not have in some other areas.:)
A few further examples of the eclectic mumbo-jumbo from Adolphine's head:
  • "I'm a Nazi, yay! I like the swastika, the uniforms, the parades, etc. But I don't want to harm innocent people. No, I only love my country, my people and my race. War, conquest? Hell no! We should live in peace with all nations!"
  • "Extermination camps? Yeah, I'm afraid they existed. What a shame! Shht, don't tell anyone! Evil men have infiltrated the Nazi Party to kill Jews! What a disgrace. All those human beasts should be severely punished!"
  • "Yes, I don't like to have Jews around. Let them go to Israel. No, I don't hate them! Only the Jewish bankers and those Jews that control the Western governments, obviously!"
  • "I hate Communism! The Communists must be forbidden to spew their destructive propaganda! The Soviet Union has to be destroyed and partitioned in its constituent states. Lebensraum? No, you must have misunderstood Hitler. The Russians are surely our brothers, White People just like us."
  • "Homosexuals? Ugh... gross. Let them do whatever they want as long as I don't hear anything about it! Sure I'm a social conservative. But I can fuck whenever I want, right?"
  • and so on and so forth.
Yeah I find her policies really strange, she believes she supports nazism but really she supports a weird mixture of nazism, not the kind that Hitler espoused, like killing jews, slavs, etc. I think it's probably that nazism is banned and so for her being a nazi is not so much about the ideology but about rebelling from the system and she is a teenager