The avatar of the person above you is going to try to kill you.

odds are better with new picture but not by much

push comes to shove one of them will seal him away though
No idea who those people are, but I doubt they can stand up to the Unconquered Sun.
The Unconquered Sun has Perfect Defenses and a Perfect Attack. Unless you get him to suppress one of his Virtues, you're screwed.
Meanwhile I have the weakest stats in the entire game, with defense and attack of 1.

The irony, it's delicious.
Considering monsters' weakness is that they can be harmed by people who hate them, Sans would probably disintegrate as soon as he got near me.

Passive-aggressive jackholery plus endless parroting of 'lel get dunked on' equals loathing.
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No idea who those people are, but I doubt they can stand up to the Unconquered Sun.

first two soloed the personification of death in seperate universes. after incubating it for 16 years. it killed them in both instances but they did it.

the third killed deities (i think, its not entirely clear if they were the izanami-no-okami, Ameno Sagiri and Kunino Sagiri)
first two soloed the personification of death in seperate universes. after incubating it for 16 years. it killed them in both instances but they did it.

the third killed deities (i think, its not entirely clear if they were the izanami-no-okami, Ameno Sagiri and Kunino Sagiri)
But can they survive being shot with antimatter?
i don't think they have survived an equivalent. depending when you fought the first two though, their destruction would kill all life.
Ah, good. Depending on how exactly the "kill all life" thing works, the might of the UEF should let me survive (albeit as some sort of weird hypertech human hive mind).
Ah, good. Depending on how exactly the "kill all life" thing works, the might of the UEF should let me survive (albeit as some sort of weird hypertech human hive mind).

in a sentence; it creates a paradox in anything with a psyche, and logic bombs them out of all of existence.
the third killed deities (i think, its not entirely clear if they were the izanami-no-okami, Ameno Sagiri and Kunino Sagiri)
Nah Yu only kill Izanami as the other two are Namatame persona and Adachi
And Izanami still exist after she get killed IIRC.
SMT god won't die even if they are killed.:whistle:
Nah Yu only kill Izanami as the other two are Namatame persona and Adachi
And Izanami still exist after she get killed IIRC.
SMT god won't die even if they are killed.:whistle:

well in SMT Nyx is queen of night, not antithesis to the collective unconsciousness and avatar of death.

Persona runs on different rules at this point to the rest of SMT.

also may need to send reply via PM since:
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3 wildcard persona user vs a cannibal teacher (Kharisma Jati's "Cannibal Teacher", NSFW) ...

As long as i can disarm them, i am safe, and if i keep on my facade as a normal teacher, they wont suspect a thing, and even if i could, set them up against each other.

But still, not gonna risk it. I pretty much die either way if i am failed to prevent them summoning their personas. And looking at them, i can still see that they are trained well from their adventures, not to mention that the grey haired man hold a very serious attitude/personality and likely a future detective.

Conclusion = Not worth killing and eating, high risk of failure and death for me. Ignore and find another target.

*sigh* This is why i hunt younger or weaker folks. Much more easier.
Vanilla human? I can deal with that. And good lord can Hilda clear it. Zekrom/Reshiram is absolute and total overkill.
Who is your avatar?

As myself, I'd try to do what everyone else does (catch a flight).

As Mami, well, a barrage of muskets can solve many problems.

Edit: Wait, that's Gilgamesh isn't it? :o

As Mami, I'd try to buy time for as long as possible.
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Who is your avatar?

As myself, I'd try to do what everyone else does (catch a flight).

As Mami, well, a barrage of muskets can solve many problems.

Edit: Wait, that's Gilgamesh isn't it? :o

As Mami, I'd try to buy time for as long as possible.
. It's the Unconquered Sun from Exalted. He's quite OP.
photoshop flowey vs Orpheus telos/Messiah/Izanagi-no-okami

1 i would give it to flowey, 2 flip a coin, 3 they have the advantage.
photoshop flowey vs Orpheus telos/Messiah/Izanagi-no-okami

1 i would give it to flowey, 2 flip a coin, 3 they have the advantage.
Too bad even if you win it won't matter since Flowey can load up the save from the beginning of the fight, and since you likely don't have time travel immunity you're screwed.

Anyways, normal me can win this because they're teenagers that I can run over. All Persona characters are glass cannons right? I think that's how they work.
in normal world yeah, however they are all dead men's switches to apocalypses.

also the two on the side beat God of time in persona Q