"I'm sorry, Miss Militia, but I don't think the Wards are for me right now." Taylor said, shaking her head slightly. She had so much to do, so much to achieve, and she couldn't see the PRT helping with that right now. Maybe later, but definitely not now. "I wouldn't be opposed to working together or anything, though." Taylor continued, wincing a little internally at Miss Militia's disappointed look.
"Well, I do hope you reconsider the matter. But I can see that I'm not going to convince you to do that, so instead I'll just say thanks for hitting the Empire harder than they've been hit in years." Miss Militia said, and offered Taylor her hand. She shook it, and left Glory Girl a way to contact her, then departed. The flight back to land gave her a chance to think over her goals - she could do so much with her powers, that she was certain. Now that she could make magical items, she could parlay her spell casting abilities into the powers of pseudo tinker.
Thinking back, she remembered some theoretical setting that used magic as presented in the rulebooks, rather than what the dumbass wizards in official settings did. Being only a single person, she couldn't change society quite so rapidly, but without a dungeon master to act as a check on her power; she could take the crafting system into places that it was never intended to go. First off - no restrictions on what she could make as a custom magic item. She already had a few plans - custom magic items of Mage Armour were the classic examples of munchkinery using the crafting rules for a reason. At roughly two hundred US dollars to the metric ton, or ten gp, she could use the scrap steel in the boat graveyard as fuel for her crafting.
Which, of course, was going to be bigger than a force-field granting amulet. Because with her Craft Wondrous Items feat not only could she create a whole plethora of magical items, she could create magical traps. Now, that might not sound very impressive - and used as intended, it probably wouldn't be.
That is, until you realise that she could put any sort of spell she wanted in one to have a reusable use-activated magic item for a fraction of it's usual cost. She needed to cast the Alarm spell of course, but she could then use it to craft traps of, say, Cure Light Wounds or Stabilize and revolutionise trauma medicine forever. Hell, she could have an army of dedicated wrights making things for her in a plane of sped-up time eventually. The bottom line was that, in addition to all her other powers, she was a crazy strong tinker who could make insanely good stuff for a relatively cheap cost in literally anything. She was fairly certain that she could craft up magical items out of whatever she wanted the item to be and a sufficiently large ammount of cash if it came to it, though something denser like cocaine at roughly sixty dollars a gram would be better.
She could even still patrol whilst making stuff, since only eight hours a day could be spent crafting. Plus, she was fairly certain that she just had to be near the item to craft it - not actually actively doing anything. When she'd thought about crafting before, a little crafting menu had popped up the side of her vision, with 'buttons' for material components, final item, and 'start'.
She could even craft 'normal' tinker tech, with the appropriate feats - and thanks the Arms and Equipment Guide, they could be made for ten thousand gp a pop, plus five thousand per prerequisite - and skills. The Craft (Mechanical) skill requirements were rather high, but there were ways to solve that.
She landed, her head full of ideas about all the wonderful things she could make, and cast Alter Self on herself; then started walking towards her house. She now looked like an average looking, if a little tall, human male; though she was actually taking the form of an Aasimar. She stopped at the sight of a few skinheads in Empire colours following someone into a back alley. She cast FIst of Stone, and followed them, walking fast across the street. An asian man, wearing ABB colours, was backing up against the back wall of the alleyway - it was one way - and reaching into his pocket. Taylor sighed internally.
"Thric Mitne!" Taylor shouted, magical darkness covering the alleyway at her command. She, with her darkvision, could see perfectly well in the darkness but the members of both gangs were effectively blind. Panicking, the sole ABB member drew his gun and fired, but hit nothing. The skinheads simply tried to look around, one reaching for the side wall of the alley, as Taylor charged at them. Her fist collided with the first skinhead's face, and he collapsed. Another blindly swung at her, but missed, and she dealt with him with another quick punch.
The ABB member fired again, hitting the sole remaining skinhead in the chest by pure chance. Taylor rushed forward and launched a high kick, sending him flying back into the alley wall. He slides down it, knocked out. One of the skinheads lies on the floor of the alley, blood pooling beneath him; but he's still alive for the moment. Taylor runs to him, her druidic magic curing his wounds and restoring him to consciousness, only to be punched in the face by her and returned to unconsciousness. She restrained the various gang members, and brought them out of the alley. She disarmed them, dismissed her Alter Self and piled all their various weapons off to one side. She pulled out the burner mobile phone she'd bought, and called the number she'd been given for the BBPD cape hotline; and called in the arrest.
Soon enough she was a thousand dollars richer, and home. She said hello to her dad, talked to him a bit about his day, ate dinner, and went to sleep. What would she do tomorrow?
You may choose three options, per day for three days, one of which must be a patrol of some kind. You have $22,090, and your current take 10 spellcraft DC is 25. Note that I'm letting spellcraft count for technological items, too; representing you accessing your own tinker powers.
[x] Cape 'Shopping'
[x] Basic weapons. Examples include baseball bats. Does not deal nonlethal damage. Costs $30
[x] Basic lair supplies. Storage space, simple furniture and locks. Costs $200
[x] Nonlethal weapons. Examples include a police-standard taser. Costs $1000
[x] Patrol/Look For Encounters
[x] ABB Territory
[x] E88 Territory
[x] Near the Boardwalk
[x] Merchants Territory
[x] With Glory Girl
[x] Call Protectorate
[x] Join Wards
[x] Craft Something
[x] Nonmagical arms and armour. Access to tinkertech requires reverse engineering of a specific tinker shard. Locks in option until it's done.
[x] Write in specific item(s). Needs 1/3 the market value in materials. 1 GP = $20. For modern guns and such, use the real life price.
[x] Magical Item
[x] Wondrous Item:
[x] Write In
[x] Magic Item Trap
[x] Write In
[x] Do Spell Research
[x] 3.5, PF, or 3.0 Spell.
[x] Parahuman Power:
[x] The Stalking Shadows: Standard action to cast, gain the supernatural ability to become incorporeal as a swift action for rounds/caster level, whilst incorporeal gain vulnerability to electricity and any attacks dealing any amount of electricity damage treat you as if you were not incorporeal. Duration: 1 hour per spell point used to fuel matrix. Level Three Spell Matrix. Total cost: $60,ooo. Total Time: 3 days. May use Boat Graveyard to fulfil cost requirement.
[x] Princess Clad in Radiance: Standard action to cast, gain a supernatural ability that allows you, as a free action on your turn, clad yourself in a personal force field that renders you totally immune to almost any single attack. This also gives you a +16 Enhancement Bonus to strength, and your unarmed strikes deal 1d8+STR lethal damage. If you have Improved Unarmed Strike, you may instead strike nonlethally. You also, at the activation of this ability, gain an aura that over a period of time may influence others; and can be used to give yourself a +10 circumstance. You also gain a +60ft Enhancement bonus to flight speed, granting you a flight speed with Maneuverability: Good if you do not already have one. Duration: 1 hour/Spell point used to fuel the matrix. Requires 20 spell points spent minimum. Seventh Level Spell Matrix. Total Cost: $140,000. Total Time: 1 Week. May Use Boat Graveyard to fulfil cost requirement.
Could we create a Custom Item that replicates the effect of a Ring of Sustenance? Ie, reduced need for sleep, no food or drink, etc?
For example, in the form of an amulet or belt?
Could we create a Custom Item that replicates the effect of a Ring of Sustenance? Ie, reduced need for sleep, no food or drink, etc?
For example, in the form of an amulet or belt?
would being able to emulate it, such as by using limited wish, count? (obviously limited wish is too far ahead and costly. but I would rather know before I start tearing through content looking for a cheaper emulation option)
We shouldn't do that. What we should do is make that peace bonding stuff for everyone we know who could use and and get it moving through the pipeline. Then Vicky can haymaker nazi and asian nazi punks.
Based on the GM's statement, I strongly suggest researching the Create Food and Water spell. An Amulet of Sustenance would be fairly useful not only for ourselves (it's 6 additional hours per day with which we can do all sorts of stuff), Armsmaster - and likely a fair number of other people as well - would probably be willing to give an arm and a leg for items like that as well.
Based on the GM's statement, I strongly suggest researching the Create Food and Water spell. An Amulet of Sustenance would be fairly useful not only for ourselves (it's 6 additional hours per day with which we can do all sorts of stuff), Armsmaster - and likely a fair number of other people as well - would probably be willing to give an arm and a leg for items like that as well.
A good plan. Creates a healing trap that we can demonstrate and potentially sell. I wonder if it might be worth adding a subvote there to make sure no one follows Taylor (just a random thought since the possibility of losing access to the boat graveyard was brought up in the debate. Its probably unlikely, but even so). Patrol with GG makes sense. We have backup, and it also hopefully has the bonus of getting Taylor a friend. And preparing to take out merchants is a good choice, since they are indeed the weakest group in BB.
I wonder if we could try to convince GG or even New Wave to help take out Merchants? Not sure we absolutely need them, but working together like that might help create an "alliance" of sorts with them. Getting Panaceas help to confirm that our healing trap does nothing bad would also likely help speed up its acceptance.
Actually, I also wonder what Amy will think about the healing trap? It won't exactly make her obsolete (I don't think it cures diseases), but it will significantly reduce her workload. Though odds are we will create a cure disease trap eventually too, at which point she is basically fully obsolete.
On one hand, it will be good when she won't feel constant pressure to heal constantly. On the other hand though, taking away one of the major things she had going for her that she believed made her a hero could make her mental issues even worse, and with nothing else to use her power on, she might feel an urge to start creating new creatures/plants leading to all sorts of problems. Dunno what to do about that. Could we create magical gear that would allow her to accompany GG on patrols perhaps?
Something to work towards then. More hours/day would be beneficial. Also, this is another object that we could probably sell for considerable amount.
A general question. Are there any limits on what can be put into traps? Could we for example create a trap of mage armor (minor brute power to everyone) ? Or trap of Invisibility (stranger power)? Or trap of Longstrider (mover). Also, is it possible to use domain spells and/or spell-like abilities to fullfill the requirement for item creation? Could we create traps of shield, protection from evil, bless or aid.
I wonder if we could try to convince GG or even New Wave to help take out Merchants? Not sure we absolutely need them, but working together like that might help create an "alliance" of sorts with them. Getting Panaceas help to confirm that our healing trap does nothing bad would also likely help speed up its acceptance.
The Merchants, despite their usual place in Worm stories and quests as lowly springboards, are both not easy to find and not simple pushovers. They know enough to not let others find them as you can tell from their lack of being dead when Kaiser and the Empire 88 are around, and ultimately they are a symptom of issues rather than a real cause. As canon says:
5.01 said:
Another group arrived, and it was like you could see a wave of distaste wash over the faces in the room. I had seen references on the web and news articles about these guys, but they weren't the sort you took pictures of. Skidmark, Mush, Squealer. Two guys and a girl, the lot of them proving that capes weren't necessarily attractive, successful or immune to the influences of substance abuse. Hardcore addicts and dealers who happened to have superpowers.
It should be noted that Whirlygig despite not coming to the meeting with the rest of the Merchants was active pre-Leviathan. If the Merchants are taken out others grow to replace them quickly, and their slipperiness means that it is not worth putting a major amount of effort into going after them while the Empire 88 and the ABB are still around.
Of course with Taylor's powers in this Quest it is still useful to consider going after them, but unless she can give a good reason to the New Wave group along the lines of "My powers are constantly growing based off of actual combat, kind of like Dauntless, and I have good enough proof to make you leave your jobs and stop being a defunct hero group" they definitely won't be wanting to help much, and even if such a request is somehow granted New Wave has nothing to help track down the Merchant capes, which is mostly what is needed.
I do think it would be funny though if Taylor's first defeat came from someone Skidmark, with his fields he could prevent her from closing in and force her to flee pretty well, and if Mush is near trash he will be a major threat as well, not to mention some of Squealers tech and Whirlygig's potential.
Actually, I also wonder what Amy will think about the healing trap? It won't exactly make her obsolete (I don't think it cures diseases), but it will significantly reduce her workload. Though odds are we will create a cure disease trap eventually too, at which point she is basically fully obsolete.
Will one of each trap cure all levels of woulds indefinitely and quickly without needing replacement ever? Even if that is the case it would be simple to sell them outside of the bay where there are not healers of Panacea's level, which would avoid these issues.