Lol, seeing the post he was kicked by, and that he was responding to an authoritarian who didn't get kicked. He was kicked for insulting, yet implying that stevep should go to the gulag isn't genocidal and therefore not a kickable or bannable offense. Double standards.
CalBear shows his sympathies.

I think I did technically break the rules by calling the person in question a liar. Think that AH like a lot of places operates on the same basis of the House of Commons, i.e. you can lie through your teeth but you can't call them out on it directly. It was the double standards that really angered me as you say and the comments by the moderator. Think I covered it in some details when I got back on at the end of the week's suspension.

Rather surprised that anyone remembers it. Must admit there were some very good TL's there that I missed but given it was virtually a full time job trying to keep up with them apart from anything else I doubt I would have the time and willpower to go back now and try and catch up with everything :o. Rather than waste my time now doing that - although I can still spend 2/3 hours a day on assorted sites - I spend it far more constructive on computer gaming.:oops:

Anyway don't want to distract from the thread.:)

Well some interesting information there. [I avoided looking at the spoiler in the post replying to me but don't know how long the will power will hold out.;)] Obviously put a lot of thought into possible problems. While originally educated in the sciences a long while ago I wouldn't have thought at all of issues like osmosis pressure gradients. Given what you say that would be a frightening thought and the Germans would have to open the sections linked to the northern seas quite frequently or face serious problems when they did.:o

It looks like both allied groups are going to suffer badly with the men being cut off. Suspect that pretty much all the British forces in France and a lot of the Americans and the UK is getting low on available manpower to replace battle losses, let alone such a blow. The Soviets will have also lost a lot of men and equipment and while their producing a lot and getting L-L on a large scale but there are some suggestions they were getting pretty low on total available manpower so replacing a lot of their forces will be a big problem. Even if those forces hold out for a while its going to be a huge manpower loss as the troops aren't available for the allies.

I suspect that a lot of a/c will be destroyed and their crew killed when they run into the barrier without knowing its there. Again this will hit the allies, as they have most of the forces in the air and also those likely to be crossing the barrier. Bomber Command could take a really big hit with just about everything flying that night being lost.:o

Similarly naval units trying to cross the barrier are likely to suffer damage ramming it before they realise its there. Could see a lot of damaged/isolated allied units, if they or their commanders realise what has happened in time, seeking interment in S Sweden. German subs could be isolated outside the dome, at least until the Germans work out how to contact them and tell them when they can get through the barrier - which since the allies have broken their codes could be less than success for them. However by this time I think the U boats are in deep decline so this is likely to speed up the end of the Atlantic battle.

The German areas outside the dome, mainly in N Italy and Croatia are likely to be given up - if Hitler sees sense, as to maintain communications with them means opening the dome periodically and also sending more troops and equipment while Germany will be lacking in numbers, even with allied losses.

Those all assume that the war continues but you seem to be hinting the bloodshed will be ended or sharply reduced soon so have to see what happens. :)

1. Well some interesting information there. [I avoided looking at the spoiler in the post replying to me but don't know how long the will power will hold out.;)]

2. Obviously put a lot of thought into possible problems. While originally educated in the sciences a long while ago I wouldn't have thought at all of issues like osmosis pressure gradients. Given what you say that would be a frightening thought and the Germans would have to open the sections linked to the northern seas quite frequently or face serious problems when they did.:o

3. It looks like both allied groups are going to suffer badly with the men being cut off. Suspect that pretty much all the British forces in France and a lot of the Americans and the UK is getting low on available manpower to replace battle losses, let alone such a blow. The Soviets will have also lost a lot of men and equipment and while their producing a lot and getting L-L on a large scale but there are some suggestions they were getting pretty low on total available manpower so replacing a lot of their forces will be a big problem. Even if those forces hold out for a while its going to be a huge manpower loss as the troops aren't available for the allies.

4. I suspect that a lot of a/c will be destroyed and their crew killed when they run into the barrier without knowing its there. Again this will hit the allies, as they have most of the forces in the air and also those likely to be crossing the barrier. Bomber Command could take a really big hit with just about everything flying that night being lost.:o

5. Similarly naval units trying to cross the barrier are likely to suffer damage ramming it before they realise its there. Could see a lot of damaged/isolated allied units, if they or their commanders realise what has happened in time, seeking interment in S Sweden. German subs could be isolated outside the dome, at least until the Germans work out how to contact them and tell them when they can get through the barrier - which since the allies have broken their codes could be less than success for them. However by this time I think the U boats are in deep decline so this is likely to speed up the end of the Atlantic battle.

6. The German areas outside the dome, mainly in N Italy and Croatia are likely to be given up - if Hitler sees sense, as to maintain communications with them means opening the dome periodically and also sending more troops and equipment while Germany will be lacking in numbers, even with allied losses.

7. Those all assume that the war continues but you seem to be hinting the bloodshed will be ended or sharply reduced soon so have to see what happens. :)
1. You may safely read it tomorrow (after I post the next chapter).

2. I studied and then taught Chemistry.

3. The Red Army caught inside the Dome is in a much better situation than the Western Allies because the Soviets had recently amassed a large amount of resources preparing for the Vistula-Oder Offensive.

4. That is correct.

5. That is also correct. There will be a chapter dedicated to naval warfare inside the Dome.

6. And the Courland pocket as well. If Hitler sees sense, which is not certain. Only Norway should be kept for as long as possible because of the iron ore from Kiruna via Narvik.

7. The war will continue, of course, at least for some time, but it is clear that several fronts will become quiet rather soon. Everything will become clear in about 20 chapters.
Chapter 4. Heisenberg
Chapter 4. Heisenberg

17 January 1945, The Hirn, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

: "No, Olaf, not that crap! Show me a war movie or something, not a damn cartoon!... What happened, Olaf? Where are all my movies?... Fuck! The bastards deleted my movies! Oh, no! Damn Jews! Olaf, what else has been deleted during the last three days?... Fuck! Fucking dirty Jews!... Can you recover anything, Olaf?... Shit!"

Everything was gone, the encyclopaedia, the history books, the weapons resources, the chemistry books, most of the movies and many useful pieces of software that Adolphine had tirelessly bundled into Olaf during the previous months.

Before sending her downtime, the authorities have wiped out anything which could further help the Nazis. It was, after all, understandable. The idea was to protect the Reich and save it from certain destruction in order to allow Adolphine a first hand experience of Hitler's Germany. They did not want Germany to actually win the war, they merely wanted to make sure that it wouldn't lose it.

Adolphine started to use Olaf to please herself, as she usually did in order to relieve stress and calm down. It worked like a charm every single time.

Half an hour later, she lay exhausted on her bed and her mind drifted to the past. She remembered her parents and started to sob.

I miss them so much. I am not a warrior like Mutti and Vatti, I am just a child... I cannot live alone, I will go mad. Probably that's why they sent me here anyway...

Adolphine wiped her tears and tried to toughen herself...

No, I am not allowed to dispair. I must fight on. My parents died for the cause. I must cherish their memory and find inspiration not dread in their martyrdom.

She started crying again...

Was it really necessary to blow up that slimy Jew puppet? Yes, he deserved to die, but why my parents? Couldn't have somebody else done the deed? Somebody with no family?...

Somebody knocked at the door.

Adolphine: "No, don't come in! I have to get dressed!"

She dressed quickly, made the bed and answered the door.

Adolphine: "Good day, Gentlemen!"

Werner Heisenberg: "Good day, Fräulein..."

Adolphine: "Heimat, Fräulein Heimat"

Heisenberg: "I am honoured to meet you, Fräulein Heimat. I am Professor Heisenberg and these are my colleagues."

Adolphine: "I know you! You are the scientist with the cat who is neither dead nor alive..."

Heisenberg: "Umm... That would be Professor Schrödinger, I presume... Anyway, we are very excited to have you here and we would like to ask you some questions. The Führer said that you would gladly cooperate..."

Adolphine: "Nice to meet you, Professor. I am sorry about the mistake with the cat... I hope that you were not offended."

Heisenberg: "No, I'm fine. Now, you are saying that you are from the future... From the year 2189 to be more precise. Is this correct?"

Adolphine: "It surely is. I wouldn't have lied to Herr Hitler, would I?"

Heisenberg: "Yes, yes... And just by looking around, one can clearly see that you are not from our times. But there is an interesting aspect to this time travelling... thing. I mean, of course, you are from the future but from what future?"

Adolphine: "What do you mean?"

Heisenberg: "I mean... Are you from our future or from some other future?"

Adolphine: "I don't follow you. I'm no scientist, you know, I'm just a little girl."

Heisenberg: "Let me rephrase it... Had you not come here, the history would have progressed to your future, isn't that so?"

Adolphine: "I don't know, I suppose so."

Heisenberg: "But since you appeared here, the history had changed and I can say it had changed dramatically. So, it is just natural to enquire what had happened to your future. I mean, everything would be vastly different 244 years from now. You may not be born! Your ancestors may not even meet much less have children together! But you are still here. Something must have happened. Is this a different reality? A parallel Universe? Please understand that these are important theoretical questions. Time travel is inherently a paradoxical phenomenon and I am very interested..."

Adolphine: "Yawn. Please, Herr Professor, I am not at school here. And believe me that I don't understand anything you are talking about. It just seems like Jewish philosophy to me... Please."

Heisenberg: "I understand. Sorry. Please tell us what do you know."

Adolphine: "About what?"

Heisenberg: "You may start with a little history, some details of your life and then everything about your time travel, I mean the why and the how. Then, of course, we would like to know what you know about the purpose and functioning of everything here..."

Adolphine: "Oh, we'll be quickly ready then because I don't know a thing about technology and stuff. About history, I'm not good at it either but at least I know a few things..."

Heisenberg: "I'm sorry to interrupt you. Before you begin, one more question. Do you know anything about an atomic or nuclear bomb? A bomb made of Uranium."

Adolphine: "Uranium? I'm not sure..."

Heisenberg: "A very powerful bomb which can destroy a whole city! Is it feasable?"

Adolphine: "Oh, an AMB, of course. But I don't think it uses any Uranium. It is an anti-matter bomb. You see, a small amount of anti-matter makes a gigantic explosion. You will be able to easily win the war with those bombs!"

Heisenberg: "I see. And how do we make this anti-matter?"

Adolphine: "Oh, it's simple. You just smash some particles together and you get it!"

Adolphine smiled sheepishly. The scientists murmured among themselves. To say that Heisenberg was disappointed would be an understatement.

This girl is totally dumb. And all these marvels are completely useless... We are not going to reverse engineer anything! If this technology were from the year 1989, maybe, just maybe we had a chance, but from 2189, no, not a chance in hell! Even if she knew some basics, it wouldn't have been enough. The gap is simply too large... Hitler will be furious... Damn!...
I like it. Hitler will definitely be furious. :D From what she's said she could be a perfect example of a Nazi education system.

They will still have the dome and if they use it effectively it could prolong the war quite a while. However from what's your said things are going to prevent that.
1. I like it. Hitler will definitely be furious. :D

2. From what she's said she could be a perfect example of a Nazi education system.

3. They will still have the dome and if they use it effectively it could prolong the war quite a while. However from what's your said things are going to prevent that.
1. There will be further funny parts in this story. I believe that, without a little fun, any story about the Third Reich would quickly get exceedingly gloomy. Imagine the frustration of Hitler and his goons when they realize that they can't replicate any of those wonders (at least not during their lifetimes).

2. She was home-schooled in a neo-nazi family. Enough said.

3. Prolong the war? The Dome itself is a war stopper, at least in the West, as the stranded Western Allied armies don't have enough resources (fuel, food, ammunition) in stock to keep on fighting. In the East, the Soviets have two options: either dig in and try to get the Polish industry running or try to get Berlin within six weeks (after which they get short of resources as well).

Anyway, the next chapter will be online soon (between 8 and 9 UTC as usual) and some further aspects will then hopefully become clear.
Chapter 5. Goebbels
Chapter 5. Goebbels

17 January 1945, The Hirn, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

: In order to accurately portray Adolphine, I spent some time doing research on several Neo-Nazi sites. The ideas exposed here by Adolphine are common place in those parts of the Internet. If you are offended, I am sorry, but it was needed for the sake of authenticity.

Adolphine: "I'm really sorry I cannot help you guys, I'm not some nerd, ok?"

Heisenberg: "Don't worry, I understand. But please, do continue."

The door opened and Joseph and Magda Goebbels entered the room.

Joseph Goebbels: "Good day, fair Aryan Mädel!"

Adolphine: "Who the hell are you and why don't you knock first?"

Joseph Goebbels: "How dare you talk to me like this? I'm Reichsminister Joseph Goebbels!"

Adolphine: "Oh, I didn't recognize you. Anyway, next time, please knock on the damn door! This is my home and I really want to have some privacy, you know."

Magda Goebbels (smiling): "Good day, Fräulein Heimat. I am Magda, Herr Goebbels wife, and I apologize for coming here uninvited. We are so excited that we forgot to follow the proper etiquette..."

Adolphine (calming down): "It's no big deal. And you can call me Adolphine... Please make yourselves comfortable. I was just starting to talk about history..."

Magda Goebbels: "Thank you, Adolphine. What a nice name. Did your parents give you this name because of our Führer?"

Adolphine (sighing): "Yes."

Joseph Goebbels: "Do not interrupt her, Magda. Adolphine, we are very interested to learn about what happened in the future... What will happen, I mean..."

Heisenberg: "Or, more likely, what would have happened?"

Goebbels (slightly irritated): "Yes, that. Please, do proceed. But before that, I have a small question... I see that your German, while good enough, does seem a little off. I mean, is German your native tongue? Are you really part of the Volk?"

Adolphine: "Of course, I'm German! My DNA is ninety percent Germanic! You may do a test if you don't believe me. And, as a matter of fact, I find your German to sound rather funny..."

Goebbels: "What do you mean? That I am not German or what!?"

Adolphine: "No, not specifically you. I mean, all of you. You are all talking quite funny, you know. Not like it's not proper German, it's German all right, but it just seems like some kind of an odd dialect or something."

Heisenberg: "Please, let's stop arguing about this. The German language must have evolved in 244 years. I am sure that we would find a German from the year 1701 to talk funny as well."

Goebbels: "Yes, thank you, Herr Heisenberg. Adolphine, you just said that your something is ninety percent Germanic. Can you elaborate on that."

Adolphine: "Well, my DNA test showed that I am about 89% Germanic and the rest miscellanious European. What else can I tell you?"

Goebbels (very interested): "Do you mean that it is actually possible to quantify the race of a person? A measurement, yielding precise values?"

Heisenberg: "What is this DNA you are talking about?"

Adolphine: "You don't know about DNA?! The stuff in your cells, that you inherit from your parents. I thought that it was known in the 20th century."

Heisenberg: "The 20th century is not over yet."

Goebbels: "Is this test... complicated?"

Adolphine (laughing): "Oh, no. You just spit in a vial, place it the analyzer and you get hundreds of pages of information in seconds!"

Goebbels: "Do you have one of those with you? An analyzer?"

Adolphine: "No... I'm sorry. It would have been useful in exposing hidden Jews, wouldn't it?"

Goebbels: "You are a very smart girl! But it's no problem. Our top geneticists will be surely able to reproduce this marvellous invention."

Heisenberg: "Can you at least tell us more precisely what this DNA is?"

Adolphine: "Umm... Dexo... Ribi... Dexobiro... It's a very big chemical substance. You shall look in the saliva with a microscope or something... Should I start the history lesson now?"

Goebbels: "Yes, by all means. Start with the war, please."

Adolphine: "Yes, this war... How should I say it?... I mean... Umm..."

Goebbels: "We lost. That's why you're here. Please go on."

Adolphine: "Yes, the White men lost and the Jewry won. Our Gods deserted us as we have deserted them when we started to follow that Jewish Prophet!"

Goebbels: "Our Gods..."

Adolphine: "Yes, Thor, Wotan, Odin..."

Goebbels: "I see. You are not a Christian."

Adolphine: "No! I'm a Germanic Neopagan. Christianity is nothing but a Jewish scam meant to make our Volk weak and easy to control by the JOG."

Goebbels: "JOG...?"

Adolphine: "Jewish Occupation Government"

Goebbels: "I see."

Adolphine: "So, the Americans invaded from the West and the Russians from the East. The Wehrmacht collapsed. The Russians were the first to get to Berlin. On 29 April 1945, Herr Hitler and his wife commited suicide in the Bunker..."

Goebbels (mortified): "What?!"

Adolphine: "Yes. And you killed yourself as well... And you, Magda. Everybody just offed themselves."

Goebbels (almost yelling): "No! I mean, so soon!? And what wife?! And why are you referring to our Führer as Herr Hitler? You said you were a German! You shall use Mein Führer!"

Adolphine (irritated): "Calm down, Herr Goebbels, and let me answer all your questions... So, Herr Hitler married Fräulein Eva Braun the day before their suicide. I can't believe that you didn't know she was his girlfriend... "

Goebbels (looking at the group of scientists): "Yes, I knew... But you should really avoid talking in public about the personal life of the Führer..."

Adolphine (sheepish): "Sorry... Guys, could you please pretend to have missed that... Please..."

Goebbels: "Please go on."

Adolphine: "What were the other questions?... Olaf? Where is Olaf?!"

Heisenberg: "I was just looking at it... him... Here you are."

Adolphine: "Give him back to me! Oh, Olaf... Everybody, just leave Olaf alone, would you?!..."

Goebbels: "This had already turned into a circus!"

Magda: "Joseph, give the poor girl a break!"

Adolphine: "Will you let me speak or no? You know, I can just play a game or watch a movie instead of talking to you."

Goebbels: "If you love your Vaterland you should keep talking."

Adolphine (buckling Olaf on her waist): "Yes, the Herr Hitler question. You do realize, I presume, that, while I idolize Herr Hitler and regard him as a Saint and Martyr, he is not really my Führer..."

Goebbels: "What?!"

Adolphine: "Well, Herr Hitler is the Führer of the German Reich and until I gain German citizenship..."

Goebbels: "You are not from Germany?! Where are you from then? You said you were German! I can't follow you!"

Adolphine (crying): "I was born in Dresden, but Germany does not exist anymore in 2189. I am a citizen of the European Federation. It is a monstrousity created by the Zionists after the end of this war in order to fulfill their genocidal agenda of complete annihilation of the European Race and run by a Jewish Cabal and their traitorous puppets..."

Goebbels: (solemn): "I think we heard enough. Please excuse me."

Joseph Goebbels left the room amid generalized perplexity. Magda Goebbels shed a few tears, hugged Adolphine and left without saying a word.

Heisenberg: "You must be tired. We shall leave you alone. Good bye."

Alone and depressed, Adolphine laid on the bed, crying.
Then, she suddenly jumped to her feet and performed a Nazi salute.

I can fix this. We have to stop these Jews!
Well I can't believe it but I'm finding [aspects anyway] of a TL that involves the continuation of the 3rd Reich funny. I know what you mean about the language but there are a lot of haters out there that follow this or other such delusional ideologies and portraying them in their full stupidity and ognorance is useful. Especially like how Goebbels doesn't like having his own garbage spouted back at him.:lol Furthermore it must do wonders for their morale to know how quickly things fell about OTL.

What I meant by the war continuing was that there will continue to be a state of war as long as the Nazis are in power. Especially since their ability to control the dome means they can launch attacks pretty much at any point on the perimeter. [I realise as you point out this can't be prevented for scientific reasons.] As such its not just the very large numbers of non-Germans within the dome - along with a lot of Germans - who are likely to suffer in the foreseeable future. The dome might prevent the OTL conquest of Germany, which was especially bloody in the east and also the strategic bombing, which was still building up especially as the defences collapsed. However the system will still be in place which means a lot of killing will go on, for at least a while and potentially a long one.

I suspect that, which they might continue to support the positions outside the dome, especially in N Italy because of its industry and Hitler's attachment to Mussolini and Norway for mineral reasons, that those would be mistakes as it enables the allies to apply their still vastly greater strength to wear down any German forces deployed there.
Chapter 6. Rebellious Adolphine
Chapter 6. Rebellious Adolphine

17 January 1945, Führerbunker, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

Hitler was in very bad shape. He had slept less than two hours and, since being abruptly woken up in the middle of the night, his emotions had run wild. His tired mind made repeated futile attempts to wrap itself up around the whole absurdly impossible situation.

Joseph Goebbels: "I'm telling you, Mein Führer, this girl is pretty smart. She understands the Jewish problem perfectly. I don't know why Heisenberg insists that she is stupid. It may be because of his intellectual superiority complex. Obviously, she is not very learned and she may be rather rude, but she's only 15... Mein Führer, are you listening to me?"

Adolf Hitler: "What did you say?... No, I cannot concentrate right now. I have to get some sleep first. Compile a report for me, would you! I want to read it before the eight o'clock War Council."

Goebbles: "Yes, Mein Führer!... No, not that way, Mein Führer. There is that hole in your bedroom..."

Hitler: "So what? It's not like she will try to murder me or something. She could have easily killed us all or even blow up the whole planet if she wanted to!"

Goebbels: "Yes, Mein Führer, I suppose that she is trustworthy, but... there are construction workers in your bedroom, Mein Führer. They are excavating around the shaft in order to install an elevator."

Hitler: "Very good, Joseph, very good. I'll go to Eva's room then. By the way, when will she arrive?"

Goebbels: "Tomorrow morning, Mein Führer."


While serving lunch, Goebbels was disturbed by a commotion of some sort taking place in the hallway. A guard knocked at his door and Goebbels let him in.

Guard (SS Obersturmführer Schumacher): "Heil Hitler!"

Goebbels: "Heil Hitler!"

Guard: "Herr Reichsminister, it's that girl..."

Goebbels: "Yes, what's the matter with her?"

Guard: "Er... She was wandering through the Bunker, looking for the Führer. We did not know what to do... At first, we tried to dissuade her. I told her that the Führer is busy... I don't know, is she supposed to come here whenever she wants?"

Goebbels: "Continue."

Guard: "She insisted that it was important and, after knocking at several doors, when she was approaching the Führer's room, we decided to stop her. I believe that, lacking precise orders in this regard, we did the right thing..."

Goebbels: "Yes, continue."

Guard: "When we attempted to restrain her, she resisted. She used foul language and bit one of my men."

Goebbels: "She did what?!"

Guard: "She bit SS Sturmmann Roth. The laceration needs medical attention. Probably due to being in pain, he could not control himself and hit her with his gun. She lost her consciousness."

Goebbels: "Bring her in here."

Guard: "Yes, sir... We were only doing our job..."

Goebbels: "I did not reprimand you. We should have set up some clear rules here but, with everything happening so quickly, we failed and now we have to deal with this rather unfortunate situation."

SS Unterführer Traube entered the room carrying the unconscious Adolphine in his arms. Goebbels pointed to the couch. Traube laid Adolphine on Goebbels' couch.

Goebbels dismissed the two SS guards who saluted and left the room.

Adolphine was motionless and had a large bump on her head but was breathing normally. It looks like I have time to finish my lunch.

He was wrong. A couple of minutes later, Adolphine began to groan and woke up.

Adolphine: "Auch... Scheiße! What's wrong with you, people! First Hitler shoots me and now your gorillas knock me out. What the fuck?"

Goebbels: "Young lady... No, shut up and listen to me! While we are grateful that because of you the Reich is secure, you have to understand that you cannot ignore the laws of the Reich and the rules of civilized conduct in society. Shut up and let me finish! Here is the centre of the Reich's Government. It is not... normal for you to come in here, enter rooms and disturb the Führer, the Reichsministers or the Generalfeldmarschalls from their work whenever you want. Not only it is not normal, but it is actually preposterous! And, besides being the centre of the Reich's Government, due to the hardships of the war, this place is also the home of the Führer. You are not supposed to come uninvited into someone's house, are you?"

Adolphine: "I am sorry. I called, but nobody answered..."

Goebbels: "How did you call and where? Do you have access to our telephone lines?..."

Adolphine (trying to get up): "Auch... No. I just called Helga... the map... Nobody answered."

Goebbels: "I see. You want to visit someone, you call and nobody answers. What do you do next? Go there anyway? No, you try again later, obviously! What did your parents teach you?... Oh, I'm sorry."

Adolphine: "No, you needn't be. My parents sacrificed themselves for National Socialism and I am proud of their martyrdom."

Goebbels: "Yes, that's the attitude I want to see... And now the rules. Rule One: don't come here uninvited. If you want to talk to the Führer, you tell someone and the Führer will be notified as soon as his schedule permits. We will also install a normal telephone in your room so a secretary be able to take your calls at any time."

Adolphine: "And what if it's urgent?"

Goebbels: "If it is really urgent, although I can't see what could be that urgent, only then you may call Helga. If the Führer does not answer your call it means that he cannot talk at that moment and he will call for you later. Do you understand?"

Adolphine (sighing): "Yes, I do."

Goebbels: "Good. Rule Two: be courteous and do not swear. A lady is not supposed to speak like that."

Adolphine: "Then make sure nobody hurts me! If I'm in pain, I can't control what I say, I just scream and curse, everybody does so."

Goebbels: "If you behave yourself, we will not be forced to hurt you. Do we have an understanding?"

Adolphine (extending her right hand): "Ok, we have a deal."

Goebbels (theatrically shaking her hand): "Then be it a deal."

Adolphine: "When can I talk to Herr Hitler?"

Goebbels: "The Führer is asleep. You woke him up in the middle of the night and he could not rest until now. Can you tell me what is so important that it couldn't wait a couple of hours?"

Adolphine: "I think I'll wait... Can you give me something to eat?"

Goebbels (embarassed): "Sorry. Sure, I'll call for another plate... Did you eat anything today?"

Adolphine: "Sure, I ate my morning portion of concentrate. I have enough food for a year down there. But when I saw real food... It smells so good..."


Adolphine: "It was delicious, thank you very much. You know, I haven't eaten anything but concentrate for months..."

Goebbels: "You are welcome. Now, could you help me with something? The Führer wants to know everything about you, your World and the Hirn [1], but has little time to chat and wants a report, a summary. Would you write it down?"

[1] The whole system from underneath the Führerbunker had been called das Hirn (German for the Brain).

Adolphine: "Sure, anything for our beloved Führer!"


Adolphine: "Herr Goebbels..."

Goebbels: "Yes"

Adolphine: "Did the Holocaust actually happen?"

Goebbels: "I'm afraid I do not understand you... The holocaust? It must be a neologism."

Adolphine: "It's nothing, nevermind."
I really cannot (should not) answer that because that would imply quite a great deal of spoilers. Sorry. Anyway, with one chapter per day, you won't have to wait for a very long time.

No problem. I really shouldn't ask:oops: but intriguing how your going to square the circle so to speak as it looks pretty unlikely at the moment.
No problem. I really shouldn't ask:oops: but intriguing how your going to square the circle so to speak as it looks pretty unlikely at the moment.
Well, the TL is quite long and there is plenty of time for all kinds of interesting developments to take place.

The story will have lots of unexpected twists, really bizarre events and plenty of humour. While I believe that more spoilers should be avoided at this point, I will nonetheless provide a small and rather cryptic one.
There are other ways in which a dictatorship can fall besides military conquest.
Chapter 7. Zhukov
Chapter 7. Zhukov

17 January 1945, Lublin, Poland

During early evening, Soviet Union Marshall Georgy Zhukov, Commander of the First Byelorussian Front, was nervously pacing the main map room of his Lublin Headquarters.

The gravity of the situation had already sunk in. They were trapped. Completely and hopelessly trapped behind an impenetrable wall created by the accursed Fascists. Or by the Devil himself, it did not matter. What mattered was that he and his soldiers will never see their homes again.

The Red Phone finally rang.

Zhukov: "Yes, Comrade Stalin."

Stalin: "Comrade Zhukov... The situation is dire."

Zhukov: "Yes, I know. What shall I do? Continue the offensive in these circumstances?"

Stalin: "There is no other option. If we wait, the Fascists will get stronger and our trapped armies will only get weaker."

Zhukov: "I have two million men..."

Stalin: "Now you have three million. I made you Supreme Commander of all our armies which are behind that wall. Take as much territory as you can, advance westwards as fast as possible and try to take Berlin. The Fascists are almost destroyed. We may be able to finish them with what we have inside the wall. If not, then we are doomed. Not only you, Comrade Zhukov, but the Motherland as well."

Zhukov: "Why is that, Comrade Stalin? The trapped armies might be eventually annihilated, but the Motherland is safe."

Stalin: "Is it? Why do you think they devised this defensive wonder weapon first? To buy themselves time to perfect the offensive ones! I tell you that if the Hitlerites manage to survive your assault they will create such powerful weapons that will be able to turn the whole Soviet Union into dust!"

Zhukov: "I understand. I will take most of our troops from Hungary and Slovakia and thrust towards Berlin with all our forces. Our supplies will last at least six weeks..."

Stalin: "You will find ways to solve the supplies issue. Make the Poles build weapons and ammunition factories, use captured enemy equipment, live off the land! And if you still don't have enough food, take all the food you can find and let the civilians starve!"

Zhukov: "Let the Poles starve?"

Stalin: "Yes. If the Hitlerites win and conquer Poland again, they will kill all the Poles anyway! If we win, at least some of them might survive."

Zhukov: "I understand... And if I manage to take Berlin, then what? Hitler and his henchmen can move elsewhere. It's clearly not possible to conquer all of Germany in these circumstances."

Stalin: "Look, this wall is circular and has its centre right in Berlin! The system which generates it is probably very difficult if not impossible to move. There is a chance to destroy it!"

Zhukov: "Thank you, Comrade Stalin for giving me hope in these grim hours. I will do my best."

Stalin: "I hope so, Comrade Zhukov. I hope that you will not fail your country."

Zhukov: "What about the Western armies trapped in northern France and Belgium? Will they assist with an offensive of their own?"

Stalin: "You have to realize there is always the possibility that the Imperialists strike a deal with the Fascists. But I will talk to their leaders. Let us hope that the resolve of their troops is comparable to that of our vaillant soldiers... I may even pressure the Swedes to join the war... You do your job and I'll do mine!"

Zhukov: "And the Romanian armies in Hungary?"

Stalin: "They cannot be trusted and are useless anyway. Leave them where they are, let them fight the Hungarians! They seem to like that."

Zhukov: "Yes, Comrade Stalin. I will start to revise the war plans right away."

Stalin: "You do that, Comrade Zhukov. The Motherland will be forever grateful to you and your men. For your courage and determination you will be remembered as heroes, regardless of the outcome of this titanic clash. Good luck and remember that speed is the key in this offensive, not safety."

Zhukov: "I do, Comrade Stalin. Thank you and good bye."

But I cannot take Berlin in six weeks!...
I doubt even Zhukov can, especially with military supplies and air support probably declining before then but at least he can try. That would seem the best, albeit slim, option to the Soviets and probably also the western trapped forces, at this point. Which would suggest that the next few weeks are going to be even bloodier than OTL as both sides will be fighting with desperation. :o Looking forward to seeing how you resolve that.

Stalin is wrong about offensive weapons but its an obvious conclusion given the apparent huge advance in technology that the Germans seem to have displayed. He's also wrong about the western forces as they will fight hard but I doubt they have the reserves of equipment the Soviets have and a lot of their support base, especially air support has been cut off. They might actually last a bit longer as they could be seen as less of a threat than the Red Army.
1. I doubt even Zhukov can, especially with military supplies and air support probably declining before then but at least he can try. That would seem the best, albeit slim, option to the Soviets and probably also the western trapped forces, at this point. Which would suggest that the next few weeks are going to be even bloodier than OTL as both sides will be fighting with desperation. :o Looking forward to seeing how you resolve that.

2. Stalin is wrong about offensive weapons but its an obvious conclusion given the apparent huge advance in technology that the Germans seem to have displayed. He's also wrong about the western forces as they will fight hard but I doubt they have the reserves of equipment the Soviets have and a lot of their support base, especially air support has been cut off. They might actually last a bit longer as they could be seen as less of a threat than the Red Army.
1. My conclusion (after a few simulations, some guesstimating and a discussion with other members) was that Zhukow had at most a 10% chance to reach the Reich Chancellery and blow up the Dome Emitter. However, not even trying was pointless as time was on the side of the Germans (Inner Poland could not reallistically hope to compete with Germany in the long run).

Sure, the next few weeks will be bloodier than in OTL. However, what I said was that, in total, less lives will be lost in TTL than in OTL until the end of the war.

2. The main problem for the Western forces inside the Dome is the lack of resources, including food, and the almost inexistent air support (which was still based primarily in Britain). Of course the Western forces are less of a threat as there is no way they could get to Berlin while the Vistula-Oder Offensive was already on its way.
Chapter 8. First Dome Consequences
Chapter 8. First Dome Consequences

17 January 1945, Bern, Switzerland

In the northern outskirts of Bern, not far from the Wankdorf Stadium, an old woman found herself trapped in the bedroom of her second floor apartment. The impenetrable wall devised by Nazi Gemany had bisected her home, with the access door on one side and herself on the other side.

A passer-by noticed her being in distress and promptly called the fire department. Confusion ensued when the firefighters from Bern arrived on the scene but were unable to pass on the other side to help her. She was finally saved about an hour later by the firefighters from nearby Ostermundigen.

The incident would have probably remained unknown outside the local community had it not been mentioned in the minutes of the emergency proceedings of the Swiss Federal Council.

17 January 1945, Šiauliai, Lithuania [1]

1. Reichskomissariat Ostland for Nazi Germany, Lithuanian SSR for the Soviet Union, Republic of Lithuania for the civilized World.

Jurgis woke up in the middle of the night because of a severe pain in his abdomen. The whole room was glowing with a faint but clearly discernable eery violet light. Jurgis tried to move but quicky realized that he was pinned to his bed by something. He could move his hands and upper part of his body, but his middle section was crushed in place by a formidable force.

Jurgis screamed in terror, but there was nobody around to hear him and, unbeknownst to him, even if it were, he would have been doomed anyway. Minutes later, in agonizing pain and unfathomable horror, Jurgis died a horrible death.

He was the only direct casualty of the Berlin Dome. Other cases of people having limbs caught by Dome had their lives saved by amputation, but the unfortunate Lithuanian had the Dome pass through the middle of his body and had absolutely no chance of survival. [2]

2. While water and some electrolytes could pass freely through the Dome, blood cells, nutrients and hormones clogged at the point where the Dome intersected the veins and arteries.

Later, Dr. Josef Mengele wanted to perform several experiments at the Dome limit in southern Norway but Hitler vetoed that, presumably due to security reasons.

17 January 1945, a highway near Tystberga, Sweden

Member of the Parliament Linus Skarsgård had been visiting his ailing mother in Linköping and, being already late in the night, he was rushing back to Stockholm, driving on the almost completely deserted highway as fast as his car allowed.

What a strange looking aurora borealis! It was Skarsgård's last thought before frontally crashing his car into the Dome.

The Swedish Social Democratic Party would heavily use their MP's death in the subsequent anti-Nazi propaganda.

17 January 1945, Washington DC, USA

After a long and strenuous phone conversation with Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt collapsed and was pronounced dead during the following night.

Needless to say, Hitler was absolutely delighted and Goebbles alluded to a death ray, another Wunderwaffe which had purportedly just been tested.

The timing of Roosevelt's death, could not have been worse. It was the first time in American history when a president died after being elected but before his inauguration.

Acting Vice President Henry Agard Wallace was sworn in as President until the 20 January inauguration of Vice President Elect Harry Truman as President of the United States. The two days tenure of Wallace as President remained the shortest in US history to this day.

The fact that the USA had three different Presidents during the month leading to the very important Yalta Conference with Winston Churchil and Joseph Stalin and the presumed inexperience of President Harry Truman would be blamed for the poor results of the Conference.
Some nasty effects of the dome there. Ironic that Wallace gets two days of 'power' before having to hand over but expect he will be in no position to do much and may not even try without agreeing it with Truman 1st.

That bit about a failure for the Yalta Conference could be bad.
Chapter 9. The Adolphine Report
Chapter 9. The Adolphine Report

17 January 1945, Führerbunker, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

Joseph Goebbels took the sheets of paper from Adolphine and quickly browsed them. She has the handwriting of a seven years old child.

Goebbels: "Very good, Adolphine. Thank you for your cooperation. You may go home now."

Adolphine: "Am I boring, Herr Goebbels?"

Goebbels: "Oh, no, not at all. It's just that we are all very busy right now... I understand that you may feel lonely. I will tell Magda to take Helga and Hilde and pay you a visit, will that please you?"

Adolphine: "Oh, I will be more than happy to receive guests. Your wife and her friends are welcome."

Goebbels: "Umm, Helga and Hilde are our oldest daughters. They are 12 and 11 years old... Yes, they are younger than you, but I hope that you'll get along just fine... Adolphine?..."

Adolphine: "Yes, Herr Goebbels?"

Goebbels: "You said that Magda and I commited suicide together with the Führer and Eva... Do you know what happened to our six children after the war?"

Adolphine: "Oh, Magda killed them all."

Goebbels: "What?!"

Adolphine: "I am sorry, Herr Goebbels, I understand that this is hard for you but, I mean, what could have been done? Let the Bolshevik beasts rape and torture your daughters and parade them like circus freaks? Although they would have probably killed them anyway."

Goebbels (biting his lip): "... Go home, Adolphine, leave me alone, would you."


Several minutes later, Goebbels composed himself, read and annotated Adolphine's report and phoned Magda to tell her that Adolphine was expecting her and their two oldest daughters. He tried to mention the killing of their children but did not find the courage to do so. Some other time, maybe.

When Hitler had finally woken up it was already half past five in the evening. Goebbels briefed Hitler and handed him the papers written by Adolphine and annotated by himself. Hitler showed no visible emotion when told about the incident between Adolphine and the SS guards. After Goebbels left, Hitler began to read the so called Adolphine Report.

The Adolphine Report (Goebbels' annotations in red)

Some of Adolphine's opinions may be false or distorted. Her technical knowledge is unfortunately close to zero.

The War
  • The Wehrmacht fought admirably. We lost the war because our enemies had more land, more people, more natural resources, more industrial and weapons production, more everything. There was no way that we could have won after the entry of America into the war. This may be Jewish propaganda. She may be unknowingly tainted by it, simply by living all her life immersed into that dystopian Judaized World.
  • Ditch Enigma immediately. The British had cracked it. You should use something modern and secure like Madison-Boffe ? encryption with a 16 KB ? key. Sadly, the encryption programs from Olaf seem to have been removed by the Jewish puppets who sent me here. You should ask Herr Zuse for help, he is good with computers and stuff. I have already summoned Zuse. He will be here tomorrow.
  • The Judeo-Bolsheviks are savages, monsters! They kill and rape everybody, not only Germans but also Poles. You should evacuate the civilians until the enemy is destroyed. We can use this to drive a wedge between the Soviets and the Poles.
  • The Soviet offensive was unstoppable. They reached Berlin in April. You and Eva Braun killed yourselves on 30 April, shortly after getting married. Herr Goebbels and Magda killed themselves the following day. Berlin fell on 2 May. Dönitz, your named successor, surrendered on 8 May.
  • Staufenburg (sic), Kanaris (sic), Himmler, Göring and Speer are all traitors. Staufenburg tried to assassinate you, Kanaris was a British spy from the very beginning, Himmler and Göring betrayed you in April, trying to depose you and surrender to the enemy and Speer betrayed your legacy at the Nürnberg show trials. She might be mistaken. Speer might have been tortured.
  • The Americans bombed Japan with AMBs ?, destroying two of their cities. Herr Heisenberg says that AMBs cannot be made in this era and it might have been Uranium bombs instead. I don't know. Japan surrendered later this year. Uranprojekt must be given top priority in this case.

Post War History
  • The Reich was partitioned, something like Morgentau (sic), a Jew. Everything east of the Oder and the Neisse was given to Poland, East Prussia to the Soviet Union, Sudetenland to Czechia, Austria was separated and the rest was divided into a capitalist Western Germany (under American, British and French occupation) and a socialist Eastern Germany, a Soviet puppet. All Germans from the lost territories were exterminated or expelled. This is propaganda gold!
  • The Western World and the Communist Block started a Cold War which went on for 50 years, until the Soviet Union collapsed and the Americans became the masters of the World. Interesting...
  • The problem was that America was completely under the heel of the Jews. Thus, the whole Western World became a puppet of the Zionist State of Israel. The Jews installed their puppets in all White Countries and turned the White People into their slaves! I don't quite understand her fascination with "White People". She seems to consider herself firstly "White" and only secondly "German".
  • All of Europe was united into the European Federation, a Jewish concoction ruled by the Jewish Occupation Government. Germany (now united but still under Jewish occupation) became a federal state of Europe.
  • In 2145, 200 years after our defeat, Germany was disolved and all 16 Länder became individual European federal states. When I was born, there wasn't any Germany anymore on the face of the Earth! I wish she knew more about our times, but everything can be used.

The Jewish Problem
  • The Jews are everywhere and they control everything either directly or through their puppets, traitors of the White Race. They completely control all the Governments, the Banks, the Media, the Internet ?, the Judiciary, everything!
  • We, the White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis, are persecuted, imprisoned and murdered by the Jews and the traitors. Again, "White Nationalists"! What does that even mean?
  • Holocaust ? denial and antisemitism are against the law and punishable by prison. And they consider to be antisemitism everything you say that a Jew dislikes. Freedom of Speech does not exist anymore! That is a dangerous concept.
  • The Jews promoted every possible degeneracy imaginable and forced us to accept it as norm: misgenation, homosexuality and lesbianism, other sexual perversions, transsexuals, zoophilia, pedophilia, abortion, contraception, divorce, feminism, AI ? "rights", the destruction of family, society, mores, western culture, everything of value for us that they hated! Could it be really that bad?
  • They organized an invasion of Europe, America and the other White Countries by subhumans from the inferior races and a large number of Moslems. The purpose was White Genocide, the destruction of our Race which they hated! It is done through killings, outbreeding by the lesser races, out of control misgenation and organized mass rapes. And nobody fought back! How is that possible?
  • They perverted Christianity turning it into a defanged pseudojudaic cult. That's why most of us had turned to the worship of our ancestral White Germanic Gods. We shall keep her away from Himmler.
  • Today, the White Race is almost completely destroyed. In Europe, less than 10% are pure Whites and in America perhaps even less. I don't know if there is even a single pure German alive in 2189. I am mostly German, but sadly not completely pure myself. That cannot be true!

Me and My Family
  • My father, Georg Schuster was a Neo-Nazi and White Nationalist from his youth, having found the truth on the Internet. He wanted to change his name to Hitler but was denied and chose Heimat instead (a Nationalistic name, starting with an H and having six letters).
  • He met my mother, Brunhilda Donner, converted her to the Cause and got married.
  • I was born in 2174. I am the only child because the State forbids White People to have more than one child in order to hasten our demise while Blacks and Arabs are usually exempted.
  • My parents had fought against the system for as long as I can remember. They were arrested and imprisoned several times, including in psychiatric hospitals (being a Neo-Nazi is considered a mental condition).
  • In 2187, my parents decided to deliver justice and execute the traitorous Jewish puppet Ahan Delgan, a filthy Turk made by the Jews Prime Minister of Sachsen. They managed to throw a home-made bomb and kill the bastard but, unfortunately, they lost their own lives in the resulting explosion.
  • I was arrested and tried for conspiracy, accessory to murder, disseminating Neo-Nazi propaganda and other so called offences. I would have preferred to go to jail, but the Jewish Doctors decided to call me mentall ill and forced me into a psychiatric hospital. What if she is really crazy? She certainly acts as one.
  • They kept me there for more than one year, trying to brainwash me but, praised be Wotan, they failed! Realizing that they will never be able to change my opinions, they sent me here, thinking that I will begin to hate National Socialism after experiencing it first hand. They are stupid Jews after all!
  • That's why I have this wonderful shield but no offensive weapons. They wanted to protect me but not allow the Reich to actually win the War. And they have deleted everything of value from Olaf and Helga. We will have to check this. Somehow.

Science and Technology
  • I am really sorry, I don't know anything about that. I did not attend school (obviously schools are infect cesspools of Judaic indoctrination). My parents home-schooled me, but they had other specialties (languages and economics), so my science classes were quite basic. That is really unfortunate but she might still know something of value.
  • However, it seems that Herr Heisenberg and his colleagues can put to good use some of my little bits of information. I shall keep talking to them if you tell them not to mock me because of my lack of knowledge. Very important.
  • I know that you have Parkinson's disease and that it is not treatable with 20th century medicine. I think I know how to cure you.
  • Your Doctor, Morell, is poisoning you with dangerous drugs. I suppose that he does not mean harm, he may be simply stupid. You should fire him immediately and stop taking his lethal concoctions. I have something much better for you. It's the concentrate food and vitamins I eat daily and I am more than happy to trade them with you in exchange for real tasty food. Our chemists shall check that.
  • You shall try to make a thermonuclear reactor, like the one which is powering the Dome, only bigger. It's really simple. You just take two deuterium atoms and make one helium atom out of them. This way you'll get huge amounts of free energy! ?
  • An Antimater Bomb is a must. The Americans will have it this year and the Soviets a little later. Herr Heisenberg says that it is a Uranium Bomb but, whatever it is, we have to have it as well. This.
  • You already have rockets, like the V2. If you make them more powerful, we can go to the Moon and the Asteroids and mine them. There are endless mineral resources there! This does not seem like 20th century at all.

My Needs and Desires
  • Real food. I only have food for about one year and it is only that awful concentrate.
  • Company. I am feeling really lonely.
  • To be treated decently, I mean no more shootings, beatings and rough handling.
  • Movies. Most of my interesting movies have been deleted. Do you think you could upload ? some more into Olaf? ? Also some new games would be nice. If you don't have games yet, I could explain to a programmer what I want and he will just make them. ?
  • Relationship advice. I mean, let's say I fancy a young boy I see around here. What am I supposed to do? I presume the mores are quite different in your time without the pernicious Jewish influence and I really don't want to be considered a whore. Magda might help her with that. We surely wouldn't want her to just sleep around. It would be a disaster.
  • Reich citizenship, paper birth certificate, Bund Deutscher Mädel membership card and some kind of posthumuos medal for my parents.
  • A flypack ? or if these are not invented yet some other flying vehicle. I like to fly very much. I don't think it would be safe to let her fly a plane.
  • A printer. I would like to dictate to Olaf and print it instead of writing it down myself. It's so time consuming. Maybe we could interface a teleprinter to that computer / robot. We have to check that with the specialists. This one might be doable.
  • More time with you (when you are not so busy). You are like an idol to me. I love you.

Written by Adolphine Heimat at the request of Herr Goebells. For the Führer, Adolf Hitler, only.

17 January 1945 (23 February 2189 for me)

Adolphine Heimat

Mein Führer, please excuse her transgressions. She is just a little girl from a far away Judaized future and she cannot be expected to act and talk properly as it would be expected in our Reich.

Reichsminister Joseph Goebbels


Hitler stared at the sloppily handwritten sheets of paper and sighed. For every answer, we have two more questions.

He stood up and headed to the map room where the War Cabinet meeting was about to begin.
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Chapter 10. The War Cabinet
Chapter 10. The War Cabinet

17 January 1945, Führerbunker, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

In the evening, Hitler and some of his ministers and generals met in the Map Room of the Führerbunker in order to discuss the military situation of the Reich and to devise a new strategy taking into account the presence of the Dome.

Much to the surprise of those still unacquainted with Adolphine's revelations about the gloomy would-be future of the Reich, Hitler opened the meeting with a blunt statement:
"The military situation of the Reich is abbysmal. If not for the presence of this formidable defensive shield, the Reich would be destroyed and partitioned by our enemies in less than four months."

With no more fear of being percieved as defeatists, the generals presented a realistic image of the horrendous military situation which was amplified by the chronic lack of oil and other supplies, the severely hampered logistical capabilities and the insufficient production of weapons and other war-related materials. Especially alarming was the situation on the Eastern Front where the Soviet armies were approaching the Oder.

Hitler lashed out at his faithful generals with a seemingly never-ending diatribe in which he accused them of deliberately withholding the gravity of the situation during their previous meetings. Although all those present knew this was clearly false, nobody dared to say anything.

Suddenly, Hitler calmed down and demanded solutions:
"Let's forget about the past now and focus on the future! It is absolutely imperative to protect Berlin at any cost whatsoever. If the Bolsheviks manage to capture Berlin, as they did in the other history, they will destroy the Dome and all of us will end up hanged in Nürnberg! I want the Soviet offensive stopped! I want solutions to this crisis now!"

Besides Goebbels, nobody understood the meaning of the phrase "the other history" and neither did they understand why Hitler mentioned Nürnberg of all places. Not letting themselves to be distracted by these small issues, the generals did their job and came forward with various proposals. All of them suffered from one important problem: there were not enough soldiers available to stop the Soviet offensive before it would begin to lose steam due to lack of supplies.

As Hitler continued to insist that the Soviet offensive ought to be stopped long before being able to threaten Berlin, a voice was heard suggesting something considered unthinkable:
"I understand that we can open doors in this Dome at will... We could try to bring home our armies stranded outside..."

Hitler's face turned red and he started to yell out of control then stopped suddenly and exclaimed:
"Sure, let's bring them home! All of them! Who cares about those traitorous Italians? We need all our armies to protect the Fatherland! After clearing the Dome of enemy forces nobody will be able to stop us when we decide to invade them again and turn the Lebensraum into a reality! Except Norway. We need Norway for the Swedish iron and, besides, the Norwegians are of good Aryan stock [...]"


The meeting ended shortly before midnight with the following conclusions:

1. Enigma is compromised. In the future, it will be used only to convey false information to the enemy.
A new encryption system should be made available as soon as possible. To this end, Konrad Zuse will use all available resources to program a modern encryption system in Plankalkül or other programming language should Plankalkül fail in this task.
All usable information should be extracted from Adolphine Heimat and the robots.

2. All German armies from Italy, Croatia and Courland will fall back inside the Dome in good order during the following 10 to 15 days.
The Volkdeutsche from the vacated areas will be allowed inside the Dome.
The Courland Pocket will be evacuated by Sea, from the inside of the Dome.
All the available armies will be assigned to the Eastern Front and the defence of Berlin.

3. The defence of Berlin and the defeat of the Soviet offensive are given top priority.
All Soviet armies inside the Dome should be annihilated and the Eastern Front completely closed by the end of April.

4. Norway should be defended for as long as possible without placing our armies in danger of being cut off from the Dome limit.

5. Besides recovering occupied Reich territory around Aachen, all other offensive operations on the Western Front must cease immediately. An accomodation with the Anglo-Americans will be attempted.

6. The Uranprojekt is given top priority. Werner Heisenberg will use all available resources in order to finish the first atomic bomb before the Americans.
All the technologies present in the Hirn will be studied and, if possible, replicated.
All usable information should be extracted from Adolphine Heimat and the robots.

7. The borders of the Reich are changed as follows:
  • the Südtirol inside the Dome is annexed to the Reich and organized as Gau Südtirol;
  • the rest of the Italian lands inside the Dome are organized as Reichsprotektorat Venedig;
  • the Slovenian lands inside the Dome are annexed to the Reich and merged to Gau Krain, Gau Kärnten and Gau Steiermark;
  • the Croatian lands inside the Dome are organized as Reichsprotektorat Kroatien;
  • the small portion of the Reichskomissariat Ukraine inside the Dome is annexed to the General Government;
  • the small portion of the Generalbezirk Weißrussland inside the Dome is annexed to the General Governement;
  • the part of Bezirk Byalistok inside the Dome is annexed to the General Government;
  • the part of Generalbezirk Litauen inside the Dome is organized as Reichsprotektorat Litauen;
  • the small portion of Generalbezirk Lettland inside the Dome is organized as Reichsprotektorat Lettland;
Thus, the borders of the Reich follow the Dome limit in the south from the Swiss border to the Hungarian border and in the east from the Hungarian border to the Baltic Sea.

[Miscellanious points of lesser or local importance.]


17 January 1945, the Hirn, Berlin, Großdeutsches Reich

Several metres beneath the Map Room, Adolphine received her guests and treated them with an awful tasting beverage which she thought to be tea. Magda Goebbels brought chocolate, which endeared her to Adolphine.

Afterwards, Adolphine, Magda and her daughters Helga and Hilde watched a short movie. The children were absolutely delighted by the 3D holographic projection emanating from Olaf while Magda was really dumbstruck by it.

Before leaving, the three children played a 3D virtual reality immersion shooting game which shocked Magda even more than the movie. The SS guards entered the room when hearing gunfire to see nothing but the kids wearing glasses, laughing and yelling while aiming their fingers at one another.

Later, Adolphine taught the SS guards how to play the game and, much to their dismay, "killed" them every time.

It was fun. Who cared that the Reich was burning around them?
Recapitulation #1
Recapitulation #1

: Introduction, Chapters 1 - 10

Status: Timeline has just begun; so far so good.

Time period: 17 January 1945 (the day of the POD)

Main events
  • POD: A massive industrial complex suddenly materializes in Berlin, beneath the Führerbunker. Its purpose is to produce an inexpugnable spherical shield which protects Nazi Germany from continued invasion by the Allies. It is called the Berlin Dome. Actually, the Dome is not the only strange thing which appeared in Berlin. There is also an adolescent female called Adolphine Heimat.
  • The Dome blocks most objects, while allowing air, water, light, heat, etc, to pass through. The whole Dome as well as arbitrary small portions of it may be turned on and off from a command center.
  • For the geography of the Dome see the accompanying maps.
  • Adolphine meets Hitler, Goebbels and other people. The interactions between her and them are difficult, awkward or even shocking.
  • The technological level in the industrial complex (called the Brain / Hirn) is so unbelievably advanced that none of the many marvels present there can be replicated / reverse engineered by the 20th century scientists. In fact most of the underlying processes and phenomena are unknown and difficult to understand using 20th century science.
  • Against all odds, the Soviet armies trapped inside the Dome begin a heroic thrust towards Berlin.
  • Shocked by the deployment of the Nazi superweapon, Roosevelt suffers a stroke and passes away. Wallace becomes President for two days until the upcoming inauguration of Truman.
  • Hitler and his staff decide to evacuate all German armies inside the safety of the Dome (with the exception of those in Norway).
  • Several border and administrative changes are anounced, albeit most without immediate effect as the eastern part of the Dome is still under Soviet control.

Summary by country
  • Germany: Although no more Allied soldiers can enter Germany and the bombardments are over, the situation is still extremely severe. The infrastructure is destroyed, food and fuel are scarce, the armies are in full retreat and the morale is abbysmal. How much the presence of the Dome will allievate these issues remains to be seen.
  • Switzerland and Sweden: The two neutral countries bisected by the Dome are about to start talks with Germany to solve their predicament. In the meantime, they start preparing for war which may become the only possible choice should the negotiations fail.
  • The Soviet Union: The almost three million Soviet soldiers inside the Dome double down on their offensive trying to take Berlin and deactivate the Dome.
  • Hungary: With their country bisected by the Dome, the Hungarians at least have a good chance to overcome the Romanian armies inside the Dome (most of the Soviet armies in Hungary were called for the Berlin Offensive).
  • Slovakia: With almost all of its territory inside the Dome and free of enemy forces, its situation looks good.
  • Croatia: Having almost all of its territory outside the Dome, the Croatian State is doomed. Its demise is hastened by the retreat of the Wehrmacht.
  • Italy: With the Germans evacuating northern Italy, Mussolini will likely become a refugee in Germany (if the Germans allow it).
  • The Western Allies: No decision yet. The Yalta Conference will start in about two weeks.
  • USA: President Roosevelt is dead and Wallace is going to be President for only two days. Any important decision will have to wait until Truman's inauguration.
  • UK: Churchill drank a glass too many.
  • Lithuania and Latvia: Many Forest Brothers try to follow the retreating Wehrmacht inside the Dome.
  • Poland and Czechoslovakia: Their prospects are terrible.
  • Norway: The only place outside the Dome which the Germans intend to keep as long as possible. An Allied landing may be in the cards.
  • Denmark: The occupation is comparatively light. The Danes intend to keep it that way.
  • Belgium: Under Allied control, but for how long?
  • The Netherlands: The Hongerwinter can only become worse in these conditions.
  • France: At least most of it is outside the Dome and thus safe.
  • Yugoslavia: Still has to clear around half of its territory of Nazi and Ustaše troops.
  • Liechtenstein: They heard some strange rumours but did not believe them.

Premature deaths
  • Jurgis (Lithuanian man killed by the Dome in Šiauliai, 17 January 1945)
  • Linus Skarsgård (Social Democratic Swedish M.P. killed in a frontal car collision with the Dome, 17 January 1945)
  • Western Allied pilots (killed in collisions with the Dome in Northern France when flying towards Germany)
  • Wilhelm Canaris (executed, 18 January 1945)
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt (killed by a stroke, 18 January 1945)

Status of World War Two
  • No changes so far (24 hours since the POD).

Cast of Characters (in order of appearance)

Uptime (2189): Situation unknown.
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[Info] Adolphine
Adolphine Heimat

Image created with Avatar Maker.

Born: Adolphine Heimat, 1 February 2174 (Age 15), Dresden, State of Saxony, Europa Federal

Nationality: European (2174–2189), German (1945–)

Religion: Germanic Paganism

Parents: Georg Schuster, Brunhilda Donner

Physical characteristics: Height 179 cm (5'10''); Weight 59 kg (130 lb)

Political Organizations: Bund Deutscher Mädel

Notable for: Travelling to Nazi Germany; [redacted].
[Map] Central Europe (18 January 1945)
Central Europe
18 January 1945

For a live zoomable and pannable map of the Dome, you may follow this link.

  • National colours as usual
  • Inside the Dome and in the German controlled areas outside the Dome, the map shows the de jure situation from the German point of view.
  • In other areas, the map shows the de facto situation.
  • Black Lines: National Borders
  • Grey Lines: Internal Borders
  • Red Lines: Frontlines
  • Red Circle: Dome limit (looks like an ellipse due to Mercator distortion)
  • Red Dot: Dome centre (Berlin)
  • Light Pink Hue: Dome area

  1. Andorra (Self Governing French-Spanish Co-Principality)
  2. Liechtenstein (fully inside the Dome)
  3. Dunkirk Pocket (fully outside the Dome)
  4. Outer Belgium (Poperinge Area)
  5. Inner Italy / Reichsprotektorat Venedig (Protectorate)
  6. Outer South Tyrol / Südtirol (Operational Zone)
  7. Outer Adriatic Littoral / Adriatisches Küstenland (Operational Zone)
  8. Outer Slovenia / Slowenien (Operational Zone)
  9. Rump Inner Slovenia (directly annexed)
  10. Inner Croatia / Reichsprotektorat Kroatien
  11. Italian Zara (Yugoslav control)
  12. Outer Slovakia (Soviet control)
  13. Small exclave transferred from Hungary to Slovakia (Slovak territory before the 1939 Slovak-Hungarian War)
  14. Outer Poland (Soviet control)
  15. Inner Reichskomissariat Ukraine (Soviet control, merged into the General Government)
  16. Inner Generalbezirk Weißrussland (Soviet control, merged into the General Government)
  17. Outer Bezirk Bialystok (Soviet control, annexed to Soviet Byelorussia)
  18. Part of Bezirk Bialystok (Soviet control, annexed to Protektorat Litauen inside the Dome, Soviet Lithuania outside the Dome)
  19. Memel Pocket (fully inside the Dome)
  20. Northern Bukovina (Soviet control, annexed to Soviet Ukraine)
  21. Southern Bessarabia (Soviet control, annexed to Soviet Ukraine)
  22. Budapest Pocket (fully inside the Dome)
  23. Minuscule part of Greater Germany (outside the Dome, merged into Outer Slovenia)
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Damn, been a bit distracted and didn't notice they had moved the thread. Wondered why there were no updates but found it now and catching up.

Sounds like Hitler is going to be rational for the moment at least. Pity about Enigma and a bit surprised given her general ignorance Adolphine knew about that. The withdrawal from most of the regions outside the dome will help the Germans, once they realise how to turn it on and off with enough accuracy for controlled movement.

Can't see the western allies biting on any cease-fire at the moment. Especially since that would mean giving up on the people, both military and civilian, trapped inside the dome. Also the political leaders will probably think that a nuclear weapon would still be an effective counter for the dome. Unless Heisenberg realises how wrong his assumptions are he won't get anywhere near a German nuclear weapon and even if he does it will probably take 3-4 years at least given the massive resources required.

5' 10" seems rather tall for a 15 year old girl or is that a reference to improved nutritional standards in the future?

Anyway, glad to have found this again and caught up.:)