Honestly the Zeison Sha have no grounds to mock the Jedi not that that would stop them considering how many of them routinely fall to the Dark Side. I suspect the only reason the Sith haven't recruited the whole group as acolytes killing any who refuse is because of how remote they are that they just don't know about them.

Honestly the real surprise is the Blackguard considering they were founded by an ex-Sith and honestly would probably qualify as Dark Siders or at least Dark Side aligned by both Jedi standards as well as virtually every other force sensitive groups standards, even if they would object that there isn't even really a dark side. Their view of the Force is so odd compared to the standard view that I think only the Aing Tii monks are even remotely similar. Its one of the cases where both the Jedi and Sith would agree you are doing it wrong if for different reasons. Still considering how they both study all the other force using groups out there and how intertwined they are with the Abyss Watchers I suppose its inevitable they would be there.

Now I wonder where the Conclave will be held? Ossus is the obvious choice considering both its significance to the Jedi and the presence of the Ysanna who otherwise lacking advanced technology would have trouble attending a conclave. It also would have benefits of not being the base of a Jedi sect so there would be no potential indications of bias in favor of one of them as might happen if say Corellia, Tython, or Almas was the choice but I could see arguments for Dantooine or other potential choices as well.
considering how many of them routinely fall to the Dark Side
Source? The wiki only says that " several members of the order falling prey to the dark side of the Force throughout their history," and that they were then "hunted down or turned back" to the light side by the rest of the Zeison Sha community.

Not to mention that, given their (perceived) abandonment by the Jedi Order (in reality, everyone who knew of them had died in battle) as well as the massive doctrinal changes that took place before their return to the galaxy, they seem to have pretty decent reason to dislike the Jedi Order. Remember: the Zeison Sha were Jedi, as much as the Corellian or Altisian sects -- the original colonists of Yanibar were friends and family of Jedi, many of whom were Force-sensitive themselves, who took refuge on an isolated planet to avoid being targeted during the New Sith Wars.
Well all the sources I read mention they had problems with their members falling to the Dark Side due to hatred of Jedi as well as mentioning how they celebrated first the Great Jedi Purge then the Yuuzhan Vong invasion and the death of the Jedi that ensued so since they mention it specifically I assume it was an abnormally large number of members falling. There is a mention of something similar with the Order of Shasa noting that because the original members were trained by the Sith they had an increased risk of falling.
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Pretty much every Force Order in the galaxy struggles with the same issue, with the danger of falling to the dark side, and so does virtually every named Force User in the entire EU. Yes, the Coruscant Jedi have their 'Lost Twenty', but that only includes Jedi Masters who left the Jedi Order, because it's a big deal for an individual to rise that high and then leave (though it's unclear how many of the Lost Twenty fell or simply left due to disagreements). That doesn't include the Jedi knights, or Jedi padawans, or even Jedi initiates who fell -- many of those are also named in the sources, and quite a few of them fell due to the Order's own failings.

Just because some members of any group struggle with the dark side or fall to the dark side, has little relevance in determining the merits of that group. The plural of anecdote is not data. The Zeison Sha have long-standing beef with the Jedi Order, and their response is to stay in their corner of the galaxy rather than going out and seeking revenge. The Order of Shasa initially struggled with the dark side due to the fact that their first members were trained by the Sith (before being freed by Revan), so they spent time developing specialized techniques to perceive deception and made those skills part of the core teachings of their Order.

More pointedly, this is a quest that's been running for nearly five years (May 27th will be our five-year anniversary) and for hundreds of thousands of words (nearly a million at this point), where the main character is identified as a non-Jedi Force User whose personal alignment is firmly Gray and whose organization includes redeemed Sith, fallen Jedi, and a whole bunch in between, including a veritable Rogues Gallery of galactic baddies who she's brought back into the (grayish) light. This is not a story where we're still finding our feet or wavering on our main character's identity. We have very strong opinions -- broadly: the Jedi are good guys who get a lot of things wrong -- and we're not likely to change our minds this late in the game.

Star of Coruscant

The Star of Coruscant was a superdreadnaught serving in the Republic Navy during the Great Galactic War. The ship was enormous in size and was equipped with both experimental weapons and technology.[2] The ship was created under the supervision of Colonel Omas. It was targeted specifically by...

Anyone interested in setting up a base on Hoth to reconstitute the Star of Crouscant and archaeotech retreival from the Ship Graveyard?
I think the Republic salvaged everything from there by the end of the Cold War despite the Sith's attempts otherwise. I also question how useful a 3,000 year old warship would be even if it was still intact since while slow there has been significant advancement in ship design since that era.
I think the Republic salvaged everything from there by the end of the Cold War despite the Sith's attempts otherwise. I also question how useful a 3,000 year old warship would be even if it was still intact since while slow there has been significant advancement in ship design since that era.
I mean ... has there been, though?

Blaster tech hasn't meaningfully evolved in 4,000 years, hyperspace travel only marginally improved over the same timeframe (Class 1 hyperdrives going from only being in KotOR's Millennium Falcon expy to a galactic standard for capital ships) and society from the galactic level to the planetary to individual sects (i.e., Jedi and Force-using groups) appears to have been largely stagnant for millennia. Sure, there's an out-of-universe answer for that (as a creator, you don't want the fictional universe to be unrecognisable to your audience, hence [to continue using KotOR as an example] the Falcon expy and technology and Force abilities largely being the same) but in-universe? I see no reason to think that a 3,000-year-old ship would be a total waste of time given how little things fundamentally change.

Personally, though, I think searching for capital ships of any age isn't the best use of time when the conflict with Sidious ultimately is not gonna be an interstellar slugmatch -- it's gonna be more or less one-on-one, in a localised area. Starships would only factor in if we're using orbital/sub-orbital bombardment, and if we're using that then we've already lost (character-wise. story-wise it makes sense as an Operation Cinder style backup plan of our own, to ensure he doesn't survive if we don't either). Ace-in-the-hole weapons like the lava crystal blaster make more sense than starships, is the thrust of my point.
Personally, it isn't the level of technology within the ship that would be my concern for it being worthwhile to excavate and add to the fleet, it's the fact it's been stuck in place on a desolate iceball of a planet for three thousand years. I would not put much trust in the frame still being space-worthy, let alone able to hold up to the rigours and stresses of active combat as a warship. There's only so much we could do with restoration work before it'd be simpler to just cast a new hull and fabricate the components ourselves.

This isn't a universe like Battletech or 40k, where absolutely everything advanced from the past was Ragnarok-proofed to (literal) hell and back.
Turn 30 Results (Pt. 1)
[X] Operation Benevolent Humility: The Malevolence is a fleet-killer. The Pride of the Core is confident it can defeat the Malevolence on its own. Both ships are under Palpatine's control, both ships are chasing each other around CNS space, and it's only a matter of time before one or both ships devastate a Neutral system as 'collateral damage'. No time to lose, they must be stopped: damn the resonance cannons, full speed ahead. Chance of Success: ??? Reward: Malevolence and Pride of the Core stopped, one way or another.
-[X] HK-47
-[X] Grievous
-[X] Jango Fett
-[X] 4 Watchers

Rolled: 72 + 15 (Bonuses) +20 (HK-47) +19 (Grievous) + 19 (Jango) + 4 (Watchers) = 149 (Massive Critical Success)

The silent path of the Malevolence through the Mid Rim was not a holding pattern. The Malevolence was not standing still; it was lying in wait. (To be continued in 'The Battle of Corellia')

[X] Saw & Steela's Steel Squadron: The Gerrera siblings have graduated from naval academy, have proven their capabilities during the battle for Kalee and are ready to take command. Assign them to the Invisible Hand, and expand its support group into a proper grand fleet. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 200 Reward: gain '+1 Martial Action (Space)'

Rolled: 67 + 15 (Bonuses) = 82 (Success)

Steela and Saw Gerrera graduated with full honors from Kalee Military Academy, valedictorian and salutatorian respectively. Fortunately, neither of them were required to give a speech for their graduation ceremony. Unfortunately, that was because the ceremony was interrupted by news of Admiral Trench and his Huk allies.

Steela and Saw were immediately assigned to take point, Steela aboard the interdictor-ship Tarkin's Folly where she served as acting captain, Saw in the ground-side command center to coordinate targeting stations for the newly built system defenses.

Their efforts were so impressive that, shortly after the battle, they were picked to command Lady Ciaran's newest fleet, Battle Group Cresh, and its flagship, the Invisible Hand.

Both sister and brother were struck by Ciaran's trust in them -- they had seen firsthand the devastation that could be caused by a rogue fleet -- and they independently took the step of renewing their pledge of loyalty to Ciaran and to the CNS.

Reward: 'Invisible Hand' upgraded to flagship of battle fleet. Remove 'Improved Odds' from list of 'available bonuses', gain +1 Martial Action (Space)

[X] Anti-Slaver Actions: The fact of the matter is that slavery is one of the most hated institutions in the galaxy outside of Hutt Space. It would certainly earn a lot of goodwill if you were to deal with some of the more prominent organizations (not affiliated with your Hutt allies)...and the loot would certainly make it worthwhile. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Assaults launched on chosen slaver group, loot
-[X] Senex-Juvex Slavers: Would you look at that, this slave group in Republic space is also home to a number of pro-Palpatine nobles! Launching a raid on them and exposing them to the galaxy would be quite the scandal...

Rolled: 33 Reroll: 51 + 15 (Bonuses) = 66 (Success)

At first, the Abyss Watcher teams assigned to deal with Senex-Juvex worried they wouldn't have enough firepower. Then they got reinforcements. There are few things in the galaxy a pissed-off clone commando squad can't fix, and even fewer for a Jedi Knight Errant with a grudge against slavers. (To be continued in 'Fire and Fury')

[X] Making Inroads In The Republic Military: Now is a good time as any to begin dechipping and potentially subverting different groups in the Republic military. Any clone not chipped means one less clone that will try to kill you once you make your move, and of course you can always use more support when the time comes. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 300 (Temporarily increased cost due to ongoing problems with Yularen's fleet/efforts to smuggle supplies to them) Reward: Chosen group targeted for dechipping/subversion
-[X] 412th Regiment: The group of clones that your sabotaged chips made their way to, they are specialized in defensive battles and have a reputation for placing the lives of civilians over their orders. (Targeted by Yularen)

Rolled: 71 + 15 (Bonuses) = 86 (Success)

The good name of the Tarkin family was in rather dire straits after Wilhuff Tarkin was caught trying to railroad the Jedi commander Ahsoka Tano, and the family fortunes reached their nadir after his protege Zsinj was humiliated at Corellia.

So it proved remarkably easy for Yularen to get Brigadier Gideon Tarkin reassigned to a much less prominent command, as the 501st Legion swept into the Seswenna sector to relieve the 412th Regiment from its catastrophic attrition rate. Ciaran's influence ensured that the 412th would be reassigned to home guard on Eriadu for the next quarter, while her resources ensured that every clone trooper would receive a comprehensive med-check and that both the 412th and 501st would receive a full resupply of all needed materiel.

Yularen took both the clone commander Pariah and Jedi commander Kira Rudemo aside for a private conference, where he shared the news of the Sith conspiracy, and informed them that the 412th Regiment had never received the inhibitor chips of the other clones in the region.

Officially, of course, Yularen and the 501st had been sent by General Kenobi to reinforce the 'Night Hammer Command' (18th Sector Army) defending Eriadu and the other Republic worlds of the Southern Rim. In that too, Yularen saw success.

The Tarkin family had many rivals among the Eriadu elite, and after the loss of their family fortunes and their backers in the Core, those rivals had worked to systematically remove Tarkin's allies and supporters from positions of power in the 18th Army and the local ORSF, Outland Regions Security Force built by the family patriarch Ranulph Tarkin.

The Tarkins had used the ORSF as an iron fist to enforce their will on the Southern Rim, never letting up the pressure on Eriadu's neighbors even when Eriadu was cut off from Core support. Yularen took one look at the strategic situation and immediately understood how much politics and personal ambition had shaped Tarkin's disposition of the 18th Army. Eriadu wasn't just one of the largest Republic-aligned industrial worlds in the Outer Rim. It also lay along one of two principal hyperlane routes into the Javin region defended by the 'Dark Saber Command' (19th Sector Army).

If the CIS navy broke through at Eriadu, they would be able to ravage Javin without opposition, as the 19th Army was entrenched in the north defending the Corellian Trade Spine. But that would also allow Tarkin to draw back his outlying forces, and rally reinforcements from the Core for a counter-strike. In other words, Tarkin was baiting the Separatist forces into a trap -- one that would deal critical damage to another Sector Army, while strengthening his own political position immeasurably.

Neither of the 18th's commanders understood Tarkin's plans -- Jedi Knight Ima-Gun Di was an adequate tactician but wasted as a Sector general, while new Governor-General was a political appointee. Yularen promptly took charge, ordering an across-the-board consolidation of Republic force in the 18th Army's theater of operations, and his report to High General Kenobi ensured that this new force disposition would remain after Yularen's departure.

Finally, Yularen arranged for the whole 18th Sector Army to also receive the complimentary med-checks sponsored by Karada, ensuring that the clones fighting in the region would no longer be under the influence of Palpatine's inhibitor chips.

Reward: 412th Regiment relieved and reinforced; Tarkin family ousted from positions of power in Eriadu; 18th Sector Army gets inhibitor chips removed; fighting between Republic and CIS dies down in Southern Rim.

[X] Select a New Diplomacy Advisor: Priam has been your Diplomacy advisor from your earliest days as a gang leader in the Coruscant Underworld. Now he's running a galaxy-spanning megacorporation, and he's a bit busy to also run your social calendar. He can help out on occasion, but you need to pick his successor. Reward: new Diplomacy Advisor, you don't lose one of your Diplomacy Actions (Free Action)
-[X] Padme Amidala: specializes in ending the Clone Wars. Chance of Success: 80%

Rolled: 85 (natural crit) + 15 (Bonuses) = 100 (Critical Success)

"I hate sand. It's rough, and coarse, and gets everywhere. Not like you."

"You mean, there's somewhere on you I haven't gotten to?"

Suffice it to say, Padme and Anakin were enjoying their honeymoon. At least, they were before Ciaran holo-called to tell them that she needed Anakin to do some heroics and needed Padme to meet her in person. (To be continued in 'Fire and Fury')

[X] IRIS Network: Now that you've established a galaxy-spanning media conglomerate with your friend and ally Baron Papanoida, how shall you use it? You don't plan to take on Palpatine directly, but that leaves plenty of other options on the table. Reward: friendly media directed to guide public opinion. (Free Action)
-[X] Educate the Public About Current Events
--[X] Oppose Humanocentrism (emphasize problems of the Core, especially COMPOR)

Rolled: 61 + 20 (Bonuses) = 81 (Success)

The best part of crushing COMPOR underfoot, was how easy it was to turn Crueya Vandron into a galactic joke. (To be continued in 'Fire and Fury')

[X] The Conclave (Force): After their joint defense of Almas Academy, a number of Jedi splinter sects have expressed interest in meeting with each other and finding common ground. However, a number of groups share a history of conflict and misunderstanding. Volunteer to host a Jedi Conclave, and guide them to your preferred outcome. (Also Available as Lore Action) Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 50 Reward: Jedi Conclave called, mini-arc begins
-[X] Celeste Morne
-[X] Thrawn

Rolled: 65 + 15 (Bonuses) + 17 (Thrawn) + 8 (Celeste) = 105 (Great Success)

"My name is Celeste Morne. When I was five years old, a Sith decided to destroy my homeworld. My parents died when he burnt it to bedrock; they gave up their lives to save a few of the artifacts and data-archives they had spent a lifetime studying. Look around you: this was my homeworld, and this was their fate -- Ossus, the crown jewel of the Jedi Order, made a ruin. And this will be the fate of any Jedi, of anyone in fact who wields the Force, unless the Sith that now threatens the galaxy is stopped." (To be continued in 'The Conclave of Ancients')

[X] Interpol Into Space (CNS): A number of reports show that Palpatine has been using various underworld cut-outs to smuggle military gear from the CNS to both the Republic and the Separatist war machine. While it's too late to prevent (that particular nerf has left the stable) you can help the CNS establish an interplanetary law enforcement agency to keep Palpatine from exploiting the same vulnerability in the future. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: CNS gains interplanetary law enforcement, increases CNS recruitment, ???

Rolled: 38 + 20 (Bonuses) = 58 (Success)

Turns out it's a lot easier to track down evildoers when every scrap of evidence at a crime scene can give you a high-definition image of their face. Hiring those Kiffar investigators was the best thing you could have done for your new CNS investigative branch. Still need to come up with a name though. (To be continued in 'CSI: Muunilinst')

Pick One:
[] Interpol (Interstellar Criminal Police Organization)
[] Intrapol (Intragalactic Criminal Police Organization)
[] Write In (pick a unique name for the CNS law enforcement investigative service)

[X] The Roaming Jedi (Force): Telling the Council about Palpatine's true identity is a recipe for disaster, but there are certainly other Jedi in the galaxy that aren't a part of the Order you could contact for aid. You've always gotten the odd report from your Silver Cross camps about the occasional Jedi stopping by to help refugees, so it wouldn't be too difficult to track some of them down. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Jedi outside of the Order contacted

Rolled: 55 + 15 (Bonuses) = 70 (Success)

"There's no such thing as luck," the Jedi insist. Certainly there have been a surprising number of serendipitous meetings between wandering Jedi and nomadic non-Jedi like the Jal Shey or Matukai. Between that, your contacts among the Jedi Sentinels, your partnership with the fringe Jedi sects, and other connections -- such as between your Silver Cross and the Jedi MedCorps, or your archaeology teams and the Academy of Jedi Archaeology -- you were able to reach out to a number of wandering Jedi and others who spend little time on Coruscant. (To be continued in 'The Conclave of Ancients')

[X] Sienar Custom Vessel: Now that you've partnered with Sienar you can request customized ships from them for a price. You can either send them a plan of your own, or give their engineers a base concept and let them work out the details. Chance of Success: 90%
-[X] Personalized Courier Ships, Redux: You've recruited a number of additional helpers and heroes since Raith Siener built his custom courier ships for your team. Time to contact him for a second helping, to help your heroes work even more effectively. Cost: 150 Reward: Additional Personal Courier ships designed/produced

Rolled: 46 + 10 (Bonuses) = 56 (Success)

At first Ciaran just wanted to make sure that her high-level agents had their own personal transportation, so they could ferry themselves around the galaxy.

Then she expanded her shopping list to include couriers for her top advisors, and things took a turn for the weird. (To be continued in 'You Get A Ship! Everybody Gets A Ship!')

[X] Sienar Custom Vessel: Now that you've partnered with Sienar you can request customized ships from them for a price. You can either send them a plan of your own, or give their engineers a base concept and let them work out the details. Chance of Success: 90%
-[X] "Archaeology" Ships: Given how important/profitable archaeology has become for you in recent days, this ship would assist with your efforts with on-board research labs and excavation gear so that your teams could quickly scour a site. Why does it have a stealth system and high-grade weapons? Because there are thieves and scoundrels who could try to steal valuable relics from you! Also never mind that the excavation lasers could also double as powerful armor-piercing weapons. Cost: 150 Reward: Archaeological Cruiser designed/produced

Rolled: 55 + 10 (Bonuses) = 65 (Success)

Raith had to rush the prototype so it'd be ready for Mungo to fly on his odyssey into the vast Kathol Outback. The ship performed as well as could be expected, but the shakedown cruise itself put 'expected' in the rearview mirror, and then hit lightspeed. (To be continued in 'Mungo's Excellent Adventure')

[X] Treasury Copypasta: The backdoor to the Republic Treasury also means that you can observe everything that is going on within it. Perhaps it might be an idea to feed a small program into it to copy all data of the treasury and regularly update those records... just in case a certain someone tries to wipe it all as a farewell gift on his way out. A functional economy is important, or so you have been led to believe. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Abyss Watchers (and the CNS) gain a complete backup of all Republic Treasury data
-[X] Priam
-[X] Talesan Fry

Rolled: 50 + 10 (Bonuses) + 15 (Priam) + 12 (Talesan) = 87 (Success)

With the aid of the backdoor the Republic Treasury proved to be no challenge to Priam and Talesan Fry who collaborated on developing and inserting a program into the Treasury that would regularly copy all the data of the Treasury during times of particularly high activity, bounce the collected data around half the galaxy and then save it in several different locations. Now, no matter what happens, any attempt to wipe the Republic Treasury would be reversible and any suspicious activity would be a lot easier to investigate.

Reward: Improved odds for 'Treasury Auditing', prevent worst-case scenario for post-Palpatine galactic economy, unlocks action (and base upgrades) to ensure CNS financial independence

[X] Giving Causality A Migraine (Incom): While it was a small benefit from the highlights reel of you looking into the future, seeing that enhanced Headhunter design is a very welcome benefit to you. If you can get the design put together enough for Incom to develop… well, a one-man hyperspace-capable starfighter able to go head-to-head with capital ships certainly seems like a game-changer. And hey, you never realized how much you wanted to cause a temporal paradox until you had the opportunity! Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 200 Reward: X-Wings designed 20 years early, the thrill of causing your very own temporal paradox

Rolled: 46 + 10 (Bonuses) = 56 (Success)

"Lady Ciaran, I must say, this X-Wing starfighter is a truly inspired design. Wing-mounted laser cannons on strike foils allow for significantly better thermal tolerances on the weapons systems, while the variable wing settings make it a truly versatile craft, suitable even for atmospheric operations. The balance of maneuverability, durability, and firepower make this the ultimate space superiority fighter. That alone would make this a noteworthy development, but that is merely a surface analysis, something any fighter pilot would notice after a single test flight. Naturally," Thrawn said as he examined the ship, "there's more."

He indicated the nose of the vehicle. "This sensor suite is going to change space combat forever. Never in any history of space combat I've been aware of has there been a ship which has put this much power or space into a sensor suite and comms equipment. Fighters have been tied to cruisers and carriers for a long time. Carriers have been a necessity both for supply and coordination of starfighters. Every carrier to date has had a fighter control panel, sensor support, targeting data...to make fighters capable of this on their own allows for the use of tactics that use only fighters without any support from a capital ship, especially with their ability to travel through hyperspace on their own." He then indicated the cockpit. "High visibility in multiple directions as well, should the sensors be jammed."

Just a tiny bit behind the cockpit was the small top dome of an astromech. "Navigational support and in-flight repair capability provided by the droid make it even better at everything it already does. The fact that the pilot's computer can 'translate' Binary into Basic means that it makes the ship able to 'talk' to the pilot, a psychological necessity for solo flights through hyperspace."

Finally, he indicated the engines. "Four approximately interchangeable engines means supply for repairs is much easier as well. For that matter, under particularly long periods without supply you could take an engine offline entirely and use its parts for the other three engines. All the key components can easily be reached by a maintenance crew and most repairs can be done with tools even a swoop gang would have. You could have a squadron of these on any planet and nobody would be the wiser, and your pilots can be drawn from anybody familiar with most models of civilian airspeeder. A small ground crew and a concealed supply cache could keep a squadron operational for months."

"This ship will change the galaxy forever."

Reward: X-Wings designed and produced out of Incom shipyard facilities exclusively for CNS and Abyss Watcher use; gain +1 Free Action

[X] A Phantom Menace: The Malevolence is a fleet-killer, and its location is unknown. Admiral Zsinj says it's moving around the Mid Rim, but that could mean anything. Put our agents to the task of finding the Malevolence and finding its ultimate target. Only then can we be certain to trap and destroy it utterly. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Malevolence (and Pride of the Core) tracked, CIS & Palpatine's target determined, ???

Rolled: 67 + 20 (Bonuses) = 87 (Success)

Oh, there were brief scares at Kashyyyk and later at Naboo that the Malevolence might be pointed in their direction. Those were mere feints. (To be continued in 'The Battle of Corellia')

[X] Hyper-Communications Hot Potato: After the Battle of Kalee, we credited a 'high-level Separatist leader' for leaking Admiral Trench's plan, allowing us to save Kalee and avoid Palpatine's trap of war with the CIS. Now lay the breadcrumbs for Palpatine to follow, so he blames Po Nudo of the Hyper-Communications Cartel for the leak. This would remove from play one of the few megacorps on the Separatist Council that we don't yet control, and potentially allow us to seize control of the CIS Shadowfeed. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: HCC blamed for leaking Trench's location, Separatist Council even more firmly in our control
-[X] Silas Cata

Rolled: 67 + 20 (Bonuses) + 12 (Silas) = 99 (Great Success)

In the years before the Clone War, Admiral Trench earned his stripes in the Andoan Wars, fighting to enforce Spiverelda rule over the rebelling Andoan Free Colonies. Trench proved a remarkably able commander, defeating the Free forces with ease, but his brutality and ruthlessness drew the notice of the Republic Judicial Forces. The Republic intervened, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory for the Spiverelda, imposing a truce and forcing the demilitarization of the entire sector that allowed the Free Colonies to retain their independence.

The resolution of the Andoan Wars radicalized the Aqualish against the Republic, and they were some of the first to join the CIS in the early days of the Separatist Crisis. But the Spiverelda and many Aqualish elites laid the blame squarely on Admiral Trench -- it was his brutality, his trigger-happy targeting of civilians and non-combatants, that forced the Republic to step in.

Thus, even before Silas stepped foot on Ando, the Aqualish-run Hyper-Communications Cartel was barely able to conceal its sneering contempt for the late Admiral Trench, and Silas had no difficulty in nudging the HCC to make its criticism overt. That opened the floodgates, and Silas found a number of low-level staffers willing to insert backdated records showing the Cartel had opposed Trench all along… records that subtly implied that Po Nudo (HCC head) or one of his top aides were responsible for leaking Trench's movements to Ciaran.

Silas did not expect what happened next -- he received a transmission from Talesan Fry, passing along the latest ULTRA decryptions from the surveillance on Coruscant. Apparently, Palpatine had ordered Sate Pestage to "deal with those Aqualish squealers," and Fry had been able to confirm that Pestage -- who officially served as Palpatine's spokesman -- was in fact in charge of the Sith Lord's network of spies and assassins, and that one such agent was en route.

Sa Cuis might have been a Dark Jedi, but his blundering rage proved ineffectual, far too blunt an instrument in the face of Silas's finesse. A few days after arriving on Ando, Sa Cuis struck from the shadows… at a target Silas had guided him to, a high-level Aqualish staffer who had in fact supported Trench's brutal tactics. Enhanced interrogation of the staffer led Sa Cuis to another, then another, each one chosen by Silas to destabilize the Hyper-Communications Cartel and remove the most radical voices in the organization.

Finally, Silas was able to engineer the masterstroke: an apparently friendly meeting between Sa Cuis and a Harch loyalist working for the Spiverelda, shortly before Sa Cuis targeted a high-level HCC aide working directly for Po Nudo.

Both incidents were caught on security footage.

Images of Sa Cuis were broadcast all over the planet, 'Most Wanted' adverts everywhere. His movements were backtraced, his courier ship impounded, his boltholes tagged for surveillance. And then three days later, responding to urgent messages from Po Nudo's office, a fleet of Commerce Guild destroyers arrived in the system to prevent the assassin's escape.

That was the official excuse, at least. Shortly after the Commerce Guild ships showed up, the CIS Shadowfeed went dark -- for the first time since the start of the war -- only to resume broadcasting a few hours later with a decidedly different tone.

The Spiverelda had declared themselves enemies of the Aqualish people, and could no longer be trusted to govern. Spiverelda censors had been detained by HCC security, and the Shadowfeed exhorted the Aqualish people to rise in resistance to the despotic regime. The Commerce Guild fleet would enforce peace in the sector until new elections could be held, to determine the future of the people of Ando.

Reward: Admiral Trench openly mocked by CIS Shadowfeed, undercutting any CIS support for his attack on Kalee and any pressure for war between the CIS and CNS. Palpatine firmly distracted from pinning the blame on Dooku. Multiple actions unlocked to take advantage of the crisis in the Hyper-Communications Cartel.

[X] Legacy Of Damask (Autonomous): Settling in on Muunilist has given you the opportunity to take a closer look at Hego Damask's old properties present on the planet. While Palpatine has moved to ensure that they are not for sale, it shouldn't be too hard to get teams in and see if there's anything left there. Chance of Success: 95% Reward: Hego Damask holdings investigated/looted

Rolled: 48 + 20 (Bonuses) - 10 (Autonomous) = 58 (Success)

Once the crowning jewel of Harnaidan, the Damask Superspire had been shuttered for most of the decade, fallen in disrepair long before the rest of the capital was devastated by war. Now, with Gurlanin infiltrators and Kiffar investigators on the case, Damask Holdings can no longer hide its dark part, especially after a team found a reference to a remote vault-spire identified only as 'Aborah'. (To be continued in 'CSI: Muunilinst')

[X] Strike Palpatine's Inner Circle: It's time to go on the offensive. Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 150 Reward: Targeted member/group discredited/neutralized/etc
-[X] COMPOR: A pro-Palpatine, pro-human, anti-pretty much everything else organization headed by Palpatine's most fanatically loyal followers. Not only would dealing with them be a significant blow to Palpatine's ability to rally people, but given that you're 75% non-human (ish) there's definitely some poetic justice to be meted out here.
-[X] The Silencer
-[X] 6 Watchers

Rolled: 58 + 20 (Bonuses) + 14 (Silencer) + 6 (Watchers) = 98 (Great Success)

Officially, COMPOR is a political movement known for its utter loyalty to the Republic and to its human Supreme Chancellor. Unofficially, COMPOR was Palpatine's pet political machine, allowing him to draw ever-increasing amounts of power into his own hands. COMPOR drew up laws and resolutions, organized impressive rallies and occasional riots, lobbied and bribed and threatened Senate officials and bureaucrats, and advanced the cause of humanocentrism by every method available to them.

That alone made COMPOR a tempting target, but after her agents sifted through the financial disclosure forms to identify COMPOR's biggest backers in the financial and media class, Ciaran informed The Silencer to bring the big guns. The really big guns. The illegally big guns. It was time to make an example of one, 'to encourage the others'. (To be continued in 'Fire and Fury')

[X] The Secrets of the Corellian Jedi: The Corellian Jedi are hiding something about the final battle of the New Sith Wars and you don't like being told "no" for an answer. Find a friend, or sneak a peek at their records, or cross-check with the Celebratus Archives, and find what it is they're hiding and why this 'Ruusan' is so important. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Corellian Jedi history investigated
-[X] Personal Attention
-[X] Asajj Ventress

Rolled: 35 Reroll: 77 + 20 (Bonuses) + 48 (Personal Attention) + 23 (Asajj) + 15 (Force Bond) = 183 (Insane Critical Success)

The Green Jedi remember, even if they had long ago lost the nav-data to visit the Valley where the Jedi Lords had made their last stand. Fortunately, Ciaran owns an aurodium-tier all-access pass to the Celebratus Archives, along with an entire fleet of analysis droids. And if even that falls short, Ciaran can peek beneath the very fabric of reality and punch destiny in the face. (To be continued in 'Memories of Ruusan')

[X] Incorporate Luka Sene Techniques: The abilities that you've learned from the Luka Sene aren't exactly flashy, but between their improved ability to use Force vision in combat as well as the more engineering oriented ability for them to see energy fields, there's definitely plenty your Agents can learn from. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Luka Sene abilities taught to all Agents (Free Action)

Rolled: 61 + 20 (Bonuses) = 81 (Success)

Only a few months before, several Abyss Agents accompanied a team of Blackguard Wilders to the isolated colony of Dyspeth, hoping to recruit some Disciples of Twilight to return to the Chu'unthor and teach the light-bending techniques that defined their sect.

But light is a form of energy, and now Sene Seekers from Alpheridies are also staying aboard the Chu'unthor teaching your Agents how to perceive energy fields through the Force. The Disciples of Twilight assiduously studied the Sene teachings, and were visibly stunned at how much easier it was to quickly and precisely manipulate light and even other forms of energy.

Then a pair of Abyss Agents brought their own insights to the table. Inspired by their visit to Aliston Nor, the lost home of the Jedi Builders, these two Agents asked if it'd be possible to use the skills of both sects to reverse-engineer the Builder techniques -- to perceive matter and energy in their totality, to manipulate both with impossible precision... to create, to truly create, entirely through the Force.

Reward: Force Sight and Field Detection integrated into Agent programs. Increased Abysswalker promotion rate due to availability of Luka Sene trainers. Unlocks 'The Freemakers' Force study action.

[X] Research Alternative Force Schools (Force Study): While the Jedi and Sith are the most well-known Force users in the galaxy there are certainly others that have mastered more esoteric techniques that could be useful to you. You already have information on them from the datachips so it shouldn't be too difficult. (Choose 1 below) Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Learn techniques from other Force users
-[X] Jal Shey: A sect of nomadic diplomats and philosophers from the Indupar Crown Worlds, who specialize in the esoteric art of Force Imbuement.

Rolled: 56 + 20 (Bonuses) = 76 (Success)

The Jal Shey had quietly existed on the margins of galactic society and galactic history for millennia. They well deserved their reputation for quiet diplomacy and mystical scholarship, not to mention their notoriety for arcane Imbuement rituals that could empower a wooden staff with the durability to resist a lightsaber, or a simple cloth head-band able to give an average civilian the hyper-awareness of a veteran police detective.

Peet Sieben, wandering Mentor of the Jal Shey, was deeply gratified to receive a personal invitation to the upcoming conclave. (To be continued in 'The Conclave of Ancients')

[X] Archaeological Expeditions: There are very famous sites in the galaxy that are dying for someone to lead expeditions to...and potentially locate Force-related artifacts. Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
-[X] Kathol Outback: An isolated area of the Outer Rim, the region is rumored to be home to a powerful Force sect, but you don't have much more to go on besides that.
-[X] Mungo Baobab

Rolled: 37 + 20 (Bonuses) + 5 (Mungo) = 62 (Success)

As a child, Mungo Baobab dreamt of being a famous explorer like Banu Hydia. He never thought his first adventure into the unknown would prove to be so weird. (To be continued in 'Mungo's Excellent Adventure')

[X] Archaeological Expeditions: There are very famous sites in the galaxy that are dying for someone to lead expeditions to...and potentially locate Force-related artifacts. Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
-[X] Ossus: Ossus used to be a Stronghold and Center of Learning for the Jedi before the Great Sith War during which Exar Kun razed the planet of all life. Fortunately you managed to contact and come to some sort of agreement with the locals, the Ysanna, including permission to access the ruins of the Great Jedi Library. (Free Action)

Rolled: 88 (Natural Crit) + 20 (Bonuses) = 108 (Critical Success)

"Five thousand years ago, the Great Jedi Library at Ossus outshone even the Celebratus Archives of Obroa-skai as the greatest repository of knowledge in the galaxy. The Library of Ossus housed four great Chambers of Knowledge -- two data-archives covering the then 20,000-year history of the Galactic Republic, a third archive covering galactic history before the formation of the Republic, and a final archive for the history of pre-hyperdrive civilizations over 40,000 years in the past."

"Four thousand years ago, a Sith prodigy named Exar Kun threw a temper tantrum and exploded a supernova that scoured the planet's surface. The Great Jedi Library was left in ruins."

"Two days ago, Ossus was reborn." (To be continued in 'The Conclave of Ancients')

[X] Karada Medical Innovations: The Karada Corporation has grown to be one of the galaxy's largest and most successful medical corporations, primarily known for its strong presence within the CNS and strong ties to Lady Ciaran's charity, Silver Cross. Use our Abyss Watcher resources, our partnership with Adascorp, and our far-flung research labs, and build a research division that will turn Karada into a pioneer of advanced medical research for the galaxy. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 200 Upkeep: 50 Reward: gain +1 Learning Action (Medicine)

Rolled: 63 + 30 (Bonuses) = 93 (Success)

Honestly, Ciaran had already contracted so many top medical researchers and migrant scientists from Arkania and Carosi XII and Lur, that the wave of new arrivals from the Kathol Outback barely made a dent in her hiring budget. And given how much medical research was already taking place under Karada Corporation's aegis, it almost made the paperwork easier when she spun out the research teams into their own division.

The only real difficulty lay in deciding whether to keep it there, as a division under the Karada banner, or to keep spinning and turn medical research into its own unique company. The research would happen either way.

Pick One:
[] Keep research in-house under 'Karada' label
[] Move the medical research program into its own corporate spinoff, forming a new company
-[] Versuch Labs (cannot use the existing undercity labs due to PR concerns)
-[] Write In (pick a new name for medical research company)

Reward: gain +1 Learning Action (Medicine)

[X] Svivreni-Shard Engineering Inc.: Our research labs have hired a number of Sivreni geologists and Shard engineers. Both species are preternaturally capable of material and physical science, and many have expressed great enthusiasm to be working for Lady Ciaran. Organize them into a separate research branch, and watch the sparks fly. Literally, in this case. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 200 Upkeep: 50 Reward: gain +1 Learning Action (Materials)

Rolled: 55 + 30 (Bonuses) = 85 (Success)

Svivreni are short, sturdy equinoids whose people had learned to specialize in geology and mineralogy, in the science of what things are made of. Shards are small sapient crystals piloting artificial droid bodies, who specialize in physics and engineering, in the science of how to make things. Together, they fight crime!

That is, they make cool toys for the people who fight crime… though just as often, for those who commit the crime. But never mind that.

Of course, the Abyss Watchers also employed a wide variety of other researchers, from Marit, Kleperian, and Chortose engineers, to Bith, Givin, and Drall scientists, along with the occasional human prodigy like Galen Erso.

Unfortunately, they were all employed by an organization that began its life as a gang in the Coruscant Undercity, then became a slightly more legitimate mercenary outfit, neither of which looked ideal on a resume if a researcher ever wished to find a job outside the Abyss Watchers. Consequently, when she hired them, Ciaran offered (and most accepted) the option of being formally employed under the auspices of individual research labs. Which meant, years later, that virtually her entire research staff was technically receiving their pay-chips from cutouts and flimsi-corps that didn't actually exist.

When Ciaran finally decided to reorganize and restructure her workforce, things quickly went haywire. The first sign of trouble came with the first announcement, as most researchers heard 'restructuring' and immediately began to fear for their jobs. It was a reasonable fear -- Ciaran could have downsized at least a quarter of her existing personnel if she weren't intending to drastically expand the scale and pace of materials research.

But on top of the flood of text and holocomm messages from virtually every employee passed up the chain to her desk, Ciaran also had to grapple with the challenge of integrating and streamlining and unsnarling an intentionally convoluted knot of disorganization comprising so many labs and so many researchers scattered across so much of the galaxy.

The floodbanks barely held. The deluge of paperwork nearly broke her. It did break her new droid -- she had to call downstairs to replace the motivator on her Publictechnic-model administrative droid, C0-L4.

The choice was clear, or rather, it wasn't a choice at all. She needed to spin her research programs off into its own corporation, with its own HR department to manage its own paperwork:

Pick One:
[] Keep research in-house under 'Abyss Watcher' organization (Nope, too much paperwork)
[] Organize the materials & engineering program into its own corporate entity
-[] Svivreni-Shard Engineering (you might face a revolt from the other scientists)
-[] Write In (pick a new name for materials research company)

Reward: gain +1 Learning Action (Materials)

[X] Physical Training: At this point you're on par with your stronger associates, but you know that you have to keep improving. Chance of Success: 70%
-[X] Martial Arts (Stava): Now that you've saved Honoghr from Palpatine's bioweapons, you have a Noghri bodyguard/trainer willing to to teach you the native art of Stava, a martial arts style relying on speed and endurance to dodge attacks and counter with quick deadly strikes. Sounds exhausting. (Free Action this turn)

Rolled: 33 Reroll: 61 + 15 (Bonuses) = 76 (Success)

It had only been a few months since Honoghr, and the Noghri were already known among the Abyss Watchers as exceptionally fearsome fighters who could give even hardened Kaleesh warriors pause. Hrak'vokh was one of Honoghr's best, and held himself and his students to extremely high standards.

Even with Matukai to give herself an edge, Ciaran struggled to keep up. Stava was a brutal martial art, one that emphasized speed and endurance over all. The art was named after the apex predator of Honoghr, that won pride of place over the other lethal fauna by its sheer determination to kill its target whatever the cost. Rapid strikes, joint-locks, seemingly-effortless impossible leaps to dodge counterattacks and close in on prey… the martial art was well named.

Still, after a while and after many cuts and bruises, she began to understand. Twice she fought Hrak'vokh to a stalemate in melee, even if she leaned heavily on Matukai techniques to last that long. At least it was something, perhaps something that might turn the tide against other enemies like Palpatine.

Reward: Ciaran has gained the 'Stava Adept' trait.

[X] Force Training: You've certainly gotten stronger, but Mortis has taught you that you still have a long ways to go.
-[X] Blazing Chains (Advanced): Now that you actually know how to properly use Blazing Chains, Tyro has offered to put you through the higher-level training of the technique should you so desire. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Advanced-level Blazing Chains techniques learned

Rolled: 46 + 20 (Bonuses) = 66 (Success)

Mix thoroughly one rare lava crystal with a smattering of lightsaber and blaster parts in a moving meditation resembling mechu-deru. Then bring to a boil by wielding your entirely unconventional blaster in an equally unconventional fighting style taught by a veteran Blazing Chains pirate native to the Unknown Regions. The result: complete havoc, with a nice chaotic sauce. Also lava, a lot of it, and in all kinds of unexpected directions. (To be continued in 'Crystals Unchained')

[X] Design a Custom Blaster: You've been using a holdout pistol up to now but you know a meager blaster isn't going to cut it when it comes time to take on Palpatine. Spend some time in meditation to design a blaster that integrates that lava crystal you picked up on Dantooine ages ago, and see if you can make something with a bit more kick to it. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 50 Reward: Lava crystal-enhanced blaster installed

Rolled: 67 + 20 (Bonuses) = 87 (Success)

Ciaran thought she was going to take a few days in the workshop to build a fancy blaster with a fancy crystal. But then she snuck a peek at Galen's notes on crystallography. Most of it went over her head, but some of his work gave her… ideas. (To be continued in 'Crystals Unchained')

[X] Under The Knife: With the facilities of the Arkanian Legacy at their disposal, the Arkanians can easily genemod anyone you want to go through the process. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Selected Hero Unit genemodded
-[X] Quinlan: Apprehensive of the idea, but willing to go through with it to gain any sort of edge.
--[X] Gurlanin: Natives of Qiilura, this species descended from ambush predators is not only capable of shapeshifting into the form of nearly any other humanoid race, and camouflaging themselves perfectly in nearly any environment, they are also naturally attuned to the Force. And did I mention their 700 year lifespan? (Intrigue, enhanced lifespan, ???)

Rolled: 48 + 30 (Bonuses) = 78 (Success)

Quinlan Vos was 38 years old. In that time he had seen his parents murdered before his eyes, had been tortured into reliving the memory by his great-aunt, suffered total amnesia for months before slowly regaining his identity, briefly got enslaved by cultists and saved the galaxy from an apocalypse they tried to engineer, relived his parents' murder again to save his padawan and defeat a thousand-year-old Sith vampire, 'fell to the dark side' to join Count Dooku as Jedi double agent, on Dooku's orders relived his parents' murder again, fell to the dark side for real, killed his great-aunt, served Dooku as his pet assassin and Sith acolyte for some months before slowly regaining his conscience, but was ordered by the Jedi Council to continue serving as double-agent before Dooku finally contacted Lady Ciaran to ask her to deal with the troublesome Jedi.

As Quinlan would tell you, "it's not the year, it's the mileage."

But where a Kiffar of 38 years is a full-grown adult, a Gurlanin of 38 is barely a pup. Quinlan could barely remember a time when he woke up feeling so refreshed, as he sensed his old aches and pains receding. And that wasn't the only thing he gained from the genemod. (To be continued in 'CSI: Muunilinst')

[X] Cheriss Sair - The Art of the Droid: Granted, Cheriss' new mechu-deru abilites certainly speak for themselves but it couldn't hurt for other members of your organization to learn about them in more detail. Sadly, since she is currently the only one within it to fully master the ability, she'd have to commit to teaching this for the immediate future. (Uses Lore Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 150 Reward: Cheriss teaches mechu-deru to Abysswalkers and Agents, ???

Rolled: 43 + 20 (Bonuses) + 26 (Cheriss) = 89 (Success)

When Riphath invited Cheriss to teach a seminar aboard the Chu'unthor, to help agents and Force adepts how to use the Force for engineering, he wasn't entirely sure what to expect. But then she interrupted her inaugural lecture to rant about how the surest proof of the insanity of the Sith was in their failure to grasp the blatantly obvious potential of mechu-deru… and then interrupted that rant to explain what mechu-deru was… well, Riphath was neither insane nor a Sith, and pretty quickly saw the light.

Cheriss was hastily invited to stick around for the rest of the Conclave. (To be continued in 'The Conclave of Ancients')

[X] Galen Erso - Heart Of Kyber: With increased funding, access to your advanced laboratories, and a supply of kyber crystals to analyze, Galen can now set out on his life's work to understand the potential applications of kyber crystals. All he needs is approval and the money to do it. (Uses Learning Bonuses, Galen Erso must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 300 Reward: Kyber crystals analyzed by Galen, ???

Rolled: 77 + 30 (Bonuses) + 36 (Galen) = 143 (Massive Critical Success)

Somewhere across the galaxy, Orson Callan Krennic sneezed. (To be continued in 'Crystals Unchained')

[X] Quinlan Vos - Psychometrist Police: One in a hundred Kiffar possess the talent of psychometry, the ability to pick up vision's of an object's past by merely touching them. Quinlan's psychometry is highly advanced thanks to his Force sensitivity, but even a minor talent is an exceptional force multiplier for an investigator. Ask Quinlan to return to his homeworld and recruit Kiffar for the Abyss Watchers and/or for CNS law enforcement. (Uses Intrigue Bonuses, Quinlan Vos must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Kiffar investigators recruited

Rolled: 72 + 20 (Bonuses) + 36 (Quinlan) = 128 (Major Critical Success)

Quinlan does not have fond memories of his homeworld. Something about reliving his parents brutal murder four of five times due to his innate 'gift' of psychometry. But even Quinlan can admit that the ability can be useful, so long as it wasn't in the hands of vampire cultists… never mind. Returning to his homeworld wasn't exactly pleasant, but recruiting so many Kiffar investigators for Intrapol might turn out to be his greatest contribution to galactic peace, at least since that one time he prevented a literal apocalypse. (To be continued in 'CSI: Muunilinst')

5 Watcher teams 'died' to bring you this update

A/N: Meet the new quest, same as the old quest.

Also, a reminder: please suggest write-ins and vote on the new names for CNS law enforcement agency and your new materials & engineering corporation (and your medical research company, if you so choose). Here are the votes:

Pick One (Law Enforcement):
[] Interpol (Interstellar Criminal Police Organization)
[] Intrapol (Intragalactic Criminal Police Organization)
[] Write In (pick a unique name for the CNS law enforcement investigative service)

Pick One (Medical):
[] Keep research in-house under 'Karada' label
[] Move the medical research program into its own corporate spinoff, forming a new company
-[] Versuch Labs (cannot use the existing undercity labs due to PR concerns)
-[] Write In (pick a new name for medical research company)

Pick One (Materials):
[] Keep research in-house under 'Abyss Watcher' organization (Nope, too much paperwork)
[] Organize the materials & engineering program into its own corporate entity
-[] Svivreni-Shard Engineering
-[] Write In (pick a new name for materials research company)

Written by @Barondoctor @Publicola and me.
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I see the rolls haven't stopped their bullshit.

Now if you'll excuse me I must post the customary video of my reaction to Palpy's incoming aneurysm.

Damask Holdings can no longer hide its dark part, especially after a team found a reference to a remote vault-spire identified only as 'Aborah'.

"An actual volcano lair! I get that he was a Dark Lord of the Sith, but I thought he was a cunning diabolical mastermind, not a hammy supervillain from a cheesy holo-flick."
"You mean you don't want the volcano lair?"
"I never said that."

There are few things in the galaxy a pissed-off clone commando squad can't fix, and even fewer for a Jedi Knight Errant with a grudge against slavers.

There's no just thing as overkill, merely disappointment that you couldn't kill them more than once.

Suffice it to say, Padme and Anakin were enjoying their honeymoon. At least, they were before Ciaran holo-called to tell them that she needed Anakin to do some heroics and needed Padme to meet her in person.

I get the feeling that Ciaran's sort of like Blackhole in this, able to suddenly appear on any holo-device in the galaxy, even when it's set to private or turned off.

And if even that falls short, Ciaran can peek beneath the very fabric of reality and punch destiny in the face.

I think it's call getting ahold of the script and flipping through to the parts you haven't done yet.
Just a slight nitpick with the update.
He indicated the nose of the vehicle. "This sensor suite is going to change space combat forever. Never in any history of space combat I've been aware of has there been a ship which has put this much power or space into a sensor suite and comms equipment.
Thrawn is unaware of the existence of the ARC-170? And you might want to replace 'ship' with snub/starfighter.
Is there a grace period before voting?

[] Organize the materials & engineering program into its own corporate entity
-[] Bedrock Engineering

[] Move the medical research program into its own corporate spinoff, forming a new company
-[] EBM (Extra Briliant Medical)

No idea about the law enforcment name.
[X] Write In: Office of Verification, Examination, Records & Criminal Apprehension Special Tasks (OVERCAST)
[X] Keep research in-house under 'Karada' label
[X] Organize the materials & engineering program into its own corporate entity
-[X] Svivreni-Shard Engineering
Just a slight nitpick with the update.

Thrawn is unaware of the existence of the ARC-170? And you might want to replace 'ship' with snub/starfighter.
As a one-man fighter it's unprecedented. ARCs are also awkward and bulky and always deployed following GAR protocol so their strategic capabilities aren't being used.

It's a small difference but the distinction in utility can be huge.
[X] Interpol (Interstellar Criminal Police Organization)
[X] Keep research in-house under 'Karada' label
[X] Organize the materials & engineering program into its own corporate entity
-[X] Elden Engineering Alliance

Working from the Souls theme we used to go on, Elden translates as noble friend.
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OK. Its been a few days, but I have finally re read absolutely everything from the last two quests, omakes and informationals included. I'm glad to be up to date and totally refreshed.
Just as a way to 'gesture meaningfully in the direction of' not giving any spoilers whatsoever, here's the interlude count for next turn:

'The Conclave of Ancients' = the shindig for Jedi and other Force sects, also starring 'roaming Jedi', Jal Shey, Ossus, and mechu-deru
'Memories of Ruusan' = Ciaran's investigation into Corellian Jedi history

(These first two will be mini-arcs)

'Fire and Fury' = discrediting COMPOR, destroying COMPOR, then salting the earth
'The Battle of Corellia' = tracking & destroying the Malevolence
'Crystals Unchained' = Galen unlocking the mysteries of the universe, and Ciaran building the best gun ever.
'CSI: Muunilinst' = Kiffar investigations tracking down a Sith lair
'Mungo's Excellent Adventure' = Mungo Baobab goes to the Kathol Outback, starring seriously weird shit.
'You Get A Ship! Everybody Gets A Ship' = Raith Sienar does Oprah
[] Interpol (Interstellar Criminal Police Organization)
[] Keep research in-house under 'Karada' label
[] Organize the materials & engineering program into its own corporate entity
-[] Elden Engineering Alliance

Working from the Souls theme we used to go on, Elden translates as noble friend.
I like it.

[X] Write In: Office of Verification, Examination, Records & Criminal Apprehension Special Tasks (OVERCAST)
[X] Keep research in-house under 'Karada' label
[X] Organize the materials & engineering program into its own corporate entity
-[X] Elden Engineering Alliance

Edit:Changed the law enforcment agency name.
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