Taylor Hebert and Her Rather Sad Life [Worm/The Gamer/D&D3.5]

I was just looking, and if we get Crusader high enough, we might want to get spellblade as a PrC, in addition to Arcane Heirophant or Divine Theurge.

Your spell research rules. Do they mean that, if we want 'any' wizard spells, it's going to cost us $20,000 per spell level to learn them? Or do we just need to do the research for spells we don't get at level up?

[X] Go home and talk to Danny. Be cautious along the route, attempting to avoid people spotting you coming to land at your home. Convince Danny that you are, in fact, yourself, and that heading back to the school to clean up the Trigger site promptly is important.
-[X] Once Danny is on board, call the Protectorate, and ask them to send one hero out to meet a newly-triggered flying cape in the sky near Winslow high school, with recording equipment. You don't mind if they have other heroes watching to make sure this isn't an ambush, but you don't want any more than one getting close to you right now, you have trust issues. Once they arrive, have them personally witness and record the scene of the crime. Tell them that what they do with the recording and witness testimony will be fairly key in determining how trustworthy you see them as being.
Your spell research rules. Do they mean that, if we want 'any' wizard spells, it's going to cost us $20,000 per spell level to learn them? Or do we just need to do the research for spells we don't get at level up?

She already answered that in the post. The cost is in addition to the 2 we get per level by default.
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I was just looking, and if we get Crusader high enough, we might want to get spellblade as a PrC, in addition to Arcane Heirophant or Divine Theurge.

Your spell research rules. Do they mean that, if we want 'any' wizard spells, it's going to cost us $20,000 per spell level to learn them? Or do we just need to do the research for spells we don't get at level up?
Ones that you don't get on level up.
He already answered that in the post. The cost is in addition to the 2 we get per level by default.
She, if you don't mind.
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[X] Go home and talk to Danny. Be cautious along the route, attempting to avoid people spotting you coming to land at your home. Convince Danny that you are, in fact, yourself, and that heading back to the school to clean up the Trigger site promptly is important.
-[X] Once Danny is on board, call the Protectorate, and ask them to send one hero out to meet a newly-triggered flying cape in the sky near Winslow high school, with recording equipment. You don't mind if they have other heroes watching to make sure this isn't an ambush, but you don't want any more than one getting close to you right now, you have trust issues. Once they arrive, have them personally witness and record the scene of the crime. Tell them that what they do with the recording and witness testimony will be fairly key in determining how trustworthy you see them as being.
[X] Go home and talk to Danny. Be cautious along the route, attempting to avoid people spotting you coming to land at your home. Convince Danny that you are, in fact, yourself, and that heading back to the school to clean up the Trigger site promptly is important.
-[X] Once Danny is on board, call the Protectorate, and ask them to send one hero out to meet a newly-triggered flying cape in the sky near Winslow high school, with recording equipment. You don't mind if they have other heroes watching to make sure this isn't an ambush, but you don't want any more than one getting close to you right now, you have trust issues. Once they arrive, have them personally witness and record the scene of the crime. Tell them that what they do with the recording and witness testimony will be fairly key in determining how trustworthy you see them as being.
[X] Go home and talk to Danny. Be cautious along the route, attempting to avoid people spotting you coming to land at your home. Convince Danny that you are, in fact, yourself, and that heading back to the school to clean up the Trigger site promptly is important.
-[X] Once Danny is on board, call the Protectorate, and ask them to send one hero out to meet a newly-triggered flying cape in the sky near Winslow high school, with recording equipment. You don't mind if they have other heroes watching to make sure this isn't an ambush, but you don't want any more than one getting close to you right now, you have trust issues. Once they arrive, have them personally witness and record the scene of the crime. Tell them that what they do with the recording and witness testimony will be fairly key in determining how trustworthy you see them as being.

What's the appeal of New Wave? Aside from the massive risk, that they are also not recruiting, do you think they are going to casually cough up tens of thousands of dollars for our spell research?

@LordsFire , Open Lock will still need a 20 to open the simplest door. Same for Disable Device (though I can see when it could be used, it's very situational). Appraise does exactly what for us? A Magnifying Glass gives the same +2 there.

We can even hover, as per last update. Maxing Jump doesn't bring anything new to the table. Hell, flaping our wings would give a nice bônus. I'd say keep it at 2 If you must.

Martial Lore is pre-requisite for something? If we can research more manuevers and stances, fantastic, if not, well, we aren't likely to meet another Martial Adept.

Same for Knowledge History, why is it there? This is 2011, look it up on your smartphone. Unless, again, it is some prereq.

Now, Sense Motive is fantastically useful. It not only can tell you if someone is lying, if 'something is up', but also if someone is being Mastered.

If you happen to change Synesthete (which is actually damn good), and even if not, keep Spot at least maxed. Listen is always a good bet too.

Disguise would be mightly handy.

@edit: Like Darkness said, all the Bluff

For Psionic power, why not Charm? Enchantment is often the first to go, and making up to two people our BFFs for an hour has a ton of use. Could keep it secret too.

For Soulmeld, the Boots are pretty good, but Planar Ward or yet another +5 SR is awesome.
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For Soulmeld, the Boots are pretty good, but Planar Ward or yet another +5 SR is awesome.

Is that +5 to SR we already have, or SR= to HD/ECL+5.

I'll look over some of the other skills, but I'm kind of packing them in at the edges due to the short in-class skill list at this point.

Synesthete though, gives both some skill bonuses, and can make us resistant/immune to Cricket, Valefor, and anyone else who pulls out Gaze Attacks or other sensory-attack abilities.
[X] Go home and talk to Danny. Be cautious along the route, attempting to avoid people spotting you coming to land at your home. Convince Danny that you are, in fact, yourself, and that heading back to the school to clean up the Trigger site promptly is important.
-[X] Once Danny is on board, call the Protectorate, and ask them to send one hero out to meet a newly-triggered flying cape in the sky near Winslow high school, with recording equipment. You don't mind if they have other heroes watching to make sure this isn't an ambush, but you don't want any more than one getting close to you right now, you have trust issues. Once they arrive, have them personally witness and record the scene of the crime. Tell them that what they do with the recording and witness testimony will be fairly key in determining how trustworthy you see them as being.

EDIT: will we get a proper character sheet soon?
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Is that +5 to SR we already have, or SR= to HD/ECL+5.

I'll look over some of the other skills, but I'm kind of packing them in at the edges due to the short in-class skill list at this point.

Synesthete though, gives both some skill bonuses, and can make us resistant/immune to Cricket, Valefor, and anyone else who pulls out Gaze Attacks or other sensory-attack abilities.
No comment on skills?

Nevermind, SR doesn't stack. And our Protection from Evil also Wards against mental control.

There is the Blink Shirt, at will teleport 10 feet. Unlimited Anklet of Translocation.

You are right, reading the description, it is a nice trick. Nearly what Skitter does with bugs.
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we aren't likely to meet another Martial Adept.

If parahuman powers are considered divine magic, I don't think it's a stretch that something might be represented using martial maneuvers (especially since the martial options in 3.5 without weeaboo fightan magic are pretty poor). It's not like powers are the only means of combat; for all the Tinker gear Armsmaster has in his halberd, he still is (at least in part) going to be attacking with a halberd. Being able to recognise what someone is doing at a given time is useful, especially in combat; sure, it's not as great as Spellcraft, and probably shouldn't be kept up to level, but it's worth throwing some points into while it's a class skill.
No comment on skills?

Nevermind, SR doesn't stack. And our Protection from Evil also Wards against mental control.

There is the Blink Shirt, at will teleport 10 feet. Unlimited Anklet of Translocation.

You are right, reading the description, it is a nice trick. Nearly what Skitter does with bugs.

I'm thinking about replacing a Jump with a Craft skill. Disguise and Gather Information would be useful, but are out of class.
If parahuman powers are considered divine magic, I don't think it's a stretch that something might be represented using martial maneuvers (especially since the martial options in 3.5 without weeaboo fightan magic are pretty poor). It's not like powers are the only means of combat; for all the Tinker gear Armsmaster has in his halberd, he still is (at least in part) going to be attacking with a halberd. Being able to recognise what someone is doing at a given time is useful, especially in combat; sure, it's not as great as Spellcraft, and probably shouldn't be kept up to level, but it's worth throwing some points into while it's a class skill.

Pretty much this. Getting our modifier up high enough to reliably make DC 15-20 checks is good, just in case.
I'm thinking about replacing a Jump with a Craft skill. Disguise and Gather Information would be useful, but are out of class.

Pretty much this. Getting our modifier up high enough to reliably make DC 15-20 checks is good, just in case.
The description I found of synesthete says that our face has to be uncovered to use it because its the skin on our face that receives the input. That is going to make it absolutely useless in costume.
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I'm thinking about replacing a Jump with a Craft skill. Disguise and Gather Information would be useful, but are out of class.

Well, we're going to be making Disguise rolls unless we go full New Wave, and Taylor is for good and for ill pretty physically distinctive at this point. Considering she had a sudden overnight massive physique change and there's a new cape that fits her new description, you don't need to be a mathematician to suggest some relationship between two, two, and four.

If we're adding on a further Craft skill, Armorsmithing or Clothesmaking would probably be useful, since we're going to address the matter of costumes sooner or later and I'm personally in favour of something better than a bedsheet with eyeholes. Also depending on what skills the QM allows for a modern period, Craft (Computer program) is a great addition to daily life.
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My beef is exactly with the quest revolving around the exact same thing Taylor Heber Adventurer does, that is dealing with Ward bullshit. The updates are slow, the Wards prevent anything meaningfull happening, they even try to prevent Taylor from earning any money, and yeah they are un-canon like in that quest.
Yeah, I really need to up the tempo on shit happening. But I that's off topic.

Anyway, a plan:
[X]Fly into the bad part of town. Acquire a blunt object for an improvised club, and start looking for a crime to stop. Nonlethally, of course.
-[X]Assuming success, use thugs Cell phone to call PRT for pickup and introduce yourself to the PRT.
-[X]Assuming Cape intervention and/or inability to find criminals, fly home and talk to Danny, and try to convince him you are who you're Taylor, and then call the PRT to deal with the mess you left behind at the school.

Taylor didn't want to join the Wards for until she had proven herself in canon, so I think going out and collaring a bad guy and using his phone would be good. It also allows Taylor a slight possibility of keeping her original identity secret from the PRT if so desired (she's not using her home phone). Also, extra XP from beating up the thugs. Given her DR and ability to heal, common thugs really shouldn't be too much of a challenge, and she can always fly away if it gets too much. Only enemy flier of note is Purity, who's currently estranged from the E88.
A couple things that are really bothering me about this current debate:

1: People ignoring the fact that somebody needs to do something about the 'scene of the crime' at Winslow. Leaving that for somebody else to find will result in questions being asked, and a non-zero chance of somebody figuring out Taylor has triggered. Important question being who finds the scene, and who else they show it to before the evidence is 'spoiled.'

2: Lots of people equating going and talking to the PRT now with joining the Wards.

So, I'm going to propose my own plan.

[X] Go home and talk to Danny. Be cautious along the route, attempting to avoid people spotting you coming to land at your home. Convince Danny that you are, in fact, yourself, and that heading back to the school to clean up the Trigger site promptly is important.
-[X] Once Danny is on board, call the Protectorate, and ask them to send one hero out to meet a newly-triggered flying cape in the sky near Winslow high school, with recording equipment. You don't mind if they have other heroes watching to make sure this isn't an ambush, but you don't want any more than one getting close to you right now, you have trust issues. Once they arrive, have them personally witness and record the scene of the crime. Tell them that what they do with the recording and witness testimony will be fairly key in determining how trustworthy you see them as being.

So, this plan will let us establish ourselves as a none-villain cape, while keeping our identity largely secret, and seeing what happens when we attempt to set the wheels of justice in motion. It also establishes us to the Protectorate/PRT as someone who will need to be courted if they want us on their side, rather than simply aggressively recruited.

This is the build that won:
Taylor Hebert and Her Rather Sad Life [Worm/The Gamer/D&D3.5] | Page 6

And this is the maneuver/Skill/etc build currently winning:
Taylor Hebert and Her Rather Sad Life [Worm/The Gamer/D&D3.5] | Page 17
Several issues with this:
1) This assumes Danny is at home, instead of working.
2) That we can convince him in a reasonable amount of time without him calling PRT
3) That PRT will send someone alone to a place near a high school without first alerting Sophia of the potential situation. New capes are unknown and unstable. For all they know we are setting the place of meeting there so we can show off by blowing the school up.
4) That PRT won't trace the call

The fastest and easiest solution is to go to PRT and let them deal with the situation.
Several issues with this:
1) This assumes Danny is at home, instead of working.
2) That we can convince him in a reasonable amount of time without him calling PRT
3) That PRT will send someone alone to a place near a high school without first alerting Sophia of the potential situation. New capes are unknown and unstable. For all they know we are setting the place of meeting there so we can show off by blowing the school up.
4) That PRT won't trace the call

The fastest and easiest solution is to go to PRT and let them deal with the situation.

1) I'm pretty sure that it was mentioned it's already after school at this point?
2) Taylor has what, a +9 Diplomacy roll? Diplomacy and Bluff are among the most powerful skills in 3.5.
3) We specifically say "it's okay to send more than one person if you're nervous, just only one of them can be close in". I'm not adding on there, it's in the vote.
4) Make the call from a phone box or a library or even the school itself.
I say we do something different, we make our own gang:

The Celestials!
Going for our own team is a good mid-term goal, but right now we have the downside of being a total unknown, so our recruitment pool is rather small. First we need to go on some small tasks, try and breach first level and get into spellcasting; at even first-level spells, we have all the tools we need to show Taylor as the ungodly combination of highly versatile, stronger with time, and a massive middle finger to the Manton effect.

Though with people seeing us as a sensible independent choice also comes people seeing us as a threat, especially in the unstable equilibrium of Brockton Bay.

Plus, Leadership requires CL 6.
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[X] Go straight to the PRT. She might not want to be involved with high school 2.0, but if anyone could help herhave a secret identity it would be them.