The avatar of the person above you is going to try to kill you.

What do you mean by the bolded part?

I haven't played the game that your avatar comes from, so I have a lot of questions about the mechanics of combat.
I have no clue who or what your avvie is. If the thread as whole is anything to go by, I can't win even as Black Hand, but maybe yours is different.

It's not fair how many stronger avvies there are all of sudden. Black Hand is supposed to be nearly the best! :(
I have no clue who or what your avvie is. If the thread as whole is anything to go by, I can't win even as Black Hand, but maybe yours is different.

It's not fair how many stronger avvies there are all of sudden. Black Hand is supposed to be nearly the best! :(
Honestly, I have no idea how the Black Lantern Ring would react to that is essentially TYPE-Monster.
Hard counter with my avatar.
That's the thing.

I don't know how the Batter would interact with the Undertale battle interface, but I doubt that Chara could actually kill me. Here's why.

In Undertale, Damage is calculated as ATK - DFS, right? And Chara's damage output is a number consisting of what appears to be 9*10112​, though we can assome that there are a lot more nine's off screen.

Asriel's DFS is ∞. You couldn't actually damage me.
I can take a cat even as myself. Yay! :D

You can certainly try. Of course, considering my avatar's the closest thing I could get to Arhu from Diane Duane's Feline Wizardry sequence, you might have a tough time of it. (Basically, this means try to talk you out of it(more-or-less part of the Oath that lets Wizards have their powers) followed by staying out of sight for long enough to convince reality to 'f you over. Same for your avatar.

Yeah, there's a reason that works in the SYWTBAW and Feline Wizardry sequences tend to not do power competitions as main focuses)

Side note, if anyone reading this knows where there's fan art of, well anyone from the SYWTBAW universe, please message me a link. I may be slightly obsessed with the series.
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That's the thing.

I don't know how the Batter would interact with the Undertale battle interface, but I doubt that Chara could actually kill me. Here's why.

In Undertale, Damage is calculated as ATK - DFS, right? And Chara's damage output is a number consisting of what appears to be 9*10112​, though we can assome that there are a lot more nine's off screen.

Asriel's DFS is ∞. You couldn't actually damage me.
So you'd counter in Asriel's body on defense, but I could counter by impersonating Chara themself.
You can certainly try. Of course, considering my avatar's the closest thing I could get to Arhu from Diane Duane's Feline Wizardry sequence (The Book of Night with Moon - ErrantryWiki), you might have a tough time of it. (Basically, this means try to talk you out of it(more-or-less part of the Oath that lets Wizards have their powers) followed by staying out of sight for long enough to convince reality to 'f you over. Same for your avatar.
:( :sad:
And now you know how I usually feel in Avatar threads. Arbitrarily powerful obscure anime characters! Arbitrarily powerful obscure anime characters everywhere!
Arbitrarily powerful book character*, if you don't mind.:V
Eh, fights against SYWTBAW Wizards are time-based fights- you just gotta get them before they finish speaking(with perfect enunciation), compiling, and executing the 539-word code stream that is whatever wizardry they're going to toss at you- more if they're writing it on the spot(though some have utilities to write custom wizardries on the spot). Yes, they can prepare it, but that's rather draining to maintain.

Aaand if all that fails, you could always remember that my avatar isn't specifically fanart of the character; it's what I always think of when I think of Arhu, but it's still just an everyday, from-our-world cat.

*Please don't take this as distaste at the idea of a visual take on the Feline Wizardry sequence, or on the S...W series in general; that would be awesome.
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.... does the cat have lazer eyes?

if no? - good

Eh, fights against SYWTBAW Wizards are time-based fights- you just gotta get them before they finish speaking(with perfect enunciation), compiling, and executing the 539-word code stream that is whatever wizardry they're going to toss at you- more if they're writing it on the spot(though some have utilities to write custom wizardries on the spot). Yes, they can prepare it, but that's rather draining to maintain.

Aaand if all that fails, you could always remember that my avatar isn't specifically fanart of the character; it's what I always think of when I think of Arhu, but it's still just an everyday, from-our-world cat.
So, what I'm getting from this is: I can win if I'm fast enough? Easy for Black Hand, all lanterns have FTL. :)
.... does the cat have lazer eyes?

if no? - good


The cat that it actually is? No. (I may have to crop the cover of "On Her Majesty's Wizardly Service"...)

The cat it's supposed to be? Why should it use lasers- convincing the molecular bonds to stop existing is considerably easier, though your dog may eat it as it tries to form the wizardry.

So, what I'm getting from this is: I can win if I'm fast enough? Easy for Black Hand, all lanterns have FTL. :)
I should also probably note that feline wizards can do something called "sidling" where they... You know the thing you can do in some levels of Kirby's Epic Yarn, where you slip behind the yarn background? Yeah, basically that. Aaand now I feel like I'm describing an overpowered OC.:oops: Have a book citation:
The Book of Night With Moon said:
Normally sidling was a simple matter of slipping yourself among the bunched and bundled hyperstrings, where visible light could not get at you.
Wouldn't work quite well enough to hide from a lantern ring, but it might do for long enough to set up a more advanced camo wizardry. Or a quick teleport away while they prepared something to deal with you.
. . .
The Young Wizards/Feline Wizards series(es?) is actually quite good, I swear!

Interestingly enough, black lanterns are
a) basically what YW-verse wizards were created to fight- essentially entropic,
b)difficult targets for wizards- most enemies with reality-bending power(to a limit, at least) could be taken down by simply talking reality out of working with them- got a mage? convince local laws of physics to stand up for themselves, take down depowered foe in the shock. Lanterns, on the other hand, work on the emotional spectrum, which is natural per DC-laws(I think), and black lanterns are close enough to entropy that there's no good way to depower them- entropy is of the Power that they were created to fight, and is an underlying feature of all wizardries anyways- they cannot effect it.

Not buying FTL reactions, though- FTL reaction speed plus lantern ring = victory for ring-slinging zombie corps(es), before the white lantern rings manage to get off their collective figurative ass.

(used my avatar 'cause I'm just a regular fleshy human- me vs. black lantern = me becoming a black lantern.)

Also, this is the first time I've ever gotten to vent about the YW series- this is rather fun!
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It really says something about this thread that in 25 pages, I've met maybe 5 avatars I could beat as Lucario, namely, Omega Zero, sans, two Fresh!sans', and a cat. And even then that's only if I take the cat literally rather than whatever magical bullshit cat it represents. Though with regards to @Insufficient Dakka, I could probably beat/stall Geno!Frisk/Chara, but I'm not sure what the Batter can do.
EDIT: Forgot about the battleship. Make that 6 avatars I could beat. Out of 25 pages of them.
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It really says something about this thread that in 25 pages, I've met maybe 5 avatars I could beat as Lucario, namely, Omega Zero, sans, two Fresh!sans', and a cat. And even then that's only if I take the cat literally rather than whatever magical bullshit cat it represents. Though with regards to @Insufficient Dakka, I could probably beat/stall Geno!Frisk/Chara, but I'm not sure what the Batter can do.
You forgot about the resident boat. :V
...really? lucario could kick ny avatars ass in the right terrain. and i dont think persona's protect from artillery barrage.

the aftermath however...
Actually, I meant that my avatar is another one Lucario can beat.
If one Pokemon can kick your ass, than six can surely do the job as well.

IRL me, however, is 4X weak to Artillery. Landlocked, but if a boat can also be an anime girl it won't end happily for me regardless.
Well, some people would have you believe that Lucario could beat the UEF. Those people are fucking idiots who think that the Pokedex is actually in any way accurate (IQ of 10000? No, that's not how IQ works) but they exist nonetheless.
Well, some people would have you believe that Lucario could beat the UEF. Those people are fucking idiots who think that the Pokedex is actually in any way accurate (IQ of 10000? No, that's not how IQ works) but they exist nonetheless.
And I am not one of them. A single Commander? Probably, sure. Can't think of any reason why not off the top of my head. The entire UEF? ...not so much.
then nyx logic bombs you out of existence.
I can come back from the dead even when I'm dead. Besides, they came out of nowhere, they have no previous existence, I on the other hand did in fact exist before they arrived out of nothingness. They're the anomalies that shouldn't logically exist, not me.

Boom! They logic bomb themselves out of existence.
Well, some people would have you believe that Lucario could beat the UEF. Those people are fucking idiots who think that the Pokedex is actually in any way accurate (IQ of 10000? No, that's not how IQ works) but they exist nonetheless.
An entire civilization. Wowey! It seems that I'm now in the center of your civilization. I'm sure I'll be able to eat a dozen civilians and become God in no time!
And I am not one of them. A single Commander? Probably, sure. Can't think of any reason why not off the top of my head. The entire UEF? ...not so much.
This reminds me of a quest.