Take Two: SCREW YOU DADVERSARY! (Peggy-Sue Simurgh Quest! Worm) UP FOR ADOPTION

-[Lol] Heroism (n.) (See term "WhoAmEye"): Telling your quest voters they can write as much as they want for "write in", and saying you'll still write out the entirety of the winning vote.
-[X] Make so many new friends. SO. MANY. (See below :p)
-[X] Continue messing with Dragon.
-[X] Get Mouse Protector transferred to where we set up for extra fun.
-[X] Get your girlfriend (Negotiator) back! <3
-[X] Set QA/mom up with somebody who actually appreciates her. Like Sting from New York! She's about QA's age, right?
-[X] Finish up what you did to Swapper, Thermonuclear, Cloner, and their friends. They were supposed to get a happy ending - AND THEY WOULD HAVE, if Dadversary hadn't interrupted you. (Meanie.)
[X]Wreck shit
-[X] Saint's shit, in particular. Do a quick flyby of Toronto and steal Ascalon.
-[X] Continue messing with Dragon.
--[X] Mess around on PHO. Start by writing a fanfic about what just happened to you. Make the grammar as horrible as possible while still remaining this side of readable.
-[X] Start screwing around with Cauldron plots, maybe we can get PTV in on this too.
-[X] Get Mouse Protector transferred to where we set up for extra fun.
-[X] Get your girlfriend (Negotiator) back! <3
--[X] Set up that jerkbag Coil for a fatal fall. Literally. He can't stop true love!
-[X] Set QA/mom up with somebody who actually appreciates her. Like Sting from New York! She's about QA's age, right?
-[X] Make a human disguise! "Be vewy vewy quiet, we're hunting meatbags!"
--[X] Keep a few wings though; they're awesome.
-[X] Finish up what you did to Swapper, Thermonuclear, Cloner, and their friends. They were supposed to get a happy ending - AND THEY WOULD HAVE, if Dadversary hadn't interrupted you. (Meanie.)
[X]Wreck shit
-[X] Saint's shit, in particular. Do a quick flyby of Toronto and steal Ascalon. You're the only one allowed to troll Reverse Engineer!

But… where to go? Who to mess with?

[X]Brockton Bay. Everything important happens in Brockton Bay!
-[X] Sit back and watch everyone react
The Travelers should still be in Boston right now. We can sing away Accord's OCD and make an appointment with Blasto while we're there.
Ooo, we could go grab Noelle and make Blasto fix her body, while we fix her mind.

And let Blasto make some little sisters for us; in payment, he can keep one of them.
Ooo, we could go grab Noelle and make Blasto fix her body, while we fix her mind.

And let Blasto make some little sisters for us; in payment, he can keep one of them.
Blasto - What's wrong with her?
Noelle - I'm hideous!
Blasto - No my dear, you are beautiful. *Walks closer*
Noelle - Stay away! I cant control myself that well...
Blasto - You wont hurt me. You are a beautiful flower who has just begun to bloom...
Noelle - I'm a freak!
Blasto - You are special, unique. There is no shame in that. *Grasps her hands tenderly*
Noelle - *Lips trembling she begins to cry, and embraces Blasto*

Ziz - My work here is done! Pretty Sailor Suited Simurgh-Chan HO! *Flys off*
[X]Wreck shit
-[X] Saint's shit, in particular. Do a quick flyby of Toronto and steal Ascalon. You're the only one allowed to troll Reverse Engineer!
--[X} Then ask Dragon out on a date. Dramurgh OTP.
Ok, tallying votes.
Who am Eye trying to kid? Update'll be out in a few hours. We are the SVimurgh and we have a to-do list! (funnily enough when this quest started there was no end goal in mind. Now we actually have something we want to work towards XD)
Blasto - What's wrong with her?
Noelle - I'm hideous!
Blasto - No my dear, you are beautiful. *Walks closer*
Noelle - Stay away! I cant control myself that well...
Blasto - You wont hurt me. You are a beautiful flower who has just begun to bloom...
Noelle - I'm a freak!
Blasto - You are special, unique. There is no shame in that. *Grasps her hands tenderly*
Noelle - *Lips trembling she begins to cry, and embraces Blasto*

Ziz - My work here is done! Pretty Sailor Suited Simurgh-Chan HO! *Flys off*
Krouse - *rage*
We do now. Sure, its just a list of trolling, shipping, and wrecking shit, but it'll take a while to get done! Right?
eye, I'm not sure if this is pertinent, but I have a new found respect for you as a writer. I have slogged through the steaming pile of shit that is a fic I will not mention for fear of contaminating this thread, but it must be really hard not to slip up that much.
as torrmercury says in "In the beginning, there was man" quest, <4, because <3 is too weak.
Oh! We should make Morrigan! Only with our girlfriend's DNA, instead of Myrddin's.
No making clones or genetically engineered lifeforms using DNA of underage individuals.

Seriously. It's kind of weird, but IIRC the mods are very much opposed to anything that even vaguely smells like metaphorical pregnancy and/or motherhood for under-18 characters.
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No making clones or genetically engineered lifeforms using DNA of underage individuals.

Seriously. It's kind of weird, but IIRC the mods are very much opposed to anything that even vaguely smells like metaphorical pregnancy and/or motherhood for under-18 characters.
Blasto's clones didn't seem anything like pregnancy and/or motherhood, so I think you're jumping to a rather disturbing conclusion based entirely on something other than this story.

Seriously, you're the only one trying to take this anyplace sexual.

Please stop doing that.
They don't seem like that to me either, but the mods get weird about stuff. So, absolutely nothing that can be construed as literal or metaphorical offspring.
The mods clamped down on one guy who was trying to make a story about an underage girl having children as her cape power.

This is NOTHING like that.

There are plenty of stories here which involve human cloning in non-creepy ways, including the cloning of underage characters, and they're all fine.

Please, let's try to not muddy the issues.

Cloning is fine. Trying to argue that underage pregnancy is okay because it's just like cloning is not fine, and that has nothing to do with cloning.
The mods clamped down on one guy who was trying to make a story about an underage girl having children as her cape power.
I think we're remembering different incidents, because the one I remember was having the power to create xenomorphs from thin air, and the conclusion everyone came away with was "literally any biological minion power = so-called pregnancy metaphor".

There are plenty of stories here which involve human cloning in non-creepy ways, including the cloning of underage characters, and they're all fine.

And here you arguing that this is exactly the same thing as making a clone from two characters' DNA so that the cloned being is metaphorically those two characters' child.
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I think we're remembering different incidents, because the one I remember was having the power to create xenomorphs, and the conclusion everyone came away with was "literally any biological minion power = so-called pregnancy metaphor".
Same one. Look at how it started out. The mods didn't like how he tried to shoe-horn his original idea into different aesthetics to get around their decision about what's not allowed.

That is NOT an indication that the aesthetics which he tried to use to justify his (horrible, creepy) idea are bad. They're not.

What's bad is trying to justify a (horrible, creepy) idea by papering over the more trivial details.

Basically: he tried to get around a moderation decision by emulating other non-objectionable stories while keeping the creepy parts. That's what he did wrong. Nothing to do with cloning, which is used in many non-creepy stories without angering any mods.

So yeah, don't be creepy, and if a mod says stop, don't try to lawyer around the mod.

But cloning is not inherently creepy.
Isn't cloning by definition asexual :coolbeans:

Anyway Ziz needs to make Tinker Island (which floats in the sky) a thing. That should be a goal, very yes.
No making clones or genetically engineered lifeforms using DNA of underage individuals.

Seriously. It's kind of weird, but IIRC the mods are very much opposed to anything that even vaguely smells like metaphorical pregnancy and/or motherhood for under-18 characters.
Wait, then why do they let people write NGE fanfic? Pretty much all them feature Rei clones.

I mean, yeah, you could argue that doesn't apply because Rei was cloned from Yui, but that's only true for Rei-1. By the time canon starts, Rei is a clone of an underaged clone.

Dani: Also, technically if you're combining the DNA of two individuals, it isn't cloning. It's tech assisted sexual reproduction. So SVimurgh having Blasto make a hybrid of us and Lisa would be like if IRL we hired someone to serve as a surrogate to carry a sixteen year old girl's test tube baby to term. So I can sort of see where the mods are coming from on making genetically engineered lifeforms from underage DNA--but the "no clones" part makes no bloody sense.
And therefore the idea of creating a being that is metaphorically Lisa's child with the protagonist is bad no matter how clean the aesthetics (Blasto cloning) you use are.
In Silencio, the Simurgh's girlfriend is not Lisa: its girlfriend is Lisa's power.

The post you quoted doesn't specify Lisa at all.

I think you're inventing all the creepy stuff yourself.

Wait, then why do they let people write NGE fanfic? Pretty much all them feature Rei clones.
Again, clones of kids are not problematic, we see them in many stories.