1. Damn, been a bit distracted and didn't notice they had moved the thread. Wondered why there were no updates but found it now and catching up.

2. Sounds like Hitler is going to be rational for the moment at least. Pity about Enigma and a bit surprised given her general ignorance Adolphine knew about that. The withdrawal from most of the regions outside the dome will help the Germans, once they realise how to turn it on and off with enough accuracy for controlled movement.

3. Can't see the western allies biting on any cease-fire at the moment. Especially since that would mean giving up on the people, both military and civilian, trapped inside the dome. Also the political leaders will probably think that a nuclear weapon would still be an effective counter for the dome. Unless Heisenberg realises how wrong his assumptions are he won't get anywhere near a German nuclear weapon and even if he does it will probably take 3-4 years at least given the massive resources required.

4. 5' 10" seems rather tall for a 15 year old girl or is that a reference to improved nutritional standards in the future?

Anyway, glad to have found this again and caught up.:)
1. You may watch the thread and then all you have to do is to periodically check your Watched Threads Page.

2. Hitler rational? It's a glitch obviously and it won't last very long! :)

Adolphine will continue to "remember" all sort of things, some of them useless, some wrong, a few correct and useful but nothing major, no breakthrough.

Oh, using the Dome controls is very easy. Helga (the robot-map) can zoom in to the desired region and accepts vocal commands so the learning curve is really smooth (more in future chapters).

3. Me neither.

The economy and infrastructure of Germany are destroyed to such a degree that 3-4 years may not be enough, especially if the war inside the Dome goes on for some time.

4. Correct. The average height had increased during the last hundred years and the trend is expected to continue in the future. Besides, growth hormones from chicken, etc.
Chapter 11. North Sea Battle
Chapter 11. North Sea Battle

This chapter represents a contribution from @Tyr Anazasi.

Like all contributions posted by me, it is canon. Like in all other contributions, I have made slight changes, such as correcting some typos and adjusting the formatting to match the rest of the story.

Contributions are welcome. If you want to contribute anything you are knowledgeable about, please contact me with details in a private conversation. Thank you.

18 January 1945, North Sea (inside the Dome)

Korvettenkapitän Hermann Opdenhof was standing on the bridge of S-174. His 2nd Schnellbootflotille with S-174, S-176- S-177, S-181, S-209 and S-210 laid here in ambush position near the edge of the Dome off Antwerp. All day a hole opened and closed for several minutes at first but then for quarter or half an hour. Just so, if there were technological problems in the field. The Allies did notice that. And indeed it was an attempt to lure them out of Antwerp. All of his boats carried two 3cm flak, 2 MG and two 53.3 cm torpedo tubes with 4 eels. All were good sea boats and were 39 kn fast. The bridge was closed and armoured. Still it was cold.

The flotilla had waited only for an hour when the signal came from one of the boats they could detect shadows. And indeed there they were. Obdenhoff gave the order to attack. The small boats drove slowly towards three shadows soon identified as destroyers. He had ordered each two boats to target one destroyer. They were just in range so he ordered to attack. Damn, he thought. They were detected. The Thommy was shooting and trying to avoid the eels shot on him. And still: one destroyer of the Hunt class was hit by two torpedoes. It looked like two explosions occurring, just like both front magazine and boiler exploded as the ship was hit near the front turret and amidship. One of the torpedoes must have come from his boat, the other from S-176. Poor buggers, he thought. The destroyer escort was sinking fast. He thought the crew had little chances to escape. And he was right. Indeed there were only 6 survivors of the French destroyer escort La Combattante. The ship had sunk S-141 and S-147 the year before. Now the S-Boats avenged the loss of their comrades.

Note: In OTL, La Combattante was mined by S-Boats on 23.02.1945.

Opdenhoff had to retreat, as the British destroyer followed him. But that was the plan.

Fregattenkapitän Hartrumpf has led his eight Type 1935 M-Boats of M-23, M-32, M-33, M-82, M-102, M-104, M-131 and M-201 to this position. Now he drove with his boats into position to fight the two destroyers. His boats were feared by the British as Channel Destroyers. The Soviets even officially rated them as small destroyers. The two 10.5 cm gun could fire fast and twice a single M-Boat could keep Soviet destroyers at bay. Ah, there they are, Hartrumpf said to himself. He could see the S-Boats followed by two Allied destroyers. Normally one side would retreat. But not this time. The Germans did not want and the British could not, as there was the Dome behind them and the Germans in front. So they had to accept the fight.

Somehow this is not the best day I had, Lt. Cdr. James Bogue Marjoribanks thought on the bridge of HMS Javelin. At first they were caught in this "Dome" and now he had lost a destroyer escort. Furthermore, it seemed a trap he was now in. His only way out would be fighting the German M-Boats before him. He had chased the S-Boats like he did before. And now he realized that this was the mistake. Hopefully his backup could help him. Two destroyers fighting four M-Boats each is nothing he wanted. And there the German guns fired. He saw the muzzle fire. "Fire at will!" he ordered loudly, "Change course to 180. I want..." he heard one shell impacting. The explosion was not spectacular. The result was. Soon all lights were out. The turrets could no longer be held on the enemy. And the ammunition could no longer be transported to the guns. If that wasn't bad, the engines were also dead. His ship lay dead in the water.

Fregattenkapitän Hartrumpf saw the J-class destroyer stopping fire and getting slower. The ship was disabled. He gave the order to fire on the other ship. Eight M-Boats against a Hunt class destroyer escort.

In the meantime Opdenhoff's force had reloaded the tubes and waited for the order to attack again. The fight was only half an hour old. But then he saw them. Eight small boats from Antwerp. "Attention! Dog Boats!" he barked. And without any order, his six boats attacked the enemy MTB. The Fairmile Type D boats, also called Dog Boats, were heavily armed MTB carrying two 21" torpedo tubes and two 6 pdr guns. Their weaponry was superior to the Germans'. Finally. Before, a dog fight with the Germans was a problem. Not now any more. Still they could only fire 18 shells a minute with the 6 pdr.

Nevertheless Opdenhoff led the charge. They attacked the enemy from the front. The MGs of S-174 were firing on the 6 pdr gun. They had not hit him yet and as there were obvious losses on the enemy boat it would not happen so fast. The 3 cm guns were hitting better, but the damage wasn't that great. He continued. But soon after, his boat was hit by the 6pdr. The first hit wasn't spectecular, but the second and third were. Soon his S-147 was in problems. Like the rest of the flotilla. Therefore Opdenhoff's enemy soon showed a light listing to port. He made another attack despite the damages and managed to sink the boat. Therefore S-181 had to be abandoned as the boat was sinking. He was in trouble. Yet, in this minute two ships appeared. Hartrumpf had sent two of his boats to help the S-Boats and indeed they could drive away the attackers. When one of the boats exploded, the rest decided to retreat. On the way home, one MTB was abandoned as well, as it appeared to sink. However, the boat did not founder but ran aground on German held Dutch territory.

In the meantime the six M-Boats were able to make a burning wreck of HMS Eglington. The crew abandoned the sinking ship. For Lt. Cdr. Marjoribanks the situation became worse. Not only a second destroyer escort was sunk but his ship still disabled. So he ordered to strike the flag and to surrender. He saw no alternative.

With his surrender, a single destroyer escort, three Wild Swan class frigates, three Flower class corvettes, four minesweeper of the Auk type and 6 MTBs remained at Antwerp, together with several freighters. To protect a small convoy out, if possible, would be no alternative soon as the Germans would mine the area. And they had little to prevent in the long run. The Royal Navy was neutralized in the Dome and could only fulfill a kind of fleet in being. However, to cope with them not much was necessary.
Last edited:
Chapter 12. Zuse
Chapter 12. Zuse

17 January 1945, the Hirn, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

At the end of the most extraordinary day of her life, Adolphine was absolutely exhausted, both mentally and physically. She undressed, swallowed a small portion of concentrate and tucked herself in her bed. When Olaf asked her about the daily log entry, Adolphine dismissed him and went to sleep.

18 January 1945, the Hirn, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

In the early morning hours, the Hirn was already teeming with activity. Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Albert Speer, Werner Heisenberg and Konrad Zuse were waiting for Adolphine to wake up. Eva Braun was the only one who was not impatient to meet Adolphine.

Not everyone in the Reich was advantaged by Adolphine's appearance. Doctor Morell had just been fired without any explanation, Wilhelm Canaris had been shot during the night and Hitler was still thinking about the ultimate fate of Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Göring. On the other hand, Speer had only been verbally reprimanded for his would be opportunistic behaviour at the Nürnberg Trials. Speer had apologized profusely and Hitler had magnanimously forgiven him.

Hitler: "Herr Zuse, I am telling you, the Enigma encryption is extremely weak. The fact that the enemy had broken it was a major factor in the setbacks we suffered during the later phase of the war."

Zuse: "I am honored, Mein Führer, but why me? I am just an engineer..."

Hitler: "Don't be modest, Herr Zuse. The girl said that you are the only Computer Scientist from our Reich who is still known in the 22nd century! I am sure that you will figure it out... this Madison-Boffe encryption with a 16 KB key."

Zuse: "What does that mean, Mein Führer?"

Hitler: "I don't know. You'll have to talk with her computers and find out. This one here, Helga, seems quite obtuse, but you should understand their jargon better! Helga, tell Herr Zuse about the encryption."

Helga: "Herr Zuse is not an user. Should I add him?"

Hitler: "Just tell me, would you!"

Helga: "Encryption is useful to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access."

Hitler: "I know that! How it's made? What is Madison-Boffe? What is a 16 KB key?"

Helga: "Encryption is achieved by using an encryption software. Madison-Boffe is an ecryption mechanism. A sixteen kilobytes key is a key which has a size of sixteen kilobytes."

Hitler: "See, Herr Zuse. She can explain everything, it's just that I don't have the time and patience for it! Helga, would you encrypt this text?" (showing her a handwritten sheet of paper)

Helga: "I cannot. I have no encryption software installed."

Hitler (mocking tone): "She has no encryption software installed." (normal tone) "So, Herr Zuse, you have to write the software and find a way to load it into Helga. And you'd better hurry."

Zuse (desperate): "Yes, Mein Führer."

Goebbels: "Mein Führer, what shall we say about the Dome? That we invented it?"

Hitler: "I haven't made up my mind yet. While this is an important issue, I'm sure it can wait a day or two. I have to speak with that girl first! Anyway, until we settle on a story, nobody shall mention the girl or anything else for that matter! Everything you see and hear is top secret. Do you understand?!"

Everbody nodded.

Hitler: "Hans, see if Fräulein Adolphine has woken up... Knock at her door again."


Hans knocked at Adolphine's door and waited. Nothing happened. He knocked harder. A passing robot emitted a warning beep. Hans ignored it and knocked again, albeit a little softer. The door opened.

Adolphine: "Yes... Good morning. What's up?"

Hans (blushing and covering his eyes): "You are naked..."

Adolphine: "Huh? I'm not naked, I'm wrapped in a towel... I was taking a bath. What's wrong with you? Haven't you seen a naked woman or what?"

Hans: "No, ma'am. I'm only 19."

Adolphine: "You are 19 and you are still a virgin?!"

Hans: "Yes, ma'am..."

Adolphine: "Call me Adolphine."

Hans: "Yes, Fräulein Adolphine. The Führer wants to see you as soon as possible. And please, do get dressed."

Adolphine: "Naked... If you cannot see meine Muschi, then I'm not naked!"

Hans: "Please, don't talk like this."

Adolphine: "Like what? Don't you like the word Muschi? Are you afraid of it or something? Are you some fag or what?"

Hans: "No, Fräulein Adolphine, but..."

Adolphine: "But what? I can say whatever I like, understood? Muschi, Muschi, Muschi!..."


Hans: "Mein Führer, Fräulein Adolphine is awake. She will be here when she's ready."

Hitler: "What do you mean by when she's ready? Have you told her that I am waiting for her?"

Hans: "Yes, Mein Führer. She was taking a bath... She was not very accommodating..."

Hitler found it appropriate to yell at poor Hans for a couple of minutes, then continued the surreal conversation with Zuse...


Zuse (pointing at the industrial robots): "What about these robots? They are not talkative like Helga."

Hitler: "Yes, I noticed. They don't seem to listen to us, maybe they are deaf. Try to catch one if you like."

Zuse touched a robot and screamed in pain.

Zuse: "It electrocuted me!"

Hitler (laughing): "Yes, I know. They are some really nasty little fellows, aren't they! Come on, Herr Zuse, man up, it's only an electric shock."

Everybody else laughed as well.


Adolphine entered the large room and saluted impeccably. She was barefoot, dressed in a pretty skirt and blouse and looked nice and fresh.

Adolphine: "Herr Hitler, meine Herren, I am deeply sorry for having you wait for me. I realize that the Reich needs me, but nobody had told me at which time I would be expected to get up."

Hitler: "Yes, Adolphine, I understand. We will try to communicate better from now on. Now, until our distinguished guests look around the premises, shall we retreat somewhere for a private conversation?"

Adolphine: "Sure, come with me. Gentlemen..."

Eva Braun: "Umm..."

Hitler: "Oh, yes. Adolphine, she is Eva Braun, my..."

The silence was deafening.

Hitler: "My... future wife."

Adolphine: "Nice to meet you, Fräulein Braun. And congratulations!"

Eva (overwhelmed): "Adolf... "

Hitler: "Yes, we are going to get married. No, please, not now, I have important things to discuss with Adolphine... We will talk later. Come on, Adolphine, let's go."


Hilter and Adolphine retreated to a nearby room, the scientists minded their own business and Eva just stood there, smilling. It was her largest smile ever.

Frau Hitler... Finally. Oh, I love this girl! God bless her!
I like it. Never considered what social morals in the 22nd century for an ardent neo-Nazi might be like but I think poor Hans is going to be made even more uncomfortable by Adolpine. Also poor Zuse expected to work out a new and radically more advanced system of encryption and then programme it into a strange computer with only scraps, often misleading I suspect, of information to go on.

In fact if its not giving too much away have the people from the other future sent Adolpine to this world because they have analysed the situation and worked out her presence with the dome and limited knowledge will dismantle the Nazis core without as much bloodshed and destruction as OTL? [Still going to be a lot of suffering especially for the Jews and a lot of the Slavs trapped in the dome but if things end quickly the total death toll could be a good bit lower.]
1. I like it.

2. Never considered what social morals in the 22nd century for an ardent neo-Nazi might be like but I think poor Hans is going to be made even more uncomfortable by Adolpine.

3. Also poor Zuse expected to work out a new and radically more advanced system of encryption and then programme it into a strange computer with only scraps, often misleading I suspect, of information to go on.

4. In fact if its not giving too much away have the people from the other future sent Adolpine to this world because they have analysed the situation and worked out her presence with the dome and limited knowledge will dismantle the Nazis core without as much bloodshed and destruction as OTL? [Still going to be a lot of suffering especially for the Jews and a lot of the Slavs trapped in the dome but if things end quickly the total death toll could be a good bit lower.]
1. Thank you. This story is supposed to have a good deal of funny parts lest it gets exceedingly dark with all those Nazis around.

2. You are right. Adolphine will continue to shock everybody in subsequent chapters.

3. Yes, while Zuse was a very capable man, the task is clearly beyond his capabilities, at least for the near future.

4. Insightful. Somehow, we are not going to remain stuck with a gigantic North Korea like state in the centre of Europe.
Chapter 13. Adolphine & Hitler Chat
Chapter 13. Adolphine & Hitler Chat

18 January 1945, the Hirn, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

: "Herr Hitler, I am so glad that you and Fräulein Eva are going to get married. Congratulations!"

Hitler: "Thank you. Tell me, please, how did the people react when they found out that I had married Eva before our deaths?"

Adolphine: "In a very positive manner, I believe. The Volk realized that, besides your lifelong dedication to the Vaterland, you had been a normal human being, close to them, familiar, with normal human needs and desires. The dirty Jews had a much more difficult time to portray you as an inhuman monster..." (sad) "Although they still lied about you... a lot." (smilling) "Herr Hitler, do you know how can you tell if a Jew is lying?... His lips are moving!"

Hitler (laughing): "Yes, I know..." (serious) "Adolphine, we have to talk about some very important issues... alone. Is it... he... recording this?"

Adolphine: "Who, Olaf? He tends to be a little too curious sometimes... Olaf are you recording?... Shut it down! Now! It should be ok now."

Hitler: "Why are you using that American word?"

Adolphine: "Which word?"

Hitler: "The ok word."

Adolphine: "Oh, sorry. Everybody uses it in my time. It's because of centuries of American imperialism. I'll try to ditch it but, please, don't get mad at me if I say it again, I'm simply too used to it. Sorry."

Hitler (smilling): "It's ok."

Adolphine (laughing): "You are so cool, Herr Hitler. I knew it. Those dirty Jews were saying that..."

Hitler: "Leave the Jews alone for one moment, would you?" (smilling) "Even Goebbels can sometimes utter a whole phrase without mentioning them!"

Adolphine: "Yes, sir."

Hitler: "First, I want to make one thing clear. Whose life is the most important in the whole Reich?"

Adolphine: "Yours, obviously."

Hitler: "Wrong. Not mine, but yours... No, don't be shocked. I will explain it to you. If I die, and I will die some day, some other Führer will take my place..."

Adolphine: "But he will probably be less competent than you..."

Hitler: "Don't interrupt me. This is important... Yes, the next Führer may very well be less competent than me. So what? The Reich will be poorly led but it will nevertheless survive! But if you die, these robots will turn the Dome off and the Reich will be destroyed. We cannot allow this to happen. We have to protect your life at any cost."

Adolphine: "I understand. But I have some level of protection... I'm quite bulletproof and my health is and will remain perfect indefinitely."

Hitler: "So, are you trying to tell me that you cannot die, ever? That you are going to live forever?"

Adolphine: "Oh, no. I will probably die in about two hundred years from now, more or less. There is plenty of time to make the Reich the most powerful country in the whole World until then!"

Hitler: "Yes, yes... That is encouraging but there may be still risks. I mean, I suppose that it is possible that someone may try to murder you."

Adolphine: "Murder me?"

Hitler: "In order to destroy the Reich. We have to know what can kill you in order to be able to protect you more efficiently."

Adolphine: "Oh, I suppose I can be killed, yes. After all, my parents were killed by the explosion of a bomb..." (saddened)

Hilter: "See? We have to protect you from bombs. Anything else? Car accident, fall, poison, fire?"

Adolphine: "Poison would be ok, I guess. The nanobots will take care of it. A car accident? I don't know, I think that it depends of its severity. I mean, if the nanobots have enough time to repair the damage to the vital organs, I should be fine. The same with a fall. A large fire would burn me, yes, and I'll die if not rescued quickly enough."

Hitler: "I understand. Then it is imperative to keep your identity secret."

Adolphine: "But there are a lot of people I had already met!"

Hitler: "They can be trusted. What I meant to say was that the public must never know your real identity, lest a traitor attempts to kill you. And you will be protected non-stop by the SS. In fact, this is probably the safest place in the Reich. You should not leave unless absolutely necessary."

Adolphine: "No. I mean, keeping me secret and SS protection are fine but to be a prisoner in the Hirn... Sorry, but the answer is no. I get bored easily. I want to travel, to see the Reich, to have fun. I am young, Herr Hitler..."

Hitler: "I understand. I did not imply that you should be forever confined in the Hirn. But now, there is still the danger of enemy bombers attacking Berlin. We cannot risk that. If the Führer has to live in these conditions for a while, I am sure that you can as well."

Adolphine (sighing): "I see, you are right. But after the danger is gone, I shall be allowed to leave this place, right? With SS protection, of course."

Hitler: "Sure. I knew that you will understand. You are only sacrificing a small part of your personal comfort for the benefit of the Reich. Our soldiers are sacrificing their lives for the Reich as we speak..."

Adolphine: "I am ashamed, Herr Hitler. I don't know how I could have been so selfish..."

Hitler: "Don't be harsh to yourself. You are young and you have lived in very different times but I am sure that you will be just fine."

Adolphine: "Yes, I will. Anything for the Reich... And, of course, the enemy inside the Dome will be defeated quickly and there will be no more danger outside."

Hitler: "Yes, we can hope that. So, we will create a fake identity for you. We will say that your parents died fighting for the Reich, which is actually true..." (smilling) "Anyway, nobody will ask you questions about your childhood. I'll be with you most of the time anyway, because of Helga."

Adolphine: "And what will the people think seeing you with a young girl all the time? That I am your mistress?"

Hitler: "We will find a solution when the time comes... In fact, I have an idea. You are a war orphan. We'll say that your parents were friends with Eva. After I marry Eva, we will adopt you. Is this good enough? Do you agree?"

Adolphine (jumping): "Yes, yes! May I hug you?" (walking towards Hitler)

Hitler: "No, no... That shouldn't be..."

Adolphine hugged him anyway. Hitler looked awkward.


Adolphine: "Thank you very much... Should I call you Vatti?"

Hitler: "No! Not now, anyway... After Eva and I will actually adopt you, I don't know but I think Adolf would be more appropriate. But shall we concentrate on the present now?! I am very busy and there is still a lot I have to talk with you!"

Adolphine: "Sorry, but I'm so excited!..."

Hitler: "About your accomodation..." (reading from his notes) "You will receive daily the best food available. Company... I suppose Eva will do it..."

Adolphine: "Fräulein Braun?"

Hitler: "Yes, and you can call her Eva. She can live here if you want."

Adolphine: "Of course, there is plenty of space here. What about you? Will you live here as well?"

Hitler: "I don't think so..."

Adolphine: "But... You and Eva... Don't you sleep in the same room?"

Hitler: "That is none of your business. I am a busy man. I have a Reich to lead in times of war!... So, company, check. Movies... Zuse will find a way to feed movies into your robot. Until then you may watch any movie in my Movie Theater... About boys you will talk with Eva, I want to hear nothing of this. Your papers... Will be ready tomorrow. A printer... You will get it after Zuse finds a way to interface it to... what's his name?"

Adolphine: "Olaf."

Hitler: "Yes, Olaf. Is he Swedish?"

Adolphine: "Yes."

Hitler: "I see. You seem to be very fond of him."

Adolphine (blushing slightly): "You can't imagine..."

Hitler: "Let's continue... Flypack?... No. You will not fly because it is dangerous. That's it. Now, I have some questions... First of all, why are you always talking about White People? Isn't it more important to you that you are a German? Because, you know, the Poles, the Russians and even the Jews are White as well..."

Adolphine: "The Jews?! No! They are not White! They are Semites! And the Poles and the Russians, what's wrong with them? They are brothers to us! We are all White People, members of the White Race, the best Race there is!"

Hitler (raising his voice): "Now, stop for a minute, would you. Are you saying that the Slavs are equal to the Germans, that they are our brothers?! What's wrong with you?"

Adolphine: "Well... We are superior to the Slavs, obviously, but... how can I say it? Imagine that you have a little brother who is not as intelligent as you are. And you are fighting all the time. You are the Germans here and the little brother is the Slavs..."

Hitler (irritated): "I can understand a parable, go on."

Adolphine: "In fact you only fight with your brother because the kid next door, Schloim, keeps telling lies to both of you about the other one. And both of you are exhausted by fighting when a gang from another neighbourhood comes on your street and beats both of you... The Black, the Arabs, you know..."

Hitler: "Did you make up this story?"

Adolphine: "No, I read it and I liked it."

Hitler: "I see... It is... an interesting concept. However, at least until the war is over, I forbid you to tell these kind of... this opinions of yours to anyone. Do you understand that?"

Adolphine: "Yes. I'll keep my mouth shut about politics. I'm not very good at it anyway. My father, on the other hand... But he's dead..."

Hitler: "Yes, you do that. Now... What is Israel? Is it a Jewish State? In Palestine?"

Adolphine: "Yes it the State of the Jews. It was created after this war, in the Middle East. I don't know what palestine means."

Hitler: "I see... What does Holocaust mean? Burning something in its entirety?"

Adolphine: "Oh, you don't know the word... Maybe the Jews invented it afterwards! You see, the Jews allege that you killed six million of them! You gassed them, then turned them into soap, lampshades and mattresses. Something like this. It's a lie, obviously... Is it?"

Hitler (laughing nervously): "Yes, obviously... Six million! Soap and lampshades? And does anyone believe that?"

Adolphine: "Almost everyone, except us, the Nazis. The Jews simply brainwashed everyone. They are like Zombies, incapable to think for themselves, like animals. Only the Jews are allowed to think and the Whites must believe everything the Jews say and obey the Jews like slaves!..."

Hitler: "Please, I don't want to hear this dystopic speech right now. It's saddening and anyway, it will never happen again!"

Adolphine (crying): "The Jews are so convincing. They forged evidence, everything. Even I have some doubts. If you could get me to Auschwitz, to see the camp..."

Hitler: "Isn't my word enough? You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Adolphine: "I'm sorry... Please forgive me..."

Hitler: "I forgive you. I know how pernicious Jewish Propaganda can be. We will visit a Concentration Camp together, but not Auschwitz as the Soviets had overrun it this very morning and they may plant false evidence there. We will go to the Theresienstadt Camp when it is safe to travel. Then you will see for yourself and believe, like Saint Thomas..."

Adolphine: "Saint Thomas?..."

Hitler: "A Saint who did not believe that Jesus had resurrected and had to put his finger on Jesus' wounds to believe... Oh, I forgot, you are not a Christian."

Adolphine: "Yes, I'm a Pagan."

Hitler: "It is for the best to keep this information for yourself."

Adolphine: "I understand that."

Hitler: "Good, good... About my health issues... I have fired Morell and I already miss his energizing cocktails. You said that you can give me some of your concentrated food. And the Parkinson's..."

Adolphine: "See, Herr Hitler, I'm no doctor but I can tell what's good for me. And if it's good for me, it should be good for anyone, right?" (going to a dispenser) "Here, have a portion... It's not very tasty but..."

Hitler: "Yes, thank you. Our chemists will analyze it... But, what can possibly go wrong? I'll drink this!"


Hitler: "I don't feel anything."

Adolphine: "What did you expect to feel?"

Hitler: "I don't know, energy!"

Adolphine: "You will start to feel better after several days. Now I should cure your Parkinson's!"

Hitler: "Do you have medicine here?"

Adolphine: "No, but I will give you some of my nanobots. I have plenty of them and I am young and strong. I will not miss a few hundreds!"

Hitler: "Can you order them to get out of you or..."

Adolphine: "No, they are microscopic and they don't hear and don't take orders. The nanobots are swimming in my blood. You shall call a nurse to take around a decilitre of my blood and then give it to you..."

Hitler: "A transfusion? What is your blood type?"

Adolphine: "I don't understand. Blood type?"

Hitler: "Don't you know what a blood type is?"

Adolphine (ashamed): "No, sorry."

Hitler: "It's no problem. It can be checked easily. Your blood may be incompatible with mine. A doctor will explain it to you better than me. But... how can we take blood from you if your skin cannot be pierced?"

Adolphine (smilling): "There is a spot on my arm left uncovered for this very purpose."

Hitler: "I see. I will send for a doctor. Until then, is it anything else you want to tell me?"

Adolphine: "I can't remember now, Herr Hitler. If I do, I'll use that huge phone they brought here..."

Hitler: "Yes, Adolphine, do that. Now, you'll have to excuse me. State affairs..."

Adolphine: "Oh, sure... A hug?"

Hitler: "No, Adolphine, no more hugs! I'll send Eva to you. And Zuse. He wants to talk with Olaf. Do you think you could let Zuse take Olaf away..."

Adolphine: "No, I cannot live without Olaf. I'm sorry but I'm so lonely and Olaf is the only company I have and he has movies and games and jokes... I would be bored to death without him!"

Hitler: "I understand. I will tell Zuse to speak with Olaf right here... Good bye, Adolphine!"

Adolphine: "Good bye, Herr Hitler."
Well that went 'well', but I think Hitler realises he needs to keep a lot secret from Adolphine, probably a lot more than the genocide. Also he definitely didn't like her definition of the White race.;)

I wonder what effect Adolphine's nanobots will have on down-timers? If nothing else Hitler or someone else in the organisation might think of giving blood to comparable Germans, as soldiers who are a lot harder to kill would be very attractive to the Nazis. On the other hand it means creating a 'master race' that could get outside their control and especially if Hitler and other leading Nazis were excluded by blood-type that would be less than popular with them. Plus the up-timers might have thought of this by making sure any transplanted nanobots immediately shut down.

I'm also suspicious, due to his character, how honest he was about asking Adolphine what could kill her. Very important that he keeps her alive at the moment but she's already grating on him let alone him not likely anything being outside his control.
1. Well that went 'well', but I think Hitler realises he needs to keep a lot secret from Adolphine, probably a lot more than the genocide. Also he definitely didn't like her definition of the White race.;)

2. I wonder what effect Adolphine's nanobots will have on down-timers? [SNIP]

3. I'm also suspicious, due to his character, how honest he was about asking Adolphine what could kill her. Very important that he keeps her alive at the moment but she's already grating on him let alone him not likely anything being outside his control.
1. Of, course.
Firstly, Adolphine is more of a "White Nationalist" than a 20th century Nazi. Although she thinks she is a Nazi (mainly because she doesn't know a lot of things about the Nazis), she certainly does not want to do what the Nazis actually did.
Secondly, while she dislikes Jews and other "races" (the "I don't want to have them around" and "let them live in peace in their own countries" type of bigotry), she finds murdering innocent people absolutely abhorrent (and she doesn't know what to believe, "did the Nazis actually kill people or not?").
Yes, Adolphine is a flawed person but she is not a monster.

2. Adolphine's nanobots (unless reprogrammed!) would have the same effect on another person's body as her own white blood cells would -- attack the "foreign" cells, of course. I have already stated that the Nazis would not receive much usable help beyond the Dome itself.

3. That may be correct. For the time being (at least unless there is peace both in the West and in the East and that does not seem to be a likely prospect), Hitler must keep Adolphine (i) alive, (ii) safe, (iii) content and (iv) in the dark about the real workings of the Nazi Regime. And that is not an easy feat for an old, sick, delusional and paranoid dictator.

Of course, Adolphine cannot simply decide to turn off the Dome because she lives there as well and let's say that she doesn't fancy a Soviet takeover! However, she can probably make everything more complicated should she stop cooperating.

Anyway, this story is primarily about the Dome and its geopolitical consequences, not about Adolphine (this is just the beginning). We shall see how everything comes into place.
Well point 2 removes the threat of either a rejuvenated Hitler or Nazi super-soldiers. Also if they try the latter and the results are unpleasant its going to make the regime trust her even less.

Many thanks
Chapter 14. German Retreat Towards the Dome
Chapter 14. German Retreat Towards the Dome

After the initial shock and confusion created by the Dome's sudden appearance had led to a relative lull, the following days witnessed the resumption of fighting on most fronts.

18-19 January 1945, Outer Northern Italy

As the bulk of Army Group C began its retreat towards the Dome, several elite Waffen SS formations mounted ferocious but fruitless assaults against the Allied armies on the far side of the Gothic Line. The only purpose of those forlorn atacks was to serve as a decoy, to obscure the fact that Army Group C was attempting to vacate all the Italian territories outside the Dome within two weeks at the most.

Initially, the Allies believed the German actions to be genuine and, after defeating them, reinforced the defence expecting more attacks which, obviously, never materialized. It is widely believed that the Allies fell to such a transparent ploy only because of false Enigma messages, a tactic successfully used several times by the Germans during the following weeks.

18 January 1945, Outer Northern Italy, Salò

Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring, Commander in Chief of Army Group C, informed Duce Benito Mussolini in extremely blunt language that all German soldiers would be inside the Dome within two weeks and the Repubblica Sociale Italiana will be left to fend for itself.

Impervious to Mussolini's pleas for continued support, Kesselring offered him asylum and the formal leadership of the tiny newly established Reichsprotektorat Venedig. Mussolini felt terribly insulted, refused the demeaning offer categorically and ordered Kesselring out of his room. Kesselring obliged.

Later that day, Germany withdrew its recognition of the Italian Social Republic and dissolved or interned its armed forces. At the end of the day, Mussolini was missing and any semblance of a functioning Italian State in German Occupied Italy was rapidly evaporating. For all intents and purposes, the puppet state had ceased to exist.

19 January 1945, Outer Switzerland

Mussolini resurfaced in Switzerland where he was interned. Mussolini spoke to the Swiss press and, besides ranting against Hitler and the Nazis, made several important statements:
  • The German annexations of Italian territories and the creation of the so called Reichsprotectorat Venedig, were illegal, null and void;
  • The Italian Social Republic was dissolved;
  • He had resigned all his positions and had applied for political asylum in Switzerland;
  • The Italian Kingdom and its legal Government were the only representatives of the Italian People;
  • The Italian Fascists should respect the authority of the Italian Government and cease fighting immediately;
  • Despite signs showing otherwise, the Germans were rapidly evacuating Outer Northern Italy.

The German Ambassador in Bern protested and the Swiss Goverment complied and belatedly isolated Mussolini from the press after the damage had been already done.

The Allied powers informed the Swiss Government that Mussolini is wanted for war crimes. The Swiss were evasive.

18-20 January 1945, Outer Croatia

Army Group E accelerated its retreat northwards. Bosnia, Dalmatia and Slavonia were to be evacuated within two weeks while Croatia Proper, including Zagreb, a mere 20 kilometres from the Dome limit, was planned to be held for at least another month. No schedule for the retreat of the Wehrmacht from nearby Istria, Fiume and Southern Slovenia had been so far established.

As in Northern Italy, the Wehrmacht began to relocate hundreds of thousands of Volkdeutsche from the outside to the inside of the Dome. This massive endeavour put an enormous strain on the retreating Wehrmacht. An additional problem was that nobody had asked the Volkdeutsche whether they actually wanted to leave their homes in Outer South Tyrol, Istria, Outer Slovenia and Outer Croatia and move to hitherto unknown destinations, most probably in German occupied Poland and Czechia.

The fighting in Bosnia and Dalmatia was erratic, in some places extremely vicious, in others merely a pretence, as the Germans and the local Partisans had struck some unofficial deals to let the Germans evacuate their lands unmolested.

While the Germans did not commit any more noteworthy atrocities, the Ustaše actually doubled down in their quest for an ethnically pure Croatia. On the 19th alone, at least eight thousand Serbs and Gypsies were massacred in the infamous Jasenovac Concentration Camp.

19 January 1945, Outer Croatia, Zagreb

Poglavnic Ante Pavelić was informed by Generaloberst Alexander Löhr, Commander in Chief of Army Group E, of the planned retreat of the Wehrmacht from Croatia. Löhr insisted that the German Reich would continue to provide its trusted ally with weapons, ammunition, logistical and diplomatic support, virtually anything short of a German military presence.

When asked about the feasability of a large scale Croatian retreat inside the Dome, Löhr was polite but uncommital. He offered Pavelić asylum and leadership of the small Reichsprotektorat Kroatien, should the war with the Partisans take a turn for the worse. Pavelić thanked him coldly and stated his firm commitment to fight for Croatian independence until the very end. The meeting ended abruptly when Pavelić received a phone call and the German General was excused.

18-20 January 1945, Inner and Outer Courland Pocket

Almost all of the Army Group Kurland from the Outer Courland Pocket managed to retreat to the Inner Courland Pocket, while sustaining minimal casualties against half-hearted Soviet attacks.

On the 19th, the evacuation of the Inner Courland Pocket by sea began in earnest. As the Kriegsmarine enjoyed virtual supremacy on the Inner Baltic Sea and Soviet land based attacks against the Inner Courland Pocket were kept in check by the Luftwaffe, the evacuation proceeded almost unimpeded.

The soldiers trapped in the nearby (Inner) Memel Pocket hoped to be rescued as well but Hitler did not authorize the evacuation of any German territory. Only the lessening Soviet pressure saved Memel from its grim fate.

18-20 January 1945, Inner and Outer Norway and Denmark

No significant military actions took place.

18 January 1945, Dunkirk, Outer France

Against all odds, Admiral Friedrich Frisius attempted a break-out from the besieged Dunkirk Festung. They hoped to reach the Dome limit which was just 20 kilometres away and be rescued by sea by the Kriegsmarine who had enjoyed naval superiority in the Inner North Sea since that morning's naval battle.

After a short but fierce battle, the Germans were decisively defeated and Admiral Frisius surrendered with all his men.

19 January 1945, Channel Islands

In a daring operation, around two hundred German soldiers were evacuated by submarine. Similar attempts in the following days were not successful and the idea was subsequently aborted.

19 January 1945, Occupied Crete and Dodecanese

While the Germans from occupied Western Crete were completely surrounded by the Allied Armies and Navies and had nowhere to go, those from the Dodecanese were less than 20 kilometres away from neutral Turkey.

Hitler's orders to evacuate all German-held territories outside the Dome with the exception of Norway created confusion and almost one thousand German soldiers from Rhodes fled to Turkey where they were promptly interned.

In the following days, the Turkish Navy managed to stop the refugee flow by patrolling the Rhodes Strait and threatening to sink any German boat heading towards Turkish territory.

18-19 January 1945, Inner Western Front

Unlike the Soviets, whose position seemed to be, at least in the short term, tennable, the Western Allied Armies trapped behind the Dome were in a truly desperate situation: two million doomed Allied soldiers confined in an area with a depth of less than 200 km, with military supplies for less than two weeks and food for less than one week, lacking air support almost completely and, perhaps most importantly, without any glimmer of hope whatsoever.

On the 19th, General Dwight Eisenhower asked the Allied High Command for permission to begin talks with the Germans about the terms of surrender. At first, General Bernard Montgomery wanted to keep fighting but, by the end of the day, realized the utter hopelessness of their position.

The delicate political situation in the United States of America, with President Roosevelt dead and President Wallace in the middle of his two days term, prevented a coherent response of the Western Allies. Faced with the indecision of his superiors, Eisenhower decided to stall and instituted strict food and ammunition rationing.

20 January 1945, Inner Western Front

With morale plummeting rapidly, discipline started to fail and, soon, law and order began to dissolve into widespread anarchy. Cases of suicide, desertion and looting began to mount, while the Luftwaffe attacked them with virtual impunity even during daylight.

Newly inaugurated President Harry Truman listened to the desperate pleas of his General and, together with Winston Churchill, gave Eisenhower the green light to commence tratatives with the Germans.

Shortly before midnight, an Allied envoy was received by Generalfeldmarschall Gerd von Rundstedt.

At the same time, thousands of Allied soldiers forced the Swiss border and were engaged by the Swiss Police and Army. The result was a bloodbath and a very awkward diplomatic crisis. 1229 Allied soldiers and 372 Swiss policemen and soldiers were dead and scores more were injured.

18-20 January 1945, Inner Hungary and Slovakia

Marshall Zhukov had quickly realized the utter impossibility of transferring large amounts of troops over the Carpathians and into Poland due to the lack of usable roads under Soviet control, the proximity of the Axis positions and the unleashed Luftwaffe, once again free to operate under the skies of the Dome.

As the Soviet positions in Inner Hungary were considered untennable, Zhukov ordered to keep fighting until overwhelmed by the Axis forces and then disperse into the countryside and wait for the expected fall of Berlin.

Zhukov's order leaked out to the soldiers and contributed to the already precarious morale. Many Soviet and Romanian soldiers started to desert immediately and go into hiding. By the 20th, the siege of Budapest had already been broken and the whole Hungarian Front seemed to be nearing its collapse.

Romanian General Gheorghe Avramescu surrendered with all his men to Obergruppenführer Karl Pfeffer-Wildenbruch, with the condition that the Romanian soldiers be placed in German rather than Hungarian captivity. General Avramescu hopes to be allowed to fight on the Axis side once again were quickly and bluntly dashed by Pfeffer-Wildenbruch.

18-20 January 1945, Poland

The Soviet Vistula-Oder Offensive continued unabated, despite the fanatical defence of the Germans and the air superiority enjoyed by the Luftwaffe. Warsaw, Krakow, Łódź and Auschwitz were liberated and the Soviets were already approaching Poznań (Posen).

Although it became quickly apparent that the Soviets could not be stopped before reaching the Oder and trading space for time would have been the best approach, Hitler did not allow a preventive retreat to the more defensible positions on the left bank of the Oder.

The battles were absolutely ferocious, with enormous casualties on both sides. The Soviets fought with the desperation of men who had nothing to lose while the Germans fought bravely to defend their country and protect their families.

19 January 1945, Berlin, Germany

The German Capital suffered a large scale raid, with hundreds of Soviet planes dropping a massive amount of bombs and generating widespread death and destruction.
However, the significant losses incurred by the non-renewable Inner Soviet Airforce and Zhukov's decision to save his aircraft for tactical use made further air raids unlikely.

Reichsminister Joachim von Ribbentrop received the Ambassadors of Sweden and Switzerland to discuss the difficult situation of their countries due to the presence of the Berlin Dome and to negotiate a mutually acceptable settlement. The discussions proved to be tense and extremely difficult.
Chapter 15. Eva Braun
Chapter 15. Eva Braun

18 January 1945, the Hirn, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

Her second day in Nazi Germany was, just like the first one, a very busy day for Adolphine. Spending endless hours in complicated talks with various people was very difficult for a girl used to a life of leisure in a post-scarcity society. Adolphine's yawns, obvious lack of concentration, detached attitude and frequent bathroom use increased the frustration of her interviewers who were already dismayed by her lack of knowledge.

Just minutes after Hitler left, Adolphine received her next guest, Reichsminister Albert Speer.

Speer: "Good morning, Fräulein Adolphine."

Adolphine: "Good morning Herr Speer... So you are the famous architect..."

Speer: "You are too kind..."

Adolphine (smilling): "You'd better not hurry to characterize me. I believe that you may later think I'm quite a bitch."

Speer (intrigued): "Why would I think that way?..."

Adolphine: "Because I have to tell you some facts. Firstly, your famous project Welthauptstadt Germania is doomed from the start."

Speer: "May I ask why is that? I'm sure that now, without the risk of air raids..."

Adolphine: "Oh, not the bombardments are the real issue here. It's the soil. Your buildings would simply sink!"

Speer (irritated): "We already know that. Obviously, we would take adequate measures... You are neither an architect nor a construction engineer."

Adolphine: "See, Herr Speer, you are already mad at me. I told you."

Speer: "I'm not mad at you, it's just that... Nevermind. I am just an executant. The Führer wants his capital to surpass in spendor all other cities of the World..."

Adolphine: "Oh, so it's the Führer's mistake now, not yours?"

Speer: "The Führer does not make mistakes. He is a providential men, sent to us by God to save and redeem Germany!"

Adolphine: "That's rather funny, you know. Now you are extolling the Führer and less than four months from now you would have talked shit about him in Nürnberg just to please those damn Jewish Judges! Did they torture you or what?"

Speer (mortified): "How could I know that? It didn't happen yet!"

Adolphine did not find out what Speer wanted to discuss with her, because the Reichsminister could not handle it anymore and left.

I would never say or even think something bad about Adolf Hitler...

Adolphine couldn't possibly imagine how wrong she was! Never say never!


As soon as Speer left, Adolphine heard another knock on the door. It was Heisenberg who bored her to death with a seemingly endless string of complicated questions. What bothered Adolphine the most was that Heisenberg did not seem to understand that not only she did not have any answers but she did not even understand most of the questions.

Adolphine felt tired and helpless. Even being rude was completely useless as Heisenberg was simply immune to it. She was obviously delighted when Eva Braun arrived, accompanied by a soldier carrying her luggage.

Adolphine: "Hello, Fräulein Eva. Welcome home!"

Eva Braun: "Hello, Adolphine. You can call me Eva. And thank you for allowing me to live here. It's like being in the future..." (to the soldier) "You may leave the luggage there..."

Adolphine: "With pleasure. I like company very much. Come, I'll show you your room... Herr Heisenberg, Fräulein Eva is the Führer's girlfriend... I believe that the Führer would want me to show Fräulein Eva around, I'm sure we can talk some other time..."

Heisenberg: "Yes, sure. Ladies..."


Adolphine: "A hug?"

Eva: "Sure."

Adolphine: "Thank you for rescuing me. Herr Heisenberg is awfully boring... He kept asking me about quantum physics and nuclear reactions... I did not understand a word. Do you know these things?"

Eva (amused): "Me? Not a chance! Nobody would understand that but his fellow physicists!"

Adolphine: "Then why is he so intent on bothering me?"

Eva: "I don't know, probably Adolf asked him to retrieve some important information from you."

Adolphine: "But I don't know anything about physics!"

Eva: "Yes, but they didn't know that. I'm sure that they will leave you alone now."

Adolphine (sighing): "I hope so..."


Adolphine: "Here is your bedroom..."

Eva: "Where is the bed?"

Adolphine: "Bed, come out!... See, your bed. You only have to call him."

Eva: "I suppose I should call for the cupboard as well..."

Adolphine: "Cupboard?..."

Eva: "For my clothes."

Adolphine: "Oh, just throw them in this hole. The system will take care of them. Your clothes will be always clean, fresh and ironed. When you need them, just open this wall... like this and here they are!"

Eva: "After everything I see here, I won't be surprised ever again in my whole life! Do these things cost a lot in your world?"

Adolphine: "Cost? You mean money?" (smilling) "No, everything is free. This is the basic accomodation package. The rich people pay if they want to have more, but this? Everyone lives like this!"


Adolphine (jumping on the bed): "Come on, try the bed!"

Eva (lying down): "It's comfortable."

Adolphine: "I'll turn on the diamagnetic cushion. Don't be scared! That's what I would call real comfy! Floating in mid-air is fun, isn't it?"

Eva: "Yes, it's fun, although I don't think I could sleep like that!"

Adolphine: "When you want to sleep you turn it off. See, it's simple... However, it's handy when you sleep with Herr Hitler. You can try positions which would be impossible otherwise..."

Eva: "Adolphine!"

Adolphine: "What? Did I embarrass you? I'm sorry, but I thought that, being both girls, we could talk about sex... It's not like you are a virgin or something."

Eva (smilling): "No, of course not. It's just that I'm not used to... Here people are usually less direct."

Adolphine: "I see. Is Herr Hitler good in bed?"

Eva (shocked): "Adolphine! I won't talk about my sex life! How old are you anyway?"

Adolphine: "I'm fifteen and that is just old enough to have sex."

Eva: "Are you a virgin?"

Adolphine: "Look who's asking personal questions now! No, Eva, I'm not a virgin anymore. A friend of my father forced himself on me when I was twelve."

Eva: "You had been raped!?"

Adolphine: "Well, I don't like that word. The Jews use it all the time for anything but rape and it had lost its meaning. It's a hollow Jewish word now, nothing more."

Eva: "I see. Did you tell anyone?"

Adolphine: "No, of course not. He was a fighter for the Cause, a good National Socialist and a hero. I did not want to turn him to our Judaized Juridical System... Anyway, let's stop talking about this, it makes me sad..."


Adolphine: "I'm busy!..."

Zuse: "I am Konrad Zuse. The Führer said I should talk to Olaf..."

Adolphine: "Oh, come in. Here is Olaf. Olaf, add Herr Zuse as an user... Konrad Zuse, yes. Olaf, be nice and answer Herr Zuse's questions to the best of your ability. You may go in that room, Herr Zuse. And take Olaf with you, he won't follow you."

Zuse: "Thank you, Fräulein Adolphine. Thank you, Olaf."


Eva: "Adolphine, where should I discard my cotton? May I flush it in the toilet?"

Adolphine: "Your cotton? What cotton?"

Eva: "You know, the cotton... I am having my period..."

Adolphine: "So..."

Eva: "Don't you have periods, Adolphine?"

Adolphine: "I do. Since I was eleven. Why?"

Eva: "And what do you use?... You know, for the blood..."

Adolphine: "I don't follow you, what blood?"

Eva: "In our time, women bleed from down there when they have their periods. So, we use cotton to collect it and then throw it away..."

Adolphine: "That's so gross... But it should have been obvious. I have those nanobots who are taking care of everything. They are pushing out small wax balls from time to time. The blood must be in there. Yes, it's ok, just throw it in the toilet, it will flush by itself."


Hans: "Fräulein Adolphine..."

Adolphine: "Yes, Hans, I told you to call me Adolphine..."

Hans: "Yes, Adolphine, the doctors are here."

Adolphine: "Oh, send them in."


A Doctor: "Good day, Fräulein Adolphine. This is Doctor Vohn and I am Doctor Schneider."

Adolphine: "Good day, Doctors."

Doctor Schneider: "I will perform a quick physical examination. Please disrobe... Are you in good health? Do you have any complaints?"

Adolphine (undressing): "I am in perpetual perfect health. There is actually no need for any examinations, but I will humor you. Just don't forget to collect the blood for Herr Hitler."

Doctor Schneider (while examining Adolphine): "Right now, we will only draw a little amount of blood to see if it compatible with the blood of the Führer..."


Doctor Schneider (taking blood from Adolphine's arm): "You seem to be in excellent health indeed... Did that hurt?"

Adolphine: "No, not at all."

Doctor Schneider: "Thank you, Fräulein Adolphine. Now I will leave you with Doctor Vohn. He is a psychologist..."

Adolphine: "No! I am not crazy, leave me alone!"

Doctor Vohn: "But Adolphine, we only want to..."

Adolphine (yelling): "Get out of my home! Now!"

Eva Braun (entering the room): "Adolphine, is something wrong?"

Adolphine: "They think I am insane and they brought a psychiatrist..."

Doctor Vohn: "I am a psychologist..."

Adolphine: "Get out!... Hans! Throw him out of here!"


Adolphine was trembling. Eva comforted her as well as she could. They did not receive anyone for the rest of the day, besides Hitler who paid them a short visit in the evening.

Adolphine: "Eva, do you want to play a game?"

Eva: "Sure, what game?"

Adolphine: "It's a new game. You explore a cave and collect hidden treasure but you have to avoid the bats..."

Eva: "I hate bats..."

Adolphine: "Ok. An African safary?"

Eva: "Yes, I'd like that."

Adolphine: "Olaf, where are you? Come here!"

Zuse (bringing Olaf): "Here you are, Fräulein Adolphine. Thank you."

Adolphine: "Oh, I have forgotten that you were here. Was Olaf helpful?"

Zuse: "Yes, quite so. We did not solve the problem yet but he understood what we need and he is going to think about it the following days. I will have to come again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow..."

Adolphine: "It's no problem, Herr Zuse. You are welcome."


Adolphine: "Take these glasses... You will see the savannah..."

Eva: "Super! It's wonderful, it looks so real..."


Suddenly Eva Braun screamed in terror and fell on the floor. Adolphine removed her glasses.

Adolphine: "What's wrong?"

Eva (smilling embarressed): "A lion ate me."


Adolf Hitler: "Good evening, meine Fräuleins... Adolphine, I was told that you threw Doctor Vohn out. Would you tell me why did you do that? Was he disrespectful or anything?"

Adolphine: "No, Herr Hitler, but he is a psychia... psychologist. I am not crazy, you know... Do you remember, I've told you that they kept me imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital because I was a Nazi and I liked you..." (crying) "They tortured me..."

Hitler (awkward): "Umm... Yes... It's true, I forgot. But Doctor Vohn was not here to harm you. Nobody questions your sanity. We just thought to reveal hidden memories which might be useful to the Reich."

Adolphine (calmer): "And how would he manage that?"

Hitler: "Doctor Vohn proposed hypnosis..."

Adolphine (laughing): "That's bullshit!... Sorry, but do people still believe in this mumbo-jumbo?"

Hitler (taken aback): "Some people do. But for those who don't, it would obviously not work... We will think of something else."

Adolphine: "It's ok, Herr Hitler. I will speak with your doctor... if he does not inquire about my sanity."

Hitler: "Very good, I'll send him again tomorrow."

Adolphine: "Was the blood ok?"

Hitler: "Sadly not. Your blood is type B and I have type A. It's not compatible. However, the doctors had put it under a microscope and found a nanobot there. They managed to isolate it... How many of those would be enough to cure me?"

Adolphine: "I am not sure... I suppose one hundred would suffice."

Hitler: "So many? Would there be enough left for you?"

Adolphine: "Yeah, I think so. I'm young, strong and healthy, you need them more than I do and, anyway, they would multiply if you drink a polymetallic cocktail."

Hitler: "What is a polymetallic cocktail? What metals does it contain?"

Adolphine: "I don't know. The metals which make up the nanobots, I presume. Just have your scientists analyze them and find out their chemical composition."

Hitler (thinking): "Yes, we will do that..."

Eva: "Adolf, will you stay for dinner?"

Hitler: "No, I can't. I have to work. I'll see you tomorrow."

Yes, everything is going to be just right!
Chapter 16. Odd Happenings
Chapter 16. Odd Happenings

18 January 1945, the Hirn, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

After Hitler's departure, Adolphine and Eva watched a romantic comedy. It was already late and Adolphine was yawning frequently. When the movie ended, Adolphine wished Eva good night and went to her room. A few minutes later, she called Eva.

Adolphine: "Eva... Eva, are you still there?"

Eva (entering Adolphine's room): "Yes, Adolphine, is it something wrong?"

Adolphine: "Umm, no... It's just... Would you tuck me, please?"

Eva (puzzled): "Aren't you a bit old for tucking?..."

Adolphine: "I'm sorry... I'm so stressed... I won't bother you anymore."

Eva: "No... Don't make that sad face. I'll tuck you... See? It's better now, isn't it?... And now what?" (ironic) "Shall I tell you a story or maybe sing you a lullaby?"

Adolphine (not really knowing whether to get angry or not): "A lullaby certainly not, but a story would be nice... Oh, not a children's story. I mean, you could tell me your story if you want to."

Eva (sighing): "Are you sure? Won't that be boring?"

Adolphine: "Are you kidding? I love chit-chat and a little gossip here and there! Besides, if it's boring, I'll just be asleep sooner!"

Eva sat down on the edge of the bed and started talking about her childhood. In less than ten minutes Adolphine was soundly asleep.

Well, it appears that I have a daughter now. At least we are past the changing diapers period...

Eva tip-toed out of Adolphine's room and went to the bathroom. She undressed and entered the shower. Seeing no obvious faucets, Eva thought to give up but then remembered that Adolphine talked to various things in the household.

Eva: "Shower... Shower, I am talking to you..."

Shower: "Hello, Guest. How would you like your shower? Hot, warm or cold?"

Eva: "Warm would be just fine."


Eva: "Yes, that's very nice, Shower. Can you please increase the pressure a little? Yes, there, massage me..."

This shower is a marvel. I'm sure as hell I won't miss the Berghof.

19 January 1945, the Hirn, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

Adolphine woke up suddenly, hearing people shouting. It looked like some kind of comotion was taking place in the Main Lane, just outside the Habitation Area.

Adolphine dressed quickly and opened the Habitation door.

Adolphine: "Hans, what's wrong?"

Hans (pushing her back inside): "Don't come out! Walter had lost his mind!"

Adolphine wanted to protest but, hearing gun shots, quickly closed the door behind her and went to warn Eva of the possible danger lurking outside.


The telephone rang. It was Hitler.

Hitler: "Adolphine, do you know what's inside Room 14?"

Adolphine: "No, I don't even know which room are you talking about!"

Hitler: "That small isolated room between the Robots' Headquarters and the Water Pump."

Adolphine: "No, why? Is it related to the shooting?"

Hitler: "It seems so. That room was the only one which was locked and Herr Heisenberg wanted to know what was inside it..."

Adolphine: "Well, if it was locked, he shouldn't have poked his nose in there, should he?"

Hitler: "Let me talk! It is important that we decyphre as much technology from the Hirn as possible. At this stage, out scientists had, more or less, understood the purpose of all but two rooms. The room adjacent to the Antenna Room and that locked room, Room 14, where all the trouble started."

Adolphine: "What trouble? What exactly had happened? I had only heard noise and then gun fire."

Hitler: "Yes. Heisenberg asked the soldiers to open the door. Your robots tried to stop them, but the soldiers used rubber poles to keep them away without getting electrocuted. After forcing the door, one soldier looked inside and lost his mind immediately! He started to yell and bang his head against the walls. When he attacked his colleagues, they had to shoot him."

Adolphine: "Yes... It must be the Abomination."

Hitler (enraged): "The Abomination?! What on Earth is that?"

Adolphine: "Nobody knows for sure. There are rumours that time travel may sometimes produce, as an unfortunate side efect, some sort of... they call it a temporal wound or a discontinuity of some sort... Apparently it is so horrible that nobody can look at it without being engulfed by the most terrible horror and overwhelming sense of dread. Every single person that saw an Abomination lost his mind, permanently, and remained in an neverending state of ultimate terror. That's why the robots kept the door locked, to protect us from inadvertently seeing it."

Hitler: "So that rooms serves no purpose at all besides to be an enclosure for that... thing. Or is it a creature?"

Adolphine: "No, it's certainly not a creature and it's probably not a thing either. The Abomination is probably a phenomenon, but it's not good for anything and it should certainly not be disturbed in any way."

Hitler (disturbed): "I see. I'll call some construction workers to seal that door back and maybe even enclose the whole room in concrete!..."

Adolphine: "Yes, I suppose it would be for the best... Herr Hitler? Are you still there?... Herr Hitler?..."

He hanged up without saying good bye...


The following hours were comparatively uneventful.

Zuse spent a few more hours with Olaf and looked mildly optimistic when he left, promissing to be back the following day. In fact, Zuse was worried. While he and Olaf were advancing towards the stated goal of a modern encryption system, the progress was rather slow and cumbersome and Hitler was angry and anxious for results.

Zuse understood perfectly the urgency of his endevour -- Germany was practically lacking an encryption system since Enigma had been known to be compromised! What Zuse did still not understand was why that girl had chosen him for that task!

No, it surely must have been a mistake. Me and cryptography? But I can't contradict Hitler...


Heisenberg finished his preliminary report on the Hirn and delivered it to Hitler who was very pleased. He commended Heisenberg for his meticulosity and level of understanding. Heisenberg felt proud and content until Hitler reminded him that the first atomic bomb should be available in a couple of months!

What should I do? How can I tell him that we need years, not months!?


Adolphine and Eva Braun had the opportunity to get better acquainted with each other. They ate, talked, played games, watched movies and overall had quite a good time together. By the end of the day, the two young and lonely women were already good friends.

Adolphine: "Eva, can I be your Maid of Honour at your wedding?"

Eva (hugging Adolphine): "Oh, Adolphine, but of course. If it weren't for you, I would have only been married to Adolf for about one day, just before our deaths! We will be forever grateful to you! Adolf and I owe you our future happiness together, to say nothing of the future of our country..."

Adolphine: "Thank you Eva... Eva, after you and Herr Hitler adopt me, will you be, I don't know, like my mother or something?"

Eva: "Oh, no. You are too old now to see us as your parents. I will be your older sister and Adolf will be like your uncle!"

Adolphine (laughing): "Onkel Adolf! It sounds so funny!"


Later that evening, Schutzstaffel Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler arrived at the Führerbunker to see Hitler.

Nobody will ever know exactly what happened during the 42 minutes when the two men were alone. What we know is that, after a single gunshot was heard, Hitler, visibly shaken, emerged from the room stating that Himmler had commited suicide.

Himmler was found laying on his back in a pool of blood, with a single bullet wound in his left temple and with Hitler's gun clenched firmly in his left hand.


Shortly afterwards, Hitler visited Eva and Adolphine but failed to mention the violent death of Himmler. They all drank a very good French wine brought by Hitler until Adolphine started to feel a little dizzy. When she began to notice Hitler's obvious signs of affection towards his girlfriend, Adolphine excused herself and went to bed.

Oh my, they are going to fuck! I hope Eva will tell me a few details... "Olaf, come to mama!"
Chapter 17. Diplomacy
Chapter 17. Diplomacy

20 January 1945, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

Hitler received Reichsminister Hermann Göring in his office for a private meeting which lasted almost two hours. Goebbels was pacing nervously in the hallway, waiting for a gunshot that was never fired. Göring emerged alive, although visibly shaken and perspired.


Several important radio broadcasts were aired that day. Both Hitler and Goebbels addressed the public. Their speeches were equally intended for internal and external consumption. Most of their content ranged from common lies to blatantly false or absurd statements.

The main ideas extracted from the German Radio broadcasts can be summarized as follows:
  • National Socialist Germany had always wanted nothing but peace with the Occident;
  • All that Germany wanted was to curb the Communist menace hovering over Europe and set free the people suffering under the Judeo-Bolshevik yoke;
  • The War had been forced upon the peace-loving German Nation by the Jewish controlled Governments of the Western Powers;
  • In 1942, Germany was winning the War in the East when it became clear that the Americans would be the first to have atomic weapons;
  • Because the German Atomic Programme was less advanced, Germany needed to buy time, lest it be turned into a radioactive wasteland;
  • Stopping Allied bombardaments became the most pressing issue which confronted the German Reich;
  • In those conditions, most of the human and material resources of the Reich had been allotted to defensive measures;
  • The superiority of Aryan Science allowed the construction of the supreme defensive weapon, the Berlin Dome, an impregnable barrier protecting Germany and its People;
  • The Dome is completely unbreakable and the Americans are invited to waste on it their two Atomic bombs in August when they have them finished;
  • Despite the tremendous sufferring caused by the Western Powers, Germany is always ready to negotiate a mutually advantageous peace settlement;
  • Germany does not desire any lands in the West past the 1914 internationally recognized borders of the German and Austrian Empires;
  • If the Western Powers decide to continue this senseless War, Germany, under the protection of the Dome, will continue the development of offensive superweapons;
  • The Bolshevik hordes had overrun the Auschwitz Concentration Camp and started to kill the prisoners in order to blame Germany, the same tactic employed after the Katyn massacre;
  • Our intelligence revealed some of the Soviet lies already prepared for this eventuality: gas chambers, crematoria, soap made of human fat and lampshades made of human skin;
  • Instead of pointing the finger towards Germany with no evidence whatsoever, the Western Powers should investigate the fate of millions of Jews we have deported eastwards during our offensive in the Soviet Union;
  • While Stalin had killed millions of Jews, the International Jewry is slandering Germany because the few Jews still remaining within our borders have been compelled to do physical work in Concentration Camps;
  • The recent increase in the number of deaths within the Camps is due to the precarious food situation created by the bombardments and, in fact, the Volkdeutsche are experiencing the same hardships;
  • We cannot be expected to continue to feed the subversive Jews and the Bolshevik prisoners of war while our own population is starving, but the Red Cross is always welcome to help;
  • If the Western Powers are so concerned about the fate of the Jews, they can have them and relieve us of one of our problems;
  • Heinrich Himmler commited suicide after his plot to overthrow the Government and surrender to the Anglo-Americans had been foiled by the Berlin Dome;

Konrad Zuse informed Hitler that, while the development of secure encryption would take several days, the decryption of Enigma messages with unknown settings was already achieved and it was, for all intents and purposes, instantaneous.

Zuse proposed and Hitler readily accepted that, until secure encryption was ready to use, all Enigma messages send towards Berlin should have different and completely randomized settings. This ought to add a supplementary level of protection, because the Allied code-breakers could have exploited the fact that all Enigma messages send in the same day beared the same settings.

This decision created the curious situation in which the Germans preferred to use free computer power to decyphre their own messages instead of decrypting them with the Enigma Machines.


The talks between von Ribbentrop and the Swiss and Swedish Ambassadors stalled because of several reasons:
  • Von Ribbentrop was adamant that any openings in the Dome should be guarded by German personnel;
  • The Swiss Government insisted that the German presence on Swiss territory would violate its neutrality and a nation-wide referendum was needed;
  • The German-Swiss relations were further soured by the actions of an angry Swiss mob who had blocked the roads to the German enclave of Büsingen am Hochrhein in retaliation for the Dome splitting their country in two;
  • The Allied-Swiss relations were also strained due to the incident at the Swiss-French border;
  • The Swedes were reluctant to allow a German presence on its territory because the Soviet Union demanded reciprocity (the Red Army was already on the Swedish border in Norwegian Finnmark);
  • Sweden demanded reparations because of the death of M.P. Linus Skarsgård and the disruption created by the Dome.


Hitler was informed that all tests indicated Adolphine's nanobots attacked and destroyed any foreign cells encountered.

Hitler was enraged and demanded that the nanobots be reprogrammed. The problem was eventually referred to Zuse who was shocked by the idea that he should program some invisible robots.


20 January 1945, Western Front

Generalfeldmarschall Gerd von Rundstedt received the American envoy and arranged to meet Generals Eisenhower and Montgomery the following morning.
Some skillful propaganda here - or as its sometimes known BS. ;) I doubt that many will believe it and I think the western allies by this time know the truth about the death camps. However they have been unwilling to make it public so far because they think it won't be believed so I suspect they will continue in that stance.

They could be somewhat confused by the reference to two bombs in August as since this is several months before the New Mexico test I would expect they would have no clear idea what weapons they might have by that time. Also the Germans mentioning what is such a secret project that OTL VP Truman didn't know about it until he became President could well prompt turmoil in the west. One side benefit of this is that while searching for non-existent German spies they could find some actual Soviet ones. :)

Of course Hitler will be unwilling to give up any territory in the west, regardless of the comments about the 1914 borders, both because of his character and because he can't do that without removing the dome and he will be unwilling to do that.

Pity poor Zuse. I suspect that won't be the last impossible demand made of him.

Can't remember but are both Eisenhower and Montgomery inside the dome or outside? Would suspect that Monty would be given that most of the British forces are affected but possibly not Ike given he was overall commander.
1. Some skillful propaganda here - or as its sometimes known BS. ;) I doubt that many will believe it and I think the western allies by this time know the truth about the death camps. However they have been unwilling to make it public so far because they think it won't be believed so I suspect they will continue in that stance.

2. They could be somewhat confused by the reference to two bombs in August as since this is several months before the New Mexico test I would expect they would have no clear idea what weapons they might have by that time. Also the Germans mentioning what is such a secret project that OTL VP Truman didn't know about it until he became President could well prompt turmoil in the west. One side benefit of this is that while searching for non-existent German spies they could find some actual Soviet ones. :)

3. Of course Hitler will be unwilling to give up any territory in the west, regardless of the comments about the 1914 borders, both because of his character and because he can't do that without removing the dome and he will be unwilling to do that.

4. Pity poor Zuse. I suspect that won't be the last impossible demand made of him.

5. Can't remember but are both Eisenhower and Montgomery inside the dome or outside? Would suspect that Monty would be given that most of the British forces are affected but possibly not Ike given he was overall commander.
1. That BS, while not believable, does at least muddy the waters a little bit. Confusion is better than either accepting or denying the truth.

2. Correct.

3. Oh, but Hitler is really willing to give up territory in the West. Well, not to the Western Allies but to puppet governments under Petain, Degrelle, etc.

4. Correct. Let's discuss the encryption a little. Suppose that Olaf and Zuse devise a bulletproof futuristic encryption system (very much possible, because encryption is maths and the robots can do maths). The problem is how to use it. Ok, Olaf encrypts a text and Hitler sends it to his generals on the frontlines. But how would they decrypt it? The system would only work if / when there are computers around! Until then, the encryption system has to be scaled down to the point an electromechanical device can decrypt the messages. Some kind of Enigma... Well, maybe a better one. But those machines need to be build, tested, get everybody learn how to use them, etc. Until then the war may be already over.

5. I could not pinpoint their location with sufficient accuracy. So, by authorial fiat, I decreed that both Montgomery and Eisenhower were inside the Dome. We will meet them soon.
I read this during one of my visits to AH.com after retiring as a poster, and I'm delighted to see it on SV.

I already know how it ends, but I won't spoil it for anyone. :D
Chapter 18. Western Front Negotiations
Chapter 18. Western Front Negotiations

21 January 1945, Western Front

Generalfeldmarschall Gerd von Rundstedt received British General Bernard Montgomery and American General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the most senior commanders of the cca. 2.6 million Western Allied forces trapped behind the Berlin Dome in Inner France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Southern Netherlands and the Rhineland. The atmosphere was tense and sombre.

von Rundstedt: "Generals..."

Eisenhower: "Field Marshall..."

Montgomery: "Field Marshall..."

von Rundstedt: "I am listening."

Montgomery: "I will let General Eisenhower talk because he is the Supreme Allied Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force. I am here only because you have specifically requested my presence."

Eisenhower: "I don't see any representatives of the German Government..."

von Rundstedt: "I don't see any representatives of your Governments either. We are all military men and we shall settle our issues ourselves. Despite the mistrust between our Governments, military honour is not dead and I may even presume that you would value my signature more than... But I would better stop here."

Eisenhower: "I understand. The presence of this... barrier had turned the War into a stalemate. While, under these circumstances, we cannot simply drive to Berlin and win this War, the 2.6 million men under our command are still a formidable force and could inflict horrendous casualties..."

von Rundstedt: "This is exactly the reason why we are not going to attack you. We want to spare the lives of our soldiers. Your huge armies are not posing any threat anymore. If you decide to attack, you will run out of fuel and bullets, if you choose to simply hold your ground, you will starve."

Eisenhower: "Field Marshall, your supply situation is as severe as ours..."

von Rundstedt: "Thank you for your concern but we are gathered here to discuss the situation of your armies, not of mine. After all, your soldiers will begin to starve in less than two weeks, not mine."

Eisenhower: "Indeed. Although we could import food from Switzerland..."

von Rundstedt: "Oh, please, General, I am not stupid. Inner Switzerland can barely feed its two million inhabitants!"

Eisenhower: "I see. The situation is then clear. We would like to propose a bargain..."

von Rundstedt: "As I said, I am listening."

Eisenhower: "We shall surrender all our supplies and military equipment undamaged and we shall allow you to occupy all the territory up to the barrier if you allow my men to escape outside..."

von Rundstedt: "This would be indeed a fair trade, but I am afraid I cannot open the Dome for you to get out without a proper guarantee from your political leaders. You will get out after our countries sign an armistice and not a minute before."

Eisenhower: "We will be dead before an armistice is signed!"

von Rundstedt: "You could have stayed in America."

Montgomery: "This discussion is not constructive."

von Rundstedt: "The onus is upon you to make it constructive. I did not initiate these talks, you did."

Montgomery: "What do you want? Say it! You want us to surrender unconditionally, don't you?"

von Rundstedt (looking to Eisenhower): "Are you willing to surrender?"

Eisenhower: "We will surrender if you can assure us that Germany would observe the Laws of War and especially the Geneva Convention."

von Rundstedt: "I will be honest. Sadly, Germany cannot abide to the Geneva Convention. If you are prisoners of war, we should feed you. However, because your airforce had destroyed our infrastructure, Germany cannot properly feed its own citizens, much less millions of foreigners no one had invited here."

Eisenhower: "Are you refusing our surrender? Are you going to let us starve to death?!"

von Rundstedt: "So far, our tentative talks have suffered from a rather poor start... We should be more organized and pragmatic. First of all, we should clearly state our priorities... Please, let me finish. We want to close this front in order to concentrate on the Soviet invasion. You want food to stay alive. It is that simple."

Montgomery: "Yes, this is the problem. You don't let us leave the Dome and you cannot feed us."

von Rundstedt: "We can allow neutral ships to enter the Dome and bring food to Anvers, after we check them, of course."

Eisenhower: "But then we will pose a threat..."

von Rundstedt: "Let me finish, please. You will be disarmed, obviously. My plan would, in broad lines, imply that you immediately leave German soil, retreat to Inner France and Belgium, surrender all your military equipment and suplies and then demobilize."

Montgomery: "What do you mean by German soil? What borders?"

von Rundstedt: "Our current borders, obviously. The Altreich, Elsaß-Lothringen, Luxemburg and the Ostkantone. And no, I do not expect you to recognize any borders, I understand that you do not have this authority."

Eisenhower: "And you will allow us to import food?"

von Rundstedt: "Yes, you have my word. Your governments will pay for the food, a neutral Nation will ship it to the Reich, we will check the cargo, tax it and send the ship to Anvers."

Eisenhower: "Tax it?"

von Rundstedt: "I believe that a ten percent tax would be appropriate."

Montgomery: "Do you expect the United Nations to deliver free food to Germany?"

von Rundstedt: "I do not expect anything. You may work the fields and grow your own food. I don't actually care. If you import food, we will tax it. If you grow your own food, we don't tax it. It's that simple. If you have sufficient food, we may even free some of the prisoners of war and allow them to join you."

Eisenhower: "What guarantees do we have?"

von Rundstedt: "My word should suffice."

Montgomery: "Hitler may replace you."

von Rundstedt: "The Führer will not renege on this agreement because he wants peace in the West."

Eisenhower: "So, except for Alsace-Lorraine, Luxembourg and Eupen-Malmedy, Germany will not occupy any other Western territories?"

von Rundstedt: "Yes. And, if your Governments drop that absurd unconditional surrender condition, we will negotiate an Armistice or even a Peace Treaty with the Occident. In that case, you will all go home, obviously."

Eisenhower: "I understand. We will have to discuss this with our Governments... Are you really sure that Hitler allows this? Otherwise, all this talk would have been useless..."

von Rundstedt: "I would not have dared to make you lose precious time. The Führer had instructed me to do whatever it takes to stop the bloodshed."

Eisenhower: "Very good, Field Marshal. We shall talk again soon enough."

von Rundstedt: "I am in no hurry, Generals. I will wait patiently for your response. Good day."

Montgomery: "Good day."

Eisenhower: "Good day."


20-22 January 1945, Inner Hungary

The Soviet Armies from Hungary (the 3rd Ukrainian Front) had two main objectives: to fall back to a more manageable frontline on the Middle Danube (i.e. retreat from Southern Transdanubia) and transfer as many soldiers as possible to the main Theatre of War in Poland.

If the retreat from Transdanubia was achieved without major difficulties, transferring soldiers and tanks over the Carpathians into Poland through narrow and badly kept country roads was extremely slow and cumbersome. The closeness of the front and the attacks of the emboldened Luftwaffe contributed to the poor results of the operation.

The capture of still Axis-held Kassa (Košice) would have alleviated the Soviet's precarious position by shortening the frontlines, opening up the important road and railroad hub and achieving some much needed depth near the Carpathians.

The Battle of Kassa was an extremely bloody affair. The Red Army entered the city but was forced to fight for every block against a fanatical Hungarian and German resistance. After almost 40 hours of heavy fighting and intense artilery shelling, Košice lay in ruins but the Soviet assault had been repulsed albeit with very heavy losses.

The arrival of German reinforcements precluded any more Soviet attempts against the dilapidated city. The following day, the Hungarians engaged in massacres against the local Slovak population accused of having helped the Red Army during the street battles.

The Axis forces attempted to follow the enemy and reach the Dome limit in order to completely sever the Soviet Armies in Hungary from those in Poland. The operation ended in failure and the frontline stabilized near their previous positions. The casualties were so severe on both sides that no more breakthroughs were attempted for several days.

21-22 January 1945, Outer Northern Italy

After the Allies belatedly realised that the Germans were actually retreating from Italy, they mounted several massive assaults against the thinned German lines. A large portion of the Italian Front nearly collapsed and the Allies captured Bologna amid a general rout of the Wehrmacht.

Although the Allies had the upper hand against the considerably depleted German lines, the Allied attacks inexplicably ceased, allowing more Germans to retreat to the safety provided by the Dome.

Although the Western Allies explained that logistical difficulties prevented them to follow the retreating Germans, Stalin was enraged and accused them of collusion with the Nazis.

When Stalin learned of the secret talks between the Western Allies and the Germans on the Western Front, he threatened to cancel the Yalta Conference and even to make a separate peace with Germany. A possible split among the Allies was closer than ever.

21 January 1945, Inner Switzerland

The Luftwaffe violated the Swiss Airspace to airdrop supplies to the German enclave of Büsingen am Hochrhein, which was being besieged by an angry Swiss mob. The Swiss flak remained silent. Finding a quick solution to the bisected neutral countries of Switzerland and Sweden was a priority.

21-22 January 1945, Eastern Front

The lighting fast Soviet offensive liberated Poznań (Posen) and advanced closer to the Oder. The exodus of the German civilian population from the areas overrun by the Red Army began to clog the roads and put even more strain on the already overwhelmed German logistical capabilities.

It became apparent that the hundreds of thousands of German soldiers recalled from the other fronts would not arrive on the Eastern Front quick enough to stop the Soviets before reaching the Oder.

While Hitler was still adamant that no German land be left to the enemy, most of his Generals had already realized that an organized retreat to the Oder was the best approach. A War Council was scheduled for the 23rd.
Difficult to say what the western leaders will do. Especially since they may well not recognise the urgency of the potential crisis as the longer the troops are trapped in the dome the weaker they are in military terms. Also they have invested so much political capital in moblishing national will to fight such a costly war. At the same time they will know, once they realise how impenetrable the dome is there may be no alternative. Even if it means abandoning millions of people to continued Nazi rule - albeit by puppets. Also they will want to rescue allied POWs and other internees and preferably also what they can of those groups the Nazis are actively persecuting, albeit some are not that well viewed by the western powers at this point.

Also are the Germans offering a cease-fire outside the dome? True the battle of the Atlantic is already largely won but are they going to withdraw their U boats if there is a cease-fire?
1. Difficult to say what the western leaders will do. Especially since they may well not recognise the urgency of the potential crisis as the longer the troops are trapped in the dome the weaker they are in military terms. Also they have invested so much political capital in moblishing national will to fight such a costly war. At the same time they will know, once they realise how impenetrable the dome is there may be no alternative. Even if it means abandoning millions of people to continued Nazi rule - albeit by puppets.

2. Also they will want to rescue allied POWs and other internees and preferably also what they can of those groups the Nazis are actively persecuting, albeit some are not that well viewed by the western powers at this point.

3. Also are the Germans offering a cease-fire outside the dome? True the battle of the Atlantic is already largely won but are they going to withdraw their U boats if there is a cease-fire?
1. Yes, all choices are difficult. We shall see.

2. By that point, the West was already accepting Jews. Gypsies, homosexuals, etc, I'm not sure.

3. The Western Allies would obviously not agree to a ceasefire outside the Dome as that would mean, inter alia, that Norway would remain under German occupation indefinitely (or until the Red Army from Finnmark reaches Oslo a couple of years later). At the moment (one week after the POD), the Wehrmacht is retreating from all areas outside the Dome except Norway. U-boat activity against the Western Allies had ceased completely (or would cease very soon), with all remaining U-boats ordered inside the Dome and in the Outer Baltic Sea in order to fight the Soviets. In short, Hitler does not want to fight against the Western Allies anymore.
Chapter 19. More Robots
Chapter 19. More Robots

20 January 1945, the Hirn, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

Adolphine jumped from her bed, woken up by the unmistakable sound of the Main Alarm. Eva Braun was already at her door.

Adolphine: "Come in, what the hell is going on?"

Eva: "I don't know... Adolphine, you are naked!"

Adolphine (dressing): "Sorry, I'm getting dressed right now, I was sleeping. Do you know what happened?"

Eva: "No, I don't, I was sleeping as well."

Adolphine: "Ok, I'll ask the guards..." (walking towards the door) "Is Herr Hitler still here?"

Eva: "No."

Adolphine: "I thought that he slept with you..." (opening the door) "Wait here..." (to the guard) "Good morning... Who are you? You are new, aren't you?"

Guard: "Good morning, Fräulein. I am SS-Standartenjunker Fischer and we have met before."

Adolphine: "Oh... Do you know why the alarm is on?"

Fischer: "Yes, I do. It started when Herr Heisenberg's men removed heavy water form the tank."

Adolphine: "I see, where is Herr Heisenberg now?"

Fischer: "He is trying to reason with the robots to have the alarm turned off."


Heisenberg: "Good morning, Fräulein. I am sorry that we woke you up at this hour..."

Adolphine: "Yes, it's five o'clock in the morning... So, what's going on here? Stealing some heavy water under the cover of darkness?"

Heisenberg: "Fräulein! I will not tolerate..."

Adolphine (yelling): "Shut up! I don't give a shit whether you tolerate it or not! You come here in the middle of the night, damage the tank, steal heavy water from it, fight the robots and sound the Alarm!..."

Heisenberg (furious): "The Führer ordered me..."

Adolphine: "This is my fucking home! The Führer should have asked me for permission!... Oh, I got it! You are only afraid of Herr Hitler! Well, I'll give you reasons to be afraid of me as well..."

Adolphine motioned to slap Heisenberg who grabbed her hands and attempted to immobilize her. Undeterred, Adolphine kicked him in the groin and Heisenberg collapsed in pain.

Adolphine was yelling and cursing. The SS guards had watched the whole escalation without intervening. Some of them were smiling.


Adolphine: "Who is in charge here? I want to speak with your boss!"

Robot: "I am in charge."

Adolphine: "What's your name, Robot?"

Robot: "I am XH0173."

Adolphine: "Are you injured? What happened?"

XH0173: "It is a minor injury. I am able to function properly until repaired. I have been hit with a baton."

Adolphine: "Ok, XH0173, Who am I?"

XH0173: "You are User Adolphine."

Adolphine: "Oh... I'm just a user, ain't I? So I presume that you don't have to follow my orders..."

XH0173: "That is correct."

Adolphine: "But you do have an AI, don't you? You are not stupid! Try to reason, what purpose does this alarm have? To inform us that there is a problem, isn't it?"

XH0173: "That is correct."

Adolphine: "Ok... But now, all of us already know about the problem. The Alarm had done its job. So, I suppose that you could turn it off... Please?... It's driving me crazy!"

XH0173: "I can understand that. However, the issue is not yet solved."

Adolphine: "You can repair the damage with the Alarm turned off!"

XH0173: "Yes, that is correct. I will turn the Alarm off."

Adolphine: "Thank you."


Hitler (amused): "Adolphine, I was told that you had beaten up Herr Heisenberg."

Adolphine (not amused): "He tried to manhandle me!"

Hitler: "Yes, yes, but do you understand that we need that heavy water for the nuclear reactor? In order to make the atomic bomb?"

Adolphine: "Yes, Herr Hitler, I understand... But see what happens! These robots are programmed to protect the Hirn and they seem to do their job rather too well."

Hitler: "We could remove them..."

Adolphine: "No, we can't! What if something really goes wrong? Nobody would know how to repair the Hirn! I understand that they are annoying, but we have to keep them around, just in case... Things do break up eventually, you know..."

Hitler: "Well, something has to be done. The heavy water is simply too important to just leave it there. You should try to talk the robots into letting us take small amounts of heavy water without making all that fuss. After all, you did manage to have them turn the alarm off!"

Adolphine: "Yes, that's true! You are very bright, Herr Hitler, I would not have thought that."

Hitler: "Adolphine, another thing... Whatever the circumstances, try to control yourself..."

Adolphine: "But..."

Hitler: "No buts! You cannot curse and hit people. You embarress me with that behaviour! Do you understand that?"

Adolphine: "Yes, Herr Hitler, I do. I shall be a good girl..."

Hitler: "I hope so. I have to go now..."

Adolphine: "I remembered something... about von Braun and rockets..."

Hitler: "He is already working in rocketry."

Adolphine: "Yes I know, he's famous. After the war, the Americans captured him and he designed the first rocket that landed men on the Moon... and on Mars as well, I believe. Herr Hitler, do you think he might get a break from whatever he's doing right now to make a Moon-rocket?"

Hitler: "We'll talk about that at dinner."


Adolphine: "Eva, Herr Hitler will be here for dinner again! Could you make some cookies or something?"

Eva: "I will order cookies if you like, Adolphine."

Adolphine: "Thank you. Eva, did Herr Hitler stay longer last night... after I went to bed?"

Eva: "Yes, Adolphine, we had sex. Satisfied?... And no, no details. Don't insist, please."

Adolphine: "Ok. I'm glad you had a good time... But Herr Hitler was not here in the morning..."

Eva: "He left, naturally."

Adolphine: "He left you alone after having sex? Why?"

Eva: "He went to sleep in his room, up in the bunker."

Adolphine: "Why? Why doesn't he live here with us?"

Eva: "You are asking lots of questions, just like a small child! Adolf doesn't live with me because we are not married... yet."

Adolphine: "I see. So, in this time, unmarried people do not live together?"

Eva: "Well, usually, yes."

Adolphine: "I see, how nice... And when are you going to get married? And adopt me?"

Eva: "I don't know, Adolphine. Why don't you ask Adolf?"

Adolphine: "I will."


At dinner, Adolphine ate cookies and chatted with Hitler and Eva.

A meeting with Wernher von Braun was scheduled for the 22nd, despite Hitler's lack of enthusiasm with a possible Moon landing.

The wedding of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun was scheduled for the 11th of February, in the Berghof, Hitler's residence near Berchtesgaden, in a scenic area of the Bavarian Alps.

Hitler would have preferred a private ceremony but, in the end, he acquiesced to Eva's pleas. It was decided to invite the usual entourage of Hitler and a few of Eva's friends and relatives.

Adolphine was officially named Eva's bridesmaid. She was delighted. Eva was extatic and Hitler rather tense.

Hitler spent the night in Adolphine's apartment. The difference in comfort between the 22nd century Hirn and the 20th century Führerbunker was so obvious that Hitler decided to move in with his fiancée. The small office room vis-à-vis with Eva's bedroom was fit with a bed and became Hitler's room.

I have a family again! How nice!
I suspect its not going to be an happy family for very long however.

Also like the irony of Hitler objecting to someone else cursing and being violent. ;)