That was a super lucky crit, and it seems like we have been relying on those to save our hides lately. :V
I imagine this is the death throes of the Elders, now that it was shoved in the face of the tribe that they could be overruled with little issue.

On the subject of the fad:

[X] How the beast was felled by many working together. (Gain Cooperation (Fad))

This seems like the greatest thing to get right now.
Our factions are still in a shitty mood all around, and a greater idea of "working together = good" can only help.
This also might bring some synergy with the Clans ideal, in that we could attempt to co-opt some of that tight nit bonding found in the Clans towards the Tribe as a whole.

Anything that increases the chances of aggressive factions or successful internal shenanigans are a no go from me, so Leadership and Planning is out.
Experimentation makes us more malleable, which while letting us get better traits easier also makes it easier to pick up shitty traits or lose good ones. No thanks.
Beast Slayer gives us a penalty towards a potentially broad swathe of people, which is something we should be trying to avoid since we still have Ruthless sitting around.
Change in burial practices proposed. Perseverance Ideal trigger Stability Check:
100 - 30 (Existing Instability) - 20 (Elder Agitation) = 50
Critical Success.
Stability increased.
New practic garners widespread support.

I like this mechanic, no malus to the check from the Perseverance just a trigger.

This means it's only really a problem when we change on the backfoot (like now :p), for growth/aggressive change it's perfectly fine.
[X] How man triumphed over the dangers of nature. (Gain Beast-slaying (Fad))
[X] How it was new weapons and ideas that overcame the beast. (Gain Experimentation (Fad))

IDK if we can approval vote, but Beast slaying sounds awesome and Humanity FUCK YEA!

And Experimentation lets us get rid of Traits more easily which is useful to get rid of cannibalism
And it makes us more scientific and it also probably has an odd synergy with Perseverance.

Beast Slaying also has an Anti Religious nature, in that it venerates Mankind and its abilities rather than The esoteric.
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[X] How it was new weapons and ideas that overcame the beast. (Gain Experimentation (Fad))

Success binds us together, Snow and Res both want this to succeed and are supporting each other.

We are in a new location, in an age where there is a lot to discover. Nightstone was new to both original groups despite the White Clans long term presence, as was traps, wooden structures, waterproofing etc.

If both groups get creative then we have even the Elders making use of a Whiteclan invention.
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That was a super lucky crit, and it seems like we have been relying on those to save our hides lately. :V
I imagine this is the death throes of the Elders, now that it was shoved in the face of the tribe that they could be overruled with little issue.
It seems to me that the dice have decided you've been starving and freezing in the dog-house long enough. Never say that RNGesus doesnt know mercy.

I actually like it that way. The many early hardships followed by some lucky breaks make for a better story then everything ultra-succeeding at first and then imploding.

In regards to the elders, that's it. They are done for. I'm going to update the frontpage tomorrow and they will fall to influence 1, clinging to that only by virtue of their council seat.

This here was their chance to rebound by being the voice of tradition for the villagers and forging an alliance of convenience with the conservative clansmen who try to preserve their culture. Instead their increasingly shrill screeching made them look like useless tools and nobody wants to be anywhere near those fools. They pretty much sunk their own cause.

I like this mechanic, no malus to the check from the Perseverance just a trigger.

This means it's only really a problem when we change on the backfoot (like now :p), for growth/aggressive change it's perfectly fine.
It technically is a huge malus by virtue of having to roll at all. That can bite you badly when you are already in bad circumstances and need to do some drastic changes, especially when the realm is in disarray already.

This check had very good odds of undoing the progress made by the crit from last chapter, since every result below 50 costs you stability. It could only succeed by critting, otherwise it was a check to determine solely the degree of failure.
and it also probably has an odd synergy with Perseverance.

Definitely looking forward to this.
Adhoc vote count started by Deliste on Jun 23, 2018 at 9:52 PM, finished with 1159 posts and 26 votes.

  • [X] Embrace the practice. Come spring, build a central place for all remains to be gathered and encourage everyone to burn their dead and inter their remains there.
    [X] Allow it to continue for now. Any new dead will be buried as their kin sees fit and as the remembrance of the fighting fades, the skulls and bones can be disposed.
    [X] How it was new weapons and ideas that overcame the beast. (Gain Experimentation (Fad))
    [X] Embrace the practice. Come spring, build a central place for all remains to be gathered and encourage everyone to burn their dead and inter their remains there.
    [X] Allow it to continue for now. Any new dead will be buried as their kin sees fit and as the remembrance of the fighting fades, the skulls and bones can be disposed.
    [X] How the beast was felled by many working together. (Gain Cooperation (Fad))
    [X] How man triumphed over the dangers of nature. (Gain Beast-slaying (Fad))
Experimentation and its evolutions encourage you to try new things.
Perseverance punishes you for doing new things.

It's not impossible to reconcile these with each other or I wouldn't have offered the option, but prepare yourself for a rough ride.
Experimentation and its evolutions encourage you to try new things.
Perseverance punishes you for doing new things.

It's not impossible to reconcile these with each other or I wouldn't have offered the option, but prepare yourself for a rough ride.

The People know that good
things are worth hard work.

I'll take a Stability check or two for overall increased success with better tools, better techniques etc.
Less hunger, less death and injury, more plenty meaning more to experiment with, better moods and less complaining meaning easier Stability checks.
When that -20 Elder attitude becomes a +20 for The Best Things Have Ever Been it's not so scary.
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[X] How man triumphed over the dangers of nature. (Gain Beast-slaying (Fad))
[X] How it was new weapons and ideas that overcame the beast. (Gain Experimentation (Fad))
[X] How it was new weapons and ideas that overcame the beast. (Gain Experimentation (Fad))
[X] How cunning and preparation carried the day. (Gain Planning (Fad))

I think these two have great synergy together. Blind experimentation can actually be wasteful and suboptimal, producing things that, while conceptually sound, are functionally unworkable. Planning, preparation, and careful thought can turn blind fumblings in the dark into something great.

Don't underestimate the importance of logistics to warfare. The Art of War preoccupies itself with the movement of men and materials-- thinks and rethinks the expenses of fighting even a month in the field. Amateurs lust over new weapons or tactics; masters make sure that their soldiers are well-fed, well-armed, and strategically mobile.

Also, I don't think the downside of coups is really that bad. If we have internal strife, ideally we'd want any civil war to be quick and as bloodless as possible. Coups, by their nature, facilitate a change at the top and don't splinter a country as badly as a thousand factions all chaotically pursing their own ends. And if our internal enemies are organized, pursing peace becomes easier than if we're fighting an insurgent hydra.

Just my 2c.

Was Written on Paper and Read by Millions, making him famous not just in his City or Country but around the Globe.

I somewhat agree with you but the bolded are things we don't have or don't understand the concept of, blind experimentation would be fine just now but I doubt that's what's going to happen.
[X] How the beast was felled by many working together. (Gain Cooperation (Fad))

I'd prefer cooperation so that it'll help us if/when we merge the tribes' governments next turn.

@Azel I think you forgot to threadmark the new chapter.
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Was Written on Paper and Read by Millions, making him famous not just in his City or Country but around the Globe.

I somewhat agree with you but the bolded are things we don't have or don't understand the concept of, blind experimentation would be fine just now but I doubt that's what's going to happen.

Oh, no, I'm not saying that we'll invent the Art of Warfare or anything, I'm just saying that military professionals throughout history have acknowledged that planning and good logistics is the backbone of victory. Also farming-- those rice paddies and wheat fields don't organize themselves!

I actually think we have a lower failure margin for experimentation than, say, a more settled society. Most GMs are unrealistic in that sense-- they allow subsistence-level tribes to independently invent several centuries worth of innovations in a few seasons or years whereas, if anything, the technological growth curve would be very very slow until a tribe becomes an early civilization with specialization of labor. If @Azel is being more realistic, an experimentation trait could become an albatross hung round our necks because we simply don't have economies of any real scale or excess resources (via storage or trade) to pay for blind experimentation. Planning and forethought isn't, for us, a luxury. It's pretty damned necessary.

This is an aside, but I'd like to see more quests include intermediary technologies such as oral recitation and murals before jumping straight to writing with symbols. I think I've even seen one or two quests where tribes invent, in one leap, the notion of writing and using symbols to represent objects, which imo is completely bullshit. It wasn't that easy for our forefathers.
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Oh, no, I'm not saying that we'll invent the Art of Warfare or anything, I'm just saying that military professionals throughout history have acknowledged that planning and good logistics is the backbone of victory. Also farming-- those rice paddies and wheat fields don't organize themselves!

I actually think we have a lower failure margin for experimentation than, say, a more settled society. Most GMs are unrealistic in that sense-- they allow subsistence-level tribes to independently invent several centuries worth of innovations in a few seasons or years whereas, if anything, the technological growth curve would be very very slow until a tribe becomes an early civilization with specialization of labor. If @Azel is being more realistic, an experimentation trait could become an albatross hung round our necks because we simply don't have economies of any real scale or excess resources (via storage or trade) to pay for blind experimentation. Planning and forethought isn't, for us, a luxury. It's pretty damned necessary.

This is an aside, but I'd like to see more quests include intermediary technologies such as oral recitation and murals before jumping straight to writing with symbols. I think I've even seen one or two quests where tribes invent, in one leap, the notion of writing and using symbols to represent objects, which imo is completely bullshit. It wasn't that easy for our ancestors.

I just think it's more important to come up with signals so we can plan more effectively than to be Aces at it with ineffective tools.
And thus the great beast died, falling to the feet of Snow-Fox, who had struck the killing blow. Many times the story would be told over the coming days, as the victorious party returned to the valley, parading the spoils of their hunt through village and camp alike. One little tidbit, that Red-Wolf had given her husband the sign to end it instead of doing it herself, was oddly absent in the retelling, instead congratulating them both for leading the hunt. As the one who felled it, Snow-Fox was awarded the right to claim the first trophy, claiming the head and a good deal of pelt to make himself a headdress and cloak from it. Thus clans and villagers feasted on the flesh of the once terrifying creature, basking in the victory they had achieved together and looking up to the couple that had made it possible.
Those two are getting along in their marriage a lot better than I thought they would.
[X] How cunning and preparation carried the day. (Gain Planning (Fad))

We did a lot of preparing already: the houses to build them, preservation (even though we had little to preserve), trapping the valley before the Clans came, reverse engineering their gear.

It mostly worked. Why not encourage such a good practice?