Battle of Almas - Opened Eyes
As Quinlan ran to meet the enemy, he realized something. He could only barely feel the Force here. He knew it was there. It was everywhere. It felt wrong, though, as he dodged around a telekinetic shove one of the Tarasin dark-siders had thrown at him. He spun away from the blaster the reptilian drew and cut off the offending arm, kicking them to the ground and throwing his lightsaber to pin them there permanently before retrieving the blade.

He looked over at Celeste and saw the same struggle written on her face. "You too, huh?" he asked.

"Yeah. The Force seems...muffled here," she said, deflecting a dark-side-empowered vibroblade away before slicing the offending Tarasin in two. "Like I'm somehow really far away from it, or I've put walls up between it and me."

Quinlan found himself facing a pair of large Tarasin who seemed strong in the dark side. One was swinging a large axe and Quinlan knew that axe would only need to connect once to have nasty results. The other had opted for a pair of Force-empowered chains that would wrap around whatever they were swung at before their wielder would yank on the ends to take their target off-balance, often setting them up for the axe-wielder to deliver a death blow.

The Force is here. Just not as you have known it, not as you have been taught it. Master Qel-Bertuk's telepathic voice intoned in their heads, Celeste moving to cover Quinlan's back as he faced them head-on.

Quinlan ducked a swing of the axe, catching the chains on his lightsaber before sliding his blade out from under it, attempting to swing at the Tarasin with the chains. He found himself blocked by a defensive swing of the axe and once again found himself at a standstill. A rush of Force-empowered swordsmen kept Celeste unable to do much more than keep one on the back foot as she defended against the other two.

You see the Force as something you connect to, something you submit to. It can guide your actions, yes, but it also follows your feelings. Let go of trying to see the future and lead the future to your desired result.

Quinlan was able to spare a glance a bit farther down the grove as Lanius Qel-Bertuk seemed to disappear before his eyes, confusing both him and the Tarasin he was engaged with. A brilliant flash of light in front of the eyes of the Tarasin followed by the reappearance of the Jedi Master behind his opponent led to the swift dispatching of the dark side cultist before him.

Celeste looked over at him. "Suppose you might be taking that whole 'light side' thing a touch literally there, Master Qel-Bertuk?"

"Just drawing some attention. You two seem like you've got your hands full, but you'll pull through," he answered.

"You've seen this?" Quinlan asked, one of the chains battering his face and sending him reeling just out of reach of the Tarasin cultist with the axe. The Jedi Master simply responded with a wink.

Celeste sprang into the air, leaping over the three blade-wielding Tarasin she was facing and managing to slash one on the shoulder. So all that has been lost was for nothing? All the sacrifices were worthless? she asked telepathically.

No. Connect to the Force and you will understand yourself and your place in the galaxy. Your sacrifices were made because of your choices and beliefs, and they helped to shape who you are. Who you are is important.

The disbelief was clear on Celeste's face, the surprise forcing her on the defensive as the two uninjured and one wounded Tarasin continued on. I am nobody. My name was stricken from historical records and there is nobody alive who knows me. This is the way it should be, the way it must be. How can you say otherwise?

The wounded Tarasin had very nearly managed to circle around Celeste, only to find his attack interrupted by a burst of light right in front of his face, met with Celeste stabbing her lightsaber behind her before sweeping it behind her back to meet her remaining two attackers with a raised guard.

The Living Force itself. It sings here, different voices joining to form harmony. You also seem to have at least some connection to the other Jedi who came with you. Quinlan Vos, unless there's another Kiffar Jedi capable of fighting at this level.

"Saves me the bother of an introduction," Quinlan answered, voice a bit strained as he took another bruising blow to the torso from the chains.

You both have enough to deal at the moment and I'm rarely all that big on social niceties myself. I frequently see twelve possible futures for important moments. Trying to figure out which one I'm in, trying to figure out how to steer the one I'm in towards the one I want to be in, and the actual steering itself is rather enough to have to deal with. It's why I'm here. Meeting the both of you.

"I thought I'd managed to get away from important moments by, ah, leaving the Coruscant Jedi behind," Quinlan Vos said. "Something's happening there…"

Lanius nodded swiftly. "Something that's distracting them, causing them to focus on the future and the big sweeping elements and making them miss the pebble in their boot," he answered. "Connecting to the Unifying Force is good, but it comes at the risk of losing your sense of self. Connecting to the Living Force is good, but it comes at the risk of developing a strong sense of your own importance." A burst of light caused the large axe-fighter to miss, which gave Quinlan the opening he needed to put the burly lizard-man on the ground, sans wait, two of his limbs.

"Individual expression in harmony," Quinlan parsed, seizing the chain before it could connect with him and yanking the chain sideways towards Master Qel-Bertuk, who neatly removed the cultist's hands with his lightsaber before turning to help Celeste.

"So I'm here because my story isn't over," Celeste concluded, pushing one of the Tarasin away before she forced a block against the other one, sliding down the blade to be able to grab one of his hands and throw him at his ally, putting them both into disarray before she was able to run her blade through both of them.

"Quite right," Lanius answered. "In fifty years of being a Jedi and becoming the Grandmaster of the Academy on Almas, I've never met anybody who wasn't important. Now then...all these dark side cultists want to twist this grove to diminish everyone else, rather than raising them up and seeing them as equals. I disagree with them. Violently. Care to join me?"

Where the Force had been muffled before, Quinlan now recognized the rhythm. Where it had been distant before, Celeste now felt it close enough she could touch it.

They headed through the trees and found themselves divided. A narrow passage of trees saw Quinlan facing a half-dozen dark-side Tarasin cultists.

A blaster bolt sizzled straight for Quinlan's face, but he casually swatted it aside, meeting the charge of Tarasin cultists with a counter-charge of his own, parrying aside the empowered vibroblade and forcing it out of position before drawing his lightsaber back towards a central guard by way of his opponent's stomach. A second foe's strike was guided high as Quinlan pivoted and brought his blade through his opponent's midsection. A third attempted a chop with an axe, only for Vos to catch the haft and then drive his lightsaber through his foe's leg. Vos forced a guard in on his fourth foe, pressing him up against a tree and catching hold of the lizard-man's wrist and holding their vibroblade in place as he separated head from shoulders. Convenient as his foe's weapon was to him now, he half-threw and half-stabbed it into the cultist who'd fired the initial shot.

Another chain and axe pair were the last opponents he saw before he could reach a clearing and get his bearings again. "Really, was there a school or something? Try being original," he quipped, leaning into the Force and yanking the chain-wielder towards his outstretched lightsaber before throwing his now-deceased opponent back at the man with the axe, following the body towards his foe and then opening up the axeman shoulder to hip. He reached the clearing, noticing Celeste Morne reaching it around the same time with a similar trail of bodies behind her. "Well, glad to see the Jedi still know how to fight," she said to him.

A dozen Tarasin cultists met them at the far end of the forest, saw the bloody swath of death the two of them had left. They seemed to glance at each other a moment, before the Tarasin all universally decided to run.

"Running's good. They're as out of the fight as if we'd killed them, and there's a chance they might learn from this," Celeste observed.

Quinlan laughed. "Not, y'know, much of one, but it's worth it to give them the chance."

Meanwhile, on the bridge of the Oracle:
"Karrosi: Absent. Also, we're fighting spaceships, not giant balls of yarn."
"Piebald: Absent. Thank the Maker. I'd like it if we still had a fleet at the end of this, and given his penchant for explosives...46.2% chance that might not be the case."

((As always, written by @Barondoctor ))
I object to this statement. Fighting yarn is much like fighting a spaceship; if you don't keep track of it, everything gets messy.
In that respect, I might also add Borvo the Hutt and his outstanding ability to fight against wave after wave of gelatinous desserts which could also get messy if not well-tracked but...this is space not the buffet line.
We need a quest where we play Darth Jar Jar and try to bring down Ciaran...

Heck, we need a Darth Jar Jar quest period!

Yeah, I just gave in to my muse and made a Darth Jar Jar quest (link in my sig). I have no plans to bring Ciaran in though, since it wouldn't be fair to the players of that quest to bring in an enemy with that level of favour from the dice gods.

'Cuz you know Ciaran dice aren't going to leave her the moment she becomes a bad guy in another quest, they've followed her through 2 QMs and 3 quests already!

I loved this quest when i first read it and i remeber reading up to anakin going off on his merry way from the jedi temple. So with that in mind i think its time to re read it from start to finish.

Looking forward to continuing of this :)
Betting pool on whether Rip and Darra or Anakin and Padme end up with a kid first?

Because that was my thought about the child question. Obviously Padme's would be anointed but she might not be the first.
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I dunno if I'm willing to bet against the guy who decides if/when Rip and Darra have a child on this.
Fair. I'd have to recuse myself, obviously, but I thought I might open up the idea. Bearing in mind the assorted different feelings and challenges and whatnot it's possible Padme and Anakin might get there first? I don't know.
Force shenanigans conspire so they each have a child born at the exact same moment in time.
Ciaran, being the only one to have this particular corner of the pool, rakes in lots of credits from people and then throws a massive baby shower / party where she embarasses everyone all at once.

I would love to see that omake.
Battle of Almas - It's OOM-9
Meanwhile, on the bridge of the Oracle:

"Naval command line of succession number one hundred and forty seven: OOM-9. Finally."

The droid entered a few commands on his datapad and then stepped away from the shadows as he strode to the command platform. "Ranking naval officer OOM-9 is present and assumes command of this fleet," he said. "I thought I'd never get to say that again. It's been a while."

He looked at each member of the bridge crew "I have a plan that will get us within striking range of the Thaereian Navy and the pirates they're working with. This plan requires cooperation from the Maintenance and Droid Marines divisions, as well as Communications. Starfighter corps have their orders as well. Barring any catastrophic mishaps, we will be in point-blank shooting range on the enemy in an advantageous position with their shields not angled against our attacks."

The deck officer stared at OOM-9 in disbelief before continuing. "Point-blank range is as hazardous to us as to them."

"Acknowledged, Lieutenant. We only need that first strike. The Recusant-class destroyer has one significant design flaw: the superstructure connecting the primary engines to the rest of the craft is extremely vulnerable to a direct attack. Shear off the aft section with concentrated turbolaser fire and we can outmaneuver it easily. As for how we're going to get there...I'm going to the command chair. Follow the orders I've given you and patch me through to their flagship."


Colonel Jir Tramsig assessed the battlefield. The Indefatigable and the Vigilant were closing in on Cularin, where what appeared to be a patchwork navy made up of Consular-class corvettes and a handful of Carrack-class frigates were coming to meet them. The pirate corvettes would take care of the Cularin militia's corvettes, allowing him to concentrate the fire of his Recusant-class destroyers on the Carracks as they arrived. If everything went to plan, he'd be able to take out the Carracks swiftly enough. If it didn't...he ran the ship's computer through a combat forecast of what would happen if all four Carracks were able to engage one of his destroyers. The result was a predicted damage report he took as an injunction to not let that happen, the red text a harsh reminder that no enemy should be underestimated.

"Sir, there's a message coming to us from a small task force on the edge of the system. It seems to be coming from an OOM unit," his comms officer interrupted.

"Right, patch them through," Colonel Tramsig agreed.

He was met with the sight of an OOM-9 unit in a command chair that seemed a little odd for a droid, but given the looming threat of that predicted damage report he was inclined to ignore a minor quirk in a droid that could potentially provide assistance.
"Colonel Tramsig, I presume? My task force has been assigned to assist you in securing the Cularin system. I have calculated an optimal position for my task force," he intoned, gesturing to a screen displaying his green units intermingling with the red Recusant destroyers and layering effective range arcs to defend the red units and prevent the blue Carrack frigates from getting close enough to strike.

He spun his chair and Tramsig saw a bridge filled with B1 battle droids hard at work on the different battle stations of the bridge. "As you can see, we are acquiring firing solutions for the Carracks as we speak."

There was a flicker on the screen and Tramsig thought he might have seen...something. He wasn't sure, but he didn't have a lot of time. "Right. I want proof of good faith. I've been working with some sketchy operators and I want to know you're on-side. The Cularin Militia has converted the Action IV transport Lion's Roar into a missile corvette dipping into my range. I want it gone."

The droid seemed to pause for a moment.


"I want it gone."

OOM-9 began a variety of calculations. Odds of winning if they fired on the Thaereian navy immediately. Odds of maintaining cover if they destroyed the transport. Potential long-term effects. Ultimately, it all came to the same thing. "Deck officer. Target Lion's Roar. We continue as planned. It's the best move we have available."

A separate message arrived on the Deck officer's datapad. "Arrange for commendations for the bridge crew, especially for the Comms officer on duty. Also get whatever information you can on Lion's Roar. Ciaran will want to provide some form of restitution, but it's a small price to pay for victory." He looked at the crew, now all wearing improvised body-stockings made of blue tarp which the Comms officer had edited out of their transmission, leaving the deactivated battle droids strapped to their limbs as the only apparent operators of the assorted battle stations.

"Target in range, sir," the gunnery control officer reported.

"Fire. Continue as planned," the droid ordered.

The Oracle task force moved into position and the lead elements of their formation took aim and fired on the Lion's Roar, destroying it in short order.

There were a few tense moments between the destruction of Lion's Roar where the only sounds on the bridge were console alerts and the frenzied work of the Comms, targeting control, and weaponry control officers to ensure that no additional ships on the Cularin side of this battle would be destroyed.

"We have a lock, sir," the targeting control officer reported.

The Comms officer gave OOM-9 a thumbs-up. His order would reach all combat units of the Oracle task force.

"Open hangar bays and feed targeting data to all racked fighters. Pilots on racks are to fire prior to launch on my order. All guns maximum firepower. We do this once and we do it right," OOM-9 ordered. "Fire."


"Sir! The CIS task force is firing on us!" a deck officer on the bridge of the Indefatigable screamed in panic.

"What? That's...oh no." Were it possible, Tramsig was certain his stomach would have not simply dropped to the floor, but it might have dropped through the dozen or so different decks and entered free fall towards...he wasn't sure whether it would have been Cularin or Almas, but at this point it didn't matter. "Angle shields and prepare to come around!"

The order came too late. An avalanche of missiles erupted from the hangar bays of the Oracle, the heavy turbolasers firing again and again and Tramsig shook his head in disbelief. Outmaneuvered by a droid.

"Engine support spar has sustained critical damage!" another officer reported.

"All right, so what's left?" Tramsig asked.

Another explosion shook the ship.

"Uhh, never mind, sir. We've completely lost the engine support spar and Vigilant reports the same," the officer updated sheepishly. "Perhaps we should signal our surrender?"

"Good shooting Mauve Two. We've taken out their primary and secondary communications arrays so they can't tell any other Thereian units about this maneuver," Mauve Leader congratulated his wingman.

OOM-9's voice crackled over their comm. "Destroy the Indefatigable and Vigilant, then move on the Thereian corvettes at will. Toggle IFF to standard CNS signal."

The deck officer's datapad dinged with a message notification. <If the Cularin Volunteers ask, the Thereian Navy sliced our IFF software so we had to shut it down and operate manually.>


The overwhelming force brought to bear by the combination of a Lucrehulk-class battleship and a high-powered support fleet made a quick end of the Thereian destroyers. Some corvettes were destroyed but other captains saw the change in battlefield circumstances and arranged to surrender instead.

A handful of corvettes had powered down, a handful had been destroyed, and the destroyers that served as the backbone of the attacking force had been utterly demolished. OOM-9 returned to the command chair, assessed their losses (a few fighters from the Oracle fleet, as compared with "total" on the Thereian side and "some" on the Cularin side) and returned to calculating opponents of plausible size coming from the likely approaches to the system and how he would maneuver their current assets to meet those threats, a task he found far more enjoyable than contemplating the post-battle cleanup.
Written by @Barondoctor
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"Colonel Tramsig, I presume? My task force has been assigned to assist you in securing the Cularin system. I have calculated an optimal position for my task force,"

Cue Manic Laughter.

The Cularin Militia has converted the Action IV transport Lion's Roar into a missile corvette dipping into my range. I want it gone."

Oh shit. That is a hell of a call, but if anyone would be that calculating, its the droid.

He didn't say optimal for what. A thoughtless droid wouldn't have the ability to deceive and a person could potentially be deceiving, but a droid with the ability to think can capitalize on being underestimated. A droid who can think and who's been watching Thrawn and Qymaen has the potential to have learned quite a lot.

Oh shit. That is a hell of a call, but if anyone would be that calculating, its the droid.
Not once did the loss-of-life even factor into his calculations.
*Grumbles. Should not write and post while half asleep. Especially not with half a dozen tabs open.*
(Omake) Red vs Blue in the CNS: Initial Schemes (Canon)
CNS – Republic Border, Abandoned Supply Station

Thrawn was concerned. He immediately understood what had happened once he met up with Captain Steela Gerrera and, to his mild surprise, Captain Gilad Pellaeon and saw the entirely undersupplied Supply Station. According to slowly arriving reports one of several such stations.

"Captain Gerrera... how many stations have reported missing supplies and how many supplies have disappeared?"

"So far we have confirmation that this has happened on five further stations. We are still contacting every station along the borders and so far enough to supply at least two full-strength fleets is officially missing, perhaps even enough for three depending on fleet size. Fuel, supplies, ammo, fighter, bomber, more or less everything. Due to confirmed reports of pirate activity in out of the way systems and due to the efforts to resuplly Fort Garnik a lot of pretty much everything was being redistributed, but nobody could have expected... this."

"I see. Captain Pellaeon, I have been informed that you intercepted a convoy entering Republic Space?"

"Yes. They surrendered, but refused to identify themselves. They were clearly stalling for time as High Command very quickly ordered me to stand down and let the convoy pass."

"Hmm. Very well. Captain Pellaeon."

"Yes, Admiral?"

"Inform Admiral Yularen and Commander Tano about what has transpired here. I will need them to keep an eye open for us in case they can figure out where the stolen supplies ended up."


Castell, Commerce Guild HQ, Presidente Priams Office

Priam was faced with a considerable headache, if he were capable of feeling any, after stumbling over a new problem. His new contacts in the Commerce Guild together with his information network back in CNS Space informed him of the concerning detail that someone was manipulating numbers at a massive scale. Countless freighters exit CNS space and arrive in CIS space with more cargo than noted in any documentation while everyone who should notive something just look the other way. Its not subtle in the least, its a massive operation and it will be very problematic to put a stop to this.


RNS Resolute, Meeting Room

"Ahsoka, are you absolutely certain?"

"Yes. Everything we have been supplied with? Its from the CNS. All of it. Even the starfighters and bombers. Military grade, which I know is not being sold outside of CNS space as Ciaran would not allow it."

"Which means Palpatine is going to try to frame the CNS or at least its member systems as being involved in the war by supplying either side of the war with military hardware, contrary to any claims of neutrality."

"And he is supplying us with it in the hopes that the CNS will track it to us, likely in the hopes of causing an incident and as revenge for having interfered with his plans. Which would also force Ciaran to help us and I just know that she will be trying to counter a lot of other schemes to hold the CNS together."

"I understand. Have the men search for tracking beacons and listening devices on everything we have been supplied with. Once you are certain you have found all of them or that there are none, let them search again and attach all of it to anything we have left that we don't need to get rid off. Then we will drop off everything in a remote location one system away where we can still access it if needed and contact Lady Ciaran. I just hope that she can help us quickly."
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Captain Pellaeon, I presume!

Out of curiosity, when did this development happen? Is he still Republic military and it was a happy accident or is he with Ciaran? I remember Thrawn taking an interest in his career file from the last installment, but that's all I recall.

Further, if he isn't with Ciaran and with the Republic why would he take orders from Thrawn?
Battle of Almas - Eyes on the Prize
It had not been difficult to find where Garth Ezzar had stowed his ersatz Scimitar, which he'd named Shamshir out of his great dearth of creativity. Riphath and Qymaen were managing the pursuit of the few fleeing survivors, leaving Ciaran herself to investigate the ship itself. It didn't take long for her to crack it open and in even less time the ship managed to simultaneously evoke two different feelings: longing for her own Star Courier-class transport and disappointment with the poor upkeep and poor use this one had seen.

Ciaran began to search the ship. If his slipshod maintenance was any indication of his overall conscientiousness, there might be something she could use. Expired foodstuffs lingering in one of the open storage bays he'd converted into a dining area, food grease on the main engineering access panel...she'd initially thought of gifting the ship to someone, but...she ticked down her fingers. Silencer, Silas, Cheriss, Thrawn, Qymaen, Asajj and HK-47 all had their own ships and she was pretty sure Quinlan and Celeste would find it distasteful at best.

What about Kygeetu san Torgh?

That would do it. She was sure Kygeetu would be thrilled, although she would probably need to recommend a thorough cleaning as a first order of business.

As she ascended the main lift, she found what she was looking for. A datapad seemingly still open to a message he'd received.

<My loyal apprentice,
The Shah-tezh board is set. Your mission to Almas is part of our opening move and if all goes to plan we should be able to conclude this game within a year. Unforeseen circumstances may cause slight delays, but an additional half-year could allow things to spiral so far out of control that the game may be lost. This would be an unacceptable outcome.>

There was nothing else of any value on the ship, and as she stepped out of it, her comm sprang to life.


Almas Jedi added to anti-Palpatine assets. Action unlocked to assist with reform of the Jedi Order around a "Four Corners" model: Almas, Altis, Corellia, Tython. Tarasin may be recruited and CNS personnel licensed to travel anywhere within the system. Grateful Cularin and Almas citizens willing to support CNS assets in the region.

Palpatine's plan to cement power within no more than one and a half years revealed!

Additionally, one of the following (by vote) will be pursued immediately. The others may be obtained later, but given the time limit, "later" may or may not be soon enough.

[] Asteroid: OOM-9 reports a shielded fighter is heading towards an Asteroid. Intelligence reports indicate a criminal organization has been based somewhere in the system. This might be its root, and negotiations on such uncertain ground would by necessity need to be handled by Ciaran herself. It would not be difficult to bring them into the fold and lay a few ground rules.
[] Grove: Quinlan and Celeste report Ciaran has been invited to participate in the cleansing ritual at the Ch'hala Grove to prevent it from becoming a Wound in the Force. Jedi Master Lanius Qel-Bertuk is interested in bequeathing her the Eye of the Sun, an ancient artifact from the Ruusan campaign intended to stop that era's Sith Grand Conspiracy.
[] Fortress: Qymaen reports a few survivors limped back in the direction of Darth Rivan's Fortress. Scanners reveal it is largely composed of Beskar and Riphath reports that it seems like the Force just stops there somehow.

This vote will conclude at 9 AM, Friday, April 30th (US Eastern time).
Written by @Barondoctor
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