I was just looking, and if we get Crusader high enough, we might want to get spellblade as a PrC, in addition to Arcane Heirophant or Divine Theurge.
Your spell research rules. Do they mean that, if we want 'any' wizard spells, it's going to cost us $20,000 per spell level to learn them? Or do we just need to do the research for spells we don't get at level up?
[X] Go home and talk to Danny. Be cautious along the route, attempting to avoid people spotting you coming to land at your home. Convince Danny that you are, in fact, yourself, and that heading back to the school to clean up the Trigger site promptly is important.
-[X] Once Danny is on board, call the Protectorate, and ask them to send one hero out to meet a newly-triggered flying cape in the sky near Winslow high school, with recording equipment. You don't mind if they have other heroes watching to make sure this isn't an ambush, but you don't want any more than one getting close to you right now, you have trust issues. Once they arrive, have them personally witness and record the scene of the crime. Tell them that what they do with the recording and witness testimony will be fairly key in determining how trustworthy you see them as being.
Your spell research rules. Do they mean that, if we want 'any' wizard spells, it's going to cost us $20,000 per spell level to learn them? Or do we just need to do the research for spells we don't get at level up?
[X] Go home and talk to Danny. Be cautious along the route, attempting to avoid people spotting you coming to land at your home. Convince Danny that you are, in fact, yourself, and that heading back to the school to clean up the Trigger site promptly is important.
-[X] Once Danny is on board, call the Protectorate, and ask them to send one hero out to meet a newly-triggered flying cape in the sky near Winslow high school, with recording equipment. You don't mind if they have other heroes watching to make sure this isn't an ambush, but you don't want any more than one getting close to you right now, you have trust issues. Once they arrive, have them personally witness and record the scene of the crime. Tell them that what they do with the recording and witness testimony will be fairly key in determining how trustworthy you see them as being.