[X]Create a New Brain.
Probably one of the most one-sided votes to date.
On that, I like to offer some quicj thoughts.
Overall, this has been a good turn for us.
We made big gains in Gilneas, and we're one step closer in dealing with our Worgen and now we gotta build our position in northern Silverpine for the next push. (See Fort Fenris which we gotta wait for one more turn.)
We got Port Solliden, which is becoming an knot for us alredy, sure, but we're getting a lot from it, and will help us more and more in the future.
We got Her Majesty's Royal Foreign Service which will allow us an extra Diplomacy Action.
Wished we got more from the letters, but we know of the name Argus Wake and of all places, based in Dalaran ruins. Are they allied with Rus?
Ones With the Shadow, we got Shadow Ascendants which is looking to be a big win once we expand their ranks, or organized them better.
Overall, we're doing pretty well. Just gotta see what takes place in the Valley, and how things goes over in Kalimdor. Then we can plan our next course in Turn 15.