...........*Crying like a chimp eating a ghost pepper* I had started the quest series 2 weeks ago and was sad to see it ended on turn 29, but I when I saw Daemon Hunter post, I cry. Can't wait to see the adventure continue. Thank you!!!
Huh...not what I expected to see today.

well, poke me if you ever need an extra set of eyes/hands :V
YESSS, Carian can never die! I am extremely happy to see this quest back, lets see if we can own the Galaxy once again.
Good Morning and Good Night: Awaken Celeste Morne and destroy the Muur Talisman.

I don't remeber this. When did this happen?
Oh the memories and how they will live again.
Let's push forward and do things.
(Omake) Feels Like Forever (Non-Canon)
Someone write an Omake before there's even an official story post!
Well, if you insist.

Feels Like Forever​

Sheev Palpatine was not a man prone to peace and contentment. Indeed, as a Sith, his existence was one of hate and rage, barely contained under the surface to fool the Jedi. Such an act was infuriating despite its necessity, feeding his hatred, and hence his power, in a never-ending loop of the Dark Side.

Yet for the past several hours, the Supreme Chancellor had felt… lighter. As if the things normally weighing on him were simply not present. The forces acting against him, constantly monitored through the Force, had simply ceased acting against him. The feeling had only come over him some hours ago, yet the sheer relaxing feeling of such liberation felt as if it had gone on for two years, at the least.

Despite the short time he had spent in reality with such an elated sensation, he felt the moment of its loss keenly. It was if someone had doused his entire body in frigid water. Like coarse, rough sand had gotten everywhere. Like being in the presence of Lady Ciaran.

"By the Force, I only saw her this morning…" murmured Sheev. "How could I have forgotten this feeling so completely?"



"I sense it too, Anakin." said Obi-wan Kenobi, taking a deep breath as he exited his meditation.

"I know it was only earlier today, but it feels like forever since I've felt this." said Anakin Skywalker in muted disbelief.

"Yes, she does have that effect on people." Obii-wan paused a moment to sigh. "It's concerning, but impressive what one can acclimate to."

"I'm more concerned with what she was doing for the last few hours that completely erased her presence. I didn't even notice she had left until she returned."

"Well, whatever it is, the good news is that she's seemingly done now."

"The bad news?" asked Anakin, picking up on the implication.

"I'll tell you the bad news when I figure out what she was doing. Because I'm certain it's nothing good for us. The only question is to whether she's been elected dictator for life or replaced Padme's speech notes with little doodles of herself." Obi-wan pondered his joke for a moment, before coming to the conclusion that he considered neither possibility to really be a joke. "Either is equally likely, knowing her."

"I have a bad feeling about this."

"As do I, Anakin. As do I."


Ciaran yawned, stretching contentedly as she strode from her office. "Good morning Priam. Remind me to take naps more frequently once all this is over. That was simply divine. Who says there's no rest for the wicked?"

"I shall add it to your itinerary Ma'am." Priam nodded, jotting down a note on his datapad, mostly for show, given his nature as a droid. "Shall I fill you in on what has transpired?"

"Ugh, right into a briefing? I suppose needs must." shrugged Ciaran. "What's happened while I napped these past two years? Is there still a war? Did we replace Padme's speech with cute drawings of myself?"

"Lady Ciaran, you were unconscious for a grand total of three hours fourteen minutes and twenty-eight seconds." Priam looked down at his datapad, this time entirely for show given the blindolfd. "Of course, much can transpire in three hours fourteen minutes and twenty-eight seconds in the galaxy, even when limiting criteria to events occurring within your sphere of influence and requiring personal attention. It will be a lengthy briefing."

"Three hours? Really? Feels like I've been out of it for years." Ciaran yawned, then gave a resigned little shrug. "Ah well, back to work. I have a galaxy to own, after all."

AN: Be honest, what else was my first post going to be?
Nice to see this back. Two important things:
1. HK should be assigned to an assassination this turn in order to keep him calm.
2. Please put the canon omakes in the Sidestories tab (unless someone writes something so good it deserves to be part of the main story) and the noncanon omakes in the Apocrypha tab. The previous threads Threadmarks tab is incredibly confusing to get through.
I would not be Suprised if she actually completely concealed her presence while taking her nap to give the idjiits hope that she's gone, only for them to get paranoid when she wakes up, thinking she's done something headache inducing, only it's just her being a massive Troll. She and Terumi must never meet.
Rachel: Shivers "Dear god, why do I get the feeling that we missed a massive bullet?"
Terumi: Pouts "Aww man, sucks that the old fogey and his fam are still around and stone walled me, I would have so much fun in that galaxy."
I would not be Suprised if she actually completely concealed her presence while taking her nap to give the idjiits hope that she's gone, only for them to get paranoid when she wakes up, thinking she's done something headache inducing, only it's just her being a massive Troll. She and Terumi must never meet.
Rachel: Shivers "Dear god, why do I get the feeling that we missed a massive bullet?"
Terumi: Pouts "Aww man, sucks that the old fogey and his fam are still around and stone walled me, I would have so much fun in that galaxy."
Now that you said that, somebody definitely gonna make a omake of them meeting or worse.....Ciaran meets Zelretch.*shudders in pure fear* The universe would implode in itself if that happens.