The avatar of the person above you is going to try to kill you.

Yeah, I'll probably die to them. But that's why I'll be fabulous-horse Kirby. For ultimate bullshit power.
I'd probably get eaten, so I'd die pretty easily.

On the other hand, my avatar is the undead eldritch spirit of a superdreadnought wearing T-60 power armor. Unless someone has two or more nukes lying around...
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I'd probably get eaten, so I'd die pretty easily.

On the other hand, my avatar is the undead eldritch spirit of a superdreadnought wearing T-60 power armor. Unless someone has two or more nukes lying around...
I'd get killed pretty much instantaneously by that.

On the other hand my avatar is Vent/Aile using Model OX Biometal, which functionally makes them Zero with his original body, so I've got pretty good odds of turning the stomp in the other direction there.
Ah c'mon!
How can I survive against a cyborg of pure destruction!?

My avatar is Harry Dresden; wizard, detective and all always snark.
I probably die because I have no access to guns and no training n which to use them.

Cthulhu probably stomps, depending on which interpretation you go with, so yay?
Ah c'mon!
How can I survive against a cyborg of pure destruction!?

My avatar is Harry Dresden; wizard, detective and all always snark.
Dresden would win.

I might have a chance against him, surprisingly. Running would be pointless, with his tracking skills, but I might be able to hole up in a police station or something. Assuming he's following the First Law. And even that would give him time to prepare.
Barring very good luck, actually, I take a revolver slug to the face.

Chalkling Knight can probably slip away and never be found, though.
Well, my winning streak had to end sometime.

For those of you who don't know, you will be facing a hyena. Not even a clan, just 1 hyena. Which may or may not have injested NOx​
Well, my winning streak had to end sometime.

For those of you who don't know, you will be facing a hyena. Not even a clan, just 1 hyena. Which may or may not have injested NOx​
*calls 911* "Hello, there seems to be some sort of feral canine clawing at my front door. No, I'm completely serious. My address is..."

For the next poor shmuck's dubious benefit: My avatar is Prototype Zero from the fangame Mega Man Unlimited. In his single canonical appearance he no-selled literally EVERYTHING the Blue Bomber had before beating him to a pulp in a one-sided curbstomp (despite not having any actual weapons of his own). Needless to say, any squishy meatbags are basically going to die instantly on contact. However, he's prone to breaking down given he isn't actually finished yet.

... freaking :ninja:
*calls 911* "Hello, there seems to be some sort of feral canine clawing at my front door. No, I'm completely serious. My address is..."

For the next poor shmuck's dubious benefit: My avatar is Prototype Zero from the fangame Mega Man Unlimited. In his single canonical appearance he no-selled literally EVERYTHING the Blue Bomber had before beating him to a pulp in a one-sided curbstomp (despite not having any actual weapons of his own). Needless to say, any squishy meatbags are basically going to die instantly on contact. However, he's prone to breaking down given he isn't actually finished yet.

... freaking :ninja:
Squishy meatbags, certainly. How would he do against the functional equivalent of 305 millimeters of steel armor and 8 sixteen-inch naval rifles? :V
Is that a monster or a dessert topping?

Mine is an original character, as for how powerful he is, he is on par with Artemis from PJO... however, his powers will disable if he attempts to attack a human, so you'll be dealing with a 17 year old boy of 5'11" who plays a bit of rugby union and is skilled in Savate... besides that, you might be safe if you get a hold of a gun...
Is that a monster or a dessert topping?

Mine is an original character, as for how powerful he is, he is on par with Artemis from PJO... however, his powers will disable if he attempts to attack a human, so you'll be dealing with a 17 year old boy of 5'11" who plays a bit of rugby union and is skilled in Savate... besides that, you might be safe if you get a hold of a gun...
Its my artistic view of a Color out of space.. I suck at art..
Given that the assailant is a huge fop all I have to do to avoid him is stay away from anything more vulgar than the louvre.

Thanks for saving me the effort of having to answer...
No idea who or what this fellow is, but apparently they can't attack a human and are effectively human-level vulnerable against me. I suspect the most difficult part will be finding time in my day to go swimming every morning until my bathtub is usable again. Corpse disposal is such a pain, you know?
No idea who or what this fellow is, but apparently they can't attack a human and are effectively human-level vulnerable against me. I suspect the most difficult part will be finding time in my day to go swimming every morning until my bathtub is usable again. Corpse disposal is such a pain, you know?

If you have a gun... technically, he can still pummel you with Savate (and he's good) or use his two swords to stab you, but right now, he's as lethal as a security guard with a club, a taser and a survival knife...
If you have a gun... technically, he can still pummel you with Savate (and he's good) or use his two swords to stab you, but right now, he's as lethal as a security guard with a club, a taser and a survival knife...
Don't have a gun. I do, however, have this:

And a nice, heavy pipe.

And some friends who would help vis a vis murder, no questions asked.
Fire doesn't do jack to the guy that can set himself a blaze...

But the pipe and a few friends will do... XD