Sympathy for the Forsaken: A Warcraft-AU CK2 Quest

Mhm, but do we have enough people to surround it long enough? We certainly don't have skilled soldiers to stop them if they decide to charge one flank

We don't need to encircle them. We have far better things to do.

First, we have flying units. We can spot anyone that leaves the place.
Second, we are untiring, unsleeping, dark-seeing, breathless corpses. We are the perfect rogues. And the perfect pursuers. We simply don't get tired. They do.
Third, they are still alive, they will need to eat and drink. Cut their supply lines, and they shall wither away.

The only problem are hero units, but we also have Sylvanas. And she doesn't fight fair
Eh, you're right. Maybe we can starve them off.

Or maybe they'll summon help through portals and such.

If they have portals then we are screwed. We can't take the military of Tyr's Hand head on.

I wonder how much can we do to don't let them think they are losing... maybe luring some wild scourge to them can help them think they are winning.
If they have portals then we are screwed. We can't take the military of Tyr's Hand head on.

I wonder how much can we do to don't let them think they are losing... maybe luring some wild scourge to them can help them think they are winning.

I didn't mean that they have portals exactly. But maybe they have sent a cry for help this turn? If we don't kill them we might risk a war on two fronts if reinforcements are coming.
We're fairly sure if they hadn't sent a call for help this turn they would the next. The fleeing heroes from their outpost would do that.
@mcclay I actually wanted to ask you: how "realistic" do you intend this quest to be? By that I mean how simple or complicated the politics will be? How realistic combat will be (for example, using daggers as your preferred melee weapon is a horrible choice, take a warhammer, for God's sake)? How "balanced" long-lived races like NE will be (if you've been a warrior for 10000 years, you should slice through any opposition why are you so bad)?

I mean, I'm kinda going for more a sense of internal consistency and verisimilitude than 'realism' in this quest. Like things that are dumb and don't make no sense I change; for example I think that losing your soul also means you lose all your emotions expect for anger and sad is fucking goofy so I headcanoned it to being 'you have a hard time feeling any emotions but you feel really strong ones super hard'. Like if you try to charge a lich with a knife or make a green recruit face off against a ancient Blood Elf paladin then yeah, that'll go badly. But in the end of the day, this is fucking Warcraft. Goofy, heroic shit is gonna happen. I'm not sweating the details of what each and every hero or troop have equipped too much. Its heroic fantasy and I'm focused on making things seem consistent rather than super realistic.

Also in terms of starving the Crusade out: they get food caravans in and out from somewhere in the east. You don't currently have the troops to cut off these effectively without spreading out your forces to a silly extent. As for the rest of the Crusade knowing about you; Belmont has a sinking feeling that if Scarlet main outposts started getting taken out, word went up to the top real quick. The Crusade seems actually united, unlike the currently infighting Scourge.

Edit: As an addendum your 'flying units' really aren't that. You can use bats to move about the region quickly, but even that relatively limited aerial insertion by the Banshee's Hand was rare. None of your troops are really trained for that type of assault, and if you had tried that against not a bunch of randos in a ruined watchtower it likely would have gone much worse. An actual attack on the Monastery would not be done by air.
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I mean, I'm kinda going for more a sense of internal consistency and verisimilitude than 'realism' in this quest. Like things that are dumb and don't make no sense I change; for example I think that losing your soul also means you lose all your emotions expect for anger and sad is fucking goofy so I headcanoned it to being 'you have a hard time feeling any emotions but you feel really strong ones super hard'. Like if you try to charge a lich with a knife or make a green recruit face off against a ancient Blood Elf paladin then yeah, that'll go badly. But in the end of the day, this is fucking Warcraft. Goofy, heroic shit is gonna happen. I'm not sweating the details of what each and every hero or troop have equipped too much. Its heroic fantasy and I'm focused on making things seem consistent rather than super realistic.

So was that talk about using heavy infantry and night marching useless since you're not taking that stuff into account? Or troop type still influences things?
I think that losing your soul also means you lose all your emotions expect for anger and sad is fucking goofy so I headcanoned it to being 'you have a hard time feeling any emotions but you feel really strong ones super hard'

But Forsaken do have their souls. That is the special thing about the Lich King's brand of necromancy: it enslaves souls. Normal necromancy makes mindless undead with no souls. This is why the Forsaken managed to get free: the Lich King lost total control over their souls.

The whole thing with emotions is that it is caused by undeath, not soul-stealing
Turn 5
Turn 5

Nathanos Blightcaller looked over the recently slept in bed, taking time to allow every last small detail to come into view. "I'd say a girl, around 18. Blond hair, medium build, got up quickly in the night."

Sylvanas nodded at his assessment, it having mirrored her own. "Judging by the silver hair in the other bed I'd assume that Melrache wasn't bullshitting us. Old man and his daughter, overseeing the front." She turns to look at Belmont and Varimathras; who had come here along with the rest of the council, minus Aelthalyste. "Is there any record of a High Priest with a blond daughter in the Church of Lordaeron; one heavily involved in the Order of the Silver Hand."

Belmont shrugged as Varimathras stepped forwards. "Yes Dark Lady. The records of the Silver Hand were sealed, but the pitiful wards were no match for my magics. It mentioned that a Benedictus Voss, no relation to the Archbishop Bendictus, was the head confessor of North Shore Monastery and a firm supporter of the Silver Hand; as well as part of the 'New Haven Faction', whatever that means."

Vellcinda seems to perk up at that. "Oh, I know about this! The New Haven Faction were a bunch of nobles from New Avalon, Haveshire, Tyr's Hand and the surrounding area. Big on the Light, big on the supremacy of the King. Hated the elves for controlling the southern Eversong, hated the Dwarves for buying up so much debt from Lordaeron, hated mages for 'dabbling in the diabolic', hated the Gnomes for being annoying and hated the Trolls cause everyone else hated them. They were constantly at odds with the merchants of Stratholm, mages of Dalaran and the more moderate clerics in the Church. Wanted to remake the Empire of Arathor with Lordaeron as its head. Everyone thought they were just crazies until the First and Second Wars hit. After that they got super popular; Blackstone was their man in the south I think."

Sylvanas chewed on this information for a while. "And then when the Plague hit and the Scourge marched on Lordaeron, the survivors formed the Scarlet Crusade and over took the moderate clerics in the Silver Hand."

Vellcinda nods and Sylvanas sighs. "Yeah! I heard that New Haven province was pretty much untouched by the Plague too; Tyr's Hand never fell and the Scourge just eventually went around it. Even if the Crusade has its physical head quarters in Stratholme, assuming they still hold the old Bastion, most of their support is gonna come from there."

Sylvanas said nothing and just stared up at the looming Scarlet Monastery for a while. "Nathanos," she said after a second, "What do you think our odds are?"

The Ranger-General scowls. "Bad. Most of our army is a bunch of former farmers and burghers given whatever sharp objects they could find. The Hand will do well there, but they won't be enough to swing the battle, and the Nightmare's horses will be useless in the cramped inner halls. If you, me, the Dreadlord, Aelthalyste and Belmont all take the field we might be able to do it; but we'll pay dearly in blood."

Sylvanas sighs and looks to Vellcinda. "What news from the Blighted Council."

The cheery undead simply shrugs. "They're trying their best not to think about Northshore. They really, really want Brill up and running so that we can start making some money and get the resettling program underway. Taking Solliden, the Mills and Vandermar would be nice; but after Brill is rebuilt they would really like their own chambers so they can start really getting stuff done."

The Banshee Queen nods and wishes dearly that alcohol did little more than sit uselessly in the stomach of the undead. "I will think over the attack on the Monastery. For now let us try to rebuild the economy and see what we can do."

Rebuild Brill
Action: Take Recreating Brill-iance by Turn 7
Reward: Next Stewardship Project is Free/Ending Hibernation -100 Gold
Penalty: Next Military Project cost is doubled

Martial (Choose 1, 1 Locked In) - Nathanos Blightcaller is Champion of the Banshee Queen and Ranger General of her armies. Under his watchful eyes he seeks to bring up the status of the Forsaken military from a ragtag group of walking corpses in rags and tatters to something resembling a professional army. Blightcaller is a master of using special forces and highly trained individual units to accomplish objectives. This elven approach to war makes him focus less on the mainline units of the Forsaken army.

[]Rag and Bone Men: The Forsaken have a natural skill for warfare built into them, as do all creatures raised by the Lich King as part of his Scourge. Because of this the average Forsaken citizen can prove to be formidable fighter without any training and minor equipment. Forsaken militia, while no match for proper regular infantry, can do better than the armed populace of other races. CoS: 100% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 100 Gold Upkeep: 20 Reward: 4 Units of Forsaken Militia

[]First of the Guard: Lordaeron was once the most powerful human nation in the known world, and thus had one of the most well armed armies. Across the ruins of the city armories, smiths and other caches of arms and armor may be found. While a good deal will be pitted and rusted there is enough usable metal that several units of regular infantry can be raised, the first of many to fight for the Banshee Queen. CoS: 100% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 200 Gold Upkeep: 20 Gold Reward: 2 Units of Forsaken Infantry

[]When Zombies Fly: The ability for the Forsaken military to deploy airbone units has gotten Nathanos worked up into a frenzy. While it would break the bank and likely isn't workable at this moment Blightcaller wishes to eventually be able to field flying units as recon, air support and transport units. For right now though he wishes to simply train a group of militia to fight on the backs of the bats as a proof in concept. Time: 1 Turn Cost: 300 Gold CoS: 75% Reward: 1 unit of Forsaken Flying Militia, Martial Options unlocked

[]Last of the Rot Hide: While the cruel intelligence behind the Maggot Eye Clan fell at Fenris Isle, a group of them had actually made their way all through Tirisfal up to Garren's Haunt before that. A terror to the surrounding farms and the Scourge outposts in Brill and Agmand Mills, they are now on the frontier of the Forsaken advance. Taking Garren's Haunt would provide an outpost for control over many of the northern farmsteads, as well as a base for striks at Agmand Mills. Time: 1 Turn Costs: Potential Unit loss CoS: 75% Reward: Rot Hide wiped out, Garren's Haunt taken

[]Removing the Vile Fin: The North Coast, even before the Scourge, was a untouched and rather dreary piece of land. With the main Lordaeron harborages down in Hillsbrad and east New Haven, no one ever really sought to tame the cold northern waters. However the Forsaken do not have access to those far southern and eastern ports; they have the North Coast. By settling and taming the northern shore fishing and ship building could begin on a much larger scale; doubly so if the prime harbor of the Whispering Strand north of Solliden could be taken. However there is a problem: the Vile Fin tribe of Murlocs holds the North Shore as its tribal homelands. These pests will have to be pushed back into the sea of the Forsaken are to make use of the coast. Time: 1 Turn Cost: Potentially Units CoS: 50% Reward: North Coast taken, Vile Fin tribe destroyed

[]Siege of the Scarlet Monastery: The last line of defenses before the Scarlet Monastery have been taken by the Forsaken. The path to that great fortress of fanaticism now lies open and vulnerable to attack. However it will not be any easy fight; as the Forsaken military is little more than bands of armed citizenry backed up by an elite corp of special forces. Blightcaller has drawn up plans for the assault; but worries that the Army of Undercity will face horrendous losses in assaulting the Monastery. Time: 1 Turn Cost: Lots of Units CoS: Unkown Reward: Begins Crisis Turns; starts the Siege of the Scarlet Monastery

Stewardship (Choose 1) - Varimathras is a Dreadlord, one of the great demon commanders of the Burning Legion. Forced into Sylvanas's service during the Third War he now is the Majordomo of Undercity and in charge of the running of the Forsaken as a whole. While not widely liked or trusted by the undead, Varimathras has managed to gain a measure of grudging respect for making sure that the Forsaken have food, shelter and the semblance of an economy. He is quick to note that you are running quite the deficit and the treasure you looted from the Lordareon Royal Vault will not last for much longer.

[]Center of the City: Undercity is broken up into different Quarters, a relic of when the city was meant to serve as a massive military base for the Scourge. Since they every part of the city but the center has gotten a specific purpose. Varimathras has the idea to turn the currently vacant center isle of Undercity into a trade and commerce hub, a feature the Scourge left out due to having no need for such a thing. While right now it would simply provide space for local crafstmen and farmers to sell their wares, hopefully one day it will provide a space to do business for all friends of the Forsaken. CoS: 80% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 100 Gold Reward: +20 Gold Trading Income, +10% boost to any future trade deals and inter-nation commerce

[]End of Hibernation: Above ground lies one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the world, though sadly currently in ruins. It seems a grand shame to waste the city of Lordaeron so. In this spirit Varimathras has drawn up plans for future Forsaken expansion into the ruined city above, properly claiming it and establishing both a top and bottom side populace. The risks of being discovered and dealing with a siege are great, but the prestige and national pride from completing such a project cannot be measured. Time: 4 Turns Cost: 300 Gold, Vulnerable to Siege During Construction CoS: 60% Reward: Restored Capital City, Diplo Rep Boost, Increased citizen happiness, ???

[]Recreating Brill-iance: Brill, once the jewel of Tirisfal, has suffered greatly at the hands of the Scourge. The intial attacks and riots left a great deal of the city burning, and the subsequent years of disuse and misrule has left the city a shell of its former self. However where there is a will there is a way. Forsaken settlers, tired of living in the cramped conditions of Undercity, are prepared to move out and help rebuild Brill in their own image. It will take time and money, but the results will be worth it. Time: 2 Turns Cost: 200 Gold CoS: 80% Reward: +100 Trade Income, Brill Restored, Stewardship Options unlocked

Diplomacy (Pick 1): Vellcinda Benton, a former scullery maid, was one of the first zombies to regain their minds in Tirisfal. A symbol of hope and freedom she gathered together a mass following and became incredibly popular among the average Forsaken citizen. In another life she might have been the Forsaken's Dark Lady, but instead she serves you a liaison to the people and the other powers of Azeroth. Such that there are.

[]The Shiplords: Kul Tiras. Island stronghold of the Alliance, one of the last of the free human nations to survive the Scourge. A violent blockade and a Shoot On Sight policy towards anything that smacks of the Scourge has kept Kul Tiras safe, but also cut them off from the rest of the world. It would not be...impossible to try and get a diplomatic missive through, but it would be very, very unlikely. The chances of a diplomat not getting blown out of the water, to say nothing of an actual deal being reached, is quite low. Vellcinda is still willing to try, however. Time: 2 Turns Cost: 50 Gold CoS: 10% Reward: Diplomatic Access to Kul Tiras

[]Beyond the Wall: Greymane Wall separates the hermit kingdom of Gilneas from the rest of Azeroth, a massive fortification that dwarfs Thoradin's Wall and comes close to outmatching Thandol Span; and unlike the former two it still stands. There has been no information on the Gilneans since the Scourge came, the most anyone knows is that the Wall still stands and the howling of wolves can be heard across Baradin Bay on moonlit nights. A diplomatic expedition could be sent to learn what because of the isolated kingdom, and perhaps win friends for the Forsaken. Time 1 Turn CoS: 20% Cost: 50 Gold Reward: Information on Gilneas, possible diplomatic ties

[]Daiodachi Liches: The situation in eastern Lordaeron is much, much different than what the Forsaken had assumed. With the continued silence from Arthas his various underlings and advisers have begun warring among themselves. The main factions of these warring Scourge factions the Forsaken know of is the Andorhal faction, led by the usupred Araj the Summoner and the Caer Darrow/Scholomance Clique, led by Darkmaster Gandling and Alexi Barov. Where the feared Ras Frostwhsiper, true master of Scholomance is in all this is unknown, but from what the Forsaken can tell the clash has been dominated by the great clash of undead hordes along the shores of Darrowmere. A more in depth exploratory expedition can be sent into the Plaguelands to better sound out both factions. CoS: 55% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 50 GP Reward: Information on Andhorhal and Caer Darrow Cliques

[]Solace at Solliden: Scouts out of Brill have reported the movement and lights in the distant village of Solliden. While once just one of many tiny farming villages in Tirisfal, it looks like a band of humans have gathered in the village. Vellcinda is bouncing off the wall at the prospect of doing actual diplomacy with someone, but the rest of the Council are less excited. After all, humanity has proven hateful towards the Forsaken before. Why should that change now? CoS: 45% Cost: 20 Gold Time: 1 Turn Reward: Solliden felt out for diplomacy? Hopefully Nothing Goes Wrong

[]Murc-y Diplomacy: The Murlocs of Azeroth have long been a maligned and distrusted people, viewed as little more than pests and animals to be pushed away from the edges of civilization. But, well, the same could be said for the Forsaken. There is a shared plight there, a string of empathy that even the cold numbness of undeath cannot truly push away. If the Forsaken treat the Murlocs like the same beasts that they themselves are often treated as, well, are they any different from the self righteous paladins who they fight against? The Murloc language is near incomprehensible to most, but the mages of Undercity say they can translate it. A hand offered in friendship may gain more than the sword. Time: 1 Turn Cost: 50 Gold CoS: 40% Reward: Murlocs make pact with the Forsaken, North Coast taken under joint owndership, further integration possible.

Intrigue (Choose 1) - Commander Belmont was a student of Ravenholdt Manor in life and death has only strengthened his love of all things shadowy and underhanded. A prime example of a Rogue he has quickly risen to the top of the local Thieves Guild, naming it the Undercity Lodge of the Ravenholdt and working to secure a home for his new people. A master of infiltration and information gathering, Belmont hopes to see the Forsaken dominate the information game in Lordaeron.

[]Those in the Shadows: The ancient Lodges of the Ravenholdt were utterly destroyed during the Scourge's invasion; but thankfully for Undercity many former members regained their free will as the Forsaken were rising. Sylvanas has need of a capable group of undead who can reliably take on missions of espionage and intrigue, and Belmont seeks to deliver. CoS: 60% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 100 Gold Upkeep: 50 Gold Reward: Dedicated Forsaken intelligence agency, +1 Intrigue Action

[]End of the Rope: The Scourge command post in the Gallow's End Tavern had a wealth of papers and correspondence buried away in Cromwell's personal chambers. Unfortunately about half of it is useless and the other half is written in code. Belmont is fairly sure he can break the cipher, and hopes that doing so will reveal more information on the hated, ancient enemy. CoS: 55% Time: 2 Turns Cost: 100 Gold Reward: Intel on Undead Scourge activities

[]Scarlet Codes: The capture of Scarlet Crusade notes during the latest taking of a Crusader outpost has given the Forsaken a chance to get a look at the inner workings of the secretive order. The actual command strucutre and size of the Crusade is not known, and while these letters won't give a full picture, they will give Belmont a lot more to work with than he had before. The main worry of the Forsaken is if the Crusade exists outside of Tirisfal, and these letters will hopefully shed light on that mystery. CoS: 70% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 100 Gold Reward: Information on the Crusade

Learning (Choose 1) - No one really trusts Grand Apothecary Putress all too much. A former alchemist in service to the last king of Lordaeron, Putress fell victim to the Scourge during Arthas's butchering of Capital City. Before he died Putress has been part of the royal effort to understand and combat the Plague of Undeath and carries that knowledge with him into death. While most of his attention is focused on the Plague his alchemical genius can be put towards other efforts easily enough

[]Prognosis: Even a year later no one, not even its victims, truly understand how the Plague of Undeath functions. It blights the land, body and soul in the way a normal disease, or even most magical ones, cannot. If the Plague is to reversed, or repurposed for use by the Forsaken, it must be understood at a base level. Doing so will take time and gold, but Putress has a series of tests lined up to look for baseline results CoS: 70% Time: 2 Turns Cost: 200 Gold Reward: Phase 1 of Plague Tests Done

[]Putresstein's Monster: One of the main linebreakers of the Scourge is the Undead Abomination. Massive creatures made of up many dead bodies stitched together and enhanced with alchemical liquids and augments, Abominations can wreak havoc on regular infantry and cavalry. Their creation has been lost to the Forsaken, but it may be possible to regain such knowledge and bolster up the ranks of Undercity's armies with these horrible creatures. CoS: 70% Cost: 200 Gold Time: 2 Turns Reward: Able to Create Undead Abominations

[]A Royal Decree: Right now Putress is working mostly on his own or with a few scattered acolytes and apprentices to help him out. The apothecary has been asking for an offical royal decree naming a Royal Apothecary Society; an official research and development organ of the Forsaken government. Sylvanas is loathe to give Putress more resources and trust, but he is right in that an organized and dedicated society would be much more efficent at getting research completed. CoS: 60% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 100 Gold Upkeep: 50 Gold Reward: Creation of the Royal Apothecary Society, +1 Learning Action

[]Ancient Graves: Brill is built upon a massive burial site dating back to the first human tribes. The Arathi used to bury their most respected warriors, kings and shamans in great cairns. While these eventually erroded away, their burial chambers mixed in with crypt tunnels and collapsed graves to creatre a somewhat navigable warren under the massive graveyard just outside of Brill. Putress could be convinced to outfit an expedition to see what lies below. CoS: 60% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 200 Gold Reward: Artififacts??? Good Stuff??

Piety (Choose 0) - There is no formal head of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows, but Aelthalyste is the spirtual leader of the faith in all but title. Formerly a High Elf native of Stormwind, Aelthalyste fell into the company of the heretic Natalie Seline and was an eager disciple of the rogue bishop until her murder by the Church. Aelthalyste fled north to Lordaeron and hide some scraps of her works in the sewers of the Undercity. After being killed by Arthas during the sacking of Capital City she reemerged to spread the teachings of Seline and bring about the balance between Light and Dark.

[x]Conclave of the Dark: The Cult is a new religion, having no structure and no organized doctrine or orthodoxy. While fine for a underground heretical sect, this is less acceptable for a state religion meant to prop up the image of the Forsaken. A Conclave must be held to determine how the Cult should function and what its beliefs and strictures are. CoS: 55% Time: 2 Turns Cost: 100 Gold Reward: Cult Given Structure, Less Chance of Harmful Heresy emerging, Less Confusion Among Forsaken Populace

[]Spreading the Shadow - Brill: Brill, being the center of commerce in the region, once boasted a fairly sizable church of the Light on its outskirts. While the Scourge smashed all the iconogrpahy and let a host of banshees live in it for a long while, the structure itself is still fairly impressive. A group of Cult members, along with a priest, can be sent out to repair the church and rescantify it to the Cult. Cos: 75% Cost: 100 Gold Time: 1 Turn Reward: Cult of Forgotten Shadows established in Brill.

Personal (Choose 1) - Sylvanas Winderunner, the Dark Lady of Undercity, Banshee Queen of the Forsaken. She fought against Arthas and at his side and was legendary even before her death as Ranger-General of Silvermoon and one of the Windrunner Triplets. It is through her force of personality that the Forsaken are brought together and by her will and desires that they work. She will not let her people be slaves again.

[]Belmont Clan: Sylvanas knows very little about her master of shadows and spies. Legends have it that the Belmont family were renowned for their holy warriors and soldiers, mixing the martial arts of the knight with the killing stealth of the rogue to destroy Troll voodoo sorcerers and other magical terrors during the many wars of Lordaeron. It might be worth talking to Belmont about his family. CoS: 55% Time: 1 Turn Reward: +Relationship Sylvanas and Belmont, Knowledge of the Belmont Family

[]Shadows of the Grave: Alethalyste is a former native of Stormwind and one of the first banshees to join the Forsaken, beyond Sylvanas herself of course. It is her faith, however, that makes her stand out. Claiming to have known the founder of her religion before both of them died, the banshee has been adamant in her convictions and happy to have found eager ears among the undead. It may be worth Sylvanas talking to her to get a better grasp on the religion her own nation has set as policy. CoS: 75% Time: 1 Turn Reward +Relationship Sylvanas and Alethalyste, Info on Cult of Forgotten Shadows, Personal Options Unlocked

[]Mushroom Cakes and Ooze Tea: Vellcinda was once a maid in the employ of a noble lady and has picked up some of the customs and pleasures of the high class of Lordaeron from her. A simple tea, a fad started by southern Gilneas, will do a lot to bring her and Sylvanas closer together and prompt Vellcinda to open up about all the juicy, poteintally useful gossip she over heard on the former nobility of Loraderon. They may all be dead but hey, that never stopped the Forsaken before. CoS: 75% Time: 1 Turn Reward: +Relationship between Sylvanas and Vellcinda, GOSSIP

[]Going Batty: Varimathras has become something of a reluctant expert on the handling, care and taming of dire bats within the Undercity. Sylvanas has wanted a flying furry friend for a long while and the dreadlord has finally been bullied and badgered into helping her tame one. The process of getting a flying mount to obey the powerful Banshee Queen, backed up by a terrifying former member of the Burning Crusade can't be that hard, right? Time: 1 Turn CoS: 60% Reward: +Relationship between Sylvanas and Varimathras, Bat Mount Get, Hilarity Ensuing

((Two hour moratorium, as always))[/spoiler][/spoiler]
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Yeah, attacking the Scarlet Monastery right now could very well prove our undoing. It may not be the best plan, but we have to stayed our hand for the moment from attacking Scarlet Monastery.

I never done a plan before, but I might as well do one now...

Plan: Laying down the stones with one hand, spending in the other.


[]Last of the Rot Hide: While the cruel intelligence behind the Maggot Eye Clan fell at Fenris Isle, a group of them had actually made their way all through Tirisfal up to Garren's Haunt before that. A terror to the surrounding farms and the Scourge outposts in Brill and Agmand Mills, they are now on the frontier of the Forsaken advance. Taking Garren's Haunt would provide an outpost for control over many of the northern farmsteads, as well as a base for striks at Agmand Mills. Time: 1 Turn Costs: Potential Unit loss CoS: 75% Reward: Rot Hide wiped out, Garren's Haunt taken

(We should deal with these guys now, and remove an annoyance while taking more land.)

Stewardship .

[]Recreating Brill-iance: Brill, once the jewel of Tirisfal, has suffered greatly at the hands of the Scourge. The intial attacks and riots left a great deal of the city burning, and the subsequent years of disuse and misrule has left the city a shell of its former self. However where there is a will there is a way. Forsaken settlers, tired of living in the cramped conditions of Undercity, are prepared to move out and help rebuild Brill in their own image. It will take time and money, but the results will be worth it. Time: 2 Turns Cost: 200 Gold CoS: 80% Reward: +100 Trade Income, Brill Restored, Stewardship Options unlocked

(Not much to talk about, and getting another action for Stewardship would be it own reward.)

Diplomacy .

[]Solace at Solliden: Scouts out of Brill have reported the movement and lights in the distant village of Solliden. While once just one of many tiny farming villages in Tirisfal, it looks like a band of humans have gathered in the village. Vellcinda is bouncing off the wall at the prospect of doing actual diplomacy with someone, but the rest of the Council are less excited. After all, humanity has proven hateful towards the Forsaken before. Why should that change now? CoS: 45% Cost: 20 Gold Time: 1 Turn Reward: Solliden felt out for diplomacy? Hopefully Nothing Goes Wrong

(I don't want to murder every living person even with dealing with the Scarlet. Plus living and undead side by side would be nice to see, and it own plotline. Plus we may learn some more from the Scarlet.)


[]Those in the Shadows: The ancient Lodges of the Ravenholdt were utterly destroyed during the Scourge's invasion; but thankfully for Undercity many former members regained their free will as the Forsaken were rising. Sylvanas has need of a capable group of undead who can reliably take on missions of espionage and intrigue, and Belmont seeks to deliver. CoS: 60% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 100 Gold Upkeep: 50 Gold Reward: Dedicated Forsaken intelligence agency, +1 Intrigue Action

(We should have had this from the first turn, but we rolled bad. Plus extra action.)


A Royal Decree: Right now Putress is working mostly on his own or with a few scattered acolytes and apprentices to help him out. The apothecary has been asking for an offical royal decree naming a Royal Apothecary Society; an official research and development organ of the Forsaken government. Sylvanas is loathe to give Putress more resources and trust, but he is right in that an organized and dedicated society would be much more efficent at getting research completed. CoS: 60% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 100 Gold Upkeep: 50 Gold Reward: Creation of the Royal Apothecary Society, +1 Learning Action


[]Spreading the Shadow - Brill: Brill, being the center of commerce in the region, once boasted a fairly sizable church of the Light on its outskirts. While the Scourge smashed all the iconogrpahy and let a host of banshees live in it for a long while, the structure itself is still fairly impressive. A group of Cult members, along with a priest, can be sent out to repair the church and rescantify it to the Cult. Cos: 75% Cost: 100 Gold Time: 1 Turn Reward: Cult of Forgotten Shadows established in Brill.

(We're alredy focusing on Brill, might as well as go the whole way.)


[]Shadows of the Grave: Alethalyste is a former native of Stormwind and one of the first banshees to join the Forsaken, beyond Sylvanas herself of course. It is her faith, however, that makes her stand out. Claiming to have known the founder of her religion before both of them died, the banshee has been adamant in her convictions and happy to have found eager ears among the undead. It may be worth Sylvanas talking to her to get a better grasp on the religion her own nation has set as policy. CoS: 75% Time: 1 Turn Reward +Relationship Sylvanas and Alethalyste, Info on Cult of Forgotten Shadows, Personal Options Unlocked

(I really want Bat Mount, and I want to spend more time with Vellcinda, but Alethalyste offers a lot in herself and being a leader in our Faith.)

(Am I spending a lot of our money? Yes. Do I know how much? Not really? But it is about time to double down on our turns to get greater rewards, and take more actions with each turn. This turn is open to be edited into a V2, and V3 if needed.)
Gossip you say? Mnnnn

Suddenly Vellcinda knows about who Nathanos is really looking at. ^-^
Moratorium is over now.

[] Plan: Spend money to make money
-[]Last of the Rot Hide
-[]Recreating Brill-iance
-[]Solace at Solliden
-[]Those in the Shadows
-[]A Royal Decree
-[]Shadows of the Grave
Last edited:
Isn't the scarlet monastery a really pressing issue to solve though? They might fully convert the human village to their religion and that would suck.
-[X]Those in the Shadows
Bad idea, we can't afford the upkeep and we can't afford to USE the extra action anyway. Intrigue options cost 50 to 100 gold a piece

ESPECIALLY not with this wiping out the entire Brill income.

Spend money to lose money really fast why.

Gold 740-200-20-100-200 = 220
Income 160+100(delayed) = 260
Expenses 75 = 75

[X] Plan Building Up the Avalanche
-[X]Last of the Rot Hide
-[X]Recreating Brill-iance
-[X]Solace at Solliden
-[X]Scarlet Codes
-[X]Going Batty

[]Last of the Rot Hide

Mostly I'm taking this as a looting expedition, theres a chance of a windfall and its unlikely to fail. Would PREFER to hit the Monastary, but the martial advisor already told us odds are slim, we'd probably need aerial units or some other table turner.

[]Recreating Brill-iance

This takes our income out of the shitter if we don't immediately blow it on opening two departments.

[]Solace at Solliden

Odds are still difficult, but if we aren't attacking the Scarlets immediately then we want to recruit them before the Scarlets even make an approach.

[]Scarlet Codes

We aren't attacking them THIS turn, but that makes it all the more important to know their force composition and goals. Maybe we could find a time when they're coming OUT to attack and ambush them in the field?


Our Learning Advisor told us last turn he's going to thow a fit if we don't take this. He has also halved the cost in his own time.

[]Going Batty

A flying mount is JUST the thing for an uber archer to be on.

Together we can consider expandimg the army next turn. Or maybe mount our elites