The avatar of the person above you is going to try to kill you.

I'm fucked personally. As for my avvie... Maybe the fact that it'd be killing herself before she was created might discourage Akuma Homu? Then again, she is a Concept, and thus tends to laugh in the face of causality and physics. But I doubt Moemura has much other hope against her older, more powerful, more batshit insane demonic self.
Well, I think that a fully grown war veteran with ambigupus Angelic description might stand a chance against a Japanese schoolgirl, but Anime has taught me not to be cocky in such situations.
My avatar is Kirika Kure, a character from (a spinoff of) the anime/manga series Puella Magi Madoka Magica. In addition to general combat abilities shared by all magical girls, she has limited control over time, and of course the claws themselves are magical weapons.

@AsGryffynn who is your avatar?

Original character. Info's on page 2... All you have to know is that as long as you have a gun or at least two other people with you and some weapon (even a survival knife will do) you're pretty much safe... and that's a worse case scenario. Best case scenario, he's paralyzed...
Original character. Info's on page 2... All you have to know is that as long as you have a gun or at least two other people with you and some weapon (even a survival knife will do) you're pretty much safe... and that's a worse case scenario. Best case scenario, he's paralyzed...
Wow, somebody that's easier to kill as me than as Flowey. Ain't that something? Anyways, yeah, I have a gun.
Well, as long as i don't go near that mountain i should be safe.
Unless Flowey can bypass the barrier.
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I don't know who are above me.

Theaurau John, from EdT's The Bloody Man (available in all good e-bookstores). He's essentially a bat shit insane war lord\religious zealot with ambiguous angelic assistance (he knows things that he shouldn't), a decent skill with swords and an unhealthy fixation with the apocalypse.
An android. I can probably sell this as a Terminator situation and get military protection.
Here's a bit on my avatar's capabilities.

For the next poor shmuck's dubious benefit: My avatar is Prototype Zero from the fangame Mega Man Unlimited. In his single canonical appearance he no-selled literally EVERYTHING the Blue Bomber had before beating him to a pulp in a one-sided curbstomp (despite not having any actual weapons of his own). Needless to say, any squishy meatbags are basically going to die instantly on contact. However, he's prone to breaking down given he isn't actually finished yet.
Theaurau John, from EdT's The Bloody Man (available in all good e-bookstores). He's essentially a bat shit insane war lord\religious zealot with ambiguous angelic assistance (he knows things that he shouldn't), a decent skill with swords and an unhealthy fixation with the apocalypse.
Huh, my avatar could save me then.
Flying freely between space and time, it is a king of evil that is still trying to destroy all eras and worlds. Although a Digimon will become aDigitama if defeated in battle, there are very rare occasions when it has instead been reborn from within the corpse of its data. According to one theory, when Millenniumon died in a furious battle, the dark soul it possessed was reborn as Zeed Millenniumon. Also, as for the bands which wrap around Zeed Millenniumon, it is said that they are like chains which suppress its abilities, but it is unknown who could cast such a spell on Zeed Millenniumon.[N 1][N 1] However, it is foretold that if it is released from this spell, it will rain unfathomable destruction upon the Digital World. Its Special Move is "Time Destroyer", which consigns hostile opponents to oblivion across space and time. So far, no one who has been brushed off by this technique has returned alive from space and time.
An android. I can probably sell this as a Terminator situation and get military protection.

Well, there's no way I'm beating a knight in armor, with 3 freaking swords...

Good thing armor slows you down, and I'm very experienced with running away from people that don't like me due to the local Humans vs. Zombies game :V
He probably would collopse your universe before you do that.
Also he not scary! He cultured! Just look at the hat and the monocle!
Ah! He's a gentleman! So of course he would give me a fair chance to defeat him in a duel!
Unless I'm missing something, I think either myself or my avatar could take a pansy.
"Let me give you my LOVE! Here's some Friendliness Pellets! Quick! Catch as many as you can!"
Well, there's no way I'm beating a knight in armor, with 3 freaking swords...

Good thing armor slows you down, and I'm very experienced with running away from people that don't like me due to the local Humans vs. Zombies game :V
I have no idea who that is. But I have a gun, so I should be fine.
I... think I could take a smiling flower?

I honestly have no idea if that's just a cutesy flower or some kind of eldritch abomination, but I'm pretty sure both my avatar and I could pretty easily defeat it.
I... think I could take a smiling flower?

I honestly have no idea if that's just a cutesy flower or some kind of eldritch abomination, but I'm pretty sure both my avatar and I could pretty easily defeat it.
Actually, that's flowey, and even in his base form he can just rewind and try again if he loses. If he eats enough souls (less than 10), he becomes a horrific eldricht abomination.

EDIT: My best bet against your avatar as a baseline human is to hitch rides on intercontinental airline flights until they despawn. As my avatar I can probably pulverize them with no real problems, but I'll need to be careful of my unfinished systems causing me to break down.
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Well, I think that a fully grown war veteran with ambigupus Angelic description might stand a chance against a Japanese schoolgirl, but Anime has taught me not to be cocky in such situations.
Well, she is a schoolgirl, yes... with her soul in a phylactery, magically inhuman strength and durability, the ability to stop and reverse the flow of time, and a penchant for improvised explosives and stolen firearms. So take that as you will.