[X] How man triumphed over the dangers of nature. (Gain Beast-slaying (Fad))
I like this one. We will, in many ways, be helpless against he whims of nature for a long time to come.
If the winters get worse we might have to leave our valley as the White Clans did.
When we start with agriculture our first few failed harvests will hurt.
And for a long time bears and other dangerous animals will cost us hunters whenever we meet them without great luck. I mean, bears and boars are still a serious risk for hunters even millenia later. We will have losses there.
So we have to deal with that, recover and strike out anew. This will pair well with Perseverance and in time we will tame our environment.
They are still supremely awkward around each other in private, though they managed to make it work in public. Mind you, it's not that they can't stand each other or something, just that neither of them was in any way prepared or ready to be suddenly married and both have no idea how to act as husband/wife.
Edit: Updated the factions
Mood +4
Influence -2
Mood +2
White Clans
Mood +1
Generally everyone is quite happy about how things went.
[X] How cunning and preparation carried the day. (Gain Planning (Fad))
[X] How the beast was felled by many working together. (Gain Cooperation (Fad))
I don't mind which of the above wins, as both are viable and helpful in different ways given we still the difficult task of integrating the tribes more fully, though similar to Alexander's policy, this will likely only really start coming about when children start being born and growing up. Given the length of the turns though, this will take quite a long time. Planning and cooperation though are central to civilization and social growth, as you need to both rely upon others and plan well to work efficiently.
I'm afraid that you won't get an advanced Fad out of a tie.
Since I don't have much time today and need to prepare quite a few things for the transition to the pop-system, the vote will hopefully be decided by the time I can sit down for the next update.
[x] How it was new weapons and ideas that overcame the beast. (Gain Experimentation (Fad))
[X] How the beast was felled by many working together. (Gain Cooperation (Fad))
[X] How cunning and preparation carried the day. (Gain Planning (Fad))
[X] How cunning and preparation carried the day. (Gain Planning (Fad))
[X] How it was new weapons and ideas that overcame the beast. (Gain Experimentation (Fad))
[X] How cunning and preparation carried the day. (Gain Planning (Fad))
As the feasting petered out, every last villager and clansman knew the story of the hunt by heart. All agreed that it was the careful planning that went into it which had secured the great success and while no one doubted the bravery of those that had set out to slay it, they knew that bravado alone would not have been enough. Just as the last dredges of the beasts had been consumed and all the bones and claws distributed among the hunters as proof of their deed, the crisp coldness of winter left the valley. The sun was shedding true warmth again, not only pushing back the cold and snow and ice began to thaw. So the council and the clans chieftain came together while the river could still be walked over, the clansmen telling of how treacherous it would be to cross the swelling waters in the coming days.
The councils hut looked quite different now then it did when they had first started with this practice. Around Winter-Sun sat only five others, all the supporters the elder still had left among the tribe, and each of them glared balefully at the clansmen in attendance. They were not many, most trusting Tall-Peak and Red-Wolf to see to their interests, though among the hunters and the matrons, a few had decided to come in person, while their leaders sat to Snow-Fox's right and left. Meanwhile Crocus had to actually send away a few people, her section of the hut filling up completely and threatening to spill over into the other areas. No one had expected this development on that night as the council had been founded and while it had weathered the challenges admirably, many were wondering how it might look by the time their children would sit with it.
Like often these days, it was Crocus who opened the gathering, her voice being the best way to quieten her many supporters. "Spring comes and the stocks are full, yet we should not expect them to stay that way. We have many hunters, but little else these days."
Both Tall-Peak and Red-Wolf tried to answer her statement, in the end the Skaog deferring to her superior. "The village know other ways for food? In mountains, game is plenty except in winter. We never needing other ways."
"We used to gather the plants while they grew, especially after coming to the valley. And we had the younger people use spears to hunt the fish in the river as it was not frozen. Though most people who did these things have become hunters now," Snow-Fox trailed off as he glanced at Winter-Sun, who glowered at him for one reason or another. The elder kept quite these days, not really seeing a point in arguing anymore, though he still was treated like a vengeful spirit that could rage at the slightest provocation, cutting many talks short.
"We could train many of us matrons. Most of the hunters dress their kills themselves these days and there is not that much work to do in the village anymore. Or we could take up making spears and tools, so that you don't need to waste time on that." As Crocus looked behind her, there were only eager nods by the other matrons and especially the younger girls and boys who had begun to align themselves with her. Even a few hunters were sitting in her part of the council these days.
Red-Wolf seemed pretty please by this suggestion, her desire to better arm the clans' hunters no secret. "Would be good. Hunters still few after losses, so less other work would help." She paused for a moment and looked first to Snow-Fox, who nodded at her to proceed and then at Winter-Sun, who averted his eyes from her as if her looks were poison. "Did village ever think about trading night-stone? Clans in mountains and Goat Men often trade sharp-stone for meat when meeting."
The matron though about it for a moment, then shook her head. "Hauling enough down the mountains to make a difference would be more arduous then making more food on our own. Though maybe it would still be good to send someone there. To get to know each other and prevent misunderstandings at least."
Thus finally, Winter-Sun decided to inject himself into the discussion, his patience worn thin. "So we should gather even more mountain-cannibals to suckle on our teats? Isn't it enough for you to let them into this hut and acting as if they had a say in our tribe's decisions?"
Quiet reigned for a bit, before Snow-Fox very slowly and carefully spoke what many had on their mind. "That we try to be one tribe by having a council and a chieftain is a bit odd indeed. Maybe we should change something there and give them a seat."
As those words were spoken, it was then unanimously decided to adjourn the meeting until Winter-Sun no longer tried to lunge at the hunter.
The first winter has passed and the people try to regain their footing. What would they do in the coming spring?
Location: Clearing in the forest near a river bend.
Size: Medium Tribe
Development: Sturdy wattle and daub Village
- Wattle Fence
- nearby Obsidian deposit
- nearby Loam deposit
Stability: 8 / 10
Mood: 7 / 10
Dominant Factions: Matrons and White Clans
You currently have 2 units of Hunters and 3 units of Workers to assign task to.
[] Hunters:
-[] Keep hunting.
-[] Explore the surroundings.
--[] Write-In where.
[] Workers:
-[] Train the workers to do more specialized things:
--[] Train Hunters
--[] Train Fishers
--[] Train Woodcrafters
--[] Train Night-Stone-Crafters
--[] Train Gatherers
-[] Build something
--[] Hunting camps and trails (0/3 completed) - Increases hunting output.
--[] Build the place for the dead (0/1 completed)
--[] Expand the village to accommodate the clans. (0/2 completed)
-[] Survey your surroundings.
[] Snow-Fox:
-[] Aid the hunters. (Increases hunting output)
-[] Aid the construction of camps and trails. (Counts as one worker worth of effort.)
-[] Explore your surroundings.
--[] Write-In where.
You have also one action that can be performed by the council:
[] Council:
-[] Try to make contact with the White Clans in the mountains.
-[] Try to make contact with the Goat-Men. (Requires exploration action to be performed.)
-[] Reform the council to accommodate the White-Clans.
-[] Try to increase a factions influence:
--[] Hunters
--[] Matrons
--[] Elders
--[] White Clans
-[] Try to reduce a factions influence:
--[] White Clans
-[] Speak with the White Clans to learn more about their desires and expectations of the union.
-[] Do nothing.
AN: Plan-format only. The clans are quite eager to secure their weapons supply and will likely retrain one of their workers for that. Running out of goods to support the hunters will lower their efficiency, thus potentially causing food shortages.
Hmm @Azel
Will you have to change this part of the system again as we get larger? Because having a table and stuff for one village is one thing but multiple CITIES would make it cumbersome.
Hmm @Azel
Will you have to change this part of the system again as we get larger? Because having a table and stuff for one village is one thing but multiple CITIES would make it cumbersome.
The resolution will gradually go down as time progresses and things fall under the table. Keep in mind that settlements can encompass large tracts of land, so I doubt you will get more then 4 to 5 distinct areas under your control before the Iron Age, the other conquests being quietly rolled into the existing areas.
[X] Plan Building a Future
-[X] Hunters:
--[X] Keep hunting.
--[X] Keep hunting. x2
-[X] Workers:
--[X] Build the place for the dead (0/1 completed)
--[X] Expand the village to accommodate the clans. (0/2 completed)
--[X] Expand the village to accommodate the clans. (0/2 completed) x2
-[X] Snow-Fox:
--[X] Aid the construction of camps and trails. (Counts as one worker worth of effort.)
-[X] Council:
--[X] Speak with the White Clans to learn more about their desires and expectations of the union.
Double hunting to build a food reserve. Then the burial place to deal with the corpses from the war, and expand the village so the clans are included rather than excluded.
Snow Fox starts the logistics project.
And then we talk. Again, not forcing the union yet. We need to come to some compromise and that'd be easier when they're living by our ways and dealing with the dead our way too.