Olaf: "It seems that the Reich is a brutal dictatorship, a totalitarian state which disregards the fundamental rights and basic needs of its own citizens, to say nothing about the conquered people..."
I'd like to point out that until one or two years ago, the Reich was still producing luxury goods for civilians instead of dedicating itself to the war effort fully - and all the looting and plundering was largely motivated by the desire to uphold peacetime living standards.

Admittedly, the reasons for doing so were rather twisted (civilian war exhaustion and actual starvation led to Germany giving up in the first war, after all), but a total disregard for the basic needs of its citizens isn't necessarily there.

Granted, if you're not a citizen by party standards you're pretty much fucked. And rights...eh, you're allowed to say things the party agrees with, unless they change their minds, so that's pretty on point.
That could actually be a problem in that it might be more difficult disbanding the SS military than the regular forces, most of whom are conscripts after all. Which could have the nasty effect for Germany of boosting the relative strength of the SS.:(
One million SS fanatics would surely be a big problem for any post-Nazi German Government. We'll see more about that in about 20 chapters.

Sounds like Adolphine is finally having to face reality and finding it very unpleasant. I wonder if she will think of asking Helga/Olaf more about Anne Franks. There are probably some details they will have seen about what pressure was put on her to lie and that could be the final sequoia to change her views. At which point I wonder what will happen?
Abruptly learning that all your beliefs and world view were completely wrong can have dramatic or catastrophic effects on everyone, especially so on the mind of a young and easily impressionable girl. Anything can happen and it might not be nice.

I'd like to point out that until one or two years ago, the Reich was still producing luxury goods for civilians instead of dedicating itself to the war effort fully - and all the looting and plundering was largely motivated by the desire to uphold peacetime living standards.

Admittedly, the reasons for doing so were rather twisted (civilian war exhaustion and actual starvation led to Germany giving up in the first war, after all), but a total disregard for the basic needs of its citizens isn't necessarily there.

Granted, if you're not a citizen by party standards you're pretty much fucked. And rights...eh, you're allowed to say things the party agrees with, unless they change their minds, so that's pretty on point.
Sure. It was after the Sportpalast speech that everything started to go downwards and, by 1945, Germany was in total economic collapse.

Yes, many Germans (and I mean ethnic Germans) had good lives for most of the Nazi Rule but not all of them. Besides those politically indesirable, there were also the completely innocent handicapped people, murdered in cold blood in Aktion T4. Long before the start of the Holocaust, the Nazis were murdering innocent Germans. A German Nationalist like Adolphine can never understand that, more so when all those people could be effortlessly healed by the nanobots.
Recapitulation #4
Recapitulation #4

Scope: Chapters 31 - 40

Status: OK. The TimeLine is approaching its inflection point¹.

1. The change (present in most TLs) from lots of events in short time periods near the POD (with each chapter covering hours or days) to a significantly slower pace later in the TL (with each subsequent chapter covering weeks, months and sometimes even years).

Time period: 27 January - 15 February 1945.

Main events
  • An ill-thought German counterattack against the Soviet and Polish positions in Eastern Germany ends in disaster;
  • With the exception of isolated pockets in Pomerania, Danzig and East Prussia, the Germans retreat on the western shore of the Oder;
  • The Malta Conference (USA - UK) sets the stage for Yalta;
  • A Soviet false flag operation in Romania backfires and Romania is engulfed in Anti-Soviet protests followed by a harsh Soviet crackdown;
  • Romania is annexed to the Soviet Union as an SSR (including Soviet Moldavia);
  • Adolphine meets Anne Frank and sets her free;
  • The Germans win the Seelow Heights battle and push the invaders over the Oder;
  • Poland asks for an armistice which is granted;
  • The Inner Soviet Army refuses internment in Poland and ignites the Second Polish-Soviet War;
  • The Soviet Union annexes Outer Poland (several small enclaves);
  • The Yalta Conference (USA - UK - Soviet Union) ends in complete failure;
  • The Western Allies and the Soviet Union are permanently estranged;
  • The Soviet Union annexes Transcarpathia, tiny Outer Slovakia and, later, Bulgaria;
  • Germany and the minor Axis Powers sign an Armistice with Belgium and the Netherlands and normalize their relations with Denmark, Lithuania and Latvia;
  • Adolf Hitler marries Eva Braun and both of them adopt the orphaned Adolphine;
  • Hitler decides to de facto end the war immediately by withdrawing or surrendering all remaining German forces outside the Dome;
  • It is also decided to slowly demobilize part of the Wehrmacht and gradually turn to a peace-time economy;
  • Adolphine finds out from the robots that Hitler and his Reich are not exactly what she has thought them to be.

Premature deaths
  • Andrey Vyshinsky (shot during street violence in Romania);
  • about 83,000 Romanians (killed during the Soviet crackdown);
  • Georgy Zhukov (suicide);
  • countless victims of war and Soviet repression in occupied central and eastern Inner Poland.

Situation of various countries
  • A comprehensive listing of all the World's sovereign countries and dependencies, with the current situation succinctly covered, will be provided soon because it is too large to properly fit in here.

Status of World War Two
  • Pacific Theatre: completely separate from the European Theatre; no significant changes yet
  • European Theatre (outside the Dome)
    • Remaining strongholds on the Atlantic Coast of France: German surrender to the Western Allies
    • Western Crete: German surrender to the Western Allies
    • Piave Triangle: German evacuation completed / Western Allied takeover
    • Outer Istria and Fiume: German evacuation in progress / Western Allied takeover in progress
    • Outer Croatia: Croatian-Yugoslav War ongoing
    • Outer Norway: German evacuation planned
    • Naval: no more German surface or submarine presence
  • European Theatre (inside the Dome)
    • Inner France: demobilized Western Allied personnel and nuissance tier Free French Army
    • Inner Norway: very limited partisan activity
    • Posen: Soviet Armies retreating towards Poland / no major German involvement
    • Poland: Second Polish-Soviet War started
    • Inner Lithuania: remaining Soviet troops retreated to Poland
    • Eastern Slovakia, Inner Hungary: remaining Soviet holdouts successfully cleared
    • Inner Croatia, Inner Slovenia: limited partisan activity
    • Naval: no Western Allied or Soviet surface or submarine presence

Status of Peace Negotiations
  • Signed a peace treaty: None
  • Signed an Armistice Treaty / normalization of relations: Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia
  • Engaged in discussions: Norway, Estonia (Government in Exile)
  • Unilaterally disengaged / end of state of war: Several Minor Latin American countries
  • Contemplating the possibility: Most Western Allies
  • Not even under consideration: France, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, Soviet puppets / occupied countries

Cast of Characters (in order of appearance)

Uptime (2189): Well, ahem, this mess.

Maps: Numerous detailed maps will be provided soon.
So the jews are expelled? What about the other minorities? Czechs, Serbs, etc.? Also as a czech so far I feel sorry for czechoslovakia this timeline, looks like eternal Nazi annexation although you do say they will be defeated, so perhaps independence some day?
So the jews are expelled? What about the other minorities? Czechs, Serbs, etc.? Also as a czech so far I feel sorry for czechoslovakia this timeline, looks like eternal Nazi annexation although you do say they will be defeated, so perhaps independence some day?
Even if they weren't expelled, almost all Jews would have emigrated anyway if given the opportunity. I really don't see many Jews choosing to stay in Germany on their own free will!

There are no Serbs in Germany or anywhere else inside the Dome for that matter.

The Czechs will not be expelled. Czechoslovakia will most likely never be recreated. Slovakia is an Independent Country under German influence. The Czech Lands (without the Sudetenland) are an Autonomous State under German Protection. When the Nazis lose power, the situation in the Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia will improve significantly. Moreover, the geopolitical situation may change further in the future and a Czech Republic may be created as an Independent State (without the German majority Sudetenland obviously).

Any Alternate History TimeLine means, by definition, that something is different from OTL (Our TimeLine). Therefore, it is implied that some countries / ethnic groups / religions / etc would fare better than in OTL while others will fare worse than in OTL. If everything is the same, there is no Alternate History but our own history.

I understand that you are feeling sad for your country. I have read TLs where my country, Romania, was never even founded in the first place! That is Alternate History.
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A German Nationalist like Adolphine can never understand that, more so when all those people could be effortlessly healed by the nanobots.
The problem with the absence of a 'panacea' has come up already in Hitler's case.

She really is quite a lazy thinker if she considers miscegenation to be be inferior and impure, but has yet to grasp the only 'logical' solution to genetic disabilities that is available to ethnic supremacists dedicated to blood purity.

Her kind usually goes from denial to bargaining, not to outright terror and despair.

I'm also disinclined to fully trust the two AIs. Details regarding the mass murders strike me as unusually scarce. Is 'Omission' considered 'Lying'?

I'd have expected them to go into detail of the operations under which they were conducted, but that could well have nudged Adolphine into the opposite direction - which would be detrimental to the idea of the experiment.
The problem with the absence of a 'panacea' has come up already in Hitler's case.

She really is quite a lazy thinker if she considers miscegenation to be be inferior and impure, but has yet to grasp the only 'logical' solution to genetic disabilities that is available to ethnic supremacists dedicated to blood purity.

Her kind usually goes from denial to bargaining, not to outright terror and despair.

I'm also disinclined to fully trust the two AIs. Details regarding the mass murders strike me as unusually scarce. Is 'Omission' considered 'Lying'?

I'd have expected them to go into detail of the operations under which they were conducted, but that could well have nudged Adolphine into the opposite direction - which would be detrimental to the idea of the experiment.
Yes, Adolphine is strange, not very intelligent and possibly even a little crazy. She is not a usual Neo-Nazi but an idealistic child with little connection to the real world. She wants German Nationalists to coexist peacefully as brothers with Polish Nationalists in a White Europe. And, more importantly, she wants nobody to be killed except maybe as a death sentence pronounced by a court for treason for example.

Moreover, there is no absence of a panacea, at least in Adolphine's mind. She knows for certain that the nanobots can cure almost any ailment, genetic or otherwise. She is also convinced that the Reich's specialists will soon make the nanobots replicate and accept other human bodies as hosts. In the uptime, that was very easy, why would it be complicated here, right?

Sure, the AIs will certainly omit certain aspects in order to protect Adolphine from emotional distress or other percieved dangers. Especially Olaf for whom Adolphine is Administrator Owner so the well being of Adolphine completely trumps almost any other issues as far as Olaf is concerned.
Did Adamgerd mean Serbs or possibly the Sorbs, who are a small Slavic minority still present in eastern Germany at the time? Think they were left over from the German eastwards expansion from about the 10thC.

Historically all of the surviving Jews would be glad to escape German control, especially since it meant pretty certain death. The problem was that the Nazis didn't let them go and also there were limited places willing to take them. The latter may have changed now, especially as far as the west is concerned but the Nazis being willing to let the survivors escape is a big change. Especially since there are going to be a lot of stories coming out of what was happening in Germany under Hitler.

Actually there may well be Jews staying inside the dome simply because those still in hiding are probably going to be reluctant to trust the Nazis saying their going to be allowed to go and thinking its another trick to catch them.

This was what I feared if Germany kept most of their early conquests. Both the Czechs and the Poles, who will suffer even worse this TL than ours with the additional bloodshed on their territory, are unlikely to get any real freedom or human rights and security while the dome's in place. [True the Poles are likely to then suffer again from Stalin if it did come down]. There is less fighting in western Europe but that in the eastern region of the dome is likely to be even bloodier than OTL.

PS On the economics while full moblisation wasn't really started until things started going really pear-shaped, generally after the Stalingrad defeat, even before the war started there were a lot of forced savings and restrictions on what many civilians could buy. There were also some fairly serious food and coa l shortages as early as the winter of 39.
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1. Did Adamgerd mean Serbs or possibly the Sorbs, who are a small Slavic minority still present in eastern Germany at the time? Think they were left over from the German eastwards expansion from about the 10thC.

2. Historically all of the surviving Jews would be glad to escape German control, especially since it meant pretty certain death. The problem was that the Nazis didn't let them go and also there were limited places willing to take them. The latter may have changed now, especially as far as the west is concerned but the Nazis being willing to let the survivors escape is a big change. Especially since there are going to be a lot of stories coming out of what was happening in Germany under Hitler.

3. Actually there may well be Jews staying inside the dome simply because those still in hiding are probably going to be reluctant to trust the Nazis saying their going to be allowed to go and thinking its another trick to catch them.

4. This was what I feared if Germany kept most of their early conquests. Both the Czechs and the Poles, who will suffer even worse this TL than ours with the additional bloodshed on their territory, are unlikely to get any real freedom or human rights and security while the dome's in place. [True the Poles are likely to then suffer again from Stalin if it did come down]. There is less fighting in western Europe but that in the eastern region of the dome is likely to be even bloodier than OTL.
1. Oh, the Sorbs from Saxony! They are ok. The Nazis left them alone (with a few exceptions) because they were considered "sufficiently Germanized". That policy has no reason to change.

2. For many reasons (desire of peace with the West, desire to placate Adolphine, etc), the Holocaust had been stopped. Those stories are already circulating. That cat is already out of the bag.

3. That is indeed probable. However, they will probably come out of hiding after the fall of the Nazi Regime but they will still want to emigrate for various reasons (fear that the Nazis may make a comeback, dislike and fear of all Germans, displeasure with the antisemitism of the German population, better opportunities elsewhere, zionist appeal, etc).

4. There are around one million Poles in Greater Germany, mainly in Posen. There are about 200,000 Germans in the rest of Poland, mostly in "Wartheland". A (humanely organized) population exchange may settle that issue with much less human suffering than in OTL. The Protestant and partially Germanized (actually "Prussianized") Silesians from Upper Silesia, Masurians from East Prussia and Kashubians from West Prussia were mostly content of living in Germany and not very fond of Poland. In OTL, they were forcefully Polonized after the war.

There were few actual Lithuanians in Memelland and East Prussia. The Baltic Memellander did not consider themselves Lithuanian and preferred to live in Germany.

Danzig, Memelland and Upper Silesia had a clear German majority. West Prussia (the "Corridor") had a German / Kashubian Protestant majority. Posen had a significant German minority.

Sudetenland had a clear German majority. The Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia was a Czech Autonomous State and it may gain its independence later.

There are Italians in South Tyrol (German majority), Trentino (Italian majority but it may be ceded back to Italy), Gorizia (Italian / Slovene mix).

There are Slovenes in Inner Slovenia (it will be made into an Autonomous State like Bohemia-Moravia and it may gain independence later on) and Gorizia.

There are some Frenchmen in Alsace-Lorraine (Alsacian majority, considered ethnic Germans speaking a German dialect and so are the Luxembourgish).

There were never any issues with the Danish minority in Schleswig.

In conclusion, Greater Germany has around 85% Germans and 15% ethnic minorities, just like most other European countries. If Greater Germany becomes a democratic country and the Czech and Slovene autonomy become functional and respected the situation will not be as nightmarish as you paint it. Moreover some territories with no or few ethnic Germans like Bohemia-Moravia, Slovenia, Trentino, etc, may be shed in the future.

Remember that a significant number of Poles, Czechs, Slovenes and other Slavs had lived for centuries under German rule (Austria, Prussia, Germany) and no attrocities have taken place except during the Nazi Regime. It is not right to suggest that they will be in any kind of danger as ethnic minorities in Germany. The Nazis were the exception, not the rule.

Moreover, "Germany's early conquests" were, with the exception of Bohemia-Moravia and Posen, territories with a German majority or at least plurality: Saarland, Austria, Sudetenland, Danzig, Upper Silesia, West Prussia. It would be certainly anti-democratic to separate those lands from their country, wouldn't it? The same would be valid for certain other territories such as South Tyrol (not Trentino), Eupen-Malmedy, Tiedje Line Area in Central Schleswig, etc.

Anyway, the situation in the eastern portion of the Dome cannot get bloodier than OTL because 45 years of Soviet Communism cannot be beaten by a few more months of Nazism or War in any situation. Sure, the Nazis killed more people than the Communists per time interval but not by such a wide margin.
Remember that a significant number of Poles, Czechs, Slovenes and other Slavs had lived for centuries under German rule (Austria, Prussia, Germany) and no attrocities have taken place except during the Nazi Regime. It is not right to suggest that they will be in any kind of danger as ethnic minorities in Germany. The Nazis were the exception, not the rule.

I don't know about no atrocities altogether. Nothing on the scale of the Nazis and in the former Hapsburg lands especially the fact it was a multi-national state with a realtively small German minority but even there there were attempts at Germanisation and there are strong national identities formed by this stage, in part because of those policies.

Moreover, "Germany's early conquests" were, with the exception of Bohemia-Moravia and Posen, territories with a German majority or at least plurality: Saarland, Austria, Sudetenland, Danzig, Upper Silesia, West Prussia. It would be certainly anti-democratic to separate those lands from their country, wouldn't it? The same would be valid for certain other territories such as South Tyrol (not Trentino), Eupen-Malmedy, Tiedje Line Area in Central Schleswig, etc.

Yes there were a large number of Germans in W Prussia, especially if you include Danzig, as the figures might but there are a lot of Poles there as well. Posen and the bulk of Bohemia are overwhelmingly non-German and after the last decade and the deeply ingrained racism in Germany at this point few if any will be happy living under German domination, let alone the enforced ethnic cleansing of the Polish areas which not only drives those people from their homes but dump them in an overpopulated and impoverished Polish rump state that is further devastated by the continued fighting with the large Soviet forces left in the region.

Also this assumes that everybody identifies solely by language. Which is an important factor for many but as history shows by far the only factor or even the most important. For the Germans themselves plenty live in Switzerland and OTL Luxembourg with no desire for unification with a German state. Especially one which is still likely to be deeply militaristic and autocratic. Ideally they, as well as the deported/oppressed minorities should have a say in their government.

Anyway, the situation in the eastern portion of the Dome cannot get bloodier than OTL because 45 years of Soviet Communism cannot be beaten by a few more months of Nazism or War in any situation. Sure, the Nazis killed more people than the Communists per time interval but not by such a wide margin.

That depend on how bad it gets and what the later situation is like and how long it lasts. Your likely, if it lasts another few months, to see as many deaths in central/eastern Europe as OTl, just that most are likely to be Poles and Russians rather than Germans. The regions outside the dome are likely to come under Soviet control still and given Stalin's anger at event and Russian insecurity with the continued presence of a powerful Germany are fairly likely to be even more brutally ruled while those inside the dome have just had Russian domination replaced by German.

Even in the western areas of the dome, once the fighting was finished OTL its likely they, including the Germans would be better off under the OTL western control than a continued autocratic German state, especially since it will continue to be diplomatically highly isolated.
Yes, you have some valid points. Sadly, for the smaller countries located between Germany and Russia, there are no possible happy endings after WW2 in almost any TL. I was just saying that, while their situation is indeed bad, it is not that bad as it could have been much worse. However, at this point, I cannot debate this further without revealing important events from the future of the story.

The only small thing I can say (or rather repeat myself) is that most of your "Poles" from West Prussia were actually Kashubians, whose ethnic identity was clearly different from the Polish one and they only became significantly Polonized in OTL after WW2.
Chapter 41. Under the Dome
Chapter 41. Under the Dome

Note: This is an informational chapter, paving the way for what is to come soon enough, probably just after the "Hitler's Wedding" chapter. The upcoming series of maps, while logically assigned to this chapter will be nonetheless placed in their own separate posts as usual.

17 February 1945 (POD + One Month), Inner Europe

One month had passed since that fateful day of 17 January when the infamous Berlin Dome had enclosed most of Central Europe in its formidable grip, bringing the War in Europe to a virtual halt and forever altering the course of history.

While the impact of the Dome was certainly felt worldwide, the countries affected the most were those having all or part of their national territory enclosed by it:
  • Germany (Great Power, Dome Owner)
    • Inner (100%)
      • the Altreich (German territory in 1937, including Saarland)
      • Austria (united with Germany in 1938)
      • the Sudetenland (ceded by Czechoslovakia in 1938)
      • Memelland (ceded by Lithuania in 1939)
      • the Free City of Danzig (united with Germany in 1939)
      • the Polish parts of East Prussia, West Prussia, Posen, Upper Silesia, Teschen (annexed in 1939, ceded by Poland in 1945)
      • Alsace-Lorraine (annexed in 1940)
      • Eupen-Malmedy (annexed in 1940, ceded by Belgium in 1945)
      • Luxembourg (annexed in 1942)
      • Inner Slovenia (annexed in 1941 / 1945)
      • Inner South Tyrol and Inner Istria / Austrian Littoral (annexed in 1943 / 1945)
      • Central Schleswig / Tiedje Line Area (ceded by Denmark in 1945)
      • the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (annexed in 1939)
      • the Protectorate of Inner Italy (annexed in 1945)
  • Liechtenstein (Neutral, German influence)
    • Inner (100%)
  • Luxembourg (Western Allied, de facto dissolved)
    • Inner (100%, annexed to Germany)
  • Netherlands (Neutral, Armistice with Germany, German influence)
    • Inner (100%)
    • Colonies
      • Netherlands East Indies (Japanese occupation)
      • Netherlands Caribbean Colonies (American occupation)
  • Belgium (Neutral, Armistice with Germany, German influence)
    • Inner (98%)
    • Outer (2%, Poperinge area, French occupation)
    • Colonies
      • Belgian Congo (French invasion in progress)
      • Ruanda-Urundi (de jure declared Independent by Belgium)
  • Slovakia (Axis, German influence)
    • Inner (98%)
    • Outer (2%, Slovak ASSR, Soviet occupation)
  • Denmark (Neutral, Armistice with Germany, German influence)
    • Inner (97%, Denmark Proper, German occupation)
    • Outer (3%, Faroe Islands, British occupation)
    • Colonies
      • Greenland (American occupation)
  • Czechoslovakia (Western Allied, de facto dissolved)
    • Inner (91%)
      • Sudetenland (Germany)
      • Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia (German occupation)
      • Inner Slovakia Proper (separatist Slovakia)
      • Inner Southern Slovakia (annexed by Hungary)
      • Inner Carpatho-Ruthenia (tiny no man's land)
    • Outer (9%)
      • Outer Slovakia (Slovak ASSR, Soviet occupation)
      • Outer Carpatho-Ruthenia (annexed to Ukrainian SSR, Soviet occupation)
  • Switzerland (Neutral, Treaty with Germany, German influence)
    • Inner (58%)
    • Outer (42%, including Bern)
  • Hungary (Axis, German influence)
    • Inner (58%)
      • Inner Hungary Proper
      • Inner Southern Slovakia (First Vienna Award)
      • Međimurje (annexed from Croatia)
      • Prekmurje (annexed from Slovenia)
    • Outer (42%, People's Republic of Hungary, Soviet occupation)
  • Poland (Cobelligerant against the Soviet Union, Armistice with Germany, German influence)
    • Inner (55%, active war against the Inner Soviet Army)
      • Inner Poland Proper
      • Inner Byelorussia
      • Inner Ukraine
    • Outer (45%, Soviet occupation)
      • Outer Poland Proper, Ukrainian SSR
      • Outer Western Ukraine, Ukrainian SSR
      • Outer Western Byelorussia, Byelorussian SSR
  • Lithuania (Neutral, Treaty with Germany, German influence)
    • Inner (45%)
    • Outer (55%, including Vilnius, Lithuanian SSR, Soviet occupation)
  • Sweden (Neutral, Treaty with Germany, German influence)
    • Inner (23%)
    • Outer (77%, including Stockholm)
  • Latvia (Neutral, Treaty with Germany, German influence)
    • Inner (12%)
    • Outer (88%, including Riga, Latvian SSR, Soviet occupation)
  • France (Western Allied)
    • Inner (10%)
      • Inner France
      • Alsace-Lorraine (annexed to Germany)
    • Outer (90%, including Paris)
    • Colonies
      • French Indochina (Japanese occupation)
      • All others (French control)
  • Italy (Western Allied)
    • Inner (10%)
      • Protectorate of Inner Italy (German occupation)
      • Inner South Tyrol (annexed to Germany)
      • Inner Istria / Littoral (annexed to Germany)
    • Outer (90%, including Rome)
      • most of Outer Italy (Western Allied occupation)
      • Outer Istria & Fiume (Western Allied occupation)
      • Zara (Yugoslav occupation)
    • Colonies
      • Dodecanese (British occupation)
      • Libya (British & French occupation)
      • Italian East Africa (British occupation)
  • Yugoslavia (Eastern Allied, Soviet influence)
    • Inner (7%)
      • Inner Slovenia (annexed to Germany)
      • Prekmurje (annexed to Hungary)
      • Inner Croatia (separatist Croatia)
      • Međimurje (annexed to Hungary)
    • Outer (93%, including Belgrade)
      • Outer Croatia (separatist Croatia)
      • Outer Slovenia (Croatian control)
      • most of Outer Yugoslavia (Communist Partisan control)
      • small parts of Outer Yugoslavia (Soviet control)
  • Croatia (Axis, German influence)
    • Inner (3%)
    • Outer (97%, including Zagreb)
      • Outer Slovenia Autonomous Region
      • Croatian controlled area
      • Yugoslav controlled area
  • Norway (Western Allied)
    • Inner (2%, German occupation)
    • Outer (98%, including Oslo)
      • most of Outer Norway (German occupation, retreat ongoing)
      • Finnmark (Soviet occupation)
      • Svalbard & Jan Mayen (American occupation)
    • Colonies
      • Bouvet Island & Antarctic territories (uninhabited)
  • Soviet Union (Eastern Allied)
    • Inner (< 1%)
      • Memelland (Germany)
      • Inner Lithuania (Lithuania)
      • Inner Latvia (Latvia)
      • Inner Byelorussia (Poland)
      • Inner Ukraine (Poland)
      • Inner Carpatho-Ruthenia (no man's land)
    • Outer (> 99%)
      • the rest of it
  • the Inner Seas (total German control)
    • Inner North Sea
    • Skagerrak & Kattegat
    • Danish Straits
    • Inner Baltic Sea
    • tiny Inner Adriatic Sea (Inner Gulf of Trieste)
    • also the Olsofjord (outside the Dome but completely isolated)
  • the Inner Air Space (German air supremacy)

To summarize, inside the Dome there were:
  • Germany (100%, including annexed areas)
    • Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia (100%)
    • Protectorate of Inner Italy (100%)
  • Territories under German occupation
    • Inner Norway (2%) with the rest being under German / Soviet / American / British occupation
  • Territories under German influence
    • Inner Latvia (12%) with the rest being Latvian SSR, under Soviet occupation
    • Inner Lithuania (45%) with the rest being Lithuanian SSR, under Soviet occupation
    • Inner Poland (55%) with the rest being parts of the Byelorussian SSR and the Ukrainian SSR, under Soviet occupation
    • Inner Slovakia (98%) with the rest being the Slovak ASSR, under Soviet occupation
    • Inner Hungary (58%) with the rest being the Hungarian People's Republic, under Soviet occupation
    • Inner Croatia (3%) with the rest being under Croat control or Yugoslav occupation
    • Liechtenstein (100%)
    • Inner Switzerland (58%)
    • Inner Belgium (98%) with the rest being the Poperinge area, under French occupation
    • Netherlands (100%)
    • Inner Denmark (97%) with the rest being the Faroe Islands, under British occupation
    • Inner Sweden (23%)
  • Territories under Allied control
    • Inner France (demobilized / surrendered Western Allied troops, Free French troops, etc)
    • parts of Inner Poland (under the control of the Inner Red Army, fighting the Polish Home Army)
  • the Inner Seas & the Inner Air Space (German control / supremacy)

And outside the Dome, the only areas under German control or influence were:
  • most of Outer Norway (German occupation, retreat pending)
  • parts of Outer Croatia (Croat control)
  • Outer Slovenia (Croat control)
  • Outer Switzerland (some German influence)
  • Outer Sweden (some German influence)
  • the Oslofjord (naval supremacy / control)

Note: Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands have de facto completely lost control of their Colonies. Formerly Belgian Ruanda-Urundi is de jure independent, although its inhabitants may not yet be aware of that.

Stronger than all the other countries (and rump countries) inside the Berlin Dome combined, Germany was the undisputed hegemon and hyperpower of the lesser World under its Dome!

In the following chapters, we will follow the fate of each of these countries to see how they fared in the menacing embrace of Nazi Germany, what exactly that "German influence" was about and how did it affect their internal and external policies. We will see that some of them managed to accomodate to the new situation quite well while others were engulfed in life-threatening convulsions.

At the same time, Germany insisted for a normalization of its relations with Norway, France, Italy and the other Western Allies, be it an Armistice or a full-fledged Peace Conference. The success of that endeavour remains to be seen.

And, also at the same time, despite the end of open warfare, the social and economic conditions inside Germany continued to deteriorate, placing the population, the Nazi authorities and the Wehrmacht in increasingly precarious positions.

All in all, 1945 was perhaps the most spectacular year of the 20th century, full of countless important events, some of them of really momentous proportions (and we are not talking only about the Berlin Dome here).
[Map] Central Europe (15 February 1945)
Central Europe
15 February 1945
For a live zoomable and pannable map of the Dome, you may follow this link.

  • National colours as usual
  • Inside the Dome and in the German controlled areas outside the Dome, the map shows the de jure situation from the German point of view.
  • In other areas, the map shows the de facto situation.
  • Black Lines: National Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal Borders
  • Red Lines: Frontlines
  • Interrupted Red Lines: Demarcation lines between (partially) disorganized combatants (the Croatian Army and the Yugoslav Partisans) and between non-combatants (the Polish Army retreating behind the mutually agreed border, the Allies not invading Croatia considered as part of Yugoslavia, etc)
  • Red Circle: Dome limit (looks like an ellipse due to Mercator distortion)
  • Red Dot: Dome centre (Berlin)
  • Light Pink Hue: Dome area

  1. Andorra (Self Governing French-Spanish Co-Principality)
  2. Liechtenstein (fully inside the Dome)
  3. Outer Belgium (Poperinge Area, French occupation)
  4. Inner Italy / Reichsprotektorat Venedig (Protectorate)
  5. Outer South Tyrol (Italy)
  6. Istria (Italy, American occupation)
  7. Outer Slovenia (Croatian tenous control)
  8. Inner Croatia
  9. Italian Zara (Yugoslav control)
  10. Outer Slovakia (annexed to the Soviet Union as Slovak ASSR, "until Czechoslovakia is liberated")
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Not much to say here. America may well be the one most likely to push for a peace treaty since it's still busy in the Pacific theater.

A theater that could well prove to be more troublesome if Japan has paid close attention, or Germany has warned them outright about the exact threat of nuclear weapons.

The Japanese certainly would be much less inclined to ignore a "harmless scouting aircraft" approaching major cities.
[Map] NE Italy and Slovenia (15 February 1945)
North-East Italy and Slovenia
15 February 1945

  • National colours as usual
  • De facto situation shown
  • Red Curve: Dome limit
  • Black Lines: Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal Borders
  • Stars: Country Capitals (Zagreb).

  1. Liechtenstein
  2. Inner Ticino (Italian language area)
  3. Italian language areas of Inner Graubünden (three exclaves)
  4. Outer Graubünden (Italian language area)
  5. Exclave of Inner Italy Protectorate (Inner Lombardy and Inner Valtellina)
  6. Fiume (Italy)
  7. Međimurje (Annexed by Hungary from Croatia in 1941)
  8. Prekmurje (Annexed by Hungary from Slovenia in 1941)
  9. Outer Hungary (People's Republic of Hungary, Soviet Puppet State)

  • Valtellina is a former part of Graubünden, lost in 1797 to Napoleon's Cisalpine Republic, now part of Italy. In one of his many attempts to create confusion and discord in Switzerland, Hitler offered to transfer Inner Valtellina back to Graubünden. His offer was quickly rejected (but the issue did not die there).
  • Italian speaking Outer Ticino and (tiny) Outer Graubünden are isolated, with no road connections to the rest of Outer Switzerland (Valais). Some people had started talking about secession and joining Italy.
  • The Canton-sized microstate of Liechtenstein (part of the German Confederation until its 1866 demise and fully German-speaking) enjoyed the protection of neutral Switzerland. With Switzerland no longer fully neutral (the need to maintain the openings in the Dome keeps Switzerland in the German sphere of influence), the future of Liechtenstein is in doubt.
  • Inner Trentino, the Italian speaking part of Inner South Tyrol, could be transferred to the Italian Protectorate.
  • Outer Slovenia was transferred to Croatia and organized as an Autonomous Slovene Region. It is mostly under the control of the Slovene Home Guard, with some Communist Partisan activity. The situation is however temporary, as the Yugoslav Army is quickly approaching Zagreb. The remaining Gottschee Germans have been already evacuated "Heim ins Reich".
  • Inner Croatia is experiencing a steady flow of Croatian refugees, both civilians and Ustaše members, fleeing the advancing Yugoslav Army. So far, Hitler is allowing them free passage. In order to accomodate the growing population, Hungarian Međimurje may be transferred back to Inner Croatia.
  • While fully Italian Outer Trentino is out of the question, Hitler still hopes to get at least some parts of Outer Istria at the expected peace treaty (possibly in exchange with Inner Italy and Inner Trentino). Trieste would be especially important, being the only reasonable port at the Adriatic in that area.
  • There are some talks about creating some sort of Autonomous Area for the Slovenes in Inner Slovenia, similar to the Czezh Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia. Nothing is certain at this stage.
  • Except isolated groups of Communist Partisans in Inner Slovenia and a small number of Italian Partisans in Inner Italy, the Wehrmacht is not fighting anymore in the areas shown on the map.
[Map] Switzerland (15 February 1945)
15 February 1945
Cantons and Languages

  • National colours as usual (with the exception of the Swiss Cantons and Liechtenstein)
  • De facto situation shown
  • Red Curve: Dome limit
  • Black Lines: Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal Borders
  • Light Purple Lines: Language borders in Bern, Fribourg and Valais (French-German) and Graubünden (German-Italian-Romansh)
  • Stars: Country Capitals (Bern)

  • Plain background: German
  • Horizontal Lines: French
  • Vertical Lines: Italian
  • Checkerboard: Romansh

  1. German exclave of Büsingen am Hochrhein (between Schaffhausen and Thurgau)
  2. Italian exclave of Campione d'Italia (enclaved in Ticino)

  • Please don't ask where the Jura Canton is. It did not exist in 1945. It only seceded from Bern in OTL 1979.
  • The Half-Cantons (Obwalden and Nidwalden, Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, Appenzell Ausserrhoden and Appenzell Innerrhoden) are shown together due to their traditional close relation and convoluted borders with many exclaves in a rather small area.
  • Bisected Cantons:
    • Bern (split in half, both the French part and the German part are split)
    • Valais (outside, only a tiny portion from the German part is inside the Dome)
    • Uri (inside, only a tiny portion is outside the Dome)
    • Ticino (mostly outside, a significant part inside)
    • Graubünden (inside, only a tiny portion from the Italian part is outside the Dome)
  • Valtellina is a former part of Graubünden, lost in 1797 to Napoleon's Cisalpine Republic, now part of Inner Italy. In one of his many attempts to create confusion and discord in Switzerland, Hitler offered to transfer Inner Valtellina back to Graubünden. His offer was quickly rejected (but the issue did not die there).
  • Italian speaking Outer Ticino and (tiny) Outer Graubünden are isolated, with no road connections to the rest of Outer Switzerland (Valais). Some people had started talking about secession and joining Italy.
  • The Canton-sized microstate of Liechtenstein (part of the German Confederation until its 1866 demise and fully German-speaking) enjoyed the protection of neutral Switzerland. With Switzerland no longer fully neutral (the need to maintain the openings in the Dome keeps Switzerland in the German sphere of influence), the future of Liechtenstein is in doubt.
[Map] Western Europe (15 February 1945)
Western Europe
15 February 1945

  • National colours as usual
  • De facto situation shown
  • Red Curve: Dome limit
  • Black Lines: Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal / Older Borders
  • Stars: Country Capitals (Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris)

  1. The current coastlines of IJsselmeer & Markermeer
  2. Briey-Longwy area (to Alsace-Lorraine, Western Military Administration, Germany)
  3. Eupen-Malmedy (Western Military Administration, Germany)
  4. Other small areas with German population annexed from Belgium (to Eupen-Malmedy, Western Military Administration, Germany)
  5. Exclave of Flanders, Belgium
  6. Exclave of Wallonia, Belgium (with its Inner and Outer parts)
  7. Outer Belgium / Poperinge Area (Flanders and a small part of Wallonia), under French military control
  8. Baarle-Hertog "insanity" (Enclave complex)
  9. Frisian Islands (no large amphibious operations here, sorry)

Note: The annexed western territories were temporarily placed under Military Rule.
  • Western Military Administration (Westliche Militärverwaltung)
    • Alsace-Lorraine (Elsaß-Lothringen)
      • Longwy-Briey (Langich-Briey)
    • Luxembourg (Luxemburg)
    • Eupen-Malmedy (Ostkantone / Eupen-Malmünd)
      • Moresnet and other small areas
[Map] Borders in the Carpathians (15 February 1945)
Borders in the Carpathians
15 February 1945

  • National colours as usual
  • De facto situation shown
  • Red Curve: Dome limit
  • Black Lines: Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal / Older Borders

  1. Hungary before the 1938 First Vienna Award (Inner: Kingdom of Hungary; Outer: People's Republic of Hungary)
  2. Slovak territory transferred to Hungary by the 1938 First Vienna Award (Inner: Kingdom of Hungary; Outer: Slovak ASSR, Soviet Union)
  3. Slovak territory annexed by Hungary in the 1939 Hungarian-Slovak War (Inner: reverted to Slovakia; Outer: Slovak ASSR, Soviet Union)
  4. Remaining Slovak territory after the Hungarian-Slovak War (Inner: Slovakia; Outer: Slovak ASSR, Soviet Union)
  5. Inner Carpatho-Ukraine, 2 km² of mountainous uninhabited territory under Slovak control (but not part of Slovakia or any other state, hence its white colour)
[Map] Soviet Romania (15 February 1945)
Soviet Romania
15 February 1945
Harta Republicii Sovietice Socialiste Romîne

  • National colours as usual
  • De facto situation shown
  • Red Curve: Dome limit
  • Black Lines: Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal / Older Borders

Key: Embedded in the map.

Note: The map is labeled in Romanian. I believe that all names ought to be understandable by an English speaker.

Trivia: Note the spelling with î instead of â in the name of the country and its people (also in use in OTL 1948-1965), with the purpose of deemphasizing the connection between the Romanians and the Roman Empire and the usage of the adjectival form (Romînă, Romanian [...] Republic) instead of the substantival form (România, [...] Republic of Romania), massively preferred by the Romanians themselves (also in use in OTL 1948-1965). Ugh, tough times, both in OTL and in TTL (even harder in TTL, though hopefully shorter).
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[Map] Schleswig (15 February 1945)
15 February 1945

  • Pink Hue: Area annexed by Germany (southernmost part of Northern Schleswig)
  • Black Lines: Current / Former Borders

Note: The Danish-German border of 1920 left a large German minority in Danish Schleswig and almost no Danes in German Schleswig. In particular, the city of Tondern / Tønder had a 75% German majority.
The proposed Tiedje Line would have created almost equal German and Danish minorities in Denmark and, respectively, Germany.
In TTL, in February 1945, Hitler decided to let Denmark have the overwhelmingly Danish part of Northern Schleswig and annex only the small area between the border and the Tiedje Line (marked with a pink hue on the map).
[List] Countries & Dependencies (February 1945)
Sovereign Countries & Dependencies
February 1945
Changes from OTL in Red. Occupied / Claimed Territories in Italics.

United States of America
Western Allied, Federation, Great Power
  • Occupied Greenland (Denmark)
  • Canton and Enderbury Islands (Condominium with the UK)
  • Philippines (Protectorate; under Japanese occupation, Puppet State: Philippines)
  • Alaska (Territory)
  • American Samoa (Territory)
  • Guam (Territory)
  • Hawaii (Territory)
  • Panama Canal Zone (Territory)
  • Puerto Rico (Territory)
  • United States Virgin Islands (Territory)
  • Minor Islands (Uninhabited; Wake Island under Japanese Occupation)

United Kingdom
Western Allied, Great Power
  • Occupied Faroe Islands (Denmark)
  • Occupied Cyrenaica (Italy)
  • Occupied Eritrea (Italy)
  • Occupied Somalia (Italy)
  • Occupied Tripolitania (Italy)
  • Nauru (LoN Mandate; Condominium with Australia and New Zealand; under Japanese Occupation)
  • British Cameroons (LoN Mandate)
  • British Togoland (LoN Mandate)
  • Palestine (LoN Mandate)
  • Transjordan (LoN Mandate)
  • Tanganyika (LoN Mandate)
  • Canton and Enderbury Islands (Condominium with the USA)
  • New Hebrides (Condominium with France)
  • Sudan (Condominium with Egypt)
  • Guernsey (Crown dependency)
  • Isle of Man (Crown dependency)
  • Jersey (Crown dependency)
  • Aden (Crown colony and protectorate)
  • Bahama Islands (Crown colony)
  • Bahrain (Protectorate)
  • Barbados (Crown colony)
  • Basutoland (Crown colony)
  • Bechuanaland (Protectorate)
  • Bermuda (Crown colony)
  • British Guiana (Crown colony)
  • British Honduras (Crown colony)
  • British Leeward Islands (Crown colony)
  • British Somaliland (Protectorate)
  • British Western Pacific Territories (Crown colony)
  • British Windward Islands (Crown colony)
  • Brunei (Protectorate; under Japanese Occupation)
  • Burma (Crown colony; under Japanese Occupation, Puppet State: Burma)
  • Ceylon (Crown colony)
  • Cyprus (Crown colony)
  • Falkland Islands (Crown colony)
  • Federated Malay States (Protectorate; under Japanese Occupation)
  • Gambia (Crown colony and protectorate)
  • Gibraltar (Crown colony)
  • Gold Coast (Crown colony)
  • Hong Kong (Crown colony; under Japanese Occupation)
  • India (Crown colony)
  • Jamaica (Crown colony)
  • Johor (Protectorate; under Japanese Occupation)
  • Kedah (Protectorate; under Japanese Occupation)
  • Kelantan (Protectorate; under Japanese Occupation)
  • Kenya (Crown colony and protectorate)
  • Kuwait (Protectorate)
  • Maldive Islands (Protectorate)
  • Malta (Crown colony)
  • Mauritius (Crown colony)
  • Newfoundland (Crown colony)
  • Nigeria (Crown colony and protectorate)
  • North Borneo (Crown colony; under Japanese Occupation)
  • Northern Rhodesia (Protectorate)
  • Nyasaland (Protectorate)
  • Perlis (Protectorate; under Japanese Occupation)
  • Qatar (Protectorate)
  • Saint Helena (Crown colony)
  • Sarawak (Protectorate, under Japanese Occupation)
  • Seychelles (Crown colony)
  • Sierra Leone (Crown colony and protectorate)
  • Southern Rhodesia (Crown colony)
  • Straits Settlements (Crown colony; under Japanese Occupation)
  • Suez Canal Zone (Crown colony)
  • Swaziland (Protectorate)
  • Terengganu (Protectorate; under Japanese Occupation)
  • Trinidad and Tobago (Crown colony)
  • Trucial States (Protectorate)
  • Uganda (Crown colony)
  • Zanzibar (Protectorate)
  • Heard Island and McDonald Islands (Uninhabited)

Western Allied, British Dominion, Federation

Western Allied, British Dominion, Federation
  • Nauru (LoN Mandate; Condominium with the UK and New Zealand; under Japanese Occupation)
  • New Guinea (LoN Mandate, partially under Japanese occupation)
  • Norfolk Island (Territory)
  • Papua (Territory)

New Zealand
Western Allied, British Dominion
  • Nauru (LoN Mandate; Condominium with the UK and Australia; under Japanese Occupation)
  • Western Samoa (LoN Mandate)
  • Cook Islands (Dependency)
  • Niue Island (Dependency)
  • Union Islands (Dependency)

South Africa
Western Allied, British Dominion, Federation
  • South-West Africa (LoN Mandate)

Soviet Union
Eastern Allied, Socialist State, Federation, Great Power
  • Occupied East Turkestan (China)
  • Occupied Mongolia (China)
  • Occupied Tuva (China)
  • Occupied Kurdish Mahabad (Iran)
  • Occupied Southern Azerbaijan (Iran)
  • Occupied Outer Hungary (Hungary)
  • Russia (SFSR)
  • Ukraine (SSR)
    • Inner Ukraine (claimed by Poland; under Inner Soviet Army control)
    • Outer Poland (Oblast; three exclaves annexed from Poland)
    • Carpatho-Ukraine (Oblast; ceded by the Czechoslovak Government in Exile)
    • Inner Carpatho-Ukraine (tiny uninhabited territory; under Slovak control)
    • Outer Slovakia (ASSR; annexed from Czechoslovakia)
    • Northern Bukovina & Northern Bessarabia (Oblast; annexed from Romania)
    • Southern Bessarabia (Oblast; annexed from Romania)
  • Byelorussia (SSR)
    • Inner Byelorussia (claimed by Poland; under Inner Soviet Army control)
  • Karelia (SSR)
  • Georgia (SSR)
  • Armenia (SSR)
  • Azerbaijan (SSR)
  • Kazakhstan (SSR)
  • Kyrgyzstan (SSR)
  • Uzbekistan (SSR)
  • Turkmenistan (SSR)
  • Tajikistan (SSR)
  • Estonia (SSR; de jure Independent)
    • Estonian Government in Exile
  • Latvia (SSR; de jure Independent)
    • Latvian Government in Exile
    • Inner Latvia (German sphere of influence)
  • Lithuania (SSR; de jure Independent)
    • Lithuanian Government in Exile
    • Inner Lithuania (German sphere of influence)
    • Memelland (Germany)
  • Romania (SSR; de jure Independent)
    • Romanian Government in Exile
    • Moldavia (ASSR)
    • Hungarian Autonomous Region
  • Bulgaria (SSR; de jure Independent)
    • Bulgarian Government in Exile)
    • Macedonia (ASSR)
    • Turkish Autonomous Region

Eastern Allied, Soviet sphere of influence

Neutral, Microstate, French-Spanish partial co-suzerainty

Neutral, German sphere of influence, Belgian Government in Exile disbanded, Political crisis
  • Eupen-Malmedy (including Moresnet; ceded to Germany)
  • Ruanda-Urundi (LoN Mandate; mandate relinquished / granted Independence)
  • Outer Belgium (Poperinge; under Western Allied occupation)
  • Belgian Congo (Colony)

Annexed by the Soviet Union
  • Bulgarian Government in Exile

  • Czechoslovak Government in Exile
  • Sudetenland (Germany)
  • Teschen (Germany)
  • Southern Slovakia (Hungary)
  • Carpatho-Ukraine (Soviet Union)
  • Bohemia-Moravia (German Protectorate)
  • Slovakia (de facto Independent State)
  • Inner Carpatho-Ukraine (tiny uninhabited territory; under Slovak control)
  • Outer Slovakia (annexed by the Soviet Union)

Neutral, German sphere of influence, German military occupation
  • Central Schleswig (ceded to Germany)
  • Feroe Islands (under British occupation)
  • Greenland (under American occupation)

Annexed by the Soviet Union
  • Estonian Government in Exile

Neutral, "Finlandization"

Western Allied, Great Power
  • Alsace-Lorraine (including Briey-Longwy; annexed by Germany)
  • Inner France (in limbo)
  • Occupied Fezzan (Italy)
  • Lebanon (LoN Mandate; de facto Independent)
  • Syria (LoN Mandate; de facto Independent)
  • French Cameroons (LoN Mandate)
  • French Togoland (LoN Mandate)
  • New Hebrides (Condominium with the UK)
  • French Equatorial Africa (Colony)
  • French Guiana (Colony)
  • French India (Colony)
  • French Indochina (Federation of protectorates; under Japanese occupation, Puppet States: Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam)
  • French Oceania (Colony)
  • French Somaliland (Colony)
  • French West Africa (Colony)
  • Guadeloupe (Colony)
  • Inini (Colony)
  • Madagascar (Colony)
  • Martinique (Colony)
  • Morocco (Protectorate)
  • New Caledonia (Colony)
  • Réunion (Colony)
  • Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Colony)
  • Tunisia (Protectorate)
  • Clipperton Island (Uninhabited)

Axis, Great Power, Dome owner
  • Alsace-Lorraine (including Briey-Longwy; annexed from France)
  • Luxembourg (annexed)
  • Eupen-Malmedy (including Moresnet; ceded by Belgium)
  • Central Schleswig (ceded by Denmark)
  • Danzig
  • West Prussia, SW East Prussia, Posen, Upper Silesia, Teschen (ceded by Poland)
  • Inner Slovenia (annexed from Yugoslavia)
  • Inner Istria / Littoral, Inner South Tyrol (annexed from Italy)
  • Bohemia and Moravia (Protectorate)
  • Inner Venice and Inner Lombardy (Protectorate)

Western Allied, Civil War between the Government and the Communists

Axis, German sphere of influence
  • Prekmurje (annexed from Yugoslavia / Slovenia)
  • Medimurje (annexed from Yugoslavia / Croatia)
  • Outer Hungary (de facto Soviet puppet state; Soviet occupation)
  • Outer Southern Slovakia (Slovak ASSR)
  • Carpatho-Ukraine (annexed to Soviet Ukraine)
  • Northern Transylvania (reannexed to Romania)
  • Backa and Baranja (reannexed to Yugoslavia)
  • Inner Eastern Slovakia (ceded to Slovakia)
  • Inner Carpatho-Ukraine (relinquished under Slovak control)

Neutral, Recently Independent from Denmark, American occupation


Western Allied occupation
  • Piave Triangle, Outer Istria, Fiume (recently vacated by the Germans and reintegrated into Italy)
  • Inner Venice (German occupation)
  • Inner Lombardy (German occupation)
  • Inner South Tyrol (annexed to Germany)
  • Inner Istria (annexed to Germany)
  • Zara (Yugoslav occupation)
  • Dodecanese (British occupation)
  • Libya (British / French occupation)
  • Italian East Africa (British occupation)
  • Abyssinia (recognized Independent as Ethiopia)

Neutral, German sphere of influence
  • Outer Latvia (annexed by the Soviet Union)

Neutral, German sphere of influence, Microstate

Neutral, German sphere of influence
  • Outer Lithuania (annexed by the Soviet Union)

  • Luxembourgish Government in Exile

Neutral, Microstate, French influence

Neutral, German sphere of influence, Dutch Government in Exile disbanded
  • Curaçao and Dependencies (Colony)
  • Surinam (Colony)
  • Netherlands New Guinea (Colony; partially under Japanese occupation)
  • Netherlands East Indies (Colony; under Japanese occupation, Puppet State: Indonesia)

Western Allied, German occupation
  • Svalbard and Jan Mayen (Western Allied control)
  • Finnmark (Soviet control)
  • Bouvet Island (Uninhabited)

Neutral / Cobelligerant with the Axis against the Soviet Union, Partial Soviet occupation, German sphere of influence
  • Inner Ukraine (Soviet control)
  • Inner Byelorussia (Soviet control)
  • Danzig (relinquished to Germany)
  • West Prussia, SW East Prussia, Posen, Upper Silesia, Teschen (ceded to Germany)
  • Vilnius Region (ceded to Lithuania)
  • Small Carpathian territories (ceded to Slovakia)
  • Outer Eastern Poland (Soviet Union)

Neutral, Friendly towards the Western Allies
  • Cape Verde (Colony)
  • Macau (Colony)
  • Portuguese East Africa (Mozambique; Colony)
  • Portuguese Guinea (Bissau; Colony)
  • Portuguese India (Goa; Colony)
  • Portuguese Timor (Colony; under Japanese occupation)
  • Portuguese West Africa (Angola; Colony)
  • São João Baptista de Ajudá (Possession)
  • São Tomé and Príncipe (Colony)

Annexed by the Soviet Union
  • Romanian Government in Exile
  • Moldavia (ASSR)
  • Hungarian Autonomous Region

San Marino
Neutral, Microstate

Neutral, Friendly towards the Axis
  • Ifni (Colony)
  • Spanish Guinea (Colony)
  • Morocco (Protectorate)
  • Spanish Sahara (Colony)

Neutral, German sphere of influence

Neutral, German sphere of influence, Political crisis

Vatican City
Neutral, Microstate, Holy See

Eastern Allied, Soviet sphere of influence
  • Occupied Zara (Italian)
  • Outer Croatia (de facto Independent State)
  • Inner Croatia (under German control)
  • Outer Slovenia (under Croatian control)
  • Inner Slovenia (annexed to Germany)

De Facto States

Axis, German sphere of influence, de jure, Yugoslavia
  • Outer Croatia (partial Yugoslav occupation)
  • Inner Croatia (German control)
  • Outer Slovenia (annexed; Autonomous Slovene Region)

Axis, German sphere of influence, de jure, Czechoslovakia
  • Inner Eastern Slovakia (ceded by Hungary)
  • Inner Carpatho-Ukraine (informal control)
  • Outer Eastern Slovakia (annexed to the Soviet Union)


Recently annulled declaration of War against Germany

Western Allied


Western Allied

Costa Rica
Recently annulled declaration of War against Germany

Western Allied

Dominican Republic
Western Allied


El Salvador
Western Allied

Western Allied

Western Allied

Western Allied

Western Allied

Western Allied

Western Allied


Recently annulled declaration of War against Germany




Neutral, British Protection

Western Allied, Great Power, Partial Japanese and Soviet occupation
  • East Turkestan (Soviet occupation, Puppet State: East Turkestan)
  • Outer Mongolia (Soviet occupation, Puppet State: Mongolia)
  • Tuva (annexed to the Soviet Union)
  • Manchuria (Japanese occupation, Puppet State: Manchukuo)
  • Inner Mongolia (Japanese occupation, Puppet State: Mengjiang)
  • Nanjing (Japanese occupation, Puppet State: China)
  • Tibet (de facto Independent State: Tibet)

Neutral, British occupation
  • Sudan (Condominium with the UK)

Western Allied

Western Allied, Partial Soviet occupation
  • Kurdish Mahabad (Soviet occupation, Puppet State: Mahabad)
  • Southern Azerbaijan (Soviet occupation, Puppet State: Southern Azerbaijan)

Western Allied

Axis, Great Power
  • Occupied Territories (from China, USA, UK, France, Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Portugal)
  • Puppet States (Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Inner Mongolia, Laos, Manchukuo, Nanjing, Philippines, Vietnam)
  • Pacific Mandate (LoN Mandate; annexed)
  • Korea (Dependency)
  • Taiwan (Dependency)

Western Allied

Western Allied

Neutral, British Protection

Saudi Arabia

Axis, Japanese sphere of influence
  • Territories annexed from French Indochina, Burma, Malaya

Neutral, Western Allied friendly


De Facto States

Axis, Japanese puppet state, de jure, Burma (UK, Colony)

Axis, Japanese puppet state, de jure, French Indochina (France, Protectorate), Recently established

East Turkestan
Neutral, Soviet puppet state, de jure, China

Axis, Japanese puppet state, de jure, Netherlands East Indies (Netherlands, Colony), Recently established

Inner Mongolia
Axis, Japanese puppet state, de jure, China

Axis, Japanese puppet state, de jure, French Indochina (France, Protectorate), Recently established

Neutral, de jure, Lebanon (France, LoN Mandate)

Axis, Japanese puppet state, de jure, China

Neutral, Soviet puppet state, de jure, China

Axis, Japanese puppet state, de jure, China

Axis, Japanese puppet state, de jure, Philippines (USA, Protectorate)

Neutral, de jure, Syria (France, LoN Mandate)

Neutral, de jure, China

Axis, Japanese puppet state, de jure, French Indochina (France, Protectorate / Colony), Recently established
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Chapter 42. An Important Discussion
Chapter 42. An Important Discussion

16 February 1945, the Hirn, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

: "What is that bulky device for, Herr Zuse?"

Konrad Zuse: "It is an interface, Fräulein Adolphine. It allows us to connect to your computers... I mean robots."

Adolphine: "To connect to Olaf?! But why would you want to connect something to Olaf? You can talk to him and he talks back and projects images and movies!... I don't understand."

Zuse (superior smile): "Oh, Fräulein, this interface has many uses. For example, how would you charge Olaf or Helga without one?"

Adolphine: "Charge? What do you mean by that?"

Zuse: "Charge their accumulators."

Adolphine: "Accumulators? That's Greek to me, Herr Zuse, I'm sorry."

Zuse: "Ahem... The robots, like everything that functions, use energy, don't they?"

Adolphine: "I guess..."

Zuse: "So, where does that energy come from? Where is it stored? How is it replenished?"

Adolphine: "I don't know. Let's ask Olaf."

Zuse: "I have already talked with him about that. Olaf and Helga have rechargeable batteries which, when fully charged, allow them up to 24 hours of autonomy. After that, if their batteries are not recharged, they would sleep to conserve power or shut down in case of complete battery depletion."

Adolphine (laughing): "That's bullshit! I have bought Olaf three years ago and I have never recharged him!"

Zuse: "Sure, because you needn't. In the future you came from and here, in the Hirn, the existing technology allows the robots to recharge wirelessly using ambient energy emanating from other nearby devices."

Adolphine: "Ok, they recharge automatically. So, why do you need the interface then?"

Zuse: "They recharge automatically here. They won't recharge that way in the Berghof."

Adolphine: "Oh... I see. Sorry, Herr Zuse... How did you think of that?"

Zuse: "But it's obvious..."

Adolphine: "It's obvious for you!... You must be very intelligent..."

Zuse: "Thank you... And charging is not all. The interface has other uses. You can connect to a printer or to an antenna..."

Adolphine: "Why would we need that for?"

Zuse: "Unlike your time, when there were computers everywere and information could be transmitted effortlessly to any part of the world, in our time, printed paper is still very important."

Adolphine: "I see. And the antenna? If I remember correctly, there is a powerful antenna somewhere around here and Helga uses it to connect to the Main Computer, isn't it so?"

Zuse (smiling): "That is correct. The Main Antenna can broadcast to a distance of circa two kilometres. There are about 555 kilometres from here to Berchtesgaden..."

Adolphine: "Then what? Are you going to build hundreds of antennas two kilometres apart all the way from here to Berchtesgaden?"

Zuse: "Oh, no! We amplify the signal and broadcast it via radio. We did a few tests and everything seems to work just fine. There were a few glitches regarding security but they are all solved now."

Adolphine (worried): "Security?"

Zuse: "Yes. Apparently, the Main Computer suspected that someone else might be impersonating Helga but, in the end, everything got sorted out. It seems that they have some secret means of recognizing each other with a sufficiently high degree of certitude."

Adolphine: "Yes they surely have and, after all, there aren't any hackers around here yet!"

Zuse: "Hackers?..."

Adolphine: "People who access computers illegaly and do all kinds of nasty stuff with them! But you don't have to worry about them yet. It's simply too early. I mean, this is before the Internet, can you imagine that?!..."

Zuse: "Heil Hitler!"

Adolphine: "Hi!"

Adolf Hitler: "Good morning... Herr Zuse, have you finished your tests? Is everything working?"

Zuse (proud): "Yes, Mein Führer. With this interface, we managed to connect Helga with a charger, an antenna, a printer and a New Enigma Machine."

Adolphine: "Enigma? But..."

Hitler: "Don't worry. Herr Zuse had overcome all difficulties and the New Enigma Machine uses state of the art encrypting technology."

Zuse: "Ahem... We still needed to keep it simple enough to use with electromechanical machines, so it's far from perfect but... I mean, it can be cracked. Sure, Helga can crack it in seconds but with the computers used by the English it would take several years!..."

Hitler: "Yes, Adolphine, Herr Zuse is an extraordinary scientist and it was extremely fortunate that you had remembered both his name and the shortcommings of our previous Enigma system. Congratulations for your remarcable achievements, Herr Zuse. I will personally nominate you for the Deutscher Nationalpreis für Kunst und Wissenschaft (German National Prize for Art and Science). You certainly deserve it..."

Zuse (moved): "Thank you, Mein Führer, it is a great honour..."

Hitler: "Unlike Heisenberg and Hahn who have so far failed me..."

Zuse: "Harnessing the energy of the atoms takes time, Mein Führer..."

Hitler: "Yes, they keep telling me that!" (yelling) "But we don't have that time! We need the bomb now!"

Adolphine: "You said that we will have peace soon. Then why do we need atomic bombs with such urgency?"

Hitler: "You are a girl, you cannot understand that. There is no need to discuss military matters with either of you."

Zuse: "May I leave, Mein Führer? I still have some more tests to run..."

Hitler: "Sure, you are excused."

Zuse: "Heil Hitler!"

Adolphine: "I am sorry, Adolf. I did not mean to comment upon military strategy and stuff. It's just I got worried... You have to understand me, I heard you saying we needed the atomic bomb, it's only natural to presume that we are still in some kind of danger..."

Hitler: "We are not in danger of being occupied, of course. But what have we achieved? Nothing! We lost the War!"

Adolphine: "Why do you say that? We did not lose. The Dome saved us!"

Hitler: "We lost!! Millions are dead, maimed or sick, the Vaterland is in ruins, the Volk is demoralized, the whole World hates us, our goals are further away then ever! Germany needs its Lebensraum! We need to conquer Russia now and we need the Bomb for that!"

Adolphine (shocked): "Do you want to continue the War? I thought you wanted peace..."

Hitler: "Yes, we need to keep the war going. We need peace with the West but there should never be peace in the East. Never! If we have to wait several years for the atomic bomb, after several years of peace... Nobody would want to go to war again! The Volk will be softened... And I have to prevent this! There should be a permanent state of war in the Urals!... War keeps the Volk strong and determined! Peace makes it soft and pampered!..." (increasingly incoherent discourse for several more minutes)

Adolphine: "But..."

Hitler (irritated): "What?"

Adolphine: "But the people want peace..."

Hitler (yelling): "I don't care! The masses are dumb. They don't know what is good for them!... Wait a minute! How do you know what the people want? Are you spying on me?"

Adolphine: "Me? Spying on you??"

Hitler: "Yes, yes. I know about your little chat with Olaf and the ongoing communications between him and Helga." (yelling) "Yes, I know everything!" (slapping her) "What are you plotting now, you little dirty rascal?"

Adolphine (scared): "Nothing, I swear. I was only being curious." (crying) "I did not intend to use the information in any way, much less in a malicious way..."

Eva (entering the room): "What's going on? Are you fighting?"

Hitler: "Leave us alone! This is between me and her!"

Adolphine: "He hit me..."

Eva: "Adolf, did you hit her?"

Hitler: "She deserved it! And it's none of your business!"

Eva: "She's my daughter too."

Hitler: "Yes, she is, and if she comes home late I'd let you handle it. But we are talking about state matters now. She was interfering in the functioning of the Reich!..."

Adolphine: "No I was not!"

Hitler: "Shut up!"

Adolphine (ducking): "Don't hit me!"

Hitler: "She was spying on me using those robots! She was reading my private correspondence, top secret documents and orders! This is intolerable!"

Eva: "Did you do that, Adolphine?"

Adolphine: "Yes, but..."

Hitler: "No buts!... See, she admited it! Like it was nothing! I can't believe it!... Now leave us alone, would you?"

Eva: "Sure, Adolf... Are you going to beat her?"

Hitler: "It's useless now. She's already grown up. She should have been beaten a long time ago..."

Adolphine: "In my time, parents are not allowed to beat their children."

Hitler (mocking): "Is that so? It's no wonder then that you are so misbehaved! Get out of my sight! Go to your room!... Wait!... Never, never again do something like that! Do you understand?"

Adolphine (low voice): "Yes. I am sorry. I will never do that again... May I go now?"

Hitler dismissed her with a weave of his hand. Adolphine went to her room, jumped on the bed and started to sob. Eva came in and did her best to comfort her, albeit with little success.

How did he know? Did Olaf tell him? Or Helga? No, Helga doesn't know a thing!... What the hell? Did they bug my room?! No!... Yes! It's like in 2189 all over again! I have to look over my shoulder and be careful what I talk and with whom! It's just another kind of dictatorship!...

Oh, how much I hate him!... No! How could I say such a vile thing? Of course I don't hate Hitler! I'm a National Socialist after all... Am I?

Is he crazy? Oh, my Gods! There will be a coup if he orders the resumption of the War! They will kill him!... Scheiße! I have to do something to prevent that! I must talk him out of it!... Maybe it would be better if Hitler retires now. The war is over, his health is very fragile... No! That's treason!... Is it?

I am loyal to Hitler but I am foremost loyal to Germany, my People and my Race. If Hitler's actions are detrimental to the well being of the State and the People then Hitler must step back. Right? Am I right? Oh, my Gods, please help me! Please, make me think straight!

One month had passed since Adolphine and the Hirn had materialized under the Führerbunker. Instead of enjoying the Paradise she had imagined the Third Reich to be, Adolphine was crying with despair, wondering if the World she was living in wasn't perhaps worse than the one she had left behind. Instead of being excited about the coming wedding and trip to the mountains, Adolphine was torn by difficult questions and problems that a 15 years old child shouldn't have normally been bothered with.

Adolphine began to realize that life was really complicated.

If Hitler is guilty, then I am guilty as well, ain't I? Scheiße!

It was time for yet another sobbing.
Any Alternate History TimeLine means, by definition, that something is different from OTL (Our TimeLine). Therefore, it is implied that some countries / ethnic groups / religions / etc would fare better than in OTL while others will fare worse than in OTL. If everything is the same, there is no Alternate History but our own history.

I understand that you are feeling sad for your country. I have read TLs where my country, Romania, was never even founded in the first place! That is Alternate History.
Yeah, I do like depressing alternate history since they sometimes explore concepts and it reminds me that even if our timeline is not the best, it could've always been worse
1. Oh, the Sorbs from Saxony! They are ok. The Nazis left them alone (with a few exceptions) because they were considered "sufficiently Germanized". That policy has no reason to change.
Meant the serbs, not the Sorbs though was curious about them too

Remember that a significant number of Poles, Czechs, Slovenes and other Slavs had lived for centuries under German rule (Austria, Prussia, Germany) and no attrocities have taken place except during the Nazi Regime. It is not right to suggest that they will be in any kind of danger as ethnic minorities in Germany
Well there was a forced catholicization and germanization of Czech-Moravia under Austrian rule, though obviouslyno where near the scale of Nazi regime, but not very pleasant either for a large part of the czechs. Also I wonder how this'll have less deaths than OTL if nazi germany gets nukes? So the coup must happen soon for it to not happen .

On the plus side regarding czechoslovakia, if we do actually become autonomous not just in name, we might at least escape the 40 years of communist oppression
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1. Meant the serbs, not the Sorbs though was curious about them too.

2. Well there was a forced catholicization and germanization of Czech-Moravia under Austrian rule, though obviouslyno where near the scale of Nazi regime, but not very pleasant either for a large part of the czechs.

3. Also I wonder how this'll have less deaths than OTL if nazi germany gets nukes? So the coup must happen soon for it to not happen .

4. On the plus side regarding czechoslovakia, if we do actually become autonomous not just in name, we might at least escape the 40 years of communist oppression.
1. About the Serbs, I already answered that there were no Serbs anywhere inside the Dome.

2. Yes, living under foreign rule is not nice in any circumstances but it doesn't have to mean genocide or cruel oppression either.

3. There is not possible for Germany to develop atomic weapons before 1950 in any scenario. With the war ended and no more danger of being overrun by the Red Army, the Germans will have no more reasons to stick together around their Führer. A few chapters from now, things will start to heat up.

4. Besides, in a future fully democratic Germany, an Independence Referendum in Czechia may be feasable (like in OTL Scotland and, unlike the Scots, the Czechs would probably vote yes).