Great update....
I´ve got a question:
Since the US got burned by this adventure wich backfired pretty much, can we see a future involvment of the US in a future conflict?? Or is the US now completely in isolationism mode??
The US or the UK? The US was nothing more than an observer to the short conflict. It was the UK which tried unsuccessfully to defend its colonies.

The UK will be defended by the US if the German Reich tries to invade it.

The US is mostly interested in the Americas and the Pacific. Continental Europe and the Mediterranean is the domain of the German dominated ECN.

If that didn't address your concern, you may try to rephrase your question. Thank you.
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The US or the UK? The US was nothing more than an observer to the short conflict. It was the UK which tried unsuccessfully to defend its colonies.

The UK will be defended by the US if the German Reich tries to invade it.

The US is mostly interested in the Americas and the Pacific. Continental Europe and the Mediterranian is the domain of the German dominated ECN.

If that didn't address your concern, you may try to rephrase your question. Thank you.

Oh no, you have answered my question perfectly.
[Map] The Mediterranean Crisis: Malta and Bizerte
The Mediterranean Crisis
January 1960

The Central Mediterranean

  • National colours as usual
  • Black Lines: National Borders
  • French Flags: French naval bases in Tunisia (Bizerte and Jerba)

Enlarged 16 times compared to the main map

  • Red Lines: Frontlines at the start of the Italian invasion
  • Violet Lines: Heavily fortified British positions (around the Grand Harbour and facing the Gozo Channel)
  • Coloured Arrows: Movement of Italian and British forces
  • Battle Sign: Main naval and land battles
  • Parachute Sign: Italian paratroopers deployment locations

Enlarged 16 times compared to the main map

  • Red Lines: Maximum advance of the British forces in Tunisia
  • Coloured Arrows: Movement of British and French forces
  • Battle Sign: Main naval and land battles
  • Airplane Sign: Evacuation of the French military airport
[Map] The Mediterranean Crisis: Gibraltar
The Mediterranean Crisis
January 1960

Strait of Gibraltar

  • National colours as usual
  • Black Lines: National Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal Borders

Enlarged 8 times compared to the main map

  • Black Lines: National Borders
  • Red Lines: Frontlines at the end of the Spanish invasion (British Rock stronghold)
  • Coloured Arrows: Movement of Spanish and British forces
  • Battle Sign: Main land battles
Good update, sad to see Britain falling from grace on the world stage, but this was to happen anyways...

One quibble.
The vast majority of the Maltese population were ethnic Italians who spoke either an Italian dialect or Maltese, a language closer to Italian than to English.
Most of the country speaks Maltese, and Maltese is an Afro-Asiatic language, it's closer to Arabic than either Italian or English if I remember right. Not many Maltese speak Italian on a daily basis, though a majority are conversant in Italian I'd say. More are in English though. Source: Know a Maltese person

Though it's good to see that they're given some level of autonomy in the Italian government. I feel bad for the people of Gibraltar though...
1. Good update, sad to see Britain falling from grace on the world stage, but this was to happen anyways...

2. One quibble.
Most of the country speaks Maltese, and Maltese is an Afro-Asiatic language, it's closer to Arabic than either Italian or English if I remember right. Not many Maltese speak Italian on a daily basis, though a majority are conversant in Italian I'd say. More are in English though. Source: Know a Maltese person

3. Though it's good to see that they're given some level of autonomy in the Italian government. I feel bad for the people of Gibraltar though...
1. Thank you.

2. Come on! You fell for that cheap piece of Italian propaganda! Anyway, the usage of Italian was higher in the past than today.

3. Me too, but I had no choice. Franco was not nice to the minorities, especially to those unfaithful to the Spanish State.


I was kicked for a week on AlternateHistory.

In the mean time, I will continue to post the story here. My readers have the link to this thread.

1. Thank you.

2. Come on! You fell for that cheap piece of Italian propaganda! Anyway, the usage of Italian was higher in the past than today.

3. Me too, but I had no choice. Franco was not nice to the minorities, especially to those unfaithful to the Spanish State.


I was kicked for a week on AlternateHistory.

In the mean time, I will continue to post the story here. My readers have the link to this thread.


What happened?
Any update on the story? It was fascinating and well written--leading me to binge the entire thing in two days...
But where is the rest? Did you lose interest and move on to other ideas?
Thank you for your interest and kind words.

I got a bit of a burn-out / writer's block, so I decided to give it a break. Then I started another story, which was supposed to be short, but kept growing. I decided to return to this story after I finish the other one. Then the moderators closed that one, in the belief that it promoted cultural genocide. However, I am continuing it on After I finish it (but cannot post here because of the lock), I will continue this story (on both sites).

In the meantime, I will post a new map, which I finished a long time ago but didn't post because it contains a few spoilers (next post, a few minutes from now).
[Map] States of Germany with Extra Artwork (1970)
Caution: This map may contain a few spoilers.

States of Germany
With Extra Artwork (Flags, Coats of Arms, Areas, Populations, etc)
Previous Maps from this series: April 1945, June 1945, August 1945, 1950.

Direct Link (full size), DeviantArt page.​

  • Arbitrary colours for the various German States
  • Red: Personal Union under King Hubertus of Prussia (Brandenburg, Pomerania, East Prussia, Upper Silesia)
  • Dark Grey: The Autonomous States (Bohemia-Moravia, Slovenia, German Switzerland)
  • Pink Curve: Dome limit (fully opened / deactivated)
  • Black Lines: Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal Borders
Key inside the map (in Poland).

German States (Länder)
  1. Berlin, Berlin
  2. Brandenburg, Potsdam
  3. Pomerania (Pommern), Stettin
  4. East Prussia (Ostpreußen), Königsberg
  5. Lower Silesia (Niederschlesien), Breslau
  6. Upper Silesia (Oberschlesien), Kattowitz
  7. Saxony-Anhalt (Sachsen-Anhalt), Magdeburg
  8. Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Hannover
  9. Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel
  10. Westphalia (Westfalen), Münster
  11. Rhineland (Rheinland), Düsseldorf
  12. West Prussia (Westpreußen), Danzig
  13. Posen, Posen
  14. Bavaria (Bayern), München
  15. Saxony (Sachsen), Dresden
  16. Württemberg, Stuttgart
  17. Baden, Karlsruhe
  18. Hesse (Hessen), Frankfurt am Main
  19. Thuringia (Thüringen), Weimar
  20. Mecklenburg, Schwerin
  21. Hamburg, Hamburg
  22. Palatinate (Pfalz), Saarbrücken
  23. Austria (Österreich), Wien
  24. Sudetenland, Reichenberg
  25. Bohemia-Moravia (Böhmen-Mähren), Prag (Praha)
  26. Alsace-Lorraine (Elsaß-Lothringen), Straßburg
  27. Luxembourg (Luxemburg), Luxemburg
  28. Slovenia (Slowenien), Laibach (Ljubljana)
  29. Adriatic Littoral (Adriatisches Küstenland), Triest
  30. German Switzerland (Schweiz), Bern
Special Districts (Sonderkreise)
  • A. Hirn, None
  • B. Hitler, Obersalzberg
  • C. Liechtenstein, Vaduz
  • D. Lebensraum Island, Lebensraum

  • German Switzerland acceded to the German Reich.
  • Added border with Federal and State Coats of Arms, Flags, Names, Capitals, Areas, Populations.
  • Added paper texture and other visual effects.
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It is unclear whether organic and inorganic matter is annihilated by the dome's force field or just rests against it?
I have to admit, I'm a sucker for a good old three way cold war, and its crazy to consider but I think your story got better and better as you went on--the way you navigate the geopolitical landscape, your clear knowledge about so many topics, and these novel situations that you create are so good that i'm afraid I may not find any other stories of this caliber after this...

The mediterranean crisis, a clear homage to the falkland conflict and even more with the suez crisis made complete sense, and how it interacts with these power blocks is testament to how you envision an entire story. The fact that it will likely turn into a 4 way cold war, (India+China)-- as the soviets disintegrate post-molotov will be fascinating. And it seems like we have not even seen the last of Adolphine, she has the potential to grow into a great stateswoman with her clear qualifications and meaning to the German people.

Bravo. Good luck on your other project, I still have to check it out. I eagerly await the return of this story. While it seems like you believe that there is not much further to go on this one, I would certainly disagree, as it does not seem like our protagonist has been able to exert authority in a way she certainly could, the Spy programs were never delved into, the upcoming South American issues will be interesting (i'm a Cuban American so I know of that revolution secondhand), and the true end of European Influence in Africa, as Portugal surely cannot hold onto Angola and Mozambique without some issues.
About 600 kilograms of cosmic and meteorite dust will settle on the surface of the circle every day. When considering the processes of falling of a body or sliding of a body without friction down an inclined plane, the law of conservation of mechanical energy is used. In accordance with the law of conservation of energy, the final velocity will be the same: in the case of a vertical fall, and in the case of sliding along an inclined plane. That's just the length of the circle (perimeter of the circle) with a radius of 700 kilometers is 4398 km. In short, the rate of sliding of cosmic dust is 3 times less than the speed of free fall. How soon will the dome become impervious to sunlight? Question - what effect will a giant Faraday cage create on atmospheric electricity and magnetic fields? After all, atmospheric electricity will condense at the lowest resistance, and the boundaries of the sphere will be covered with a thin layer of constantly accumulating meteoritic iron, nickel, and so on. The lightning cage.

Erosion. The dome is a huge filter and the riverbeds that flow through the force field very quickly (in a matter of days) are clogged with alluvial deposits. A giant swamp forms along the perimeter on both sides. The level of the swamp is growing - the dome does not let in organic and inorganic matter, macro-objects retain water. Sea tides create walls in the sea.

Tectonic faults. The force field passes through the boundaries of several tectonic faults, which constantly shift slightly relative to each other. The force field prevents this, but after disconnecting the obstacle disappears. The displacement by a few millimeters of several billion tons of granite is the energy of the explosion of a pair of atomic arsenals. And what will happen to the volcanoes of the Eifel ridge after such a blow? Let me remind you that volcanoes have recently begun to show activity. By geological standards, several decades are not important and a super-earthquake may well provoke a supervolcano under a force field.
I have to admit, I'm a sucker for a good old three way cold war, and its crazy to consider but I think your story got better and better as you went on--the way you navigate the geopolitical landscape, your clear knowledge about so many topics, and these novel situations that you create are so good that i'm afraid I may not find any other stories of this caliber after this...

The mediterranean crisis, a clear homage to the falkland conflict and even more with the suez crisis made complete sense, and how it interacts with these power blocks is testament to how you envision an entire story. The fact that it will likely turn into a 4 way cold war, (India+China)-- as the soviets disintegrate post-molotov will be fascinating. And it seems like we have not even seen the last of Adolphine, she has the potential to grow into a great stateswoman with her clear qualifications and meaning to the German people.

Bravo. Good luck on your other project, I still have to check it out. I eagerly await the return of this story. While it seems like you believe that there is not much further to go on this one, I would certainly disagree, as it does not seem like our protagonist has been able to exert authority in a way she certainly could, the Spy programs were never delved into, the upcoming South American issues will be interesting (i'm a Cuban American so I know of that revolution secondhand), and the true end of European Influence in Africa, as Portugal surely cannot hold onto Angola and Mozambique without some issues.
Thank you very much. That means a lot to me.

Yes, the Soviet Union will (partially/mostly) disintegrate relatively soon. The maps are already done and the story in mostly done too. However, there are other things to cover before then, which are not ready yet (planned but not written).

Yes, there will be more about Adolphine. Despite the fact that some of the readers dislike the chapters about her, saying that they come here to read about alternate history, not the life of a quirky teenager.

I will try to return to this story as soon as possible. I may be able to wrap up my other ongoing story in a few months. If I have time and inspiration, I may even write a few chapters in this story from time to time, but I cannot promise anything.

There will be no Communist Cuba in this TL.

Angola and Mozambique will probably fall. Maybe Portugal will manage to hold on some coastal areas with significant European population, like the Lourenço Marques area. We shall see.

1. About 600 kilograms of cosmic and meteorite dust will settle on the surface of the circle every day. When considering the processes of falling of a body or sliding of a body without friction down an inclined plane, the law of conservation of mechanical energy is used. In accordance with the law of conservation of energy, the final velocity will be the same: in the case of a vertical fall, and in the case of sliding along an inclined plane. That's just the length of the circle (perimeter of the circle) with a radius of 700 kilometers is 4398 km. In short, the rate of sliding of cosmic dust is 3 times less than the speed of free fall. How soon will the dome become impervious to sunlight? Question - what effect will a giant Faraday cage create on atmospheric electricity and magnetic fields? After all, atmospheric electricity will condense at the lowest resistance, and the boundaries of the sphere will be covered with a thin layer of constantly accumulating meteoritic iron, nickel, and so on. The lightning cage.

2. Erosion. The dome is a huge filter and the riverbeds that flow through the force field very quickly (in a matter of days) are clogged with alluvial deposits. A giant swamp forms along the perimeter on both sides. The level of the swamp is growing - the dome does not let in organic and inorganic matter, macro-objects retain water. Sea tides create walls in the sea.

3. Tectonic faults. The force field passes through the boundaries of several tectonic faults, which constantly shift slightly relative to each other. The force field prevents this, but after disconnecting the obstacle disappears. The displacement by a few millimeters of several billion tons of granite is the energy of the explosion of a pair of atomic arsenals. And what will happen to the volcanoes of the Eifel ridge after such a blow? Let me remind you that volcanoes have recently begun to show activity. By geological standards, several decades are not important and a super-earthquake may well provoke a supervolcano under a force field.
1. Absolutely nothing "settles" on the surface of the Dome. Please check the properties of the Dome as detailed in the story. The surface of the Dome is devoid of friction, so nothing can stick to it. The cosmic dust settles on the ground at the exterior of the Dome limit. This is mentioned several times in the story.

2. Obviously, small windows were opened up underwater, to allow sediments to flow downstream with the rivers as soon as the problem was recognized. This is mentioned at least once in the story. The tides pass through the Dome surface unimpeded, as they are made up of water (and salt ions). So, no "walls" in the sea.

3. This is also mentioned in the story. An earthquake occured as soon as the Dome was lifted in the Periadriatic Seam. Therefore, the subterranean part of the Dome was afterwards left open.

I am quite good at physics / chemistry / geology and very attentive to detail (almost to the point of OCD). While it is indeed possible to have missed some effects of the Dome, I would ask you to read the story first and check if that is indeed so. Moreover, numerous other interesting effects are mentioned / detailed throughout the story. Please do not feel insulted, as that was not my intention. Thank you for your understanding.
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Yes, the Soviet Union will (partially/mostly) disintegrate relatively soon. The maps are already done and the story in mostly done too. However, there are other things to cover before then, which are not ready yet (planned but not written).

- This makes plenty of sense, there are plenty of reasons it will collapse and will probably go right like in OTL, it would be interesting to see if Germany is proactive in regard to that post-collapse...

- Also China would probably play around with the corpse of the USSR/Russia post collapse for those resources, that'll definitely be a tug of war situation.

Yes, there will be more about Adolphine. Despite the fact that some of the readers dislike the chapters about her, saying that they come here to read about alternate history, not the life of a quirky teenager.

- I thought that was one of the best parts! Like some other people mentioned I do think it was tough to enjoy at first, however that is the point and usually the case for some good character development. Also, I really enjoy when alternate history writers insert original characters into their story, it is the difference between a story that is able to last 10 years, and one that can last as long as the writer wants it to. Original characters also usually get to live through the changed world more, grow up in it, and therefore reflect the change in cultures/values.

I will try to return to this story as soon as possible. I may be able to wrap up my other ongoing story in a few months. If I have time and inspiration, I may even write a few chapters in this story from time to time, but I cannot promise anything.

- Literally no pressure. Writing is something that is done out of leisure, especially on this platform!

There will be no Communist Cuba in this TL.

- Thank god. But there would probably still be a civil war--Batista was a scumbag and would not be affected by the dome most likely. He was an American/mafia puppet and the revolution, like in Vietnam for example, would have been carried by Castro and friends no matter the changes to this timeline. His stance would probably be anti-american but would bend the knee without the USSR, probably a mild democracy/dictatorship with personal quirks. My grandfather would have fought for more than 15 cents a day regardless of American clamp downs

Angola and Mozambique will probably fall. Maybe Portugal will manage to hold on some coastal areas with significant European population, like the Lourenço Marques area. We shall see.

- You are probably right here
1. This makes plenty of sense, there are plenty of reasons it will collapse and will probably go right like in OTL, it would be interesting to see if Germany is proactive in regard to that post-collapse...

2. Also China would probably play around with the corpse of the USSR/Russia post collapse for those resources, that'll definitely be a tug of war situation.

3. I thought that was one of the best parts! Like some other people mentioned I do think it was tough to enjoy at first, however that is the point and usually the case for some good character development. Also, I really enjoy when alternate history writers insert original characters into their story, it is the difference between a story that is able to last 10 years, and one that can last as long as the writer wants it to. Original characters also usually get to live through the changed world more, grow up in it, and therefore reflect the change in cultures/values.

4. Literally no pressure. Writing is something that is done out of leisure, especially on this platform!

5. Thank god. But there would probably still be a civil war--Batista was a scumbag and would not be affected by the dome most likely. He was an American/mafia puppet and the revolution, like in Vietnam for example, would have been carried by Castro and friends no matter the changes to this timeline. His stance would probably be anti-american but would bend the knee without the USSR, probably a mild democracy/dictatorship with personal quirks. My grandfather would have fought for more than 15 cents a day regardless of American clamp downs.
1. No more spoilers here.

2. Possibly.

3. Thank you.

4. There are people who do not understand this, unfortunately, and get angry when there is no update. I'm glad you're not one of them.

5. Probably. However, the international geopolitical situation is vastly different, so the end result will be also different. We shall see.
I just read this entire thing.

Your maps are really well done, your ideas are really interesting.

I saw it somewhere else once, 🤪 but I never knew you'd gone this far along in it.

The technology where she comes is interesting an entire other reality created and it's not a simulation.

To create it, then shut it down killing everyone inside would be worse than the Nazis themselves.

You never did settle that Polish border ahh.

I guess it probably stays like that 😂