The avatar of the person above you is going to try to kill you.

Welp. I'm fucked against Doc Scratch and the frigging SUN, but Flowey I can beat. Or at least, set things up so he is unable to kill me within the 24 hour period he has.
I'd go into the desert where no sapients are in the arrival radius and camp out for a while. If that wouldn't work Scrach'd just lolnope him somewhere harmless.
You don't have to just defend yourself though, Flowey gets exponentially more powerful with each soul he consumes.
True, but that just means I need to go out into the middle of nowhere before you show up, track you by your thoughts, and full-power Aura Sphere you as soon as I'm within half a mile.
someone needs to learn a thing or two about freshness.
...You will be the second Fresh I will have killed, and the third sans.
Something tells me you don't know just what Sansy Fresh is.
Here's my previous post on the subject:
Oh God I've got Fresh after me... Hopefully the same tactics that work on normal sans will work on him too, plus I know he's actually a parasite, so I can surprise him since he probably won't know I know.
Sansy Fresh, or Fresh, is a sociopathic parasite that, outside of the CrayonQueen's April Fools comic, isn't all that much more powerful than whoever he's possessing* if they weren't being possessed, and is in fact going through/recently went through a massive breakdown based on the realisation that it is a fictional character who exists for our amusement and can be removed from existence at any time.

I think whatever is telling you I don't know what Fresh is happens to be wrong. Especially since I was there when he was created. :p

*possessing, bodyjacking, hitching a ride on their soul/in their eyes, not sure exactly what the right term is there.
Here's my previous post on the subject:

Sansy Fresh, or Fresh, is a sociopathic parasite that, outside of the CrayonQueen's April Fools comic, isn't all that much more powerful than whoever he's possessing* if they weren't being possessed, and is in fact going through/recently went through a massive breakdown based on the realisation that it is a fictional character who exists for our amusement and can be removed from existence at any time.

I think whatever is telling you I don't know what Fresh is happens to be wrong. Especially since I was there when he was created. :p

*possessing, bodyjacking, hitching a ride on their soul/in their eyes, not sure exactly what the right term is there.
Ok...what can your avatar do again? Can they stand up to 6 16" shells and a Lazor to the face?
Since when do you get to choose where let alone when it happens?
The original rules were something to the effect of 'you get a week's notice and will know the exact moment they are supposed to show up, and they will appear 40 miles away in a random direction.'

And I don't know what this Unconquered Sun is. Wait... fuck, that's from Exalted isn't it? *sigh* Aaaaand I'm dead again.
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Here's my previous post on the subject:

Sansy Fresh, or Fresh, is a sociopathic parasite that, outside of the CrayonQueen's April Fools comic, isn't all that much more powerful than whoever he's possessing* if they weren't being possessed, and is in fact going through/recently went through a massive breakdown based on the realisation that it is a fictional character who exists for our amusement and can be removed from existence at any time.

I think whatever is telling you I don't know what Fresh is happens to be wrong. Especially since I was there when he was created. :p

*possessing, bodyjacking, hitching a ride on their soul/in their eyes, not sure exactly what the right term is there.
Yeah, but I'm in control, and I'm not so vulnerable to being told I'm fictional.
Hmmm... Well, as myself I'm screwed. As my avatar, a death star to the face should work...
Nope a Very Weakened incomplete clone of Zeed tank Dynasmon Dragon collider which is an attack that far surpassed the temperature of the sun core that almost destroyed the planet if it isn't focused on him without a scratch. And that is a very weakened clone that doesn't hold a candle to the real one.