Sympathy for the Forsaken: A Warcraft-AU CK2 Quest

[X]Create a New Brain: The Forsaken will never be slaves again, nor will they be slavers. It will cost much more, and public outcry demands it be done as soon as possible, but a new Abomination brain must be made. Sylvanas can work privately with Belmont to address the concerns about Puttress. Abominations not able to be created. Design A Better Brain action unlocked. Blighted Council Request will be created. Puttress will gain monopoly over Abomination brains

I concur with the masses, we should make a new brain!
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Warfront Turn 2
Warfront Turn 2

[X] Pushing the Fields
76 + 23 (Sylvanas Martial) = 99 VS 45 = Great Success​

The split in the Scourge forces in Alterac Valley proved a great boon for the combined Forsaken-Frostwolf forces. While neither faction was openly fighting with the other, the minor skirmishes and shared distrust served to weaken their lines and make sure that neither would reinforce the other. Several strong points along the frontline where Altearci and Stormpike forces had previously held joint control were taken, as half of their garrisons had been forced out.

Over a week of constant fighting the Fields of Strife were taken with relatively low losses, at least compared to the usual level of heavy fighting. While the Frostwolves took most of the casualties, fighting fiercely to defend their home, the Forsaken expedition also became bloodied. However, despite this loss of life, the coalition lines pushed up to the edge of properly Scourge held territory.

This campaign concluded with a battle for the bunker network surrounding Stonehearth Outpost. Captain Phillips, fresh out of bedrest, proved his worth once more as her personally led squads of Dreadguard into the tight confines of bunkers and trenches. With the fall of these fortifications prepeartions for the siege of Stonehearth Outpost, and further intrusion into Stormpike holdings, can begin. Furthermore Korrak and Winteraxe hold, along with the bulk of Syndicate forces, have been cut off from the Stormpikes proper.

Reward: Fields of Strife Taken. Stonehearth under siege. Scourge forces cut off from each other.

[X]Candlelight Meetings
39 + 12 (Sylvanas Diplomacy) = 51 vs 50 = Bare Success​

Meeting with the kobolds of Alterac Valley proves to be difficult. Used to attack and deprivation from other races, most kobolds assume the worst when a party of armed undead show up at their doorstep. The kobolds who have taken up residence in Coldtooth Mine are no exception and Vellcinda's attempts to bargain and meet with the tribe residing there was fraught with frustration and annoyance. Typically the kobolds would hide away inside the mine, refusing to make contact with the diplomats. When entry was attempted rocks, spears and traps were thrown against the expedition's armed guards. A few of the warriors assigned to protect the diplomats darkly muttered that they should just wipe the whole colony out.

However Vellcinda was a stubborn woman in her own warm way, and the agents she had trained up in the Foreign Service had taken on this quality as well. Through offerings of candles, kind words and sheer persistence a rapport was slowly developed between the diplomats and the kobolds. Eventually a deal was reached, though a quite limited one.

In exchange for a supply of candles and a promise not to attack the mine, the kobolds would export a small amount of iron and copper taken from the mine to the Frostwolves and the Forsaken. While much less than what had been hoped, Vellcinda pointed out that this opened up the door for future cooperation. They had learned the name of the tribe, Whitewhisker, and the identity of its leader. A particularly ill tempered kobold named Snivvle. As further trust was developed the kobolds could be integrated into the community of Alterac Valley fully, and the Frostwolves returned to the mine.

"They had better." Drek'thar had groused.

Cost: 100 Gold
Reward: Small amount of trade between Kobolds and Frostwolves. Further Options

[X]Taming the Hawk
98 + 14 (Sylvanas Intrigue) VS 45 = Great Success​

It is late at night when the two groups meet in the ruins of a burned out watchtower on the edges of the Fields of Strife. The two undead watch as the small party of humans rises up from the snow banks nearest the tower and comes to join them, one of them lighting a small lantern.

"More men than I thought he'd bring." Belmont whispers to Sylvanas. "He must be confident in both their loyalty and their ability."

Sylvanas just nods as Ryson enters. He is a tall human man, gaunt and somewhat sallow in the face. Sunken eyes stare at her just above his purple facemask. Hunger and a hard life marked his face, Sylvanas knew enough to recognize the mien of a career criminal when she saw one.

"Lady Sylvanas." His voice is rough and gravelly. "I am taking quite a risk meeting with you." He leaves the statement to hang in the air.

"As much of a risk as you're taking being in this valley?" She asks. "My men have just forced the Scourge back quite a ways. How many good Alteraci have you lost in the snowfields."

"Our losses have been high." He says bluntly. "Your people are good warriors. Almost as good as the Scourge itself." He looks to the south for a moment. "I will be open: I do not wish to be here. I do not wish to fight for some corpse in the north who puppeters the ruined body of the king I devoted my life to."

"But," he crosses his arms, "I cannot abandon this post. If word reaches Alterac of my 'cowardice' I'll be cooked. Aliden, even in his fallen state, punishes treachery harshly."

"Then defect." Sylvanas says. "Join the Forsaken. One day we will free Alterac, liberate it from the Scourge that makes a mockery of its traditions."

"I cannot." Ryson shakes his head. "My family still lives in the Capital City. I have risked enough by getting in contact with Lord Falconcrest already."

Sylvanas grimaces. "I see. Could you not move your family to where this 'Lord Falconcrest' holds power?"

He sighs. "I wish. But the capital is under martial law, and all roads heading to Stromgarde, where the Free hold sway, are under blockade. I would have moved my family myself if I were able."

She nods. "Then do not help us openly. We have cut you off, trapped you with gnolls of dubious loyalty. Any breakout attempt would be doomed to failure." She stares him down. "Stay in your cave, get us in contact with the gnolls. When we take Dun Baldr I'll move enough troops for the siege that you can make your 'breakout' and pullback to Alterac."

Ryson closes his eyes for a long time before nodding. "I can do that, aye. The artifice will be hard, but its not the first time I've pulled a scheme like that. We did something similar while getting 'peacekeeper' units to defect during the occupation."

"Good, good." Sylvanas smiles. "One day the Scourge will be swept from our lands. One day both of our homes will be freed from the Lich King's grasp."

"I'll hold you to that." Ryson says. "And I'll send word of this to Lord Falconcrest. If you can establish control over Silverpine and get a working supply line to Stromgarde you would help our cause much."

With that he leaves, disappearing back into the snow.

"Is he telling the truth?" Sylvanas says to Belmont. "Will he keep his deal?"

The spymaster thinks for a few seconds before nodding slowly. "I'm not sure how much of his backstory is true, but I think he will keep his word."

She nods and rolls her shoulders. "Good, thats one less thing to worry about."

Cost: 100 Gold

Reward: Contact made with Ryson. Valley Syndicate will not interfere with Forsaken-Frostwolf Operations. Gnoll Options. Possible Free Syndicate contact??

((I had a crazy few months which delayed work on all my writing projects significantly. I've started doing a creative day with IRL friends every week, so that should hopefully increase the frequency of updates.))

it's back
EDIT FOR NO DOUBLEPOST: Anyway, do we have a plan for next turn? I'll admit, I'm mostly here for the characters. (Sylvanas is, of course, a treat, but I've found myself growing to like Varimathras. Hope he doesn't turn out to be... well, he's already evil, but I hope he doesn't turn out to be a traitor.)
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It liiiiiives! So great to see an update and progress on the warfront! I hope it updates again sooner!


it's back
EDIT FOR NO DOUBLEPOST: Anyway, do we have a plan for next turn? I'll admit, I'm mostly here for the characters. (Sylvanas is, of course, a treat, but I've found myself growing to like Varimathras. Hope he doesn't turn out to be... well, he's already evil, but I hope he doesn't turn out to be a traitor.)
Well, I guess we'll just have to spam relationship points with him so that he doesn't!!
Sorry about the crazy few months, if it was a bad sort of crazy, at least, but glad to see more of this, and good luck!
Very happy to see this back in action.

While the Candlelight Meetings could have gone better, this overall has been a big win for us all in the Alterac war. We're making big gains on the battlefield and got a foot in the door with the Kobolds and a even bigger one with the Syndicate.
Okay, looking back over the previous updates, it looks the immediate problems he have to deal with this upcoming turn are being overstretched in Silverpine (which, since Fort Fenris comes online next turn, might help with that) and cultural tensions from non-humans settling in Port Solliden. There's also the matter of the Legion messing around in the ruins of Dalaran, and the Scourge right across the border.

So, Martial, Diplo, Intrigue, Intrigue?
Will we get Council Power improvements with sylvanas spending time away from Undercity fighting in the valley?

I wonder if we would have improved their power by not building a brain and creating discontent they could represent, but it wouldnt be worth the moral degradation anyway.
Okay, looking back over the previous updates, it looks the immediate problems he have to deal with this upcoming turn are being overstretched in Silverpine (which, since Fort Fenris comes online next turn, might help with that) and cultural tensions from non-humans settling in Port Solliden. There's also the matter of the Legion messing around in the ruins of Dalaran, and the Scourge right across the border.

So, Martial, Diplo, Intrigue, Intrigue?

Silverpine always been a problem with Worgen which been said will get worst every turn so that's a giver. So we should have Abominations at the ready to give us a hand there and in Alterac.

Port Solliden might depend on Stewardship, and Piety too, but now we have the Her Majesty's Royal Foreign Service last turn, we can do more on the Diplo front.

Fort Fenris should help with both Silverpine and whatever is going on in Dalaran ruins and the Argus Wake.
Turn 15
Turn 15
The mood within the newly inagurated headquarters of the Royal Foreign Service was one of unexpectly high cheer for the Forsaken. This is perhaps helped along by the RFS's staff being one of the most diverse within the entire kingdom. While primarily undead, a great deal of trolls and humans, along with some Murlocs and an undead Gnoll, had found their way into the encompassing arms of the Foreign Service. Now, with their organization now an offical part of the Forsaken, they celebrated. Mushroom wine, fried mushrooms and freshly caught fish, imported dwarven beer and orcish grog from Kalimdor, highly spiced Gurubashi rice dishes and much more were paraded around the central room of the RFS's headquarters.

Of course the entire Forsaken council had been invited to the party, even if not all of them had shown up. Putress had declined on the grounds of being 'too busy for such useless antics' and Aelthalyste had been busy over seeing some new Synod for the Cult, but the rest of the Council had shown up. You and Nathanos had come together, walking and talking of current events along the somber canals that cut through the heart of the Overcity. Once inside you had arrived to see Belmont discussing...something with a pair of Dark Rangers attached to the RFS while Varimathras stood awkardly in the corner, trying not to make eye contact with anyone for fear of being drawn into a conversation.

A few seconds after you entered Vellcinda's dread gaze, gleaming with joy, had fallen on the two of you. Seeing the maliciously excited intent in her eyes Nathanos quickly took a few steps away, faking a cough as he did. "Ah, I think I need to speak with Varimathras about the Silverpine campaign. Good luck." He said before moving over to the demon and to take advantage of his aura of disinterest in partying.

Betrayed and left alone all you could do was glare at his back before Hurrican Vellcinda hit you like a truck. "Sylvanas! Your Majesty! Can you believe all this? I never thought it would be real but look, my own team! A proper foreign service with proper funding and a real headquarters and trained diplomatic staff." She throws her arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.

Akwardly you pat her head before carefully pushing her off. "It is very impressive, I'm happy to say. Part of me never thought we'd be here, acting like a real nation." You weren't lying either. This, the Overcity, Port Solliden, the Shadow Monastery and the almost finished Fort Fenris. These were all the trappings of a real nation, a true home for your people. And many more besides. Undead and living, residing together in harmony. Even supposed monsterous races like the Murlocs were welcome. It was the full refutation of Garithos and Arthas, and the start of something much bigger.

Vellcinda grins widely up at you, if she was living you know her face would be flush with pride (and likely alcohol). "We aren't just acting like a real nation, we are a real nation. With proper embassies in foreign powers and everything." She points at a big map on the wall, showing the entire known world. All over it were different flags. "I have so many plans, and once we kick the Scourge out of the Frostwolf's Valley I'll have even more."

You smile and let her take you by the hand as she leads you off into the party, talking as animatedly as an an undead can about what the Royal Foreign Service could really do.

It was a good night.

Finish Building a Better Brain by Turn 17

Warfront: Frostwolf Valley (Choose 0) - For the first time in its history, the Army of Undercity has been pulled into a war far outside of its own sphere of influence. Situated across Lordamere Lake and many miles of hostile mountains and hills, Frostwolf Valley is at the limits of where the logistics of the Forsaken can reach. However it is not yet outside their logistics, and the people clamor for the Frostwolf to be freed. To that end a special section of the Council of the Forsaken has been setup to accommodate operations in Frostwolf lands. Without personal attention or compromises elsewhere it will not be able to do much, but should the Forsaken put their effort into it, they may yet save the Frostwolves.

[]Stonehearth Outpost: Stonehearth is the last major fortificaton before Dun Bladr proper, guarding the road leading north towards the dwarven fortress. Under the command of the Scourge Necromancer Bellinda Stonehearth, the undead Stormpike hold fortress and the bunker network around it with a brutal ferocity. However it must be taken and destroyed, if the combined Forsaken-Frostwolf force is to able to march on Dun Baldr and end this bloody war once and for all. Cost: Potential Loss of Infantry and Elite Infantry Time: 1 Turn CoS: 45% Reward: Stoneheart Outpost taken, road to Dun Baldr clear.

[]Taking the Winteraxe: Winteraxe Hold sits overlooking the contested Fields of Strife, where Coalition and Scourge forces battle it out daily. While it would be quite deadly, and necessitate the usage of specialized units like the Dark Rangers, there is a chance that a concentrated force could break the Hold's defenses and bring Korrak his second death. The chances of being sandwhiched between the Hold and the Scourge are high, and the Winteraxe are formidiable foes, but if Korrak dies then the Scourge lose their unity and Arthas is denied a powerful commander in Alterac. Cost: Potential loss of Infantry, Elite Infantry and Dark Rangers Time: 1 Turn CoS: 45%

[]Shadow on the Axe: Between the Undercity Lodge and the Dark Rangers, along with Sylvanas herself, the Forsaken have quite the spread of powerful units for assassination and espionage. Working together they may be able to sneak into Winteraxe Hold, cause chaos and terror and perhaps kill Korrak himself. However the old Ice Troll is a tough nut to crack, and the risk to the units sent on this mission will be high. But there will be less worry of damaging the Coalition forces as a whole. Cost: Potential loss of Heroes and Dark Rangers Time: 1 Turn CoS:???

Wildpaw Allies: The Wildpaw Tribe, as Captain Ryson calls them, are a group of still living gnolls holed up on the fringes of the valley. Pressed in by the Scourge and the Orcs, the gnolls have been working with the Syndicate captain to keep alive and out of harm's way. However their troops and supplies would go a long way towards finishing this fight. Vellcinda things that she can talk the gnolls into an alliance against the Scourge. Ryson also said that the Clan's chieftan, one Grimtooth, as a relationship with the harpies that live farther north in the Valley. Cost: 100 Gold, Time: 1 Turn, CoS: 65% Reward: Alliance with Wildpaw Gnolls, Harpy Diplo Options Unlocked.

Martial (Choose 2) - Nathanos Blightcaller is Champion of the Banshee Queen and Ranger General of her armies. Under his watchful eyes he has started to lead the Army of Undercity down the path to becoming a truly professional force. While still an advocate of special units and spies, Nathanos has been impressed with the professionalism of the average Forsaken soldier and has started to focus more on the regular units of the army.

[]Into the Vale: Venomweb Vale hides ancient secrets, secrets that not even the Scarlets could find. With all the rest of Tirisfal secured, only Venomweb lies in darkness, hiding great spiders and other eight legged horrors. No more, Nathanos has declared that the Army of Undercity, spearheaded by the Dark Rangers and the Dreadguard. Whatever the Council of Tirisfal hid here, and any clues the Scarlets left when they raided the site, will be secured for inspection by Nathanos. The horrors of Venomweb will be extinguished forevermore. Cost: Potential damage to Elites and Elite Infantry Time: 1 Turn CoS: 55% Reward: Venomweb Vale Secured

[]Who do you Juju: With the secrets of E'ko unlocked, the Forsaken now have access to the creation of powerful Juju. While it will take time for the needed E'ko to be collected, the wide ranging powers of Juju are incredibly tempting and Nathanos wishes to start the creation of them now. A template of Jujus that soften blows, add elemental aspects to weaponry and allow for the performance of feats of strength and acrobatics have been laid out. With the process of E'ko capture and refinment being both dangerous and expensive it is likely that only the elite of the Army of Undercity will get these Juju, but Nathanos is sure that it will be worth it. Cost:1050 Gold Time 4 Turns or the Completion of E'ko Coolers CoS: 85% Reward: Elites and Elite Infantry gain +10 in combat, Increase upkeep on those units by 10 GPT

[]Deep Elm Wolves: Deep Elm Mine once provided large amounts of metal and ore to Pyrewood and Ambermill, allowing the two main settlements of the Silverpine to expand and flourish no matter who ruled over the Forest. However once Loraderon started to fall and Gilneas closed its gates the mines were left without a purpose. The miner's guild, under the leadership of Foreman Grimson, evacuated their families to the mines and barricaded the campsite around its entrance. Strong and doughty, the miners had managed to hold out against loose Scourge elements for over a year. Then whatever magic Arugal had done reached them. The Miners had turned into Worgen, feral and brutal. If they can be driven from the mines the Forsaken can claim both a new outpost liking Olsen's Farthing to the main Forsaken forces, as well as opening up the future possibility of restarting mining operations there. Cost: Potential Loss of Units Time: 1 Turn CoS: 50% Reward: Control of Deep Elm Mine, Stewardship Options.

[]Securing the North: While on paper all of Silverpine north of the Sepulcher and the River Arevass is under Forsaken control, in reality the situation is much more fraught. Currently the Forsaken only hold the Old King's Road, a few bases off of it and the shoreline of the Shining Strand. All the territory further inland, to the west of the Road, is under the control of the Scourge and the wilds. Deathguard scouts have noted down a few sights of interest that, if taken, would lead to the Forsaken having a more secure hold on the area. A stretch of fields a few miles off the road, under the control of a Banshee. The old North Tide coast, where both ghouls and worgen have been sighted creating camps among the beached shipwrecks. And old mine deep in the norther mountains. Taking these would cement Forsaken control over the area, allow for the explotation of its natural resources and allow contact with isolated human hamlets deep in the forest. Cost: Potential Loss of Units Time: 1 Turn CoS: 50% Reward: Full Control of northern Silverpine, Stewardship Options, Diplomacy Options

[]Solliden Military Post: With the construction of Port Solliden the question of what to do with the old bulwark and tower between the town and the port has arisen. Right now its just being used as a customs and checking station, but Nathanos thinks that it can be used for much more. With Port Solliden set to become the heart of the Forsaken's navy, as well as the main gateway into Lordaeron, a military base seems like the perfect thing to use the old ruins for. It'll also allow for the creation of a proper Port Authority and Customs office too boot. Cost: 150 Gold, Time: 1 Turn CoS: 60% Reward: Military Base built at Port Solliden, Better control of people coming into the nation, Port protected.

[]Aid to the Warfront: Instead of focusing on closer military actions, Nathanos can instead choose to personally oversee the Forstwolf Valley warfront and direct operations there. Reward/Cost: Lose 1 Military Action this turn, gain 1 Warfront Action.

Stewardship (Choose 2, 1 Locked) - Varimathras is a Dreadlord, one of the great demon commanders of the Burning Legion. Forced into Sylvanas's service during the Third War he now is the Majordomo of Undercity and in charge of the running of the Forsaken as a whole. Varimathras runs the Royal Burearcacy, an increasingly labyrthine network of offices and adminstrators that keep the centralized economy of the Forsaken running. A symbol of rise of the Forsaken, the respect the people show Varimathras is no long begrudging.

[]Brill-iant Heart: Brill is reborn once more. Not quite the shining trade city it was during the high reign of the Menethil, the bustling township is still an important part of the burgeoning economy of the Forsaken. However there is more to be done on that front. With the raising of more troops the finances of the undead kingdom must grow. Through the use of public works projects, an expansion of the market square and a further clearing of destroyed and abandoned buildings Brill can produce even more gold for the Banshee Queen. Cost 200 Gold Time: 1 Turn Cos: 55% Reward: Brill Expanded, +50 trade income

[]Solliden Dockyards: Right now Port Solliden is mainly just a trade port, primarily used for allow goods and people to come and go from Lordaeron to Kalimdor. While this is supremely useful and has helped the Forsaken's budget quite a lot, Varimathras knows the port can be so much more. The demon proposes that the single dockyard at Solliden be expanded to 4 more, these ones owned solely by the Forsaken, for the creation of civilan vessels. This way the Forsaken can being building trade ships to further incease commerce and gain some skill at shipbuilding in preperation for building military vessels. Cost: 200 Gold Time 2 Turns CoS: 55% Reward: Civilian Dockyards Expanded, New Stewardship Options.

[]Blighted Chambers: Currently the Blighted Council meets out of a small sub-chamber off the main throne room in the Royal Quarter. This state of affairs belies the Council's importance and really is not appropriate to the august body. A new, much grander chamber can be dug within the Royal Quarter for the Council to meet and debate the path of the Forsaken. Not only would this please the Council, it would also increase the trust the people of Undercity have in it. Cost: 100 Gold Time: 1 Turn CoS: 75% Reward: Blighted Council given its own chambers, Council Power grows to Respected

[]Royal Judical Service: While the Forsaken legal system is a thing that does, on paper, exist, in practice the law is mostly handed out by the arbitrary decisions of various agents of the crown or the military. While there is some precedent in dealing with inheritance and property issues between the living and dead citizens of Lordaeron, the massive influx of refugees returning from Kalimdor has seen cases skyrocket past what the court can handle. Ontop of this there are non-humans semi-illegally living within Port Solliden, claiming that since the docks are owned by the Alliance they are allowed to settle at the Port. Varimathras is sick and tired of the Royal Bureacracy having to deal with this mess and suggest that a proper legal system be created to solve this once and for all. Reward: Forsaken Legal System Created Cost: 150 Gold Time: 1 Turn CoS: 45%

[]Graves in the Wood: The Sepulcher was once a great resting place for old Greymane kings, along with the other noble and common dead of Silverpine. While it was abandoned after the Plague, and partially emptied out by Arthas on his march south, much of the crypts and tombs remain intact. A network of tunnels and subterranean chambers can easily be established, almost in the style of Undercity, and the great burial mound turned into a anthill of activity. Such a place will be invaluable for bringing civilization to the Forest, as well as an important economic hub in its northern reaches. Beyond that, the soldiers garrisoned here will be happy for more sturdy walls and bunkers against constant ghoul and worgen attacks. Cost: 250 Gold Time: 2 Turns Cos: 60% Reward: Sepulcher turned into a proper settlement, More settlement of Silverpine, Silverpine North and Central easier to bring under control

[]A Stronger Hold: The Forsaken's hold in Silverpine is based around a long finger of outposts up and down the Old King's Road. Most of these are little more than partially fortified villages, serving as resupply and rest stations for caravans and guarded by dangerously low numbers of soldiers. Nathanos has proposed expanding these outposts into proper forts, both to strengthen the Forsaken supply line now and provide good protection for the Road after the region is fully taken. Due to its nature as a garssion posting, Nathanos will be bringing down a good amount of living guards for this, primarily drawn from the Solliden refugees but also some colonists from Kalimdor. This would be the first major usage of living soldiers in the Army of Undercity rather than auxiliaries. Cost: 300 Gold Time: 2 Turns CoS: 65% Reward: Proper forts set up along the Forsaken controlled King's Road, Forsaken control in Silverpine increases, Roadwarden bases when region pacified, Further Intergration of the Living into the Army of Undercity

[x]Fort Fenris: Fenris Isle is the main island at the center of a small string of smaller islets in the center of Lordamere lake. An important strategic point for control of all of western Lordaeron, it was often bloodily fought over by Dalaran, Gilneas and the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Because of this the Fenrisians were of especially mixed blood and often considered their own ethnic group. More Gilnean than Lordaeronian, they kept their own traditions and were often levied as expert mariners and swamp troops. Fenris itself was dominated by Fenris Keep, a truly ancient fort that had flown many different flags over the years, and one of the old Arcane Observatories of Dalaran. Both sunk into the isle's swampy ground when the Scourge attacked, with the latter being totally destroyed with the former got away with 'just' being half sunk into the earth. A concentrated rebuilding effort could raise the fort back up and give it more than a token skeleton crew garrison. Time: 1 Turn Cost: 500 Gold CoS: 75% Reward: Fenris Keep Rebuilt, Fenris Island Resettled, Efforts in the region boosted.

Diplomacy (Choose 2): Vellcinda Benton, a former scullery maid, was one of the first zombies to regain their minds in Tirisfal. A symbol of hope and freedom she gathered together a mass following and became incredibly popular among the average Forsaken citizen. Now she heads the Royal Foreign Service, the first face anyone treating with the Forsaken will meet. Quick to smile and make a deal, Vellcinda hopes to show the world the virtues of her people.

[]The Shiplords: Kul Tiras. Island stronghold of the Alliance, one of the last of the free human nations to survive the Scourge. A violent blockade and a Shoot On Sight policy towards anything that smacks of the Scourge has kept Kul Tiras safe, but also cut them off from the rest of the world. It would not be...impossible to try and get a diplomatic missive through, but it would be very, very unlikely. The chances of a diplomat not getting blown out of the water, to say nothing of an actual deal being reached, is quite low. Vellcinda is still willing to try, however. Time: 2 Turns Cost: 50 Gold CoS: 25% Reward: Diplomatic Access to Kul Tiras

[]Amani Allies?: With the creation of the Royal Foreign Service Vellcinda believes that the Forsaken can reach out to Zul'Aman properly. No more midnight meetings on the top of the front gate, Vellcinda is angling for proper recognition between the two states, maybe even an Embassy if she has her way. The trip will be long and difficult, but Vellcinda is sure that her team can reach the empire of the Forest Trolls and return with a deal in hand. Time: 2 Turns Cost: 100 Gold CoS: 55% Reward: Diplomatic Ties betwen Zul'Aman and the Forsaken.

[]Murc-y Deals: Now that proper communication is now actually possible with the Murlocs, Vellcinda wants to start creating some proper treaties and trade deals with them. Partially out of gulit for perhaps taking advantage of them during the initial dealings, and partially to get access to whatever strange markets and trade routes exist under the waves. She might get some interesting intel out of the fishmen as well. Who knows. Time: 1 Turn, Cost: 150 Gold, CoS: 80%/65%, Reward: +100 GPT/Information, Diplomacy Options.

[]Beyond the Wall: Greymane Wall separates the hermit kingdom of Gilneas from the rest of Azeroth, a massive fortification that dwarfs Thoradin's Wall and comes close to outmatching Thandol Span; and unlike the former two it still stands. There has been no information on the Gilneans since the Scourge came, the most anyone knows is that the Wall still stands and the howling of wolves can be heard across Baradin Bay on moonlit nights. A diplomatic expedition could be sent to learn what because of the isolated kingdom, and perhaps win friends for the Forsaken. Time 1 Turn CoS: 30% Cost: 50 Gold Reward: Information on Gilneas, possible diplomatic ties

[]Daiodachi Liches: The situation in eastern Lordaeron is much, much different than what the Forsaken had assumed. With the continued silence from Arthas his various underlings and advisers have begun warring among themselves. The main factions of these warring Scourge factions the Forsaken know of is the Andorhal faction, led by the usupred Araj the Summoner and the Caer Darrow/Scholomance Clique, led by Darkmaster Gandling and Alexi Barov. Where the feared Ras Frostwhsiper, true master of Scholomance is in all this is unknown, but from what the Forsaken can tell the clash has been dominated by the great clash of undead hordes along the shores of Darrowmere. A more in depth exploratory expedition can be sent into the Plaguelands to better sound out both factions. CoS: 65% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 50 GP Reward: Information on Andhorhal and Caer Darrow Cliques

[]Alliance Observer: With your new status as an Observer to the Alliance of Kalimdor, it would make sense to actually send someone to observe those meetings. Whoever you send would be away from Lordaeron for most of the year, as travel across the Great Sea involves taking a slow trip around the Maelstorm. With your observer would be going the staff for a Forsaken embassy in Orgrimmar as well. Time: 1 Turn CoS: 100% Cost: 200 Gold Reward: Forsaken Embassy in Orgrimmaer, Observer in Kalimdor, Observer sub-vote

[]Aid to the Warfront: Instead of focusing on closer military actions, Vellcinda can instead choose to personally oversee the Forstwolf Valley warfront and direct her operations there. Reward/Cost: Lose 1 Diplomacy Action this turn, gain 1 Warfront Action

Intrigue (Choose 2) - Commander Belmont was a student of Ravenholdt Manor in life and death has only strengthened his love of all things shadowy and underhanded. The head of the Undercity Lodge, the Forsaken's main intelligence agency, he has seen it go from a rag tag bunch of undead to something worthy of the legacy of Ravenholdt. Under his watchful no enemy, no matter how crafty, sabatoge and spy on the Forsaken.

[]Dancing over Dalaran: The ancient city of mages has sat sadly under its great purple bubble, ruins still smoking from the great sacking Archimonde gave it all those years ago. While a full expedition right now is probably impossible; the lack of proper facilities on Fenris Isle alone would make the logistics a nightmare, it might be smart to do a fly over of the ruins. Even spying down from the air could give valuable information. Time: 1 Turn, Cost: 50 Gold, CoS: 70%, Reward: Information??

[]Warlord Creation: The Deathknights, minor liches and necromancers of Andorhal are upset with Araj's slow progress. Through a combination of military sabotage, spoofed letters and planted information Belmont is sure that he can convince some of these commanders to either attempt a coup or otherwise go rogue, severely hampering Araj's progress in the process. It is unlikely that any of them will actually succeed at either overtaking the lich or forming their own warlord state, but the damage done to Araj will keep him off balance and destablize his control greatly. Cost: 200 Gold, Time: 1 Turn, CoS: 50% Reward: Andorhal destabilized

[]Into Scholomance: With Andorhal scouted out and a spy ring implanted there, Belmont wants to move onto Caer Darrow and Scholomance next. The Barov family and their activies are of great interest to the spymaster, as is any clues to what Ras Frostwhisper is doing or where he went. Caer Darrow, ever the great fotress, will be a tough nut to crack, but Belmont is sure he can sneak some spies in. Cost: 240 Gold, Time: 1 Turn CoS: 45% Reward: Information on Scholomance

[]Up on Sorrow Hill: The Sorrow Hill Warlord is an utter enigma to the Undercity Lodge, and Belmont ill likes leaving a mystery behind. Of all the factions in the Western Plaguelands, only the Sorrow Hill Death Knight has proved to be truly elusive. While likely a bit player, Belmont doesn't want to be surprised by the emergence of a new power later on when the Forsaken least expect it. To that end he is prepared to send his spies from Andorhal onto Sorrow Hill, to see what they can find up there. Cost: 190 Gold, Time 1 Turn CoS: ??? Reward: Information on Sorrow Hill

[]Hearing the Whispers: Many generations of Menethils have disappeared into the Whispering Hills, chasing rumors that the Body of Tyr is buried there. According to documents picked up by the Scarlet Crusade, those rumors may have some truth to them. The Whispering Hills are a truly remote and wild place, seeing no major human settlement in all of recorded history. There is a strange feeling to them, even in the foothills around Deathknell, that have lead to rumors of cannibal tribes, mad mages and much worse. Belmont is reluctant to sign off on a scouting operation, but is willing to do so. After all, sending a few scouts won't cost much. Cost: 50 Gold, Time: 1 Turn? CoS: ??? Reward: Information on the Whispering Hills??

[]Aid to the Warfront: Instead of focusing on closer military actions, Belmont can instead choose to personally oversee the Forstwolf Valley warfront and direct Lodge operations there. Reward/Cost: Lose 1 Intrigue Action this turn, gain 1 Warfront Action

Learning (Choose 2) - No one really trusts Grand Apothecary Putress all too much, even now. However the scheming old alchemist has earned his keep. The head of the Royal Apothecary Society, Putress is one of the leading experts on the Plague of Undeath and its various off shoots and effects. A thorn in your side and utterly untrustworthy, Putress has managed to keep his head because of the good work hes been doing.

[]Design a Better Brain: The Scourge might not have cared about the lives of their creations, but the Forsaken do. Abominations as they currently are go against every ethical guideline the Forsaken and Sylvanas claim to uphold. Putress believes that he can create a better brain for them, something that will elevate their intelligence above that of a toddler. While giving him control of this process is...less than ideal it is the only way to get a hold of Abomiations while keeping the soul of the Forsaken in tact. Time: 1 Turn, Cost: 300 Gold, CoS: 50% Reward: Smatert Abominations, Abominations able to be created.

[]Darkhound Breeding Program: Demonic hounds that prowl the wilderness of Tirisfal, the Forsaken aren't sure where the Darkhounds came from. Putress recalls there being a joint research project between some of the kingdom's alchemists and a section of disgraced mages from Dalaran working on canines, but that line of research was swallowed up by the war. Whatever the case Darkhounds are fierce hunters, intelligent and loyal if trained as a pup. Putress believes that a breeding program can be set up to make a breed of domesticated Darkhounds for use by the Army of Undercity and the wider Forsaken. Time: 3 Turns Cost: 350 Gold CoS: 70% Reward: Darkhound Breeding Program established, Stewardship and Martial Options Unlocked.

[]That Good Voodoo: The shamanistic powers of the Trolls and Night Elves seem unlikely to take hold among the Forsaken, due to the distaste the elementals and forces of nature have towards the undead. The Loa and the mysterious 'dark magic' of Voodoo seem to care little about this, however, as many of the darker voodoo rituals involve raising the dead. While the Darkspear are recalcitrant about revealing this information, Puttress seems to think that he can convince them to help him. Time: 2 Turns, Cost 900 Gold, CoS: 45%, Reward: Information on Voodoo

[]The Four: Deep under Brill the RAS dug up four ancient sarcophagi, dated to almost predate the settling of Tirisfal by humanity. Massive, twice the size of a normal man, and covered with strange runes they sing of mystery. While the ancient wards put upon them have deterred Putress's attempts at opening them up so far, the scientist is not dissuaded. With the resources of the RAS at his beck and call, he is sure that he can pop them open and see what ancient knowledge is left inside. Cost: 500 Gold Time 2 Turns CoS: 45% Reward: Sarcophagi Opened, ???, ???

[]E'ko Coolers: The gathering of E'ko is a long, dangerous and time intensive process that takes a great deal of expensive components in the creation of the gathering fetishes. While unable to fix all of those problems, Puttress believes that he can create standardized devices that can suck up the E'ko in an area if placed down for a few hours. This would allow gathering operations to be done on an industrial scale, providing a relatively safe and steady supply of the stuff. Of course, it will be insanely expensive, as those rare and exotic components now must be gathered on a wide scale. However, if the usage of Juju is to become widespread among the Forsaken, it maybe needed. Cost: 1500 Gold Time: 2 Turns CoS: 54% Rewawrd: E'ko Gathered on a large scale

Piety (Choose 1, 1 Locked) - There is no formal head of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows, but Aelthalyste is the spiritual leader of the faith in all but title. The banshee now only rarely descends from the Shadow Monastery to take part in the Forsaken Council, often kept high up in the moutains either in spiritual seclusion or dealing with the internal issues of the Cult. But when she does she brings a level of wisdom and insight unparalleled by anyone else.

[]Spreading the Shadow - Brill: Brill, being the center of commerce in the region, once boasted a fairly sizable church of the Light on its outskirts. While the Scourge smashed all the iconography and let a host of banshees live in it for a long while, the structure itself is still fairly impressive. A group of Cult members, along with a priest, can be sent out to repair the church and rescantify it to the Cult. Cos: 75% Cost: 100 Gold Time: 1 Turn Reward: Cult of Forgotten Shadows established in Brill.

[]Remembering Seline: A more complete picture of Nataline Seline, first adherent of the Shadow and a heretic to the Light, has appeared. A complicated but driven woman, in many ways Seline embodies the complicated nature of the Cult. Aelthalyste wishes to write the full history of Seline, finally canonizing the woman as a martry and saint figure to the Cult. This hagiography will strenghten Cult doctrine and will be backed by the creation of the Order of Our Martyed Lady, a sub-cult entirely dedicated to Seline. Cost: 300 Gold Time: 1 Turn CoS: 65% Reward Nataline Seline fully canonized within the Cult, Cult Religious Order Dedicated to Seline Created

[]Faith of the Red: The Scarlet Crusade's interpretation of the Holy Light, known as the 'Scarlet Light' to differentiate it from the main line Church, is corrupt and vile to the core. It twists the beliefs of its parent religion to focus entirely on hate and bigotry, stirring up conflict between humanity and all the other peoples of Azeroth. While most likely bereft of any value, there might be something useful to be found by picking through its holy books and texts. Something that either the Cult or the neutered version of the Church that some Forsaken pray to can use to better themselves. It may also hold some information on the though processes of the Crusaders and their history. Cost: 50 Gold Time: 2 Turns CoS: 70% Reward: Scarlet Light studied, Information.

[x]Elements of Shadow: The Elementals, the primal spirits of the land, do not seem to like the Forsaken very much. The undead are unwelcome in the Emerald Dream and the druids and shamans of the Alliance say that proper use of their arts is more than likely something not possible for the Forsaken. However shadow and the night are part of the world, and there are those among the Cult and the Earthen Ring who think that maybe a sort of peace might be made between the Forsaken and the natural world. Cost: 300 Gold, Time: 1 Turn, CoS: ??? Reward: Elemental Spirits of the Night and Shadow met, ???

[]Paladins: Paladins, the brave heroes of humanity who wield the Light against the vile darkness that encroaches on the hearths of civilization. Needless to say the Forsaken have a rather rocky relationship with them. Their usage of the Light is deadly to all undead, free or not, and the Scarlet Crusade counts many paladins amongst its number. However to triumph over your enemy you first must know him. The Cult seems more than willing to delve into the connection between the proto-paladin weapons and tablets dug up from underneath Brill and the modern tools and codices of the Paladins. The ability to give the human citizens of the Forsaken the awesome power of the Light is not exactly what many of the Forsaken would want, but it would be a major show of trust. Some among the Cult also whisper of the ability to create their own 'Shadow Paladins', cementing the Cult's status as a major religion and providing a strong counterbalance to the Alliance's own forces. Cost: 300 Gold Time 2 Turns CoS: 60% Reward: Deeper knowledge of paladins, their history and their creation. Piety Options.

Personal (Choose 1) - Sylvanas Winderunner, the Dark Lady of Undercity, Banshee Queen of the Forsaken. She fought against Arthas and at his side and was legendary even before her death as Ranger-General of Silvermoon as one of the Windrunner Triplets. It is through her force of personality that the Forsaken are brought together and by her will and desires that they work. She will not let her people be slaves again.

[]The Belmont Legacy: Deep within Darrowmere, within sight of the fell fortress of Caer Darrow, sits the moldering Belmont Manor. Once home to generations of hunters of monsters and worse, the once proud manor has utterly fallen into ruin. However Belmont is sure that below the surface there is treasure and useful items to be found. An expedition then, deep into the plagued lands beyond the Bulwark. To find the hidden legacy of the Belmont Clan. Time: 1 Turn CoS: 65% Reward: +Relation between Belmont and Sylvanas, Belmont Clan Manor looted.

[]Shadows of the Ranger: As a Dark Ranger you possess the ability to synthesize the archery and teachings of the elven Rangers with the dark, necromantic energies of the Shadow. However you focus much more on the former, having only a small ability to access your more magical powers. Aelthalyste has offered to help train you in the art of Shadow Magic. Time: 1 Turn, CoS: 70%/50%/40%, Reward: Shadow Magic Learned/Stat Increase/???

[]Shadows of the Legion: With the discovery of letters written in Eredun, it has become clear that some agents of the Legion have an interest in your part of the world once more. Out of all your advisors, none are more knowledgeable about the Legion than Varimathras. However it is also a subject of some tenderness for the Dreadlord, so it needs be approached carefully. Time: 1 Turn CoS: 55% Reaward: +Relation between Varimathras and Sylvanas, Information on the Legion from a Demon.

[]A Plagued Picnic: The amount of Scourge and Scarlet to hunt in Tirisfal had dropped significantly, but in the lands beyond Darrow Pass Sylvanas and Nathanos can easily find big game to hunt and track. A second hunting trip, this time aimed at scouring the so called "Plaguelands' for game and information would be just what the two old friends need to burn off some nervous energy. Cost: 20 Gold Time: 1 Turn Cos: 65% Reward: +Relationship between Nathanos and Sylvanas, Plaguelands scouted

[]Personal Visit to the Warfront: While your time is precious, and your personal time even more so, it would be remiss of you to not spend some time on the frontlines with your troops. Not only will it raise morale, you are a great asset on the battlefield and can better coordinate the warfront from within Frostwolf Valley. Cost/Reward: Give the Warfront 1 Action this turn, ???

((Regular Updates will happen on this quest once again))
So I am thinking of something like this:

[]Wildpaw Allies:

[]Solliden Military Post:
[]Aid to the Warfront:

[]A Stronger Hold:
[]Graves in the Wood:

[]Murc-y Deals:
[]Daiodachi Liches:

[]Up on Sorrow Hill:
[]Hearing the Whispers:

[]Design a Better Brain:
[]Darkhound Breeding Program:

[]Faith of the Red:

[]The Belmont Legacy:

Total Cost: 1740 Gold
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Nothing for Stewardship?

I'd do []A Stronger Hold for potential synergy in silverpine.

[]Solliden Military Post:

I think []Securing the North might be better. It would expand our control in silverpine quite a bit. And potential synergy with []A Stronger Hold

I think we should do []Alliance Observer instead of this. We should probably do what we can to fulfill out part with the alliance before we start delving to deep into Eastern Lordaeron.

Other than that everything else looks decent.

Though the two intrigue actions with a ??? chance of success make me nervous.
[]A Stronger Hold:
[]Graves in the Wood:
[will edit the above into previous post]
would have to be my choices in Stewardship, didn't post them before as I was on the fence about it. As for the Military Post and not another choice? I want to keep an eye on that port asap and once it is there we can start expanding it. Though I am willing to delay it a turn to do [] Securing the North.
The Liches option was due to me wanting more information on them specifically. I get nervous when the Liches in Warcraft are unaccounted for for long periods of time.

Though the two intrigue actions with a ??? chance of success make me nervous.
Same, but they need to get done and my hope is that we can head off any complications with Tyr's tomb by tackling it early BEFORE the Legion and the Void start making it a death trap. Besides, would be one hell of a diplomacy boost with human nations/refugees if we have Strom'kar.
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[X] Plan: Rolling Advance
-[X]Taking the Winteraxe: Winteraxe Hold sits overlooking the contested Fields of Strife, where Coalition and Scourge forces battle it out daily. While it would be quite deadly, and necessitate the usage of specialized units like the Dark Rangers, there is a chance that a concentrated force could break the Hold's defenses and bring Korrak his second death. The chances of being sandwhiched between the Hold and the Scourge are high, and the Winteraxe are formidiable foes, but if Korrak dies then the Scourge lose their unity and Arthas is denied a powerful commander in Alterac. Cost: Potential loss of Infantry, Elite Infantry and Dark Rangers Time: 1 Turn CoS: 45%
-[X]Shadow on the Axe:
Between the Undercity Lodge and the Dark Rangers, along with Sylvanas herself, the Forsaken have quite the spread of powerful units for assassination and espionage. Working together they may be able to sneak into Winteraxe Hold, cause chaos and terror and perhaps kill Korrak himself. However the old Ice Troll is a tough nut to crack, and the risk to the units sent on this mission will be high. But there will be less worry of damaging the Coalition forces as a whole. Cost: Potential loss of Heroes and Dark Rangers Time: 1 Turn CoS:???

-[X]Solliden Military Post: With the construction of Port Solliden the question of what to do with the old bulwark and tower between the town and the port has arisen. Right now its just being used as a customs and checking station, but Nathanos thinks that it can be used for much more. With Port Solliden set to become the heart of the Forsaken's navy, as well as the main gateway into Lordaeron, a military base seems like the perfect thing to use the old ruins for. It'll also allow for the creation of a proper Port Authority and Customs office too boot. Cost: 150 Gold, Time: 1 Turn CoS: 60% Reward: Military Base built at Port Solliden, Better control of people coming into the nation, Port protected.
-[X]Aid to the Warfront:
Instead of focusing on closer military actions, Nathanos can instead choose to personally oversee the Forstwolf Valley warfront and direct operations there. Reward/Cost: Lose 1 Military Action this turn, gain 1 Warfront Action.

-[X]Royal Judical Service: While the Forsaken legal system is a thing that does, on paper, exist, in practice the law is mostly handed out by the arbitrary decisions of various agents of the crown or the military. While there is some precedent in dealing with inheritance and property issues between the living and dead citizens of Lordaeron, the massive influx of refugees returning from Kalimdor has seen cases skyrocket past what the court can handle. Ontop of this there are non-humans semi-illegally living within Port Solliden, claiming that since the docks are owned by the Alliance they are allowed to settle at the Port. Varimathras is sick and tired of the Royal Bureacracy having to deal with this mess and suggest that a proper legal system be created to solve this once and for all. Reward: Forsaken Legal System Created Cost: 150 Gold Time: 1 Turn CoS: 45%
-[X]Graves in the Wood:
The Sepulcher was once a great resting place for old Greymane kings, along with the other noble and common dead of Silverpine. While it was abandoned after the Plague, and partially emptied out by Arthas on his march south, much of the crypts and tombs remain intact. A network of tunnels and subterranean chambers can easily be established, almost in the style of Undercity, and the great burial mound turned into a anthill of activity. Such a place will be invaluable for bringing civilization to the Forest, as well as an important economic hub in its northern reaches. Beyond that, the soldiers garrisoned here will be happy for more sturdy walls and bunkers against constant ghoul and worgen attacks. Cost: 250 Gold Time: 2 Turns Cos: 60% Reward: Sepulcher turned into a proper settlement, More settlement of Silverpine, Silverpine North and Central easier to bring under control
-[X]Fort Fenris:
Fenris Isle is the main island at the center of a small string of smaller islets in the center of Lordamere lake. An important strategic point for control of all of western Lordaeron, it was often bloodily fought over by Dalaran, Gilneas and the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Because of this the Fenrisians were of especially mixed blood and often considered their own ethnic group. More Gilnean than Lordaeronian, they kept their own traditions and were often levied as expert mariners and swamp troops. Fenris itself was dominated by Fenris Keep, a truly ancient fort that had flown many different flags over the years, and one of the old Arcane Observatories of Dalaran. Both sunk into the isle's swampy ground when the Scourge attacked, with the latter being totally destroyed with the former got away with 'just' being half sunk into the earth. A concentrated rebuilding effort could raise the fort back up and give it more than a token skeleton crew garrison. Time: 1 Turn Cost: 500 Gold CoS: 75% Reward: Fenris Keep Rebuilt, Fenris Island Resettled, Efforts in the region boosted.

-[X]Amani Allies?: With the creation of the Royal Foreign Service Vellcinda believes that the Forsaken can reach out to Zul'Aman properly. No more midnight meetings on the top of the front gate, Vellcinda is angling for proper recognition between the two states, maybe even an Embassy if she has her way. The trip will be long and difficult, but Vellcinda is sure that her team can reach the empire of the Forest Trolls and return with a deal in hand. Time: 2 Turns Cost: 100 Gold CoS: 55% Reward: Diplomatic Ties betwen Zul'Aman and the Forsaken.
-[X]Daiodachi Liches
: The situation in eastern Lordaeron is much, much different than what the Forsaken had assumed. With the continued silence from Arthas his various underlings and advisers have begun warring among themselves. The main factions of these warring Scourge factions the Forsaken know of is the Andorhal faction, led by the usupred Araj the Summoner and the Caer Darrow/Scholomance Clique, led by Darkmaster Gandling and Alexi Barov. Where the feared Ras Frostwhsiper, true master of Scholomance is in all this is unknown, but from what the Forsaken can tell the clash has been dominated by the great clash of undead hordes along the shores of Darrowmere. A more in depth exploratory expedition can be sent into the Plaguelands to better sound out both factions. CoS: 65% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 50 GP Reward: Information on Andhorhal and Caer Darrow Cliques

-[X]Into Scholomance: With Andorhal scouted out and a spy ring implanted there, Belmont wants to move onto Caer Darrow and Scholomance next. The Barov family and their activies are of great interest to the spymaster, as is any clues to what Ras Frostwhisper is doing or where he went. Caer Darrow, ever the great fotress, will be a tough nut to crack, but Belmont is sure he can sneak some spies in. Cost: 240 Gold, Time: 1 Turn CoS: 45% Reward: Information on Scholomance
-[X]Aid to the Warfront:
Instead of focusing on closer military actions, Belmont can instead choose to personally oversee the Forstwolf Valley warfront and direct Lodge operations there. Reward/Cost: Lose 1 Intrigue Action this turn, gain 1 Warfront Action

-[X]Design a Better Brain: The Scourge might not have cared about the lives of their creations, but the Forsaken do. Abominations as they currently are go against every ethical guideline the Forsaken and Sylvanas claim to uphold. Putress believes that he can create a better brain for them, something that will elevate their intelligence above that of a toddler. While giving him control of this process is...less than ideal it is the only way to get a hold of Abomiations while keeping the soul of the Forsaken in tact. Time: 1 Turn, Cost: 300 Gold, CoS: 50% Reward: Smatert Abominations, Abominations able to be created.
-[X]That Good Voodoo:
The shamanistic powers of the Trolls and Night Elves seem unlikely to take hold among the Forsaken, due to the distaste the elementals and forces of nature have towards the undead. The Loa and the mysterious 'dark magic' of Voodoo seem to care little about this, however, as many of the darker voodoo rituals involve raising the dead. While the Darkspear are recalcitrant about revealing this information, Puttress seems to think that he can convince them to help him. Time: 2 Turns, Cost 900 Gold, CoS: 45%, Reward: Information on Voodoo

-[X]Spreading the Shadow - Brill: Brill, being the center of commerce in the region, once boasted a fairly sizable church of the Light on its outskirts. While the Scourge smashed all the iconography and let a host of banshees live in it for a long while, the structure itself is still fairly impressive. A group of Cult members, along with a priest, can be sent out to repair the church and rescantify it to the Cult. Cos: 75% Cost: 100 Gold Time: 1 Turn Reward: Cult of Forgotten Shadows established in Brill.
-[X]Elements of Shadow:
The Elementals, the primal spirits of the land, do not seem to like the Forsaken very much. The undead are unwelcome in the Emerald Dream and the druids and shamans of the Alliance say that proper use of their arts is more than likely something not possible for the Forsaken. However shadow and the night are part of the world, and there are those among the Cult and the Earthen Ring who think that maybe a sort of peace might be made between the Forsaken and the natural world. Cost: 300 Gold, Time: 1 Turn, CoS: ??? Reward: Elemental Spirits of the Night and Shadow met, ???

-[X]Shadows of the Ranger: As a Dark Ranger you possess the ability to synthesize the archery and teachings of the elven Rangers with the dark, necromantic energies of the Shadow. However you focus much more on the former, having only a small ability to access your more magical powers. Aelthalyste has offered to help train you in the art of Shadow Magic. Time: 1 Turn, CoS: 70%/50%/40%, Reward: Shadow Magic Learned/Stat Increase/???

Total Cost: 1790

Removing the Winteraxe from the picture will make the remaining efforts in Alterac Valley much easier, and advancing past their fortified position is just asking for them to attack our back-lines anyway.

The Soliden Military Post will serve partially to defend our primary port, but in the short-term it will mainly be used for regulating who/what comes in and out of the port, acting as the enforcement half of the Royal Judicial Service.

The aforementioned Royal Judicial Service will useful in establishing a proper legal system for the Forsaken, with their first task being to deal with inheritance, property rights, and immigration. Meanwhile, as Fort Fenris finishes up, efforts can begin on turning the Sepulcher into a functional military base/settlement as well.

The first action of the newly minted RFS will be to establish proper diplomatic relations with the Amani, which should hopefully finish around the same time as our Alliance Embassy when we take it next turn. Before that however, I want to take a look to our closest hostile neighbors, the scourge cliques in the plaugelands. Their constant conflict is the only thing allowing us to build-up as much as we have without getting crushed by endless armies of the unthinking undead. With how much we've gotten involved abroad, it's imperative that their situation doesn't radically change anytime soon.

Speaking of, this is a great time to infiltrate the scholomance as we have Andorhal, possibly using the diplomatic expedition as cover or at least a friendly way out if things go bad.

For our research, I don't see any reason to delay on researching better Abomination brains, if we want to fulfill the council request for them without having to risk it on the last turn we have to start now. While that's underway we can also begin research on Voodoo, to gain a better understanding of the Loa and the forces behind the E'ko we plan to enhance our elite forces with. This line of research (and the necessary collaboration with the Darkspear Trolls for it) may even give us some key context for our efforts in cultivating diplomatic ties with the Amani. It won't be quick enough for the initial talks, but it might allow us to better understand exactly what they meant when talking to our diplomats upon the latter's return.

I also want to finally start spreading the Cult of Forgotten Shadows throughout our lands in areas not solely composed of the undead. This action has been left for too long in my opinion, it should have been done before the first settlers arrived to better establish that this is not old Lordaeron. But nothing can change the past, and the second best time to do something is now. It'd be nice if this synergized with the elemental action, but I'm grasping at straws as to how beyond increased worshippers resulting in a greater draw for them to appear/interact with us.

Last but not least, unlike spreading the Cult to Brill, Slyvanas learning Shadow Magic from the head of the Cult while they are trying to communicate with the Elementals of Night and Shadow has a clear synergy to me in scenes if not in mechanics. Who better to negotiate alongside the spiritual authority of the Forsaken if not the sovereign authority of the Forsaken?
[X]Plan: Taking Over Silverpine
-[X]Wildpaw Allies:
-[X]Securing the North:
-[X]Aid to the Warfront:
-[X]A Stronger Hold:
-[X]Graves in the Wood:
-[X]Murc-y Deals:
-[X]Daiodachi Liches:
-[X]Up on Sorrow Hill:
-[X]Hearing the Whispers:
-[X]Design a Better Brain:
-[X]Darkhound Breeding Program:
-[X]Faith of the Red:
-[X]The Belmont Legacy:
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